Micaiah Speaking Truth to Power, 1 Kings 22:15-23, 26-28, May 2, 2021, Sunday school lesson (Int)

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well we're ready for another sunday school session in today's topic entitled micaiah speaking truth to power we're going to see how one man stood against some 400 men regardless of the end result he still stood and he was speaking truth to power there are notes for this lesson i'll leave a link in the description below and in the comments section i'll leave a link above my head click that link get your notes and your sunday school books for the international sunday school is now in session join me let's go [Music] hello and welcome to another edition of the sunday school lesson that's taught by pastor rodney jones i'm the pastor of the new nation and on the ministries church of god in christ we're located 1700 west 87th street in the city of chicago the zip code is 6-0-6-2-0 welcome to you new subscribers and thank you for subscribing to this channel if you would like to be notified as we upload our weekly sunday school make sure you click that subscribe button below the bell notification right beside it and click all that way youtube will notify you through your email pink he just uploaded another lesson i want to give one shout out i was in phoenix arizona and i really enjoyed myself i was on the zoom sunday school for the mountain view church of god in christ that is the pastor robert irby i pray that i'm pronouncing his name right pastor robert irby and his loving wife they welcomed me with open arms and i was a part of their sunday school of which their sunday school superintendent is deacon joseph henry and his loving wife mother henry and it was my friend the mother natalie crawley that invited me to zoom in those of you who have sunday school through zoom just send me the information to rodney jones sunday school at gmail.com and i would love to just sit in on your sunday school i don't have to say anything but i would love to sit in on it i really enjoyed myself and i thank you mountain view church of god in christ phoenix arizona on today we're talking about makaya speaking truth to power we're in first kings 22 verses 15 through 23 and verses 26 through 28 our date for discussion is the 2nd of may that is the year 2021 happy birthday to those of you who are celebrating your birthday on today in today's lesson we're going to uh note that number one that god can use who he wants to use even false prophets there's a saying that says god can use any clean vessel but i need you to understand that god can use any vessel he chooses to use in this lesson those false prophets end up still doing what they were instructed and we're going to talk about that because there's a great confusion on that number two we could see that one man can stand even against some 400 men scripture lets us know that it was some 400 prophets these were most likely the false prophets and they were most likely the false prophets of baal and even though that yet makaya stood against those men and then lastly we're going to see that a true prophet will speak truth even when he is by himself a truth prophet will speak truth even when he is by himself regardless of the end result a true prophet a prophet of god is going to always stand on truth and he is going to always speak truth regardless although he may get arrested he may get hung he may get stretched he may get boiled whatever and that's what happened to the apostles and the other prophets in the bible this is a very good lesson because we're going to see that regardless of what happens in our life we must still stand for right and do what god says let's get right into this lesson it says first kings 22 and 15 so he came to the king and the king said unto him micaiah shall we go against ramoth gilead to battle or shall we forebear and he answered him go and prosper for the lord shall deliver thee or shall deliver it into the hand of the king now this is a funny situation and you got to really know the backdrop of what's going on so far israel and syria they were at peace with one another uh for at least three years in verse one chapter 18. they have fought for raymond or raymond gilead and it has exchanged from one hand to the other from one hand to the other from the hands of the syrians back to israel from israel back to syria and it was going back and forth and so king a had decide ahab decided that it was time for him to grab the land and place it back under his possession you'll find that in verses two got to get my notes together he seeks counsel from the prophets if he would win the battle or not in verse six the problem is these were not the true prophets of god these were the false prophets and the scripture lets us know it was about 400 of them and they will only speak what the king wants to hear i have a problem with that here's my problem a true prophet will only speak what god tells or instructs him to speak even if it's against himself even if it's against his own spouse or his own children and so these if he is would be a true king why would he consult with false prophets and in this case i'll tell you why in a few minutes why he even called on the other prophet or this prophet called the makaya i'm going to talk about him in a minute so king jehoshaphat was visiting ahab at that time and ahab the bible lets us know he persuades king jehoshaphat to join him in battle or he yeah he persuaded him and that would be second chronicles 18 and 2 which is the parallel to this particular lesson jehoshaphat agrees and he says to him to inquire of the lord as we prepare to go to battle that's verses 5. then is when the king inquired of the 400 the prophets after hearing the prophet which is interesting he asked is there not a prophet of the lord someone whom we can inquire of the lord that's funny to me because for some reason jehoshaphat can see that something is not going right i hear you got all of these prophets and they're speaking and they're telling you to go go and go and fight the