Metalpless VS Arctic! Head to head snowplowing SHOWDOWN 4 k video

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all right guys this is hunter how you doing hunter meet you he owns max excavating right and you've been running metal plus for how long that's my first year how do you like it I'm really impressed super impressed so on the phone max was telling me he could smoke to loader that's what he said just get to skin loaders that first it's a cage but we'll see what [Music] with a piece in my ambush shot as I walk to the water for a last goodbye - right so he said when he healed on the keys or over our head I lived in that grit but now he'll learn at the end with the tables turn forgive me sing me [Music] [Music] [Music] Tony try to find [Applause] [Music] all right so let me ask you something how do you wire this into the the loader I mean how do you actually hook it up so you can control the wings same pin system that the snow claw right yup and then two hydraulic hoses yup and then everything else so joysticks do you have a separate joystick to run a metal foot so whatever the machine actually has can do it Oh see now I've seen other loaders and talked to other people that have said the opposite that they had to actually wire yeah so they had basically marry their order to their to their metal plus because they can't switch between them because of the 13th instance any so you can switch from any 13 bit set up right so let's talk about the tale of the tape yours goes from what's your name 13 8 to 13 on the metal plus we're locked in at 13 on the a on the Arctic okay you got a 74 horsepower skid you're 257 D cat 257 D which actually runs the Arctic or the ASVs track system so we pulled out we made sure we're gonna make this about as close as we possibly can our ASV is got 74 horsepower as well so really the main difference between these two setups well I think Mike the track and the ASB is longer and wider all right so let's get let's get a little bit straight but ASV makes the tracks for the cat to 50 70 or at least they bought the licensing and blah blah blah so the biggest difference is really going to be the pin the pushers themselves at this point same horsepower same tracks so it's gonna be you and we'll get you familiar with the lot first so we're gonna let you kind of walk through the lot check it out and when you're ready to go we're gonna we're gonna have a one-off and here comes the guy that you're gonna you're gonna be we're gonna be taking on Tim's pulling up right now let's meet them hey Tim you gotta come check out this metal plus and meet hunter Tim one hunter hunter Tim so hunter show us around show Tim around your metal plus so we got an idea whole thing and then each individual died runners brakes or trip edge here which sections of trip edge these are carved by the other carbons seven hundred dollars for each resource Oh 700 hours back to our bucks oh yeah yeah I've heard guys go five six seven years without change in a blade out on these I mean this thing felt like a beat I mean everything heavy duty like it's the only thing I want to change your daddy's cylinders or the Ram trailer Walker unprotected again I'm sure they make them the one thing I like about the Arctic's that I don't know how the metal plus is going to do is you see that moldboard on the Arctic's that rolls snow so nice that we can get a monster pile in front of us and it just keeps rolling it out and it allows us to keep going when we should have been stuck I don't know how that works for you out of metal plus yeah and that thing is the best thing it for rolling snow but I mean everything else about the two machines is identical except for it's gonna be up to it's going to be Tim u versus Hunter so when you want to go when you want to curl either wing in you can just hit a button in the cab right one button rolling okay all right so we're gonna have some fun what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna each give you guys your own lot and then you got to back drag your own curbs and push up into the pile both Lots are about the same size have almost identical obstructions a little bit different layout but this isn't a perfect world where we can get two identical twin lots side by each we just don't have that but we got as close as we're gonna get to machines about equal and let's just see how these things perform it sound like a game plan you guys alright let's go show hunter around his block before we get him rolling so he's well well aware of what he's getting into that way you know where all the hidden curbs are and everything else so we're good to go next next up so we're fortunate enough to have two almost identical Lots and the idea is for us to push into one central pile so the guys each can choose which side that they want and since hunter is the guest he gets first choice what well after seeing it what's yeah any prep ring at your choice you want this side okay so you're gonna have a few more obstructions Tim on your side because you got actually two islands to cook around and then