MGS3 - Capturing & eating every plant and animal

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I see you caught yourself a reticulated python the reticulated python is said to be the longest snake in the world the biggest ones can grow up to 10 meters in length although they're not poisonous they're still very dangerous so be careful around them they have a highly ferocious temperament and they can swallow whole even large animals like deer and pigs their most distinguishing feature is the mesh pattern of their scales this pattern axe is a highly effective natural camouflage if you think there might be a reticulated python about pay close attention to your surroundings otherwise you could get bitten before you even know it's there it's a huge snake but you should be able to capture it alive by using the tranquilizer gun I'll bet if you capture one and throw it at an enemy it'll give them a good scare right but how do they taste do they taste good you're actually going to eat one why else would I be asking them what was that nothing let's see what the guide says oh you're in luck it says they taste pretty good good I can hardly wait I see you found some Russian oyster mushrooms the Russian oyster mushroom is an edible variety that belongs to the XI Meiji family it's known to be particularly rich in vitamin b1 and niacin apparently it's usually found growing on tree stumps and hollow logs so look there if you want to eat some I see you captured a giant anaconda the giant anacondas believed to be the largest snake in the world in terms of weight and diameter it's not poisonous but it's large size makes it extremely powerful they say it even needs crocodiles it's only natural predator is man and snake and snake the giant anaconda is a very large snake but you should be able to capture it alive using the tranquilizer gun got it so how does it taste I knew you were going to ask me that go ahead I didn't disappoint you so well the guide says it tastes all right good I'll have to try something I see you've captured a magpie Magpies are members of the crow family they're distinguishable by their beautiful dark blue and white bodies and their long tails their favorite food is insects but they'll also eat small fish acorns and fruit they're omnivores which means they'll eat anything right just like you huh if you use the tranquilizer gun you should be able to capture Magpies alive okay so how did they taste you always ask me that naturally so I've never heard of anybody actually eating a magpie but I suppose there's no reason we couldn't you don't say I see you've got yourself a Baltic hornets nest Baltic Hornets are variety of Hornets that inhabit that area the difference between them and other Hornets is that they produce honey in their nests inside the nests our larvae pupae and adults you can eat them all in particular the honey you find inside the nest is delicious and full of nutrients it's easy to digest and helps pep you up when you're feeling tired in short it's the perfect survival food honey can also be used as a burn ointment when honey is applied to a burn it creates a protective coating over the skin when you knock down a hornet's nest a burn ointment will appear along with it so don't forget to pick it up of course the Hornets aren't going to give up their nest without a fight if you knock a nest down a large swarm of Hornets will come flying out so be careful I see you've captured an Indian gave you the Indian Gabriel is a crocodile that originally lived in freshwater regions in India and Nepal why are Indian crocodiles way out here there are captive crocodiles that were brought here for research purposes that escaped and became wild again Indian Gabriel's are large creatures adult males grow to over 6 meters in length you'll never catch one alive even if you use the tranquilizer gun got it so how do they taste yes I did look into that you know what they always say tastes like chicken sounds delicious but be careful when capturing an Indian gavial normally their cowardly creatures but the ones in the forest there are belligerent apparently they attack humans what do you mean they weren't the direct subject of any serious research but some think they may have become violent as a side effect of the atomic research that was conducted nearby looks like you found a galava Bulova yeah it's a fruit that's found only in that region it's related to the jackfruit which is commonly found in Southeast Asia jackfruit ah yep he's a cannibal I didn't say anything no I'm sure you I said I'm sure you'd like it Oh galava means head in Russian it's probably called that because the fruit grows to about the size of a human head it's supposedly pretty good to eat with a uniquely sweet flavor the fruit itself is fairly large so you can make a meal out of it ghal ovas grow directly off the trunk of the tree if you're running low on stamina it might be a good idea to keep an eye on the tree trunks I see you've caught a tree frog the tree frog is a green frog that's found throughout Asia it's arboreal spending most of its time in shrubs and bushes use the tranquilizer gun to catch one alive I bet you could