Metal Gear Solid 4 - The Movie [HD] Full Story

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👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Hideous-Kojima 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Also a reminder that at the end of the game we meet "Big Boss", except he has the same posture, gruff voice and flamboyant mannerisms as Ocelot, and he's wearing the same outfit that Ocelot wore in MGS1, and although he has Old Snake's face, his ears are Ocelot's.

(Canonically, Decoy Octopus removed his ears to improve his disguises, so that definitely was a consideration, and if you extend that logic to TPP you can figure out some interesting things.)

This seems pretty significant considering that a major plot point in MGS4 was trying to secure the "pyx" containing Big Boss's dead body, which IIRC ends up underwater...

If that wasn't really Big Boss resurrected at the end of MGS4, well... there are all kinds of indications (from holograms to walker gear proliferation to the presence of other, anachronistic IRL technology) in MGSV:TPP that you're not really in 1984, but the game is rather set post-MGS4 (which fits with PMCs/PFs pretty much running the world by then). If the Captain can be resurrected from death with nanotech, then who's to say Venom wasn't in a "coma" a lot longer than nine years? It's not like he doesn't have a giant fucking black shape-changing nanocock sticking out of his head.

And if MGSV and Survive are together at the end of the timeline, then we don't even need time travel to explain how Chris could be the crippled child soldier you rescued in TPP.

Just some interesting food for thought, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if the truth turns out to be a lot weirder yet.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/weed-bot 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm not sure I agree with your "explanation", but the dust thing is kind of interesting and I never thought about it or even noticed it. Nice catch... maybe canonically has something to do with Survive?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Xealyth 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

i just started TPP and legit cant understand the complaints about survive's basis/story. is it going full wild? yes. has survive done anything too extreme/weird/unusual? no.

i'm just disappointed in myself for burning through survive so fast and konami in their poor endgame content/progression.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tons28 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

God I fucking love MGS4, too bad I don't have a console

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kilazur 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

If that is true then explain...

Why is Ocelot so young and still have his right hand? Also, he supposedly died from FOXDIE in MGS4 after fighting Solid Snake.

Why is Liquid Snake only 10 years old? Liquid also dies from FOXDIE in MGS1.

Why is Huey Emmerich still alive? He drowned himself in 1997.

Why is Miller still with Venom? He left and got married and joined FOXHOUND and was loyal to Solid Snake.

Why is Venom still alive? Solid Snake killed him in 1995.

Where are the Gekko gears?

Where are the pmc's from MGS4?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rchaffin22 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

I feel like I'm in r/deathstranding

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jarred623 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

They didn't turn into zombies. They are experiencing all the pain and negative emotions the nano machines had been blocking

