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don't [ __ ] in your drawers it's just dog damn man what took you so long hey there they are go in there and do it do it man [ __ ] them up Mikey Showtime now this is me 101 now clear it out clear it outar out clear it out I'm taking you through the hole all right man go go all right right around got it all right watch him get him go go [Music] fli come on man [ __ ] [ __ ] hurry [Music] [Music] up somebody call the [Music] police [Music] all it needed was a washer look there's a button missing on this oh I know darling I'll thr it on today and these shoes need black ones I'm taking them down this afternoon and my gr slacks go to the cleaner yet why not let me take care of these chores just as I have been for the past 20 years has it been that long so if you two are going to be late you better hurry we're hurry we're hurrying goodbye Don bye dear Bye Mom bye sweet oh you come home early I'm planning a surprise for [Music] tonight's mama do it look like [Music] it Michael Gerald Tyson you have been found guilty of aggravated assault intoxication V possession of a deadly weapon Grand Theft two count of burglary aggravated robber guilty as charged receip of stolen goods you have been found guilty resisting arrest strong armed robber Michael Tyson assault with a deadly weapon you will be incarcerated the Trion school for boys in Johnstown up state New York what's this kid's name how the hell should I know I thought you talked to Bobby all he said was he had a kid we should take a look at not Bobby Stewart yeah from the tri and Detention Facility great that's all we need another juvenile delinquent so what did this kid do it's more a case of what didn't he do arrested something like 40 times before he turned 12 40 times even Al Capone wasn't erected no 40 times oh sounds like a baddy no [ __ ] only he got a mother of course he's got a mother comes a point even a mother's got a toss in the towel Bobby don't expect me to take this kid into my home does he look Bobby don't expect nothing all he said was take a look at him you all like C yeah fine go ahead go ahead I'll catch up with you come on Kevin that him 59 that's him strong yeah I was expecting some scrawny little punk Jesus what you been feeding them kids Bobby the usual steroids and Coco Puffs not much for style but Jesus he can hit [ __ ] a can hit a goddamn kid hitting like Joe Frasier [ __ ] take it easy second what's your name son Mike Mike what Mike Tyson Mike Tyson go ahead do what you're doing do you think what do I think I think he hits with bad intentions that's what I think come on there you go this is our side over here back to what I was saying oh yeah don't worry about then scared of going into a fight it's when you ain't scared that's the time to worry fear is the friend of every good and reasonable athlete I slow up hey you see that house over there that's your new home Mike the right here the right careful here we [Music] are R make yourself home come I want you to meet this [Music] woman here say hello to Mike Mike's a fighter come on Mike this is Camille ewal say pleased to meet you please to meet you Ma don't get sore I know it's another mouth to feed but we could use that extra 200 bucks a month around come on I'll show you to your room is Camille your wife not exactly it's her her house I don't think she wants me here what that ah she's just a little shy that's all you look at this I tell you if I catch the bum did this he's going to be a couple of teeth short of a smile believe me see I got a half a dozen Fighters staying here it's important that everybody be neat uh this will be uh your room here you got to get you an alarm Club wait my ice cream oh would you ever let me catch you eating my ice cream not never what's the difference between a hero and a coward there ain't no difference inside they're both exactly alike both scared of dying or getting hurt but it's what the hero does that makes him a hero it's what the other guy doesn't do it makes him a coward [ __ ] [Music] when two men step into a ring one and only one deserves to win when you step in the ring you got to know you deserve to win you got to know Destiny owes you Victory because you trained harder than your opponent you sparred harder you ran farther you got up earlier I know you ain't sleeping I know you can hear me always keep your chin tucked down into your chest I don't care if you're running road work or just walking around school or watching TV keep that chin tucked down and your eyes looking up and out one word describes Rocky Marciano tenacity only 187 lbs but to this day he remains the only undefeated heavyweight champ how because he wouldn't imagine that he could lose you would never even allow the concept of defeat to enter his mind don't watch gloves watch the chest you wait for a glove to move you're dead when the chest flexes you Bob [Music] Joe Lewis may have been quiet on the outside but on the inside he was pure rage he was a negro in a white man's world and he hated it up and down the street 24 hours a [Music] day staying in constant motion your head ain't never again where he last seen it see you give him a Target here and by the time he swings it ain't there anymore and when you move counter five to the ribs huh H 41 upstairs got it all right here we go you don't get hit you don't lose it's as simple as that once you learn to stay low and F behind your gloves in constant motion