the curbs lines there Tim's got I noticed Tim's got an extra car in one of his drive lanes so I put my truck in there too so that's the duplicate Tim's car in the other drive leg all right Sam are you ready yep Hunter I'm talking Sam are you ready Hunter hunter you ready okay three two one go so the rules are simple they're not allowed to push snow over any curved lines they've got a back drag all of the snow away from the buildings away from all the instructions all of the curved lines and push it down to one central location all scared voters will be pushing a stockpile of snow but two completely different lost that dragon now one of the things that you can't see in this video is that there was three days of rain sleet and ice before it turned to snow so underneath this snowbank it's slick and that's going to affect the performance of both machines but it's going to affect them both oh he's getting close oh ho look at that oh oh there's a look at that hole that was tight I like it I like it no slip and it's like neither oh yeah okay no yes now at this point I'm watching how slick this metal plus works with those wings and I'm thinking Tim is in trouble Hunter's off to a strong start and within just a few minutes he's already cleared around his first curb line and back trade away from his first main obstacle let's go visit Tim and see how he's doing all right two one no go go go so let's talk about some of the main differences between these two snowploughs the metal plus has wings that can go forward as a box they can go wide out or they can look backwards as a back dragon unit the Arctic is stationary but the Arctic side wings will go up and down allowing you to go right on top of sidewalks and back-drag right off from them getting a hundred percent clean straight right 100 percent maybe much but I'll tell you straight up it's a nice neat scrape right off from the the sidewalks another big difference between these two snowplows just so you guys know if you're considering both the metal plus that we're up against in this video requires two hydraulic hoses to connect up and an electric pin to connect up so just so you guys can wrap your head around this in you ever blow out hydraulic hose or the electrical system has a problem your metal class then becomes a stationary snowplow lock into whatever present last position it was in the Arctic requires no hookups whatsoever other than just connecting into the plow itself through the the back drag from Claire the back plate there's no hydraulic hoses or pins other electrical connections to me so Tim and Hunter are knocking their detail work out first so let's go over to hunters where he's got his biggest challenge coming up yeah so right here is where it's gonna get real tricky this is gonna suck up his time hunter and Tim are using similar strategies where they're consolidating their push pile but Hunter's going to be leveraging those mobile wings on that metal plus for everything they've got so instead of hogging the spill across the lot in two main files and then pushing it up Hunter's wind rolling his piles into the center of the locker he's then going to switch to a containment mode and attempt to move them into the main push now there's a couple typical rumors about both Arctic and metal plus that float around out there one of the first rumors about metal class is that they are extremely durable and they're cutting edges will last forever I had one person tell me they last between five and seven years but I can verify that but I've also had people tell me that the metal plus equipment burns more fuel because it's so heavy that it takes more fuel just to push that big metal clasp in front of the machine there we go there we go now we see how hunter cleared around his first car let's look at the technique that Tim uses with this arctic around his first car [Music] now Tim could push forward but he's gotta leave enough room for his tail to swing and unfortunately by the time he clears enough space for his tail to swing he's got another curb line that he's coming up on so it's better just to keep back dragging and get that area clear but that's not his main obstruction his big obstruction is in the two islands and he's got to work around just like Max Tim is pushing everything into one location so that he can come on the backside of it and get it down to the stock let's go check in on hunter you know at this point he's got everything pulled away from both sides of his parking lot and he's been growing everything to the center to consolidate his pile from that point in plans on moving that massive quantity of snow it down to the end roll where it's gotta eventually get to stockpile he's moving a lot of fill keep hogging a lot that curve mikasa these dribbles right here I mean it just it is what it is I'm not critiquing or criticizing his skills I'm saying it's gonna cost them and hey look it look who moves after Tim plows it look who moves thank you thank you for moving after we get it plowed thank you for back turret backing out after we back drag all the way