Metal Gear Survive | Zombie Slam Poetry | Featuring @Tetramorre | 2021 Review

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metal gear survive is a case study and a phenomenon amongst steam reviews where a game will be unpopular at first but gradually develop a core audience of supporters to prop up its review score is it a good game no if you like the survival genre i would handily recommend to play through a valheim even if you've already played it once then playing metal gear survive we're up to 125 so far to explain my history with this game i played a lot of metal gear solid 5. [Music] i didn't have a playstation coming up so it was actually my entrance into the series i was also clued into the drama that was occurring behind the scenes of the game at the time but i'm by no means a fan of hideo kojima i ended up playing survives open beta which was functionally identical to the release product i could have written most of this review without even having played the game as a result of that short play time because i've already extensively played it by mgs5 henceforth named v but if i'm known for anything it's trying anything once so i bought survive on sale and gave it a shot functionally survived feels like a fan mod of v most of the assets and mechanics of the name existed in v but survives a zombie game yeah and v had zombies survive has wormholes so did v survive has resource collection and base building so did v survive has melee weapons and a bow i guess those are new and you can tell given the animation for walking with a weapon drawn looks bad even the name is similar it's basically impossible to move forward without discussing the behind the scenes drama of this game so let's discuss the kojima konami breakup like most breakups it involves petty and embarrassing actions by both sides which is alarming for konami considering they're a multi-million dollar game publisher kojima gets leeway because he's an individual he's allowed to be upset that his decades-long relationship ended in such a way you don't expect to find a company writing slam poetry tarnishing the legacy of their ex however to explain this drama i'll give a quick context hideo kojima was the developer behind the msx2 game metal gear and metal gear 2 solid snake despite its technical origins as a pc game given the msx was a home computer system the series came to popularity with the release of metal gear solid on the playstation 1. kojima would then book in the series with metal gear solid 2 before bookending the series 3 more times with mgs 3 4 and v drama was entering kojima's fear with each release and it only got worse with time he's a polarizing figure among gamers you either don't know who he is really enjoy his work or really hate him and konami didn't seem to like that this is an industry where both consumers and publishers don't like rock stars and where most people don't know the names of the developers who make their favorite games and just associate brands with games instead of individuals this all came to a head with metal gear solid v the rumblings started when kojima and his studio's name was taken off the promotional material of the game resulting in him putting credits in all the levels rumors are bound about kojima and gang being fired from the company a section of the game was cut off and sold as ground zeroes for thirty dollars the main snake voice actor was replaced with jack bauer i mean he had a valid reason but that wasn't known at the time stephanie justin was getting a little too comfortable with kojima a feminist controversy in the west about her mode of dress and lewd camera angles and an 80 million dollar budget the breakup was messy and saw the end of the silent hills game which had an extremely popular demo at the time konami would become a pachinko machine developer while kojima would go on to produce a new game death stranding and if you look at the premise of that game and then look at survive things start to feel pretty similar meteorological conditions which require special gear to navigate and the player has a special connection to large metaphysical concepts that represent the end of the world traversing an open world and establishing connections to new areas to aid with further exploration it wasn't just that konami was taking kojima's engine and assets and making a parody of mgsv it feels like konami was also trying to make a parody of death stranding which isn't out of the realm of possibility given the connections that likely exist between the employees of the two companies funnily enough survive had allegedly started development as a co-op expansion for v while kojima was still at konami so it's possible the similarities started there it would be one thing if konami was using the project to give all the developers who stated the company a chance to get their emotions out of their system before moving on to the next big project but looking at the list of games they've made since 2018 does not give this impression oh we're talking about konami drama i'm in my name is tetramor and i'm your resident metal gear enthusiast konami certainly pulled some pretty crappy stunts over the course of this game's development in kojima's career in general but how about the drama on the fan side many were exceptionally excited to hear that a new metal gear game was coming out until they saw the first trailers in 2016. the game was instantly lambasted by basically everyone except the most die-hard konami