MF135 6 Speed Restoration #42 Assembling the Steering Box Part1

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[Music] okay when we pulled the steering box apart we just pulled the shaft out we didn't actually undo all of the of the little bolts on the recirculating ball housing here so we'll just find there's a spanner in their own drawl then 7/16 spanner there's a little bit of wind noise outside yeah I don't know what we're picking up I've done a bit of a test record and it sounded pretty good so hopefully it's not gonna wash out and blow out like it can do on us we're still working in the big open shed I suppose okay we have the the ball race here and they're quite snug but snug in there so that's just the the right then as the balls go round and round and round inside there they it's like a big thread and then when it when they come to here this hole here they come up and they start the journey again again again and that's why they call it recirculating ball the balls just keep going round and round around and why we go for me say one thing I like to do at this stage and I suppose it's up to you whether you do it or not but where this comes out of the mine shaft you have a mine shaft in your steering box and where this sits in your mine shaft there's two pigs and we had to undo one to get it here now the correct setting for this is well when you read the manual I say put an extra shim in in one side here and get a little bit of in play and then put it back until there's none right I don't do that oh yeah I just like to check it at this stage I'm not going to use the new shaft and that like I spoke about doing I decided these parts are certainly serviceable so what's wrong me so so all I'm looking for at this stage is to see how tight this gets in there so we'll nip him up we have to have that with no side movement so we tighten him up evenly over the years the holes where the pin go into the side of the nut where so so we have quite a bit of slop there and if we have a look here see this housing you even know the pins not or the lock tabs aren't open that is loose so we might just grab a little screwdriver not these tabs open so if we didn't check this now we'd just put this back in the way we'd go and we'd be none the wiser so so with that moving there we don't want that so we'll tighten this up on this side and we still have some movement then so we we might just drop a shim out of this side and just see what we have right if we need two shims we'll take one from each side but we don't want it tight but we are firm well we don't want any in play it we don't want preload so so on this side here we have a couple of shims let's just take one yeah that'd be to be both the same thickness the shims go between obviously between the head of the pin and the yoke a little bit of movement there still but with the see the sheds creaking and popping a bit but anyway that's look there's just the ever-so-slight estoy that's nearly too tight and if you have that toy when you go up and down you you get a tight spot so that looks like I don't have any different sized teams I don't even know if you can buy them actually so we just have to go as tight as we can without having a preload on it and looks like in our case we have to put our sim back and have a little preload there and those little holes that look worn really well suppose it's a it's a little bit of wear everywhere from the factory it would have been okay okay so shim back in the general idea is I'm the message I'm trying to get through is just as tight as it can be with our preload and if you if you have a little inflate well I suppose there's not much we can do about it there's a little way but anyway that's we're gonna have to wear make sure it's all tight okay that's as good as we can do in this instance one seems too much just makes it too tight all right now we can pull all right out again left to be better than it was with tightening up this end lady okay we'll leave that there just so we don't lose it put this aside and there's very little wave in those bushes um that's a case that I'm not going to replace the bushes that's that tight so that's a good thing now the kit that I've been using as the quality tractor parts kit six one six one five and four the job we're doing it's just bee's knees we get the new top nut with the o-ring groove so we can pop the o-ring on there straight away we get new recirculating ball races we get a new chrome top washer we get a new lock plate and that sits on the nut and holds recirculating ball races in we get two new bolts to hold that in we get the balls for the recirculating race new balls in the kit for the that's for the nut here we get new balls for the top of the steering shaft we get new ball races for the top of the steering shaft a new nut and a new lock tab lock tab that locks the tension on the nut so we'll go and get the shower and we'll just run through setting that up it's all we're doing here is just holding the shaft in the vise now I don't believe is the top and bottom on this doesn't matter which way you turn it the thread goes the same way now I have them cantered the ball seed but I think I read 22 I'm on the bench where they won't roll away just like that okay so what we do we just lifting that up and start dropping balls in give it a little wriggle as you go and just help them through so they have to go around a couple of times before they come back out so you'll notice on the top here see we we just about full wear so we just give it a bit of a bit of a regular push as we go come in from the other side as well and they're wriggling it we're just making sure we're helping them get up under and be all around it you'll try and keep them all in position they will try and sneak out on your sneaky little buggers you actually get to a stage where as you push him down here you'll see him coming up there that's just a bit of wd-40 I will get heavier oil and lighter I think we're there as we push one sword damn the other swords coming up so we should roughly have enough balls left just to fill the rice and we'll put a bit of grease there they're coming out of the back here for me I'll get a little bit of grease in that right a little bit of heavier oil this looks like a bit of molybdenum grease doesn't matter what sort of grease just to hold a ball bearing you right so once that's full bring the mating section in and then we have to work that in to the to the groove and all that without denting this at the top so so what we should be able to do within that ran around around with no ball bearings coming out anyway be careful when you get to the ends a little bit of a tight spot there but we just probably have to do the aims of these fellas here that's actually 69 so there's not quite right and two left there we go we had one ball bearing it was in the wrong shooting had a little bit that's what was getting stuck okay that means we have to yeah okay yeah great - okay I had to find that little ball now poke him back in there make sure none of these are outside the little loop which was what was going on actually had another one slid out this end so there was to the rod missed that's good they make sure they ride home I need to go up and down a few times just to make sure we haven't done that's good let me pop this little follow on with a couple of bolts it must be both metric and imperial bolts in these nuts or threads in this in these nuts see which one of these I'll see if it makes any difference anyway that guy's in nicely this is a metric man that's slopping around over-talking assault okay so it's a yellow ones were using me to get this little one star the hulls are not just 100% blowing up here that's good boy that's quiet I'll have to undo this other end get this one started there we go that's a little pain meal a little bit notchy still but that'll come good I'm sure once we get it buttoned up properly okay that's alright now look I'll go and get a couple of cable toys to make sure it doesn't fall this what we can do at this stage we can set the shaft and the nut in you know first up we need to pop these lock tabs back over all right so we can put this in a little bit of Lube but anyway why more than just yeah the shaft actually they're not this has to go to the back near the gear stick and we still have to do the top of the shaft now we could do the top of the shaft and just slide all this in as one unit it doesn't really matter how I don't believe this way at least everything's going to be fixed in place and we can't lose anything [Music]
Channel: Bundy Bears Shed
Views: 12,089
Rating: 4.895288 out of 5
Keywords: ferguson steering, massey steering, steering box, mf135, massey 135, tractor repaair, tractor restoration, mf148, 135 steering, 148 steering, queensland tractor spares
Id: igY_NlNs5NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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