Metal Planer Restoration 65: Moving the Countershaft

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[Music] hello keith rucker here at guys today uh back to working on the metal planer restoration and today's tas is going to be able to move this counter shaft up top in order to get some clearance for some belts uh if you've been following along the restoration you know that uh we realized that we had to do some changing around our pulley arrangement and in the process of that we have some interference up here in the current position of the counter shaft now and i'm going to go ahead and mention this i've talked about it also in previous videos but where i've got this counter shaft mounted to the machine is not how it would have been originally done that counter shaft would have been mounted up in a ceiling it had been powered by a line shaft that would have been powered by you know steam engine water wheel who knows what uh back in the day in order to get this machine to be self-contained i decided to mount the counter shaft to the machine itself and that way i don't have to worry about if i decide to move the machine sell the machine etc of having to go get parts down out of a ceiling and move them around or mounting motors up in the ceiling and so forth like that the machine becomes self-contained however in the process of doing all that uh i i didn't have my pulleys set up properly i realized that after we started putting under power and i realized i have a clearance issue now here now so no big deal all we're going to do is we're just going to slide that counter shaft back about 5 inches and that should give me all the clearance i need and to do that up here on these brackets we're just going to basically sandwich a plate of steel between the counter shaft and this bracket that extends out drill some new holes move everything back and i think we're going to be good to go so that's going to be what we're going to be working on today is moving that counter shaft around now when i saw this counter shaft i did it one piece at a time put the brackets up there put the shaft on there put the pulleys on there so it was fairly easy to manage right now i want to be able to basically keep it in one assembly so i brought my gantry crane in i've got it over the planer and we've got a strap on there and my plan is is we're just going to unbolt those uh four bolts that hold those uh those brackets in place and using the the gantry crane i can just pick the whole assembly up and just kind of move it out of the way temporarily while we position and get the uh the new plates in place and then we can just come drop it all back in place and uh hopefully that's the way it's going to go so you know i just want to kind of show you there the gantry crane we got a strap in there i should be able to just pick it up i got the shaft off center because there's more weight on this the right hand side on your screen there so hopefully that'll help balance it out it's probably still going to be heavy on that right side but that should help balance it out a little bit all right let's get up there and pull those bolts off and see we can get this thing off i'm going to cheat a little bit here and use a impact gun here to pull these bolts apart make easy work of this hopefully there's one bolt out let's get this one in do the same thing on the other side note we had some tension on this whole thing before i unbolted these parts down here and that way if for some reason something shifted or whatever it wouldn't have fallen but uh now the plan is here is just pick this whole assembly up my chains catching down in the table below there we go i want to raise it up high enough to clear everything to the front we're just going to roll the gantry crane forward and just kind of get it out of the way for right now and i think that that is going to work right there pull that chain out of the way so all right that should be out of the way and we'll just let it hang out up there while we're working on the rest of this i've got my two plates here that we're going to be mounting up there to extend that platform these are 27 inches long and seven inches wide and basically they're same width and they're five inches longer than the plates that are were built into that bracket so what i need to do is i need to have holes for the holes that are currently in there as well as the holes for the new holes that we're going to make so i've measured the ones up there and uh the first hole is three and a half inches from the end and then from there the other hole that we have on here what was it let me go double check that measurement i think it was 15 inches but i want to measure twice cut once all right i was correct it was 15 inches mark there and the next thing i want to do is i want to put a new set of holes five inches out farther from the original one so we'll go with five inches and again at 15 inches and three and a half inches in this direction it's gonna center punch these holes uh these are i got some wiggle room in these uh they're drilled just a little bit oversized so i can get everything lined up so i'm not worried about super precision measurements here everything will work fine so [Music] all right so these holes need to be drilled out three quarters of an inch i think is what i have them and i think on this hole here i'm going to do a countersunk hole in here where the the head of the bolt that i bought too will be below the surface and i think that's going to be a 3 8 inch bolt that's the thickness of this plate is a 3 8 inch so i need to go see if i can source me some of those and we'll come back and get these holes drilled all right we'll be back in a minute so i'm go ahead and drill all four of these holes 3 8 inch and then three of them i need to come back and do a three quarter inch hole one of them that's going to have the uh countersunk screw and it will stay 3 8. so i've got my radial drill we're set at 750 rpms slow down my feed right here we'll get lined up on that engage our auto feed and let it just drill down through there same thing on all four holes [Music] [Applause] that's got one item done we go grab the other one we'll do it too for the three-quarter inch hole i'm going to use a taper shank drill bit so we need to take our chuck out of here i'll just use a drift drop that out we'll put our drill bit in here here we go and that's a three-quarter inch bit see my chart here says spindle speed 407 so let's see we'll go to 350 right there slow that bit down tom [Music] drop that back down closer [Applause] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one [Music] two and we're gonna skip [Applause] the one hole i put a circle on it where i knew which one i wanted to skip [Music] all right i've got a countersinking tool in there and first thing i'm going to do is just deburr all