Mice & Mystics Pt. 1: Anne Wheaton joins Wil Wheaton on TableTop!

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Googly eyes on the box were a nice touch

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/mfidget 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

LOL @ Anne playing Nez. "And whoever wins gets a ROLEX!" :SLEDGEHAMMERS THE TABLE

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/tasman001 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

Do newer versions of the game come with painted minis? Or did they paint these themselves? Might be some disappointed buyers when they pull plain gray plastic out of the box after seeing the ones used in the episode (which look really really good).

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/scorcherdarkly 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

My biggest complaint is that they didn't play with Tilda. The first level is 10x more difficult if you don't have a healer. You can get taken out way to quick. Nolan was hit twice on the first tile.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Enginerd19 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

Are there any other RPG-in-a-Box's out there like this?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/everafter28 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

I laughed when I saw Nolan and Ryan playing rock paper scissors while Wil was reading. That's such a brother thing to do that I can see my brothers and I doing. Thank you for doing this Wil, and thank your family for being awesome.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/bcush 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

I feel like Wil should just embrace it and have a contest where people can submit every mistake made, and each instance gives you entry into a contest to win something.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/ThyFemaleDothDeclare 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

/u/Wil, if you are out there. Please play Mouseguard.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Panwall 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies

It had some issues, but it was still a great season nonetheless. Thank you, Mr. Wheaton.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/3DSFamily 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2015 🗫︎ replies
for some people role-playing games can be incredibly intimidating maybe they look at 10 pounds of books and they just can't see that there's a game inside of them or maybe they were introduced to the Hobby in the 80s one most systems were not exactly user-friendly well the last few years we have started to see a little bit of a revolution in the gaming industry this melding of role-playing and tabletop games that has created what we like to call the RPG in a box these games put everything players need from player characters to encounters to the entire campaign itself inside a single box these games don't need a dedicated game master because all the players get to be both the heroes and the bad guys these games are far less intimidating to new players because they actually look and feel like board games best of all these RPGs in a box are accessible to new players very accessible they are a fantastic infection vector to our hobby today on tabletop my wife and and our sons Ryan and Nolan are here to play the first chapter of an absolutely fantastic RPG in a box that satisfies both seasoned gamers like me and relative newcomers like an it's perfect for kids and families and a whole lot of fun for everyone we will assume the roles of good and honest heroes who have been turned into mice and must now fight their way through their giant castle to save their king it is an epic story that we the players will help tell as we become mice and mystics mice and mystics is a super thematic cooperative play dungeon crawling game designed by Jerry Hawthorne and illustrated by Johnny Rios ax in mice and mystics we play wait for it mice and mystics we are a band of totally adorable heroic mice who must save the kingdom from the evil machinations of a powerful sorceress trying to kill our King like other role-playing games in a box mice and mystics has multiple character archetypes that we play as a team going on a daring adventure in the most adorable setting ever I mean seriously mega knows the wizard has a little ladybug on his shoulder as a dragon familiar it's so cute all right so we have Colin the heroic Prince Nez the badass tinkerer Lily the deadly Archer er Tilda the devoted healer and several other wonderful iconic fantasy characters you'll get to meet some of them as we play the game today what makes mice and mystics truly awesome is playing this full storybook in campaign mode we will work together to move through a shared storytelling experience that is broken into story arcs called chapters and those chapters are broken into individual scenes with specific objectives so each scene is played on one of these beautifully illustrated tiles we'll begin by placing our super cute little figures in position as well as those as the enemy which are also cute even though they're the bad guys the characters will move according to their position on this iniciative tracker up here like other role-playing games in a box each character has a sheet with stats like melee defense lore and movement for example Prince Colin has a melee and lore of two while mega