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so basically there was a charge against against Josh now that charge was not fully it was not completed the the investigation was inconclusive so there was not enough evidence for it and that does not mean that he was or was not guilty it just means that there wasn't enough evidence for them to have a for them to have a judgment on this if that makes sense the fact is so there's no evidence the investigation was not finished why was the investigation not finished I don't know but here's where I think method was undeniably wrong I think method was undeniably wrong whenever they allowed preached to come to the event and bring his children to the event whenever they knew full well that there was an investigation that was done on one of their members I think that was an undeniable that was an under my undeniable breach and trust another undeniable mistake was that they did not do an investigation on this guy to begin with quite a large series of allegations levied against some members of method including their management yep things like that so we do want to let you guys know that we will no longer be working with method in any capacity Early's I wasn't method officially as part of their team a little while ago and we turned it down not because of this or anything like that but because we wanted to remain independent ways all of our free choices to do so Donna me we very much enjoyed working with methods they provided some wonderful things but there's just no way we can go forward with that I want to be really clear on something that this isn't a case of saving my own skin or anything along those lines the reason we have decided that we can no longer work with method is and I think the casting team that I've worked with multiple times now across the Las Vegas event across the multiple world first events well know that I was always not shy about bringing up issues either for myself or on behalf of the entire casting team with the method management I felt very comfortable doing that they always responded well we dealt with some quite serious problems in Las Vegas before the show even started know that we managed to get addressed very very quickly that's good at least but in terms of certainly method Josh I asked about method Josh repeatedly directly because as a father of two kids and someone who also runs an event where our utmost priority is to make sure people are having fun and are extremely safe and I think we have done that every single time it's crucially important to me as somebody who wakes up every single day and all want all I want to do is hopefully put a smile and fewer faces that's it Wow so he actually asked about the guy and they played it down is you know what a certain point whenever something quacks like a duck acts like a duck it looks like a duck it keeps quacking like a duck maybe it's a duck and I feel like a lot of people forget about this is that everybody is thinking the same thing isn't that odd way to come to here and have fun feel cool feel relaxed and I asked specifically about method Josh shortly after he was banned what's the story and I was told that it was not a big deal it been dealt with all right not an issue I also brought you up again what which was true because it was not a big deal was not true but that had been dealt with this is true because the police had dealt with it it comes to the fact that he was banned and that we would definitely have to address the fact that he was on our screens and as a caster is unavoidable for me to pretend that somebody in a 20 man raid doesn't exist yeah I would ask again how will be dealing with this what's the story with it I was told it was fine we could bring him up not a big thing don't worry about it don't make a big fuss about him being there we're not trying to rub it in people's faces ba ba ba but overall that there was nothing really really a big problem there I have met Josh twice in my life the first time before any of these allegations in London and I would describe that encounter as odd he's an odd guy I would also say because you might say well haven't you been naive preach have you been ignorant have you tried to turn a blind eye for the sake of money well let's address for the second one first of all no III met Josh too and there was nothing like he was just like a normal he was exactly what I would expect a guy that sits in his room all day and plays video games to be like like I didn't spend an extended amount of time with him but like you not quite we always always as a business made a massive loss doing the world first event I did it because I loved it mm-hm I did it because I enjoy it I do it for the pure fun of it and there's been no secret that I didn't do it for method I wanted everybody there and I think limit max would back that up a version would back that up pieces would back that up that I've worked hard and would I've met those guys to try and get them all in one room and I'll be honest with you guys when I go to conventions even my own conventions I meet a lot of people who would probably be characterized as a bit odd yeah that weird that's the thing it's like you have weird [ __ ] all the time at conventions people come up to me and they say weird stuff and they do all this other kind of weird there's these weird things and Nick what cut your dick yeah like the people grab my ass touch my dick hug me in weird ways like they want me to [ __ ] sign their tits like it's all kinds of weird stuff like that that people do know all these things have happened to me at conventions now you know for me right to it longer about it why it doesn't bother