fans and perhaps for good reason i'm just so unimpressed oh god no konami it's over man it's over stick to your pachinko machine sorry ah i wanted a i i came here with an open mind i was actually kind of excited and it um the more i think about it i the more upsetting this is no though like this is the perfect pachinko nami move they couldn't get better the most generic idea for a game i mean yeah i don't disagree based on these trailers we couldn't have known that the game basically forgets about survival halfway through in favor of a base building tower defense game which is what you play for much longer than the alternative if you choose to keep going beyond the point that the story stops and even then the fact that zombies were in the game at all rubbed many people the wrong way let's talk about the fans perception of kojima really quick for a long time kojima was heralded as a god of a director and perhaps for good reason mgs 1 2 and 3 were all at the very least groundbreaking in their use of technology gameplay and story to convey themes mgs4 was met with criticism all around which combined with staffing changes and the intense drama surrounding that game saw kojima knocked off his pedestal fans coming to realize that games are not solely made by one person what a concept but konami shot themselves in the foot by firing kojima and removing the credits they inadvertently reignited the fan's love for kojima and back on the pedestal he now stands initial expectations for death stranding were enough to show that much metal gear solid 5 could have had no story at all and people probably still would have praised kojima in fact in spite of the fact that most people think the story isn't that good they assume that it's because konami quailed kojima's masterpiece by not giving him full creative liberty and firing him part way through the project concluding in the game being unfinished and konami could have made the most incredible metal gear game the world had ever seen and people still would have ripped them apart because of what they did to kojima i wish i could peer into an alternate universe even just for a moment and see what it would be like if kojima had directed metal gear survive how would the fans react if only oh gee so according to the response on this tweet people actually were pretty gung-ho about it of course because the same people that lambasted konami for survive also said things like but oh [ __ ] we got rid of kojima and treated him like [ __ ] now he has his own company and he's making his own game and we have no more creative talent left or virtually none what can we do even though a lot of the people that worked on metal gear solid 5 also worked on this game this game was dead on arrival and it is admittedly largely konami's fault but all of this really brought out a bad side in the fans as well shame so let's take metal gear out of the title and treat this like a standalone game how are things well that's kind of difficult given the game immediately starts with the end of ground zeroes from the perspective of a mother based soldier and a lengthy cutscene establishing the premise you know undead nightmare is basically the same idea but with red dead redemption and it only took a couple minutes to set up the zombie premise tutorial time the game gives us a gun which i immediately assume i need to be sparing how i use the ammo because hey it's a zombie game that was a mistake since the game takes the gun and ammo away from you anyways we team up with an xof soldier and head to our base of operations meeting an ai in the process this place used to belong to a group called the karen core but they all died mysteriously and we're gonna be dragged along for a plot about finding out what really happened so with our unlikely trio we finally get into the meat of what this game is about stabbing zombies through fences in fairness you actually get more options than that down the road but not for a while we explore our environment setting ourselves up in the short term with food and water and the main macguffin we're going to be collecting memory boards the ai's having a rough time and needs these to advance the plot and some progression elements the first thing that immediately stands out is this user interface v had a very slick ui system when nothing's happening it's clean and well presented everything you need during gameplay is contextual you don't need to see what gadgets you have in v at all times unless you have it selected and ready to throw survive immediately plasters information and elements on the screen at all times what the hell is this circle that centers on our ass supposed to even represent so we get to know our health stamina hunger thirst and oxygen supply meters as well as what we have equipped and sometimes we even slap a compass on screen as well it's a mess and it violates the basics of good ui design the center of the screen is for the gameplay the borders are for the information and it would be another thing if our helpful ai didn't take 30 seconds to talk over any recordings we're listening to in order to explain the fundamentals of living every time these meters get low there are a number of researchers and engineers involved with the wormholes here to investigate this world and of course there are a few corporations apply yourself with oxygen by using coupons we have a medical team in case of emergency basically the active unit is filled with military types so it's not