knows the mystic has a melee of one and a lore of three generally players will move their characters around the board using their movement stat search for clues and accomplish tasks using their lower stat and then just wail on the bad guys with their combat stats we have hearts to represent our health and cheese which basically represents our mana cuz we're mice we're going to roll some of these special games specific dice to move and resolve our challenges so and bows are going to work for offense and shields will work for anyone and one defense will show how all this stuff works in the game but the math is super simple and it is ideal for playing with kids or new gamers each chapter has different victory and defeat conditions and will reveal what those are once we get started there are also some special conditions and certain tiles that will address as they come up it's really wonderful having my family here to play with me today but you know it's really awesome there is no losers couch in an RPG so chalk this up as a win for mice and mystics hi I'm Anne Wheaton and this is my third season on tabletop I am Nolan cup and I'm so glad that tabletop had me back because the first time I had a wonderful time hi I'm Ryan Whedon and this is my fifth time on tabletop but only second time they've caught me on camera alright it's chapter one of mice and mystics hello family thank you for being here to play with me I'm a TV show today hello I'm delighted that my family is here because the world gets a chance to see what it's like when we sit in the game room at home and play a game together the only real key difference is that I roll even worse here than I do when we play at home so our first encounter happens here in the guard room we're gonna have to get rid of these three rat warriors hopefully we won't see anyone else and then we'll get to this tile here and that'll let us explore and get down I'm all down yeah cannonball down right into the sewer so I'm going to go ahead and figure out what our initiative order is and then I'll draw the encounter card and see exactly what that means for us also we built our characters ahead of time I chose the mystic blast spell form a Geno's mystic blast actually sounds like something you get on a cruise ship but did you go to your cabin I've got a guy in mystic blast Ryan who what did you take for gone give order okay and no one would get for Filch dodge okay and Anne what do you have for Nez I have the Thunder squeak of course you do what does that sound way again it sounds like okay um we have a tilde figure look at how cute she is right okay and we're just going to use her to mark who's happening in initiative order so our director and everybody in the booth can see what's going on so if you're like wait a minute what's that about well now you know all right so we have escaped from the dungeon we're in the guard room there's a key rats everywhere and Filch I'm playing Filch he is a scamp is a movement based character getting around the battlefield pokken go ahead and take your actions you got a you get a I'm gonna move all right go for it how far are you moving and I rolled it too and I add it to my little three feets all right she gets mine up to five where are you where you're headed and I'm just gonna stay kind of far backs over here over there yeah a so one rat whine and you want to share his space or leave his space mmm I'll leave his face well okay terrific and then when you attack him I think you get a special like ambushing thing right yes um only because I will the dagger so uh if I hit generals one less defense die nice and I roll two because I've got to sortie things and looks like you stabbed him and his defense is too so he's only gonna roll one defense die and why don't you go ahead and roll defense for the rat roll one die and try not to roll a shield or a cheese here goes I'm sorry no I'm related to AH the Wheaton dice curse originates with me and it states very clearly that if you attempt to roll dice you're going to roll poorly all right Nez that's you go for a the character I'm playing today is Nez and he has a big hammer and he's going through and killing all the bad guys so rhyme you're moving I'm rowing three no you're only one dice for me watch yep nice you can move your move is gonna be too so you can head off there to try to go to those guys you can come over here and try to whack this guy before he gets on the move okay so we're gonna what you can you can whale on him from there doesn't your hammer do a special thing where it's like you roll three or you roll for something like that yeah so if you're next to the enemy you roll because instead of me a new space oh that's nice so I'm gonna so you're gonna roll whoo plus to see you drawing or dice I was the rainbow okay all four yeah dude Richie you're a boss okay so you get a cheese there you go wash you hit him twice with these guys with those guys so hopefully because I'm rolling now oh you rolled super I rolled well that's great possum I rolled on really really well Wheaton's law of rolling dice is affected by Whedon's curse of rolling dice and it states that over time the more important a dice roll result is the more likely the result will be awful boy that rat all in stabs himself together that radish okay now the rat Warriors are going to take their action so the first thing that they will do is move this guy I guess I'll go I'll go ahead and roll I'll go ahead and