battle you're going to win he says but something is not right do you have a prophet of the lord that would give us the truth concerning this matter and i got a bone to pick with jehoshaphat as well i'll tell you about that bone in a minute so ahab says yeah i got another one he says but i hate him you find that in verses eight he literally said to the king that he hates this guy makaya and he tells them the reason that i hate him is he only speaks evil he doesn't speak any good he only speaks evil while the prophets are falsely prophesied ahab sends a messenger to go get micaiah the messenger informs him that all of the other prophets are saying to him yes you can do it he says i need you to line up and say the same thing you find that in verse 13 he pleads with him to speak the same thing but mackiah says i'm only going to say whatever the lord tells me to say that's verse 14. i commend that man for saying that because we have enough yes ma'am and yes sirs god needs somebody who's gonna stand flat foot even against the king if you understand what i'm saying and speak the truth somebody's got to speak the truth now this guy named zedekiah who was a prophet he made some horns of iron the bible lets us know and he says the lord said you shall defeat them with these horns these horns of iron and that will be in verse 11 which is so funny to me because the lord didn't say nothing yet he's going to send his own king out with these horns of iron knowing that god did not send him to do this so he came to the king and messiah or i should say micaiah now is in this strategic he is in a tough situation he's now standing before an ungodly king which is king ahab and this king only wants for him to prophesy good and not tell him the truth the messenger sent to grab him already rehearsed the matter with him in verse 13 he's standing here against some or almost four prophets who he is going to be prophesying the opposite of and against him and there is a godly king by the name of jehoshaphat but jehoshaphat is not going to stand up and speak for him not only that but jehoshaphat apparently ignores this because he when he hears that the man tells him that god says don't go or god says you're going to die jehoshaphat still goes so the king said unto makaya shall we go to reim of gilead to battle or shall we forebear when you look at ramoth gilead it was located on the eastern side of the jordan river it was called raymoth in gilead to distinguish it from another ramoth in first samuel 30 and 27. it was called the city of refuge it was declared to be a city of refuge by moses that would be deuteronomy 4 and 43 and it was an administrative center for even solomon first kings 4 13. it was really back into the hands of ahab but he had not recaptured it according to verses 3 he says shall i forebear and the word for bear is a verb indicating to stop or to cease to stop or to cease before going to war kings would consult with prophets godly kings would then consult with the lord through the prophets to see if they will be successful in battle if the prophet says no then the godly righteous king would not go the prophets were afraid in this case to speak anything other than what he wanted them to speak the prophets of god only spoke what god said even at the face of death somebody need to know just because you do the will of god doesn't mean you're not going to die i said this and i'll say it again there are tons of people preachers and pastors included that died with the covet virus just because you died with it doesn't mean that is a judgment call against god it just simply means that you died the bible speaks about the apostles they were murdered they were brutally beaten they were hung upside down they were stretched they were boiled in the old testament they will split in half they will saw the sunder whatever the case may be but precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints so if you got a work to do for god go ahead and do the work now ahab only asked mikaya because the request of king jehoshaphat and that would be in verse 5. that's the only reason that he called for macau and he answered him he says go and prosper look at the word prosper it means to prevail to succeed to avail or to make a success make victorious mackay interesting prophesies the same thing that the other prophets did however he was prophesying with a little sarcasm in it and the king picked it up that mccain was playing games he said for the lord shall deliver it the it is the land that we're referencing to into the hand of the king and you look at the word deliver it means to give to or to give place to give the authority from one to another the messenger already told makkah to prophesy what they were had already said problem is this is not the true prophecy from the lord mackay is somewhat plain he's using sarcasm against and with the king and the king picks it up very smart king he knows something is not right because this man has agreed with him verse 16 and the king said unto him how many times shall i assure thee that thou tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the lord or in the name of the lord which is a question mark the king could tell that mecca was playing with him or he was giving him a sarcastic answer how many times he said shall i adjure you to tell me nothing but what the truth is in his name as if he was really serious about the situation you don't even know what truth is he's telling you truth or he's going to tell you truth and you're not going to believe it he says how many times shall i adjure the word of jewel means to give a charge to put under an oath based on this conversation makai and ahab have been going back and forth like this for quite a while now but this shows us that micaiah is a true prophet and is consistent in what he does and he's going to always speak truth regardless of whether the king calls him or not regardless of whether he's locked up or not this also shows us that ahab has been rejecting the true prophet of god as well mackay in spite of what