Jeremiah The Suffering Preacher, Jeremiah 38:14-23, May 16, 2021, Sunday school lesson, Int

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jeremiah was an interesting prophet of god he stood for what was right in spite of being arrested and harassed by the other prophets in this lesson entitled the jeremiah the suffering preacher let's see what he went through and what was the outcome of it there are notes for this lesson i'll leave a link in the description below and in the comments section i'll leave a link above my head take the time click that link right there get your notes your sunday school books and your bible for the international sunday school is now in session join me let's go [Music] jeremiah the weeping prophet we call him that but in today's lesson we're gonna see where this weeping prophet will stand firm on the word of god and declare to the king the word of god in spite of being thrown into prison on numerous occasions even left to die of starvation and an empty system in the mud so that he can sink what a powerful man who we call the weeping prophet hello and welcome to another edition of the sunday school lesson is taught by pastor rodney jones i am the pastor of the new nation anointing ministries church of god in christ we're located 1700 west 87th street right here in the city of chicago 606 60620 thank you for subscribing to this channel and if you would like to be notified as we upload our weekly content for sunday school make sure you hit that subscribe button below that bell notification and click all so that youtube will notify you through your email bing he just uploaded another lesson welcome to you all we got a very good lesson on today today we're dealing with jeremiah the suffering preacher and we're going to be in the 38th chapter of the book of jeremiah the 14th through the 23rd verse our date is may 16 2021 this is the international sunday school lesson we're still in unit 3. we're dealing with courageous prophets of change courageous prophets of change and our subject is dealing with the weeping prophet very interesting character in spite of what happened and that goes to let us know that in spite of what takes place in our life we must still stand for righteousness stand for holiness and stand for godliness let's begin to get into this particular lesson then zedekiah the king sent and took jeremiah the prophet unto him into the third entry that is in the house of the lord and the king said unto jeremiah i will ask thee a thing hide nothing from me so there were some men that heard that jeremiah had spoken unto the people you'll find that in the 38th chapter and the first verse and jeremiah said that if you remain here in this city you're going to die and if you surrender yourselves unto the child deans or the babylonians you will live and the scripture lets us know that these were they were angry with jeremiah and they wanted him dead in verses four the princess said to the king or the prince said to the king let this man be put to death because he weakeneth the hands of the men of war that remain in the city he also weakening the hands of the people by speaking these words this man seeketh not the welfare of the people but the hurt and it's interesting that they would say this now jeremiah spoke the truth problem is those false prophets didn't understand the word of god don't worry about when they don't understand the word that god gave you if it is a god given a fresh word from the lord a clear precise word from the lord and you know it is from the lord regardless of what others around you may say stand hold stand strong and stand firm and solid on the word of god that has been given to you i'm speaking to somebody you know that god gave you the word times look troublesome situations have come about in your life and now it causes you to challenge or to doubt whether or not this is the word of god remember where you were when god gave you that word stand firm on it and wrestle with that word so they said that he's also weakened in the hands of the people they were concerned they weren't trying to hear the fact that jeremiah has already prophesied that if you all don't give in you're going to die so then they took jeremiah to put him in the prison or the dungeon in verse six they put him into a cistern this cistern didn't have any water it was mud and the bible said the jeremiah began to sink in this then there was a man an ethiopian who came and told the king of the evil that they had done against jeremiah and he said that jeremiah would die in this dungeon of hunger and the king sent him with 30 men to go rescue him take him out of the hole and from there they took jeremiah to the court's prison or the prison that's located in the court then zedekiah the king sent and took jeremiah from the court's prison which lets us or leads us into our lesson and you look at the word took it means to take it also means to get now prior to this i need you to know that this is an ungodly king his name is zedekiah and his name was matanya but it was changed by the king you'll find that in second kings 24-17 zedekiah was placed there by the king of babylon second kings uh 24 and verses 7. so the people didn't anoint him the prophet didn't anoint him and god didn't send him he was put there by the opposing force to be the king now the bible let us know that he took him into the third entry which is located in the house of the lord this could be the entrance from the palace to the temple it could be a back entrance a side entrance or it could be a private entrance that the king himself would gain access to the temple wherever it was scripture lets us know that it was the third entry and