roll I'll go ahead and roll his movement so I'm rolling really well the rats are going to move three so this rat the first thing this rat is going to do is move into this space right and now the rules of mood for this is that the bad guys move to the closest people that they can in the most direct way possible so he can move actually you know he can cover all of that so he can move diagonally one and then you can move there diagonally too and then he'd move up this way three because he can cover that that's how a minion movement works and now this rat these rats can't do anything but this rat has to choose between nez and Filch in the way that they make a decision when there are two characters to act is they attack they do not Rochambeau they attack the character who is highest in initiative order which means that this rat is going to attack Filch so and why don't you go ahead and roll the rats attack he rolls to melee dice yeah don't roll a cheese or a sword okay got it perfect perfect that is executive very well the southern rat completely misses Filch so I believe that is the end of the rats initiative order so now Collin will go ahead and go so Colin it is up to you uh it bigan did you get a cheese right now oh yeah that's right as my at my pass ability States this is immediately add one cheese to a stash if he's not in the first initiative spot but it's when placing cards so okay so placing cards means putting these cards out so great so you just get it once otherwise that Bo P yeah seriously Oh Chi opiates of course overpowered all right so go ahead and roll four columns movement where is he going to go I got a to Holland can move to plus two Colin can move 4 spaces where's he heading I'm gonna go to that that's that guy over there woman okay and on him no another other one oh that one yeah yeah okay are you moving into the same space system that might as well I guess alright so now Colin is gonna wail on that rat is solid sword 4 plus 1 and then here so I would roll three or three dice and you'll be defending well so go ahead and roll stab that guy stabbed him right in the rat face nice you know got a cheese just have a chance I just reach into his pocket him what I think I was taking cheese as the leader I got it make sure that I'm strong so I was a single blow snack ish I got a got to keep up the strength alright so that's a bummer so you don't need you don't need to roll defense and now it is Majan OSes turn so I'm going to attack this guy and I believe the rules for Lee is that you just have to draw a straight line unless look you're my prince would you like me to attack this guy that's trying to whale on you no that's cool I got it I Argus J Z's doesn't have much all right so I'm going to make a melee I mean a ranged attack on this guy I'm hoping to roll two bows well that's what I just rolled it to foes I am so good at this you guys I'm so good at this don't do anything I think so yes yeah imagine this is making ranged attacks I want to see the green bow and arrow symbol for you successfully made a ranged attack so of course what I'm seeing is a lot of red sword meaning you made a successful melee attack symbols which is a polite way of saying you failed Wil Wheaton again let's go back to the top of the initiative order I think I'm just gonna stab this guy do we know how many health points the rats have they have one hit like if you they don't have any hit points basically every time you hit me straight or if you score a hit it dies yeah alright so I'm just gonna attack then mm-hmm one and then hit in a cheese so and go ahead and roll for the rats and no one yeah dead dead but just rat has died which is fantastic unfortunately so I'm gonna go one two three and four on that guy nice Nez you and your giant hammer are up oh great here we go oh I came back over here that's okay but you rolled the tubes so you add two to your movement at once you can move three okay definitely oh I want to get towards rat-faced right you sure do okay so I don't want to be on his same space so do I know cuz then you get to roll too if you're not on the same space I'm gonna be next to us already go one two sure yeah great good right there crush his head with four dice okay here we go I'm ready fifteen oh nice yeah you did a lot of ranged nothing you did a lot of range nice throws the hammer away I think rolling dice is completely random but somehow will manages to get his curse all over it okay so now the rats moves he is adjacent to Filch so he's going to attack Phil okay so uh man go ahead and roll attack dice huh well done fantastic trying to kill the off folks defend my baby oh oh he hit you twice I only have three life and you just took two away in one swing I I don't appreciate it mom I feel like the worst mother ever wow that was that sucks leaving was never theirs and and now because this doesn't suck bad enough the rat on this tile is going to attack whose highest and initiative or Toby she's going to attack Filch again role - no - just - just - jeez for the love of God just will do okay nice okay so you hit it once I know just roll one shield all right all right you defended huh I feel like I just threw my my mouse kid under the bus that was horrible Collin go ahead and do your thing all right I gotta stab great this board so you hit him once no one go ahead and roll defense for that rat none outstanding this rat has gone off to the land of wind and ghosts we're gonna go what does