like you're ever really surprised by any of the life numbers becoming small you have this beautiful user interface system that you could have just stole like you did with all the other assets the area is very obviously surrounded by a dense fog which looks terrible from the outside there wasn't any way you can make the edge less pronounced the fog is lethal to us until we track down an air tank and mask but as a member of the karen core i can't show you what that actually looks like actually it's because of the bandana but i like that down the line when it's revealed we're on track to becoming a zombie ourselves that our allies will pretend to be surprised at this outcome let's talk about our character we're given a shot at character creation using mgs v's built-in creator except with more females this time we're also given armor slots and a number of options for decorating our character but since the gear has stats what we're wearing is often not what might be considered fashionable given there are cosmetic slots for the head and body why couldn't we have gotten the vanity slots idea from terraria i do appreciate that i'm allowed to wear just a sports bra under my gear this breaks the norms of logical gear choice in a zombie situation but boy are we stacked and welcome back to the markdown challenge do you want an easy miracle do you want to lose a pound or two then you can turn this off right now my workout's not for you i'm talking to the woman who wants it all gotta pay for what you get cause size two clothes don't come to those too lazy to sweat hey why'd you pause we have a lot to cover you can actually do the same thing in v with these bathing suits and both games even make you faster for a shoe in clothing i guess i'll state up front that i prefer to give quiet her xof gear even though we're presented with a choice in voice i can only recall one time i ever heard the player character say something and i'm not about to track that down for you so just trust me on this one what's confusing is that mechanically these strengths lay in its gun play and movement but survive really doesn't want you using guns and pretty much any fans of this game will admit that it's only viable to run guns in the late game as for movement the fox flows the player down using a heavy stamina penalty i presume because we're using an oxygen tank to breathe probably because the zombies are really basic and would be super easy to cheese if you were as agile as you rnv zombies are meant to be challenging threats in large numbers and at first i thought survive was insecure in its inability to render large numbers of zombies but in the finale we see this as false the engine is perfectly capable of handling a large number of entities which begs the question of why we spend the game dealing with so few enemies at any given time they're easy to lead on with a respawning supply of crystals if a wanderer senses you but doesn't fully detect you then it will rush to your last known position even if it should sense your new location as you move away and even if you do get detected a light jog can outpace them let alone sprinting for a couple seconds the real threat in the fog is no not him that's fluffy he wanders the map and steps on wanderers which usually telegraphs that you're coming up on him he infinitely repeats a single path in a single direction at least until the moment you kill him in the story so it's pretty predictable and easy to work around him i did miss him when he was gone he's still pretty intimidating and at least he looks cool but i managed to avoid ever getting in a fight with him the real threat of the wanderer variants which have increasing levels of jank as they're introduced we got boomers exploding zombie trope then you got mortars with ranged bomb attacks these guys really didn't gel well with the other types example given being the 15 minute defense segment where i hid behind a rock developing shell shock as the mortars demolish their own wanderers then you have trackers which are highly mobile so in theory they're strong where the other wanderer types are typically weak but not really because they aren't given any advantages in actually finding the player then you have these spider things but only a couple times and later these plant things which can pull you out from under a bush more nuisances than actual threats put your best foot forward right going off achievement data less than half of the survive player base ever reached these guys knowing this it seems they got made and someone just slapped them with a good enough stamp that probably needed a couple ink refills during development like the melee combat it's good enough to ship but not good enough to win any kind of accolades it's very easy to throw a swing at the same time as the enemy and still get clipped for it because surprise surprise it feels like you attacked zombies and melee weapons onto a game in a completely different genre v didn't have a numerical and stamina health system melee attacks and v would do damage and knock down the player and the player could do melee back but in a very controlled manner because this is a game about gun combat and stealth not a hack and slasher in v if you came up on an enemy you could start cqc then aim and you would disarm the enemy pretty cool in survive you spam the left mouse button to swing melee weapons that might stagger the enemy but okay if gun combats the strength of your parent title then surely you