Snake in the Eagle's Shadow ft. Jackie Chan | Full Movie | Voyage

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] a s Yun your Regal claw has destroyed all the snake fist schools killed 3,000 pupils there's hardly any left well now our schools just cannot exist together sole Claw is dedicated to wiping out the whole snake fist style well I am the master of the snake for school and I've come to fight but you know yourself did your snake fist style cannot possibly hope to beat me Eagle's claw huh for the sake of all my ancestors I have to fight you today and if I should die there are still others to carry on the snake fist I'm aware there are two others P Chang chin and your son still alive today that's right and just as long as p is still alive the snake fist will live and rise again I'll kill you and P [Music] [Applause] chin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fire P junin where is he he's too smart for you you won't find [Applause] him hi Jun [Music] tin [Music] damn it mosquitoes you better go [Music] [Applause] away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it warned you there he is who there a med SH now come on you'll get your rent don't you worry we're making a stue take the money hey wait wait have no money don't take gos nothing okay search the basket there H now wait now don't do that snake get it off me look up stop it careful now you're quite useless [Applause] now look o bre like rice [Music] ball how'd you like the [Music] taste go away you're going to have a very ugly [Applause] bruise hey what's this you want to kill me I've got to go takey [Music] get I'm sorry hey hey come here what's wrong that old man he attacked us and he's got a snake [Applause] [Music] snake he [Music] [Music] [Applause] on [Music] so slacking again no no no I wasn't I wasn't really I wasn't slacking at all ah pour water on me would you sorry sorry I I'll let me wipe it up here I let me wipe God damn you oh no no no I'll fix you I'll give him something to [Music] do [Music] clean it [Music] up [Music] H god that hurt huh well maybe that will teach you lazy swine H Master's away so I and teacher Lee are in charge today I going to teach you the dragon fist with this style you can beat 10 men by yourself 10 eggs that's right but pay your fees first that's right now then teacher Lee and I will teach you the two best Styles Dragon [Music] ow [Music] good stop it what's so F help stop laughing shut up jinu jinu you come here coming what so funny huh all right stop laughing be quiet all right now the most important things are speed strength right right and now I'm going to teach you the Golden Claw ready now he's exposed his stomach I got him did you see well all right now the next St coming up the tiger stretch your arm huh not that one this one exposed gas you got to be more careful good he good now remember what you've just been taught and you'll become real experts carry on all right let's carry on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from [Music] tful you've been the punching bag again would you like me to put some medicine on no [Music] me I think I'll have a little rest here hey my boy want to earn Kung Fu magistrate oh thank you magistrate you own so much half of the Town rice shops tea shops coffin shops over 20 places H and your son he's such a well-built boy now just like a pig oh no he's like a young bull isn't he but if he doesn't train his muscles though he lose strength that's bad for his health yes but we'll fix that that's good teer trueu yeah you're quite right and that's the reason I would like my boy to join a school and learn Kung Fu ah magistrate you're at the right place this is a small place but there's lots of schools most of them no good but our hung way school is the best here there's no doubt about that really you sure of that my boy you're not sure look look [Music] there uh CH chewy I've seen guys smashing through bricks fantastic can your men do that that's very simple for us Mr L show the young Master how you break bricks right the bricks is a very fine teacher your son will do well with him wait hold it you do that sure no sweat no sweat oh that's great that's great isn't he terrific he's good very good ah you're too kind he not that good just practice I have one man County Champion much better gosh he must be good he sure is listen you like this place oh yeah yeah father I want to go to this school right I'll bring him back tomorrow then good I must go now oh good please wait uh Mr L come on out the Magistrate's leaving all right so we'll see you tomorrow good that's com goodbye so see you again Mr L you were really great oh thank you W just to look at what those bricks did to his hand who wants to learn like that father I think I'll study at the other school let's go all right hey hey hey just a minute come on hold it now just wait a minute will you just hold up get inside oh so that's the reason I lost the business ly old beggar here driving my luck away hey kick him out hey hey hey watch this you get out get the hell out of here what's wrong [Applause] huh hold why are you beating up this old man huh do you know this kid who is he him he's from the honk high school huh honk High School beat him up right are you all [Music] [Music] right [Music] a [Music] [Music] good [Music] come on hey now please don't fight come on don't fight in the name of Jesus don't fight now please don't fight hey hey come on quick let's go come on stop fight get him please stop fighting what do you want the Lord Jesus says if you're stuck on your right cheek you off your left is