that thing call great - great great yeah she's great but I don't want cheese that's been graded through a sewer grate well fine that's true Madame s whoo-hoo yes Adam roll for movement you can remove three so I'm calling and now I might agree all right and now it's imagine OSes move here so I'm going to fire my weapon at this guy vegeto's rolls - ranged dice well that's one hit that's better than no hits at all so Ryan go ahead and roll defense for the for the rat yeah I'm helping I kill the rat the rat dies yay all right so we've managed to clear this this room of minions which is great in your face but you know now here's the thing unfortunately you're the last in line sign we are going to add a piece of cheese the wheel because we're gonna get to the bottom of initiative order with with no bad guys on the board I'm just gonna roll and it doesn't matter what I get cuz I'm gonna get to the great okay and then I'm gonna search and I didn't bogus all right yep okay you get to move three so then one what she will she was gonna get that - and now as your standard action you would do the explore action your suggestion and I and you'd be like yeah good idea a good idea you're better at this than me yeah all right cool all right then yeah all right yes I'm so yes a search so just one just one oh my god okay two is four you're just letting you successfully found by treachery card play immediately this mouse becomes captured and can only be rescued when a fellow mouse makes a successful search action I had nothing to do with the searching role or the way that deck ended up landing but I cannot help but feel that it is my fault that Nez was captured on account of I'm sitting at this table playing a game on tabletop okay Khalid see if you can search I'm just gonna search for something else utterly hey huh nope yet you know and you don't know you later you bet forget about so as it turns out everything gonna be adding it's treatable adding a cheese anyway oh my nope oh my god you guys are late all right hand would you have to stay here you're killing mice because we can't leave you by until maybe you can find yes I'm still bleeding no man knows you can't do anything cuz you're captured Colin maybe you can find nez yeah yeah I guess we are just foot out of the gray no let's go all right let's get the hell out of this awful room I explore the great I find a passage into the sewers below and we move on and we come in right down here we're moving toward this exit oh my god how much can you suck we were sucking so bad I asked to restart but we'll said he couldn't work with us and he stormed off to his trailer so we didn't have any time to kind of work back I guess we have escaped out of the guard room which is terrific unfortunately we've fallen into an ambush there are four greedy cockroaches down here in the sewer what really sucks about it is there's clearly very strong current running down this way and that means that every time a mouse ends here or any character it's going to get pushed down if it gets pushed down here it's captured and is knocked off the board and that's a drag for us we're also trying to pick up this fish hook and line because we can use it as a grappling hook which is really useful for the rest of the adventure we already shuffled up and grabbed the adventure of cards and set up our initiative order and nez will act first down here in initiative order so go ahead nez and one one die for movement see you got it I told you you're gonna join took half the gameplay but still all right so you get to an f3 plus your movement I give you 4/4 so go ahead and do and I try to write yours no okay okay one two yep 3:04 you don't want to go in the water that's what you can do okay so now what happens is so nez jumps into the water okay and your movement immediately remove it immediately ends when you get into the water and then the current pushes you one space in the direction of the arrows so that is everything des can do this turn now Colin you're up and because you work first an initiative order you get another meeseeks which is terrific and what are you gonna do you've got your give order I'm gonna give order okay I may use this ability instead of moving I'm going to choose a mouse in the same tile and then that chose a mouse may immediately perform one action okay so I'm going to uh I guess eat some cheese or we're good some cheese ah okay I'm gonna move Nolan or Phil Phil ch do I roll the die phone that's kind of cute in character terms because Colin and Filch are sort of like Filch's like the thief that's been in the jail right and Colin's like the good prints so it's a great that's a little moment of trust between your characters as you grow and just let me have my role-playing moment key I'm giving an order I'm not like asking a favor okay well I mean I'm a prince I could do what I want so then there's no politeness involved with me giving orders here all right I'm gonna sit there not do anything I'm just kidding hello there's that trust moment yeah uh one to move and three uh-huh oh yeah yep you don't get cheese huh no no okay pretty much good do exact same thing and then you get pushed down one I use my command thing to give him one more so he get here in search and then move after now you don't have any ranged weapons right so probably your best action choice then would be to cert I'm gonna search all right good luck do I just roll this just roll a die all right do you