no one's going to be able to land nothing lies and deceit subfuse that's what we deal in don't never let anyone know your real intentions Champion Fighters champion Liars best in the world the camera moving cuz I'm kind of fast back off of him just keep boxing who ate my ice cream who ate my ice cream who ate my ice cream [Music] D I know I know what's up Mike's mom passed away oh jeez list he's got to take a bus down to Brooklyn drive him into town really [Music] sure [Music] [Music] what you going to do mate you going to move back home here no man I got a [Music] [Music] home hi Mike hey Jamie what you doing building a pigeon Co I heard about your mom hey Mike glad to have you back home Jamie okay Uncle Teddy I got to go pigeons huh my old man used to call them flying rats so how was the funeral Mike you know what a professional is somebody gets PID to it's got nothing to do with money a professional is a guy who performs no matter what he's feeling inside you understand me no matter what what is it it's yours Muhammad Ali gave it to me and I'm giving it to you take it with you to the Junior Olympics [Music] the heavy position relax was so scared what are you scared of letting cuss down you ain't going to let no one down you fought tougher guys in this look at your opponent there look at him you don't think he ain't scared of course he is come on what does cuss say you remember what he said about your fear what did he say to to use it use it how to turn my fear into fire that's right so what are you going to do when you get in that ring I'm going open up with some sevens seven there you go chin down eyes up then what you going to do and what's the next F to fine inside and what are you going to do when you get inside I'm going open up like a son of a [Music] [ __ ] all right let's go win a fight [Music] [Music] [Applause] get your up four 5 six 7 8 9 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 10 just stay still stay still don't don't move you all right be fine eighty what do you mean eight you know they only do three rounds in the junior no no eight seconds 8 seconds what' he do shoot the guy might as well they say it's a new Junior Olympic record it's all anyone's talking about well where is he now he's still in the ring they just announced it anybody talking to him sure the Ring's full of people Teddy you want him back here right now back here on the next plane but don't argue with me Teddy just do it God damn sharks yes well uh Mike you know he uh what about Mike well now that his mother's gone and all that I uh I thought maybe about adopting him sounds crazy I know but uh what do you think here we are C hey cousin I did it just like you said yeah but 8 seconds what took you so long I'm proud of you Mike really proud of come on Mike let's get this crap inside I've been doing some thinking while you were away uh well me and Cameo both actually about what what would you say if uh we were to become your Guardians what you you mean like adop me yeah something like that well yeah sure it's fine so Michael congratulations I did it come here was C serious about C is always serious well then was he serious about you want it too uh-huh would in like um then well then could I call you mom I would like that very much so what do you want from me you need sparring partners what about your other Fighters I real sparring partners he's beating the hell out of all my guys it's a risk us I mean taking a new fighter today isn't cheap show me everything's a Brisk but we're talking about the next great heavyweight champion of the world World here are you serious you mark my words when the history of boxing is written Mike Tyson's name will be mentioned right along with Dempsey Marciano and Joe Lewis that's a pretty prestigious Club cuz so when do we get to meet Michael what are you doing here Mike come here come here a minute you see this guy here this is the fairest guy I know in this whole crooked business Jimmy Jacobs Mike Tyson my son for uh what is it two weeks Mike Tyson Jimmy Jacobs how you Mike pleasure to meet you Mr Jacobs please Jimmy always Jimmy as my partner Bill Kon Mike I watched your Junior Olympic fight oh that was great work thank you Mr Kon my pleasure Mike U Bill and Jimmy manag Fighters Mike and they wouldn't be here unless I trusted them yeah these are the kind of friends you want to be surrounded by the kind of can keep you out of trouble believe me and if you want to be Champion you got to show a lot of discipline come on yo baby can I come come on how many times you got to strike up before you call it a KN go wait up hey yo yo and they running away yo yo yo yo Dam I like the one on the right man damn you probably scaring us fine yo yo Dam what they doing come on now it must went in here I Mike they're not in here let's go they hiding what are you looking for come on they're gone what do you want damn man you can't go back in there yo girl get out what's up you go where you at what are you doing back here huh y get on this [ __ ] ain't cool man come on hey get get call police call police get out of here come on [ __ ] Poli some [ __ ] [ __ ] your people hold the same Poli [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] Poli with you come on let's go you get the hell out of here [ __ ] you this [ __ ] what you want to do huh come on come on [ __ ] you [ __ ] the [ __ ] is wrong with you man [ __ ] come on let's go he ain't nowhere it wouldn't be so bad if