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/trentandlana 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/patriotraitor 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
In the not too distant future. On a tired battlefield. War has become routine. War... ...has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War... ...has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control... All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield... Controls history. War... ...has changed. When the battlefield is under total control... ...War... becomes routine. Head north. And... Try not to run into any Gekko along the way. Three days earlier. Otacon. Even the dead have ears. Snake, we've got to go. You've got an old friend waiting for you. Otacon... The test results... Proteome analysis was positive. But the mRNA analysis turned up negative. The wrinkled skin, the hardened arteries... Your early aging symptoms look like classic Werner's syndrome. But none of the tests were able to pinpoint the cause. So? Well... Judging by how rapidly the aging has progressed, I'd say... A year at best, right? Yeah... Snake... Let's try another doctor. It won't make any difference. I'm not an ordinary man to begin with. Not to mention FOXDIE. You're right. But we don't know where Naomi is... Naomi... Ah, Snake! Colonel! Good to see you. Well... I'm not a colonel anymore, Snake. I figured the only place I'd ever see you dressed like that would be at your daughter's wedding. What are you doing these days? I'm working for an organization under the UN Security Council... ...The analysis and assessment staff of the PMC Oversight and Inspection Committee. I remember the resolution being passed a few years ago. Snake... I came across some... ...information in my work. We've found him... In the Middle East. What? Only two eggs today? Solidus must have taken the day off. 7-8 9-2 5-9-0-3-6-0... 3-3-0 5-3 0-5... 4-8 8-2 0-4-6-6-5-2... Act I : Liquid Sun The Manhattan incident triggered a serious public backlash. Now the US has to think twice before intervening militarily in other countries' affairs. This has fueled a push towards military privatization, with PMCs at the heart of that movement. PMCs... Private Military Companies. That's right. PMCs have no basis in nations or ideologies. They are private enterprises, driven by profit. In addition to dispatching mercenaries to war zones, they secure weapons and train local soldiers. They're contractors for war itself, and business is good. Their clientele includes developed nations like the US, rebel factions looking to seize power by force... Smaller countries lacking armies of their own... Even terrorist groups. They're in the Americas, Asia, the South Pacific, Europe, Africa, the Middle East... The rise of the PMC has spawned a war by proxy, and it's spreading across the globe. They, they're re- Sunny, we'll eat them later, OK? Every age has its mercenary. These PMCs are nothing new - we've been dealing with them since before the turn of the century. No, Snake. They're nothing like the mercenaries of the past. They're ready. Sorry, I'm a little busy right now. The Pentagon's new battlefield control system has produced a decisive difference... Between hired guns and the PMCs of today. The system was developed by ArmsTech Security. ArmsTech? You mean AT Corp? Yeah. In recent years, AT Corp has shifted focus from weapons development to security tools. And since the establishment of AT Security, business has been booming. The system makes it possible to integrate not only micro-level information on individual soldiers and units, but also macro-level information about field conditions and order of battle. So, they've finally achieved total real-time battlefield control? That's right. And as a result, the global presence of PMCs has grown explosively. Truth is, the rise of system-controlled PMCs has led to a dramatic decline in civilian casualties and human rights violations on the battlefield. A cleaner, safer battlefield. Makes for nice propaganda. S-Snake, you were s-smoking again, weren't you? This is a non-smoking f-f-flight! There's more. State governments and rebel groups can't match the maintenance price of standing forces. PMCs, by comparison, are reliable, easy to use. It wasn't long before everybody had them on the payroll. And as a result, regular armies began to decline worldwide. It's hard to believe, I know, but PMCs are beginning to overtake conventional armies in terms of scale. Nowadays it's the PMCs who serve as standard battalions. They already make up sixty percent of all combatant forces in zones of conflict. Sixty percent... The fact is... the world now depends largely on PMCs for waging its wars. I thought it was the U.N. that authorized the PMCs in the first place. The U.S. abstained from voting on that resolution. In effect, Washington was endorsing PMCs without ever revealing its true intentions. Until they got wind of the uprising, that is. The U.S. has exported too much military power. And now she's paying the price. That's exactly it. America has now turned war into a form of economic activity. Analysts are calling it the "war economy", in that it's picking up the slack for the downward-sloping oil market. But I, for one, don't intend to simply stand by and watch it happen. For the PMCs, market expansion entails fanning the flames of war... It means more refugees. War orphans. Child soldiers. Yes. Even as PMC soldiers get more specialized, they're also getting younger. Mercenaries spun off from state armies, unmanned weapons, child soldiers... Proxy battles in a new Cold War. There are hundreds of PMCs in business worldwide, and their numbers are growing. Currently, five of them are big enough to be labeled global powers. Two in the U.S., and one each in the U.K., France, and Russia. Reconnaissance has revealed that those five PMCs are run by a dummy corporation that acts as a single mother company. This mother company embodies the five largest PMCs. Her name... "Outer Heaven". "Outer Heaven"? You mean...! That's right... It's Liquid. Liquid... He's taken command of this immense army and is now preparing to unleash an insurrection. I watched him die. His will lives on... in the body of the man once known as Ocelot. He aims to fan the flames of war even higher, to create the perfect world once envisioned by Big Boss. The one world in which soldiers will always have a place... He must be stopped... Before it's too late. The global community is concerned, but they're all too afraid of the war economy collapsing to do anything about it. The U.N., too. Sounds pretty self-serving to me. ...Snake, this mission isn't an order from Washington... not like the old days. And it's not something the U.N. can officially sanction, either. But we can't just look the other way while Liquid plots this insurrection. If we fail to act, he'll become the greatest threat the world has ever faced. Snake, you're the only man I can trust. Fine. Let's hear it. Our intelligence on Liquid's uprising originally comes via reports from U.S. Special Forces, who were mobilized after we at the U.N. reported our findings. They're tracking Liquid's movements. About 18 hours ago, he was spotted in the Middle East. There's a rebel army there in the Middle East made up of ethnic minorities, waging civil war against the regime in power. The core of that regime's army is provided by one of the PMCs under Liquid's control. What about the rebels? The local militias have hired small numbers of operators as trainers and field commanders. And of course... ...they've got help from the local PMCs. Right. A proxy war between hired guns. PMC versus PMC. A quagmire of war. All-too-typical victims of the new world economy. Snake, you'll be sneaking into the conflict zone via transport truck... ...disguised as one of the rebel army's hired operators. Your first objective... to make contact with our informants, Rat Patrol Team Zero One (RAT PT 01). They'll be expecting you. Rat Patrol, huh. They sound sneaky. They're a Special Forces team assigned to the Army's PMC investigation unit, CID. CID (Criminal Investigation Command)... The real rats of the Army. No, I can vouch for them personally. Friends of yours? ...You could say that. Will you do this for me? Will you terminate Liquid? I'm not like the PMCs. I don't need your money. ...Thank you. But if you're going to spark something... Spark this. Fine. I'll start my own fire. This is Snake. Do you read me? What's the situation? I'm just inside the city limits. This place is crawling with lizards. Ah, AT Corp's unmanned bipedal weapons. Officially designated "Irving" by the US military. They've spread like wildfire among the PMCs. There are more of those things now in service than tanks. They've got tough armor plating and are highly agile to boot. Your best bet is to stay out of their sights. Unmanned... Pretty soon they'll have put living, breathing soldiers out of work. Even so, that's an awful lot of Gekko for this scenario. Their numbers exceed the war price for that region. It must have something to do with Liquid's arrival on the scene. You really think he's here... You'll have to find the Army's operatives and ask them yourself. Oh, and Snake? I went ahead and used the Mk.II to scout out the area before your arrival. You'll find it up ahead. Mk.II? It's a remote mobile terminal. Sunny and I built it. The Mk.II will provide you with a map of the area as well as any battle situation data. You should find it before you do anything else. OK. Got it. The rendezvous point is marked on your map. I'll be waiting for you there. It's me, Snake. Snake, it's me! Otacon? Sorry to keep you waiting, Snake. Allow me to introduce Metal Gear Mk.II. Metal Gear? But this Gear's not a weapon. It's a remote mobile terminal designed to provide you with operational support. Where are you? I'm in the Nomad, where else? I had the Mk.II bring you some goodies. Starting with this. Put it on your left eye. Looks like an eye patch. I call it the Solid Eye. It's an all-purpose goggle that displays radar images and other data in 3D. You can also switch it over to light-amplifying night vision. An Operator... I installed a suppressor. And here's a tranquilizer gun. How thoughtful. It predates the implementation of the System. By some miracle, it was never recycled. It's getting tough these days, finding decent guns that aren't controlled. You coming? Of course. I'll follow you wherever you go. Like this. I'll activate stealth so it doesn't attract any attention. If you need it, just bring up the START button menu. Got it. Snake, the informants who said they saw Liquid here should be a little further up. Head for the rendezvous point. Pretty sweet, huh? Whoa, hold it! Watch where you're pointing that thing. Who are you? Neither enemy, nor friend. Voila. You're not with the militia, and you're not PMC... I'm a weapons wholesaler: all shapes, all sizes. But there's no need to worry, 'cause all my shit's been laundered. Laundered? You see, I take ID guns like the PMCs use and make some mods. Then you can use 'em without having to match IDs. In other words, I'm a gun launderer. You can call me Drebin. Drebin? Yeah, they use that for all of us. There are more of you? All over the world. Not that I ever met any of 'em personally. Me, I'm Drebin number 893. You ain't a registered PMC employee, are ya? You need a guy like me. Consider it a welcome gift. Take it. The M4. The official carbine model used by the US army... Developed from the M16 service rifle. This one's a top-of-the-line model. Real popular with the big PMCs. High precision, not like that government-issue shit. It's... free-floating, of course. Relax, that barrel's clean. Is the hider CQC compatible? The beauty of this sucker is that it's got a lot of customizable parts. Change it up the way you want to meet your everyday needs. Flip-up sight, rail system... Not bad. Yeah, well, you know, I get a lot of newbs 'round here. And if you need 'em, I got a wide selection of after-market parts as well. The frame's pretty rigid. No rattle. Go ahead, give her a squeeze. I can't pull the trigger. Really? That's weird. What's weird? Wait, I got it. I bet you're using an older generation of nanomachines. Older generation? Sometimes they don't really jibe with the new System. Seriously, who are you? Whoa... Slow down. My day job's working at AT (ArmsTech) Security. I'm in charge of production control... So I get my hands on the ID chips before they're even registered. Have a sip. It's a side of AT the public don't see. From the looks of it, you ain't with any state army. But you ain't exactly green, either. You've got last-gen nanomachines. So I'm guessing... Former US Army? I don't know what you're here for. But you'll wanna be well-equipped, am I right? So? Can we talk business or what? You won't regret it. What's your take on him, Otacon? I don't particularly like the guy, but it looks like we'll need his help with those ID guns. Sunny's been doing a little sleuthing for us. Drebin. A well-known gun launderer in war economy circles. He's a businessman who deals mainly in selling black-market firearms to small PMCs and local militia. I share your concern, but what if we keep him at arm's length? Use him only to get intel and the supplies we need? Keep it strictly business. All right. So... We ready to make a deal, or what? OK, then. Let's talk business. To ensure you can use non-ID guns, I'm gonna have to suppress the old nanomachines you've got in ya. Otherwise, they'll interfere with the System. Here. Stick yourself with this. It's full of suppressor nanomachines. Relax, it won't hurt. You scared of needles or something? What's the shot for ? What's wrong ? You don't like shots ? See? No sweat. Now you can use non-ID guns, no problem. There, ya see? No problem. From now on, when you pick up an ID gun that says "LOCKED"... You just let me know. You name it, I can launder it. Of course, it'll cost you. The going rate depends on the war price at the time. Man, I gotta give this shit a rest. Looks like you're doing pretty well for yourself. You might say that... What with the war economy and all... And the System clamping down on things. System codes are the law now... And control's essentially absolute... Paving the way for fat profits, if... You're willing to bend the law. Demand keeps on growing thanks to the war economy. I sell ID guns to the PMCs and state armies... And naked guns to terrorist groups and paramilitaries. And these ID guns can't be sold on the black market. System's practically a license for us arms dealers to print money. Privatizing the military's made the PMCs big and bloated. And the fatter the PMCs get, the line between civilian and soldier is gonna get real blurry. Sooner or later, the whole damn human race is gonna be green collars. More like, we're all gonna be fighting proxy wars. But hey... This war economy puts the food on my table. You're a green collar too, aren't ya? Yeah, it's in your eyes. You've seen a lot of combat. What makes you think you know me? Nothing to be ashamed of. I'm the same way. I grew up here, too. I got no interest in the outside world. All right, then. If you need me, holler. We specialize in speedy service. Catch my drift? Eye. Have. You. Drop your weapon! Drop your weapon! All right... Here. Easy now. You haven't even taken the safety off, rookie. Careful, I'm no rookie! I'm a 10-year vet! How the hell'd you ever survive 10 years? Don't move! CQC... A real Big Boss, huh? Lower your weapon! Slowly now. I wouldn't try anything funny if I were you. FOX...? Snake? Snake. Meryl? Is that you? What happened to your face? Accelerated aging. They don't know the cause. Oh my God... Meryl, you're my informant in the US military? And... You must be the inspector sent by the UN. This is Rat Patrol Team Zero One. We're with the CID... (Criminal Investigation Command) One of the bodies investigating PMC activity. First hounds, now rats. Here, you can have this back. What is your problem? You OK? Stomach pains? Diarrhea... It's been four days since Liquid arrived in the area. And since then, this woman's been with him. She doesn't look like a combatant. Probably some kind of advisor. Maybe a scientist. So, you're the commander of this 01 unit? Why? Something wrong with that? Here, I'll introduce you to the team. That's Ed, our radio man and sniper. The sleeping giant is Jonathan. Don't stand behind him. He hates it when people go around his back. And finally... Johnny. Everybody just calls him Akiba. Commander... I've finished installing the sensors. OK, Akiba. Anyway... You're all grown up. Maybe it's because someone taught me well. A certain legendary hero... Who suddenly... Disappeared? You quit the unit. Me... I never gave up on you... Or on FOXHOUND. Back then, I just wanted you to accept me. I wanted you to turn around... And see who I was. But... I've put the past behind. I'm done playing little love games. So... What are you here for? Threat assessment... the PMCs. Really. Because I heard a rumor there's an assassin out there targeting their leader. Well, that's some rumor. I'm only here because the UN wants me to assess the impact and effects of PMCs on their refugee protection efforts. That's all? More than enough for a retired vet like me. I know he's plotting an insurrection. But as long as AT Security's System is in place, there's no way he'll succeed. How can you be so sure? They've implemented a system that monitors in real-time every single soldier engaged in combat action... Whether he's state army or PMC. Each individual soldier has been fully ID-tagged with nanomachines injected into their bodies for that purpose. The nanomachines keep track of the soldiers and their real-time personal data 24 hours a day. They monitor each man's position, movement, speed, reserve ammo, firing accuracy... Wounds, rations, water intake and supply... Sweat secreted, heart rate, blood pressure and sugar levels, oxygen... All the data gathered on body condition. You've got these System nanomachines in you, too? Of course. Our unit plays by the rules, same as everybody else. It was creepy at first, knowing you're being watched 24/7... But I've gotten used to it. It gives us a lot of advantages in the field, too. We get a clearer picture of what's going on around us, so there's less confusion during missions. And our nanomachines communicate with each other, making teamwork a lot smoother. And that's not all the System does for us. It's also a security guarantee against the PMCs. - Security guarantee? - That's right. The PMCs are combat groups without states or ideologies. They're not fighting out of nationalism, or for a cause. They don't care why the war is being fought. They're just bodies, fighting on someone else's behalf. They're mercenaries. A commodity. So it's easy to imagine them betraying their clients by joining the enemy, or refusing to fight... Or committing humanitarian atrocities. To keep these things in check... They ensured that no one can use firearms or military vehicles without the proper System ID. It's true for every piece of equipment out there. So even if the PMCs tried to mount a terrorist attack or coup d'etat... Their weapons and equipment would automatically be locked out. They wouldn't be able to move, attack, or engage in combat of any kind. And there's more. All the data on their position, personnel and combat strength is leaked to us by the nanomachines. Even if they managed to circumvent the System by getting the nanomachines out of each soldier's body... They'd be losing their IDs in the process... so they couldn't use their weapons. And the Patriots are behind this? La li lu le lo? What are you talking about? Never mind. So this System is foolproof, huh? Completely. They call it SOP. Sons of the Patriots... The AI that controls it is a tightly guarded secret... Both at ArmsTech Security, where it was developed - and at the Pentagon. There's