i don't believe that they were inside of the temple of the lord i believe they possibly according to him reading it they met right there at that entry uh what do you all think did they go into the temple or to the house of the lord or was this conversation somewhere by that entry or in that section so the king says i will ask a thing and hide nothing from me the word thing is a masculine noun meaning word i'm gonna ask you a word i'm gonna ask you for a speech or for a matter he was asking him for a prophetic word is really what he's asking and he says don't hide it which means to conceal or cut it off don't cut it off do not hide it the king is asking jeremiah for prophetic word from the lord he wants all of the details and do not hide anything from me i'ma let you know the king really don't want it because this is not the first time that the king has consulted with the uh jeremiah jeremiah told him that the lord said that the babylonians were going to burn the city that's jeremiah 37 and 8 prior to this lesson the king asked jeremiah secretly is there a word from the lord that was jeremiah 7 37 and 17. he told him that he would be delivered into the hand of the king that's jeremiah 37-17 he already told him this and so the king continues to seek counsel from a man who he refuses to listen to jeremiah was thrown into prison basically each time he gave words you'll find that throughout the 37th chapter of the book of jeremiah and for some reason the king keeps asking him the same question thinking that apparently there's going to be a different answer and jeremiah told them the lord would use the babylonians as the judgment of god against the children of israel that would be jeremiah 20th and the verses 4. then jeremiah said unto zedekiah if i declared unto thee will thou not surely put me to death and if i give thee counsel will thou not hearken unto me he says if i declare it unto thee will thou not surely put me to death and the word declared means to tell to report to make known to explain if i explain it if i tell it to you or if i report it to you aren't you going to kill me jeremiah from past experiences recognizes and understood what transpires between he and this ungodly thing or ungodly king he says if i declare it the word it is connected to the word thing the word it is connected to thing the king is asking of jeremiah to tell him of a thing to declare something to him and jeremiah knew that the king could have had him killed at this moment he can declare him unfit and kill him himself or he can have someone come and kill him but he says if if i give you counsel and the word counsel is a verb meaning advice or to consult will you not hearken the word hearken is a verb meant meaning to hear to obey to listen what jeremiah says is if i give you what you're asking me for you're going to kill me and if i give you counsel if i give you advice or consultation you're not going to listen to me anyway how do you know that because this is some probably the third time that the king and jeremiah have had basically the same conversation and the king refuses to listen to jeremiah he fuses to listen and obey the voice of the lord which is coming through the prophet jeremiah but jeremiah is doing like every other preacher has to do and regardless of whether they want to hear you or not you've got to stand flat-footed and preach the gospel unto the people and he that heareth and believe shall be saved or he that believeth and is baptized the scripture says shall be saved so here we are king we're still having this conversation if i declare this what you want of me then aren't you gonna surely put me to death but the king in the bible says no he didn't hearken into the words of the lord through jeremiah that's jeremiah 37 and 2. god told jeremiah that they would fight against him but not prevail that would be jeremiah 1 and 19 talking about jeremiah himself and god says i will deliver you jeremiah out of the hand of the weakened that's jeremiah 15-21 so jeremiah don't have to worry about what's going to happen to his life god has already told him that he was going to deliver to him then eurasia the prophet was killed because of his prophecies that's jeremiah 26 verses 20 through 23 somebody need to notice just because your fellow minister was murdered killed or whatever doesn't mean that it's going to be time for you to be taken out you find yourself doing what god says for you to do in spite of and if you get snuffed out then that's fine because precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints oh come on somebody let's look at verse 16. booyah so zedekiah the king he swore now watch this this fellow swore secretly and i'll tell you why he swore secretly now the word swore means to take an oath to take an oath secretly a covering or in a hiding place because this whole meeting apparently was in secret so was this oath there are no witnesses to the oath that the king is making so zedekiah the king swore secretly unto jeremiah saying watch what he says now as the lord liveth that made us this soul i will not put thee to death neither will i give thee into the hand of these men that seek thy life now i don't know if the king was whatever by throwing in that other part but you're going to see something that the king didn't swear to now he swore secretly because their conversation was in secret and that's why he met him at the third entry in of the or of the house of the lord now he swears or makes an oath at the very presence of the lord he says as the lord that liveth may who made our souls as he lives i'm not going to do that so zedekiah took an oath not to put jeremiah to death based on his statement in