Michael Keaton | Interview | TimesTalks

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the 0 burn here thank you very much thank you everyone for coming tonight this time talkin thank you Michael this sold out in a New York minute for people clearly like you quite a bit well you know that I O bunch people money I'm a shut this off but here really obnoxious airplane yeah there you go so you just flew today from the back to yeah you're in London and therefore that you've been to occur billion abuse award have you ever been through this kind of degree a Ward hoopla no not even not an a I'm through many taxable a hair I which are you that were often as I can I'm no nothing like this and my sister my sisters i three sisters way with take I I faces and Pam ago and had just heard an NPR pressure interview and she's asking me about that she said I about talking about yourself on this much this long Matt it's not something from you know well probably not you i think are art always are often come forward that well maybe or are they may have have regular mucho human genome haa know Mike actually we enjoy talking about buyer at where I come from that was not never anything with encourage say on and so it gets to be a lot and up what's interesting about the latte with you either go down if you let if you let yourself think about that and then you're done you know then it's over because your like believing it believing the hype or well you gotta be careful that too that that's a really tricky thing but just talking about help all the time you I thought well this is gonna get really I'm not gonna love that at all and so I decided to kind make a takeover spare you know and and take it like a par a brain that doesn't probably get unit enough for something and you you know kinda in it image and a must for that doesn't get that doesn't use in just say we know what I gotta I can't I can't there go are so sick time by myself I better turn this into a really kinda fun thing and I i would tell you it's become fun honestly it has become but where yeah I know don't like the whole thing but you do have to go boy you know a concept cars but i'm only having early sick about this early I you cannot do that worthwhile be a drag and more every one else even more than you may already have been Moringa and then I your you know go crazy so so with age it's an interesting thing to do talk just the just the physical energy and mental energy began tango in the when it at opened I think in the fall in the summer I can't remember I can I should also know that but anyway it by it's been almost can nonstop from man certainly from be worth even began in December and you know just looking back at you know the clip for you did a lot of promo work in around Batman mixing you'd like black third big big question that was a couple years ago I mean terms of promoting movie yeah I mean in terms of like that degree of attention I way yeah I'm thinking a probably yep probably that in terms of I back to right but I've you know I did go on promote predicament yeah in the interim the area and before that but but no that's true in that had that had you know I universal impact on me our or our person act at with mean universe and I'm sure they're creatures out there in come planet but you do say for the first time and they go I have no idea what you're talking about have a but that was worldwide and that that that's a whole other level 1 when I from a growth worldwide that that's all I think so yeah probably probably that but I don't but I wouldn't do nearly the the mountains for interviews and talking discussions screenings nite nite quote right something like it have been trying to think a how political candidates through this have maybe that'll be neck maybe it will be neck really unlikely and you familiar with a skeleton yeah reelection I'm no actually you know what their be a couple but I could ghetto and the body r3 I think about them and then what kinda I don't wanna think about it too much because it got the pressing you think Wow work at personality your they that they would welcome such a thing that they would give go again and I'll talk myself for years and years and years you know move the truth around for years and years and years and then you know get lighter and office for you just continue to do it wow that's kinda that's a really interesting type of person one of the reasons for if bird man when you were going in for birdie Mandya at any including and youth you have said that it's been one of the most challenging yes me how come right talk about that actually had the more things I remember about it I tend to just kinda go up and down and leave a but I don't have that option cause for talking about a constantly on a us like and I i now I'm starting to ram remember more things and the more I remember in the more I think about it I kinda don't know how we did my up because I'm always reminded us something else and it's a good thing that I did I wasn't a totally aware everything the undertaking my on my end anyway for going in yet cuz I i think that would have been just all too much and I kinda probably powerful that out a little bit you know up transit I don't think it hit me maybe you win week and a half and were in the middle the scene I where I thought to myself wait a minute and plain for at that point three different people 33 characters kinda and then the bird man character we didn't do until the end and then I start to think about that and that became that became the whole thing I ever actually worked on this a long time pre shooting and pushing without hunger redoing him reading The Voice re he would rewrite it with one on and on and on and on and on