Michael Bublé hands me the mic to sing Fly Me To The Moon
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Channel: Andrew Zarrillo
Views: 26,122,216
Rating: 4.9764047 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Bublé gives the mic to fan who sings Fly Me To The Moon, Michael Bublé sings with fan, Fly Me To The Moon Frank Sinatra, fan sings with Michael Buble, Fly Me To The Moon cover, michael buble, fly me to the moon, michael bublé, Schiess mich doch zum Mond, michael buble fly me to the moon, schieß mich doch zum mond, singers react to fans singing skills, IIevame a la Luna, frank sinatra, fly me to the moon bayonetta
Id: mBxt1mjAGcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 57sec (117 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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