7 plow operators-11 snowplowing tips & 3 things NOT to do- This is snowplowing basics

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create one well boys it isn't always pretty but she gets the job done the two-wheel-drive back home let tell me all your secrets fill me in on your wildest moments color treat you yellow leaves me dancing who's your painted red shades ooh [Music] when I get there I'll break in your arms I lose control I know No [Music] you're my sailing God when you have field trip right this wicked laughing into Brides and straight to water water Sun into his head all righty guys my wife is playing with her new robot vacuum because my robot vacuum is too manly for her she doesn't argue and we're gonna go meet the entire crew today and we're gonna get tips and advice from every single one of my operators that have been snow plow with me that have been with me from 20 years to two months gonna introduce you to Thomas he's rad motors for me for years I joined I got a question for you we're gonna go meet Tim hi Jake shoot the video no way really this guy's explain Johnny [Applause] let's see if Sam's got any words of wisdom yeah so so today you're gonna get a whole different you're gonna get a whole bunch of different advice from a lot of different people and it's a big show lots of information let's get going all right you guys and before we get too far into today's video please comment down below with your advice to the noobs coming into the industry a lot of these guys have no clue what they're getting into and so they're gonna be looking to you and your comments down below so please share your words of wisdom there you say all dig much deeper all right you guys we're gonna go meet Tim Tims with me has it been 27 years yeah yeah I think we've been following for 20-some years I don't know man it's been too long all right so we're talking about top tips to give guys that are just getting into the business do you got any top tips for them okay situations like today it's morning time traffic's coming into these places of business keep your head on a swivel yeah there's uh they're not looking out for you towards me no they actually some of them want to get hit by you and that's gonna sound counterintuitive but man false ashfall surance claims you we've had we've been on like remember a job site where a guy said you hit his car and you went out and you looked at the car and it was rusted oh yeah right right where you supposedly had hit it crazy how Ruskin farm in just 20 minutes or so right oh it gets better than that so some of these follow these guys they'll like we were in that places where like gas stations is perfect like gas stations in Minneapolis you really had to be careful because people would you know they were parking behind you you go forward backward forward backward and they park right behind you we were on a job site where we were demolishing a concrete swimming pool and one of my guys back just backed up into the next-door neighbor's driveway big no-no you never go on another neighbor's property or driveway but supposedly he cracked the driveway when the skid loader backed into it and when we went looked at it what did we find on the driveway on the driveway I don't remember weeds growing in the craft weeds growing in so as soon as he putt crack the driveway somehow all these weeds popped up in the crack that he just made maybe if it'd been two weeks earlier but no not not the same day you're not gonna get me it's growing in the crack you live nowhere to go but you'll just have to stare and I'm like I need to back up that's a great they don't they don't know what you do you know that's a great one grab him and see these got any words of wisdom one of the things that as a boss he is my son-in-law but as a boss that I appreciate from guys bird [Applause] I always go [Music] [Music] to get his momentum you get Jake to slow down enough [Music] hi Jake shoot the video no way Billy Oh tips tips to give new guys coming into the industry thank you four or five years something like that yes higher what kind of advice would you give a new diet company be careful there's a lot of things you can kid I you're training somebody in right now and you put a little longer what would be the first operate stay in open areas so when they're first getting into it don't try to stake between cars don't try to impress people yeah because that's when accidents work with a new scale rate there's a great tip right from Jake's mouth that's a work within you a really good tip you guys so and what we do inside the company is we put our best operators in our best piece of equipment and let them set the bar high so they the other guys can see potential that they can live up to so when you come into the company you pretty much we always say whatever piece of equipment you want but you always got to be in the back I'm not saying that to break but he knows the pattern he knows the equipment he gets the job done so we either put him in the sledge the ASB what do you think of it it's nice it's slow yeah but I mean it's a track machine it doesn't feel like the track machine it feels more like