would utilize that to your advantage maybe some zombies that use guns or even human opponents all the assets are already in the game no no human enemies okay so we butchered the stealth because we've taken away the enemy's ability to call alerts and taken away most of the tools you can use besides just rocks and we've butchered the combat because we've heavily stifled your ability to use guns and the things that you would shoot at the name of the game is exploration then right the player has a limited supply of air meaning a limited range they can explore the fog you use that limited time to try and find transporters and containers which will increase our effective range in the fog this is probably the strongest part of the game the gradual climb as we expand the bounds of the world each trip out during the early game feels like you're making progress towards something when we find containers we're subjected to a small lockpicking minigame it's real time and the price of failure is alerting zombies around you cool when we find transporters bringing them online means drawing the ire of wanderers so a short defense segment a sudden combat segment we may or may not be prepared for a dilemma do we do it now or head back and try to prepare for it how much combat gear do we carry in the field on the off chance we run into a transporter okay i'm feeling it just drop some fences down and poke the zombies with your spear if you bite off more than you can chew just fall back on your gun while this game does have a bow and arrow for us to use i avoided it until the end game because after you find the last transporter there's no need to carry combat equipment anymore if anything you're incentivized not to by equipment weight that's the titular survival mechanics poking their heads in to see what's up we just run around picking up everything in sight and depositing back at base upon our return v also had resources you would collect in the world except someone decided to keep the quirk where it takes a second for the button press to perform the action you know the one where it spins on a radial that's fine every now and then for making a button press feel more impactful but not when i'm expected to do it a dozen times just to loot a single building i mean it was egregious envy and you only pick stuff up occasionally in that game despite the long list of materials that exist i can only really name a couple mostly because they bottlenecked and created problems gunpowder copper and lead for bullets alcohol and styptic for medical supplies i don't think styptic powder even appears in the world and i've explored roughly 90 of the map no i can prove that claim the game measures not that there's much to explore the map is basically just a modified version of mgs v maps of afghanistan and later africa with some modifications i intentionally did not use the words minor modifications because it is different at least early on but the africa map is much more blatantly a copy which fits because it only appears later in the game only 45 of players got to africa so there was less of a need to change it hey blood dragon was a standalone expansion that copied its base map and modified it from there an undead nightmare even just used the same map as bass red dead i think the difference lies in the mechanics both of these examples remind you of the base game but don't necessarily make you want to go play them pretty much the entire time i was playing survive i was thinking about how much i would rather spend my time playing mgs v i mean there is stuff that survive has to offer that v doesn't like horde mode cooperative horde mode and um let me think about this and get back to you the game expects us to outsource the exploration to our exploration team this is where the in-game and microtransactions start rearing their ugly heads if you don't want to spend any money beyond the starting price you're limited to a single 4-man team that goes out in the field and manages to ring the earth dry of whatever you want this seems designed however to not solve any problems just control the rate of your bleeding while most of the missions take only 20 minutes they also don't turn up too much in the way of supplies instead if you want a good return you spam the creation of really really cheap medical supplies and send them off to do online missions which is why the game is always online if the game goes down for regular maintenance which the game claims has ended each time it happens you can't play if you alt tab the game freezes to log back in as though it thinks i'm booting up cheat engine if you want to expand your exploration team you have to bust out 1 000 survival coins sorry sorry konami i'm not buying your weird cryptocurrency what's the exchange rate 550 coins for five dollars 1 150 coins for 10 3 500 coins for 30 bucks 6 000 coins for 50 dollars the ratio changes slightly the more money you give which is an intentional trick to encourage you to spend more money by giving you a slightly better deal and a slight excess of coins you'll have a hard time spending so they want 10 bucks for us to be able to have more than four people in the exploration team and more than one mission running at a time and they try to force it by making most of the missions that pay out anything of value take real-time days and once you reach the end game you have a base defense mode that takes real-time days as well unless you want to shell out a little cash to speed