10 Rules You Might Have Missed : Mice and Mystics

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hello and welcome to this video for ball game AIDS today we're looking at the charming adventure game mice and mystics from 2012 in this game six mouse-sized heroes must battle to bring justice to the besieged ladder finestra what again itself is magical and mystical the rules themselves shouldn't be a mystery so let's have a look at ten rules you might have missed with mice and mystics let's take the initiative our first rule by looking how to set up the initiative track this will happen and start again whenever a new encounter card is drawn if they're already minions on the minion track when you need to add new minions then simply add those minions to the end of the initiative track if you're adding a boss minion which will have to initiative cards they'll remember to ambush the first of those two cards to do this roll the dice look at the numerical value in this case number two and move that card up that number of places shifting down the other cards if you need to select the introduce to track and there are no minions on the track already take the cars already on the track which will be hero's shuttle in your minions and then deal out the cards from top to bottom to determine the initiative order time is short for our mice heroes so make sure you're making the most of all your turns remember the first thing you have to do in your turn which is mandatory is roll four movements even if you don't plan moving on that term this is important for example in chapter 1 when the pro will attack if you get a bad roll once you roll for movement you can either take an action then move or move then take an action you can also take any number of free actions which are listed here remember though that you can't interrupt one action with another action although the mice have big comets they have very small backpacks remember that a mouse hero can only carry free items any one time in their pack you can also carry any number of tricks in your pack and remember that party items don't count towards an individual Mouse is carrying them it and they consider to belong to the entire group also remember that when you equip items you can only have one item per body slot for example you here you can only equip one helmet in this particular slot as shown on the highlighted Mouse icon attacking and hopefully defeating enemies is a big part of mice and mystics remember that the mouse can't attack unless you've got a weapon equipped also remember that to make a melee attack you need a car that has a melee abilities for example here nez's hammer has the Meli icon on top right hand corner likewise you can't make a ranged attack unless you have an item which allows you to make a ranged attack there are some card sort of exceptions to this but in general you need to make sure you've got the weapon for the type of attack that you're trying to make encounter cards are pain getting in the way of the nicest best made plans and also making them fight lots of nasty monsters just remember that the surge effect on each card can only trigger once once the surge effect is triggered for example in this case two rats remember to discard that card until you need to draw another encounter card which is usually when you explore a new area the number of models that can fit on the space in my so Mystics is an interesting aspect of the game and one that creates some interesting strategical decisions don't forget there can only ever be one large base minion per space or for smaller models for example the rats here or the four heroes per individual space also remember that if a space is full and minion or a hero can't move through that particular space for example tilde here is perfectly safe as the rat can't move through the four heroes that block him also remember this affects the placement of minions when you're setting up an encounter card or at the beginning of the game just remember to look at the limits for each space things looking really bad for our masked heroes they're overwhelmed by monsters and one of the rats has just made a defense role free cheese though a couple of things to remember here which may help our heroes the first thing is that any cheese in excess of the six based on the will is discarded in an effect forgotten about so in this case we'd only place one cheese which I'm fortunate will cause the surge one thing to help here is if the surge calls for more models than are available just place many of those models as you can and ignore the rest for example here the surge tells us to place two rats but we only have one model remaining so we're only going to place one model on the board following the normal placement rules this may help our heroes to live to see another day time to get up close and personal remember that when moving a minion will move into the same space as a mouse here if it's able to this is important as remember a mouse can only leave a space in its turn if the number of mice in that space is greater or equal to the number of minions for example here Lily is unfortunately now trapped in the space until she manages to defeat one of the two rats searching is important part of mice and mystics and a great way to power up our heroes they stand a chance against the evil that faces them just remember if you're making search with a snare specific or standard you first need to roll a success on one die which means getting the small star-shaped symbol in the bottom right hand side of that die also remember that if you draw an item a weapon and armor accessory skull or trick that you can immediately choose to starve that card to get one cheese this is a hard decision to make but them at the right time can be very powerful in helping the mice to overcome specific enemies one small mall that's often displayed is too concerned water spaces just remember that when on the water space a masseur can't use free actions which means there's no sharing quipping or leveling up the appearance of Brody is always a pain giving out here is a cat shaped problem to deal with when they're already usually busy one thing that'll help us remember that when Brody rolls for attack and defense and rolls cheese you don't add cheese to the minion wheel this should make the game slightly easier and avoid IO is becoming overwhelmed on the subject of boss minions remember that when you damage your boss minion you can choose to put the damage on either card the best advice here is to get rid of the nastiest card so that the mice don't have to face that card in future turns be careful with the placement rules for minions with ranged remember that all small based minions of ranged will go on the same space that is farthest from our mouse heroes remember that you do need to follow placement rules which means there should be no more than forcing base minions per space and then you would need to choose another space if that space becomes full one exception to this is any spaces with a read order for example tables here any number of millions of range should be placed ignoring the usual placement rules when a particular minions car comes up on the initiative track all minions of that type will move and attack our heroes but remember the order for this movement attack is starting with the minion that's closest to the mice heroes and then moving outwards so in this example this right here would move an attack first and the rat right of the back here would move and attack last this concludes our video for 10 balls you might have miss with the excellent game mice and mystics please subscribe to the ball game aid channel for future videos and thank you for watching this video until next time play carefully you
Channel: BoardGameAids
Views: 47,283
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Keywords: Board Game (Industry), BoardGameGeek (Website), You, mice and mystics, tom vassel, dice, tower, board, game, mice, mystics, aids, help, rules, mouse, cheese
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2014
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