he'd been dealing with or confronted with he still speaks the truth and i think that's important because there are people who will change the prophecy change their word change the answer change their message change their preaching because they are being confronted with or faced with some type of danger regardless of the danger truth must still be told even if your head get cut off you still must tell truth because if you're precious or if you're a saint of god presses in the sign of the lord is the death of a sin all he's going to do is tell you come on home son and thank you because there is a great reward in speaking truth rather than speaking anything else so he demonstrates to us how we should always speak truth in spite of the outcomes even if he dies after speaking the truth he's still going to speak it and he is in the hands of god even paul told titus to speak doubt the things which become sound doctrine that's tight as the second chapter and the first verse this king has no honor he has no respect for the truth and the living god we're going to talk about that later as well yet he charges the true prophet to speak truth when it comes to god's name really all right point three ahab says he wants the truth but is not truthful about it point number four is he has already been deceived by the lying prophets and you'll find it in verse 22 which is one of the reasons why he won't believe it because he has already been deceived so from this moment he will not believe anything the true prophet says to him the lying prophets have already been deceived by a lying spirit and that's why they all said for him to go and that he would be prosperous in the battle and that he would prevail and that he would be victorious because they have already themselves been deceived let's look at verses 17 boom and he said i saw all israel scattered upon the hills as sheep that have not a shepherd and the lord said these have no master let them return every man to his house in peace now makaya now gives what appears to be a vision or a dream because he uses the term i saw at this moment and he doesn't say the lord said but he says i saw which is either a dream or it is a vision originally prophets were called seers because they would see it happens to me on many occasions when i'm praying especially if i pray among above five minutes i begin to see some things look out now point number three he saw all israel scattered on the hills like sheep without a shepherd which means israel would not have a shepherd or a leader to lead them to shepherd them or to feed them and if they have one now that means he would die or be taken captive when this battle begins he mentions this while the king inquires about should i go or should i come this vision says if you go you won't return because he says that i saw all israel scattered upon the hills as sheep have that have not a shepherd he says and the lord said these have no master let them return every man to his house in peace so point number four is the lord told mackay after seeing this vision in a dream that they have no master point number five is let them which is israel return every man to his house in peace this could be the ones who will be fighting the battle with the ahab and with jehoshaphat when the shepherd is smitten the sheep are scattered is what jesus says in matthew 26 and 31 the kings were the shepherd or they were to shepherd the children of israel second kings five and two which means they were supposed to care for them they were supposed to tend to them and they were supposed to feed them that's not what they ultimately did the people began to cater to the kings so the king of syria told his men only to attack the king of israel and no one else you'll find that in verses 31 when he leaves and go to battle the king of syria tells his men don't hit nobody else only kill the king of israel a soldier the bible lets us know shot randomly at the soldiers and ahab was hit by the arrow verse 34. that's interesting how he can pull it and let it go and just shoot in the crowd and the king is the one that got hit and then there was a proclamation by the troops that every man run home that's verses 36 that is full proof that what he uh micaiah had said was of god because it took place just like he said that it would verse 18 and the king of israel said in the jehoshaphat did i not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me but evil isn't that what i said that he was going to do because jehoshaphat asked ahab about the prophet of the lord he told him about mecca verses seven they have told him that there was no one who or there is one whom we may inquire of the lord he says but i hate him verses 8 because he only prophesies to me evil or bad he never prophesies to me good so i hate him for that it's what he said in verses 8 and i need you to know that a prophet of god will only speak what god instructs him to speak and he was just that nobody no prophet can speak his own man can speak his own interpretation can speak his own will and the prophet that speaks something other than what god told him to speak has given you a false prophecy regardless of how well they may prophesy if they do not speak what god told them to speak god does not have to honor that individual you don't have to subject yourself to them they may not be a false prophet but they have given you a false prophecy a false prophet is one who was not called by god to prophesy but a false prophecy is a prophecy that was given but it was not given by god and therefore god doesn't honor it it was not from him all right so mccain he he says he says here hear thou therefore the word of the lord the word here means to listen it means to obey it means also to be regarded i need you to regard what i'm saying so first he tells him that he saw in the possible dream or in a vision verse which is verses 17 now he tells them to listen to what the lord says concerning this matter concerning the vision or the dream that he saw point number four macau continues to speak boldly and says he