verses 15. but watch this zedekiah never answered the question without hearken unto me he never brought that up because that's what jeremiah says if i give you consultation advice will you not listen to me or hearken unto me so he says as the lord uh who liveth that made us the soul it's interesting that he would put god in there when he's talking to a godly prophet but yet you're not going to live in godly ways i'm not impressed when we use godly words but we don't have a godly life oh i'm gonna keep on moving he says i will not give thee into the hand of these men that seek your life now the king swears that he will not kill him nor hand him into the hand of those men who wants to kill him that that may be the men who were upset with his prophecy yes they want him dead simply because he is not prophesying like their prophet saying because it was the captain of the ward who falsely accused jeremiah in jeremiah 37-13 when jeremiah was going to his homeland to look at some property that's when he grabbed him and falsely accusing the princes the bible said they scourged him or they beat him and they put him in the prison that's jeremiah 37-15 the prince wanted him to be put to death that's jeremiah 38 and 4 and god will give zedekiah into the hand of the babylonian king i said that because here's the thing he says i'm not going to give you into the hand of those that's going to kill you or want to kill you but what he didn't know is god is going to give him the king into the hand of the babylonian king to capture him and take him in exile problem is king zedekiah is not going to go like the lord says for him to go and there's going to be some trouble in his camp verses 17 and 18. then said jeremiah unto zedekiah thus said the lord watch to see how the word lord is spelled that's all cap capital l r d capital that's the difference between capital l small or rd he says thus said the lord the god of hosts watch this he is the lord he is the god of hosts he is the god of israel if thou would surely go forth watch this to go forth this is meaning to this is meaning oh my in other words you've got to be willingly willingly surrender willingly did i say willingly willingly he says if i will surely go forth unto the king of babylon's prince because the king is not there but his his prince are there his captains and his rulers his staff is there but the king himself is not there uh he says then they thy soul now watch this your soul shall live and the city shall not be burned with fire and thou shalt live and thy house notice how he mentions the life of the king being spared twice now let me ask you all a question do you think that there is a difference in how he said it he says here in verse 17 look at what he says he says thy soul shall live and then a later phrase he says thou shalt live my question is do you think that is this a poetical way like hebrew parallelism or is there a difference in his soul live and he shall live what do you all think is open for discussion what do you all think is going on at this moment continue to read it says but if thou wilt not go forth to the king of babylon's prince then shall the city be given into the hand of the childis or chaldeans and they shall burn it with fire because normally what kings do they go possess a land they take the people exile they take the strong men they take uh the women and they leave the poorest of the country but then they set the place on fire and thou shalt not escape out of thy hand so now jeremiah begins his prophecy once again and once again he says the same thing although jeremiah could be facing death he stands firm and speaks god's word he may be judged by the king for speaking it but he will be judged by god for not speaking it that gives me to my next point regardless of whether they want to hear it or not if god said speak it speak it because i'd rather be judged by man by speaking truth and standing on the word of god then to be judged by god because that changed the message to suit the people never change the message never water down your message never put sugar and ice cream on your message give it the raw gospel message just as a t-i-z is what my senior saints used to say i'm telling till you like your tears like a tea i see so he says thus of the lord the god of hosts the god of israel and the word lord is the self-existent one he who causes us to exist and the usage of this name implies personal or covenant relation i know we do a lot of teaching on jehovah gyra jehovah's sycamore and all of that but i need somebody to know that if you don't have a personal relationship with the name and with the god of that name then there's no sense in using that name only those who have a covenant agreement those who love the law those who are following in his guidelines his whatever his commandments his statutes those that are doing and have a loving relationship with him are the ones who can use that name because that name is a covenant name he is the self-existing he exists simply because he exists and he don't need nobody else to cause him to exist so he calls him the lord then he calls him the god of host now let you know this word god is elohim it's used by others as a false god meaning more than one god here the writer uses the word god in its plural form which i get out of the triune god father son and the holy spirit yes i support the triune god i stand on it it is biblical so jeremiah is not telling him what he saw at this moment but he's telling what the lord said this is not a personal prophecy or a dream this is not a message from the king of babylon this is a prophecy not from anyone on earth but from the lord himself and this lord is the