me like I'm a guy I'm fine like if people do to me like I grew up like I've slept in the same bed with five other dudes before like there's something that I've liked it's got to be really really bad for something to make me uncomfortable like a hundred percent really really bad just because you're fine doesn't mean that it's okay though uh no it wasn't okay but like I think it depends on like who it is you know what I mean but no obviously it's not okay to do that to somebody and like also like I do that kind of [ __ ] to my friends and like [ __ ] with them like grab them or like whatever but that's also in the context of us being friends and like not somebody that I just met so people say oh you surely you could tell when you met him he's strange guy really strange that's not that unusual in my line of work no it's not and that's why it didn't register as a giant red flag like it should have I can't help that now but as much as it pains us we will not be doing anything with method going forward I won't be casting for them are doing anything along those lines it sucks bye I can't I have to believe that somebody in that scene did know something especially now we know police reports were probably a mild things like that and decided that they would put me and the other casters in a position where we were talking about him and try even try to make light as we are doing as a common tree team to try make it entertaining for you guys knowing that was going on and so let me ask you guys a question do you think method was morally obligated to tell preach and the other casters who weren't familiar with the UK investigation about him about the investigation do you think they were morally obligated it's not I think that's a really difficult question I don't know probably against privacy wants well that's why I said morally I did not say legally it's an investigation not a conviction yeah but like just based off of based off of like their relationship and like making sure that people understand what's happening I think I might have to say that they probably should have told them but I have to really think about that but that's kind of the that's my knee-jerk reaction is that they should have told them I'm not not a hundred percent I don't want to be like [ __ ] quoted on that but that's my my knee-jerk reaction that's that's that that's all I really have to say about it yeah that's that's my situation that is the way we feel about it here and I hope that I understands I feel really really horrible reading all this that's coming out and we work hard not to dismiss those things or anything like that we try to create a place where the Internet is full of this stuff and if you want to talk about it and be angry about it and show you support and do all those things then you can do that and we try and create a place here where you can forget about it if you want to I think everybody deserves a place to forget about the horrors of the world be it political be it scandal be whatever it is to have a small place where you know you can be free of that stuff obviously there's also allegations against Sasha yep as well and at this point we'd seemly have no choice because we can't I can't support anything like that because it's disgusting it makes me feel sick and I know when my wife has been on top of this as her job she's felt very physically ill about a lot of stuff that's going on soon as she is you know been around these people as well so we wanted to be clear on the reasoning why there's not a PR thing it's nice save our skin thing this purely a case that we I personally as a human being cannot be associated that way and I tend to believe preach and what he's saying because of his personal involvement with asking method to look into Josh and that's why I believe him is because he probably feels to some degree betrayed by them that they withheld information and put him in this position and because of that I think that it's more personal to him and not necessarily just a business decision if I'm I want to also be clear that I have a lot of friends a method that I love dearly very very cool people we talk outside of stream and stuff like that I don't know who knew what and that's the problem I don't know yeah none of us know who knew what what was happening all this kind of stuff and that level of uncertainty that we're not being looked after and other people aren't being looked after we can't work with that so I hope that clears it up if you have any questions I'm willing to answer them for the most part but I certainly don't want to take up most of the stream at that and what it also be clear yes I do not management definitely like listen my value judgment on it I will withhold I'm not gonna say what my value judgment and it is on this until it's like completely all dead and buried because it's not like I don't want to put out my opinion and then how people take my opinion as a fact but I I do have I I do have a pretty strong opinion on this work for method I'm not under the method brand or anything like that we were completely independent so it's not a case of I'm leaving method we just won't be work with them going forward I also feel I don't know I can't speak to anything that's happening internally with the guild which is obviously my focus is the WoW guild I don't know I simply don't know and I wouldn't be in any position to comment on whether whatever they're feeling or whether they knew everything like that are you looking to do other world first plans I hope so I'm not even thinking about the world first race right now in any circumstance at all I wonder why what a vile take the problem that I have