no way a third party could get control of it. I just met a guy who said he could launder ID guns. The System does have holes... There can't be more than a few hundred of those gun launderers. It's just a grass-roots movement. It's not like they can affect the entire PMC war machine. Anyway, Liquid would've had to register as a PMC in the System to assemble an army that massive. His PMCs might even exceed the US military in terms of numbers... But as long as they're registered, their soldiers' activities are constantly being monitored. So long as the US responds immediately when Liquid makes his move... We can take them down by force. By force, huh? When ARSOC (Army Special Operations Command) heard about Liquid's plans... They sent us to sniff around the PMCs. And after three months of searching God knows how many battlefields... We've finally tracked him down. When we reported that we'd found Liquid... Our superiors ordered us to provide the UN investigators with intel. But I didn't know it'd be you. Didn't the colonel tell you he was sending me? Colonel? - Don't tell me it's Campbell. - Yeah. He put you up to this? You didn't know? You've got to be kidding! You expect me to work with my uncle? Meryl! This is bullshit! He's not my father! Meryl... So... You knew? Yeah. Little violation of the need-to-know rule. Then... Why are you still calling him "uncle"? You're still calling him "Colonel". He's your father. As far as I'm concerned, we're still uncle and niece. I will never forgive that womanizing piece of shit. Meryl! He... Remarried. Really? His new wife's about my age. I hear she's even got a kid. It's as if he's given up on making up with his own daughter. Men. Selfish, egotistical pigs. Commander! What is it? There's 20 of them. And they're not from that PMC, Praying Mantis, either. It's the FROGS. His private troops. Oh crap... This is not good. - Were you being followed? - No. Akiba! They might have seen the reflection off my scope lens. Oh. W-Wait! Hang on... You guys think it was my fault? It wasn't my fault! I swear! It wasn't my fault! Oh man... Oh... Look, I... Dumbass! We're moving out! Meryl, where's Liquid? I'll fill you in later... ...if we're still alive. Follow me. Damn! Eye contact! These guys are with Liquid's private army. Shoot first, think later. We'll use the stairs and get out through the back door on the first floor. We'll change route as necessary. I'm on point. - Stay close. Got it? - Got it. Akiba. Breathe deep. Got it. We've got a real live legendary hero with us. Try not to choke. Move! Sharp as ever! Clear! Commander! I really gotta go... Shut up! Get down! Knock it off! The nanomachine network inside each unit member's body lets us share each other's senses. They can see what I see. And it helps control pain. Is that part of the System, too? With SOP, my team can literally operate as one. Well... Except for a certain someone who's not much of a team player... So, what do you think? Is your age of heroes finally over? I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. You haven't changed at all Snake. But... Your body... Are you going to be all right? This get-up doubles as a muscle suit. I can still get around. Liquid's camp is up ahead. - I'll mark it on your map. - Thanks. It''s the Beast! Rage... Rage! Laugh with me! It can't be... Is that...? Show me your rage! Rage! Rage! Isn't it funny? Liquid! Activate it. What? Jonathan! Commander! Commander... Brother! It's been too long! Liquid! Rejoice! We're not copies of our father, after all! We are freed of the shackles of fate! Snake! Brother... We are free! Watch... Snake... Watch... I surpass my own origin! Naomi? Snake... If you won't be a prisoner to fate... Then go. Fulfill your destiny. Snake! Hey... Hey, are you all right? Grab on. 1-1... 2-3... 5-8-13-21... 34... 55... 89... 144... 233... 377... 6-1-0-9-87... 15... 97... 95... 84. 34... 55... 89... 144... Uncle Hal... The eggs... They're done. Thank you, Sunny. Snake! So... Back from the dead? I don't remember the sun being so flat. Sorry. I'll dig in right away, Sunny. And would you make some for Snake, too? OK. Hey... None for me, Sunny. My body... just seized up all of a sudden. This isn't normal. It's not my joints or muscles. You were lucky. Some of those guys' hearts simply stopped. She was there... Naomi was at Liquid's side... Otacon, did you see her? No... But you're right. Naomi was there. I found traces of her DNA in that syringe you were holding. Right after it all happened, I got a video mail from Naomi. It was sent to my old address. Here you go. Thanks, Sunny. They're delicious. But... y-you haven't even eaten any. We grownups have to watch our caloric intake, you know. But thank you... I was looking for this. Y-You're not watching your nicotine intake! Sunny! You really hurt her feelings. Yeah? Why don't you teach her how to cook eggs, then? Oh, like I know how to cook! Snake... I'll make this quick. I'm in South America. I've been captured and forced to do research. It's Liquid. Liquid's goal is to seize control of SOP... The Sons of the Patriots system that controls the soldiers. To do that, he needs to analyze the nanomachines' structure and... Find out how they communicate with one another. Liquid's found a loophole he can use to get in to the System. Preparations for his insurrection are nearly complete. There's no time to waste. Snake... Hurry! Naomi sent her location data in a separate file. It's Campbell. Snake... As you'll recall, following the Shadow Moses incident nine years ago... Naomi was detained by the authorities. But someone arranged for her escape. I suspect it was actually Liquid. He must have taken her prisoner himself and forced her to do research at his facility in South America. Colonel... Where's Meryl? I know she left the Middle East in pursuit of Liquid. I'm sure ARSOC is on to us by now. We can't chase that line too far. Which leaves Naomi as our only lead. The location Naomi gave us, the PMC's base, is in a mountainous region surrounded by forests. Use the 4x4 to get as close as possible to the PMC's security perimeter. From there on, Snake, it'll be a solo sneaking mission. Roy... Thanks. The rebels are still pitched in battle against the PMCs. The commotion should help you slip into the facility unnoticed. 20 hours until we land. Got it. I'll have a look at the documents. Maybe I'll even have a smoke while I still can.... Act II : Solid Sun Colonel, how deeply are they involved in all of this? The Patriots, you mean? The data we got from Arsenal Gear was a load of crap. Twelve founders who've all been dead for a hundred years... Give me a break. We know they exist today. If the purpose of this battlefield control system is to control IDs, it fits in with their plans perfectly. Seizing control of the world's ID systems, and then using them to manipulate the economy and information flow... For the Patriots, that's the ultimate prize. You might say the Patriots are the embodiment of the war economy. Everything that Solidus feared five years ago... It's all come to pass. The Patriots are trying to protect their power, their own interests... By controlling the digital flow of information. Now with the media and global opinion under complete control... Not even the UN can stand up to them. Then Liquid's insurrection is against them? Exactly. It would seem as though Liquid has taken up Big Boss's cause. An age of persistent, universal warfare. A world where mercenaries are free from domination. In a sense, the "Outer Heaven" Big Boss envisioned is already a living reality. You mean the PMCs and their war business. Right now, Liquid is a slave to the Patriots, forced to fight their proxy wars for them. He must be dying to break free of their spell. Beneath the surface, a new cold war is brewing between Liquid and the Patriots over who will survive. And no matter who wins, the world has no future. Until we stop Liquid and destroy the System, we'll never be free. Snake, what we call "peace" is an equilibrium kept in check by the war economy. Destroying the System means wiping out the information society... The end of modern civilization. Like it or not, we may have no choice but to protract the System. Snake, here's what we know about the current battle. Rebel guerilla units are advancing on the base of the government PMC troops. That base appears to be Liquid's safe house. According to Naomi's data, she's being held prisoner inside the compound. That's where she is? Assuming the data is correct. And one more thing... What now? The government PMC troops have been operating at high-altitudes. We have reports that it's starting to upset the balance of the nanomachine control system. Meaning? Meaning the low blood oxygen content seems to have an effect on their nanomachines, giving them a slight edge in battle. Be careful. Steer clear of altitude sickness. Got it. Vamp! Snake... Isn't here. Laugh... Laugh! Go ahead and laugh! Beast! Leave one. Don't forget this face. This is the face... ...of the bastard... who killed your comrades. More guerillas will be coming to storm the safe house. He must be among their numbers. Sooner or later he will come. Don't let down your guard. Laugh... Laugh! Otacon, what the hell? That was...Vamp! I'm sure of it. I'll never forget that face. Those were PMC soldiers with him. Is he involved in Liquid's plan? We watched him die in Manhattan! Damn it, he won't leave us alone. Snake, could Vamp be immortal? Not a chance. This is the real world, not some fantasy game. I swear, the next time he shows up... Not now, Otacon! Right. I know. Snake, according to satellite imagery procured by Mei Ling, the facility where Naomi is being held is to the north, along a mountain road. I'm sending the location to your map. Mei Ling? What's she up to these days? Taking command of the Missouri, apparently. The Missouri? That's a World War II battleship. The museum contract in Hawai'i expired some time ago. I hear it's now being used as a virtual training vessel. By the looks of things, they know I'm coming, too. Yeah. It could be a trap. Stay sharp. Snake, there's someone I'd like you to meet, a member of the mission staff, a psychological counselor. A lot of soldiers can't handle the stress of battle... End up panicking. She'll be useful in helping you understand the mindset of both the PMC and rebel soldiers. She? Rosemary! Nice to meet you, Snake. This is Rosemary. She used to work as a data analyst at the Pentagon, but moved to combat support during the Big Shell Incident. Yeah. She was in charge of Jack's files, wasn't she? After that, she studied psychology, and now she's a counselor with CSP, the Combat Stress Platoon. Contact me anytime. I'll be standing by here at home with Roy, but I'm on a different circuit. The frequency is 147.79. By the way, Colonel, isn't that your house? Well, yes. Then the woman you married, the one that Meryl was talking about. Is Rosemary, yes. Didn't I tell you before? News to me. What about Jack? Jack? Jack. From FOXHOUND. Codename Raiden. I seem to remember him being engaged to Rose. Oh. We lost all trace of him. Jack's gone? I used to work with the guy. He saved Sunny from the Patriots. He disappeared soon after that. What about you? Jack disappeared, and you just moved in on Rose? I was consoling her over her loss, and one thing just led to another... She's young enough to be your daughter. Yeah. Lucky me, huh? Now I see why Meryl was so disgusted. Meryl said something about me? Yeah, I believe her words were, "I'll never forgive that womanizing piece of shit". I see. Colonel, you knew she was our informant in the Middle East, didn't you? Was it you who put her up to it? Yes. I used my connections in the Army to get Meryl the job. You wanted your daughter someplace where you could keep an eye on her. Look, everybody involved in the incident at Shadow Moses either lost their job and status or, in the case of Meryl and Mei Ling, got brushed aside. Meryl wanted to make a comeback, a difference. We can't all be as strong as you, Snake. Some of us can't bear living like pariahs. Since Shadow Moses, I've been branded a criminal. I think of it as my own small way of making it up to my daughter, my own flesh and blood. In any case, call Rosemary if you ever need advice. Yo! Over here. You... Come on, hop in. It's getting rough out there. I don't think so. We meet again. You've been following me? You seemed like an interesting guy, so I decided to check you out. Sit down. Lot of legends about you out there in the intel community. Especially in the... Especially in the CIA. You know those nanomachines I injected you with back in the Middle East? They let me track your location. Figures... The B&Bs are here. Things are about to get hairy. B&Bs? You've never heard of 'em? They're Beauty and the Beast. Together they're called the B&B Corps. They're a squad of enhanced female soldiers... Belong to the PMCs. Any time there's a mess that needs cleaning up, they're on the scene leading the elites. That's a female? Probably freelancers hired by the PMCs. They're run out of a separate parent organization. Guess it's time for good ol' Drebin to let you in on a few things... Word on the street says that beneath those ugly-ass suits, the B&Bs are real babes... Drop-dead gorgeous. They also say each one of them's been traumatized by war. Badly. They weren't even soldiers to begin with, you know. More like... Victims of war. They suffered shell-shock on the battlefield... Post-traumatic. It damaged their minds pretty much beyond repair... So the only way they could cope with the reality of battle was to become war machines themselves. The remnants of their human side are buried deep within. The beast... That's what you see on the outside. War transforms us, Snake... Into beasts. War transforms us... But deep within that shell, something human survives. A fragile, scarred heart. Without a shell to protect it, it's like the yolk of an egg. Word going around is... Their natural, flesh-and-blood bodies can't survive in the open for more than a few minutes. And they've been convinced... ...that by killing Snake, their minds will be cleansed. They think it's gonna free them from all the pain... And all the fury... And all the sorrow. Which makes these babes pretty much obsessed... With killing you. Four B&Bs have been identified so far. The one you just saw was Raging Raven. There's also Laughing Octopus, a master of mimicry... And Crying Wolf... She runs on four legs. And finally, the mistress of mind control... Screaming Mantis. Mantis...? Yeah, there used to be a guy by that name in the US military. A Russian psychic, he could control people's minds. I guess she inherited the title. She keeps the other B&Bs minds in check with her powers. Octopus, Raven, Wolf, Mantis... You got it. They're the SNAKEHOUND Unit, and they've got you in their sights. Shit... I'd hate to be in your shoes. Drebin... I thought no one was supposed to be able to hack into the System. Are you with the Patriots? No sir. I ain't no la li lu le... I mean... I'm no Patriot. You can say "Patriot". I guess that means you're clean, right? The nanomachines I got in me are different from the military kind. No speech restrictions for me. What the hell are these Patriots? Are they human? Not anymore they ain't. They're the law of this world, created over the course of history. They're what holds this world together... Keeps this whole mess in check. We are formless. We are the very discipline and law that Americans invoke so often. The Patriots are America, the world's greatest military power. They are the war economy. Which makes you and me just cogs in a much grander schematic. I mean, someone obviously had to start the whole thing at the beginning. But now their law has taken on a life of its own. A life of its own? Yup. The country... The war economy... It ain't run by people. It's run by the System. No need for high-level decision-making authority. It's all handled by a massive yet simple information processing system. An AI. It works just like natural law. The world's a much simpler place than most folks realize. Every aspect of the Patriots' System is closely monitored by three peripheral AIs and a core AI that ties them all together. The SOP System is one part of that. It's all backed up by a foolproof control system. So not even yours truly can sneak inside the Patriots' AIs. What if, hypothetically, someone found a way? If they could fool the IDS... (Intrusion Detection System) I guess they could use it as a haven to lay low. Haven? You know, like a tax haven. In the internet society, we have net havens, data havens... A haven... someplace where social conventions and the rules of the net don't apply. Back in the 20th century, the super-rich would open bank accounts in countries without income tax laws... Not a bad way to evade paying taxes. Now we've got us a society where everybody's DNA and personal info is totally controlled by the nanomachines inside their bodies. Won't be long before people start using havens to escape from ID control. I guess you could say my gun laundering kind of borrows from the haven concept, after a fashion. Even so, good luck finding a way to access the Patriots' AIs from the outside. It's absolutely impossible. No chance in hell. Like I said, there's no breaking into those AIs... From the outside. But Liquid's got something in mind. You sure there's no way? I'm just a gun launderer. Only reason I'm interested in you... 'cause you start a lot of fires. All right then. You need me, just give me a ring. Go on. Get your ass back inside! Now! Eye. Have. You. When the government needed control restored to this sector, they knew who to call. Snake, can you hear me? This is Jack, isn't it? I am Raiden. Jack is no more. Where are you now? I'm right beside you. Raiden, where have you been all this time? What have you been doing? On a mission, finding something... For someone. Finding what? The corpse of Big Boss. What? I was asked to do this in exchange for Sunny's location. Liquid? No. The leader of a small resistance group. Her followers call her Matka Pluku. Matka Pluku... Big Mama. We'll finish this later. I'll follow your trail and catch up with you. Wait! What about Big Boss's body? It's with her now. Her? What's going on, Snake? Rose, I just got a call from Raiden. It sounds like he's close by. Jack? Yeah. Did... Did he seem OK? Yeah, as far as I could tell from his voice. Really? That's great. Snake, I have a favor to ask. What? Don't let him know I'm involved in this operation, OK? I think it would be best to just leave him alone for now. What happened between you and Jack? After the Big Shell Incident, he became unstable. Memories began to resurface from his childhood, when he fought for Solidus in the Liberian Civil War. And in the midst of all that... The baby we had together... It hadn't even been born yet. Jack slowly stopped coming home. And when he did, he'd be dead drunk, sometimes covered in cuts and bruises. Roy was worried. He was Jack's commanding officer, but Jack just avoided him. I was all alone. And Roy was so kind to me. He's the one who encouraged me to become a counselor. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses, but I needed to get over it, to move on with my life. I'm worried about him, of course, but... I'm also afraid of him. All right. I'll keep my mouth shut. Thank you, Snake. Naomi's lab is somewhere inside those mansion grounds. Proceed immediately... Infiltrate the place and find out where she is. Yes, the next test. Naomi? And things on your end? I see. We're on schedule here as well. I know. Me, too. Until then... Naomi. Snake. I knew you'd come... You and I... Neither of us can escape our fate. I haven't seen you since Shadow Moses. How long? Ten years? Nine. And Dr. Emmerich? Is he with you? Why? I thought he'd be the only one able to open the mail I sent. Not many people could recognize 4D sound data in a Soliton Radar file. How is the good doctor? Otacon's fine. He's the same as ever. Otacon? I see... Who were you just talking to? Liquid. Although I suppose he's really Ocelot... From a medical standpoint. I thought he was here. He's not... At the moment... Where are all the guards? They know I won't escape. I'm powerless to resist. I have no choice but to cooperate. Naomi... What happened in the Middle East? What you saw was the soldiers' emotions run amok. Another product of the System? You don't trust me? I'm not sure yet. And if I answer your question? Let's hear it first. Liquid... We... thought the SOP was an ID control system designed primarily to maintain order and control in battle. And we were right. But only partially. SOP had another function... To control people's senses. The goal was to release the soldiers' nanomachines from the System. But we didn't know about the mental control. And the nanomachines went berserk? No. Our test was a success. At least, it confirmed our hypothesis at the time. Just as we predicted, the nanomachines stopped functioning, and the PMC soldiers were freed from the grips of the System. But the moment the System stopped... All the pain, and fury, and sorrow... All the trauma and stress, all the hatred, regret, guilt... All the sensations that had been suppressed were unleashed within their hearts. Their memories, unlike their senses, weren't erased. Each enemy soldier they'd killed, each lost comrade... Each threat of violence against the innocent... Every act of war they'd committed was etched firmly in their hearts. In suppressing the user's mind, the nanomachines exact a heavy burden on his heart. The user's body rejects the nanomachines; this reaction must then be suppressed with drugs. Before the user knows it, his mind is in complete shambles. Snake... Remember Frank? Frank Jaeger... Gray Fox. They twisted his body for their experiments and nullified his broken heart with nanomachines. SOP has taken it even further and applied it to living human beings. The sins of war these soldiers carried inside them returned to assault them in the form of... Unimaginable shell shock. The meaning and the system may have changed... But the battlefield hasn't. Until that point, war was like a game to them. And then, suddenly, reality came crashing down. Ordinarily, our hearts are hardened through experience. Even the most grizzled veterans live with an inescapable guilt they've had to overcome bit by bit through the years. And even then, it never truly goes away. For a mind lacking that essential experience, it was simply too much to bear. But what about me? I've never been under the System's control. That's why I want to examine your body. You need to know, too. All right, Snake... Undress. Snake, what's gotten into you? Hurry up. Oh my God.... Snake... All right, let's just get this over with. Yes... Of course. I'm sorry. So does the aging have something to do with FOXDIE, too? No. Your telomeres were intentionally set up to be short, regardless of the age of the original. One of the genes that inhibit reproduction and aging, the Klotho gene, was intentionally mutated as well. But more importantly, your chromosomes, like Liquid's, were provided with terminator genes to prevent them from making copies. Why? You're clones, created for one purpose: war. And so, in order to prevent you from being abused by clients or stolen by the enemy... They shortened your lifespan and removed your ability to reproduce. It was a safety device to ensure that the seed of Big Boss didn't end up in the hands of others. The reason you're aging so rapidly isn't because of disease, or faulty research, or FOXDIE. It's how you were born. It's your natural lifespan. The truth, Naomi. How long is my body going to hold out? Your cells, blood, organs, nerves, skeletal system, muscle tissue... Every part of your body is aging rapidly. How long do I have? ...Half a year. Don't. Snake. There's something I have to tell you. Now what? You and I both know your body is approaching its limit. When I said half a year, I wasn't talking about your lifespan. What do you mean? We can't get rid of the FOXDIE in your body completely. FOXDIE only kills its victims when the infected person's genetic code fully matches the genetic sequence programmed into the virus's receptors. In other words... It only attacks targets with specific genes. The receptors on the FOXDIE inside your body are breaking down. The rapid aging process is changing the environment within your body. As a result, the virus is starting to mutate. The viruses on the left are FOXDIE in its original form. The ones on the right I took from your body. They're already mutated. The receptors, they're wearing down. Meaning? This mutated version of FOXDIE could activate even if the infected person's genetic pattern doesn't perfectly match the receptors. Which means the virus is becoming indiscriminate about what type of target it kills. However, if the receptors continue to wear down... It'll become a killer virus that attacks untold numbers of victims. What if we kill them all, remove them from the body? There are no antibodies, either. I don't know what percentage of the receptors have to break down, or how many people will be targeted when that happens. What is certain is that people will begin to catch FOXDIE through airborne transmission. It'll start with those closest to you... Then, one by one, they'll lose their lives. The part of the virus that distinguishes between individuals will start to break down in about... Half a year. No... Three months at the most. Three months! Ironic, isn't it? You've spent your entire life saving the world from Metal Gear, from nuclear annihilation. And now... You're becoming a doomsday device yourself. I can't predict exactly how devastating the epidemic will be. Whether just one percent of the human race could unlock the broken receptors... Or whether we all can. In either case, three months from now you'll be a walking biological weapon. If it were up to me, you'd be quarantined already. It's not over yet. I know. You still have a job to do. You have three months. Still enough time to think once all of this is done with. And if I choose death first...? Will that stop FOXDIE from spreading? When the host dies... The virus dies with it. Snake... Tell me one more thing. Have you been to a hospital lately? Yeah. While you were there, did they give you an injection? Don't they always? Take a look at this. These came out of your body as well. It's a new strain of FOXDIE... One I've never seen. Someone must have put them in you recently. Do you have any idea who? Him! The new FOXDIE strain is starting to multiply rapidly. What's in it? I can't say for sure. I'll need to do some more tests. Here, take this. It contains the same substance the soldiers' nanomachines secrete inside their bodies. It's a drug that inhibits the nanomachines' ability to regulate the senses. The nanomachines inside the body malfunction when the System interferes with them. It triggers a reaction in the body, which is why you're having the seizures. Give yourself a shot whenever they get bad. It's potent, so use it sparingly... Unless you want to end up an invalid. I've been a fool. I let myself drown in my nanomachines, and now I'm trapped by them. You said yourself we mustn't allow ourselves to be chained to fate. I can't slip free. Then I'll free us both. Where's Liquid? I can't tell you yet. Not until you free me. Do you even know? Liquid left here last night. Where was he headed? Those are my terms. I can't leave this place of my own will. What are you talking about? I'm being... Watched. Liquid has altered his plan. Removing the System will only cause his army to collapse from within. So he's chosen to seize control instead. Liquid's objective is to hijack the SOP System. He'll use it to create the ultimate army of perfect soldiers and launch his insurrection against the Patriots. There's a name for his new plan. He calls it "Guns of the Patriots". Guns of the Patriots... This place isn't safe. Come with us. This way. OctoCamo.... Snake... My prey. Isn't it funny? Come on! Laugh, while you can! There's no escape from here! Laugh yourself to death! Snake! What a riot... People suffering... People hurting... People dying... It's all so fucking hysterical! Laugh. Laugh with me! Snake! Just you try and find me! Snake, look up above... Notice anything strange? I'm over here! I am an octopus... An eight-legged beast. These tentacles... Are beyond my control. Their will... Is the will of the battlefield. Funny... So funny... It's all so funny. No... It's not funny. Nothing is funny. I shouldn't be laughing. I can't... The truth is... I'm not laughing. Not laughing at all. I shouldn't be laughing. I'm scared. I'm really scared. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. So sorry I laughed. I'm sorry... I won't laugh any more. I can't. I don't want to. Yo Snake! Looking good today. A certain virus was detected in my body. Are you saying it wasn't in the nanomachines you injected? Virus? Look, you do know there are other folks who could've done this to you. And besides, what would I gain from infecting you? Better for me that you're out there kicking ass on the battlefield. I was watching you, Snake. You're a real piece of work. Never thought I'd meet the man who could take down Laughing Octopus single-handedly. She just kept on laughing. Now why do you suppose that is? Something in her past? You got it. She's from a village in Scandinavia, little seaside hamlet known to all the locals as the Devil's Village. Place wasn't known for devils, though. It was known for octopus. See, this was one of the few places in Europe where they ate octopus customarily. Anyway, there's this cult of crazies who for some reason hate the village, with a passion. Then, when she was just a teenager, things get bad. These nutcases get their hands on some weapons and attack the village. Overnight, her sleepy little fishing town becomes a war zone. They round up all the villagers and execute them one by one. Except for that girl. They had something else planned for her, something a whole lot worse than dying. Calling her the Devil's Child, they forced her to do the kind of thing you'd expect from one of Lucifer's own. After they made her torture her family and friends, they made her kill 'em. The whole time they were forcing her to laugh, howl like some sort of demon. Like she was enjoying it. What was she gonna do, say no? They'd kill her, too. So she let fear take control, and did exactly as they told her. She butchered the bodies of the ones she loved, and laughed while she did it. And as she bathed in their blood, it gradually turned from deep red to jet black. To her, it looked like the ink of an octopus. The experience scarred her deep. Ever since then, she hasn't stopped laughing. Only, that ain't really laughter. Why are you telling me this? You expect me to feel sorry for her? Nah. I know you got no room for that stuff in your world. And besides, this is war... Right? In a way, though, I guess it was the right thing to do. What was? Fighting you cleansed her mind. All right, enough chit-chat. There's other beasts out there in them woods. Watch your back. Snake, have you lost sight of the target? Whenever something moves, it leaves a trail behind. Track and find Naomi's trail. You think that could be Naomi's ? Do it now, before we're interrupted again. We don't know what will happen. Remember the last time... I'm willing to make a few sacrifices. As you wish. We'll begin shortly. We've got the go-ahead. Begin. We'll use his blood. It could get intense... Brace yourselves. - Shots, all of you. - Yes, sir. I'll be taking a nap... Snake! The syringe! Snake! It's not working... The emotional controls aren't stable enough yet. Need a lift? Drebin! Get in already! Snake, I'm bringing the chopper to the other side of the market up ahead. That's as close as I can get. You've got to make it to the market somehow ! Hang on! It's gonna get bumpy! Up front! Here they come! You OK? Yeah. Ah shit. Raiden. Go on, get outta here! - Can you move? - Yes. Let's go. Here they come! Snake... It's my turn to protect you. Snake, I'm setting the chopper down at the market square. I'm sorry... I'm a little busy right now. Thank you! Don't forget the Mk. II! - Naomi, take care of this. - All right. Otacon, get us out of here! Where's Raiden? Still fighting. Vamp! Raiden! Yet again, our paths cross. You, too... Immortal? No. I just don't fear death. Yes... Could you be the one to finally finish me? Raiden! You OK? Fine. Raiden! You're... Boss, she got away. Are you sure about this? It's all part of the plan. The test was a failure. Even with his code. As I feared. It's not pure enough. We need all of him. The PMCs we deployed have suffered brain damage. Nothing salvageable remains. Our only remaining option is to secure the original. I know that. It's only a matter of time. We're working as fast as we can to find their hiding place. I need you here too, Vamp. Hang in there! Vamp... He's got to be immortal. No. He's not immortal at all. It was my design that caused his body to be like that. What do you mean? The nanomachines in his body cause his wounds to close and heal at an accelerated rate. Someone took the basic nanomachine technology I once researched and perfected it. In a sense, I'm responsible for Vamp. He's one of my sins. Does your body have the same nanomachines? I brought a monster into this world... And... I, too, am.... - Raiden! - Hold him down! He's losing too much blood. - Can you save him? - I don't know. He needs a blood transfusion... No, an infusion of artificial blood... - Snake... - Raiden! Europe... Go meet... Big Mama. Argon... Boron... Silicon and neon... Erbium... Fermium... Plutonium... Chlorine... Fluorine... Gallium and xenon... Thallium, strontium... The trick is to keep the lid on. Now, let it cook for one minute. You like cooking, don't you? Good for you. This is my Sunny-side-up fortune telling. When it turns out good, it means something good is gonna happen. So that's why you don't cook them over easy. But the secret to good cooking is to keep who's going to eat it in mind. Oh... Is this your mother? Yes. She's really beautiful. That tune you were humming... It's from the periodic table, isn't it? Thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium... Americium... - Curium! - Curium! Curium. Curium. That's it. Curium! Oh, this? May I? There. See Sunny? Us girls have to look our best. Her name... Was Olga. My mother. I see... It's going to burn. Hold on. And... There. Done! Th-Thanks... Of course. We did a great job. Dr. Emmerich... Liquid is in Eastern Europe. He's after the corpse of Big Boss. Huh? What for? It's the final key he needs to gain access to SOP. The keys to the System are Big Boss's genetic code and biometric data. Without them, there's no way to gain access. Wait. What's Liquid been doing all this time? He's been performing tests. Two tests... The first, using the genetic code from Liquid's DNA chip. In his second attempt, he used the DNA code and biometric data extracted from Snake's blood. What's the need for the original if a substitute works just as well? Neither your genetic pattern nor Liquid's genetic pattern is a 100% match for Big Boss's. What do you mean we don't match? Both you and Liquid are as similar to Big Boss as you could possibly be. But you're still different. Different? Yes. So that's what Liquid was talking about? We're not copies of our father, after all! Which is why they created Solidus. I can't believe this. Snake and Big Boss don't have the same genetic code? Strictly speaking, Snake and Liquid aren't the same, either. Which is why FOXDIE only affected Liquid at Shadow Moses... And spared you. Let's put it this way... If Liquid uses Big Boss's genetic code... The original... He'll have the System completely under his control. Hold on. I thought having his code wasn't enough. You need his biometric data at the same time, don't you? That's right! And Big Boss is already dead. No. He's alive. Big Boss is... Alive? His body is. Or rather... His cells. That's impossible! Big Boss survives as a biomort... A brain-dead shell sustained in a lab. If Liquid obtains the body, he'll be primed to make his final move. Allowing him total control of the System. Exactly. It's there... In Europe... What do you mean? Eastern Europe. They have equipment that can heal me there. Where? The same place Liquid went? Dr. Madnar. He saved my life. Dr. Madnar. I've heard of him. A world-renowned cybernetics expert. Strictly underground, though. We're in luck, then. It's settled. We must head for Europe. Oh... Snake? Where're you going? I'm gonna be spewing out poison soon enough anyway. What's one more smoke gonna hurt? This is a no-smoking flight! Who is this? Oh, her? That's my sister. Really? I never knew you had a sister. For a moment I thought she might have been your girlfriend. No! I-I don't have a... Emma was a brilliant programmer. She wrote the worm that destroyed the Arsenal Gear AI. Then... Vamp killed her. - I'm so sorry. - No! There's nothing for you to be sorry for. Or me. I never even imagined that science... That my own research... Could cause so much misery. I mean... It's not like us science-holics are Satanists or anything. But... Even when we've got the best of intentions... We end up being used by others for evil. Dr. Emmerich... I... You see this? Sunny helped me build it. To tell you the truth, I think she's better at it than I am. But she's just a child. She cracked the protection on your mail. Wow. I... ...assumed it was you. Sunny was taken by the Patriots right after she was born. She never even met her parents. She's spent her entire childhood inside the net. That's why she has trouble speaking... Her home is in the computer. She can only see the outside from the inside. She's always in there... Searching for herself... Searching for her family. She's trying to find out who she is... And where she's going. Searching for herself... And her family... She believes she can find the answers inside a machine hooked up to the world. She spends every day inside the net, exploring. For Sunny, this is home. No. It shouldn't be like that. What? It's time you let her go outside. What are you talking about? She hasn't even been born yet. She's still in the womb. She needs to live a real life. But... Sunny's never shown any interest in leaving the Nomad. Frankly, I'm worried about letting her go out there. I have a feeling she'll do just fine. You... really think she'll be OK going outside? That's not what I meant... I think she's got a good handle on her science. Sorry. Go on. You were about to say something. Oh... Right... Would you mind if I help Sunny with her cooking? Of course not. Go ahead... But... About all we've got on board besides military rations are eggs. No. Leave them off. It makes you look handsome. You think so? Dr. Emmerich? Is it OK to sleep in there? Excuse me? Well, Dr. Emmerich... I... I know it's easy to forget sometimes, but I am a woman... You understand. Sorry. I... I know it's selfish of me, but... I'd like to be alone for a while. Right. I understand. I'll show you in. Thank you. Good night, Dr. Emmerich. Yeah... If you get uncomfortable or anything, just let me know. I'll be out there working. Thank you. And... Yes? Call me Hal. Good night. Good night, Hal. Act III : Third Sun Snake, a national state of emergency has been declared in an effort to root out the local resistance. The hunt is being carried out by US-based PMC Raven Sword... One of the companies under Outer Heaven's control. Which means that Liquid's lurking somewhere behind the scenes. Right. And at the top of the target list is the Paradise Lost Army, the resistance group led by Big Mama. Snake, you'll be infiltrating the region where they are believed to house their base of operations. It looks as if the PMCs moved swiftly, cutting off Big Mama and