that so well here's the first one you hit me Jesus he's a sinner just around here did you get hurt oh no way I'm used to that huh you are sure all right this is the honai school's back door come on in and have some [Music] tea all right come on this is the backyard of the school it's quiet there's very few students come back here you know I live in that store room oh hi cat oh man this cat's my pet he likes me hey Cat Say Hello say hello see he said hello then hey have a [Music] seat oh man have some tea oh thank you listen don't want it it's too hot I can't drink it oh well I'll get you some cooler tea all right a woo you're back there listen this is a wo he's our new cook here he cooks really good I don't cook all that good and this is oh uh oh oh he's a relative of mine listen I'm hungry well there some food in the kitchen go and get it right I have to go serve the guests now [Music] [Laughter] magistrate although I don't like bragging uh but I reckon I'm the greatest teacher who joined this school all my students can handle most other men well I think that this must be the best school are you sure the way woo school has sent many students to enter the championship contests and your school um that means nothing their students may enter but our master has been invited there ah to be the chief judge oh if Master hungs to be the judge that means his Kung Fu must be very good ah of course he's the best well how many bricks can he break uh break bricks ah dear what we don't teach those childish games here what we teach is the real Kung Fu Young master I think you would cut out to be a fighter you've a very good build if you study here I think that very soon you'd be a real expert you really think so ah of course hey loong yeah go and cin F out here yeah right mi mi tell me what's your name huh I'm chin FU oh you're born here no I'm an orphan the master looks after me they say that I'm a bit simple and not too bright so I do all the odd jobs Hey listen what's your name me oh chinu teacher Lee wants you listen you just sit here I'll be back very soon right now don't go now that young boy there he's Bank a chin son he's been studying here just a month now H and his kung fu is really Advanced Now teacher Lee now you see this big fella here he's really a strong boy oh Hey listen you and Jin San you go and give us a little demonstration and don't you resist got that you ready now right begin please please ah oh yeah oh [Applause] oh cut that out will you or the teach will fix you all right enough jinfu go and clean up take a pill hey father I like it I'll study [Music] here jfu what's wrong nothing nothing it looks like you have been fighting haven't been fighting [Music] but old man it's like this that young boy is the H High School's walking punching bag punching bag that's right it isn't fair but that's how this new teacher Lee treats him [Music] though [Music] listen think you can grab this bowl try it I don't think you can come [Music] on [Music] hey hey hey hey hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] back come [Music] on [Music] and [Music] oh man oh man oh man not here hi [Music] cat twist roll spin turn use both your arms and your legs to achieve agility light as air Supple as a willow be like the grass that bends With the Wind what's this twist roll spin turn use both your arms spin roll twist [Music] turn the old man wants to teach me something I'll try [Music] [Applause] [Music] it hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i b make you have pity smell something for a poor old begar pity have pity listen to the word of God Jesus will save you if you believe in him spare something now for a poor old beggar hey just you get out of here I have no time for beggar go on go on get out what a I hope she drops dead bring us lock bring us lock you're a sinner you come to Jesus now because he's the only true God hey you round eyed devil you're calling me a sinner you get out of here but Jesus wants to protect you huh protect me you need protecting from me from me round ey devil get out of here thank you you're very kind only Jesus can save you believe in him for etern eternity only Jesus can save you open up open up oh you're really early lady do you believe in God please let me redeem you and bring you great joy oh joy oh yes you come here for Joy our girls could give you lots of that come on in we're coming come on hey girls come on a GU take this [Music] welcome hello there anyone [Music] here well now you going aren't you looking for Chow Chi Chi I'm not looking for anyone I just came here to beg H so you're a Begg H I'll give you something you're no begger p [Music] [Music] changin [Music] [Music] what [Music] that [Applause] H [Music] [Applause] what fire [Music] come on keep come on up there that's it magistrate how are you hello thank and how's our getting on here ah your son is a natural fighter and he practices hard the whole day good stomach good legs good posture hey I'll take tell you that young boy is going to be a real expert yes had a fight yet my boy no no I haven't oh so you want a fight that's easy to arrange uh Chino Chino all right J you practice with this boy now careful you know now then don't hit too hard don't hurt him [Applause] huh ready he well magistrate see how well he fights huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] come [Music] [Applause] on what you let me hit you why should [Music] I all right you now my Dragon Fist I'll get [Music] you [Music] oh God that's done it now there'll be trouble magistrate not damn you how dare you make a fool of my son