and it became another mmm you know character me know marginally but you know inside the player up there you know it's interesting is an actor with directing so inside afsane I had a play person as an actor and and this Pacific I personally with an actor watching you for instance do this and thinking as a director so I'm anything but I'm watching anime watching everything else and then I then have to direct two versions of me inside that play as well and the flu yet yes I wanna take a nap right now yeah did it take much convincing now not non I it would have to leave their horrible I mean that we had to abandon really really really really horrible for me to say no because I was familiar with Morris harrelson job I at all and ground you know his movies hampering your to movies and so you know one I got a call from my agent Tony Horton said a he wants me to talk about something how we gonna do this you making I was making a movie with time in Toronto and I just made it happen I just grab the day and go back in had a had a Jenner dinner with him and that was up you know there's a long discussion going to church when you know how I worked in you want to know want me to really understand how what the process was gonna what we were what im trying to do what he want to do how you want to make the movie and in a and then it was it was really you can't grasp everything and I don't think even he could and and actually woohoo a a lot the conversation was up and he will you know he's said this publicly I'm about him he's very forthcoming about what he's going through I think he kinda is generally as a person anyway going to be good friends with them anything that seems to be the case you know even pre Burton Manor pre pre movies even I think you just that type of person but certainly going through a lot and wanted talk about because you know he's all it really the characters and in the movie our love him yes diversion for help yeah literally hit they will hook up to it you know with a good dream you know where everyone in our your party that city ok yeah that there you go alright yeah you know people have after a run again do you think parallels between you know reagan Thompson and Batman and I what the interview with Charlie Rose where advert Norton said you know the thing with Regan what he was really to find them trapped by his program that yeah kinda up but you have way more you have mister mom clean and sober beetlejuice food to those questions but I'm I can sorta had about way after yeah a few feet parallel but also be a factor become free kinda been annoying super helpful reading other nor or work that's your retailer that would p certainly superficial but in now no no it's not annoying at cut that kinda me I guess I get that would be the obvious question would be for me but I knew what we were doing I know what we really talked about so shit you know in inasmuch as an actor and you know I paid Batman it up the huge difference what whether to their action more but the two basic ones are entered the personality type that he is I happened to be thank goodness not that personality type not that type of I don't I i win hang with them a lot why not by the hair Sony engine all out which is just so narcissistic and and it's just exhausting but are you but that said I also really admire Meyer the guy you know for scourging really ends up being very purges grade man for what does but anyway to get so about what I'm talking about the personality type but you know on human beings so you know I have feelings like ESP lynch's maybe at times more in 10 everything like that but but I i you know if certain areas much more than mine and so so I relate to in the human beings I feel things that basically he feels good human beings have those back and I'm an actor and I and I had a you know and aka Big acclaim for doing Batman twice which would be Batman in which is way better than that fellows I'm hair that pro-apartheid something hey you know there have been really horrible Broadway play yeah hey Brett fellow at ahead I so I N and that that's the one thing that personality type you know but the other thing is that it have the I read the burnout I don't find batman a burden to bear it was a an unbelievable blessing Eunos you know going to be Batman you know in it and and therefore people and you know the far reaches the world not the universe but the world were aware that means financially you know that there could be a good thing yet and I understand here bird man flow gravelly inner voice yeah a manicure conversation about a hundred about how neighbor Dan program yeah but I think you said but hello way for men inner bird man yet they can to reagan if the sloth super gravelly boy yet it really got into a whole thing I he just kept he so now what you topic yet so you're gonna info and that came outta you speaking with our 100 by doing Batman and not being able to be the fame boi from Batman as recruits right right right I'm I'm I'm I photographer for Mr probably not not when I workers I but but probably in life I get annoying on so logical there's I can't help but you know I'll play something to make no sense because they're a logical so so when where if you're like that and you're doing a scene a big black rubber suit hand here and yours both the not being no one in you know gotten this far from over here proclaimed and you're staying as far away in the lighter act as an actor I'm thinking I and I have do that you know what i mean i mean that some things I think a release them for a bit and I know that it it was just a big Paul B abt comic booky kinda thing but actually it wasn't always wat tam what im bird doing was you know was not bad was unbelievably