company's escape routes. They should still be hiding somewhere in that area. Big Boss's corpse is bound to be with them. You've been added to the PMCs' blacklist, so you're going to have to lie about your identity to get in. I've provided you with a way to evade the checkpoints. Make contact with the resistance and find Big Mama. This is our last chance. We must reach Big Boss's body before they do. Next. Next. Next. I said next! You. Get your ass in the machine! Hey, are you deaf? Take him away. You're coming with me. I said over here! That's enough. I'll take him from here. But! We've been looking for this man. Yes, ma'am. Come with me. Next. You're looking younger. What's your secret? FaceCamo. A little present from Tentacles. The PMC's sure seem to know you well enough. You may not believe it, but I'm in charge of overseeing all PMC activity. Listen to me, Snake. After reporting what happened in the Middle East to my superiors, I wrote up a threat assessment. The President's finally realized the danger Liquid's little rebellion poses, and has called for immediate action. Now I've got more bodies than I know what to do with. You're planning to take him by force? That's crazy. Look... Things aren't that simple. Listen, old man. I don't take orders from you, or from your Colonel Campbell. It's gonna be the Middle East all over again. No, it won't. If things get out of hand, we can put a total lock-down on the PMCs' weapons... They won't be able to fight back. Don't forget: we control the System. I wouldn't rely too much on the System if I were you. We've got them beat in sheer numbers. - Meryl... - Look, Snake... Just leave this to me. There's no need for you to put yourself in harm's way. Don't risk your life for no reason. Snake... What you're trying to do... It's not a mission. I know. It's not justice. It's a hired hit. If you know, then... Look, our ways of thinking might be different, but to me, you're still a legend... A hero. I know all about the things you did when you were young. It was what kept me going. I can't bear to watch you die over something so pointless. Don't worry about me. Old soldiers never die. Your cause is our cause now. You don't have to do this. I'm no hero... Never was. I'm just an old killer... Hired to do some wet work. Fine. Then we'll just have to catch him... Before you do. I may have loved you once... But now you're just too damn senile to face the truth. Wake up and face reality... Old Snake. And stay out of our way. The resistance members are scheduled to convene at Big Mama's hideout. So our best course of action is to follow their lead. When you find the resistance, tail them. Let them lead you to Big Mama. Oh, and Snake, I think we've found a way to treat Raiden. Really? Yeah. We got in touch with Dr. Madnar. Naomi and Sunny are on their way now. They'll be all right on their own? It's a non-combat zone, so there won't be any checkpoints. It'll take some time, but I think he'll be OK. Good. Who's there? I'm here to see Big Mama. Is this the guy? What do you think? I didn't hear him coming at all. He's gotta be the one. Yeah, but look at him, he's ancient. Very impressive CQC, Snake. No doubt about it. He is the legendary soldier. Call me Mama... Big Mama. I need to talk to you. Raiden sent me. My, how you've grown... David. It was you, not I, who was created from the rib of man. But I gave you life. I am your mother. What? Les Enfants Terribles. You can't grow a human being in a test tube... Not even a clone. You need a woman's body to give it life. You mean... A surrogate mother? That's an awfully cold way to put it. I am your mother. I gave birth... For the Patriots. Gave... Birth? The forbidden fruit. Appropriate... No? Follow me. I'll explain everything. The man who wants me dead... Is Liquid. Your twin. You think you know him, but I know him better. He was once Ocelot... But Liquid has taken control of his soul. And now he's locked in a bitter struggle with Zero. "Zero"? The founder of the Patriots. Founder? When did this happen? 40 years ago. During the Cold War, when the United States and the Soviet Union were still at odds. It was in that chaotic era that the Patriots were born. And I played my part. I was one of the... Founding members. You? Zero created the Patriots to manage and control the American state. That control endured long after the Cold War ended. The organization became an empty shell, continuing to function through AIs. Those AIs are responsible for the creation of the war economy... And they gave rise to the Sons of the Patriots system. But I am partly to blame. I bear some of the guilt for creating the organization. It was right after I first met your father... Big Boss. Back in 1964, I was ordered to take part in a CIA op called Operation Snake Eater which concerned a new weapon the Soviets were developing at the time. My mission was to support a certain agent. That agent later became Big Boss... But I knew him as Snake. - Snake? - Yes. Naked Snake. That was his code name at the time. A name he would give to you... His son. The commander of this mission was a man called Zero, the head of Special Forces unit FOX. Back then, I was working as a double agent for the Chinese. My objective was to secure the location of the Philosophers' Legacy, a massive cache of hidden wealth, and report it to Beijing. I was to acquire a microfilm showing the location of secret funds, funds amassed by the Allied powers during World War II. But I failed in my mission, and was expelled from China. I took the apple from the Snake... And was cast out of Eden. After years on the run I ended up in Hanoi, that's where I met him again. It was around then that Zero used the massive funds, contained in the Philosophers' Legacy, to start a new organization, the Patriots, which would carry out the final wishes of a certain legendary hero. The initial membership consisted of Big Boss, Sigint, Para-Medic, and their commander, Zero. Oh, and there was one more who we mustn't forget. He stayed behind in the Soviet Union to support the group as an informant. Ocelot... Who is now Liquid. After your father rescued me in Hanoi, I went to America and joined their organization. Zero's goal was to achieve a unity of thought and awareness. He believed that was what The Boss wanted... And the rest of the Patriots followed his lead. The Boss? The Boss was a legendary hero from the Second World War known as the Mother of Special Forces. She had an almost overwhelming charisma about her. The CIA feared this, so they had her eliminated. If she had survived, the world of the 21st century might have been a very different place. We were all influenced by The Boss's will. It was what drove us to create this organization, to be closer to that spirit. Zero decided that in order to lead the people, we needed a special kind of icon. So we turned to Big Boss, the last son of The Boss. He shared more of her life than anyone else. It was Big Boss, the true heir to her legacy, who was best suited to play this role. As the times and currents of politics changed, so too did Zero. Eventually, he became a prisoner of his own lust for power, sparking friction between him and Big Boss, who resented playing the puppet. With Big Boss drifting away, Zero realized he would need insurance. Something that would perpetuate the existence of Big Boss, their organization's icon. And so, Zero secretly embarked on a new project: Les Enfants Terribles. Its goal was to create a clone of Big Boss, the ultimate soldier. The project was led by Dr. Clark, known at the time as Para-Medic. After dozens of failures, they finally, miraculously, succeeded in producing a fertilized egg. The egg used in the successful in vitro fertilization came from Dr. Clark's assistant... A heathly Japanese woman. Blood from the East flows within your veins... "Give birth to Big Boss." To realize this, I asked to serve as the surrogate mother... And was more than happy to carry you in my womb. I loved him. Nine months later, I gave birth to two Big Bosses, you, and Liquid. It didn't matter that you were clones, or that they had manipulated your DNA. You were born the same way as any other normal child, From your mother's womb. But Les Enfants Terribles proved to be the final straw for Zero and Big Boss. Determined to oppose Zero and his plans, Big Boss broke away from the Patriots. He left the States, created his own mercenary company, and drifted around the world. I'm sorry... Your father never wanted you. Human life isn't meant to be manipulated like that. I knew that. But I wanted you. After Big Boss left, Zero really lost control. What Zero wanted was an orderly world, one governed by rules. His fortune grew through countless wars, and his words influenced decision-making all the way up to the Oval Office. As the world saw the rise of digital technology, IT, the internet, and genetics, the Patriots' power grew immense. Their roots spread and took hold throughout the globe. In time, they began to dictate the fate of entire nations from the shadows. And before we knew it... the Patriots, the proud police of the world, started bringing an entire planet under their control. Their intentions were fair. But their execution was flawed. Zero developed weapons, amassed armies... Used information for extortion, all in order to gain more wealth. He was obsessed with controlling awareness on the inside from the outside. But... I cannot imagine that's what The Boss would have wanted. They both misinterpreted her will. And their absolute reverence for her drove them apart. So began the war between Zero and Big Boss. Opposing interpretations... Each striving to realize The Boss's will. Everything you see today stems from their cold war. Differences in race... In religion... In ideology. This war they've caused is no different from any other human error in history. It all started with a tiny fork in the path... And grew into a great rift. There was nothing left of The Boss's noble will in their struggle. All that remained was hatred, a passion to destroy one another. Big Boss returned to the US with a plan in mind, and once again assumed command of FOXHOUND. In Outer Heaven, and then Zanzibarland, Big Boss plotted coups d'etat against Zero. But you, Solid Snake, his own clone, foiled his efforts both times. Big Boss and Gray Fox, Frank Jaeger, were left near death. Zero recovered their bodies. Frank Jaeger's entire body was reconstructed through surgery, and he was reborn as the Cyborg Ninja. Big Boss, now a vegetable, became a prisoner of Zero even in death. For Zero, more than anyone else, your father was an irreplaceable icon. No, the truth is, for Zero, he was an irreplaceable friend. After Big Boss's betrayal, Zero could no longer believe in something so uncertain as life. He lost his belief in everything: nations, organizations, individuals. Zero was no longer willing to place his organization in the hands of the next generation. Instead, he set up a network of AIs, a decision-making system formed from all the information he had accumulated. He built four AIs... GW, TJ, AL, and TR, as sort of a digital Mount Rushmore. And one core artificial intelligence to unite them: John Doe. GW? The same GW we destroyed five years ago? The same. Ever since GW was cut off, JD and the other three AIs have controlled all information on every aspect of global society... Economics, politics, law, morals and culture. The war economy is no exception. In the shadow of the System and its complete control over the world, Big Boss isn't allowed to live or die. He's trapped for eternity in a brain dead prison. To bind himself to his friend, to ensure his rule over the world, Zero transformed Big Boss into an icon, neither living nor dead. Sounds almost like a religion. Naturally, Ocelot and I planned to free him from Zero's prison. We enlisted Naomi Hunter, an authority in the field of nanomachine research, into our organization. And we used Frank Jaeger to kill Dr. Clark. Ocelot tortured the DARPA Chief, Donald Anderson, also known as Sigint, to death, and made it look like an accident. The Shadow Moses Incident... With Para-Medic and Sigint dead, Zero was the only one left. But we, too, paid a price. I lost Ocelot. Ocelot wasn't fighting for the Pentagon, or the Russians, and certainly not for Zero. He was fighting for Big Boss. He idolized him. When Ocelot grafted Liquid's right arm to his own, his body was taken over by Liquid's thoughts and spirit. He may be Ocelot in physical form, but his mind is Liquid's. I was the last one. And then, someone appeared to help me. Raiden... It was when I met him that I finally discovered the location of Big Boss. It was in the data he obtained from GW. Together, he and I retrieved Big Boss. But Big Boss was still asleep, as Zero had left him. This is his pyx. His Holy Ark. His body is alive, but his consciousness is locked away by nanomachines. So technically speaking, he's not really brain dead. We can't allow Liquid to inherit the same sins that corrupted Zero... Manipulating people's minds for the sake of his own ego. Otacon... - Snake, it's Naomi...! - What happpened? She's gone. She's not in the Nomad anymore. When? Less than an hour ago. She disappeared right after she and Sunny got back from Dr. Madnar's place. Why weren't you watching her? I... Uhm... I didn't have my glasses on. Naomi said it herself: the experiment can't succeed without her. You think she went back to Liquid. What about Raiden? Good news on that front. We managed to get our hands on a dialysis machine and set up an ICU. We just started him on dialysis and treatment for his wounds. - Will he live? - Yeah, no worries there. Sunny's taken over for Naomi. But his treatment's probably going to take 48 hours. Until then, Raiden can't move. Hey you! Come here! What the hell is that? Move! Scarabs... Unmanned scouts. They've found us. We're moving out. Snake, the PMCs are converging on your location. Damn it! They're sending in Gekko! They'll be on you in less than five minutes! Are they ready? Yes, ma'am. We'll escape through the canal route using the real van. - Get it ready. Hurry! - Yes, ma'am. Snake, over here. We've got decoy vans set to draw some of our pursuers away. All of these children were orphans. They work in arms factories, and when they grow up, they want to join a PMC. They seek revenge on other companies, PMCs that killed their parents and use their earnings to support their younger siblings. There are countless child soldiers like these in the PMCs. Nowadays, anyone with a computer can get combat training. The FPS games these children love are distributed for free by these companies. Of course, it's all just virtual training. It's so easy for them to get absorbed by these war games. And before they know it, they're in the PMCs holding real guns. These kids end up fighting in proxy wars that have nothing to do with their own lives. They think it's cool to fight like this. They think that combat is life. They don't need a reason to fight. After all, for them, it's only a game. Zero is the cause of all this. Defeating Liquid won't change things. Unless we stop the Patriots' System, the cycle will go unbroken. Hop on. Hold on to me. With so many wars being waged, oil and biofuel have become as precious as diamonds. It's been a while since I went out for a ride. Are you sure about this? I only get off my bike when I fall in love... Or fall dead. Big Mama... Call me EVA. Here we go! We have to keep Big Boss's body out of enemy hands, no matter what. Get the body safely to the canal escape point! Gekko! There you are, Snake! Where's your anger?! Show me your rage! More incoming! I've got bad news... The decoy vans have all bitten the dust. Which means the enemy will be focusing on you now. I just need you to hold them off a little longer. Rage ! There it is! Are you OK? Big Mama, come on... Stay with me. EVA... I need you. Is that you? Snake... A mother's work is never done... Big Mama! Where's the van? Over there. The children...? No... I'm so sorry... She'll be coming to search the van. I'll take care of it. You stay here, keep watch. I'll contact the children. Here. Take this. Snake... Come back in one piece. I will. Promise me. Give me your anger, Snake! Let it boil to the surface! Let your fury flow freely! Anger begets anger! Come on, show me your rage! Rage! Rage! Ready yourself! Here I come! You bastards... I'll never forgive you... Never! I can feel the anger building up inside... Eating away at me. No... No... I'll never forgive myself. I don't want to be angry. I don't need anger. I'm not angry. I'm scared! Help me! The birds are pecking at my flesh! And my soul! Please, please make them stop! I don't need more hate! I've had enough! Help! Let me out of this cage. I don't need these wings. I don't need this rage. Come. Let your anger flow. Way to bring that bird down, Snake. Drebin... And you got yourself a souvenir, too. A grenade launcher. Nice! That's a real user-friendly weapon. Not much use to me without an ID, though. I'll launder his one free of charge. What's the catch? Only that you give it to me when you're done with it. A weapon with that many decades of rage stored up inside it... Now that's a collector's item. How old was she? I'd say about 20. But she had years of soldiers' rage hidden away in that youthful body of hers. Soldiers? Yeah. The soldiers of Aceh, a place that hasn't seen peace in a long, long time. She was captured by one side or another, and kept caged up like an animal along with God knows how many other kids. Anonymous violence. Exactly. It's unknown whether her captors were with the government or the rebels. In any case, they got their kicks by abusing these helpless little kids day after day after day. That constant barrage, that battlefield rage, slowly built up inside their bodies... Their minds. The kids tried to keep each others' spirits up, always clinging to the hope that someone would come to their rescue, barely surviving off scraps of food. But those soldiers didn't stop. They called the kids parasites and shit-eating ravens. Beat 'em even harder. Then one morning, the soldiers just up and left, leaving the surviving kids to be eaten alive by the birds. Almost like one of those sky burials. One by one, their bodies were picked apart by ravens' beaks, until finally the flock came for her. But by some miracle, their beaks cut her bonds instead. And like that, she was liberated. In that instant, she was filled with an uncontrollable rage, and it smothered her soul. She ripped the ravens pecking at her to pieces and then went after the soldiers. And when she finally caught up with them, she waited until nightfall like a hunter awaiting its prey. They say that when a raven cries, a man dies. And that's exactly what happened that night. Screeching and cawing, she killed every last living being in the camp, both the soldiers and the civilians they'd enslaved. In her eyes, there was no longer a difference. The cruelty her friends had suffered, the pain and humiliation she'd endured... Hers was the distillation of the rage that decades of war had imparted on those soldiers. It was her strength, and her greatest weakness. You're something else, Snake. You managed to cleanse Raven of her rage. No, seriously. You're the seed of war. In fact, I'd say you might even be war itself. Drebin... Maybe it's still too early to tell. You've still got half the BB Corps ahead of you. Keep your eye on the ball, pal. Snake... I have to apologize. The three vans that came out with us were decoys. The real one is floating down the river, headed downstream. I managed to get in touch with the children... The pyx is safe. We're going to rendezvous on the riverbank downstream. Land and air routes are cut off... But there's a cruiser waiting for us. The Volta River is our only chance of escape. Let's get out of here... Hurry... Good thinking. This way... Follow me. I don't need to feel the wind anymore. There's no need to keep