teacher teacher teacher haai let's go we'll R roll you at the woohoo school huh magistrate magistrate magistrate give me a chance to [Music] explain well now that was really smart making me lose face like [Music] [Applause] that now get up no food today [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] old man old man what's wrong what's wrong I fell into a [Music] trap come on on I'll take you back to town chin who no I must hide where no one can find [Music] me old man old man [Music] oh [Music] come on drink come [Music] [Applause] on hi bus CH chi chi lived here you any idea how long long he's been gone a month my J te was wounded but nevertheless he'll try and find chiai Chi and I'm sure chiao left a message here for him [Music] [Applause] yes painting's old scripted new the man you want will be waiting in the clouds I [Music] [Applause] old man well awake you better I'm much better I'll be all right Ah that's good I mean I was real worried I'll get the medicine come on this is very good for you chinfu I'm grateful to you that's all right after all we're good friends you gave me lessons on how to defend myself that right tell me you used it I did once but it made teacher Lee mad though and he beat me up oh tell me you like to learn Kung Fu oh sure then I wouldn't be bullied all right but you must promise me three things though why of course anything you say first don't call me teacher but why because we're good friends right second never show you no Kung Fu unless it's essential right the third the thirdd if you see me fighting with someone you mustn't try and help me how can I if someone fights you I have to help you mustn't you promise all right I promise you what are you going to teach me snake fist style [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] h [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] up hello Cat how are you what's wrong ah your mass has gone and nobody knows where too guess you're hungry well I'll feed [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back [Music] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] a [Music] hey [Music] fire [Music] hey [Music] hey he hey ah you want to fight do you ah you want to make trouble do you uh teacher you must be real tired God damn [Applause] you teacher you be careful I'm always careful [Music] idiot I said be careful are you all right of course I'm not [Music] who are you and what do you want here I'll tell you I've just won the provincial championships all the schools congratulated me except for this school not one word huhuh and so what so I've come to teach you maners matter H that's right so who's first huh you're too damn cocky we'll fix you yes we'll manage you right he'll show you uhuh go ahead then huh teacher Lee you're such an astine teacher here it's your honor surely you go first guess you're right but I'm generous so I shall give you the honor after you teacher Le after you be my guest no after you oh please no after you you after I'll take you [Applause] together take the AL pie you take the legs then [Music] [Applause] right get it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] and now you'll see just how I won that [Music] Championship my [Music] [Applause] [Music] a no no no no no no [Applause] won't need my hands that's [Applause] good [Music] hey that guy is fantastic let's go join the hung way [Music] School [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] huh sorry there's nobody here school's closed Master home Master [Applause] home [Music] f Master Hung so you've come back that's good Master H since you know students why not work as my assistant I've come here to challenge this school to fight Master Hung no need for that I didn't force your pupils they came here well I don't care it was your doing and I tell you this you're going to pay if you want them back back then take them if you can I shall take them back all right I promise well if you're really so determined to have a fight then I'll oblig please Jim Fu get back yeah teacher that's great [Applause] you think you're a real man but you're just a dog teacher you stay there he's going to fix in now Master home it was me who caused this so I'm able teacher watch him he's tough get back oh it's a new provincial Champion anytime you're ready [Music] and never use the snake fist unless you must and that's an order understand I foot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] trying to kill him or something huh you got a real nerve do you want to fight too hey not me not me I won't fight I won't fight oh why'd you throw that shoe there oh oh a that's enough don't fight huh got a tough kid aren't you huh what style is that well if you must know it's the praying m style well this is the snake fish Style the snake [Applause] bites chin F get back Wow when he gets mad he really does fight I told you not to [Music] fight wa can't move can you huh your kung fu isn't bad but you've no stamina once you've been knocked down then you start to give up [Applause] right fist not good enough huh snake strikes I'm a poisonous snake that's called finding the snake [Applause] right Master let's go chin Fu's great let's go back to his school yeah back hey [Applause] [Music] wait jinu I have to leave on urg business I left you a book on the snake style you study it well and learn it all by heart [Music] oh oh man hold man hold man where is [Music] [Applause] he who are [Music] you well now you're looking for the old man right I it's right so then so am I you on him what's he to you and what's he to you he's my my well he's he's your teacher well