it up oh and the save slots are paid as well now sure v didn't have multiple save slots but it also didn't have an rpg progression system every time i saw that sv icon on a new mechanic i got a little sad you probably won't even be able to play this game in 10 years i don't know leave a comment if you're playing metal gear survive in 2031 you will however be able to play mgs v even though it too has an online mode and progression system tied to its online it's still a completely functional and coherent game when played offline i've interacted with its online mode maybe a dozen times and have still gotten an absurd number of resources out of it like the mankinis there's no pressure to shell out cash for the mother based coins to buy a new fob because having additional fobs doesn't really do anything meaningful for the average person so it seems like konami learned from the failure that was these micro transactions and tried again with survive years after people started calling out predatory microtransactions which was like dumping gasoline out of a helicopter onto the trash fire that was the kojima drama watching the fire climb up the stream and then engulfing the helicopter and that brings us back to the opening to the core people who actually stuck around and played the end game this game has its defenders like investors in any good cryptocurrency you have a lot of people in the sunk cost mindset who paid for this game and played a lot of hours and possibly even paid for the microtransactions trying to justify to everyone else why they should do the same that survive is some kind of underdog experience waiting for its time to shine my recommendation after 36 plus hours play metal gear solid v now survive has a rough introduction and takes a while to warm up well so does v but it actually goes somewhere what a world where the game whose ending was so absent an entire community formed around a conspiracy theory that there was actually a secret ending and it's set to arrive any day now is still preferable to a game whose coherent ending is the hamster wheel hey i'm back so i made a four hour long video on mgs5 and that's what qualifies me to be here although that knowledge is fairly moot because this game is not a continuation of the rest of the series and konami's words anyway well that would be true but this game actually does borrow or continue certain threads from the series that mean one would benefit from having the knowledge of the story so far in order to gain some context it's not entirely necessary though the game starts out and we see some scenes from ground zeroes which tie into the story of this game and that's about where the connections between survive and metal gear solid 5 end with the exception that's the philanthropist is back and they mentioned metallic archaea except this time they decided to pronounce it metallic archaea instead and no i don't know which one is correct all i do know is that hearing them pronounce it like that was like nails on a chalkboard to me but anyway i'm digressing if i was going to point to a game in the series that this one more directly follows up it would actually be metal gear solid 4 funnily enough some of you in the audience just got really confused as to how that's possible so let's add some more confusion onto that the villain of this game is the nano machines that have been present in the series since metal gear solid 1 and came into full force in metal gear solid 4. this is actually a fairly natural progression of events the villain of metal gear solid 4 was the people using those nano machines to control the world and now the nano machines themselves are the problem no the zombies in this game are not the same zombies that were in metal gear solid 5 for some incredibly strange reason but this is what we have according to the playstation trophy data only 16.6 percent of people that played the game actually saw the ending and only 23.9 percent of people got to the second map meaning they didn't really see any of the story so the question many of you probably have is whether or not this game holds up to its predecessors seeing as very few people made it far enough to even be able to ask if the purpose of pat's section of this video was to look at metal gear survive and ignore the metal gear in the title then my purpose is the opposite how does metal gear hold up to the series's story wait that doesn't quite work let's try kingdom hearts name and convention so how does metal gear survive point to birth by sleep of fragmentary passage hold up to the rest of the series yeah i like that let's go with that after the events of ground zeroes we are treated to a scene of some people collecting dead bodies one particularly important looking man surveys one until stopping on ours to which he says good to see you again forgive me for what i'm about to do we get a chance to create our character and then the man tells us that we are the key to everything and then closes up our casket we get some backstory this man talks to another man named gruen about some nonsense that won't make any sense the first time through just a general sense that our character is important and vaguely infected in some way and that our mission will have a large impact on the future of humanity our character from now on referred to as the captain wakes up in a desolate looking place and we are told to head forward to base camp by the guy from the intro who names himself good luck on our way there