Metal Detecting A Virginia Civil War Camp

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brand new adventure today we are back at the camp where i found a bunch of bullets uh probably four or five weeks ago the ground's been frozen pretty much the whole time since then but i thought today i'm here with matt of what's happening dick stock dig stock youtube small critter swan critter on youtube i'll put a link in the video description or pin comment anyway yeah so he's up here visiting me for a little bit and we're going to find some civil war stuff today now if you look out across the field this is the area where i find a bunch of bullets there's lots of holes pretty much uh it's fairly fresh you can see thresholds in fact there's another guy digging down there right now hopefully they left one or two things i think if we go slow and listen for deep stuff we'll find some north carolina buttons that's the north carolina man right there gold coins gold coins would you rather have north carolina button or a big old gold coin from the civil war me too well before i forget i want to let you know that i'm going to be a dig stalk i decided to go matt talked me into it and it's always a great time last time i went found tons of stuff got some good videos when is that the end of the month end of march march 20th 25th 2023. okay all right so hopefully we'll see you down there so been here a little while and i've just been mostly digging some deep nails but got my first little thumper so i think it's gonna be something from the civil war i haven't actually looked at it yet but it's in this cloud of dirt right here so let's break it apart and see there it is it's a bullet i do believe that's going to be a genuine american civil war mini ball and that's exactly what it is all right first relic of the day a nice drop mini uh got an eccentric ring meaning that one side this side here or base the one side is thicker than the other see i think that side is this side's a lot thinner so it's probably a confederate bullet not a hundred percent but that's one way you can kind of guess as to what it might be all right we're on the board matt's up over the hill um if we dig a few more things down here i'll go get him but i think he's working this way although i haven't seen them for a few minutes you think that's the top of like a hot shoes yeah the little ring on top where the paper fuselage is yeah it's possible because there are fuses out here i mean they did some uh candidating here i'm not 100 i think you just have to clean it off and see if it looks like it snapped right um but it's possible i mean it looks beautiful at age for sure well it's beveled on the top you know like yeah i don't know not just a washer i think it's i think it's old enough to be the civil war though so i'm thinking it's got that potato yeah let's think about that awesome lucky awesome all right we have another non-ferrous target right here but close to the roads it could be uh a part of a can or something but hopefully it's a little button i don't think it's a bullet uh there it is little piece of lead it could be melted lead or part of a bullet what is it that is a little piece of melted lead so we or is it a fired bullet yeah i'm going to go with melted lead so that means that the soldiers were had a little fire right here and they melted a cartridge you know paper cartridge with gunpowder in it and a mini ball to make a fire because you got to remember during the civil war i mean every soldier had to cook for themselves and to get a ration and it'd have to all make a little fire they might be a mess half a dozen guys might get together and like do the cooking for that half a dozen guys but every time every time they stopped and had enough time to make a fire they would make a fire cook some food make some coffee whatever that's why you find so much melted lead out here and if you find melted lead there's a good chance it was a civil war camp at least in this area came back down to the truck i have to i want to lock it up since i'm going to be out of sight of it for a while got a nice iron signal here so i dug down and i believe this is going to be a fragment to a civil war cannonball that's exactly what it is and remember ball doesn't necessarily mean it's round it just means it's a projectile like mini ball which of course not round but this is actually the top right here is where the fuse would have been screwed down into it so that's actually a top piece and um probably a round ball but it could be a top to like a parrot too i'm not 100 on that yet but it's definitely a nice civil war relic right there i'm almost back to the truck and i got a decent signal right behind it in my tire tread i thought we'd go ahead and dig this together it's still in the hole i'm hoping it's going to be a civil war item but you know it could be a pull tab on that side of the hole possible it's in the loose dirt it's a nice strong signal so oh yeah right in there as possible it's iron i don't know because i could have looked at the meter a little closer but i have a feeling it's going to be something good on ferris trying to get behind it that's iron i don't know if you saw that but right there so that could be a piece of a gun wrench it could be a mess kit knife could be a hinge off of a barn it could be part of a musket we don't know yet we're going to find out aren't we don't have to be quite as general with iron but i don't want to yeah so it's going down in there it's probably going to be a horseshoe actually yeah it's a broken