saw the lord on his throne but kaya at this point could be beheaded because he's mentioning and he's magnifying another king greater than the king that he is standing before only this king is the king of kings and his throne is nowhere on earth his throne is in heaven and he as a prophet of god saw god sitting on his throne which means he can never be dethroned this guy here ahab got that throne because someone else died and when he dies someone else will get his throne but god is sitting on an everlasting throne because from everlasting to everlasting he is god he is the king of king so the king of kings was sitting on his throne and his host was standing by him sitting on the throne denotes authority it denotes position it denotes honor he is sitting on his throne and sitting often means he's getting ready to give a judgment or whatever and then you look at his military term that he uses he is called the lord of hosts the lord of hosts and his host is standing there standing on his right and on his left standing the notes they're prepared they're ready to go they're ready for battle they're ready for a command they're ready as servants to do whatsoever or whatsoever he instructs him to do why because the bible says the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein so this is a picture of the sovereignty of god and all earth and all heaven is subject to this god um we're getting there verse 19 and he said hear thou therefore the word of the lord i saw notice the word lord notice how is capitalized capital l capital o capital r and the capital d notice that it says i saw the lord sitting on his throne and all of the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left and the lord said who shall persuade watch this conversation now this is interesting the lord said who shall persuade ahab that he may go up and fall who shall persuade ahab that he may go up and fall at ramoth gilead and one said on this manner and another said on that manner booyah oh that's beautiful and there came forth a spirit and stood before the lord and said i will persuade him and the lord said unto him let me get back to that uh-huh let me get back to that and the lord said unto him wherewith and he said i will go forth and i will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and he said which is god thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so so as a seer the prophet micah now reveals what he saw in heaven concerning this particular matter the whole conversation in heaven with god and his host is about ahab and there's nothing good to be said about ahab ahab is about to die and he won't even believe it because he's deceived by his prophets who was deceived by this spirit point number two is the lord has apparently called a meeting with his host concerning ahab how do we know that because he opens up and says who is going to persuade a hell point number three is he says who shall persuade ahab that he may go up and fall at ramos gilead and the word persuade means it is a verb meaning to entice to deceive or causing one to be deceived it means to inspire who's going to inspire him who's going to entice him or who's going to deceive him now i need somebody to know don't get caught up on this moment right here many of us think we understood what's going on but sometimes we really don't i need you to understand that god owns this earth and what's getting ready to take place in the life of ahab ahab needed it because god has been frustrated and provoked to by the evilness and the wickedness of this man called ahab and i need you to know that nothing takes place i'm gonna at mercedes again on earth without the knowledge of god and without the foreknowledge the full knowledge of god as god noticed years ago millions of years ago or before god even created anything he knew that this was going to happen and the knowledge of god he knew that when it was going to happen before it happened and when it happened is what i want to say and the word fall means to lie or to prostrate prostrate oneself to overthrow also used as a violent death because who's going to persuade him who's going to deceive him who's going to entice him or who's going to inspire him some of your bibles will say inspire some of your bibles will say entice and some will say deceive king james just says persuade because um we're kind of afraid to say certain things in this particular situation or subject matter now he says that he may go up there and fall or it means to prostrate to overthrow or to be overthrown it means to also uh use as a violent death who's gonna persuade him that he go up there and die because the earth belongs to him and nothing takes place without his knowledge i told you i'm going to say that again because ahab was a wicked king it was time for him to die he has moved against god long enough his time is up and god has placed a final judgment against him death is on your head ahab and you gonna die oh my god let's look at this king called ahab number one he's the seventh king of israel he did evil in the sign of the lord above all the kings of israel before him first kings 16 and 30. he walked in the sins of jeroboam oh my god listen i asked the question how do you know if or when god accepts your worship or if god accepts your praise what jeroboam did or some said jeroboam what he did was he told israel that it was too far for them to go to jerusalem to worship god so he created a spot in i think it was bethel and dan and he put in those idol gods and told them to worship them as god and they did it and he made israel to sin my problem even deeper than that is 20 and 30 and 40 and 50 years later these other generations they come along and they don't have a clue that what they're doing is illegal they thinking that this is what worship looks like and this is what worship is supposed to be but they don't have a clue that god is not accepting none of what they're doing my question to us in this generation how do we know that what we're doing is pleasing to god because only god sets the plane