wanna you want blow on it for good luck don't you know oh go ahead I'm not touching those the last time I touched that deck a bad thing happened which is it accurate whoa oh nice I can't use it I'm it's a two-handed then whose card it for cheese when he drew the bow I was super excited because that's exactly what I needed but when he said he was gonna discard it I didn't know what to do about that of course I wanted to keep it for myself but as the more tanky character out there right now I think it would be responsible as the leader as well to pass it on to somebody that could actually use it effectively no need to give it to know what are you okay oh that's great cuz then Filch can put the dagger in his own jokin that's awesome well I have no idea I'm gonna spend the next three turns attempting to eat the bow I really need some cheese so I'm not even gonna try to move right now I am just going shoot um but we kiss I already passed huh uh well I mean I you could do that it doesn't matter um you want to give me cheese you go okay cool thank you so cheese next time alright so I guess I'm gonna tack this guy because he's there sort of equi distant from us but we had an attack yes Hey look at you I hit him you won I hit I hit for one so uh why don't you roll and who will roll for that roaches defense for a one died just don't run off nice well done they just don't roll a shield oh I shouldn't blow no thanks I'm so cool well so the roaches the roach is able to sort of like meh Janice just aimed a little high I guess God roaches pay me to do this that's I'm gonna go ahead and move just for the sake of making it easier on me I can go to so I'm gonna go um I can move up to two so I'm just gonna move straight there okay there one want any role for the roach movement - well we start with the farthest ones away so this guy goes one two and comes in straight into the water and he stops and then the water pushes in there awesome this guy goes one two it comes that way this guy was going to go toward whoever is higher an initiative order who's callin so he goes one he's calling me out har-har-har and then this guy goes knowing one two toward Collin adelardo now they attack adjacent this cockroach will attack you Collin so roll from the attacking cockroach roll one no roll - sorry those yep wait I have this armor what does that mean but let me merge extra one I did you get extra defensive end so go ahead and roll for that Oh the roach hits him this makes nezam magic like 1001 names gets the interval to to try to defend that so see if you can three she get your shield down there or your sword or whatever and and knock away its little feelers excellent well I'll defend it terrific good work now this roach will also attack you so go ahead and roll to see if that happens okay they get a cheese no no it takes six cheese to trigger a surge we're at four right now alright so we're back to the top of initiative order and nez it is all about you so you can move one in the water you can move start no playing around if you moved diagonally then you get pushed down on that roach and you'd be able to fight that road at the shay right yeah which you would move up attack somebody's attack and then if you have a wish down yeah cuz then you get four dice oh you're nice for cuz you are that protector that falls way over there yeah yep you hit one and you get a cheese great okay and then the roaches 2-foot defend one time of course they do are you even because it's just the roll on the left so unfortunately the roach just successfully defends and you come down here okay so I pick your hand about in in a way you actually do end up defending Filch because the roach is going to go after you instead of him all right Colin you're up you're welcome so Colin what dude so you get to move - in addition to - you get to move a total of four where are you headed um right yeah all right great all right so I have three died yeah statically so you haven't once all right dead he does not defend he is crush emic crusher crushed it's clean Wow dead all right Maginot that's me isn't it um I think that it's probably best for me to attack this roach not that one because well no actually I think I should attack that well nope but then he Nez could search on the next turn while he's right there that's a good point instead of fighting right and that one's gonna move toward you anyway yeah it's kind of cute that we're presuming that I'm going to actually hit it we can attack this roach right here right no way okay fantastic oh uh no I don't do anything I know so so Street right yeah well it not easy in my stream uh may zing it's like his ability to roll terrible dice um seems to really come out when playing on tabletop it's a well-documented fact amongst mic producers playtesters game group family and friends that when a camera is rolling the wheaton dice curse comes alive I am going to go ahead and roll for my movement though and because I can move I'm going to go one two three up here like that I go hide in a corner again okay he's having an off-day maginot s-- was at work very late playing a game last night so he's just feeling a little bit out of it it's very important to fully inhabit the role of the character you're playing and as an actor and is a role player when I can bring a real-life experience to the character I'm portraying I try to do that so it's entirely appropriate that as we are deep into production on tabletop