horseshoe so we don't have to be careful with it all right that's a nice big target though to be left out here that could easily been a small pistol or a deep cannonball all right let's do our thing and keep moving all right got one out of the hole i think it's a bullet it might be a piece of melted lead though see some white but okay that's a fired bullet and again there was a pretty uh big skirmish here or battle back in the day that's why we find the shell fragments and fire bullets but awesome man another little signal here it's not quite a bullet signal but hopefully it's something decent civil war related and not a piece of foil which i have found some oh i want that thing set now oh i see some green is that green all right not yet there it is that is a rivet with some leather in it so that's probably from the civil war cartridge box or cap box uh could be you know other things too but it's pretty typical of what they would look like civil war era rivets so that's nice little fine a little bit of brass nothing wrong with that let's find the plate that goes with it i had a little squeaky naily sound here so i didn't get joe because i thought it might be iron but it's actually a kind of a small caliber round ball so it's probably a pistol bullet see a sprue that's where they that's where they poured the lead into the mold that would stick up a little bit normally they cut those off with a knife a little deformed i think it's actually teeth marks in it right there and probably from a pig a human cannot do that with their teeth without their teeth shattering i'm gonna let you listen to one of the signals this is actually a pretty big signal guarantee max today i am in the all metal mode uh so that's zero discrimination i'll hear all of the iron i'm gonna go ahead and kick the iron audio on it gets you a little bit more depth using the reaper coil too so that helps anyway it's a nice big signal here it's not really you know reading great on the meter but that just means that it's deep could be a big chunk of iron could be a nice mini ball down just below the range of the discriminator and that will tell us that much dirt off we'll know yeah all right so it's probably a piece of iron right there a lot of the way i don't know it could be something good it's hard to do when i have my headphones off and i'm trying to do the video so much easier for me when i'm just doing my own thing all right so it's in here don't get your hopes up don't get them up yet i don't see any iron rust yet so that's a good time sign ah rookie dang now that's a a sharps car a sharps bullet and it really didn't sound that good did it i mean we knew it was a nice solid thump but the meter was not happy with it and i was uh actually wouldn't have been surprised that that had been a short fat nail but it's the sharps drop sharps man right down near the edge of the road and find a lighter cigarette lighter ferrari for crack pipes i a nice little signal here and i'm hoping it's something good i can see that kind of that blueish whitish color so i'm hoping that's part of a civil war relic of some sort and not a bottle cap oh yeah it is a bottle cap gosh all right this is a small glass bottle with an uh kind of like a it's probably not aluminum looks almost like um zinc lid this is a uh well actually it might not be a bottle i actually what i thought it was was a veterinary medicine bottle god wins really coming up but i guess that's some type of that's a mirror right there so something went on oh yeah that's a handle for you kids nowadays this is how you used to have to open your windows on your vehicles cars and trucks you had a little handle and you crank crank crank crank and then window would go up crank crank crank crank and the window would go down none of that fancy push button stuff now just like a fancy little shotgun shell which is a good sign because you know they read kind of like a button so that's a you know typical button signal so i'm happy to find that although i know i'd rather be a button but there's still good signals out here i guess is what my point is so i just dug this nice big piece of iron here and i first thought that it might actually be a broken picket pin but i'm not 100 on that now picket pin is something that a cavalryman would drive into the ground and tie the horse to like at night or you know during the day when they're not on the horse so they could feed and walk in a circle uh they're about this big around i have a couple at the house but typically they would have come up small and kind of a swelling on them and then on top they'd have a ring that was swivel but you know that's broken off probably i don't think that's what it is it looks like it's kind of mushed down like maybe from a sledgehammer and that's got a point on it but there'd be no way to attach a lead to it that the horse wouldn't just run off with so i'm going to go with a piece of farm junk on that one so i've been going at it for a while haven't had a lot of luck i kind of moved to a different part of the field matt's down that way working my direction got a nice deep signal here popped out of the ground and it's a bullet and it is a another sharps yeah it wasn't a great signal so i didn't get the camera out and you can see it was actually way in the bottom there so quite a few dig holes here and i saw a guy out here when we first got here this morning he just kept circling around so he was probably finding a few things he left so let's see what he missed what you have you ready i'm ready oh dude it's a nice