original and groundbreaking I and so I just said you know hey we gotta kinda figure out how we're going to work after they just don't have to think about laughing you know difficult selling so so you know we third working on how where he stood angles and put him in shadows and light in which was really cool because the the nature of us who have a light work of the food you know was really one actually quarter kinda figure out but for me I just said look I'm standing here and I'm sending talking like this every you know to you know some official in gotham you know from authority figure it's Bruce Wayne everybody in alright we know it s okay knows how it felt like that so if that I've got a great guy and I went to a whole thing up you know I want to do this a check there you don't notice it but I have Adcock color contact lenses and I want to do this transformation when he goes it becomes Batman your cuz Batman thing I never thought about I was over Bruce Wayne now if that was the thing you know who that guy and I found them really really interesting actually so I thought you know their transition when he says you know he moves into that mode becomes essentially vigilante you know and what is that trends healthy transcended pretty transition into that thing I just to keep myself edged in also just the fire for me and like I say I know it's just Batman but I don't know how to do it any other way i jus ruler rim literally down under so I said and thus far speaking terrible quarter I'm don't hear my work so I just thought on about what do i do an adjustment here yeah or just made a song about yes our basic get your love basin something I really think about that much I did come up with something so so and actually I saw some clips recently they had seen in years I can we should have done it more I got a little I got a little lazy and a couple scenes and I heard and out all that doesn't exactly sound yeah yeah I got caught their I fell but anyway that's where I came from phone I'm telling the story about a hundred he thinks have Sterkel and he chilo Emanuel the bet for you brilliant cinematographer obtain your hair and I said hey you know you know where that that thing came from there no well and I if he said was still happy with the way yes during yet the voice so I said I'm I think because when done in the burbs I get their building with food and all that until I heard yeah and hers were what blah blah blah blah I told that but I basically just told you what quicker and and he goes do more come here disability it goes he was just saying oh yes you happen to be white %um I'll cover on up to the booth sorry well so I out yet so if that we do it and then it just kept going he would change in you want to deeper admitted to it and come back to the region when that long what water pressure from kinda far at all that there are never ever can hear you making it probably are you and every day we got a free and and post that i no kidding I'm itself kinda so we talk about but it it got to be a thing where he would write it here so perfectionistic he retire actually I alike in a lot of ways a be and we we talk about what we thought we were kids growing up we have a lot of some larouso his perfectionistic and and have some time to come back to something and reworking change a word wanna do this and it went on and on on known it went on for ADM old a bit like a month a half past but I'm officially and go back in there were days when we done it so much I go in and I'd be there for maybe you know maybe half an hour not even a half hour and I say gone after can't do it no go home when it back the next day which should have been like a two or three or four day thing was unaffected by over all the time between he and I'm doing different projects month-and-a-half risen can you do it now no yeah actually remember the first time a US walk like burden and I would remain would he do that I got home how much you paying peres no I actually probably can't because got the OK for William and Kate like way if I can work them hard all hope never let's go to we're gonna I'm show a clip now this is actually you with Edward Norton kept Edward Norton character I'm Co picket line that clip up and you're practicing a theme think at Big Sea on the wrong person to ask what is it i cant you you don't talk to me on the spot man don't don't don't make me feel self-conscious about my marriage while my luck my wife is cheating right there rate the area can I say yes it's that good yeah some just give it to me as a right to hate on me yeah good Mon get a 12-play mera yeah get it right talk about it cooper's ask right now I don't even know the guy okay what support but Mike what's your point what do you think petered out 0 sayo what he's saying using loved absolute yeah yes crime love stop talking about it is absolute the kind of club not talking about you don't you don't try to kill people bus okay wanted me you think everybody back anything happening Tigers vs were you them I doubt whole it on that to me that you don't look anything like each other we do ship with workshop and she talk and speak to diet yeah Sydney hitters day holdover tree a welcome aboard like thank you captain I am and Mike back I'm I I thought you in the hot house the game agree thank you your ass great you here the that was just me wary Mary the theater on the social conscious had you worked with him before at ever know and I think remembering all the things that that front for that scene and their and then there's a big truck before that that we run a senior in seen a we turn it over and over and over and over and over again change rear worry then change the rhythm as inasmuch as a so much as we