then you ought to call me teacher also you mean that you're his colleague that's right you lie do I standing s the snake rears ah teacher does that it looks right but that's all you're stupid you doubt me right so try me try sure I [Applause] will teacher teacher oh oh you learned the technique well but not well enough to beat me [Applause] though hey [Music] oh convinced I should imagine you are well I'm not I'm [Applause] not anything else you got I will I [Applause] will turn [Applause] you knew that [Applause] one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're my teacher so I don't use full force this time I will find a snake that's not so [Music] [Applause] [Music] easy that's called taking the Pearl not so easy teacher that hurts that hurts let [Applause] go listen how come you can counter my attacks of course or else how could I be a teacher but yours is a bit different oh that's because you still have much to learn H you teach me uh you better ask your teacher first hey where is he he's just left he left where's he gone don't know but he'll be back soon but when though me didn't say listen when he does I'll let you know good good but don't tell him I'm here just tell me I want to surprise him all right oh sure sure sure sure it's funny he fights better than [Music] teacher [Music] cat's Tor it [Music] up [Music] get it get it on It Go [Music] on good cat that's great you really fixed that snake your claws very [Music] Fierce if I could combine a cat's claw with snake [Music] fist [Music] [Music] h [Music] cha chi [Music] chi Shang was right he said he' come Chang tin you nearly escaped us but still we got you though and now you can die along with cha chi chi suin did you really think i''d be so easy to kill huh oh no I'm not hot don't need Fanning he down get up very obedient [Music] [Applause] [Music] come hi where'd you go to some urgent business why didn't you say I missed you I missed you [Music] too Chu come and have some tea [Music] coming thanks it's [Music] hot here you [Music] are oh listen some guy came wanted you oh who was it you know him I know him who is he you sit here I must go I'll tell you later huh oh it's you I came for you teacher back I'll take you come come here hurry up he's in the yard there I didn't tell him he's through [Music] here old man old man he was just here old man old [Music] man oh man [Applause] huh the preacher I'm not any sort of priest I Come From Russia I'm a fighter you what you're not a priest H the eagle claws have hired me I'm to destroy the snake fist and my master managed to trick you into betraying your teacher he'll have killed him by now you're lousy [Applause] [Applause] swine huh I'll need new [Applause] [Applause] socks [Applause] here [Applause] [Applause] fire [Applause] on [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] P CH in need and run can't escape from me now shanken you don't you believe that your Eagle's claw can beat everyone it's not quite Invincible our two techniques how many years years have been Rivals but today though we'll see the end of yours well don't you be too sure I'm not scared of you I'm ready to fight you right now good but it's going to be your last fight for [Applause] sure [Applause] I the seventh [Applause] [Applause] position what's wrong snake getting tired it seems that our old snake ready to [Applause] die you really need a [Music] rock you tricky swine nearly have me fool saying you new teacher but I know the truth now well boy you got lots of guts and I shall kill you later too Shen can you he's not my student you let him be that's right I'm not his student but he is my teacher I don't care whether you're a student or not but anybody who knows the snake fist technique anyone I'll fix them and kill him is that a fact teacher I think he's nuts Jin Vu you can't beat him run for him teacher how can I leave you here huh this bastard he's tricky you impertinent young fool I promise you I shall have your teeth now you'll have my teeth well we'll see [Applause] hi [Applause] that technique that isn't snake fist style what is it cat's claw [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey h [Applause] what [Applause] [Applause] be [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yes [Applause] J jeo that was great a Chun how come you're here I never knew you could fight like that it's great where'd you learn it teacher taught me it's great really great oh no not so [Music] easy well I'm not worried that tea that I gave you today it contained a dose of poison you're going to die any minute now I promise you [Music] huh you didn't know that I belong to the eagle claw group [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you huh and you didn't know that we don't like to drink hot [Music] tea I I changed it huh Jin Fu you're really a smart boy you can Bine the snake fish Style with the cat's claw and it worked [Music] perfectly but still I don't think that I like the name cat's clo all right give it a name call it snake in Eagle Shadow good snake in Eagle shadow [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Voyage
Views: 1,141,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi, sci fi, syfy, science fiction, horror, genre, scene, compilation, best of, blade runner, spiderman, spider-man, clip, movie, films, close encounters, alien, space, best sci-fi movies 2019, sci-movies 2019, sci-fi 2019, film sci-fi
Id: YgGH7kiOO68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 52sec (5872 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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