little virginia virginia really yep oh man look at that you know oh yeah man nothing wrong with that virginia in virginia or what used to be virginia confederate all day long awesome man right yeah staff i guess staff fighting yeah yeah take it back south where it belongs sweet this is salt this is virginia there used to be virginia that's awesome man there's matt up there digging virginia buttons and i've got a signal here i think that might be a piece of lead hopefully it's a little bullet is it all right what we have here is a piece of melted lead so again they were camped right here had a little fire going that's the remains of a lead bullet probably like a pistol bullet pretty small not enough lead there to be a mini ball so they were camped right here so you know the they were right here the virginia guys pretty awesome decent signal here popped it out i'm pretty sure it's not going to be iron it's not ferrous i don't know if it's going to be a bullet or melted lead or what i thought we'd find out together not in there yeah knot in there not in there nothing there actually it's not that small but it's flat it's a civil war mini ball or some type of bullet that's been flattened and or chewed on uh so yeah so that's a bullet the way it's flat and i can see it had a cavity so it's either mini ball or more likely a gardener a two ringer and it's been like really this it could be it could be many but it's been chewed up a pig's got a hold of that and chat chat chat chat chat put lots of tooth marks in it and uh that's what it is it's been about an hour so haven't really done much mike actually showed up from great fines he's out there somewhere with his brother and uh i do have another signal here well i see what it is melted lead i figured since i'm not finding much else i'll show this to you so they were definitely camped right here right we're staying in fact if you look uh trucks right there so i'm kind of back to the truck again that's that's another friend that's rob from uh not too far from here you've seen him in some of my other earlier videos uh he's probably gonna come digging i guess all right back at it nice little thumper in this clod right here you can see it goes down kind of toward the bottom of the plow line let's see what it is i'm thinking it's probably a bullet yeah there it is lookie i think it's going to be a sharps which seems to be mostly what's in this part of the field but yeah that's a nice dropped sharps bullet from american civil war there you go i don't know if rob's going to join us or not he's just kind of sitting down there hopefully he comes up in a few minutes i've got a little signal here i'm suspecting it's going to be a bullet or some melted lead or something i hope it's something good not a piece of iron that's iron i saw that rust right there and then uh hit the machine and kind of beat to my ear so yeah it's just a square now that's probably all i was hearing in that hole so cover up put that on the wall back home nice little relic there i just dug a uh another little round ball alrighty i think we're going to uh dig around about a half hour or so and then matt has to head back to north carolina he just kind of stopped in overnight because he was uh up in new york or something like that and this is like a little over halfway home for him so he spent the night and we just had a few uh adult beverages and a few laughs and now we're jigging nice little thumper in here it's kind of down close to the bottom of the plow line you see with a it turns a lighter color ah there it is lookie it is a fired civil war mini ball 58 caliber she's got the three grooves on it very nice uh what we're going to do we're going to just kind of walk down to the end of the field here hit the road turn around go back to the truck and uh be going for the day so get about another 15 minutes let's see if we can find one like super awesome item working down to that road and coming back up the hill and uh just found another bullet lookie this is ah this is a pistol bullet from the civil war that's a colt dragoon i believe but yeah that's a nice little pistol bullet dropped slightly downhill from where i found the pistol bullet got another signal here i would not doubt it's another pistol bullet but it could be something better that's in my hand i dropped it that it alrighty it's another pistol bullet a slightly different kind but definitely a dropped civil war bullet we're doing really good now that we're getting ready to leave that seems to be the way it is sometimes though all right we're going to take off troll train in the back in the distance i'm told you are going to be going to the dig stock at the end of march we hit the road we had fun i hope you did too she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain and your lock it mother earth she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her creek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saying where it is or what it might be mother earth you are my lady my big round baby
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 45,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, treasure hunter, metal detector, metal detector finds, metal detecting finds, family friendly movies, metal detecting videos, metal detecting finds 2022, civil war, family friendly videos, civil war relics, relic hunting, digging in virginia, civil war bullets, virginia relic hunting, relic hunting virginia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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