lying to myself. I only get off my bike... When I fall in love... Or... Snake... Give me a hand. Yeah. The underground aqueduct... leads to the river. There should be fewer of them down there. Liquid! Not bad. Where's the pyx? That no longer matters. Where is it? Is that it...? Naomi. Naomi told me everything. And now, thanks to her, I finally have it. The thing I've sought for so long... Big Boss. Nice try... But when it comes to CQC, I've got the upper hand. Even if you do get a hold of the System, you'll only have one part of the Patriots' AI... The military part. What of it, brother? It's only a matter of time before I have everything. Remember GW? The AI they think they lost? It's mine, and a part of my army. Impossible! We destroyed it! Your worm only managed to cut GW into little pieces... Pieces we were able to reconstruct. And then we stowed it away inside JD's network. This man's body has served me well, allowing me to pass every security barrier between me and GW. After all, the Patriots' System is nothing more than a machine. Now that GW is a spook inside the network, there's no way JD would recognize it as an external threat. Once I destroy JD with a nuclear strike, the Patriots' network will be mine. And then, I'll build my Haven, free from all forms of control. I'll cast aside my old identity, and take my own name for the first time. Liquid, you're planning to recreate the Patriots? Snake, we were created by the Patriots. We're not men. We're shadows in the shape of men. We're freaks who never should have existed! We're a system, insurance that future generations never prosper. The Patriots saw fit to create us, and in doing so became our only raison d'etre. I won't fight my fate any longer. I'll kill Zero and Big Boss, and become a Patriot myself. It all began with Zero and Big Boss. Our purpose in life is to fulfill our destinies. And once all is returned to zero, the world can be reborn. ADAM... So long as we both live, the world will not know an age of light. If we're to pass the baton to the next generation, the only choice left to us is death. Boss... Good. The players have all assembled, Snake. The time has come for you to witness... Witness our moment of triumph! Go! Hold it right there, Liquid! Drop your weapons and stand down. Now! All of you, drop your weapons and put your hands up! Meryl! Aim! Liquid! Stop! Fire! The System is mine! Your guns and your weapons are no longer your own! Behold... Guns of the Patriots. Bang! Bang! Shit! Bang! Jonathan! Ed! Commander! Commander... Akiba... You're... You're OK? Yeah... I'm fine. But why...? Look out! Do you see this, Zero? We are victorious! Behold! Guns of the Patriots! Out of my way! Let them have it. We don't need it anymore. So long, Snake! Otacon! Jonathan... Ed... You and me... We were great partners. No... Great friends. Meryl... Meryl! Meryl! Meryl... Don't give up on me. Meryl... Don't go... Meryl! Meryl! Meryl! Akiba... I... I... It's... It's not, I mean.... Thank you, Akiba. You OK, Meryl? Hey... If it's all right... Call me Johnny. You and the beasts are no different... Scorched shadows born to the world. When a beast steps into the light... Unless the light is put out... The shadows cannot be erased. So long as there is light... There is shadow. To return everything to normal... The light must be extinguished. And when that happens... You... Will be... Too. Kawanishi-Noseguchi... Kinunobebashi, Takiyama... Uguisunomori, Tsuzumigataki, Tada, Hirano. Ichinotorii, Uneno... Yamashita, Sasabe... Kofudai, Tokiwadai, Myokenguchi... We'll launch a stealth nuclear warhead at JD. I thought you couldn't control a nuke with GW. We can't. That's where REX comes in. I know where to find nukes they don't control. Now go. Prepare our Haven. Yes, Boss. What the devil is this...?! The video feed from the Mk.II cuts off here. In the beginning, the Patriots' System was controlled by four AIs, with JD at the top. One of those AIs was GW. The Patriots thought it had been destroyed, but Liquid was able to use it as cover to slip inside the System. GW... I knew I'd heard that name before. Yeah, GW was one of the Patriots' cell AIs. It was installed on Arsenal Gear. Emma's worm should have put it permanently out of commission, but Liquid somehow recovered and repaired it. I'm guessing JD must be unable to recognize GW even though it's inside the Patriots' System. It's a blind spot. GW was written off as lost while it was still tied in. Using it let Liquid interfere with the AI from the inside. Where is this haven? Where is their base? Don't worry. Mei Ling is using the position of the Mk.II's last transmission to predict the course of Liquid's ship. The US military's systems are all in Liquid's hands now. The regional systems have all been shut down. Guns are falling silent across the earth. It's the first total cease-fire in human history. Supreme authority still resides with JD which the Patriots still command. Which is why Liquid plans to launch a nuclear strike on JD in its orbit. But Liquid only controls SOP, and SOP only controls guns and small firearms. If Liquid can't use the nukes... Then... Then what's his plan? That's it! He's going to use REX! What? REX was scrapped before the Sons of the Patriots System was implemented. Of course... The rail gun. Campbell, where's REX now? I think you know. A long-forgotten base, in US territory, outside the Patriots' control... The place where Liquid made his debut... His monument. Off the Alaskan coast, in the Fox Archipelago... Shadow Moses Island. If Liquid destroys JD, and his GW assumes total control over the System... He'll have the world at his fingertips. And no one will be able to stop him. Not even the Patriots. Enough is enough, Snake. You can't take any more of this. I'm not dead yet. That's not what I mean. You can't beat Liquid. He's got the Patriots' own control system on his side. Not only are weapons useless, but the US military is in shambles. And even if it weren't, Liquid's got enough men and machines to match it. Things can't get any worse. Face it, Snake... We've lost. Otacon...! We never stood a chance. It's not about winning or losing. I... No, we started this. And it's our duty to finish it. - Sunny... - No ! Jack can't go. He's not ready yet. He needs to rest! Let me go, Sunny. No... Your dialysis isn't done yet. Snake... He's not ready yet. Snake... I'll be fine. From now on... I'm living my life by my own will. Raiden... I won't live a proxy life... A slave to someone else's will. I'm a shadow. One that no light will shine on. As long as you follow me, you'll never see the day. You and I... ... are both just pawns in this proxy war. But once this is over, we will have our freedom. Raiden... I'll release you. It's the only way I'll ever be free. Raiden... Five years ago... That's not what I meant. I've got nothing to lose. Don't be an idiot. You know you've got someone to protect. It was never going to work out for me. It even rained the day I was born. You've got it all wrong. You were the lightning in that rain. You can still shine through the darkness. The lightning... Raiden... Look at me. Do you see this? I have no future. In a few months, I'm going to be a weapon of mass destruction. You... You have a family. I have no family! I have nothing! I have always been alone. Always. Raiden... Don't leave me here... Alone. This is my fight. My destiny. Dr. Emmerich? Mei Ling. I got the results back. It's official. He's on Shadow Moses Island. We lost Metal Gear Mk.II's signal along the way, but the ship was headed in the direction of Shadow Moses. This is a picture of the island taken by a civilian imagery satellite. The sea line is rising due to global warming. Have you heard that the entire Fox Archipelago is about to slip into the ocean? The surrounding islands have already been evacuated. Then what about REX? What did Washington do with it? The nuclear disposal facility on Shadow Moses hasn't been touched since the incident. That was nine years ago. The president of ArmsTech and the DARPA chief were killed, and the Secretary of Defense was arrested... By the time the Shadow Moses Incident was over, there wasn't a single person left there who knew what took place. It was as if nothing had ever happened. The data was either falsified or erased so no traces would be left behind. We were exiled to desk jobs for the same reason. REX and the nukes should still be where they were nine years ago, untouched. I thought I'd never go back. It'll take me a while to get there, but I'll be backing you up from aboard the Missouri. She's the only ship in the fleet still able to move, since it was decomissioned before the System was put in place. And Hawai'i is not that far away. Otacon, you're not wearing your glasses anymore? Oh, I... Yeah. I switched to contacts. We rendezvous at Shadow Moses. He who submits to heaven shall live... He who defies heaven shall perish. I have to atone for my past, too. REX is a beast born from my research. Let's go. Shadow Moses awaits. Everything all right, Snake? I was... having that dream again. We're here. Shadow Moses. Act 4: Twin Suns Snake! Are you all right? Yeah. I just slipped a little. Have to hurry... Not much time left. Meet the Mk.III. It's our last replacement, so try not to break it. Who, me? Never. One more thing... I don't see anybody around, but there are unmanned sentries patrolling the area. Be careful out there. It's Snake. I'm in front of the disposal facility. Excellent, Snake. How's that sneaking suit working out? I'm nice and dry, but it's a little hard to move. Bare with it. It's designed to prevent hypothermia. This is Alaska you know. A Hind-D? What's a russian gunship doing here? You must be crazy to fly a Hind in this kind of weather. Who's that? Nice to meet you Snake. It's an honor to speak to a living legend like yourself. What's wrong? A surveillance camera? Snake... This is McDonell Miller. Campbell told me about the situation here. I thought I might be of some use. There's no one I'd rather have in a foxhole than you. Well, I know lots about survival... Snake, that door is locked. How do I open it? Security is shut down altogether. You can't release the lock without activating it. You'll have to go log in somewhere. I've got it, Snake. My old office is close by. With the power on, you should be able to unlock the door from there. And if you check the facility records, we can find out REX's status and who's been in and out. You remember where it is, Snake? I'm not senile yet. Just to be safe, I'm marking it on your map. You old geezer. This version is totally obsolete. It's going to take a little work. This is the room where we first met, huh? Yep. It's not conjuring up any unpleasant memories, is it? I was being attacked by Frank Jaeger. Yeah... I remember. If you hadn't shown up when you did... It gives me the shivers just thinking about it. Snake, you saved my life. Naomi hated them for what they did to Frank's body... But it was me that crippled him in the first place. She must have hated me, too. We shouldn't have been so trusting. I blame myself, too. I helped develop REX. That's why it was so easy for me to believe her feelings were genuine. But she was only using us to atone for her sins. So what? What did she do to us? You forgot already? She betrayed you! She stole your blood! If that was all, it should have been over and done with in South America. Why'd she join us afterward? Well, I... She has us come rescue her and then she turns around and goes straight back to Liquid. Why would she do that? I don't know, Snake. But... it looks like she's still with him. What? I just had a look at the security access logs... As I thought, there's people coming and going at frequent intervals. In fact, the records show some recent activity. Look at this. It's an image taken a few hours ago by a surveillance camera up ahead. Naomi. And Vamp. The beauty and the beast. They've been through here. And from what we've gleaned from the security records, it can only mean one thing... They're headed for REX's old underground hangar. I finished rebooting security and released the locks. The door on the first floor ought to open for you now. Amazing. Almost makes me nostalgic for the days when you needed a keycard for every door. Yep. It's been nine years. All you really have to do is reinterpret the old technology in terms of the new. Getting old isn't all that bad, you know. Let's get going, Snake. Snake... Found you. Cry... Cry for me. Go on... Let me hear you cry! Come... Show me your tears. Let them flow! Cry... Until your eyes run red! Sad... So sad... So very, very sad... So sad I could die! Let me hear you cry! I hear them... I hear the cries... The cries of babies. Stop it! Stop crying! Please! Please, stop crying! No, wolf... Go away. Don't come any closer. I'm sorry. I was so scared. Forgive me. I'm sorry. You can cry if you want to. Cry if you need to. No... I don't need tears anymore. I've cried myself dry. So cry... As much as you like. I... Will be there to listen. Yo, Snake. I finished laundering that rail gun you picked up just now. Knock yourself out. It's on the house. Thanks. Time for another bedtime story, Snake. This one's about Crying Wolf. You don't need me to tell you there's whole nations in Africa tearing themselves apart in the name of ethnic cleansing. Well, she was born into that environment. When she was a little girl, her village was attacked by rival armed factions. Her parents and siblings were slaughtered, and she was left a refugee. She took her last surviving relative, her baby brother, and ran as far as she could away from the war zone. One day, they came across an enemy unit, so she took her brother and hid in an abandoned shack. And then her brother started to cry... She knew that if the soldiers heard the noise, they would find them and kill them both. So she wrapped her hands as tight as she could around his mouth. As the footsteps gradually went away, she came back to her senses. Her brother wasn't crying anymore. Horrified, she pulled her hand away, covered in sweat and spit. He wasn't breathing. They say wolves eat their own pups when they die. She was spotted wandering through the thick of battle carrying her dead brother in her arms. She had visions, too: a wolf walking alongside her. Every night, the wolf would howl and cry, just like her brother did that day. Eventually, she made it to a government-run refugee camp. But by then, her brother's body had rotted away. The camp was crowded with refugees like herself, and little children like her brother. Day and night she was tormented by the cries of babies. The wolf that followed her heard her sorrowful screams and answered. He made his way around the camp. And one by one... He silenced the children. She tried to stop it, but she was powerless to stop the wolf. A few days passed, and on the eve of the enemy's raid, there wasn't a child left. The adults who survived were torn up pretty bad. Of course, there never was any wolf in that camp. She was the one who killed those babies. But she couldn't bring herself to admit it. She couldn't bear the thought of herself going from one baby to the next, howling like a wolf, snuffing out their little lives. And she never did, even as Crying Wolf, a lonely beast forever stalking the battlefield. Snake, fighting with you made Wolf finally accept what she'd done. She was cleansed by you. If the cries she heard of children on the battlefield have been silenced, it's because of you. You ought to be proud. Three down, one to go. All that's left is Mantis. But you should know, Snake, she's been controlling all the other Beasts. She's the Beast of Beasts. Don't let her get her hooks in you. I won't. See you around, Snake. Welcome home... Wolf. Snake. I've got something to tell you about Naomi Hunter. What about her? She might be a spy! To kill me? Is that all you cared about? Frank Jaeger, the man who you destroyed, was my brother and my only family. Gray Fox? You killed my benefactor and sent my brother home a cripple. I vowed revenge. But I can't go yet. I still have a job to do. I vowed revenge... REX is on the floor above you. Use the lift. Hop on, Snake. I'll send 'er up. REX! Look! The rail gun's been removed! Liquid doesn't need the whole REX to launch his nuke, he only needs the rail gun. Damn it! Has it already been shipped? Hang on, I'll check. I'm afraid so. Unfortunately for you, the rail gun is no longer here. Naomi! This place will be your grave, as my Queen wishes. The Suicide Gekko are on their way. Soon, there'll be nothing left of this place. We've been had... Otacon! Snake, I think I might be able to get it working. I just need some time! Hurry! I'll leave the rest to you. Naomi! Excellent... You'll amuse me until they arrive. Make him pay, Snake! Do it for me! For Emma! What does it take to kill this guy? I've done enough damage to finish him but he's just bouncing back. That's it! Remember what Naomi said after Raiden fought him in South America? The nanomachines inside his body are helping him heal at an accelerated rate. Damn! So conventional attacks won't do any good! I don't know... But for now just give him everything you've got! Yes! You did it, Snake! That's it... What have you done? There... Now you're a mere mortal, like the rest of us. Clever... But can you kill this mere mortal? Gekko! Snake! Look out! They're rigged to self-destruct! Snake... Sorry to have kept you all waiting. You ready for this? Sunny gave me the go-ahead. How about it, undying man? Care to die, too? Sorry... But I can't die just yet. Then kill me. Snake... This one is mine. You keep those Gekko at bay. Otacon, we're gonna buy you some time. I'll do my best! Wait... You're a scout, too, are you not? Then let us duel with blades. Damn, here they come again! Hang in there Snake! Don't give up! Above you! They're coming from above! Watch out Snake! Good, Snake! In front! Just like that, Snake! Snake, get out of the way! REX! This thing might come in handy after all. He was never immortal. His natural healing abilities were enhanced by the nanomachines inside his body. But... After so many battles... He's finally reached his limit. Doctor... Ease my pain. Naomi... Sunny asked me to tell you something. What is it? "I cooked them right." I see. Good for you, Sunny. You finally did it. No. I can't save you. You have to trust me, Dr. Emmerich. Give this to him. Not for revenge, but to end his suffering. Now you can return to your true self. You can be at peace. I can... Die? Yes. Forgive me. This doesn't change anything. Why? We can't... Erase the past. Nor... Can we forgive it. And so the only thing we can do... Is end it. Snake... Liquid's down below us. He's stolen the Patriots' System, slipped out of their sight, and taken their ark. Ark? A warship... Unfettered by land... Law... Country... Or network. The only place where they are truly released from the shackles of the Patriots... The place where they can be free. Outer Haven. Outer Haven...? Liquid plans to launch the nuke from that ship. Snake... You have been given life so that you may fulfill your purpose. When all of this is over, you'll have no choice but to accept death. We are given life only so that we can atone for our sins. Your life was created for that very purpose. We all must atone for our own sins. We must not pass them on to the next generation. We must not leave them for the future. That is your true fate... One that even you cannot defy. Naomi! What have you done? Vamp and I... We are the same. We're living corpses... Our bodies... kept barely alive by nanomachines. Then you... Cancer. I shouldn't even be alive right now. The nanomachines have kept it from progressing... But there's nothing more they can do. With the nanomachines gone... Time will unfreeze and begin to flow again. What are you saying? Goodbye... Hal. Don't! Give... My best... To Sunny. Naomi, don't do it... Are you crying...? For me? Naomi... Naomi... Why? You