imagine us was up very late last night playing a stone-age so the first thing the roaches will do is move so this guy is going to come straight to you this guy's going to come straight here to nez so I'll go ahead and roll for that roach I believe they attack - yeah - is that roach stabs are calling it's calling twice that's it all right Collin you get your roll to defense so go ahead and defend you don't you hits but you get a cheese but here's the thing these are greedy roaches damn so instead of hurting you they take your cheese away that just aa they take away as many cheese as they hit but so they they're just greedy they're not smart right because I only have one it takes you I guess you could have something they take two cheese away from you so that sucks okay and now this roach will attack nez so well I want a hit and one cheese so nez roll your defense really doesn't go your defense does it's just appropriately place you don't defend you get a sheet but then you lose a cheese does that make a cheese on the real yeah and that's actually on the wheel no no Dutch cheese as we already put the cheese like oh you did yeah yeah the next cheese that goes onto the wheel is gonna get a surge is never good but a surge here is way better than a surge in the next room first of all we don't know what the surge conditions going to be in the next room and in this room it's just rats I know that sounds like maybe I'm under estimating the severity of the rats but it could be a lot worse if we Serge here we're gonna reset the cheese clock and that's actually a really good thing for us now this roach is going to attack nez all right I'll go ahead and roll couldn't roll for that I'm just not - I'm just not touching the dice okay nice okay so a couple of bad things happen first of all oh no cheese wheels filled up so we're going to resolve that in a moment that roach does hit nez so noun as roll to defend and see if you can stop that roach and yourself one run look at your blue one yeah your one that says one so there them right there I'm sorry cuz you know good yes no successfully defends that roach so that's good so now kind of a bad thing has happened you guys guys this cheese gets cleared off we move our marker I'll move these out of the way to the camera so we move our marker from page one to page two this means that the difficulties just gotten worse for all of us I don't know subsequently hunters will be drawing on page two and now we're going to do whatever the surge condition is some adventures have special surge conditions this ones doesn't so we do whatever is on the thing so the surge condition is two rats and when you place rats on the when you place minions on the board in a surge like this you place them as far away as possible starting as the farthest away and then the next one so this appears to be farthest away and then that's one two three one two three and then this will come in here so while we're down here fighting the cockroaches some of these rat guards have just shown up then they've come down into the sewers to mess with us because they're jerks so that could have gone better for us but it really is better that it happens in here instead of that we can hopefully get out of here before that rat does anything so enjoy moving in your leg look at all those wait and mice yeah no bug all right so Filch you're up what would you like to do well move one on the water yeah that's correct all right I'm gonna move over to nez cuz I can't die they're just gonna steal my cheese uh-huh I only have one cheese anyway yeah search underneath energy fight I'm gonna search yeah go go search know what is there not a thing going oh wait is it nope also we forgot to move these roaches down at the end of there that's good oh we did yes my mistake okay no ties to drug that's a drag no okay guys so you get pushed down here which really super sucks and that will be the end of your action ok so now we go on to do the rats so the rats will move I'm not rolling dice because that's bad so uh honey what is your all just one all right well one died for the rat move oh sorry three so that could have gone better that's the most powerful side of each time yeah they so this rat is this is way day okay so no decision that I think we have to make together as a group this rat is this rat is two away right so if the rats not particularly bright it jumps into the water right here and it has to stop it can't go up and go after filter fixing because it moves the shortest distance and most efficient route so the shortest here's the thing that I think is I mean it might be we have to decided the intelligence of these things all right it might be a little cheesy that he would jump in like that because he get swept away he's gone before yeah he would come in and then if he gets here he actually goes there yeah I feel gonna make straight-up to Colin I I think I'm going to make a decision because we're getting our asses kicked and I don't think that this needs to be harder than it already is and I would very much like to not lose this game on the second tile so I've decided that this rat is stupid really and at the end of that Ernie's going to go - but unfortunately this one is going to attack so so that rats gonna roll two dice against Filch new I'm not a troll for know I guess okay here we go thank you you don't want to kill him okay he hits you once so go ahead and roll your - defense i Don offended and you get a