we meet reeve and escape this facility finding ourselves looking over the wreckage of mother base in the middle of this desert weirdly mother base bears the logo of diamond dogs which didn't exist when this game was supposed to take place maybe the logo was left on it because this game just reused the metal gear solid 5 assets without thinking how they fit into the story another cutscene this time good luck explains that we are going to another dimension and introduces us to our zombie pals called wanderers and that they can't truly die our mission is to recover the research data that the group that went before us the karen core left behind and to rescue survivors the captain is already infected with the same life as the wanderers so we have to do this in order to avoid turning at the base camp we meet virgil our ai objective dispenser for this game good luck's wormhole closes causing the connection to be interrupted and so virgil is now our main point of contact their personality seems to be split into a male and female version and they don't know why this place dite is similar to earth but different due to the presence of wanderers and the dust the foggy barrier surrounding base camp we need to gather data to activate the wormhole digger so we can talk to good luck again and this is where the game's story gets out of the way for a while one of the many ways this game's story differs from its predecessors is the fact that not everything in the game is trying to play into the theme of the game not every scene is somehow pivotal to the plot my notes for this game and most of the sessions read like this session six going to rescue a guy guy i'm about to rescue asks us to get rid of his magazine stash cutscene 1 talking to the guy we rescued he thinks this is all a dream name is nicholas we add new items finishing analyzing gruen's data learn location of singularities virgil gets another saying wrong end of session six for the most part the game is just a string of objectives tied together loosely with the plot nothing wrong with that but it does pull this game somewhat more in line with the rest of the medium rather than the games it shares a namesake with a few highlights we meet this guy the lord of dust we rescue a number of named characters miranda the medic chris the terminally ill child with a penchant for programming nicholas the funny guy who cooks on the side and seth the other mother based soldier we saw get pulled into the wormhole in the opening seth was about to get shot by a guy named dan who along with seth are the only two members of the karen core remaining we also rescue plenty of randomly generated folks that get the same getting put down in front of virgil cutscene and generic thanks message gruen from the opening at one point comes on and starts helping us because good luck has been fired for insubordination later he tells us goodluck committed suicide but doesn't give us a reason he wants us to supercharge the wormhole digger because it wouldn't complete the connection to home without it but it ends up summoning the lord of dust instead who tries to get into the wormhole is that what gruen wanted yeah probably it comes out later that guru was looking to get the lord of dust back to earth so they could use its energy but of course this is a terrible idea for incredibly obvious reasons so it won't come up again plenty of the cutscenes switch over to kodak at really awkward or weird times at least in mgs2 they tried to establish an in-universe reason for why they were switching to codec instead of staying in the 3d rendered cutscene the real reason of course being that the cutscenes cost money and take time and this is a lot easier and cheaper in the long run all of this combined might make you think that the story doesn't matter and you'd be right for the first 10 hours or so until things start ramping up after a few failed attempts to leave detail good luck tells us through a pre-recorded message given to virgil that our true mission here is to destroy the lord of dust the only way to do that is to get a weapon available in the second circle of detai or as i like to call it africa the fob here is where the devil's house was in the original game and one of the memory boards is in the mansion that we find code talker in this is probably just because i have a fondness of mgs5 but i like being able to recognize these areas somewhat reimagined in a new way the differences are enough to make them interesting to traverse at least once like realizing the first room we go into in said mansion is the room that code talker was in just with a huge hole in the wall soon we learned that said weapon is none other than sahalanthropus which wasn't invented until after this game began say what's going on here also so philanthropist being here sort of solves a plot hole i have with the original game which is sort of funny in a way but that doesn't make it any less egregious in that game when we find it we find dan again who tells us he hasn't killed anyone and that seth shouldn't be trusted virgil and the crew trust him but seth is adamant that dan is up to no good either way we bring sahalanthropus back to base but before we can get back ourselves reeve calls in and tells us that seth went awol kidnapped chris and that they went back to base camp when we confront him he spills the beans firstly the dust is made up of medical nano machines or what has become of them they have evolved over time into a calm