scare an enemy good if you toss one at him but the tree frogs that live in that jungle are a lot bigger than ordinary tree frogs they've got an appetite huh you've got a one-track mind don't you but seriously that is one theory however there are people who think it's a mutation caused by nuclear testing and waste from the research facility do you think they're safe to eat is that all you ever think about what else is there lots like what like why a frog would get so big in the first place whether it's a temporary phenomenon created by a unique environment or a permanent mark of evolution or a product of the toxic waste coming out of the research facility if it is the waste that's causing it then it means humans are interfering with the ecosystem it really makes you think about the change in relationship between this isn't interesting Oh fine be that way so how about it you mean is it edible yeah hmm well I guess it's probably okay probably I don't know the guide doesn't say anything pretty useless guide if you ask me well try one for dinner and you can help improve it I see you found two you blow camel oak oh yeah yeah Moo what now yep local Moloko it's a Russian name that roughly translates as milk Apple it's a type of star Apple the juice is thick and sweeps like milk hence the name and if you cut one and a half lengthwise you'll see a star shaped ring radiating out from the center hence the star Apple right the star shaped part has a gelatinous texture and is said to be especially tasty sounds useful you're welcome for once did you say something no back to the mission that area is home to the Sunda whistling thrush the soondae whistling thrush is a bird native to Java and Sumatra its distinguished by its large blue body and long beak it really stands out in the forest if you're aiming to catch one alive use the tranquilizer gun got it so how does it taste yeah I don't know you don't know the guy doesn't say I guess there's no reason you couldn't eat them no I see but it's nice and plump so I'm sure it'd make a hearty meal that's a good point I see you cut yourself a rat the rats in that area are the descendants of wild Norway rats that were domesticated by humans as pets and lab animals they're not poisonous and I don't think they'll attack you but they're quick little creatures so you might have a hard time catching one so how do they taste snake what they're rats I know what they are do they taste okay the guide says they're not that bad good enough for me I see you caught Naughton frog the Otton frog is a large corpulent species of frog they're known as a delicacy so it might be worth catching them for food the Otton frog was originally found only on a mommy Oshima in Japan frogs usually have four toes on their front legs but the aunt and frog is unique in that it has five got it by the way you said they were known as a delicacy right right so that means they must taste pretty good huh I guess so I hear that in Japan Otten frog sashimi and sukiyaki a popular dishes really yeah Japan ha ha that place is starting to sound better and better I see you caught yourself a Japanese flying squirrel Japanese flying squirrels are non-venomous and they shouldn't attack you the head front legs hind legs and tail of the Japanese flying squirrel are connected by a membrane of skin which allows the squirrel to glide from tree to tree it says here that if it catches a good wing it can fly more than a hundred yards yeah I had a hard time catching one so aren't you going to ask me you know it how does it taste not sure not sure the guy doesn't say anything about it why not gee maybe it's because no one would ever think of eating a flying squirrel then I must be the first one maybe you are I see you caught yourself a green tree python the green tree python isn't venomous so no need to worry it's fairly docile too so I don't think it's likely to attack you the green tree python originally comes from Australia and New Zealand it's a really pretty green color and it lives oh my god what's wrong snake what did I just say they come from Australia New Zealand no after that there are really pretty green color I thought so what was I thinking seeing a snake and calling it pretty what's wrong with that everything when a normal woman sees a snake she's supposed to scream or get sick or something like that and do you think you're normal what was that nothing ah it's all your fault jeez I'm sorry but enough of that what do you mean enough of that this is serious no I I just wanted you to tell me how it tastes how should I know yeah it was awfully pretty though Oh what can I say I see you've caught it king cobra the king cobra is the world's largest venomous snake its large size means that it has a lot of venom to inject one bite is supposedly enough to kill an elephant and it's extremely vicious as well so watch out if you get bitten by a king cobra and injected with venom your life will start to decrease rapidly as soon as you're bitten go into the survival viewer and eve's cure to give yourself a serum injection the king cobras diet consists mostly of other snakes be careful or you might end up as its next meal