Exploring Unused Areas in Red Dead Redemption 2

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so many of you probably know but I'm a very big beta removed content connoisseur I also love Reddit Redemption too so if you combine Red Dead Redemption 2 and removed content to me it's pretty interesting so I'm thinking you find the Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki removed content there's a lot remove there's a lot of removed things in this game but this isn't everything The Cutting Room floor as well also has a lot of stuff here this isn't even finished though there's a there's some interesting information here some removed audio files and stuff like that well we already know though Red Redemption 2 has no shortage of removed audio files there's there's a whole ass mod that griads cut dialogue into the game another interesting thing is Tempest Rim which is in the game but you can't get there this area is completely modeled but you can't get here uh remnants of Coulter and temporary the entirety of ambrino was changed so Tempest room was basically just made obsolete it is marked on the map evidently but you can't get here decided to fire up Brenda too oh [ __ ] the uh let's try that again shall we [ __ ] they really want me to play GTA 5 every single time the rockster games launcher opens it opens on GTA 5. [Music] oh would you look at that the game finally loaded there it is okay temper stream right there you see that this is inaccessible I'm going to set away point up uh up here I'm going to go up there and see what I can see haha you thought I was going to ride all that way nah teleport I'm too lazy I don't know this area of the map that well I only go up here for the home robbery Mission from what I read when they changed the story and they redesigned amberino they changed the map they moved Coulter and made Tempest Rim uh Onyx inaccessible because of them simplifying the story or changing the story somewhat originally Coulter was in Tempest Rim over here but then they moved it over here and decided to just make this area inaccessible entirely it's weird that it's marked on the map I think I'm progress I guess you can't make it up this hill Oh no there's a bear up there and I cannot pick it up the hill don't try me [ __ ] it jumped off and killed itself okay well that answers that um [ __ ] well on the Wiki page it did say that there was a bear that could spawn my hat fell off it did say there was a bear that spawned up here see it looks like you can climb up that right like that looks like you can climb up that like there's other parts of the map with like steep like Hills this steep that you can climb up but this area you try to climb up here nope very weird that it's like that it's very weird that this area is completely off limits it doesn't make sense for this entire area to be off limits because it's a pretty big area like it's like this entire section is completely off limits which is weird because it's a massive area luckily I have the power of mods so if I want to get up there all I do put a waypoint there open up the mod menu teleport Waypoint now I'm up here so this is Tempest room apparently it's still considered Grizzlies it still says Grizzlies up here this is a massive area that's off limits and it's really weird that it's off limits because everything up here works as it should for the most part like animals do at least in this area they work fine maybe not in the snowy areas but right here they should work fine at like that deer if I shoot at it it should run Maybe not maybe the wicked line it said that uh AI up here worked but I don't know because I just shot at these [ __ ] and they didn't move maybe maybe not maybe the wiki was wrong because ah wow I really missed I'm not doing this on purpose I swear yeah it seems it seems as though the wiki was wrong the animals don't really work up here as they should I don't know it said they the AI only stopped working in the snowy areas okay well there's snowy Parts up here I wonder if this is like actual snow though like if this is if it's or if it's just like the 2D snow that they use on the like areas we're not supposed to get to no this is actual snow this is actual snow this is not like the 2D texture of snow that they use at least okay at least not over here here it is here it's like this is actual snow it's like it's like deforms and [ __ ] I want to know how far up here I can actually go before the game like says I can't go up here anymore like because this should still be within bounds technically yeah the snow is still still deforms does not say I'm in temperature and that is really weird it says I'm in the Grizzlies I'm not in Tempest trim that's why where am I I don't am I supposed to be able to get here because I mean the snow deforms and I'm not in Tempest rims so I don't think you can get here though I don't think you're supposed to be able to get up here but then again I'm I could be wrong because I don't know unless there's like