Michael B. Jordan on His Directorial Debut w/ Creed III | Ext. Interview | DESUS & MERO | SHOWTIME

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[Music] nothing but illustrious guests got a return in front of the show mirror who's in the building our [ __ ] guy illustrious thespian you know what i'm saying master of the art you know master of this craft michael b jordan is in the house michael b joy make some [ __ ] noises how's it going my g my g let's go lucious a million things from the warrior to creed you got the new movie uh journal for jordan talk about it tell us about this movie it's based on the diary of a iraq vet so it's a true story about charles monroe king he's the first sergeant he was in iraq war and he wrote a journal you know to his son and he was you know afraid that he wasn't going to get back right so all the things that he wanted him to know you know how he met his mother how you fell in love how to be a man just everything he wrote down in this in his journal that his wife gave to him and uh unfortunately he didn't make it back and uh dana went on to you know publish the book and uh and the movie is based off that and what was like working with denzel washington i mean for me as a game changer because you know we grew up watching this movie oh yeah exactly and you and for me as an actor i always kind of looked at his approach like okay i wonder what his process is like you know everybody every actor has a different approach to everything their preparation their lines everything so to get a chance to work with him i got the first hand you know what i'm saying playbook right how he breaks down character how he rehearses you know what i mean so now you know just naturally you know saying you put me on games you know like those are tools and things that i'm gonna take with me for the rest of the rest of my career rest of my life so it was it was excellent were you on him or was he more on you were you like yo yo ginseng like listen man like i'm i'm thinking about doing it like this what do you think yeah or was it him being like okay okay let's try it like this i think it was a little both i think honestly he kind of created the environment for you to take swings i think he knows like you know another comparisons but he he he knew um he knew i was getting ready to direct next you know i'm saying he knew i had like things in that in the can and i was getting ready to come up so he just wanted to kind of prepare me as best he could you know i mean he gave me the gems and the wisdoms things to look out for the things not to do things of that nature so when it comes to the acting tip it was just rehearsal right then just from theater so you know what i'm saying you're gonna you're gonna rehearse you're gonna run through lines you know what i'm saying you're gonna prep and you're gonna do your homework you're gonna do your backstory so when you step up one step on set the next day you're ready to rock out got you and how different was you're watching him prep how different was that from the way you prepped was it like a totally different thing or was it just like nah we we're basically doing the same thing nah nah do doing the same thing in theory you know but his level of like specificity man one of the quotes that he like he'll always drop quotes one of the quotes that sticks with me today is like the universal stems for the specific and i was like all right you know in the moment yeah yeah then you go off on your own and you're like think about it smoking a bunch of yeah i was like what exactly does that mean wow and then i want to say throughout that movie i found myself in moments you know what i'm saying where that would just like pop in but okay this is what he's talking about this is what he's talking about you know what i mean and and don't try to build something and tell a story for everyone tell your story what i'm saying and you're gonna people are gonna find relatable things in that you become universal about being specific and that's something that i kind of like took with me as i'm the prepping out of direct creed3 and all those things like that so he's yeah he's always imparting some some fire wisdom who put the who put the battery in your back to direct because i know you work with ryan coogler a lot of cool so he's right he was just like yo go go get it go get it he said it's never going to be a perfect time yeah you ain't never going to feel like oh this is it you know what i mean just jump off into the deep end and swim you've been doing it your whole life and i was like sure all right all right cool but but i definitely wanted to start off with a project i had a a full perspective on i had a solid opinion on i didn't want to come in and be hearing to a whole bunch of different opinions and swayed okay what am going to do but i was like no i know cree you know i know that world like we built it you know i mean i know this character is the third time i've ever came back to play anything right so i kind of got that in the king and now i can focus on everybody else's