with events like this yeah is that it's a hundred percent makes me think that the best plan for me and my family and for the people who work for me mr. Naismith draw is to not do anything without anyone and that's what happens that's the mindset this kind of thing puts you in is we receive offers although yeah yeah they just they don't even want to [ __ ] be involved with it at all because it's just there's so much drama and [ __ ] involved it really sucks because like I kind of worry about that too like for me like I don't ever worry about having like a bad interaction with somebody at a convention right like let's say I hook up with a girl to convention like I'd never really expect something like this to happen to me but you know I think in everybody in the back of their mind I think everybody's kind of thinking about it you know like just a little bit you know what I mean time and it deals with them all the time and your mindset defaults back to I shouldn't work with anybody yeah because you don't know what's happening there you don't that's the mindset Ninja has with like dealing and playing with females on his stream that that's that's basically that's where that mindset comes from no you simply don't know and it's it creates a risk that shouldn't exist in the world it shouldn't exist at all it shouldn't exist but it does exist and it is there and so as it stands right now I mean we are as you guys know we've certainly been following us for a while for this year we plans to do absolutely nothing that anybody to bolster twitch community and I which is paid off massively as we've seen recently and that was because we turned down so many offers to do things we never do this for money ever I mean it's it's not hard to look at me over the last few years and see there's no life of luxury we do here we don't do honey I do it because I love doing this and it's a case so if you know the best solution is is to sit in my [ __ ] hole and do my job and leave it there yeah same time I can't deny doing the world first event taking my son to Las Vegas for his fourth birthday was an incredibly wonderful experience and it's it's it's it's a dangerous road we walk every single day they were very sad if you decided to stop doing them entirely all right nobody's Sattar than me and I think that's always something that needs to be put out there is I think like this is there's one thing to keep in context here is that these kinds of things and people that are like to the degree that Josh's this stuff is not like as common as you might think that it is like this is an extreme circumstance and as bad as it might be it's important also to keep it in context with the idea that many people most people are not like this and if you go out into the into the world and you're interacting with people you're probably never gonna see somebody like this and unfortunately that's not the case for everyone but for many people it is and I think that honestly I don't know I'll see how today goes before I make like a judgement like what I think is gonna happen with method but it does seem really really bad you guys might be sad to not see me do commentary I'm even sadder to certainly this morning we kind of decided to do this yesterday morning I would say no she's listening to the stream yesterday morning but the fact of the matter is all these allegations and the back of fourth was snowballing so much over the last couple of days it literally felt sores here that every few hours the narrative was changing and switching and I'm sure many of you have felt Austrian with what's been happening over the last week and so I felt that you see I can't wake up right now without more things I can't wake up right now without reading of some girl who got raped I can't wake up right now without somebody putting out there that's something disgusting happen to them and then it's with people that I work with I have worked with right and it's we're having to read this every day and unfortunately I'm in no position to say well I don't want to read that or I don't I want to tear myself away from it I can't do that because it's part of what I do every single day so every day like this morning I literally woke up and sign bed and read a rape story and I don't want any part of that and it was up at 2:00 a.m. yeah she didn't sleep she was Jesus so that is the situation we have emailed methods we've let them know guard down there you go I reports worse that's the police but without proof they couldn't do anything which I mean that's awfully little bit self of course yeah that's a greater issue as well yeah I don't know does low that's my point sir is asking for so you can't see the chat didn't they keep it after annoying all this stuff about Josh in my heart of hearts and this is why we had to come to this decision today somebody knew something that's my gut feeling and that might not be the case that might not be the case I don't think that the allegation is really what it is like I would need I would need more proof than just the allegation but at this point there's already been enough proof and I think that the allegation and the formal investigation that the police did and then them hiding the information about what he call it about Josh to people that they were working with especially people who were interacting with Josh in real life and preached said he brought his kid to Las Vegas which means that obviously you know his kid was in proximity of this person who could potentially be a predator I mean that's like you see like how things compound very very quickly yeah and it's not just like so I feel like preached personally feels like he was he was