a rock carving or something around here if I just keep going this way and then head right I will be a temperature there's animals up here I mean there's animals spawns but they don't work like the AI doesn't work a ram here Big Horn Ram Rocky Mountain bighorn Ram just follows me resilient [ __ ] this kind of reminds me of like the area that they're at at the beginning of the game but it's not because the the area during that plays during the first cutscene is like spawned in it doesn't actually exist on the map Acorn sheep wait what the [ __ ] is it male and female what are you guys doing up here so I'll never know foreign it's weird I didn't know sheep spawned around here this should again still be all off limits I mean it is because the animals AI doesn't work so it is all off limits but it's just really weird this is a lot of the map like the snow is all deformable and [ __ ] so like it's clear that you were meant to go up here at some point I feel like you're originally able to there's nothing of Interest here though there's no like buildings or anything but I mean all the snow is deformable so like why why would they bother making the snow deformable if you're not even able to go up here it doesn't really make a lot of sense this is a big [ __ ] area like look at this Jesus I can't imagine why though like I don't know why they would just completely block this area off from the map like does it make a lot of sense like it's a lot of ambrano and amberino is already small as it is like you're not able to go to a lot of areas which is getting rid of this entire area does not really make a lot of sense to me oh yeah Tempest trim there we are we're finally in temperate shrimp but the game considers to be temper strong even though like basically all of this is yeah you can't get up here naturally which is really weird I don't I don't really understand why Rockstar would just block this area off from the people it's raining that's nice nice change from snow to rain that's very nice nice transition so this AI up here should work I mean that grizzly bear did work okay with that oh yeah I go up here and I'm just slipped yeah they really do not want you up here I go anywhere near here and I [ __ ] freak out Arthur's just stuck over here there we go yeah it's so weird they would just block this off because okay I will say this this looks like you were able to just like go up here like this looks like this should be connected I'm gonna teleport back up because it's stuck down here and I can't get back up does the weather work the way it should because it's raining right now and [Music] not snowing the noise of the rain is gone but the rain is still here I uh I don't know if the weather exactly works the way it should yeah how how far can I go before like the game just like doesn't let me go any further like those mountains I don't even know if those mountains are real like that's the thing it could just be like a sky box but Rockstar doesn't usually put skyboxes in their games things don't look right this far out like this okay they just gave up at this point you can see they give up with the deformable snow and just go for a texture unless that just isn't solid which is possible no okay this is solid that is solid but they just decided just to go to get rid of the deformable snow because it doesn't make sense to be out here so it's just the texture now it's not actual snow anymore still animal spawns out here though why am I using stimulants I could literally just get my horse infinite health what am I doing stamina never drained see yeah yeah it's all I have to do I'm just not very smart uh those don't look solid um by the looks of it those look very not solid you know I don't really it's not really necessary to have stuff this far out because like again you're not gonna be able to see all this so what's even the point of having stuff here just like don't even bother you know don't even bother like putting anything out here they can easily just make the world end we don't have to keep making mountains and stuff though but they do for whatever reason I didn't want to know if this is actually solid though so we'll see it is not there's no there's no Collision there at all if I like throw a fire bottle down there yeah there's no Collision there that being said it's still really weird that you can go this far out and not have any issues because like I'm really far off the bat like looking at it it's this is how far out you have to go for there to not be Collision you can go pretty [ __ ] far out it's weird that it takes them so long to just swap to using a texture instead of like actual deformable snow I thought that was an animal it's a rock not slide off the map please I'm surprised like the game is completely fine with you being out here like they don't care like they don't do anything to prevent you from being out this far because like I'm I I have a mod that disables the invisible sniper but even then like I'm pretty sure there's he doesn't