got it so what how does it taste yep it seems you're the one whose diet consists of other snakes you're making me blush the guide says they taste just fine wow you caught a girl snake the coral snake is a venomous snake that originally hails from the Americas it's venom is a very potent neurotoxin so don't let it bite you if you do get bitten go into the survival viewer right away and use cure to neutralize the poison with a serum injection the colorful red and black patterns on the coral snake or a warning sign apparently the bright flashy colors in pattern let other animals know that it carries a deadly poison that keeps them from attacking there are many animals that mimic the colors have known poisonous animals as a defense see by mimicking other poisonous creatures they increase their chances our survival there is another non poisonous snake called the milk snake that borrows its colony from the coral snake you're not even listening are you no okay we'll talk about something you're interested in them the taste yes it says here that coral snakes are pretty good in a snakey kind of way a snakey kind of way huh I see you've caught a Quarles I mean a milk snake the milk snake closely resembles the coral snake but it's actually not venomous even so you'll still take damage if it bites you so don't get too close so is there a way to tell the difference between a milk snake and a coral snake it's pretty difficult they really do look almost exactly alike I guess if I had to pick something I'd say it's that the milk snake is much less aggressive okay ah I just thought of a better way you're going to love this what eat it eat it yeah the guide says milk snakes don't taste very good is that right but if I've already caught and eaten it what does it matter which kind of snake it was it doesn't does it shoot I thought I had a good idea I see you've captured a poison dart frog the poison dart frog is native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America they normally grow between two and five centimeters in length but for some reason the ones in that area seem to be much bigger than that poison dart frogs are known to carry a potent neurotoxin called the millio toxin long ago people use the poison to coat their arrows for hunting watch out because if you eat one you get food poisoning I see you've caught yourself in Arowana the Arowana is an ancient fish that lives in tropical freshwater areas because of its large size I don't think you'll be able to capture one alive ancient fish like the arowana are living fossils they've hardly changed their form since the Devonian and Jurassic periods other ancient fish besides the arowana include the coelacanth the starlet and the knife fish almost all organisms on earth have evolved in very shapes and forms but these fish have kept the same form for hundreds of millions of years baffling isn't it sure well I can see you're not interested not at all I'm fascinated by ancient fish why they're supposed to be huge aren't they you're wondering whether they make a good meal yeah so do they the guide says they taste just fine for a fish great I see you've got yourself a ration rations or portable meals carried by Soviet soldiers I've heard some nasty stories about how they taste it looks like the rumors are true great hey you should be grateful those things are designed to last no matter how long you keep a ration it'll never go back and there's surprisingly good for you - I'd take a snake over this any day even if it's a little rotten you are hopeless I see you have a calorie mate calorie mate the thing you're holding now oh the little block that looks like a cookie try it it's pretty good okay but what is this thing never seen anything like it Halla we made is an energy supplement that contains all the proteins lipids vitamins carbohydrates and minerals needed for a balanced diet it's a well-balanced food because of that it's just perfect for giving your body the nutrition it needs in combat it sounds like a space-age food real astronaut food is not very good but that should taste fine yeah and it'll help balance out all this jungle food I'm eating it's easy and quick to eat so it's perfect when you're running late for an important mission in the morning I've never been late for a mission really aren't you always keeping people waiting it's easy to keep track of your calorie intake and receive the nutrition your body needs so it's good for losing weight to all of the geisha girls in Japan use it for watching their calories is that why they're all so slim right in any diet where you eat nothing at all is bad for the body I see he you seem to know a lot about Japan don't you yes I love Japan I see you found some Russian glow cats the Russian blow cap is a kind of luminescent fungus a mushroom that glows in the dark why would a mushroom glow in the dark its file luminescence just like a firefly it uses the so called Luciferian luciferase reaction to put it simply Luciferian reacts with luciferase in the presence of magnesium two-plus ions breaking it down into oxy luciferin and carbon dioxide the carbonyl groups in an oxidant sibron are initially in an