just kept picking up pace picking up the pace in another scene that actually really love between he and I early on work working act like you say you know my life to aid have you know we keep running back and forth in that kinda get out really effective kinda its comedic you know in it it two guys doing comedy really without looking like it for com accommodate chunk you know in a time with a limp or an hour hunger or would 10 tenuously say no no no this the faster faster faster faster and I don't have I don't I don't seem to have traditional timing as you know what I mean when is considered a traditional time amateur that it but I was help but I'm maybe you know on for something you know at and I i and so it but I but I know what that have be but he had had a conversation with Mike Nichol I'm and Mike Nichols kept saying remember just every time you think you have it just continue to do it faster just with that you do senior staff as you can and we review stuff live through that thing in rehearsal and the beginning at that and then another thing work and I are going over the same an hour for remember what's up also this is a guy I handle I think that have been written about who had a at their with Mike Nichols Mike Nichols who says to him explain some you know here's how much sugar movie it's going to be this time period o.o one camera you know covering just day you know and explain house shouldn't make the process you cannot do this don't do this it'll never work it that telling you he said a hundred don't do it just don't do it and he did it anyway that like just fantastic to me and I'll be right you know if I said don't do it that would mean year ago well now I'm really going to do it for a bit when Mike Nichol you know done or even making think that don't do it you would think it going you know maybe right but he did and that says a lot about him actually determine yeah the 20 so determined but also you know just you know passionate you know our the good news is you knowing protected someone who I'll would not would not come up to his work ethic I just don't I and you know I'm a hard worker anyway but but but mixing with this guy's going for or someone like him going for you knowing and when he's reaching for every day every day every day every minute every day you know sometimes drive you and your everyone out there mine but it was never at if it was ever indulgent I don't ever remember being in don't remember being about it you know by so I would I first got a personal pride I would I would imagine all day long as long as he wants to go you know but just are we all respect him part something that was difficult you know and you know challenging just two just think in on some is working that hard so admirable but that and you know I get and like-minded so I like that like I love the experience from just I fortunate unfortunate to for a while look you know all my guy wake up in the morning to paint two-legged ones working two eyes I'm pretty much good you know name so when you get something like this if you like to do this for a living and so far still like to do it for a living I to Nana you know it's a blessing having something like this and going back to when he did start to want to do this for a living with you was your first like official gaping when applying rather yes at work you know what the plan for brother GraphicRiver flying thinking about it yeah from Pittsburgh yet yeah they live how did you get into that get I had addition now pin how I had got into it by a befriending me maniacs I had a job I was I was a job that's cool I had to drop out of school twice while I was going to college wanted to study i thought id yeah I think speech which would general statement but it was in the journalism school with a speech and communication in it 100 kinda the journalism partner and I think Journal about have really I'd loved it actually apply to journal three-time I we could yeah job so I sold so I had to drop out I was working or I doing they end up doing a play at night and during some other time and I'm the where I was working was a it PBS station Pittsburgh WQED I i mean that's hard work during that time there were a lot a job but I was written during the day and when you work there you did everything you the early moves at I'm turned down a warehouse and some days you you know if you figure out how to stage measure the Tigers stage-managed stage manageable you know local news show for you where to hang glide her you do anything you know and in my case if there is anything where I could find a little thing to do walk by in front of a camera do it I would just find out by Rick I would ever show up for always been part yuri your the end of the family and forever furtive the attention-getting guy yeah probably so everyone's pretty funny I on the i recived anyway I what the other side Scottish and they were in and I love gotta love Scotland that they were they were that and promised so that I at perhaps talking to her a star by the but they were their not allowed to laugh but my dad was different but I was very cold with a funny like my mama mama so so anyway so that five yet from the youngest then so everybody is pretty quick you know there's an prefer and I i there was always that so you know and a there was probably that a mi have that but I was actually I don't love a lot of attention actually and I did relapse kinda shy kid but probably felt safer than their within that my my house and my family in I was you know okay there and among my friends who are funny I was at through forgot really funny and so we always felt good in our group you know so I'm working they're doing today and I hate guys who work in the and the