activate or anything when you're out this far that looks really weird though [Applause] it is solid yeah it don't look right but it is solid tree stump out here why is there just a tree stump the hell Oh I thought I found a point where the map just ends nope nope it continues is that a frozen lake hold on a minute where are we where am I where am I looking I'm nowhere near where I started is that a frozen lake though let me hold on a minute what the [ __ ] hold on a minute okay we gotta stop there is just like out here is this like solid no um okay well the game doesn't consider it a lake but this is a lake by the looks of it this looks like it should be ice there's no ice actually here I can just walk through it but it looks like there's supposed to be ice here so there's just a whole last frozen lake out here it's not a solid frozen lake but it is still a frozen lake nonetheless which is interesting is this one real no it's not I can already tell just by looking at it that's not real there's bushes going through it but it's weird that there's like frozen lakes out here there's trees in it at some point where we're going to go out this like we were able to go out this far but they changed it because like I mean this could easily be part of the map all they'd have to do is just add deformable snow and that's it because what's like why are there trees out here what is the point of adding trees these these aren't even like fake trees either like they are actual [ __ ] trees are they solid yeah they're solid they're actual trees they're actual trees everything works fine though like nothing doesn't work as it should like physics doesn't break or anything like sometimes when you go out like like in San Andreas when you're not really part of the game would start to like have graphical Corruptions and [ __ ] like I'm surprised like the physics don't break here or something like everything still works though like there's even effects like what the hell whoa [ __ ] don't roll off the map please Arthur Arthur uh back up to my horse is alive now he was dying but he's alive now just for the hell of it I'm just gonna equip the this just for the hell of it just because I can just because I'm out this far foreign that's just a Green Hill though right there we're back in the formable snow territory so we are entering the boundaries of the map again we are entering West Elizabeth I am going to reveal the map because I feel like that is just a lot easier if I did that yeah I don't think it's about to rain up here I it doesn't seem right I don't know that's one thing I do want to do though I just want to ride my horse off the edge of the map I know that people were probably waiting for that and I never did it because I got distracted but I want to ride my horse off the edge of the map PS2 Graphics Jesus see how good this game truly is that what am I gonna die I died now the question is how long will it take for the game to warp me back will it even work me back it didn't take that long because it didn't do a loading screen foreign [Music] the true question is am I on the map I got Arthur's [ __ ] soaking wet no I am on the map 100 okay well that's boring there's a there's a a Teleport into Mexico well okay we'll go there in a second but just tell it first of all teleport me to a nu Austin I just want to see if I get shot well first things first it's snowing and I'm not getting shot oh [ __ ] right yeah they exist ow right right hold on I'm getting yeah okay well I'm here that's snowing in new Austin first of all it's very unusual but I didn't want to know if I could swim here or if I'll immediately die am I able to swim I am able to swim oh [ __ ] ow dumb horsey and how you die I do think that I could try and swim I might die immediately though nope it lets me swim here but it's way too far for me to like be able to swim all that way Arthur will run out of stamina before then now we walk in here and see how far we can go before Arthur dies you might just start drowning at some point if that does let me make sure the menu is open I'm gonna give myself community oh my stamina drained but since I have infinite stamina I'm not drowning anymore no God mode [ __ ] you my hat fell off but I'm still you're not gonna stop me Arthur looks horrible why is Arthur look so pale it might be the snow I don't know the current is pushing me very far Downstream eventually I'll be there one day I'll get there you know when I first played Red Dead 2 I thought that the whole Arthur loses stamina while swimming thing was kind of stupid I I used to think that I was like why why his stamina goes down so quickly when he's swimming why doesn't I mean GTA 5 you can swim for as long as you wanted to I mean Reddit to you can't but now I know why as someone who swims occasionally I I understand why now but hey I made it to Mexico immigration [ __ ] yeah illegal immigration kind of wish I had my course can I just teleport my horse to me that was easy like there is clearly a path