Karens being Karens and my view on it.

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that was really loud that is so goddamn hilarious it's funny that you remember that so so so for any of you who aren't for any of you who are are still watching that that would like to know so this may not Shine the nicest light on me but I'm going to give you the facts so I the morning of Friday the whatever it was it was National Woman's Day right okay get it um I woke up like 5: in the morning had to pee because that's my sleepy time right because I was B back to work right this just just a couple days ago um saw a post from the Blackhawks and it was about 25 women all standing in an arch around the uh the Blackhawks logo on the United Center ice and it said here's here's to all the women and their huge impact on our hockey team on National Women's Day and and I typed out and and I happened to catch to post as it went up so I got first comment and so I typed because this is like this was like an NHL site posting like a big site um or maybe it was the Blackhawks I forget but either way um so I typed out uh I said yeah worst team in the league woohoo look at that impact that's all I typed and and I didn't think nothing of it right I I I knew when I typed it that I probably would get some hate but I went and I peed and I went went back and I went back to sleep I woke up like 4 hours later and I'll be dipped in buttermilk if I hadn't been attacked hardcore with a paragraph long scolding finishing in you better watch your mouth young man or boy or something like that um and the the lady's name was actually Karen so I had actually been attacked by an angry Karen on a Facebook post and so when I saw that she said some mean things right but I it didn't matter because the context of it was so funny I couldn't stop laughing and so I typed back I said oh my God I actually got attacked by a real Karen you can't make this stuff up LOLOL bunch of smiley faces and that was it no insult no nothing back right but I got attacked by a real Karen and then she came back with some more insulting stuff and she said I must be like 10 years old based on my Facebook profile which only has like my dead friends on it and you know a few other like really negative honest posts about an old person but whatever uh and and and and she said I'm I'm report I'm reported or I reported this for something I can't remember what she said she reported it for but uh I I I thought that was even funnier because she was getting angrier and so I I put a bunch more laughy faces and thank you for this this has really started my day great I'll be laughing about this all day and then she got really angry and said something else and then deleted it all before I could screenshot cuz I wanted to screenshot it and post it all cuz I started thinking about I thought this is really funny you know but then she deleted it and so then it was all gone and I never got in trouble so I'm sure Facebook looked at what I posted and said yeah that was a rude first comment but I surely wasn't rude to her at all I all I did was San her for making me laugh I laugh and I laughed I I'm still laughing about it it was so funny like if her name was anything else I probably may even would have been a little offended but the fact that her name was Karen it was over for me it was over at the name the whatever you said after that didn't matter you should change your name I won't take it see if your name's Karen and you start bitching at me it's it's it's over I'm just gonna laugh I don't it's not going to matter because it's too ingrained in my head now that you know that's just typical car and behavior
Channel: Yearinbeer
Views: 118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 420, Death = Delete, Hardcore, WoW, WoW Classic, WoW Classic Hardcore, World of Warcraft, games, twitch
Id: f164XJSfKms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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