god of hosts the word hosts is a masculine noun meaning service or servants it may apply to military service so he is the host that exists in heaven he is the self-existing god that resides in heaven and every creature every being and every angel is subject to god and around him at all times our last lesson said that god was sitting on his throne and the host was standing on his right and on his left so god is the lord god of heaven's armies because the term host is a military return of which this king understands it jeremiah you man you are a powerful individual i know we call you a weeping prophet but at this moment he's standing on the word and he uses language that the king could understand and at any moment this king could say off with his head so zedekiah is king of the hosts in his domain but god is over the host of heaven and the bible says in psalms 24 the earth is the law it's the fullness thereof the world and they that brother in matter of fact according to amos 5 and 27 god's name is the god of hosts he's the god of israel he's the god of and over israel even the king is not over this god he's the god that brought israel out of bondage let me go into my preaching mode he's the god that brought uh israel out of bondage that's exodus 12 and 51. he is the god that established his covenant with israel as exodus the 19th through the 20th chapter israel wanted a king like other nations but god was the king and he was against it because he was the king for samuel 8 five through nine god is the one who puts up one and he takes down another because he is the judge that's proverbs 75 and seven and the king's heart is in the hand of the lord anyhow he can make that king do whatever he want that king to do that's proverbs 21-1 god is the creator genesis 5-1 he is the king that psalms 47 and 7 he is the judge that's psalms 50 and 6 he is the lord that's psalms 86 and 12 and he is the savior that is hosea 13 uh and four point number seven he says if thou would surely go forth until the prince you shall live in other words the only way for you to live as a king is give your heart your give in uh or leave drop what you're doing and surrender that's the only way because this is a punishment of god so the only way he's going to survive is he's got to surrender his or will his kingdom unto the approaching babylonian kingdom if he does anything else it's not gonna look good for you fella so the king the king sent his princess and they came in that's jeremiah 39-3 that's why the lesson says the king's princess the babylonian king's princes because he sent his prince in to secure in other words you cannot hide you cannot fight against them you must go forth to them and surrender you must willfully surrender your life into their hands there are consequences if you surrender or not at this moment it's his choice but it's so bad or worse consequence if you choose not to surrender the entire kingdom is at the move of this king right now what happens to them what happens to the entire nation the entire kingdom is hinged upon the decision that this one king makes and sometimes pride gets in our way in making decisions if you're a shepherd if you're a household owner or head of household or whatever the decisions that we make affects the whole entire family the whole entire church the whole entire job it affects everybody in your cart when you decide to break laws in the car it affects everybody in the car so jeremiah gives a list of things that will take place if he surrenders it's simple thou souls shall live this city shall not be burned with fire you're gonna live and your house are gonna live zedekiah will no longer be king but his life would be spared he's not going to be king whether he gives in or not your time is up buddy out of here heavens to murgatory exit stays left left whichever one is left so the city will be spared if he listens and do what he's told to do not only would his life be spared his soul and he and his family would also be spared point number 12 what happens if he does not willfully surrender to the princes the city shall be given and the word given means to literally place who's doing the placing god will be placing the city in to their hands because only god has the authority and the power to place an entire nation into the hands of another nation because this is the judgment time this is punishment time for the children of israel so the city will be given into the hands of the children they shall burn it with fire thou shalt not escape out of their hand even though he tried but he failed that's jeremiah 39 and 5 once god gives them into the hands of the chaldeans they will be able to do whatever they want to do because god places them in their hands for judgment and for punishment they will enter into exile for many years god already know what the khaodins is going to do because god knows everything jeremiah spoke what the lord told him to speak i'm going to read this in jeremiah 21 verses 8 and verse 9 and until this people thou shalt say thus sept the lord behold i set before you the way of life and the way of death he that abideth in this city shall die by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence but he that goeth out and fall it falleth to the chaldeans that besiege you he shall live and his life shall be unto him for a prey so god already told them what to do zelekaya didn't listen to the prophet that's jeremiah 39 he tried to escape 39-5 the babylonian king's men found him and the king judged him the king of babylon slew his sons before his eyes that's verses six and then he slew excuse me the nobles and then he gals zedekiah's eyes out and carried him to babylon they burned the