here which is weird it's not marketable path but there's a path it makes sense oh [ __ ] I train my horse like a [ __ ] cacti I'm just continuing to do it as well my weapons are probably a horrible condition for swimming yep yeah yep why am I running through cacti I'm just torturing my horse at this point this is crazy helmet this is all like rendered and [ __ ] there's like actual solid terrain yeah this is just Mexico I mean this is all out here I've never played Red Dead one but maybe this is like what new Austin looked I can read one I don't know there's a little Cavern here which is pretty cool okay well the snow is inside the cavern but it's pretty cool that there's like a whole ass like Canyon here you can go into maybe this was in the first game I don't know I've never played Reddit again so I don't know I will eventually soon I will play Reddit as of now I have not played it and I will I will probably make a video even though uh like Reddit one has been out for over a decade shut up I'm still gonna make a video about it I can't I can't express my love for the redneck series enough what the [ __ ] Mexico was basically completely modeled for the most part I mean there's like a trap there's there's like paths and [ __ ] that you can go on maybe I shouldn't have the snow but I like the snow because I get to I get an excuse to wear Arthur's winter jacket because I have a feeling it would be very hot if I it's 12 degrees what the hell what if okay well I'm just gonna reset the weather actually as I can I want to know if she'll change too oh yeah that's oh look at the time look at the [ __ ] holy sh oh my God Arthur is dying I will say this looks absolutely stunning though looks very beautiful but Arthur is also sweating to death probably I'm gonna put on something that isn't so [ __ ] hot but there we go do I I do I not have the [ __ ] oh I do okay good I was gonna say do I not have the hard work out but I do okay so Arthur can live in something that's a little bit that's not killing him foreign take a screenshot of that if you want look at that that's nice it's crazy how Mexico is completely modeled it's just not accessible but just run through cacti yeah Arthur that's just no problem for Arthur just running straight into [ __ ] cacti why are there dogs barking what the hell we're in the middle of the desert I'm turning god mode off it's no fun how far how much of Mexico is I'm assuming all of Mexico that was in the first game was modeled I don't know why anything less of that I think I I know that there's one thing here that is not modeled I'm assuming those are ambient noises but I'm that usually plays when you're in a town right so I think the game might have like ambient trigger noises for towns there's a path here I think there's like a trigger or something for ambient town was that was that is that and we'll go to it and find out what it is oh they're trees they look really weird though they're like like water towers or something the hell it's just fun man to explore areas you can't get to I'm curious okay I'm curious about a lot of things I want to know what all this stuff is the game never registers you as being in Mexico which I guess makes sense because you can't get here so it kind of makes sense for it to not register but yeah there's no animal spawns or anything there's ambient noises but besides that there's no spawns or anything that's a nice tunnel trace it all this all the stuff is still left here like it's all modeled and [ __ ] it's about the fact that you don't ever come here like this tunnel is here it's on a path that also isn't marked on the map I mean maybe somebody can make a parallel between this and Reddit one but as somebody who has not played redhead one I'm not the man to do that can't get up there but if I could teleport up there oh [ __ ] drama queen that [ __ ] hurt that looked painful as [ __ ] yeah I just wanted to do that there we go obviously the texture up here isn't great it's because I don't think you're meant to see up here well I'm up here now it's like how stretched out that texture is good Lord all right well there's only let's just let's just go [ __ ] it oh [Music] Arthur spit at me and my failures oh oh this is interesting I think this is meant to be the limits of Mexico if I'm not mistaken it looks like this should be like a limit it's actually kind of weird Mexico hold on wait a minute let me go around this actually I'm gonna because I don't think you're meant to be up here but I think I teleported exactly to the limits of Mexico [ __ ] you know what they say dust yourself off and try again I teleported exactly to the boundaries of Mexico because it looks like Mexico actually has like a boundary around it like the entirety where am I okay well this is the part of Mexico I'm not meant to be in I think Mexico does also have map boundaries as well like the rest of the map so even more proof that this was supposed to be part of the game not in Big Valley and then [ __ ] Mexico what