being betrayed here and they're withholding of that information was was I think a betrayal it's just I have to believe I have to believe that somebody knew something yeah and yeah so I would I mean I would like so as not have this dominate the chat for the most of the day I'm sure this is going to be bringing up we were having great fun I also do not feel like streaming as you could probably imagine I wonder why I'm happy to kind of run the course on this if you want to so it's done fast so we can get on with our day and do what I really really enjoy which is having fun with you guys but I want to make sure this is all cleared up now you defended Josh last year a lot of people did I don't feel bad valve of course he didn't like because he didn't know like yeah because he he didn't he didn't know like what what do you mean like what we expected and just like immediately [ __ ] like crucify the guy of course he defended him like that that's so stupid I don't understand that at all yeah of course particularly he actually lacked information I mean I can't I don't want to throw shade at people who'd use twitch personas or anything along those lines to do that I don't want to do that book a cult of personality especially with popular people who's very hard to get over yeah gaming does bring us together Gaming does bring us together for the most part for the vast majority of things and this is why it's very really important as I mean I'd be preachy but you know look at the [ __ ] name I'd be preachy but we read about all these horrible things all the time yet we don't read about the eight billion nice things that happen every single day we have a result day we don't read about that because no one cares because that happens all the time the actual niceness of everything is so normal it's uninteresting and boring I've already had dealings with three people outside of my family this morning that were great they were fine so don't don't buy into that the world is poisonous and stuff because it's not there are bad people there are always gonna be bad people they're always gonna be [ __ ] always that's always gonna be [ __ ] it doesn't matter your gender your race it doesn't matter your religious thing I was raised that there are [ __ ] everywhere that's how I was raised there's matter about anything else some people are [ __ ] some worse than others and it's a sliding scale and that's it that's what you need to figure out you never hear about the good things you never hear about the good things ah sometimes you do but it's definitely true that you don't hear about it enough but it's just not as interesting that's why if you hear about a good thing people don't really take it as seriously they don't really it's like remember whenever Blizzard you know the the the [ __ ] the dbm guy had like that big post about like on his patreon and then Blizzard sent him a bunch of stuff oh dude it - yeah like that was uh that was a really good [ __ ] time and there were tons of things that happened that have been positive and I think it is important to remember that there are a lot of positive things that that do happen 100% yeah the good things yeah they just get overshadowed like I think that's just human nature I believe our community is awesome I believe our community is awesome I mean the worst thing I would ever wake up to is somebody saying something at preach can happen to them thing that could happen like under my watch so to speak yeah I feel like that's another thing as since he does conventions and he does events it's probably more personal to him too and yeah I don't know like of anybody to know that like that this is like genuine I think preach would probably be the main person that I would trust to be genuine we can confirm that we will not be working with method in the future we are sticking to here of the allegations made and that we shall be using our platform to create fun and safe environment for our communities what happened is not okay after learning of the recent allegations I've decided to leave the method organization my full support goes out to all the victims involved I mean there it is you know I mean that there it is there's nothing else really to say beyond that I am the pili method team we'll be removing all method branding from our twitch and Twitter accounts and are currently deciding what permanent steps to take and so it begins and so it begins Shh I think James pooper noodle released and it was pretty graphic right and shiri summed it up for me and I took all the things in the account the all things into account and what I did yesterday was I did ask them to be released from my method deal and they got back to me today and they said that they wanted to release another statement and then and after 24 hours I should I should give them 24 hours or something so I was like fine because apparently maybe there's something else that we don't know and they want to get out there so it might be but I did ask to be released and we'll see how it goes from there so that's beer that well I guess making too much money to give a [ __ ] about something finally actually works out in his favor yeah yeah yeah okay they already made that the first comment of the [ __ ] thread is that joke okay Ling listen you're not breaking any any ground here with that one okay it's insane to me that method Josh is not exiled from the wild community or in jail given how widely it was known and reported on him ever since I worked at blizzard [Music] you know who that guy is a guy who is he he was the senior encounter designer at Blizzard way really yes no [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I had no idea