sophisticated intelligence far beyond what human beings have reached they have become one hive mind and live in perfect coexistence their goal is to assimilate the entire human race into their fold finally giving them the peace that they have been searching for for ten thousand years so this is actually pretty fascinating the whole series has been about peace in one way or another so much so that one of the games is named after it in metal gear solid 3 the boss instills in big boss and zero a dream of peace which they aim for the rest of their lives to accomplish every game is about either someone striving to attain peace through any means or the main character striving to keep someone from disrupting peace further the games also have a strong theme of free will and the will of the individual and how that can be used and abused by people snake is fighting for peace and for free will at the same time he wants a future that is both peaceful and not under the thumb of an oppressive regime and here in survive a new extreme is pondered the dread dust hold the key to actual peace to helping the human race finally get over their differences and come together under one ideology but in the process free will must be sacrificed conflict comes with the presence of free will so removing the free will factor is the key to peace right but is peace at the cost of free will even worth it anymore like the contrast of light and dark what purpose does peace serve without the presence of conflict to contrast it if we aren't able to think and act for ourselves would we even be able to appreciate peace i'm kind of astounded to say this but i think this is pretty well done actually the problem however is that all of the questions i just asked while interesting to ponder don't really surface in any way in the game yes the game does bring up the concept of peace at the cost of free will but that's where it ends a few minutes later seth our only contact with the dread dust is dead and we don't really have time to stop and ask questions anymore there are no scenes of the main characters waxing poetic on what it would be like for the dread dust to take over taking away conflict and instilling peace in a different game perhaps one with the word solid before the subtitle that's what we would have gotten an actual exploration of what the game is implying here as ham-fisted as those types of scenes can be i think they do serve to help solidify the themes in a series that does struggle with some really difficult questions after seth dies we block out and wake up later seth's presence awakens the infection inside of us and we learn that virgil is also infected their infection is what caused the male and female split when they quarantined off the sick parts of their mainframe or whatever the good news is that this awakening of the infection in virgil means that they now have access to the dread dust's hive mind and everything it knows here's where we get some story bombs firstly detai is not a different dimension but earth in the 22nd century that explains all the stuff like sahalanthropus and mother base having diamond dogs logos the lord of dust is using the wormholes to travel back in time to assimilate everything in that time and then once that's done they go back even more and eventually they will assimilate the whole of humanity all right yeah i think this is pretty cool actually if we want to think about it too much get into some questions about the quantum mechanics of the wormholes and stuff like that then i could poke holes in it sure but for now i think this is still mostly working it'll get a little iffier later we have to destroy the lord of dust so this vicious cycle will end to do that we need to use the archaea blades and the railgun from sahilanthipus after a quick fetch quest chris completes the archaea blade trap and then the lord of dust begins his assault on our base we open up a wormhole and send chris through it while everyone else sticks back to help fight the lord of dust eventually we shoot it with the railgun but it just reforms virgil realizes that the lord of dust has no concept of death and therefore cannot die this is pretty lame because it kind of just comes out of nowhere here with no development briar then virgil plays us another message from goodluck in which it is revealed that he and chris are one and the same earlier when we sent chris through the wormhole it ended up taking him back to 1943 instead of 1973. he used the device we gave him to create the technology that we have now and he vowed to get the captain and everyone else out of detail and save history one of my favorite details about all of this comes in the form of the archives you collect as you find memory boards throughout the game the female researcher chloe is always wondering how good luck was capable of building all of the tech they have but it was actually her research and work that enabled good luck to construct all of the technology in the first place she dies wondering if goodluck knew what was going to happen in the end and thinks that she was doomed to die without accomplishing anything with no legacy to leave behind it seems i will die without knowing anything more about you than i already do i find that to be almost as painful as death itself this is really sad and i love it it's easily missed too because chloe's story is contained in the archives that are entirely optional chloe has a ton of character development in the form of these