Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal (Official Video)
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Channel: michaeljacksonVEVO
Views: 431,257,460
Rating: 4.8735914 out of 5
Keywords: bad, epic records, album, quincy jones, 1987, bad album, bad 25, westlake recording studios, king of pop, smooth criminal, MichaelJacksonvevo, vevo, official, video, music video, single, pop, This Is It, Thriller, Billie Jean, Black or White, Remember the Time, Beat It, Man In The Mirror, Dont Stop Til You Get Enough, Epic/Legacy, Michael Jackson, Pop, Smooth Criminal
Id: h_D3VFfhvs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2010
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"legends never die, they become a part of u"
Best music video ever made.