this was the first time but it's like a regular pattern now screws up disappear screws up disappears how long's he been gone this time 3 4 days now do we even know where he is mole Hills Teddy Mole Hills huh last week he threatened a teacher at school last month he's boning some underage classmate you just have to take him out of school take him out of school obviously it's a bad influence on him cuz he's in the 10th grade he needs to go to school what he needs is an environment conducive to his becoming a champion fighter and what if fighting don't work out what if he actually has to find a job someday are we done with this conversation he needs discipline cuss I think we ought to suspend his gym privileges I only train two world champions you going to tell me what to do any other fighter you'd have thrown him out so long ago I am not going to suspend my best fighter that's stupid Kenny you got visitors I'm busy no I'll tell you what's stupid it's stupid letting this punk run wild just cuz you're too goddamn scared he'll walk if you don't don't tell me how to run my gym our gym remember cuss 6 years now our gym Kenny what your sister is here God damn it son of a [ __ ] I'm going to kill that [ __ ] I am going to that's it I'm going to take care of is my way let's go come on let's go let's get out of here come on you allow yourself to be distracted you allow yourself to fail everybody get back to your work [ __ ] you went too far you know what this is about you know what this is about what what Jamie that's right Jamie man I didn't do a [ __ ] thing [ __ ] you I know exactly what you did no man she came after me anyway came after you she's a [ __ ] kid [ __ ] if you ever disrespect anyone in my family again I will kill you understand this I swear to [ __ ] God I will kill you you know if you want me to be scared you know I'll do my damnest do you doubt me just say it do you doubt [Music] me [Music] right what the hell was I supposed to do Jimmy you had a gun yay shot it well no not at him I think he was just trying to scare still it's a hell of a way to make a point is it he claims Mike was trying to get fresh with his kid sister-in-law I guess I'll just have to find a new trainer huh Let It Go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 56 [Music] no normal boxer can into the ring totally Fearless but fear is a good friend of every good and reasonable athlete how does it feel to be fighting for a professional purse it feels [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] extra [Applause] count him out count him out okay you [Music] sure nice [Applause] [Music] nice 6 7 8 [Applause] 9 C visiting over you can't go in wait wait wait no visiting over got see him no you can't go in there keep him Al let him rest okay visiting hours are over come back tomorrow that's fine he has been fitting for you [Music] go man come on man don't please don't die please don't die C how am I supposed to die you won't even let me sleep come on man come on you got to get better you got to get better I I'll mess it up without you man I can't go on without you always getting on me you got to go my mic if you don't if you screw it up I'm going to come back from the dead and whip your [Music] ass [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] 772 look look how goody still looks you know he's 174 lb Le was outweighed him by 25 and 3/4 lbs they always fighting on the inside just like Fraser with Ali yeah but he won't keep it up he's going to lose his speed are you listening to me I miss him Jimmy I really [ __ ] miss him heyit it's guys who can't cry that I worry about I'm so weak Jimmy man I feel so weak weak you're Iron Mike you're Big Mike man don't feel like it not with C going you can never figure out what he saw me he loved you why courage heart you got a fist like bowling balls like wrecking balls you got me Mike I'm not going anywhere so with the heavyweight championship already at stake early in Mike Tyson's career the spark so Faithfully nurtured by custado becomes a roaring Blaze Tyson bearing in with those murderous left hooks down go fik fik struggling to get up he's going to make an attempt and back onto the [Applause] canvas this may be the end already at age 20 Mike Tyson is about to become the youngest heavyweight champion ever that's it that's it it's all over it's all over and that'll do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it so a new era in boxing begins at 20 years old Mike Tyson has fulfilled his Destiny ladies and gentlemen the time 2 minutes 35 seconds of the second round referee Mills Lane stops the bout the winner by a TKO and new WBC heavyweight champion of the world Iron Mike Tyson I would like to dedicate my fight to my great Guardian custado I know he's up there and he's looking and he's talking to all the great Fighters and saying his boy did it what was the most important lesson C caught you cus always depended everything on character and DET M yo is that [ __ ] good man experience I was good enough to Mike is that [ __ ] good so who you going to fight next I'm champion of the world I fight any man life I beat anybody in the world I take on all com Marvel with with the good Fighters is how quick their hands are okay watch here watch here right Tucker left hook to the ribs right check it out Bam Bam Bam look at that [ __ ] right bombs to the head every [ __ ] time what the [ __ ] Mike turn it back hey turn it back see that see that each time he