electrical excited state when they returned to their base state they give off light did you get all that not really by the way does that mushroom recharge your batteries when you eat it I mean it seems like you can eat a glowing mushroom it might recharge your batteries or something snake your batteries are organic batteries they produce electricity by utilizing the potential difference between cells Organic batteries are known for their highly efficient energy conversion that they still rely on chemical reactions between proteins and enzymes - so you're saying they'll get recharged believe what you want right paramedic what's up you were right about what I ate a Russian glow cab and it charged up my batteries huh what's wrong I that's that's great hey can you excuse me for a second sure yeah there's no way eating a bioluminescent mushroom because your batteries to be charged maybe it's all in his mind why not you've seen I've gotta believe I guess there's no it sounds good to me okay snake I'm back yes the Russian glow cap is a glowing mushroom so it'll recharge your batteries when you eat it I see you've caught yourself a canyon mangrove crab the canyon mangrove crab is a land going crab it lives in burrows dug near sea shores and mangrove swamps it's not poisonous but it might hurt a little if it attacks you with its pincers treat it with caution got it so this thing must taste pretty good huh why do you say must it's a crab isn't it it is and the crabs are good to eat what's so good about them you don't like crab not at all why not hi how can you eat those things they're all purple and yellow striped and they stink like cat pee but that's just my opinion don't listen to me let's see here the guide says no way it says they're delicious well if you want to eat one then go right ahead but count me out [Applause] I see you've caught yourself a Taiwanese Cobra the Taiwanese cobra is native to Taiwan and southern China it's quite vicious and carries a potent neurotoxin in its fangs be careful if it bites you go into the survival viewer immediately and use the cure option to inject yourself with serum sounds interesting don't ask me the guide doesn't say if you absolutely have to know then you'll just have to try it yourself and say I didn't say anything but you were going to ask weren't you about the taste I'll talk to you later snake I see you've caught a vampire bat the vampire bat bites its victims and sucks their blood got it speaking of bats just save it huh I know you're gonna talk about vampire movies attack of the vampire Donuts or Dracula versus the space hippos or something like that actually I was going to say that bats are known to use supersonic waves to sense their surroundings bats use supersonic waves to sense their surroundings so you might be able to keep them away by blasting them with a special kind of sound wave alternatively you could try equipping a torch and waving it around with the CQC button as for taste I suppose there's no reason you couldn't eat them snake do you hate vampire movies what just now you sounded like you really hated them I did yeah no one really likes them to do that some people do like you yeah they're fascinating you know like the movie Drac you don't say it why not just don't are you afraid what you're afraid of vampires aren't you don't be ridiculous but listen there are no such things as vampires they're just a stupid made-up legend if they do see where you'll sometimes well sure you think I'd be afraid of something like that no exactly right I'm not afraid of vampires uh-huh it's just that whenever somebody starts talking about vampires I end up dreaming about them that night and I don't need that right now that's all okay I want some more I see you've got yourself a maroon shark the maroon shark is found mostly in Southeast Asia but it's not actually a shark it's related to the carp it's also known as the red fin cigar shark the river Barb and the Sultan fish interesting so how does it taste according to the guide it's good but it's kind of oily and it has a lot of little bones finally I never worry about the little things so I gathered I see you found a Russian flawless mango the Russian false mango is a mango like fruit found only in salina yars the egg-shaped fruit is sweet and tangy with a pleasing aroma just like a mango also the seeds can be used to make a medicine that aids in digestion it might come in handy if you ever have an upset stomach I see you caught a Thai Cobra the Thai Cobra is a large venomous snake that carries an extremely potent neurotoxin be careful not to get bitten if you do get bitten go into the survival viewer right away and use cure to give yourself a serum injection the Thai Cobra originally comes from Indochina Thailand and southern China the ones in that area will probably imported his pets and research subjects before they escaped in turn Carol not as food come again they weren't imported as food they're not for eating so they don't taste good then that's not my point it's not a matter of whether they taste good or not people don't raise snakes for food period okay so you're saying they might be good eat right only