crew some upper Mister Rogers neighborhood fred rogers never and where i weird I work on his crew occasion and that these guys work bring and really fun cactuses and well seventy padded up back then pierced up hair down there but you know just just wild man and funny some point really funny guy I'm and he was so cool with them and so nice for them either really a really actually really good and pure take a little thing called the like to keep both their goals circus I guess I was there that day did something funny that made him laugh just this ridiculous thing about dressed up in long underwear ridiculous costumes and I performing like jesters really it was very silly and funny and somewhere I'm sure you're probably not gonna show tape it bears now I'll know but at this point I'm director found that they want or well then there was the mary tyler moore variety show there so much where thing there's a lot in the Letterman with the current yeah right however there are a lotta you know not levels but step perhaps you know is you after embarked on show business started to like it UN in Albany different direction yet well I mean yeah I mean you're moving pretty quickly so I was doing a play i duplicate that by this time I never as a theater kid I never really I didn't I didn't I took a turn a drama class that I did like a dramatic theory the early reading players and i'd I I never read place for 800 really interesting I said a very good teacher first-year college that I took then I'd like I was her played college a little play and I was really not good and I did you know like I said there's been no really knocking out writer was like I'm alright but there was something I but I was always the was reading and writing I was interested in writing a really in the comedy at that time so that I dropped out have any money to get back into school to pay my tuition and then I do have another play outside so then the players when it really start to happen I did sticks and bones and job I read that Iran all like there's something in there something in this that I her really like at the time and it was raining a lot so and then get out perform this jackpot so I'm always moving doing something and third reading comic for incoming stand up and then don't they don't know come up to your whenever I could save enough money to either hitch a ride or or cuz I can imagine I ran a point of life so I had an old well hopefully a fifty-five bargain at a drive that occasionally and try to find additions that covers gonna move your ass getting ready to make the moves in the way make them up and so there's all that into working at a Cachar the improper know that nice that's unfair to happen at the last minute friend mine said moved to Los Angeles I did thinking I never stay and that's when the stuff but let it happen right away I mean I was out there treasure our going to do you know like most people sleeping on floors and well I don't know if there are some ground floor but have you know doing what you do working thousand jobs and just trying to do in I think back up what when I did that and I don't know what I was thinking I'm I'm I don't know why I thought this would work I have no idea WA and I don't know that I would do it I mean I don't know it was kinda great if the unexpected purchase bigger thinking good yeah and I was also looking back would actually go to your name as well because you weren't born Michael Keaton not cover story and he's to tell how Europe arrive and no I if you really want to know if this would be a good time to take a nap you had everyone here cover that you know how hard you know it right but if you're okay heard all I can tell you got a job doing here is cuz your your your birth name is Michael Douglas Michael John Douglas that not everyone knew that no and I like my name your I and I I'm I can I drink a little movie and I thought about putting back in my name you know using a custom try I without going through the whole John Cougar Mellencamp thing crime which seemed to take year the net cheeser you know he was John career that he was a chunk or whatever 9 happening in fact John I just just make up the mind so I'm so I I bad I love affair with my name so I got a job after all this stuff we're talking about I got a job and I i base said you got change in income mike tigar from my god I love you can be in the Union there are other people named with your name right and I and I was going through the down the of bad as in the case I thought it was yeah at good enough and I thought well you know what something I'm really unbelievably groupname you know that every paper all that such a cool name I just never change it has never got around to it just kind of stuck in you know can work out were you flirting with Michael Jackson for a bit well here's the thing about that I'm in a name John in and where I come from ever getting it came time with the family people to make a big names like sometimes with an update or make up a bunch nickname for you in tho my brother you know when you're where be brought down the hall when we weren't rest winger fallout fighting one another the beam you know that we go from here so that hit my one by the growth coming John I and then it can be janet Jacme Jackson here for Tommy or something at a if right man with your attic main Jackson which in I'm not sure he wasn't right just a measure to write so that you know me tell me that I had such an imagination convinced he was right so anyway so I i'm going up and ok know what a vertical Michael Jackson Michael Jackson you know how hard I worked out yeah but then know obviously yeah not a good and I'm as you're working your way up to an improv you also open