the hell is this looks like a parking lot the hell yeah that Hill does not look real wait what I'm off the map I even realize that wait yeah the minimap just ends here because okay well to be fair I'm out of bounds on a place I shouldn't even be able to get to I'm out of bounds in a place that's technically out of bounds yeah I'm so far away from the actual game world that my HUD has just gone I guarantee oh it's back now what the [ __ ] what is happening wait what huh I'm so confused the music is just gone by the way this is very eerie we're getting there though that looks like a [ __ ] picture it doesn't even look real it's kind of weird that Mexico is like a orange filter on it like everything looks a lot more orange than it does in any other friend of Mavis like [ __ ] it's like Breaking Bad Mexico is just yellow like is it just made of the clouds not look right anymore oh here we are I think we finally hit the edge of Mexico if it renders in high quality I'm going to cry let's see what happens when I just ride off the cliff there's water down here it's so why is there water out this far that's so weird anyway to guarma Mexico wait there's a [ __ ] building here wait a minute what what oh okay well weird I never knew that this was here that's a wall I can't see it's dark hold on I'm not gonna change the time I think Arthur might be a bit tired or maybe it's just hot no he's not tired he's just hot okay well I didn't know there was a building over here it's somewhat solid there's a waterfall over there I don't know about that either climb scale the wall 2D fight pistols did Jesus well okay okay Arthur is getting covered in dirt horse come to me oh wait no there's no AI right yeah there's no AI padding the horse can't come to me because there's no AI padding that makes sense yeah anyway what was I doing oh yeah I'm just teleporting to korma Tahiti boys we're in Tahiti now Arthur's probably taking dip in the water let's clear off the dirt the dust from Mexico oh no Arthur you're fine you're on land there we go just drink some just inject yourself yeah stab yourself in the needle there you go your horse is not in the eye yes he is he's right here what the [ __ ] you talking about your horse is not on the island oh [ __ ] he's not on the island he's I'm [ __ ] looking at him guarma I mean again I disabled the sniper so I should be able to go as far as I want Into the Woods is it are there actually people here there are people here uh you mister excuse me [Music] what an island you folks have here love English real proper [ __ ] English just exactly how dumb are you guys hello guard okay there hola I imagine you got your work cut out for you around here trying to hide how much of a coward you are behind that badge I ain't finished with you on the floor easy I do like how the gormer music actually plays see what we can explore see if we can fight some animals let's go into the woods go find Bigfoot on this Caribbean island you know okay you're able to go over here the sniper must kill you by this point because this doesn't look very fleshed out terrain wise yep oh yeah definitely not it's very simple at this point the trees are phasing in and out of existence the Shadows of the trees are facing it are they still solid no the volcano is not solid either oh [ __ ] this island is pretty big despite the fact that you can't explore the most of it the uh that was that oh [ __ ] I think I had the barriers of the map yeah I think the Sky Box is glitching out a little bit it's crazy how far you can ride like before the sky box or the before the bear the map barrier set in because you're really not able to get over here oh Arthur's phasing it out of existence oh oh my horse is gone my horse is just gone he's just vanished and teleport me to Mexico oh just put me in water what did I is the entire wait a minute is the entire map flooded wait a minute I'm very curious is everything underwater now because that spawn did not put me yeah the entire what the [ __ ] the entirety of Mexico is flooded wait okay hold on I'm gonna teleport to McFarland's Ranch yeah the entirety of Mexico is flooded it's not the main map it's just Mexico okay there it goes why are the icons so small okay there we go what the [ __ ] my horse he just spawned out of nowhere but the entirety of that was underwater can I spawn a train
Channel: BonnieFan69
Views: 746,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, red dead, red dead 2, red dead redemption, rdr2, rdr, red, dead, redemption, red dead redemption two, red dead two, two, beta, removed content, red dead redemption beta, red dead redemption 2 beta, red dead beta, beta content, arthur morgan, arthur, morgan, red dead arthur, new austin, nuevo paraíso, tempest rim, grizzlies, red dead redemption 2 removed content, mexico, red dead 2 mexico, rdr 2 beta, red dead 2 beta content, guarma, game, gameplay
Id: WNbMVuBQz6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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