king's house and the people's house with fire and the babylonian king and his men they handled jeremiah with care that's chapter 39 verse 11 and through 14 the approaching king says to make sure you handle the prophet jeremiah with care ah i like that if we do what god tells us to do when the enemy invades god got a way of protecting you even when everybody else on the job is getting fired all of the supervisors is getting laid off but god got away of bypassing you and giving you a raise during a pandemic only god can do something like that let's look at this open up letterman boom i love it how verse 18 opened up the door and let verse 19 in and zedekiah the king said unto jeremiah i'm afraid of the jews now watch this he didn't say he's afraid of god he didn't say he was afraid of the babylonian king because this zedekiah was a soft king he apparently liked to appease the people he was afraid of first of all he got there by an opposing king he was not placed there by god nor the people of the kingdom the babylonian king is who placed him there as a king jedicah the king said unto jeremiah i am afraid of the jews that i've fallen look at that word fallen i'm afraid of the jews that have fallen to the cow dams because they have already seized the land lest they deliver me into their hand and they mock me so zedekiah gives the prophet the excuse of being fearful of the jews he's not afraid of god wow we can tell by the lesson that you're not afraid of god but you're afraid of the jews in other words the people who he out he who he's ruling over these are the ones the bible said that they will fall into the chaldeans and the word fallen is a verb meaning to fall to lie to prostrate oneself to overthrow they failed they failed they lost the battle they were sieged and then they were exiled to babylon and the chaldeans would be the babylonians he said that i'm afraid that if i give in to them they're going to take me and exile me to where these men are and i don't know what's going to happen to these jews concerning me he says they will be mocking me which is a verb to do or to deal with to treat severely or to abuse because some of the jews have already been taken in the captive that's what the term fallen to them mean zedekiah opposed this oncoming king and didn't want him to take over once the king takes over that would mean zedekiah is now subject to the king he will be most likely placed where these other jews are and he don't know what they allow her to beat me they will abuse me they will laugh at me they will scorn me or whatever the case may be uh because he has already shown that he's an ungodly king and he didn't want to be embarrassed based on what was going to take place in his life verse 20 lay down there you go i like to have verse 19 laid down so verse 20 can get in there but jeremiah said they shall not deliver thee obey i beseech thee the voice of the lord which i speak unto thee so it shall be well unto thee and thy souls shall live here the only way your soul is going to live he says if you obey the voice of the lord which i am speaking he assures him that they will not deliver you but you've got to obey my voice now the only way that you won't be beat bruised scandalized harassed and embarrassed by those fallen jews if you obey the voice of the lord and he says that besieged you which he's i'm literally begging you to obey the voice of the lord which i'm speaking so that it will be well with thee and it's interesting you're going to go into captivity but if you be obedient it's going to be well with you if you don't be obedient it will not look good and do this that way your soul shall live that's the second time he mentioned his soul living verses 20 1 22 and 23 slide over dot but if thou refuse watch this if you refuse to go forth this is the word that the lord all cap have showed me now the word is has been shown because jeremiah is a prophet and a prophet was also called a seer he saw visions he saw things if you refuse to go this is what's going to happen to you he says and behold all the women that are left in the king of judah's house these would be the women that would be in the palace what's going to happen is they're going to be brought forth to the king of babylon's prince and those women shall say now when he's really says say he's really saying that they're going to mock him by singing some type of song with lyrics that friends have set thee on and have prevailed against thee thy feet are sunk in the mire and they are turned a way back booyah so they shall bring out all thy wise doc how many wives you've got however many you got they're going to bring them all out so those other women were a part of the harem uh there could have been other officers wives that could have been the servants the handmaids whatever concubines and all of that them as well as his wives and thy children to the chaldeans and thou shalt not escape you're not going to escape out of their hand but shout be taken by the hand of the king of babylon and thou shalt cause this city to burn or to be burned with fire so this is the last chance for the king to adhere to the prophecy if you refuse to go this is the word that the lord showed me all the women in the palace will be captured and taken by the prince of babylon now these women will say that friends have set the on and have prevailed against thee look at the word set or the phrase set the on it is a verb meaning to entice incite or to mislead it says your friends misled you it has the sense of stirring up persons with the intention to get them to deviate to act with destruction harmful purposes or results in mind part number two and they will prevail it