gene defendant rate of change that went really well and what's even better is that his though at the end it takes him down one and it takes him off and out he's like I'm dad I'm out of here okay so Nez it's your turn what are you going to do you should search because there's official in there you should find it can I Thunder squeak this is over squeeze this mother out yeah for sure yes we can she loves to cheese because there are two minions on lay space so you're gonna move look right hammer you you can only use thunder squeak if you move here right so how many do I want yes three you still have a chance day it out sailing get +1 yeah yeah so you want to yes wait but first we must first we must suspend your lazy and spend the cheese okay jumpluff fromage chop chop chop alright Thunder squeak oh man you murder eyes those guys dude that's great alright so you hatin crease officially go hit each of those roaches four four three their maximum defense is two we still have to roll four cheese rolls would you hit this one so roll just roll two dice no he's gonna roll okay I definitely roll one each huh so down right no cheese no cheese they each block them but it doesn't matter you buddy I get murder ated that's right baby nice work I'm bringing the hammer do it felt pretty good it felt like I was protecting everybody and um and then we could move on from there because it was one squeak out and everybody was gone so this is the thing that's kind of a bummer is that it's the end of your turn so the water pushes you down here party but it's not the worst thing ever because maybe you'll be able to kill that rat cuz it's definitely going to attack you on your initiative what you say maybe so then what if I do actually doesn't even matter you're gonna get captured because once the rat goes his turn is over and then he gets swept away so yeah she won't even have to try and attack it is alright Colin I'm gonna do I'm gonna roll for movement uh-huh try and get there - what's it your movement ends as soon as you hit water anyway so you don't oh yes I get old I would hit the rock cockroach and then jump over the water route yeah I hit the Recaro jiggy - that a cockroach all right okay I might have to cockroach you guys that give me three and oh man killed that guy all right you get some cheese roll to defend fan but enzymatic see them twice the cockroach is dead see ya the roaches are gone callin now you may move yeah roll for movement bro yeah so you get to move max movement is basically to take me 1 2 3 4 well now look what you've done me don't take your hand off it don't take your hand on one do uh uh yeah ok Jerry I'm just kidding ok your movement ends magnetic pushes you down that way here's megadose alright so chef Maggie knows um hop in the water I should probably I mean I really really really need cheese what's your rap hey I successfully searched oh oh that's a weird OJ's treachery I found a dinner Fork Oh dinner Fork is one of the most useful items in the item deck it is a necessary item for chapter 2 when we want to go free Lilly that's great we're ahead of the game already and Anne likes the fork because she wants to sing a little mermaid song because look at this stuff isn't it neat wouldn't you think my collections complete upon drawing this card add the dinner fork token of the parkings - look see page 18 of the rule book for details on how to use the dinner fork this is uh the dinner Fork has a variety of uses it can help access areas of the board that are hard or impossible it can pry open traps whenever wheel starts to kind of ramble no land I usually just try and attempt some kind of minigame of something and usually it's rock-paper-scissors we play like a game called chopsticks or we just make faces at each other and I guess this time was rock-paper-scissors this listener this is adorable on its turn a mouse that is sharing a space with the dinner Fork can use an action to catapult any other Mouse on that space to any target space on the same tile so basically like whatever stands on the back of the fork on the other one jumps up on the fork and launches the mouse around so where's the difficult or even without the grape even not the grape you can use the grape as a catapult weapon which is so cute and funny so at the moment it's just sort of like hanging out and for my movement I don't need to roll I'm just going to jump in right here and then I'm going to get swept away swept down probe Israelis I'm like oh you guys come on my robes I'm not supposed to get sewage on them so they put them and then Filch up all right that's what I figured up one and search see if you can find the grappling hook bro oh my gosh okay you come okay I feel like Phil should be a pretty good swimmer he seems to travel light unfortunately since I am bleeding out he seems Li he's on the verge of drowning the rat is going to attack Nez so watch to roll for that I got it alright go why did your mother do nice huh good hit all right to his head stays alright I want a shield shield shield ah that's not what you wanted he hits you for two hearts baby Oh No yeah hit you real hard I don't think will is bringing down the team at all I think we are all having a really hard time rolling which indirectly is because of the Wheaton curse but I'm pretty sure that that we will make it through but the thing that's good is that he hits you and then because he's so lame take these the sweeps him away and he is now off