a skiddy with normal wheels not like snow wheels you know and rumbling every time you turn and it's not crumbling and you're shaken d'être feels like it it feels like wheels yeah yeah I notice him because I was climbing into some massive piles of snow back and I was just like why yeah does yeah goes now by 2 Technic I just don't like to use the rabbit here when I'm pushing snow that's another thing you guys you don't use rabbit gear when you're snow plowing some guys are gonna jump up and down and tell you yes you gotta use rabbit gear no you know why - I know exactly I know them that's something mom yeah you're gonna have a big knot on your head the first time you hit a curve you're gonna be flying around you're gonna hit one manhole cover or you're gonna hit a curve to do forehead meet last door so I wear my helmet yeah your dirt Bucky helmet all right so work within your skill range you guys don't try to show off because I am not dressed appropriately and this is one of the things my guys I always got to remind the guys dress like you're going to be stuck in a ditch for 12 hours because there's a good chance that you're gonna get out onto a jobsite and your piece of equipments gonna break down and how many times Tim have Leah have we not been sitting in a pickup truck but laying underneath the plow or underneath the truck or trying to repair something so you got a dress for the worst possible scenario yep and later that day we had one of the lift valves on our snow power pole blade go out and this is why you got a dress like you may have turned outside a problem it won't go all the way down that's a weird problem probably something fun happening the more moving components you have the more problems you have all right what's going on in here I'll go off in and out but the down is and then I bet you I bet you don't have enough pressure I'm gonna have to adjust your pressure up for you're down maybe that leak yeah something's leaking [Music] there's no power guys or a call away yeah you can always call them I don't know I think ok so here's another pro tip now that we're actually experiencing it right now look now you got down pressure when you have it when you have a breakdown you don't spend a lot of time fixing it right then and there you try to get through the storm you try to get your Lots cleared because if you spend a lot of time trying to fix and repair what will happen is you'll wear yourself out and then if even if you do get it operational you're already late on your account when if we can get by we are we actually keep how many we are we keep three pieces of equipment now as spares we keep two skids and a loader as backups so we have full pieces of equipment that if this whole truck went down he could hop in another piece of equipment and keep going and that's a little excessive but we don't repair out unless it's an easy fix and we'll hop in a different piece just to get through the storm so those are points hopefully what Tim's doing right now is he's filming it he's gonna send it to brace it and then Grayson's with snow power brakes it'll probably walk them through it Kim is really technical okay you guys here's a little bit of advice that I can give you I know what they're doing right now they're getting a game plan put together but I know also what they're not doing and their tires aren't moving so even though I know that they're do they're figuring out what building to go to and how they're gonna work together everybody inside that building there's when they look out all they see is three pieces of equipment not moving so if you gotta put a game plan together and make it snappy and if you've got a part or if you're tired and you plowed for 20 or 30 hours straight you just can't move on don't stop where everybody can watch you go stop in them in a hidey hole in a corner make your game plan because believe me these guys are all watching another tip I can think of here okay stick together if you're on your first big site and and you know everybody gets tired and pretty soon you got a skid steer over here pushing the whole parking lot by himself and a plow truck over here trying to do curbs because he can't find a skid steer and keep them together and keep the equipment the part of the job that it's intended for okay and your night will go a lot better teamwork and stick with your game work and just like a truck with a skid or whatever pieces of equipment you got out there seems to work pretty good something that runs curbs it's something that does the Big Lots okay great point okay those are good points all right so let's go see just some of the other guys and see if they've got any pro tips for you guys I think we got a lot of plowing we got nine inches of snow coming today the snow is snow yes this is the snowiest February in Minnesota history was getting worried like we're gonna get me snow this year and then go boom we got all of it all right let's go to some of the other operators and see what they got to say you [Music] Georgina's do I turned in I got a question for you the operators for new guys coming into the the guys yep learn yeah I know you have because I've