kind of performance and telling the story you know phyllis rashad you know tessa thompson they know their characters you know what i'm saying jonathan majors he's coming in on this one he's an incredible actor so i gotta i got a nice squad to go out and tell the story so it's gonna i think it's gonna be good there's not a lot of active directors especially ones that have directed themselves so like the bradley coopers the ben afflecks denzel washington's like those guys that i tapped into like hey man like what's some advice you know what i'm saying and and they would they would tell me uh john favreau you know i'm saying that you know mandalorian and all that like he's [ __ ] fantastic so they've been just dropping these little gems of uh you say hey man sometimes you don't feel guilty because you might be in the scene and you know you're there but you might be thinking about that like you know what i'm saying or you might you might you know what i'm saying you might your mind might wander right here like that rock was like that rock wasn't out on the right mark you know what i'm saying you're directing yourself within the scene which is for me interesting right and it's challenging so it's like all right i want to know what i want to know what that's like i was about to say like like what is it what did they tell you because it's like you're directing yourself that's that's like you know what i mean like i think it's more or less like what what to be prepared for in that moment right there because i was thinking about that too like i mean do i yell cut action while i'm in the scene right but like you know first ads handle all that stuff for you you surround you really empower the people around you and your little small tribe that's going to be the ones be like yo you need to run that back one more time you didn't get that or i can't run to go get playback you know what i'm saying because i don't have enough time today to make my day so it's like to have people behind the monitors being like you got it you don't got it you know i'm saying that's going to be something i have to defer to in some situations especially with the boxing element boxing with the gloves you in there you in the moment ain't gonna be able to hop off the ring and go run over the shirt off and look at the modern day [ __ ] like i'm gonna have a couple of moments press the button now i got the gloves on press the button for me i can't see this [ __ ] bro you can't do [ __ ] with them you know what i'm saying really you really at everybody's um you really got to lean on everybody yeah whatever you got to do man so uh yeah i think as as a whole it's just been like just trust the people around you and trust you're good yeah because our first thing that he'll shut [ __ ] down like if [ __ ] is loud like you guys are full nightmare hey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you need to play you need that voice the black dad come out like hey hey stop [ __ ] around that tongue you know what i'm saying like as soon as you hear that [ __ ] you know it's like a dog whistle she's like shut the cat cool we done we're done so you are now the former sexiest man yeah man i mean that's what i'm saying because look we talked about this a lot you know what i'm saying like they've been just they just be giving this [ __ ] like you're really a sexual you're saying i appreciate everything [Laughter] no but it was it was interesting because i i didn't know the process so they they just randomly just do they just look for you and they're like yo yo yo bro your sexiest man oh you find out either one of your boys text you some [ __ ] or like trying to like trying to talk somebody they tried to call you it's like an unknown number it's like answering the [ __ ] damn likely i don't want you to call me and tell me i don't i'm not him no more right so i actually i actually don't mind finding out you know what i'm saying on instagram or twitter or some [ __ ] like that but honestly like when the announcement got made everybody started tagging me and [ __ ] and i'm like what the hell is this i'm like oh okay oh that's what's up it's your turn to go through it for a year yeah all it really is is gives your boys ammo to talk [ __ ] and group chats that's it you know the gifts oh here comes this sexy [ __ ] oh years running late oh here we go trying to be sexy somewhere oh sorry you was being sexy you can't respond my fault is this your kid yeah first six months that's all it was that's all it was got to cook them then they called me smile it was like smiles like yeah oh wow you got acronym in the group chat all day all day oh everybody else answering except smile what's smile yeah exactly one thousand percent it's a gift to the curse it's cool it's cool you know what i'm saying you still have the same friends from like your childhood yeah man i literally my circle is like super tight um i got of course friends that came along the way that i feel like family they still got a decade in the game right but you know even last night at the premiere you know