around your car and then of course we should just fly it wait for you to figure out where you want to go your patience for people when it comes to snow plowing [Music] is definitely taking the big bites of small please definitely taken some chunks of snow with that holy crap look at the slide are the ASV though the a is B's taking the same [Music] so hunters doing right now he's building up a stockpile here Tim did the same thing over there and explode him down he got too much tim got too much snow in front of his loader and it basically almost stopped them and i think hunter is gonna see the same thing he's gonna get too much snow in front of his loader and this slight the slight layer of ice that's underneath all this snow is just knocking us to crap and a person to see if he's thirsty slow down yep he's gonna have to get some ramming speed up there we go so now ah stimuli let's go see how he said hey Sam I'll switch with ya go watch hunter tell me what you think tell the camera what you think and I'll tell you what i see with tim what are you seeing so far definitely slowing him up big time too so he's got one little swipe left in the middle Tim's what Jim's got a buck their buck what do you say even right now yeah I think it's [Music] now the Arctic has a floating edge and cutting system as well meaning the entire cutting edge is divided into separate sections it's contoured to the lock those side multiple go up and down as well so you can bang into a curve with them and instead of stopping the machine they'll just ride up and over a curve now this system depends on a puck system to make sure that everything operates and there's rumors on visitors breaking those pots by slamming of it face of ice now we've operated five or six of these Arctic and one of the snowiest in Minnesota in history we've never had a single issue with one pot breaking ever so that tells me if guys are having problems with their pucks breaking it might be the operators using and abusing the piece of equipment instead of just using it for the way it was meant to operate so Sam I noticed that the metal plus doesn't roll snow it kind of just broke force trama it to where it's got to go it's just four weeks ago he's a little bit more yes yeah I'd have to agree [Music] both snowplows prove that they can move an incredible amount of snow very differently our dick tends to roll the snow and push it out much further where the metal blast just what force Rams its way right through that snow [Music] I think they're gonna tie [Music] come on man go go go go Oh Kenny's got one more pass [Music] this is it right here [Music] that's it that's it yeah look at it I'll stop them I mean Timmy got done first but it was super like it was like it was like a matter of like 30 seconds I'll call it a time for sure that that one's like brute force and that's finesse you you will have to see the video of the sledge trying to get across the parking lot no oh dude it was wild and this is the same spot that we were holding the plough competition but it was about six hours earlier in the day and we just had to give up we couldn't get anything done with tires so these track to track units are making this look hit hit it hard go back and hit it hard I know just don't don't hit into my truck don't hit me all right we'll see he's just got to get that pile of snow to there it's not like it has to go very far but it's up a up a slight hill and all we've had is problems with a with well we had three days of rain I'll see a hit of hard hit it hard you can't even get speed up to hit it hard these tracks I got to know I got to say something what I found is if you push in mass quantities install like that I didn't cut down all the way to the people realizing like oh it grabs it up underneath this underneath is flare I seem to help snow we're gonna sign off too many last words of wisdom from either of you guys Tim hunter you know older working with better Ireland because you can't really win row with that but pretty sure the price tag in that favor the heart takes a bit cheaper I think it's about ten eleven grand per I think that one is nine so yours yours is about double the price name yeah ever taken so there you go that's our video for today god bless you guys don't get it looks odd next one make sure you hit the subscribe button in the bubble lots the plow so we got plenty see you guys
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 254,369
Rating: 4.8693876 out of 5
Keywords: metalpless, snowplowing video, snow plowing videos, snow plowing videos youtube, snowplowing videos youtube, plowing snow, plowing snow youtube, snow removal, snow removal youtube, plowing snow with skid steer, heavy equipment plowing snow, heavy equipment snow plowing, heavy equipment youtube, heavy equipment working youtube, big machines plowing snow, loaders plowing snow, metal pless, snow plow, best snow plow youtube, 4 k video, 4 k youtube, best snow plow, loader
Id: dv7hv2QiUZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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