watched you kind of transform right before my eyes yeah you're gonna give these guys some advice what would no matter what piece of you know attachment you're using whether it's a bucket yes I'd say or just keep the attachment always on because you'll get the most done don't defy what do you mean by to be the most productive and efficient keep the attachment on the ground okay so so don't travel living up to the air correct okay okay that actually makes a lot of sense I woulda never even thought of and one of the things I stopped too early on do you remember when I hear I just saw the video don't carry this well don't carry this also what you see with when he had a bucket because we have used buckets even with a bucket you put it on the ground and then you push a mass quantity of snow and with the wraptor plus or a pusher or a plow you always keep it on the ground and you try to keep pushing down side to the net yeah that's good to one side and push the other and that helps with just and another thing is be aware of what's underneath the curve so we're not allowed to put snow over the curbs we have designated push piles but some people can pile snow up on along anywhere these Kurds and islands like that Sperber and island right there and go ahead and put snow up there and you scrape as you're lifting as you scrape destroy all of the vegetation all of the landscaping and that has to be read in the spring so be careful when you go to square you snacks know what your snacking is No it's really tough sometimes when it's snowing this heavy duh I've got it but just accidentally going over because it's snowing so hard right yup alright I'm gonna let Jordan get back in his piece of it as you fuel always keep another tip right always keep your fuel what is our rule how much I only don't go below half don't go below half the reason we don't go below half you guys it's because condensation inside of the fuel tank that empty space will turn will condensate because the heat from the engine will heat it up and it'll create water vapor right out of the air and then that will go into your fuel systems we always keep our tanks plumb full always full yeah great point even though you didn't know you're making it let's go see somebody else and get some more to put tweeners tweeners tips and pointers twinkers let's go get some more twinkers traffic is getting bad you guys it's coming in all right there's Thomas and the loader it's gonna get some advice from him let's see if he's got any words of wisdom all right Thomas all right you guys we're gonna introduce you to Thomas he's read loader for me for years and I'm shooting a video on advice to get [Applause] three or the business any words of wisdom be early be on time I live like 15 minutes from here 45 so what's the time I try to be a little early [Applause] you don't get to come in when the plows are out like everybody else so that's my word early so they normally takes a 15 minutes to get to work early 45 minutes earlier yeah I do so okay it's just sucky I live okay so that makes a lot of that got a full-time job man that was not too long ago last be 300 bucks so all the money I made with you paid for my truck to get out to dance doing the daytime maintenance we're doing what's called an open up where we just run the juice the drive lanes and we're not trying to get in and out we're not trying to make it perfect because we got to come back tonight when the lots are empty and everybody's gone that's when it's got to be beautiful so understand that and a full push and open up is just straight line shots make drive lanes accessible so the cars coming in can get in and out full push is when the cars are gone and you clean everything now after these guys don't care if you wait to 2,000 pounds or 20,000 pounds we're gonna cut you off okay let's go to the next guy see what he's got to say alright you guys let's go and here we got the new locked the new blot so we got one veteran working with two news and let's see we've got one noob and there and now we've got the Metron in the Volvo let's say I'm time we've got a brand new he's a baby new we got Phil and the Bobcat all right let's see if Sam's got any words of wisdom or they up shooting the video come on advice to give a new guy coming into the industry now using coach in the Bobcat suppose I am what kind of a place down here keep your front tires and don't don't need to ram the pilots harder on the equipment especially on these plates as they have Grauman's know alright so know your equipment and a piece of advice that you're actually doing right now is we put one veteran with a new well you know the system true you know the equipment and you're taking right and said you've been coaching him along getting him to understand the patterns and rhythm so if you guys are new don't be afraid to look to somebody with more experience especially odd eyesight I've ever got asked questions from people who know what they're doing guys let's go see if we can find the sledge this is the Sledge territory careful all right sidewalk guys which are not my crew come in and they dump all their snow all over our Lots which is