Jabs he drops his right hand back leaves you what what the [ __ ] Mike will you turn it back Mike you know you're going to be fighting this guy where's my dinner you just had lunch so what I'm hungry give that [ __ ] trying to stay away from the big left might cut out man give me give me the [ __ ] rooms in a little bit then backs out around the facial area that'll be WIP up [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] gotten into you lately corner of Tony Tucker why are you wear spaghetti Ste is your wearing I want some Harmony grits I want some Black Eyed Peas bring me some chit out this [ __ ] what kind of food thank you Ivon you know I don't know how to cook that kind of stuff attention peasants the empress has no dress on that's a anybody home mat how's it going all right Kevin all right all Kevin what's with Kevin I'm I'm pushing a [ __ ] rock up a [ __ ] Mountain that's what's with [ __ ] Kevins hey oh Jimmy man hey it's good to see you man he how are you doing huh all right man don't hurt me man hurt you you being good you know it yeah you staying out of trouble so you got the clap huh ah it's no big thing which the disease or what you caugh her with you're right seriously Mike I mean there's a whole bunch of stuff going on out there that could kill you and you're taking way too many chances man that was that was just fate Jimmy I'm over that [ __ ] of course you ory smies right no man I'm serious I mean I just want to fall in love you know what I mean you know have a relationship like you got with Lorraine some kids kids what do you mean kids you sure man get out oh y Jimmy man I saw the most beautiful girl today I mean she was smart elegant been thinking about man she got my heart I think her name was Robin she from around here no I show on television television come on hello is uh Robin given there good evening may I speak to Robin hello damn hello Robin this is Mike Mike Tyson hello take two you say what hello as into to whom whom am I speaking um is is this Robin That's My Name don't wear it out to whom am I speaking um Mike Tyson Mike Tyson the fighter guy yeah that's right well this is a surprise a good one I hope so far so good to what do I owe the pleasure of this call Mr mik Tyson well you know I was kind of um admiring your work for a long time now and you know I was kind of thinking that you maybe you know sometime we can get together you know and uh by that I take it you're hoping we could meet yeah yeah you know whatever I was thinking maybe I could come out west and visit you as if it's okay with you ringside seats for Mike's new fling Mike said this was serious really he's deeply in [Applause] low oh no come on [Applause] come on he's not doing he's not getting the job down all right come on come come come on one step back here we go come on come on Mike okay what the four with the [Applause] four [Applause] come on all come on come on step come on come on come [Applause] on you're sticking your chin out like a goddamn pinata don't go for the one shot work the body first then go to the Head hey what's going to happen if you lose out there tonight do you that little girlfriend of yours is going to go home with [ __ ] head over there she's going to do all kinds of nasty things to him all night long and do you know why cuz she's here [ __ ] you cuz she's here for the champ she ain't here for iron Mikey she's here for the champ and she don't care what the [ __ ] his name is so long as people call him [Music] [Applause] champ Michael got it yeah the [Applause] combination come on okay with the with the four that's it that's what we're talking about [Applause] yeah go go get him all right come on Micha get come on come on come on come on come come [Music] [Applause] on all right all right yeah keep coming come [Applause] on that's what I'm that's what I'm talking [Applause] about down down and the new Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world Iron Mike P Don King tell us the significance of Mike Tyson unifying the heavyweight championship tonight good please have witness here tonight culmination of the unification Tournament of heavyweight boxing a culmination where in one Michael Gerald Tyson out of Brooklyn New York has emerged with spend in of you are my queen Queen for a Day for always [Music] Ali I am only americ man in the world series of B created in order to bring together the otherwise enties the heavyweight division is in shape [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] oh man I got to get away from these guys I see you in car very excited uh look they caught her she got to learn to slide right past them you kidding me she Liv for this [ __ ] oh I got to call Camille come on come on come on hello hello Michael Where Have You Been what do you mean where I've been I've been getting married married oh Michael yeah yeah you know we we kind of had to keep it a secret you know we had to do it fast see Robin's pregnant Ma and she says she's about 3 months already Michael come on M you supposed to be happy for me I am Michael I really am it it's just that it's just that what Mike m it's Bill hey Bill guess what yeah I overheard congratulations it's great uh listen I I got some bad news Jimmy passed away his his leukemia finally caught up with him I'm sorry M what what's the matter jimy passed away oh Jesus listen the funeral's in California and uh we'll be flying out front [Music] she storms into my office and shouts I'm Mrs