these holes and we're going to countersink that 3 8 inch hole for the for the countersunk head on it so we'll just come in here and just touch all these lightly without just breaking the edges on them [Applause] doesn't take a whole lot but we just want to deburr those holes or anything else and [Applause] flip it over to the other side here do the same thing [Applause] [Applause] and then on this one we're gonna countersink it so this one gets a little pressure on it [Applause] so you can see the countersunk hole there is uh our screw that'll go down in there and that'll make the top of this flush with the top of the piece of metal and basically we'll be clamping down the the new holes that will be used for the for the upright piece the bracket will be this one and this one but having that out of the way it's not going to interfere with anything sticking up top of the metal because there's a piece that goes across the bottom that it would interfere with if we had a regular bolt in there so that's the whole concept with using that these are pretty much ready i'm going to get them cleaned up get them painted i'll probably let the paint dry overnight and we'll uh probably install these tomorrow uh over there on the machine so there you go i'll do the painting off camera so we're over here on top of the planer and i got my plate ready to go down here this should uh line up with two of the existing holes and it looks like it does i'm gonna go ahead and bolt down the old holes here the ones we're not going to use this will get the plate positioned where it needs to be i'm gonna go ahead and get these kind of put down in there i'm just using a regular bolt on the front the front here we have that countersunk uh screw that goes in there that will be down below flush so let me get this one going wrench on the bottom there we'll tighten this one down okay and we've got a wrench here we'll grab the nut from the bottom and uh and this one's just got a hex drive allen wrench and that's nice and flush on the top okay so i've got two more holes in here that will be where we mount the brackets too but one arm's got to be drilled through the old plate the other one will be out here on the end so to do that got a three-four quarter inch transfer punch this should be the same size as the hole so now that we've got a center punch in here i'm just going to use a hand drill i got a 3 8 inch drill bit in here we're going to drill it through and then come back with a three quarter inch drill bit for clearance there [Music] all right so let me change drill bits go to a three-quarter inch drill slow it down a little bit there we go hold all the way through and with that this plate is ready to go i'm gonna do the same thing the other side and we should be able to drop our uh our brackets back down on here and have our counter shaft moved and we're now ready to move the counter shaft back in place so get over here and jiggle this gantry around [Music] all right all right let's uh shift this over a little bit and come down so all right and that looks pretty good go ahead and drop some bolts down here to pin this in place and with that i think we're ready to tighten this in place so let me uh get my socket in here and with that i think we got her i'm gonna go ahead and take my strap off we're done with the gantry now this is back where it needs to be and sitting where it needs to be so we'll get the strap out of here all right the counter shaft has been repositioned all right so we have things partially belted back up i'm not completely belted back up but uh we do have things partially going here i've got the belt going to the main counter shaft up there and then we have the belt on this side which is the reverse stroke the table going out and if you look the table is all the way out i actually ran it all the way out just so that i could get access up underneath here so i did that off camera when i was checking everything out just a minute ago i still got to get a belt on the other side over there and just the reason i don't have one on there right now is that but because i had to move the counter shaft all of my belts grew a couple inches in length and uh by the time i changed things around and and worked out which belt was going to be i've got enough belting to put on the other side but i was going to have to splice together about three or four pieces to get everything to work out right and uh instead of that what i'm going to do is i've just ordered a new new piece of belting to go on that one side over there just so i don't have so many lacings in my in my flat belts but uh this side is working and i'm sure since we get the other side going we'll get that going as well also i need to to fix this little shifter in here that adjusts the belt shifter back here to go from the forward and reverse that's next on my agenda to get that fixed and really i need to get that fixed before i can get all of my belts and pulleys and everything set exactly where they need to go but good news is it's uh it's working everything looks good we've got all the clearance over here we need whenever the belt shifter i'm just doing this by hand but when it moves in all that racket is the gear train down there moving i don't know if you can see it in the video or not but the big bull gear here is moving and that's what pushed the table out i actually moved it out under power so uh all that looks good and uh i'm happy with how all this is looking right now so we'll get the other belt on there and like i said we'll get these pieces down here all worked out and hopefully we'll have this thing running here very very soon that's going to be the game plan keep your fingers crossed but i think that is going to be it for moving the counter shaft like i said we do have one more belt to put on but we'll get that knocked off knocked out no big deal and uh got to braze this broken part so that's what i'm about to go start working on now guys that's gonna be a wrap as always thanks for watching please uh subscribe to my channel if you haven't already thumbs up comments appreciated hit the bell icon up there uh to get notifications and new videos and guys we will catch you on the next video thanks again for watching [Music] you
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 40,741
Rating: 4.9769702 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Metalworking, Keith Rucker,, metal planer, metal planer restoration, restoration videos, vintage machinery restoration, metal planer machine, antique metal planer, vintage machinery keith rucker, large metal planer, old metal planer, new haven metal planer, new haven metal planer restoration, new haven manufacturing company, flat belt pulley, manual machinist
Id: D5YkgWVPtTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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