indicates to be able to endure in other words they're going to deceive you and they're going to be effective at or they have been effective in deceiving you is the song that these women are saying so the women of the king's palace will speak against him they will most likely be in the palace of the king's house or somewhere around there speaking against him he will probably be around to hear them laugh and mark and sing this song to him they said your friends which is probably the nobles the prophets and the ministers of the king so they will these men will mislead you and they will deceive you which would be the word for prevail they're going to mislead you there are purposes that they mess with misled you and they deceived you now you're in trouble and they have deserted you and left you to your faith is what they're saying so these women will say when you when your feet sank in the mud they left you there to your own faith they will bring out all your wives they will bring out all your children to the babylonians you will not escape out of their hand you will be taken by the hand of the king of babylon and you will cause this city to burn all because number one israel turned her back against god and god had sent the prophets by but they refused to him i need to say this to somebody uh this pandemic that we're in uh we might be missing some information i will say this i don't think everything that we was doing in the name of god was accepted by god yes you heard it by me yes i said it i don't think everything we were doing i asked a question on last week how do you know that god accepts your worship or your praise just because it feels good smells good sounds good looks good to the flesh or the emotion doesn't mean that it's good to god that means that god accepts it even david the king had a good idea but it was not a god idea and israel forsook her god which was the only true and living god because she forsook god and god time after time after time after time sent the prophets by to warn them to stop let us reason stop he kept sending preachers by to preach to the church to preach to the leadership of the church to preach to the community to preach to the government to get back to god to get back to the scripture to get back to teaching and training what we have done is we have really made the name of god a shame and we've changed the worship now i'm in the lesson we've changed our form of worship which is what israel did they started bringing in stuff that god did not accept and they got used to it and god kept saying another preacher by early rising up and telling them but they refuse to do it and god says that's all right your time is up you are now about to be judged and he sends the prophet by and tells him to surrender because it is judgment time if you choose not to surrender you're going to lose your eyes which he did your sons are going to die while you watch it he didn't say this but this is what happened they're gonna take your wives which is what he said they're gonna take the women in the palace which is what he did they're gonna take you which is what they did and they're gonna burn the city which is what they did all because he chose not to do things the way god said it oh my jeremiah the suffering preacher he suffered on more than one occasion there were three times at least that jeremiah was placed in prison one time he was placed in prison he was taken out another time he was placed in a hole in an empty sister in the bible says and it was full of mud and he sunk they left him there to die because that they did not accept his words but his words were godly words then it got to the king and the king had him pulled out of the or the muck in the clay as we call it and placed in prison in the king's palace well you're a godly or an ungodly king that there was no way that this man should have been arrested anyhow it comes time where we need not listen to the majority and listen to god that's it if you like this lesson give me a thumbs up i need to see some thumbs up make that thumb of yours cherry red as my brother would say mash that like button if you like it if you don't like it make sure you turn that button up come on quit playing and leave me some comments please yes come on let's let's talk about this lesson what are the things that you like about it what did you see maybe you saw some things different and i welcome all comments i re read them and i try to reply to them and respond to them as much as possible this is a good lesson i'm loving the series that we're talking about the prophets uh make sure you share this lesson with somebody share with someone you love and share it with someone who don't love you your enemy because they need to know the word of god as well lord said of saying the quick don't rise and the lord the last coming i'll see you on sunday at nine o'clock for our live stream and so you know next week on the 18th uh i'll be in florida i'll be in florida so you know so those of you that are going to florida that live in florida i'll be in miami for a couple of days how they say holla at your boy teaching the word of god in the spirit of excellence a child saved is a soul saved plus a life amen you
Channel: Rodney Jones
Views: 18,508
Rating: 4.9414992 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Jones Sunday School, International standard lesson, union press, That sunday school girl, the lesson, Union Gospel press, UGP, Bible study, Rodney Jones, Sunday school, Jeremiah The Suffering Preacher, May 16, may 16 2021, who was Jeremiah, Jeremiah 38:14-23
Id: 5fsQnXl0_2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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