multiple former Blizzard employees have told me methods newest statement is a lie and that members within method have been aware of Josh's behavior for quite a while it's been circulating has been circulating on social media that method and specifically the guild were internally aware of the extent of Josh's behavior this is categorically untrue and sickening to read alright okay so I understand yeah so and like there's actually been two people who have come forward and said this I've been partnered with method for some time and we've been in negotiations for a contract renewal for the last few months all things considered I've come to the decision to decline the offer and move on from method and explore my options as a free agent they can probably count towards support over these past days I am leaving the method oh there it is voice Wow Wow damn holy [ __ ] dude we appreciate everyone's patience while we try to process the allegations we're working on a full statement that will go out tonight we'd like to ask for your patience a little longer I have made the decision to part ways with method while this would normally be an incredibly difficult decision after the last few days is the only choice I have my support and prayers go out to the victims Wow let's see what this guy says do you say anything Oh after recent events I've decided to take down any method branding from twitch and Twitter until further notice this is not something I know I knew anything about or support in any way my condolences go out to all the victims I'll take some days off to find out what to do next [ __ ] man that's another one that is another one man kenia following these ran and others I've taken down my twitter and twitch method branding I am still shocked and stressed and I want to calm down before making a permanent decision Wow Wow Kenya man you're telling me that you raid it with these people and you never heard a word about this man you need to let these people know what you thought listen a lot of these guys every time that any sort of a as I said like a serial killer a rapist or like any other terrible person is exposed for being what they are there are always hundreds of friends not hundreds many times not hundreds but there are friends and family members that always said that he was a bit weird but we didn't think that it was what what it was and I think that all of the people in Method are probably feeling very betrayed right now they took Josh at his word that you know he was accused and he was lied about these people are not they're not bad people because they played with Josh okay like they're not they they took him at his word they believed what was at that time their friend and it turned out that they were wrong but that doesn't mean that they knew it all along I don't know what the extent of them knowing it is I have no idea but what I do know is that I don't like the attacks on all the method members because they were defending Josh under the assumption that he was innocent because they thought that he was innocent because the police said that he was innocent you know I mean like is this really a terrible thing no and even yesterday whenever they were defending Josh and people getting mad about him uh or like before that I mean the until they I think that defending Josh after the after those girls came out defending him after that period of time that's when you're wrong okay if you want like did you want my honest opinion about this I think he said B&H think he should be in jail okay Josh should be and he should be in jail like and I think that that the the police that were unable to figure it out some to talk to them and like [ __ ] reassign them to a different job that's easier because they obviously can't handle the important jobs okay why is method exactly guilty of this whole this whole thing they can't control the private lives of everyone like III can't imagine like any any person who owns a business who would think it would be a prudent idea to allow somebody like that to continue being on your team whenever they have that much baggage it seems like a huge mistake it's like not finishing an investigation is a big [ __ ] difference in saying somebody's innocent and yes in the court of law he should be treated the same but this isn't a court of law it's a company and public opinion does matter and at a certain point putting people at risk does matter and that's why they should have done an investigation and it wasn't just that it was the other ship that they had received privately about him it was the fact that he pulled the knife on the grow on stream it was the fact that they were getting questions about this guy from dozens of different people that were unrelated to each other it was the fact that constantly he had this persona on stream of being basically an in cell it was not just one thing it was a preponderance of evidence that amounted to making a decision if it was just the one thing I could understand it but it was not just the one thing it was too many things there's a certain point where there's so much evidence and so much information about it and so many coincidences did it's [ __ ] obvious that's all I'm saying [Music]
Channel: Kungozai Methodjosh Highlights and Compilations
Views: 9,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Humor, Satire, Laugh, methodjosh drama, methodjosh poopernoodle, methodjosh knife, methodjosh banned clip, methodjosh banned, methodjosh returns, methodjosh ban, methodjosh twitter, methodjosh allcraft, methodjosh and mello
Id: 2zC74J5_3tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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