I mean what they got to do but it gets to be a real pain in the butt is when we're already done and we're heading home and then the sidewalk crew shows up then they just plow there's snow just legal D Pinkel D there it goes right it is a lot yeah I mean they got a tough enough job as it is can't complain I mean he can complain but then you're just a jerk I see the sledge so you see this visibility it's right that thing [Music] probably has seen the video that we put this ledge up against that was I made up this thing is just insane all right freeze it can I borrow some of your heat some heat I got plenty of it I'm freezing out here like it I got my nose pickers all exposed I'm shooting a video Johnny where we give some words of wisdom that you plot with me for 10 plus years right it's correct I think more greater on 10 yeah so any words of wisdom to a new guy coming into it drink lots of coffee and water water okay so that's a great point coffee and water because what will happen is what just drink off coffee you get weirded out and he get cramps yeah and you get I've seen a lot of guys get out of a piece of equipment even young bucks like Jake get out my son-in-law he jumped out and he almost fell down on his face after being in a skid loader - gotta bring bananas with you for potassium because otherwise after sitting in the skid loader for a while even if it's a company one like he has you end up getting all cramped up okay it's a water coffee and bananas and bananas yep in vitamin E vitamin E vitamin E it helps with the eyes because after a while your eyes start getting goofy on you oh they actually do here you start seeing flat so instead of 3-dimensional you start everything starts looking the same I mean you start to falter - oh you know you're talking in the 20 to 30 hour range yeah but everything starts flattening out where it's like when you're playing a video game for too long and the screen loses its dimensions it's just black I would have never thought that on my own that's actually that's actually a really good point yep so like this morning when I packed I packed all my tools I grabbed three cups of coffee and two bottles of actually to get two bottles of water I grabbed my my kool-aid and Gatorade mix and nos and I already took my vitamin E and ate my banana this morning all right let's actually let's go in my truck thank God that was great advice because you know you got to fuel up your equipment we talked about that you got to fuel up your body man that was I'll show you guys what's in my truck right now coffee cup in water actually a pot of water side by each great advice actually [Music] you guys see what taco my plane is doing he's plowing the drive-through in Caribou Coffee because that's where you get free coffee have they ever given you free copy I've never tried hey I'm just plowing you drive-through in case you want to give me a free cup of coffee all right so I'm filming a video on advice to a new but new guy coming into the industry now this guy is this is Blaine he's plotted with me for how long five years six years four years a lot of guys you know they know snow is coming but instead of sleeping and then they think they're gonna be okay but what happens is when you get like a seasonal that's what we're doing right now we've got an all-day snow so we started at 3 a.m. and we'll go all day and then we're gonna go all night again and if you try to do that cuz that's what Jake did my son in law you guys may have seen him he's running the ESV he went out and played booed hockey last night and I'm just that way is he limping I was at his house because it was birthday party my grandson's fifth birthday party last night and I'm like I got to go home by 8:30 oh don't block traffic I'm like I got 8:30 because I got to get at least three or four hours of sleep so sleep when you can good point and don't block traffic all right all right you guys we're changing shifts right now and this loader will not be ran for a few hours till the next shift comes in but he's parked drunk so this loaders parked backwards right now he's got to spin that around and the reason I say he's parked wrong if something happens this water we can't jump it we gotta crawl into the snowbank we got to crawl back here into a snowbank to jump it you always park your piece of equipment so that you can get at it if you got to jump it or you got to maintain it so we'll show you what we actually have done with our other loaders everything is always parked in a way that lets you actually we'll see if he remembers how [Music] like that so the problem with parking it like that is if this loader doesn't start my other loader is trapped okay so hey Phil yeah this is a great example so if you leave right now this skid loader here like this if this loader doesn't start can we get that other loader out that's right so when you park we always leave it so that we can get at the back of the equipment and we always have an exit strategy we never box another piece of equipment in so hey Phil before you jump in we're gonna put it right here this is where you found it remember okay no worries you just call me stand