Mike Tyson and I am taking over my husband's Affairs not g bill I'm sorry that your friend in partner of 20 years has passed away no instead she storms in and screams I demand to see Mike's cont jimy not [ __ ] time Bill it's here this Mike Tyson's limo sorry folks are you with Mr King's party Mr King what of shark circling already beautiful only in America see the look on gon's face Tastefully frame I could hang that over my mantle not Jesus who invited him m m my deeper Bill oh Lorraine no Jim and I were rarely on the same side of the bargaining table I I respected him and always treasured his friendship I'm I'm going to miss him very much hello Mr King ground transportation facilities they should had limo's weight I mean these people don't know how to handle a champion but when I manage Al Le he never had to wait at an airport never hey brother and we got lots of room now why don't you come on ride with usor all those the arrival of passengers aboard this flight please check the arrival monitor in the gate area ground transportation facil and the ground transportation boots are outside of the terminals in front of the bag FL are look for the overhead sign they are color yeah you don't suppose big Don arrange to have our limo delayed do you a shs are definitely circling you know you are very fortunate to have Jimmy for a manager he was just the kind of father figure you needed you know just starting out no you he was a good man oh damn good that's a nice suit brother yeah that's really nice mik tell me something Mike do you trust Satan Satan Kayon oh did I say Satan I meant Kayan but the question still stands do you trust it well yeah I guess what's his cut if you don't mind me asking that is 30% 13 well that's fair no not 13 30 30 I see H and Kayton is setting up this Spinx fight for you next right what would you say Mike if I was to offer you say five fights five easy fights for $5 million each if you were to come fight for me instead of Satan I mean Kon I tell you what I think about it you do that Mike take all the time you [Music] need [Music] so [Music] what what does he always want off me five easy matches at five meon I didn't go through it your SP fight what did you tell him ask him why should I fight five easy matches when I can make just as much one easy match sh Dawn [Music] King [Music] is you okay [Music] Mike you know who's buried down there in that grave Jimmy cuss my mother everybody I can ever trust is down there in that hole man things were so different before the money now I can't trust nobody you don't trust bill I don't know I hear things Robin see I love Robin with all my heart man but man love and trust is different things you know what I mean from the sexy realm of Television sitcoms to a lifestyle of undreamed fantasy Robin Gibbons became the new queen of heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson here we see the young royal couple in their new $4.6 million Palace purchased by Mike here in Bernardsville New Jersey I was told that Bill Kon offered a friend of ours $50,000 to sabotage our marriage I mean people in the fight business are bigger Crooks than the hoods I grew up King is feeding Robin lies and unfortunately she's believing them now I support Ruth Rob when she says her daughter fears for her life because she asked the unpardonable question where is the money if there's 50 million in Mike's account and there's supposed to be 70 million there's a problem just as I also support Robin GI who is clearly the best thing that has ever happened in my goddamn star [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] there are 3 years left on Mike's contract if King and given and rer try to break it I'll take it all the way to the Supreme Court bill gton is an egotistical Maniac who thinks he controls the universe no one can gain control of my Tyson cuz I'm the boss Bill K's my manager Don King's my promoter and that's as far as it goes is pre being champ every gets to be too much on the theory that black should stick together black manager black trainer black promoter black black black I'm the best fighter in the world nobody can beat me Mike Tyson is our knight in shining armor each blow he strikes he strikes it for all those who are discriminated against the downtrodden the underprivileged the denied the segregated people want to be my friends so they can steal my money you know everybody get their hand out how did a woman who went to Sarah LS and reportedly to Harvard Medical School wind up falling in love with a guy from the School of Hard Knocks God I want to know too uh there's something uh we have a lot in common tradition traditional families and we just sort of love each other traditional families honest and love what is this [ __ ] you sound skeptical D skeptical car I am skeptical up the receptical I know for a fact she never went to medical school Harvard or any other just as I also know for a fact she was never one of the Ford agency's top models as she so often likes to clim so I heard she was 5 and a half months pregnant 5 and 1/2 months pregnant rumor has it she was 3 months pregnant when Ruth made him get married oh girl this is a woman with lony in her heart why this is absurd it's atrocious it's a flagrant infy to any messages of respect left in our B smurch profession what I'm hearing here is Michael Spinx versus Mike Tyson a promotion reasonably expected to gross over $70 million and you are offering me the promoter a mere 