once per share right and yes area painful what happened put both paper you get well you're kinda you kinda moving their lower way so I got you getting in a minute to answer can find out where where was that point are and I was doing very well im as a standard right also was in a sexy workshop as an improper and I had a with form a little I have group either group form and I power the name and I came up with her nurture I think there'll be two out there or remembered we therefore and we're traffic okay and I said and I name to Cherryvale came here to remember for jerry vale ivory sure there is nothing like the ever as a singer like you know not the hipster world you know what jerry vale and I thought I just did it so that I would would be backstage interview with a little gentleman jerry vale and four people would walk out I just got funny if thing I R fightin and threw for it was people like so already you have a laugh you know so you so around then we can they change it to the village idiot but I was doing all this other stuff and I was doing well not on television because I found that kinda confining for what I was doing but and only get spot here there in television shows back then you really there's nothing you can really you were really limit what you can do on on television so I but share some idiot see me and share with going through thing where some really great by the way she's she was going through an ill-advised period my opinion where she thought she was a rocker and she's not you know she's great ever I really great she really your mentor greater and I'm and so they were looking for and a warm a backhand and their issues going to Vegas it was like the worse place he could affect me it's now up to me even worse place for send me even if I'm not working I did okay but but I mean it with like I was so not back and but but her idea was one I'm I'm hip she thinking and I and well her me here person is but remember you know it's like mather and so she one that hip-hop iraq and she I shared it what do I do like forty-some this other guy before to before days something like that and sugar to Tahoe for homework actually from a but Vegas with a disaster because I and nothing that they were never relate to Napa and I nothing I would relay day I don't know why I was there it was but you reach a point where you go okay I gotta I in Eq by the way how much time I had i cud happen to never work so now I'm limited to pay them on time and i think im at that some barely worker I say I don't know I'm not sure maybe shown that what you're talking about her she was trying to shed like a rock band whether you know I should try to get away from funny sure thing and become like a rocker chick so didn't work some so I'd come out and you get a four you go I know this power many minute I have is bomb proof have done it all over and over and over again I'm really bored with it but I know it works just worked this is like your path what're you go I couldn't do it you know I could just do it while I'm reading the paper it would work 100 percent wrong one 100 track chest recall as wrong could be so wrong that one the first recognize this is where the nervous laughter start for right finest up some funny cuz I i panic in fact for so bad that time when I remember exactly when he was young but I'm willing something acting for the back cover with just not very nice extent that it was so bad there were so many it was like forget cricket it was it was an invasion of cricket ever strike cricket evenings there was honecker and who wouldn't like biblical product correct film here's how bad it was and nothing except that guy yelling things at me I was so proud so I couldn't believe that happened that doesn't bring in time I walk over the that had facial you know you've been a Peter Exynos kurds really really really heavy at their usually have to be every I couldn't find my way back in I'm like what a block me but are trying to find my way oftentimes rather and I can't believe it didn't work I actually thought for a second I thought somehow my optical nerves been affected by this product in I couldn't see I thought I had gone blind eye fraud had gone by as it that's how bad I want but then I went to Tahoe debasement same stuff and by that time heart had a good thing she did once again I like her where would our network you know whether much people up there who were younger they were working anything skiing all day working think that night and I'm it work and they were often spoken a lot apart so on I'm but one then she goes to me she I want buyer just and I think do this again with painful you know it's getting a little bit better but really not much better and she says mean now meanwhile now I'm down to like this may mean covering okay perhaps a rat rat they don't know what I'm talking about I want prayer room inches: reclined like that thing back likes it Murphree draft and a lot of partly for a fight and people are attending to i mean that we're going like this with Colin the correct people leaning over like talking to her and she go Shia I hi she Co I gotta Prasad I'm thinkin okay in I have a car from go to make up like a mixture like seven minutes or even know what I talked about they just fact they're like for hatred just nutrition of apocryphal hope god it was so hard I have to change my shirt I'm sweating now for going on their path yeah I actually think that's really funny good that's why I love bird man is really really a funny to me because me over on getting locked out but the fear into a lot acreage have skin and bird yes yep unabashedly in thing yes yeah when I was a kid this is true I I'd work under country people we were not far from hillbilly