one way to find out I see you've caught yourself a big eye troubling the big guy treble e is a type of mackerel the adult fish lives around coral reefs but the young can be found in freshwater areas such as estuaries and rivers good to know so how do they taste mmm the guy that doesn't save huh well if they're a kind of mackerel they should be okay to eat right you'd think so but but what well I've heard stories about people getting sick with terror poisoning after eating the adult fish ciguatera poisoning uh-huh fishes that live near coral reefs or sometimes contaminated with a poison known as ciguatera toxins it apparently gives you food poisoning when you eat it so I can't eat those big-eyed traveling I don't know whether those trevally are contaminating the secretary or not but use caution just in case I see you've caught a cobalt blue tarantula the cobalt blue tarantula is a poisonous spider with a highly potent venom if you get bitten go into the survival viewer immediately and use cure to administer a serum injection there are many different varieties of tarantulas the cobalt blue is part of a group called earth Tigers they build their nests mainly underground and are highly aggressive their diet consists of not only insects but also mice and even snakes interesting so how do they taste are you really going to eat them naturally so it says here they're not very good damn don't act so surprised isn't it obvious why would it be obvious it's a spider for goodness sake a big one but still a spider and there's not much to it yeah if only it were as big as the one in earth vs. the spider the what earth vs. the spider it's a movie about this gigantic spider when it's small it's about 15 feet wide but when it's big it's about 35 feet wide what do you mean when it's small and when it's big the size changes from scene to scene it happens all the time you got some instant noodles huh instant noodles uh-huh it was invented in Japan just recently add some hot water and it's ready to eat it's cheap and can be stored for a long time and besides it's delicious it's like a miracle food Wow speaking of which yeah are you going to eat that I was planning on it ya know all right is there some reason I shouldn't no that's not what I meant then what did you mean I was just going to say that if you weren't going to eat it you should bring it back to me I've always wanted to try some I see you found some fly agaric mushrooms the fly agaric is a relative of the Death Cap mushrooms that grows only in that region you'll find it growing on the ground but it's poisonous so if you pick one up don't eat it if you do eat one go into the survival viewer immediately and use cure to take some antidote the poisons found in the fly agaric include fallow toxins and ammo toxins it says here that when you eat it the initial symptoms include nausea stomach pain and diarrhea finally your liver and kidneys will break down into a sponge-like substance and you die it sounds like a horrible way to die isn't it yeah so how does it taste huh how does it were you listening to me the fly agaric is poisonous I heard you but if I did eat it it might taste good right I give up I see you've caught a European rabbit the European rabbit is said to have come from the Mediterranean region originally but nowadays they're found all over the world they've been used since ancient times as a source of food so it might be worth catching them rabbits are known to eat their own excrement they eat their own that's right it's called seco feces when the rabbit eats fiber the fiber is fermented in the rabbits appendix or cecum and turned into a nutritious substance filled of vitamins the rabbit excretes this substance and then eats it again to absorb the nutrients that's a neat trick I think I'll give it a try snake rabbits and humans don't work that I'm just kidding you really thought I was going to eat it a little yeah even I wouldn't do that I guess not but how did those seagull feces taste what I'm just kidding I see you've caught yourself a read about of that the read of a devout is a small bird native to southern China and Southeast Asia this is its mating season so the male's ought to be a brilliant red color right now if you want to catch one alive use the tranquilizer gun by catching one and then releasing it you might be able to distract the enemy's attention I see how do they taste that what the flavor you you're not going to eat such a cute little bird are you yeah something bothering you no okay then so how about it how should I know I see you found a sponsor spots a sponsor right interesting name so paramedic what what kind of mushroom is a sponsor you really want to know I guess so okay let's see the sponsor yeah it's gray hmm and it grows on the ground yeah and that's all that's all that's all the guide says okay so I don't know that much about it why don't you eat one and see it might be pretty tasty you wanted see what do I look like a lab rat what what did I say what if the rats hear you you'll hurt their feelings Hera medic yeah I ate one of those spots of mushrooms you were talking about really how did it taste I passed out seriously