have... Such beautiful eyes. I'm sorry for everything. Naomi... Naomi... Naomi... Now go! Otacon! Let's get moving. - Why does it always end this way? Otacon! - Come on! Pull yourself together! - Why does it always end this way? Naomi... They're coming! Why? Snake... You're right. I haven't lost everything yet. I've still got a job to do. That's right. We need you. I'm done crying. I don't have any more tears to shed. We have to get out of here. Any ideas? Time's running short, so I'll explain as we go. Pay close attention. I'm listening! Promise... Promise me... You'll carry on... Our will. I've got your back. They self-destructed! Raiden! What's that...? RAY! Brother! It's not over! Not yet. Liquid! Moses, where our fates were born. And where yours ends, Snake! Let's finish this, Snake! RAY may have been designed as a REX killer, but you've got me on your side. You can't lose! Crush RAY, and Liquid with it! Snake, behind you! Where's Liquid? Snake! FOX... DIE! Think again! Sorry, but that won't work this time. Behold! Liquid! This is the liberty we've won for ourselves! Outer Haven! And with this weapon, I will destroy JD! Then, everything ends, and everything begins! But as for you, brother, you'll stay here to mark this island's watery grave! Die, Snake! Sunny... Forgive me. Snake! Hurry! Raiden! No! - Rose! - No! Jack, do you remember the day we met? Yeah, it was in front of Federal Hall... There were all these tourists around you. They were asking me which building it was that King Kong was climbing in the movie. I said it was probably the Chrysler Building. And then you showed up and started mouthing off. You were like, "No, it's the Empire State." I said the Chrysler Building was in Godzilla. We started arguing, and I forgot all about the tourists. The next thing we knew, the tourists had gone away. And a week later, I found you again by coincidence out in the base corridor. An amazing coincidence... That night, we went up to the top of the Empire State Building. It was so beautiful. I didn't care anymore who was right. And that was our first date. We watched King Kong in your apartment a bunch of times that night... Didn't sleep till morning. Fire! Fire! Worthless fossil! Raiden... Raiden... Haven is headed southward through the Pacific at a speed of 33 knots. The Missouri is falling behind at a rate of about two nautical miles every hour. Can't this thing go any faster? I'm afraid not. This is as fast as she'll go. The nukes fired by REX's rail gun have a damage radius of approximately 300 meters. The target is a moving satellite that's travelling at 10 kilometers per second. To get the precision they need, they have to get as close as they possibly can. Liquid won't launch his nuke until JD is at perigee. The Missouri can use that time to catch up. From the looks of it, Haven is going to use a rail gun mounted on the bridge to destroy JD. They'll need to open the cover to launch the nuke. That's our one and only chance to get inside. Inside? Why can't we attack it from here? It wouldn't do any good. As long as Liquid has control of the System, physically destroying GW would still leave supreme authority in his hands... Sons of the Patriots. Yes. Dr. Emmerich is right. That's why we need to destroy GW from the inside before attacking Haven itself. Liquid's very own Death Star... All right everybody, here's the plan... We know Haven will have to surface in order to fire the rail gun. When it does, the Missouri will see it. We'll make a quick approach and deliver a strike team. Our goal is twofold... Prevent that nuke from launching, and wipe out GW's programming. We'll launch the strike team from catapults at the exact moment Haven's armored cover opens. They'll then penetrate GW's physical server room and infect it with a worm cluster. But what if they shut down GW before we get in there? Liquid is already entrenched within the Patriots' network. He needs to stay there, or destroying JD won't serve him any purpose. They can't afford to have GW shut down. And let's not forget, Liquid will throw everything he's got at stopping the strike team. Exactly. The corridor leading to GW is defended by directed-energy weapons that emit certain types of microwaves. Did you say... microwaves? That's right. And at that frequency, the waves will start to evaporate any living person within range. A giant microwave oven. You'd have to have a death wish to go in there. Sounds like the perfect job for me. Snake, this isn't the time for your stupid jokes. Outside the corridor, Liquid's soldiers will be out in full force. Inside, there'll be unmanned weapons waiting for us. Where are you getting all this information? You really think there's a way to destroy GW? Yes, I do. She... left us something that'll point us in the right direction. Naomi helped with the preparations to stop Haven's launch. Naomi? All of our internal data on Haven came from her. The reason she got on the Nomad with us in the first place... Was to get close to me. But... She ended up turning to Sunny instead. What do you mean? She left her plan in Sunny's hands. This entire operation is based on the data she left us. Whose side was she on, anyway? We'll never know exactly what her true intentions were... But one thing's for sure: She was determined to stop Liquid. Promise... Promise me... You'll carry on... Our will... Come on guys. Somebody say something positive. Anything. Attention! Listen up! A wise man once wrote... "The tongues of dying men enforce attention, like deep harmony." "Where words are spent," "They are seldom spent in vain." Any other questions? Yes? Snake? Anybody got a smoke? Snake... So this program... You're saying Sunny wrote it? Actually, only about a third of it is her work. Naomi was working on a program to destroy GW, but she couldn't quite finish it. So she handed it over to Sunny. Sunny went fishing in my library to see if there was any source code she could use to complete it. Eventually, she found some... It was Emma's worm cluster. She took my sister's code and worked it into Naomi's program. I didn't have time to look over every single line of code... But what I did see... Reminded me of Emma. It was like she left traces of herself behind in the structure. But this worm cluster that Sunny created... It's even better than Emma's. Sunny's worm destroys the AI's intellect by triggering apoptosis in the cells. Once uploaded into GW, it should do some real damage. Snake... You ever think about quiting? Why? It's not like I've got my health to worry about. Are you trying to kill yourself? So, you're dead set on going to Haven yourself... Why don't we get somebody else to go? There's no need for you to do it. I still have things left to do... Besides smoke. Otacon. Why don't you jump off the ship with me? I don't think so. I've still got things to do myself. And I don't even smoke. Act 5: Old Sun Raiden... How is he? He'll live, but he's in no shape to fight. Best to let him rest. Right. Without the System to protect them, everybody's losing their nerve. They say SOP's aftereffects are so bad that a lot of soldiers are deserting. The only people I have left to rely on are Meryl and... Him. Kind of an unknown quantity, isn't he? I hooked him up with a non-ID M82. Fancy meetin' you here. Business has been slow ever since Liquid got his hands on the System... His extra orders stopped coming in. Now that all the weapons all over the world are locked, the only ones still lookin' to fight would be you n' yours. Drebin, do you have even the slightest idea what's going on here? 'Course I do. Enjoy it... Could be your last. It is. I'm all out. All right. Looks like that last smoke will have to wait after all. Later. Hey... Here. Oh, thanks. You're over there. There! Snake, can you hear me? Liquid's warship, Outer Haven, is a modified version of an Arsenal Gear model stolen from the Patriots. Inside, it's crawling with IRVING and other unmanned weapons. According to Naomi's data, Haven is crewed by a battalion of enhanced soldiers, each culled from the best the PMCs have to offer. If Liquid succeeds in destroying JD and gaining control of the Patriots' System... He'll make Haven his flagship, and his PMCs will spread like wildfire across the globe. And then, mankind's armed subjugation will begin. Captain, Haven sighted. Prepare to fire main gun! Listen closely... This is our last chance to stop Liquid from enslaving the planet. Meryl, can you hear me? It's time... Time to do your duty. Remember... No matter what happens... I'll be with you till the very end. You... Are my pride and joy. Rail gun is exposed. There it is: a naked nuke. Let's finish it, Snake. Let this be our last battle. If we're responsible for Liquid's sins... Then the onus is ours to bear. Right. Enemy moving to intercept! Maintain full speed! Failure will spell doom for the human race. You've got to stop them from using that rail gun... Then annihilate GW. Fire! Target hit! Light damage! The enemy is returning fire. All hands, prepare for impact. Brace yourselves! Now! Meryl! Snake... Where are you? Sorry... It's my ankle. Can you walk? I think so. Are you OK? Hurts a hell of a lot more without SOP. Makes you feel alive, doesn't it? What about Akiba? He fell into the ocean. Snake, I'll catch up soon. You go ahead! Meryl! Otacon. Sorry to keep you waiting. The corridor leading to GW is defended by directed-energy weapons that emit certain types of microwaves. Did you say... Microwaves? And at that frequency, the waves will start to evaporate any living person within range. Sounds like the perfect job for me. Meryl! Meryl...? Snake... Snake... Run! I know your wavelength... It brings back memories... It can't be... Snake... Meryl, don't...! Johnny...! Meryl! Wait! Akiba! It has been a long time, Snake. You... Psycho Mantis...? No, that was another me. Can you hear the screams? They cry for battle! Let me hear you scream! Howl! Roar! From the very depths of your soul! What's this...? Meryl! I see. Blackout! Well done! Excellent! Snake! My doll! Mantis! Sorrow! My doll! Take that! Take that! Take that! My doll! Mantis! Mantis is dropping her puppet. Without it, she can't control her victims. Snake, go grab that puppet! I hear them in my head... The screams! Make them stop! I don't want to hear them anymore! I'm scared... I'm so scared. My head hurts... It hurts! I'm sorry! Have mercy! Let me out of here! I can't breathe! Now... Get out of my body. Forgive me. Set me free! Excellent, Snake! Psycho Mantis? You don't seem to believe your own eyes. Very well... I'll show you the power of the world's greatest mind reader and psychokineticist! I'll start by reading your personality. Or rather, your past. That's right... This is no trick. It's true power. ...What?! Where is your data... Where is it saved?! There's no Memory Card! Damn! Your skills have improved. Or rather, your hardware... How about this, then?! Witness my psychokinesis... Put your controller on the floor. Put it down as flat as you can... That's good. Now I will move your controller by the power of my will alone! Vibration is back. The spirit of the warrior will always be with you. So, you bested the last Beast. That doll you just picked up lets you manipulate anybody who's got nanomachines in 'em. Sounds like something the devil's cooked up, if you ask me. Mantis came from South America. She was born and raised in a country wracked by never-ending civil wars. Her village was attacked by enemy forces and burned to the ground. This was when she was still a little girl. Hunted by enemy death squads, she was separated from her family. She barely managed to escape with her life... Ended up in the basement of this one building. It was full of corpses that had been dumped there. Almost all of them had been tortured to death. She was petrified with fear. And then she heard the sound of heavy boots on the floor above her, followed by shrieking screams, the kind that would make every hair on your body stand straight up. She had stumbled across a makeshift torture chamber. Somebody had locked the door, and she was trapped. It was dark. It was dank. And it was full of a wretched stench. She couldn't sleep with the screams of torture victims all around her. All she could do was sit curled up in one corner of the room, trembling. A week passed, then ten days. She managed to keep hydrated by drinking the filthy water pooled up on the floor, but there was no food. Being trapped in that kind of place, half-crazy from hunger, did a serious number on her mind. Did you know female mantises eat their mates? The screams went on day and night. She covered her ears but it didn't help. And then, she was saved... By a little black mantis, that taught her how to block out the screams, how to plug up her inner ears. What the hell are you talking about? I'm saying, Snake, that when she couldn't stand the hunger any longer, she started feeding on the corpses... But only the male ones. She didn't realize who was doing it. In her mind, it was a female mantis, devouring her mates. It was like one big, twisted waking dream. There was no mantis, of course. It was all a hallucination. Nothing more than some story spun by another person she'd created inside. Her unstable mind was what made her so vulnerable. Later they ripped out what was left of her psyche with drugs and hypnosis, and implanted the persona of Psycho Mantis. It wasn't her will that controlled the BBs. It was Psycho Mantis, half-assimilated into her soul, pulling the strings. Screaming Mantis was just another puppet. Anyway, she survived several weeks down in that hellhole and finally got back to the surface. But the screams in her head didn't subside. They would always be with her... Only this time, they weren't real. The inner earplugs didn't work anymore. The black mantis had disappeared. There was no place left to escape. Which is why she was always screaming: to drown out the ones in her own head. But it's over now. You freed Mantis from that dark nightmare. The last of the Beasts. You got it, pal. Well, I'm done playing storyteller for a while. Now get going. GW is waiting. And this time, you get to make up the ending. Meryl! Snake... Where's Johnny? They're here. Go on without me! This time, I'll protect you. Go. Destroy GW while there's still time. While I'm still alive. Meryl... Snake, the corridor ahead is full of microwaves. Yeah... No way I'm getting through there uncooked. I... I'm sorry you got dragged into this. This time... I've got your back. We'll meet again... On the other side... Go. Hurry! Go! Enough is enough, Snake. You can't take any more of this. It's not about winning or losing. I've got nothing to lose. You were the lightning in that rain. You can still shine through the darkness. Go! Hurry! I'm... Sorry you got dragged into this... We'll meet again... On the other side... It's time. Time to do your duty. Failure will spell doom for the human race. Go! Last mag. Come on, Snake. I can't hold out much longer. Damn it! I can't protect anyone! I can't... Meryl! Johnny! Johnny, you're all right! Here. Trying to make up for being late? Meryl... I'll never leave you alone again. Cover! Clear! Ready! Who needs nanomachines, anyway... Right, Johnny? Tell me something. How come Mantis couldn't control you? I figured... She probably used people's nanomachines to manipulate their behavior. No nanomachines, no control. But, don't you...? No. I don't have any nanomachines in me. What? Every time we had mandatory shots, I ducked out. Don't tell me you knew this was going to happen? Nah... I just hate needles! So that's why you were always out of sync with the team? I tried to keep track of everybody's data on my wearable, but I could never keep up. And why you weren't affected in Europe... On the Volta! - Yep. - Asshole! Johnny, I'm running low. Don't worry. I got these from Drebin. Meryl! Johnny, I never knew... All those horrible things I said. Forget it. All those stomachaches, was that because the nanomachines weren't there to suppress them? Yeah... But if you're afraid of shots, why'd you join my team? I wanted to be near you... To protect you. - Johnny...? - Meryl... I've always loved you. Ever since Shadow Moses, when I first laid eyes on you. Meryl, marry me! You've got a hell of a sense of timing. What do you say? I'd have to say... No. You'd rather stay single? OK. We don't have to make it official. No. Well, how about we just move in together, then? Nope. Why? Is there something wrong with me? No. I'd just rather do things my way. Johnny... Marry me. I'll say it again... Marry me. Sure. It'd be my pleasure. Hey... And don't even think about cheating on me. I wouldn't dare. And I want a real wedding... With flowers and a cake. It's been my dream since I was a little girl. I want to be a bride. Take me home, Johnny. Snake? Snake! Otacon... The shots... They're not working. Come on! Get up! On your feet, Snake! Raiden... I am lightning... The rain transformed. Snake... Leave this to me. I'll go to the server room. The corridor's full of microwaves. One of us is enough. My body is a machine. I can take it. Your body may be a machine... But your heart... ...Is human. You've got a life to go back to. She means nothing to me now. Raiden, look at me. You still have your youth. Don't waste it. You can start over. From here on, this is my fight. I... We tore the world apart... Made your life a living hell. It's my duty... To put an end to all of this. All right. I'll make sure they don't get through. Stay with me, Snake. Hold on until we insert the virus. Otacon... Lock it from the inside. Done. Thank you... Snake. Snake, that place is saturated with microwaves. The longer you stay in there, the greater the damage you'll take. Get through there as quickly as possible! Are you alright? Don't give up on me Snake! Move. Move! We're running out of time. You've got to keep moving! Please! Get up Snake! So this is GW... It's like a graveyard in here. Otacon... Can you do it? Leave it to me. Otacon! We did it! It's over. They did it. Johnny! Snake... Wait a minute... The worm is still spreading. And it's not stopping at GW. Is it removing the other clones...? No. Wait. I don't believe this! Naomi... Otacon, what is it? JD is being erased! Snake... Hal. It's you, isn't it? I hope you're listening. The virus you uploaded is using GW as a conduit to annihilate the entire AI network. It's set to destroy all four AIs along with JD, the core that tied them all together. I've set this video to play back once they're all gone. Sons of the Patriots was only the beginning. The Patriots were planning to use nanomachines to implement the System over the entire population. I had an obligation to stop it. With a little help from Sunny. She helped me... She believed her talents could help you all put GW to rest. What she created was an anti-AI FOXDIE. But this virus's name... FOXALIVE. It's... The conceptual opposite... ...of the nanomachines that I created all those years ago. We wished to free the captured foxes... To let them run free in the wild. By the time you hear this, I'm afraid I'll be gone. This is a strange feeling... Leaving a message to be delivered after you've died. Hal... If you're listening... Naomi... I'm sorry... Sorry I deceived you. It hurt me more than anything else, lying to you like that. I wanted to apologize to you before... But I never got the chance. Naomi... And yet, in the end... You helped me feel the joy... ...Of living. Thank you, Hal. Thank you... Hal. Naomi... Snake... Hear me. Our country... an innocent child once more. A new dawn is rising. Now... She can build a new destiny for herself. Snake... The time has come. You've earned your rest. The rose petal is about to fall... Snake... Snake?! Snake! Snake... Wait here. I'll get a medic. Enough! Stop this pointless fighting! This is no war! Rise and shine, Snake. Look. The war is over. Why? You... You could have stopped us. Stopped you? Why would I want to do that? This is just as I'd