i'm saying i had my homies back from when i was like 12 13 years old i don't understand coming to kick you so unless you're back home back in new york and new jersey so it's just cool to be back home around people that just know you and be able to talk top [ __ ] like this and i better feel them exactly michael b jordan what does michael b doing for fun i cook a lot really i love cooking my family always cooked growing up what's your what what is your go-to meal that you like yo should we be don't beat me on this [ __ ] i make i make pesto from scratch my pesto is pretty it's pretty awesome out here cooking wow let's take a moment right now because uh there's probably people at home who have passed out at the idea of michael b jordan okay sweating over the snow for no show just watch this show like why is he cooking with no shirt i'm pretty sure that's not good for him that's not good for him at all like what he just got a pronunciation what makes you do a project like what's the is this like when you read it you have to have like a feeling for it you got to have a passion for it for sure for sure just don't take it unless you know you're taking the job for a check then it's like are you thinking about just education you're thinking about why you took the chat off with this one thousand percent you know what you know what someone in hollywood uh another interview we did somebody was like yo sometimes you get a project you're like oh this is just like renovation in my kitchen have you done something by far yeah one thousand oh it's like one of the things was like all right cool i know i got this summer up i haven't been on vacation however long i want to take my family i want to go out uh okay we'll do this brand deals the how many posts and this isn't that xyz so you kind of like you know there's trade-offs for certain stuff gotcha this ain't really going to like count against the resume this ain't going to count here so the ads and this is that and other and again i'm talking about is caviar champagne problems right yeah but but acknowledge where it comes from you know what i'm saying i understand that so to have the ability to to to maneuver like that that's just the strategy you got to get there you got it you got to get to the caviar you got to go through the [ __ ] ramen aisle and it's occasion it's always i love top ramen you know what i'm saying it's okay i can't eat caviar with hot ramen i like that that should be blessing bro like that [ __ ] will never this should never steal me wrong no you have a favorite ramen spot there's a lot of ramen spots in l.a i honestly i couldn't pull one out my ass and tell you right now but i always want to go to japan and go to the ramen museum real real yeah they have a ramen museum out there like i'm big on japan i want to go there i haven't been yet but there's a round of applause no i've never been i haven't never been no i have to well we like because you're a hood hero so for us to hear you never been to japan we're like what i want to go so bad bro anime the [ __ ] you know what i'm saying just the whole culture i did yeah so uh but anyway yo these mermaids go to japan that would actually be fun that would be wild fun listen he might hit you up he might hit you up leave no you're traveling i'm down i'm back if i get a travel show if i end up going y'all definitely got coffee we recreated mario kart for real in the streets of tokyo we're doing it hey police don't got guns we're good they don't only people from new york be like the police don't have guns no one else worries about that kind of [ __ ] everyone else is like yo is there a coving and i spit on the street you're like yo that [ __ ] can't shoot us what you want sorry uh modern warfare probably man that's tough advanced warfare it was too weird it was too much it's too much jumping on the walls doing too much i mean you come back and you got to redo this [ __ ] like you didn't really die it was a simulation robots ripped off your arm like what's your loadout right now what would you run uh i got the i got the an 94 nice one nice with the uh what am i running scope we're talking no no uh no the three times uh the vlk vlk three-time school oh he oh no he's playing players you might just jump in there with whatever yeah i just can't snipe that's the one thing is so hard i'm pissing me off because i enjoy because like sniping seems so cool like yeah i'm gonna be nothing's worse than people could like quick snipe you bobby's like how do you do that i actually hate i hate jumping turn around like that i'm the guy that's in the window the hills have eyes when you go over there now you see all those look like a concert out there you see it's like flashing lights looking at it right through on the floor like a white solid headshot but uh what's the um what's the perk the uh high alert highlighter high alert comes in handy right now i don't feel like having uh running uh running high alert does what's the alert is what if somebody's scoping on you it's like it's getting a warning your coconut blown over 1000 what