yeah so that's why they call it the bringer of sleep what oh I look the word spots up afterwards and found out it means bringer of sleep in Russian but anyway the reason the spots have puts you to sleep when you eat it is because it contains a type of anesthetic substance similar to an alkaloid I'll bet if you pick one you could soak it into a handkerchief to create a sleeping drug eating a spots ax and falling asleep might cause your life and stamina to recover as well why don't you find a safe spot and try it out snake you caught a Tsuchinoko what is it true snake yeah way to go my man you really are the boss's apprentice yes it looks like sending you in was worth it after all hurry up and finish your mission and then bring it back to us under no circumstances are you to eat it is that clear I see you found a vine knowing the vine melon is a kind of melon commonly found in salina yarski like the name says it's a melon that grows on a vine the flesh is crisp and delicious the vine melon is full of potassium and carotene so it's good for you as well next time you see a vine why not check to see if there's a melon growing on it I see you found some you're a luminescent mushrooms the euro luminescent mushroom is a mushroom found only in Celino yards it looks like a shiitake mushroom and it's often found growing on the trunks of trees if it looks like a shiitake mushroom then it must be edible right yep I can't guarantee that it'll taste just like a shiitake mushroom though by the way paramedic what I tried that year a luminescent mushroom you were talking about so how did it taste it was poisonous what it was a poison mushroom really yeah that's weird the guide says it's are you sure that guide is reliable don't worry it's fine it just happened to be wrong this one time I see you found some Siberian ink cap mushrooms the Siberian ink cap is a mushroom from the ink cap family its lifecycle is transitory as soon as the spores mature the cap starts to turn black liquefy and melt away and that's why they call it an ink that's right it doesn't really turn to liquid but you get the idea in its immature state before it melts away it's valued as a source of food just be sure not to eat them while you're drinking alcohol why is that in caps contain copra nguyen hibbett the function of aldehyde dehydrogenase this prevents the body from breaking down alcohol causing a buildup of acetaldehyde meaning meaning it will give you the hangover from hell oh I better go warn Grandin huh nothing important wait a minute what you think I'd drink alcohol in the middle of a mission wouldn't you hell no well I'm knocking a shot back now what just easy you know oh come on where's your sense of humor I need a drink [Music] paramedic I caught a parrot what kind of parent it's green all over with a large beak then it's probably an Alexander and parakeet it's sometimes also called the Alexandrine parrot the Alexandrian parakeet originally comes from Indochina and is distinguished by its green body and red beak it's very talkative and makes a good pet but it's strange the guide doesn't say anything about there being Alexandrian parakeets in that area I'm thinking it must be someone's pet that got away snake what don't even think about it eating a cute little bird like that but I didn't say just don't I see you caught a mark or the mark or is a kind of wild goat that lives in mountainous areas it's quite large so I don't think you'll be able to capture one alive even with the tranquilizer gun all right speaking of which you know the origin of the name mark or no it means Snake Eater in Persian Snake Eater lost your appetite not at all so how does it taste it's supposed to be pretty good alright I see you've got yourself an emperor scorpion the emperor scorpion is said to be the largest scorpion in the world its venom is a potent neurotoxin so take care that you don't get stung if you do get stung go into the survival viewer and use cure to inject yourself with serum right away okay so how's it taste not very good I'm afraid don't get so discouraged there are other ways to use it besides eating it right like what like catching one alive with the tranquilizer gun and throwing it at the enemy yeah sometimes I wonder if you even remember that you were on a mission [Music] I see you've captured a white-rumped vulture the white-rumped vulture is a type of vulture found in India its diet consists mostly of dead animal carcasses I don't think it'll attack you but it's a fairly large bird of prey so you probably won't be able to capture it alive using the tranquilizer gun got it but there is something here that's bothering me what is it they say the white grunts vulture doesn't just eat animal carcasses it eats human ones as well is that so yeah so then if a person eats a white-rumped vulture does that mean he's eating human meat too what do you think yeah you had to tell me that after I ate [Music] [Applause]
Channel: George Salonikh l Metal Gear Solid
Views: 658,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CzMbljJS41o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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