Mexico - The Biggest WASTE of Potential. Red Dead Redemption 2 CUT Content, Dialogue, & DLC?

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Red Dead Redemption 2 developed by Rockstar Games is widely acclaimed for its expansive and immersive open world Rich storytelling and detailed environments however one intriguing aspect that has gared attention within the Gaming Community is the cut content related to Mexico which was a significant location in the game's predecessor Red Dead Redemption this video explores the nature of this cut content its implications and the community's response if you enjoy videos like this one please be sure to subscribe as 99% of viewers have not done so I appreciate all of your support now let's delve into the cut content of Mexico in Red Dead Redemption 2 the original Red Dead Redemption was loed for its expensive setting that included the American frontier and Mexico the latter provided a distinct cultural and geographical contrast enriching the game's narrative and diversity given this background expectations were high for Mexico return in rdr2 early leaks and speculations seemed to support this anticipation but the final release did not include Mexico as a playable area leading to much debated discussion and speculation over the years players who ventured Beyond The Game's intended boundaries found areas across the southern river that resembled the Landscapes of Mexico from rdr1 these regions while lacking in overall polish and interactivity suggested that Rockstar Games might have initially planned a more significant role for Mexico in the game the landscape is complete with a basic design Dynamic lighting and even Rock structures and rivers this part outside of the playable map almost perfectly mirrors the Mexico map in rdr1 with structures from the first game easily identifiable it was quickly suggested this area was intended to return with rdr2 but for whatever reason was cut by Rockstar apart from the mentioned Rock structures the landscape is filled with cacti rolling Desert Hills and even what appears to be dried up bodies of water because these areas were never used or even made accessible to players without glitches or mons the Assumption was made that this landscape that represented Mexico was nothing more than a backdrop for the game's American frontier however upon venturing to Mexico it is safe to assume that at one point ruab did intent for the area to be visited by players Supple details in the landscape hint that it was made to be easily traversed by the player this is suggested by dirt parts that look similar to the dirt roads that already exist in the Red Dead Universe the existence of a path in the first place implies that the area was meant to be traveled to why would RockStar at a road on a part of the world the new players would never even see or explore furthermore the parts often seem to be placed in areas with rough terrain or on the side of a rocky Cliff suggesting these parts were put there to make these areas areas of desert easier to navigate for the player there is also an arch that seems to have a path under it as well as an untextured tunnel in the middle of a rock that provides a clear path through it to the other side this tunnel could have been used as perhaps a train track but regardless I do not see why this tunnel would exist other than to serve the purpose of making it easier for the player to travel to the other side other than the Mexico landscape being optimized for player travel there also exists a structure that that appears to be part of el pryia this structure while appearing to be heavily detailed is unfinished and has no interior design the argument can be made that due to the lack of interior design this structure serves as nothing more than a backdrop as it can be seen from the playable map however driving into the game files actually reveals that more structures were intended to be in that area of the game in fact the game files reveal over 14 models for towns and other unique structures that were supposed to be included in Mexico some of which existed in rdr1 some of these locations include chuparosa escalera baranka and graveyard these models suggest that the Mexico area was intended to be more than a backdrop in rdr2 and could have perhaps even played a bigger part in the main story also found in the gain files were scale form mini maps for areas in Mexico that showed the outlines of each area and where the Bounty lines would be however these files were later completely removed there are also several text files that relate to Mexico that the planer never hears another important detail to note for players that glitch their way into Mexico older theme soundtracks from rdr1 can be heard this soundtrack is never heard in rbr2 unless you glitch yourself into that [Music] area [Music] [Music] this further indicates that rockar intended for the area to be playable and that the ambience was sent to change tones with the throwback soundtrack when players arrive to the Mexico areas another detail is that while exploring Mexico in rbr2 the sound of a dog barking in the distance can rarely be heard however there is never any dog found whether it was always intended to be a backdrop or if Mexico and its content were cut from the game the community has proposed several theories Regarding why Mexico was excluded from rvr2 some suggest that developmental challenges or time constraints led to its removal others theorized that Mexico was intended to be part of a larer downloadable content or expansion which was later abandoned this speculation is fueled by Rockstar's history of ambitious DLC plans as seen in their other titles like GTA 5 the revelation of Mexico's cut content elicited a wide range of reactions from fans many expressed disappointment believing that Mexico's inclusion could have added significant depth to the game's world this sentiment led to efforts by modders to access these areas though such Endeavors were limited by The Unfinished nature of the content these Ming efforts highlight the community desire to explore and expand the game's Universe even beyond the developer original scope the absence of Mexico in rdr2 had notable implications for the game's storytelling and World building in RDR Mexico provided a rich backdrop that contrasted sharply with the American settings offering unique cultural environmental and narrative elements its exclusion in rdr2 meant the loss of this contrast potentially leading to a less diverse and dynamic damic gaming experience this change also impacted the narrative structure as the game focused more intensively on the American frontier missing the opportunity to explore the complex interactions across the border examining RDR 2's cut content in the broader context of the gaming industry reveals a common Trend where ambitious projects face constraints leading to the scaling back of initial plans games like Mass Effect The Witcher series and even earlier Rockstar titles have faced similar issues where Elements shown in early trailers or hinted at in interviews were absent from the final product this pattern underscores the challenges faced by developers in balancing Creative Vision with practical limitations the cut content of Mexico in Red Dead Redemption 2 remains a captivating topic for fans and critics alike while its absence did not diminish the game's critical Acclaim it represents a fascinating what if scenario in the realm of video game development whether due to developmental constraints strategic decisions or other unknown factors the mystery surrounding Mexico in rdr2 adds a compelling layer to the game's narrative and the discourse surrounding it as The Gaming Community continues to explore and discuss these possibilities the legacy of Red Dead Redemption 2 is further enriched cementing its place as a landmark title in the history of video games
Channel: TheThirdMeteorite
Views: 109,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, red dead redemption, red dead cut content, rdr2 deleted content, rdr2 deleted audio, cut content, fizhy red dead, rdr2 cut content, rdr2 guarma cut content, grand theft auto, rdr2 valentine curse, rdr2 easter eggs 2021, red dead, pc gaming, rdr2 guarma treasure, fizhy rdr, princess ikz, fishy yarpster, rdr2 secrets 2021, rdr2 river monster, rdr2 guarma secrets, gaming, rockstar, fizhy rdr2, rdr2 secrets, rockstar games, rdr2, banter, gameplay
Id: efn0Jr1CULE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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