are you doing with the hbcu classic uh it's a it's a the invesco qqq uh legacy classic we're doing at prediction center in my hometown of newark new jersey you already know bro and it's just um just basically putting hbcus you know in a on another platform i think they have not got the respect uh um that that they really deserve especially what it does for our community given the safe haven when we weren't allowed in other you know collegiate atmospheres they built we built our own you know what i'm saying and the fact that they don't the athletes don't get the consideration for you know the league like that you know i'm saying so trying to build these platforms to display their skills and their talent but also kind of create like a culture con around it of an event weekend where start teaching them about financial literacy about what they could do with their name and likeness the new opportunities that are going on these athletes sometimes don't have access to we want i want to create that for for my community from out from my hometown that'll ultimately grow and spread and be able to take it you know as like like an invitational yeah maori invitational you know i want the hbcu to have this too and this is like the beginning phases of that that's dope yeah i mean yeah and to do it that prudential you know i'm saying it's a it's a big it's exactly exactly the biggest [ __ ] at the taste exactly exactly everybody knows about it you know i'm saying that scouts show up i want to create environments to kind of get these guys seen on a real level obviously they're starting to get on these these d1 schedules now you know what i'm saying with these hot wheels premier schools but to really get the the the marketing and the tv air time is super important so i'm trying to i'm trying to figure out ways to leverage that and put that on the platform for them to keep winning what's the average day like for you man because you you'd be grinding yeah grinding average day for me i'm up at like 5 36 you know trying to get good meditation in for about 20-30 minutes uh then what they say like [ __ ] me too except my kids is kicking me in my dick i'm not meditating dad you ain't [ __ ] reset the router first of all let's not sleep on resetting the router that [ __ ] is the most complicated yet clutch thing ever it works for those things it's like you know it didn't even work but it feels like it worked out like the power when i was like let me go flip this breaker you know it does it works and i'm like a computer person and i'm like yo you can't just rest that does not fix it reaching the router in 2021 is the equivalent of blowing on a nintendo cartridge putting it in the freezer [ __ ] is all like it's the writer's like yo fam i'm fine that wasn't coming to me like i'm the problem the slow ass fiber optics has nothing to do with me i know it's not real because the first thing you do when you call tech support did you check it out i'm calling you of course i reset the router like i be calling him i was like [ __ ] i got a ccna i'm cisco certified i know what the [ __ ] i'm doing i'm not resetting have a good day thank you stephen everything like five stars yeah great job he was very helpful i see you know you're doing the directing thing yep and like i have a movie idea it's close pictures it's about a very attractive young black man okay okay okay it's like creed four is he smile uh yeah potential smile yeah yeah okay okay and so like he he has to like train like a very sexy dominican man who has four kids okay a boxer okay and um he's gonna fight vladimir putin okay so like we just want to know if you have some availability is that this oh yeah if you wanna just call denzel right now okay okay told me i could have my [Laughter] yo always a good time with the holy michael b jordan my man listen everyone that comes and saw this show as an illustrious guest every illustrious guest gets a neon sign what would you like your neon sign to say neon sign i'm going with michael b deli you're done [Applause] [Music] journal for jordan this is m b.j [Laughter] yo welcome to the jesus and marrow youtube channel that's right you know what i'm saying like subscribe you know what i mean that's right we got a lot of digital content in here to keep you up in between our shows so be sure to like subscribe and you know click watch another video out here all the players watch man videos holla
Channel: DESUS & MERO
Views: 245,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bodega, Bodega Boys, Bodega Hive, Bronx, Late Night, Mero, TV, comedy, coronavirus, covid-19, desus & mero, desus and mero, desusnice, podcast, politics, quarantine, social distance, talk show, thekidmero, trends, tv talk show, sundays, Black Panther, Marvel, Erik Killmonger, Creed, Fantastic Four, Parenthood, Friday Night Lights, Avengers, Superhero, MCU, Wakanda, T’Challa, Chadwick Boseman, Just Mercy, Michael B. Jordan interview, extended interview
Id: 4oGXepCXM6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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