3 million no no I'm sorry not only is this pittance you call your final offer entirely unacceptable it's outright immoral it is also my final offer Don take it or leave it bill now everybody in this room knows that it is customary for the promoter to get 30% that is 3 point something [ __ ] you who is the promoter the cable and foreign rights have already been set up the purse is negotiated and the site fee is paid the promoter as we know it is obsolete the truth is we don't even need you the truth is you're a smart businessman and smart businessmen don't go around throwing away $3 million without good reason maybe I feel sorry for you and maybe you're afraid your champ will see the light and come work for me 3 million take it or leave it [Music] Robin Michael Michael up here oh Michael Michael thank God you're [Music] here baby St Tyson versus Spinx biggest purse in the history of boxing two weeks away right the other night I saw Don King shaking hands with Donald Trump I mean can you imagine King and Trump shaking on a deal it's going to take a dozen accountants to figure out who's the screw word and who's the screw e Hey Kevin ain't it kind of unusual for a champ to blow off training camp no no not at all happens all time well somebody ought to tell Spinx he's training his assle got any Queens Go Fish yeah right I know you got one you [ __ ] Lon son of a fish God's going to punish you for this okay you I got any to hey hey look at here Kevin here come your boy hey Mike got anything to say about spin's Comet yesterday 21 million you you don't want to let spin have it do you Mike well well well look what the cat puked up I hope you're here to work cuz if you ain't don't be wasting our [ __ ] Time come on come on come on come on Mike throw some punches buy M taking this food J now get back in there that ain't enough it's enough when I say it's enough EPS get the [ __ ] back in there come on man look we'll make it up tomorrow we [ __ ] [ __ ] tomorrow you ain't stepping out of that F ring till you knock some of those pounds of Cheetos off your flabby ass come on let's go Mike come on what the [ __ ] yo uh keev I don't think now's a good time to be riding Mike like this oh yeah why is that counselor look this ain't got [ __ ] to do with me and you all right robing had a miscarriage a miscarriage ah yeah you know Mike better than anybody else he's a sensitive cat and I just think it beho all concerned if you take it easy on them for a while I see gosh thank you Rory That's my boy Mike get the [ __ ] back in the ring yo what the [ __ ] is wrong with you man why you take a [ __ ] hike you [ __ ] leech kiss my ass Mike is up there tripping you of all people should be sensitive oh yeah why don't you tell me something about sensitivity Mr 250,000 Year friend [ __ ] I earn my money and I am his friend and I do feel sorry for him and your little punk ass sh too oh yeah I feel sorry all right sorry to be the only one with the balls enough to tell him that Robin was about as pregnant as I am [ __ ] you man yeah [ __ ] me [ __ ] me for telling them what everybody in the country already knows he's getting [ __ ] up the ass by his little clap tra and mommy [ __ ] dearest tell now you won't be needing that man you heard Whitey when Whitey say JUMP [ __ ] say how high when why say fight [ __ ] say how long when why he say to the death [ __ ] [ __ ] say oh yes sir Master sir come on [ __ ] come on do your job man hit me oh I'm touched come on [ __ ] you can't hit man you ain't [ __ ] hit me like you got some balls [ __ ] come on hit me oo you almost knocked me out you got one more chance [ __ ] one more oh come on Mike this is [ __ ] up Rooney what the [ __ ] happening man [Music] ohus all man you all right you come on get in here [ __ ] [ __ ] ass [ __ ] come on something now you got 10 seconds to knock me the [ __ ] out come on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 come on [ __ ] hey you better kill me [ __ ] cuz I have every intention on killing you [Music] nine you lost your [ __ ] mind M what the [ __ ] are you doing man Jesus come on in here [ __ ] thanks but no thanks homeboy look at that $1,500 a week [ __ ] yeah keep the change Mr Tyson [Applause] wonderful ladies ravishing is ever Mr Winston has the papers ladies Mr Winston go get it on of course this is for you thanks I've been fired well don't worry [Music] about makim is that Michael is a winner always found the way to win fight fans know and respect that and many of them wondering whether he can frustrate and beat a much younger stronger Champion the key word perhaps being frustrate because for everyone you find who believes that Tyson will simply overpower Spinx you might find another person who believes that Spinx will be too much the techan for Tyson now Michael SP coming into the ring first 13.5 million guaranteed to Spinx won an Olympic gold medal and has never lost a professional prize fight for his part will earn even more money tonight and he too is unbeaten as a [Applause] professional [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey me I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is the main event of the evening featuring BR BRS of boxing for the Undisputed heavyweight championship of the world INF in the blue Corner fighting out of Philadelphia Pennsylvania weighing in at 212 and14 lb with a professional record of 31 wins no defeats 21 Kos he was an Olympic gold medalist and is regarded by many