hoped things would end. Back before father's time... Before Zero gave birth to the Patriots... The US, China, and the Soviet Union, formed a secret pact. The organization they created was called the Philosophers. Through two world wars, it spread its roots and extended its reach. After that, the Philosophers splintered, and factions began to squabble over the fortune they'd amassed. They called it the "Philosophers' Legacy", a massive cache of funds that would later provide the foundation for Zero's Patriots. Zero sought to use his riches to achieve world domination. Our father, Big Boss, sought to free himself from that chokehold. His dream was to create an army of free citizens, one that answered to no government... Outer Heaven. But he failed, because of you. Nine years ago, I tried to free us from the control of our genes. Four years later, our dear brother, Solidus, sought to free us from the control of the Patriots' memes. All of that, all of it, was nothing more than a process of trial and error... The end result of which is Outer Haven, To be free from Sons of the Patriots, the ultimate form of external control imposed on the Patriots' soldiers. Free from FOXDIE... Free from the System... Free from ID control. Our minds free from their prisons. That is the haven I've yearned for. This is it, brother. Our final moment. The battle has ended... But we are not yet free. The war is over... But... We still have a score to settle. Show me what you've got, Snake! Liquid! Snake! No! Take this! Take this! Time to die! Time to die! What the--?! Splendid, brother! No! Take this! Take this! Take this! It's not over yet! This is only the beginning, Snake. America will descend into chaos... It'll be the Wild West all over again. No law, no order. Fire will spread across the world. The people will fight... And through... battle... They will know the fullness of life. At last... Our father's will... His Outer Heaven... Is complete. Somewhere out there... I know he's laughing. We are beasts created by man. Unless the light is put out... The shadows cannot be erased. So long as there is light... Erasing shadows will do no good. I am Liquid's doppelganger. And you are his. Just like your father. You're pretty good. Snake! Sunny's program destroyed JD's brain, but left the brain stem intact. She analyzed Naomi's black box and separated the Patriots' control system from the vital lifelines of society. Water... Air... Electricity... Food... Medicine, communication, transportation... She cut off the Patriots' control while preserving modern civilization. Maybe... It was her way of avenging Olga... Her mother. Or maybe she wanted to shape the future into her own ideal image. Or... Maybe... It was just one big defragmentation. FOXALIVE... The AI is truly a living thing. The Patriots' reign has crumbled away. And still, our civilization... A civilization that has thrived on war since the dawn of time... Lives on. I wonder if we did the right thing. Naomi... What did we lose? What did we save? Epilogue: Naked Sin You... Look amazing! Congratulations. Colonel. You're... Going to walk me down the aisle. You're not angry anymore? Oh, I'm still mad. But now... You've got a chance to win me over. You're right. We have plenty of time now. Meryl... You look beautiful. Way to go! - You're gonna make her real happy. - I hope so... Dearly beloved... We are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony. Let us give thanks for the life they will soon share... And pray... They have love everlasting. Now, let's all send this new team on their first mission. Hey. Go on! Do it! Just in time. Drebin. And I brought gifts. A shower of flowers, compliments of DREBINS. And... A little something extra from me. The bouquet! Hey! Where's Snake? Who knows? That guy always keeps you waiting. Sunny, come on. Snake... Thank you. Jack, how are you feeling? Do you mind if I sit down? Jack... Don't shut me out. I need you to listen to me. What do you want? Come to laugh at me? No! Look. Look at the boy. Cute. - Campbell's kid? - No! He's yours. I don't have any kids. He's your son! You said... Miscarriage... I lied. I had a healthy baby boy. Roy pretended to be my husband... To protect me... And our son. Only until you'd completed your mission. To shield us from Patriot eyes. What? He didn't even tell Meryl. He sacrificed everything... Even his family... To protect us. I don't believe it. I'm sorry, Jack. I wanted to tell you. So he's really...? John... Aren't you going to say hello? My son... Little John. Scared of me, huh? I don't blame you. It's OK. I'm not scared. I think you're cool, kinda like a comic book superhero. John... Rose... I'm done running. And I'm... No longer afraid. I'll never leave you alone again. Like a scene from Beauty and the Beast. Don't say that. You're no beast. You're my husband. And his father. And me... I'm going to do my very best... To be the wife and mother this family deserves. War... Has changed. Our time has ended. Our war is over. But there's one more thing I must do... One last punishment I must endure. Erase my genes... Wipe this meme from the face of the earth. This... Is my final mission. Nothing beats a stiff drink, huh? I didn't know you drank. I thought it was strictly soda for you. Not like I never touch the stuff. Soda just agreed with the nanos better. The nanomachines break down alcohol before it has a chance to get you drunk. So that explains it. No need to hold back anymore, huh? Yeah, well, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Lotta folks lost their entire sense of being the moment SOP went offline. You mean SOPS? I heard some people are going through withdrawals... SOP Syndrome. Yup. SOP kept more than just alcohol under control. Those poor slobs are virtually naked now. From what I hear, over 10 percent are showing symptoms. I guess getting rid of the Patriots won't solve all our problems overnight. You probably already suspected this, but... I'm not actually an employee of AT Security. The Patriots raised me... To be a gun launderer. The Patriots? My earliest memories are of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army)... They kidnapped me... Forced me to fight. Yup. You're staring at a former child soldier. My parents, brothers and sisters... All killed in the war. Guess that makes me what you'd call a war orphan. After that, the Patriots picked me up and brought me into the family business. I was Drebin... Number 893. There's a whole lotta pawns like me all over the world. How you suppose I laundered guns like I did? 'Cause they let me. In fact... I was under strict orders to back you guys from the start. You what? Hey man, don't take it personal. I wasn't the only one under their orders. Meryl and...? They probably never realized it themselves, but... Rat Patrol Team 01... Voila! Patriot! Played like a violin. But... Why? Obviously, Liquid's plot was a threat to the Patriots. So they planned to have you guys take care of it. Didn't turn out quite how they planned, though, did it? Yeah, well... I don't think they expected you to crash their System and wipe them out. So does that mean you're out of a job now? Are you kiddin'? I got the DREBINS. All the Drebins in the world are in on it. From now on, we're in business for ourselves. We are pawns no more. Easy there. The White House might've lost its taste for unilateralism, started to rebuild, but there's a lot of failed states out there that went bankrupt from their PMC habits... And they owe a shit load of money. Now... Only question is... Who's gonna pick up the tab? I'm sure these new governments will try and keep it under control with PMC corporate reform laws... But it ain't gonna be good enough. They're all sunk up to their eyeballs in the war economy. Might not be a New World Order... But the old order under the war economy's gone for good. I'm guessin' the UN is gonna be more important than ever, what with multilateralism and all. A certain President said it best back during the Cold War... "For in the development of this organization rests the only true alternative to war." Then again, the UN itself's just an old 20th-century relic. And if you think about it... When you look at its history... It ain't that different from the Patriots. That's right... The nanomachines used to keep you sober. Crush. Mix. Burn. Repeat. Hey, Uncle Hal, can I give him the Mk.III? He's kinda... A new friend! He lives near here. We can't understand each other's language, but we're having fun. He's my very first outside friend. Really? That's great. Sunny... It's OK if you want to live outside now. It's your life. There are other havens out there. The sun... Looks so pretty. Sunny... I like it outside. Uncle Hal... When is Snake coming back? Snake... Is sick. So he went on a trip to help him get better. We're not going with him? No. He needs to be alone. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. Snake... Had a hard life. He needs some time to rest. Are you... Crying, Uncle Hal? No... I'm not crying. That's right. Good. No need for you to go just yet. It's been a long time... Snake. Big Boss? Debriefing: Naked Son Let it go... My son. I'm not here to fight. Or should I call you... Brother? What? It's over. Time for you to put aside the gun... And live. It all began with a bunch of old fools. Now... They've all passed away. Their era of folly is over. I'm the only one left, and soon... I'll be gone, too. How can you still be alive? That body... Liquid burned on the Volta... Wasn't mine. That was the body... Of a clone. Solidus. He was a perfect clone. Zero, and the proxy AIs that came after him, were convinced that Solidus was me. I was implanted with nanomachines... Kept in a state of eternal sleep... By JD the proxy AI. They had me sealed away completely... Not only physical body, but my will, too. The technology was similar to what they used to restrain the B&B members you encountered. For me to wake again... The System had to be destroyed... One way or another. Ocelot and EVA wanted two things... To bring me back to life, and to end the Patriots. That meant destroying the AI and killing the man... JD and Zero. Right before you uploaded the virus into GW... The way to JD was opened, but only through the physical manifestation of GW. That's when we finally learned the location of this man... Zero. For me, and for them... For Naomi... Nothing was more important. And it was for that they put their grand scheme into motion. EVA stole my body from them and reconstructed it by replacing the missing parts with pieces from Liquid and Solidus. And Ocelot... In order to fool the System... Used nanomachines and psychotherapy to transplant Liquid's personality onto his own. He used hypnotic suggestion to turn himself into Liquid's mental doppelganger. For all our advances in nanotechnology, information and genetic control, they've never managed to control people at will... Let alone turn one person totally into another. Under certain conditions, someone can be made to play a specific role... Act like someone else. Cats... Do love to play as snakes. It all started with him... Zero. Zero grew old, and by the end, his Patriots were being run by a network without shape or form. What do you mean without shape or form? The proxies were only one small part of the vast cycle that Zero created. The corporations, for-profits, and research institutions that comprise the military-industrial complex were part of it, too. They operated on budgets automatically allotted to them by the proxies... Accounts maintained by the Patriots. The network covered everything from weapons R&D and investment to production and marketing. It encompassed the people, the companies... Even the laws that protect them. Politics and economics became nothing more than iterations of the same oppressively uniform system. I don't think anyone realized that it was all a setup... A mere set of norms. The Patriots were those norms. A neural network reduced to its simplest form. That's what they really represented... Uniformity without individual will, without change. But then one day, those norms suddenly deviated from that pattern, and underwent a mutation. It was like the birth of a new life form... The System found a new way to propagate itself... War. The norms the Patriots had crafted for their unified state quickly became dependent on a single business... The war economy. Meanwhile, the political cause of creating a "cleaner, safer battlefield" provided a convenient catalyst. By then, the System was no longer being steered by Zero's will... Or anyone else's. It was then that the norms, manifested as AIs, the inheritors of Zero's will, began to reproduce and take on a life of their own. Zero's original intent was to carry on The Boss's will and establish a unified world state... An inside world. But his successors failed to carry on his will. Eventually, JD became the very age itself, propagating its will as it pleased. And this age chose to act through economics instead of nation-states. Powered by the industrial and digital revolutions that came before it, this age gave birth to a twisted economic revolution: a battlefield revolution. It created a new world without substance. In this new world, there were no ideologies, no principles, no ideals... Not even the thing she treasured most, loyalty. There was only the war economy. It was a colossal error in judgment, one Zero couldn't possibly have forseen. With the American system in a state of collapse... The Patriots' society has reverted to a blank slate. This man... ...was the source of it all. And he doesn't even realize it. He's completely unaware of the fact that he led the world... to the brink of ruin. Even with so much bad blood between us... It's funny... Now that I'm actually face to face with him again... The hatred is gone. All I feel is a deep sense of longing. And pity. Did Zero really hate me? Or... Did he fear me? It's too late to ask him now. The original members... Para-Medic... Sigint... EVA... Ocelot. They've all passed on. Only Zero is left. Everything has its beginning... But it doesn't start at "one." It starts long before that... In chaos. The world is born... From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes two... Two becomes 10... 10 becomes 100. Taking it all back to one... ...solves nothing. So long as zero remains... One... Will eventually grow to 100 again. And so... Our goal... Was to erase Zero. Even the mighty Patriots... ...began with a single man. That one man's desires grew huge... Bloated. Absorbed technology... ...began to manipulate the economy. We realized too late... That we had created a beast. We had helped turn Zero... Into 100. His sin... Was ours. And for that reason... I'm taking it upon myself... send Zero... Back to nothing. You going back to zero, as well? You erased me two times before. Today... Will mark the third. The FOXDIE... Zero planted in you... It's already begun eating away at my body. Truth is... The FOXDIE in you... Is what killed EVA... And Ocelot. What are you talking about? Naomi... She told me... Everything. What's wrong? They did it again. They used you... kill me. The Patriots. No... Their proxies... In order to bury us... They did it again. In the end, they're no more than a program. All they can do... is repeat the same pattern over and over again. Do me a favor, will you? Take me over to her. There's one more thing... ...Naomi wanted me to tell you. About the... Old FOXDIE in your body... The only that mutated. The new FOXDIE inside you... ...continues to multiply. At the same time... It is preventing the old... Mutated FOXDIE... ...from reproducing. The new FOXDIE... uprooting the old. Naomi confirmed it in her follow-up. The mutants are receding. Before long, they'll be gone entirely. Does that mean... the mutant strain won't cause an epidemic? It will only live... long as you do. But even then... The process will just repeat itself. One day, the new FOXDIE, too, will start to mutate... And... ...become a new threat. But that is, if you manage to live that long. Am I going to die? Everyone dies. You can't stop it. You can't run away from it. Let me tell you something... Don't... Don't waste the life... have left... ...fighting. I've never thought of you... As a son. But... I've always respected you... a soldier. And... a man. If you'd been in my place back then... Maybe you wouldn't have made the same mistakes that I did. Ever since the day... ...I killed The Boss... With my own hands... I... ...was already dead. Boss... You were right. It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave... ...the world... The way it is. It's about... ...respecting... ...the will of others... And believing in your own. Isn't that... What you fought for? At last... I understand the meaning behind... ...What you did. At last... I understand... The truth behind your courage. It's almost time for me to go. And with me... The last ember of this fruitless war dies out. And at last... ...those old evils will be gone. Once the source of evil returns to zero... A new one... A new future... Will be born. That new world... Is yours to live in. Not as a snake... But... As a man. Know this... Zero and I... Liquid and Solidus... We all fought a long, bloody war for our liberty. We fought to free ourselves from nations... And systems... And norms, and ages. No matter how hard we tried, the only liberty we found... Was on the inside... Trapped within those limits. The Boss and I may have chosen different paths... But in the end, we were both trapped inside the same cage... Liberty. But you... You have been given freedom. Freedom to be... Outside. You are nobody's tool now... No one's toy. You are no longer a prisoner of fate. You are no longer... ...a seed of war. It's time for you to see... ...the outside world... ...with your own eyes. Your body... And your soul... Are your own. Forget about us. Live... For yourself. And find... A new lease on life. Boss... You only need one snake. No... The world would be better off... ...without snakes. This is good... Isn't it? Snake, wait up! You forgot these... No thanks. I'm quitting. Snake? These things will kill ya. Where will you go...? Our fight is finished. There's nothing left for us to do. No. There's one thing I still have to do. I have to see this age off... See what the future brings. Sounds good to me. I'll go with you. Otacon, I'm gonna be dead soon. You don't have to come. You said it yourself, Snake. There's nothing inside you can pass on to the next generation. No genes, no memes... You're man-made... You're a beast. I know... A blue rose. There won't be any happy "Beauty and the Beast" ending for me. What little time I have left will be spent living... As a beast. A shadow of the inside... Of the old age. Exactly. That's why you need me. As a witness. A witness? Yeah. Someone on the outside to bear witness to your final days. Someone to pass on your story... Not that I'm the only witness. But I'll remember everything you were... And stick with you to the end. Otacon... Besides, you wouldn't let me suffer Sunny's eggs alone, would you? Come quick! They're ready! They look... yummy. Sorta like the sun... It's rising again. Subtitles by Julien Strong
Channel: KefkaProduction
Views: 3,086,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Gear Solid 4, MGS4, guns of the patriots, the movie, movie, longplay, all cutscenes, hd, long, story, full story, mgs4 movie, metal gear solid 4 movie, metal, gear, solid, MGS, story trailer, trailer, epic, in 10 minutes, snake, solid snake, old snake, otacon, liquid, ocleot, naomi, eva, raiden, big boss, patriots, rex vs ray, 720p, fan, tribute, ending, snake vs liquid, harry gregson williams, hideo, kojima, fox engine, mgs5, phantom pain, ground zeroes, new, 2014
Id: fPbNi_UxNBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 461min 21sec (27681 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2014
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