by the way all right so we're gonna nose this in right here so the back end is sticking out here okay and tight enough in that we can still get the black skid loader out if this one won't start so we always got an exit strategy and a jumping strategy jumping means wherever the battery is we always leave enough opening that we can get at that battery to jumpstart it if it's cold and doesn't want to fire alright you guys here's another mistake truck is parked it's not running I'm gonna go grab a quick sandwich and there's the plow right up in the air front plow and in my case back plow - it means this truck is now supporting all of the weight of those plows that's about 3,000 pounds that's roughly maximum payload on that truck and it's up in the air and there's no reason for it as soon as I get in that truck I should put those plows down on the ground and what happens is it relieves all of the pressure and it's no different than not having plows on at all when the plows are on the ground they're supporting their own weight a little bit of the weights left weight of the frame is still on the truck but let's let's not make mountains out of mole hills you guys so anytime you park you put your plows down you relieve the weight off the truck and then you can go anyhow I going even what I'm just gonna go pay for fuel plows down on the ground take the weight off the truck as soon as possible you guys hopefully this is my last rookie mistake for you guys plug your machines in before you leave it's all well said but make sure they're actually on so the best thing you can do to make sure your plug is actually working is to use a lighted cord right there so you can see this lighted cord that's not lit so he plugged his machine in but no power to it these these each one of these big pieces of equipment pulls 1500 watts that's what a block heater poles was 1500 watts so it's pretty easy to overpower a circuit especially when you got Wilson old that's like this wet snow you get a little water in one of them cords and out they all go or you get water in the plugins themselves and the all go so just because you plug a machine in doesn't mean it's actually plugged in make sure you guys have power before you leave okay and we cannot forget Frankie Frankie you've no clue what we're doing do you know just like everything else I always have a camera all right I'm making the video and I've interviewed everybody in the company on advice they would give to a guy going out snow plow you you actually do the snow blowing and shoveling you actually head up manage 67 different properties taking care of all of that what kind of advice would you give a guy and I can't see it cuz my Kindle Oh she'll learn to love a shovel grant so when you say that I'm saying you probably want to pick your shovel pretty carefully I pick I like ladies when I can classic ones and now with the metal heads okay because the metal is just gets caught on everything and whatever and just you wear down the platter the other ones down faster but they're only eight bucks right okay and you also see you bring a whole bunch of different shovels when you go you don't just rely on one scoop shovel scraping shovel and then that big push one and you also bring Spears because you've broken them while you're out and instead of trying to go get a new shovel right and it is that one and then you also bring the lightest snow blower we have which is in the back of my truck right now because it never stops snowing here there's no reason to take it out so good good advice all right and you're off today to go blow snow snow every single day oh you got a big one yeah in heavy snow because it hasn't been done yeah got it all right you guys well that is our words of wisdom from operators from different levels of experience I hope this video has helped you guys out let me know in the comments down below god bless you guys and if you stuck with it to this point that's awesome go get em you guys and check out these videos right here and if you're still here my wife wants to know what to name the Roomba I put it up on Instagram somebody commented that we should name that one dirt nap I kind of liked that name but what should the Roomba be named huh rule your call you've named it Rou okay too late cameras on yo it's our anniversary today do you know how long we've been married okay let's so you notice she didn't answer that the right lady 18 yep god bless go getting me guys
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 156,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snow removal, snow plow, snow plowing, snowplowing basics, snow plowing basics, how to plow snow, how to plow snow with a tractor, snow plowing advice, snow plowing youtube, snow plowing business, snow plowing business youtube, plowing snow youtube, plowing snow, snow plowing equipment, snow plowing equipment youtube, snow removal equipment, snow removal equipment youtube, plowing youtube, snowplowing youtube, how to snowplow, how to snowplow youtube, snow plow equipment
Id: LIZnUqnuXA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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