in the land faces like a lame chopping you like you lose like face so one of the things we've done now that's rad is we've cleared out this room though that's so that's good that means waiting things that's a bummer is that we've reached the end of the initiative order which means that a cheese does get added nobody on there what does it feel for healing like we should all attempt to heal up here we can't hear without items first so so you want to get I floated out you want to get out of here so what I recommend doing is moving up one square okay why can't you just get out and climb out because general successful like why not you guys yeah yeah yeah yeah so just roller on one day come on yep you did it yay nez successfully climbs out of the thing great Colin where you headed I'm gonna go over one and then search all right Colin comes here for the love again alright search yes yes Colin gets the fishing line the fishing hook is a really important incredibly useful item in the next encounter if we choose to go up into the kitchen it's going to help us get a lot of cheese and probably level up at least one of our characters it's also very useful for getting out of the water without having to roll and later on in the story it lets us get up on two things that lets us get out of things it's just a really useful tool and a great thing to have early on so Colin puts that down there okay and then at the end of your movement have you moved up one right I'm going straight across straight across you've already done your movement so then you got to come down like this now it's maginot cistern so imagine us will do his little move here you probably get out and then action out like that okay hooray good form as knows filled you yeah yeah up here and out and then you'll be on actually be on this tire okay now unfortunately we have to cheese the wheel mm-hmm hey baby you want to go home and cheese the wheel ah hahahahahaha all I know is that whatever is cheese in there will I'm leaving and then we're back us as a family share okay Dez go ahead okay - um you're moving so one there so one yeah eventually eventually Angelina you got it one yet you move stuff where you want to come up here you can get out uh-huh so yep here one that I found leadership but I might need it there so just stay right here so what's gonna happen is we're basically gonna do thanks Ned wait wait you just stay inside and search yeah stay inside and search okay so yeah you can search go ahead oh why don't get a thing where you get caught like last time control probability yeah okay what happened it also it happened okay okay College then what are you doing I'm gonna go ahead and move up a now move and go and then role for your movement why die from what I'm sorry sure you're up and out not only one house role for my movie but please very confused Oh like reaction give this annoying okay yeah alright uh you can also pick up the fish hook which is a thing you want to do oh okay oh well I'm gonna pick up pick up the fish alright so you pick up the fish hook and it goes back into the party stash that afriad oh that's not probably a baby cuz I'm gonna frag and then that's the end of your move and then it's my turn for this particular tile we all just have to be on this side of the water oh yeah to explore so I'm gonna go ahead and explore it fighting exit alright and it's a good thing I did that because I didn't find the exit not some a turn so okay so just like I need to I'm going to equip the bub the bow nice my two hands and my dagger in my tail because that's one of my special super awesome and see everyone only gets their two hands which makes sense but since I'm a scamp and I have such a great tail I can throw a dagger back there and use the bow in my actual two hands so it's like I have two weapons I like a have a base move of three so doesn't really matter what I roll all right negative for you so six what okay grew yar goes a little bit okay great it's a explore floor yep yes we have successfully found the exit we're all going to be leaving the sewers and heading doors close to some tunnels underneath the castle that's exciting note that you survived it yeah yeah grab the next aisle mostly the kitchen tunnels everybody so we come out here so funny if it was just like out here we're out of a movie so now we get this really cool a story moment that goes like this nez held his chin and observed the gloomy tunnels the mice had entered I would guess these tunnels are mouse made he mused dug out who knows how many centuries ago suddenly a familiar cry echoed down the tunnels from far away that's MS Maggie's voice cried Colin we must be near the kitchens observed Tilda who isn't here right now so check this out we can do a couple of different things here if we go here and explore we will go up into the kitchen where we will do in a sensual II give us cheese and also help us help Miss Maggie which would be super helpful in later chapters or we cannot do that and just try to get out of here and find our way out into the courtyard you
Channel: Geek & Sundry
Views: 1,131,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek and sundry, geek & sundry, felicia day, the guild, charlie supernatural, MICE AND mystics, Wil Wheaton (Film Actor), Anne Wheaton, Ryan Wheaton, Board Game (Game Genre), TableTop, fvid
Id: _YquWfQ7eSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2015
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