of what worship is he sets the guidelines he sets what is and what is not worshipped how do you know that what you're doing is worship ah just because it feel good smell good and taste good don't mean god accepts it i'm gonna talk to this camera right here so he says then as if it had been a small or a light thing he wanted he married jezebel first kings 16 and 31 and then he went and served baal and worshiped him first kings 16-31 because that's what his wife did he built an altar in samaria for the worshipping of baal and he did more to provoke god than all the kings before him in israel first kings 16 and 33 he was considered as an evil king you think he made israel to sin and he refused to listen to the true prophets of god point number four while ahab is insisting on going to ramoth gilead he didn't know that this was going to be his last time god is using ahab's own prophets without their own knowledge to punish their own king that shows you the power of god and the sovereignty of god he can use any vessel clean or unclean he can use him but the prophet micah knows that he is not going to return and it's going to be his last time so the different ones they stand before god to explain how and how one says out there once his idol finally one came and says i will do it and this and he asked the spirit how and he said i will persuade him or entice or deceive him he says i will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all of his prophets in the mouth if it was 400 in the mouth of all 400 that tells me that majority doesn't rule majority does not overrule and just because you're the only one out of however many in your house in your church in your job and your family and your community that doesn't mean that you're wrong because you see it different than they are i'm just saying i'm gonna keep on going point number nine god says thou shalt persuade him and prevail also and prevail also go forth oh my goodness and do so look at the word persuade it's a verb meaning to entice right we talked about that to deceive or cause a one to be deceived or it means to inspire who's gonna inspire who's gonna deceive him who's going to entice him and then god says to him you will prevail which means to be able or to seek to succeed to have the ability or the power to do something you will prevail you will persuade him and you will be victorious in what you're doing the spirit has already become a lying spirit to his prophets because micaiah is seeing something that has already happened and this is why those prophets were prophesying it because it has already happened they have already been inspired or deceived or whatever or persuaded this explains why ahab at this moment refuses to believe macayah even the godly king jehoshaphat didn't try and stop ahab keep in mind that they were already false prophets he says go ahead and do this he says you will prevail go forth and do so the word do means to make or to accomplish or to complete the spirit has has been empowered by god to persuade ahab and at this moment it has already taken place ahab is simply speaking what he sees uh oh i wrote ahab and i better write mikaya watch me do this ma me me kaya i'm gonna leave that in the thing boom mikaya well there it is oh thank you lord any good all right let's keep it moving and we're about to wrap this up verse 23. now therefore behold the lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets notice what he calls him thy prophet this same lord is the king that was sitting on his throne and the host was standing on his right and his left and he's told him what he saw and he says now therefore behold the lord has put has put that's past tense hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these watch we call them your prophets because these are not the prophets of god these are your prophets and the lord have spoken evil concerning thee remember he says makaya only speaks evil concerning me but mechia now says that it is the lord that's speaking evil concerning you so mechaia says that the lord has put a lie in spirit in the mouth of all these prophets the fact that god allowed it to be is the same as god doing it the fact that god allowed it to happen is equivalent to god doing it it's what i'm saying i know he says the lord have put but the lord didn't do it but he allowed this spirit to do it because the spirit approached god and said that he will do it and god gave him the permission to do it when he leads from the presence of god is equivalent as god during the work so god sees and hears everything that takes place in the entire universe he has already judged ahab to death and ahab will die in battle without a doubt mackay says that the spirit is in all of your prophets none of these prophets belong to god they're all false prophets they all with one accord will be lying to the king about the final outcome these prophets although ahabs they're subject even to god that shows god is sovereign and he can use anybody point number dos micaiah has taken a bold step for god against even some 400 prophets he stands by himself and he speaks against the prophets he speaks against the king and his false prophets he can die by the hand of the king he can die by the hand of one of the prophets but he still stands there i i just need somebody to know regardless of who ain't on board with you regardless of who don't like it if god called you to do it god will equip you for it and to it if he brought you to it he'll take you through it and you just need to continue to move on regardless of what the uh uh objections regardless against the opposing forces regardless what the end result regardless if god equipped if he called you to do it if he gifted you to do it you need to go ahead and do it i'm talking to somebody um so one of the prophets by the name of zedekiah because remember zedekiah was the same guy who was making this horns of iron and he said the lord said that you're going to use these and you're going to win this same zelekai and now in verse 24 because of what machias said