frankly I'm a and that I often with naked as a kid alright the just a Mandar that's true I what happened when I was very little like iight that active getting my way up later and attachment clothes on I have tax info right so I ran around naked lot so it didn't really bother no I i actually when you read this when you read the script Karen Mason where actors do you youth read it here K thing hearings whatever it is you know in a horny the Coniston thing then going wherever for them reading scripts thing that could happen door Rokit stockbroker I gonna that could be pretty funny and other major in a close ago workers have good you don't think about it like yet you know and then the next thing you know you're you're taking off your clothes outside in New York and you think what happened between the time I read it and now I that I've never thought for second ago why can't take my clothes off and certainly not doing that %um think about not doing its gonna do it and actually want to do it it's kinda gone it's gone over you know tornado really think about honestly doubt like myron minor you know any you're so can lock into what you doing right and also the nature this movie enduring a week and we're awake and wearing away yeah back which I love and and the corner where r are the blackhawk come in never played a part of a sequence so I tire every touch but that part at that was fine I guess but the fun part getting locked out up the you know my hope RevoStock and coming back in the theater and continuing the play this guy's so not anything on which is gonna cater to live and then hit other than a long shower Naomi and she kinda looks at me okay and instead of going the way they don't she gives me the line back I just like that with hair I was really funny let's say another thing where Edward Norton thing is underwear I'm a pic and line up to the fan club Fight Club here confronted with a trunk lid cover sexual back I'm victory no my father wife propose a me cock in the same okay big as okay though her husband who was to take a pic his hat with Tosha because I have a Toshiba current picture so happy he had hyper pyramid revenues frightening have contacted but my hmm his okay okay okay a our guy I didn't know on I'm sorry I'm sorry that's very horrible am are talk reacted to go me Mike teller another great feeling of you yeah no idea field worker we can tell them but what will the money I like this yeah you might come up ago got yeah want to get your wings in your bird flu ok that's whether things when I read about avoid can be tough because I hear that voice that noise I make I don't really care actually big I don't think I ever me that question for which know it when you're here yaa and people think %uh that's funny did and it was just in the moment on ago I heard and what number threw me out because I was literally trying not to cry on real well yeah because see what in this and film anything I had to up you it you're only went from the perimeter thanks for the read it I how am I gonna do that from fully committed I'm in the moment and not not not not not be a report of how we're gonna do it basically so cuz I II anything real moment a moment to moment to moment have to be word perfect and I totally believable set him up I'm and he pees actor so put on a performance and so I got that problem maybe I make a car so much in telling the story that when I was doing and I said it I start a crack so I end when I rather I'm back to come out actor that's funny potentially animal refuge in the event over fighting that could be funny so the whole movie was always that how you happened in long long long long long on tape one camera how do you do all that but so minute to minute not just the same bit sometimes in this movie I would have to make just cuz I make an emotional researching everything you know you go from truly you know up melon colic melancholic that order on like up to then be funny then go to kinda break down time then do it comedic way so I mean I I love I love the i'd your love I love doing and i lub love doing and I love get the opportunity to do it I just don't know how it's going to it's only thing that say nothing rapid breakdown with back and I i was wondering now that transition when I'm crazy and pack up then I got it up I to do it but not go for the cheap joke but you know it the car being right and come around I was really worried that I go hacking you know if I could so lost in the story in they cry ago I gotta come out at night i cant for the thing down not Turner turn the comedy on you know me but always like that the whole the whole everything almost feels like that you know well not everything but a lot and then the entire movie and I was shot out sequence so you know you'd be in you know one day and then you'd have to go back and pick up something and go back to not just where you were emotionally but where you were emotionally knowing bad you're gonna have to do a whole thing do all that that but I just said again and and get back in keep keep character on on track you know cuz basically down and then weirdly sexy p you know which is so great you know if it that came from you know his it typically area which is an epiphany that thing I mean you know that that's what happened you know through this craziness and only I think it that Latin thing really truly I think I think both those guys all the latin artists you know if you look at Mexican are South American art you know and and he's and 100 Mexican you know something about that can I craziness say they tap into it a like party created yeah I was the meeting I'm yesterday's meeting at a mine and then had improv how much and empower play into the non night