archives and by a ton i mean any at all and significantly more than what any other character gets including chris and that's one big reason why i don't think this twist works as well as it should and to be clear when i first saw this twist i really liked it maybe it's because my expectations were so incredibly low i was surprised to see a twist like this at all much less one i didn't see coming but now that i've spent some time thinking about it it's not incredibly well established and makes a little sense why would virgil not play this message for us earlier since it contained pivotal mission info why would good luck not tell us that detail is just earth in the future when we first went in how does chris survive his terminal illness and how is he not in a wheelchair anymore of course i know the answers to these questions if any of them were readily explained there wouldn't be a twist but that just makes it a bad twist the contrivances pile up like wanderer corpses even ignoring the contrivances this twist doesn't hit as much as it should because here's the one line of character development we get from chris you you're right you know i won't live to see 20 with my disease if you're going to kill me you might as well just do it yeah that that's about it one line the fact that he is treated as a non-character kind of helps to shroud the twist from becoming too obvious but it also makes the twist less impactful in the end virgil has to sacrifice themselves by becoming one with the lord of dust and teaching it the meaning of death life existence everything that they learned over the course of working with the captain and the crew i kind of like all this but again virgil hasn't had enough character development for me to be attached enough to be sad about it they do and we blast him one more time this time killing the lord of dust for good and the credits roll we get another scene afterward where we look wistfully at the place virgil once stood but then they come out of nowhere a large scar on the side of their chassis i actually expected this because i've played peace walker and knew these capsules were made to withstand nuclear war which i appreciate anyway their personalities have merged back into the female one she is now complete and she finally gets a proverb correct something she's been trying to do the whole game a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step this is cheesy but i like it the real credits roll and but wait this is a metal gear game there has to be some big story revealed at the end of the credits what will it be well it's a conversation from the past between good luck and gruen sort of establishing that the reason he was disbarred and subsequently epstein is because he was predicting the future because he knew how it was all going to happen i'm not sure exactly how that makes sense either because he was in detail the whole time but whatever he thanks the crew and the captain for changing history by sending him back and that he is going to fight for a better future oh too bad he dies so how does it hold up well for one thing i don't think it's necessarily trying to be as philosophical as your typical metal gear story it wants to let the gameplay shine a bit and get out of the way largely sacrificing character development in the process i was expecting there to be a way to talk to the characters at base camp but there wasn't disappointingly on the whole the narrative hits a lot of interesting notes but doesn't quite reach the potential i think it had some things like chloe and the dread dust work and others don't compared to a lot of other games the story is decent but compared to a lot of the metal gear series it falls short and that's okay honestly metal gear is an outlier of a series in terms of storytelling and this game didn't have to hold itself to that standard i just wish that what it did it did better but if i'm being honest with myself in spite of this game's flaws its contrivances and its failures there is one thing i can definitively say it is better than metal gear solid 2. and you can hear more about that molten hot take over on my channel later next month all right thanks tetramor hopefully i'll have this out before he hits 100 subs if you made it this far you'll probably enjoy his metal gear solid 5 video his control video is pretty good too and it's a lot shorter and only an hour 46 so no excuses about not having the time go check out his work and see if you like it and only subscribe if you do wonder where boulder punch is at well that's awesome i'd also like to thank the patrons on screen for their continued support to which they get early access to videos as well as status updates on the oblivion video speaking of i'm announcing now that patrons will be receiving a week's worth of early access for the big project which there will be a trailer for at some point anyone who donates before i hit export will be included in the credits which goes all the way back to january so if you want your name attached to what is easily my biggest and best work yet you know what to do also i want to put a side project up for vote eventually no clue when that's happening though enchilada brothers
Channel: PatricianTV
Views: 51,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Patrician, metal gear survive review, metal gear survive review 2021, tetramorre
Id: Y9kJHAKn-E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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