walks up to him and slaps him and then he says which direction did the lord come or when did the lord leave from talking to me to talking to you is what he said he asked him which way went the spirit of the lord from me unto thee all that king james is a hot mess ain't it somebody give him a hand [Laughter] verse 26 27 and 28 and the king of israel said take micaiah and carry him back carry him back unto amen the governor of the city and to josh the king's son now that is his son josh he says to take him notice what he says to do take him back so it appears that micaiah was already in prison it appears that he was already locked up and they pulled him out of prison because look at the king says how many times do i do i have to assure you to speak the truth to me so although it appears that micaiah was locked up in prison yet he still stood flat-footed he still stood boldly and he proclaimed the work and the will of god and say the scepter king take him to prison and this is what you say put this fellow in the prison and feed him now here's my problem i'm not sure of is he saying put him in prison for the first time or put him back because he says to take him back to the government let me go back to that if i can go back oh yep i went back it says take him back carry him back unto eamonn so that's where he got him from now i'm not sure if he was there in prison but i do know here he says to put this fella in prison okay so i don't know how would y'all read that how do you read it let me know uh does it sound like he took him back to prison or does it sound like he took him back to the governor but this time he told him to put him in prison and he said to feed him with the bread of affliction and with the water of affliction until i come in peace the bread of affliction in the water of affliction in other words he says to barely feed him give him enough bread for him to survive just enough give him a mount an amount as a prisoner and don't give him much of anything else give it to him until i come back in peace notice that we're in peace but look at what macau says and mackay said if thou return at all in peace the lord have not spoken by me and he said hearken o people every one of you so machia even told the other prophets that was watching he says i want you to watch this too he told the king if you come back in peace then god was not speaking to me and we know that god was speaking to him so um ahab was not going to come in peace now i'll say this and i'm done um i read and you'll find that in some of these notes that was later on one of the problem was there was a man named naboth naboth had a piece of parcel or ground or land that was closed by the house of ahab the king ahab at this time was married to jezebel and ahab wanted that land but um naboth told him i cannot give you my father's inheritance uh ahab went home and cried like a baby is there any cheese with that wine he goes home he cries like a baby jezebel his wife can't stand that woman jezebel tells him why are you crying how come you're not eating he says because because neighbor won't give me his land and she said go ahead and eat honey i got this i got this and this is where it all goes downhill he goes he does that she takes a letter and writes a letter and she seals with the with the king's signature and then she sends two false witnesses to set naboth up and she was successful at it they stoned nabel and then she told him her husband ahab the parcel of land is yours now when he does that god then wakes up elijah and tell him go down there to the parcel that belongs to neighbor and tell a hell that i got something against him and that's what the prophet did so one of the problems of why he is in this situation is because he killed the neighbors technically is what he did i'm gonna stop right there if you want the rest of that it's in these notes right here yeah uh yeah yeah it's in there makaya speaking truth to power if you like these lessons go ahead and leave a thumbs up if you don't like it go ahead i trust you and leave a thumbs up i ain't crazy share this lesson with your loved ones share it with your family share it with your sunday school and just share it and maybe someone else needs to be needs to be in sunday school maybe your sunday school is not open at this time uh and but that's not an excuse for you not to have some form of sunday school be it on zoom be it on the conference call be it on facebook even in the private mode be it on youtube or uh airplane or email or marco polo whatever find a way to have your sunday school come together and discuss the bible what do you think about this lesson what of it kind of struck out to you what kind of struck your heart and what what is it maybe you saw something different and i welcome all of your comments i try as much as possible to uh come you know to reply to your comments remember my model and i'm gonna thank god for all of you remember don't forget to send me your zoom information those of you that are having sunday school on zoom i would love to just peek my head in and just take a look and see how things is going i don't have to teach it i don't necessarily have to teach it but i enjoy doing it and i enjoy and i'm getting better to start a zoom session one day for teachers i want to talk to teachers just to be an encouragement to them all right remember my motto teaching the word of god in the spirit of excellence and the model of a sunday school a child saved is a soul save plus a life you
Channel: Rodney Jones
Views: 18,000
Rating: 4.8928189 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Jones Sunday School, International standard lesson, union press, That sunday school girl, the lesson, Union Gospel press, UGP, Bible study, Rodney Jones, Sunday school, May 2 2021, may 2, 1 Kings 22:15-23, 1 kings 22:26-28, who is the prophet Micaiah, king Ahab, Micaiah speaking truth to power, explain 1 kings 22:15-23, false prophets
Id: W5YCRM99d_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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