Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel (Official Video)
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Channel: michaeljacksonVEVO
Views: 379,815,526
Rating: 4.8728833 out of 5
Keywords: bad, epic records, album, quincy jones, 1987, bad album, bad 25, westlake recording studios, king of pop, the way you make me feel, michael jackson, michael jackson The Way You Make Me Feel, billie jean, michael jackson songs, thriller, smooth criminal, beat it, man in the mirror, michael jackson bad, michael jackson moonwalk, michael jackson super bowl, michael jackson bad lyrics, bad full version, speed demon, liberian girl, another
Id: HzZ_urpj4As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2009
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That whole album is fantastic. I remember being eight years old and hanging out in my bedroom listening to the album over and over. Good times!
โซ You know me off of my feet now baby... HOOOOOO!!
Awesome track!