no 0 cuz I hadn't heard like a night shift to mister mom are you able field trip to Anfield you amalia yeah yep I mean that obviously improper really helped you right in in those movies can help you yeah yeah because the guy and they were always essentially funny a the nature strip with fight was funny Lord Grantham Bob Lamendola really wrote we're really at their peak at the right price if it was funny but you know 15 I create a character and they said oh okay and then I would prefer i just want to see no anyway so so than that would rewrite some things like that truck or prostitution thing not deprive we what works I'll we sent our rights and i got an idea I a blackboard you know and then and then I mostly wrote that out me about it i wish i right pretty much written it down but but you know that was someone I so yeah I would improvise a lot of stuff because mister mom thing with essentially funny but it wasn't really working because a other reasons you know you know the guy you know it just wasn't there just wasn't there so take a lot of work to get it to wear where had a the a comedic Lee because it was okay but it was that would've could've been doll and also are you know I look at myself even look like ago okay I'm idk if you have and I want to play the reality because it the more really you are for any reason but I knew would have anyway just rather think did basically work they were terrible you just they just need work for those rewriting and then and then ripping a little and beetlejuice with big red big long run with if you add a box yeah mania yep back refrain really really great and you what you want something to have a certain vibrating manic energy just you could feel it a little bit there anymore he looks up with that with that to the top part iv: your being anyway yeah a where now not maybe head I'm I don't know I don't know I'm when I like what I'm doing I get into Arab I mean you know I also love the scenes in this and prevent that are not that all you know from the pair may be met her into the one for me Ryan's because my flight energy simple just truth is people problem you know I'm so with that we're gonna see one more thing it one that have the quick it when your daughter just rule or hit the finally do some work actually means something to eat something to help you had a career dad before the third comic book movie before people start to forget it wasn't like a bird costume you're doing a play based on a book it was written sixteen years ago per thousand rep told white people good only real concern is going to be where the crab cake call me when it's over you you they fit dad you are not doing it for the second art you are doing it because you want to feel relevant again well guess what there's an entire world out there were people fight to be relevant every single day and you act like it doesn't exempt think they're happening in a place you ignore a plane that by the way had already forgotten about you are you you hate bloggers him on Twitter you remember Facebook page what it doesn't exist you're doing this because you're scared to death like the rest I then you don't matter and you know what you're right he got if not important okay you're not important get used to it hair her I can't imagine being on the receiving end of that for multiple take yeah and Somen aaron spelling wave and I'm there there's like two things go punch ago but I I like Emma so much I personally when you're in a scene I'm because I am a father I like being fire so I'm insane I'm I feel I am a father I have not you know I got like them like stupid logical I go okay I am you know and here's my daughter I know travel psycho I cannot but then you go not them with my daughter had so now I'm now I feel even their for and its really hard everything I couldn't do I am liking by the everything I could do not crack figure II I'm a big barrier I but everything I could to just get through the thing about hope we up waist up and output so great about what it that and so true and the other part is Mike dar in and my kid who are here I think we have this exact comment she talk to me like that now we have been she and I always have to talk about that you know I'd say you know it's so weird talk bitterly about that about went people existing and not existing like almost 2 to the degree up like now science fiction almost at that level I truly believe were morphing into a grown-up you kinda weirdly don't excess not you know what I mean you reach a point in social media where unless you're not connected can literally now that's going to the point where you kind of don't you know you know what people are going to see you you know what I mean I and so that that that whole thing and the fact that I talk about this with shot on his friend at all yeah and ask them questions about this in that and then it's written like that you know and and also the things I remember how how hard you work on that scene can you can't get there right away it takes a long time to get there and everything's word perfect right on the page right you know the lines were right went back and did it again here hard you know it she got better and better and better and your maker every tracker Popham yeah thank you everyone for hey them them
Channel: New York Times Events
Views: 18,501
Rating: 4.9136691 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Keaton (Celebrity), Birdman, Cara Buckley, Carpetbagger, The New York Times (Newspaper), TimesTalks, Times Talks, Academy Awards (Award)
Id: PhivOfl_oeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 26sec (3326 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 13 2015
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