boxing fans as well as Ring magazine as the heavyweight champion of the world ladies and gentlemen here is Michael spes and in the Red Corner he is a prot of the late great Pato he fights on a tat Skill New York he weighed in at 218 and4 lb his professional record 34 wins no defeats with 30 koos he is The Undefeated Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world Iron Mike Tyson [Music] okay gentlemen you received your instructions in the dress room any questions touch gloves good luck to both of [Applause] [Music] you this one's for cuss and Jimmy do you hear me now take [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it [Applause] okay break in there okay Mike Watch That [Applause] Elbow take it to him take it to [Applause] him okay there come [Music] [Applause] on okay Mike 4 5 6 7 [Music] eight you okay Michael and let's go oh [ __ ] that corner 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you're out [Applause] yeah baby that's it Mich that's it that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] been [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] trust me Michael is finally in charge of his business more than ever before and they're still Robin and blind why do you realize Mike's paying all of Camille's bills still food utilities everything hey hey lay a tarp down before you drag that across my carpet sorry I think she liked me more than I liked her when it first started really that's not true I think so I think so cuz you know she said I didn't like him because he was a fighter but I really believe she liked me more what did you want from Robin when it first started don't say it on television fair enough what's it been like since this roller coaster life it's been torture Barbara it's been pure hell it's been worse than anything I could possibly imagine every day it's some kind of battle some kind of fight with whom with managers with family members with just always trying to hold up your dignity it's something I never thought I'd have to endure Michael is a manic depressive I mean that's just a fact and living with him has been worse than anything I could possibly imagine they druged that [ __ ] man look at them I mean I I think for the first time I understand Abused Women what do you think po you think they slip Mikey and Mickey why do you love him because there's a side of Michael most people don't know aside even I wasn't aware of initially an incredibly gentle side also because Michael loves me more than anything in the world and I feel like he needs me which maybe I need do you want him to continue boxing I want to live with Mike Tyson for the rest of my life and have little tyon that's what I want but that can't happen if Michael doesn't get help and if he doesn't will you stay [Music] no Bingo damn brother be set up like a bowling pin Brothers the Lord works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform you see that 2020 thing about them the other night missed it suffice it to say this call don't surprise me one bit I'm [ __ ] Donald Trump I have not been [ __ ] Donald Trump [ __ ] you uh ma'am there was a call finally get here where're the hell have you been we could have been killed sir [ __ ] gold fck [ __ ] yall want huh there was a call about a domestic dispute ain't no [ __ ] dispute everybody knows that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] I would like maybe date of M 42 to1 is there anything you know that the O makers don't yeah well they can't measure desire you know Mike's a great fighter I just hope to hold my [Applause] own seemingly Invincible heavyweight chion Mike one punch bombs it ain't going to work Mike come on [ __ ] him up Mike great great CL come on punch way outch way [Applause] out he's been hit more punches in this fight alone and I think I've seen him in all of his other fights combined it's been all Douglas up to this [Applause] point way [Applause] out break clean break yes [Music] yes 4 5 6 7 8 9 no the fight is over it's finished what the what the hell do you call that that was the longest C I ever heard in my life the fight is history that man was down over 15 seconds where the hell did you get this W man going to get my man beat he was down way more than 10 10 [ __ ] it was more like 20 give me an in yo you got any that stuff in there I I don't know where the [ __ ] the nwell we don't have an nwell give me ice P now give him an ice pack J just a second [Applause] there you together come on get out of there mate the KN unable to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] baby where's your [ __ ] chair damn it J get the stool come on give me the damn [Applause] do get some [ __ ] ice we don't have none find some as [ __ ] eyes closing up put some Vaseline right on this ab's I'm allerg to V oh [ __ ] we got internet in there [ __ ] [ __ ] to keep to work come on [Music] [Applause] ready sticking move baby yes [Applause] yes Tyson's eye now completely shut he can't see Douglas's punches coming and Buster is landing a lot of them in success it's been said that the only man who could beat Mike Tyson was Mike Tyson himself but getting a lot of help from a challenger baby you got to keep [Applause] [Music] moving come on come on three if Mike Tyson doesn't get up this will be the biggest upset in the history of heavyweight got get [Music] [Applause] come on M come on don't give up S [Music] it's [Applause] over live fast Die Young will Mike Tyson ever get up from this [Applause] [Music] knockout Buster Doug is on the canvas for 16 seconds he was out no you to me I got the tape and I'm taking it to the WBA the WBC and the ibf all of them and they're going to see that there was a knockout in the eighth round no no Mike Tyson's not losing his belts because some referee forgot how to count that's not right you know it's not right don't you even know how to cut tape get that [ __ ] off of him I'm going to take care of this for you Mike and you know I always always do what I say I know you do it you're going to get it all back either they reversed her decision or I didn't have it out there tonight [ __ ] that you won the fight Mike on my back the fight was over I lost God damn you Mike I don't want to hear that kind of talk that goddamn fetus attitude you did not lose I'm going to prove it and you are not going to [ __ ] me up you understand me okay joh I see your point I did not lose hey D what do you got to say I got to go feed this hey all you're getting tonight is you want anything else I want to go home [Music] what is so funny who ate my ice cream don't you never eat my ice cream [Music] [Music] I would like to focus on the 37 hours you were here in Indianapolis beginning with your arrival on July 7 17 1991 in order to participate in the Miss Black America page how how does it feel not to be champed you tell me we both know what about the rumors that you and Robin given are seeing each other this my what no the rumors that you and Mr Tyson once you arrived at the Omni Hotel what did you do all right man good you doing Charlie Charlie Charli joh yeah man I like your music man uh good to meet you y man so um when are we going to see these uh Beauties well right after you do that promo for me Mike I don't know man I think it's going to be the other [Music] way gos you don't have much time I'm in trouble now Miss Washington describe the contestant's reaction when Mike came into the room we were all very excited am I to understand that at some point Mr Tyson was asked to participate in the rehearsal yes am I to understand that at some point during the rehearsal he hugged you and asked you if you would like to go out that evening yes and you had never met him before no [Music] we were getting ready to go to sleep when the phone rang hello hey desie there yes she is may I ask who's calling tell her it's Mike oh hold on some guy named Mike hello hey hey it's me Mike Mike Tyson yeah Mike Tyson man to rehear you it's Mike Tyson he's on the phone hi okay listen why you come down wait hold on anything wrong up there no I'm fine what's up I was wondering if you want to come down and go with me to a party tonight isn't it kind of late for a party what it is there's still a lot of celebrities there I I don't know what about tomorrow could we go out then you know I wish I could but you know I got to leave tomorrow why don't you come on down it'll be fun good evening nice dress thanks Mr Tyson after Miss Washington got in the car what did you do I kissed her I got to stop back at my and how did she react she kissed me to the hotel is the party there no I just got to go there and pick up my bodyguard oh Mike Tyson needs a body guard yeah that's right where you from again I'm from Rhode Island yeah I thought we were just going upstairs to pick up his bodyguard before going out on the town to all these After parties with other celebrities when you got out of the elevator where did you and Mike go we walked the hall to his room do you have any pets I got pigeons yeah how many do you have I don't know something like 200 200 really that's really neat I've got a puppy mhm we'll just be here in a second come on [Music] in [Music] what's the difference between the hero and the coward there ain't no difference they both feel exactly the same on the inside they both both fear dying and getting hurt it's what the hero does that makes him a hero and what the other doesn't do it makes him a [Music] coward [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] speech spee speech foree fore for [Music] speech fore [Music] foreign [Music] foree speech foree foreign spech for speech speech for speech spee [Music] l [Music] for for speech speech [Music] foreign not speech speech spe fore speeech foree spe foree [Music] for [Music] fore spee spe foree for for [Music] spee what Z for Fore [Music] [Music] for o for [Music] [Music] speee [Music] fore [Music] fore spe speee mus fore spee [Music] fore [Music] fore foreign [Music] spee for spee [Music] [Music] speee [Music] spee foreign [Music] [Music] speech foree [Music] foree for spee speech speeech [Music] foreign spee [Music] for foree foreign [Music] spee for speech speee for spee [Music] you
Channel: Hollywood Collection
Views: 1,400,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Jai White Hollywood Latest Action Movie || Powerful Full Length In English Best Movie, Powerful Full Length In English Best Movie, Michael Jai White Hollywood Latest Action Movie, Hollywood Latest Best Action English Movie || Powerful Full Length In English Best Movie, english best action movie, hollywood latest full movie, carl weathers, ENGLISH NEW MOVIES, action movies 2023 full movie english, action movies, movies 2023 full movie, movies, movies 2023 full movies english
Id: MIhDQgtOE-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 48sec (6948 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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