Metal Building Insulation To Stop Condensation - How To Install BlueTex Foil/White 6mm Supreme

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In this video i'm going to show the installation  of BlueTex inside a building in Idaho. Now this   is a relatively new metal building, the customer  wanted to stay cool and more comfortable in the   summer, he also wanted to control moisture in the  winter. Now even though it's in Idaho, it can get   up to 80 - 90 degrees in the summer, so this  building can be just crazy hot. He chose to go   with the BlueTex 6 millimeter supreme the foil  on one side and white on the other. It also has   a two inch peel and stick edge that way you can  seal the seams. As far as the install method,   there's generally two ways to do an existing metal  building as far as a retrofit application you can   either use the pins and washers (shown here on the  left) or you can use the self drilling screws and   the washers (shown on the right). Personally, I  like the screws and washers because you can attach   to one end of the BlueTex - it's super durable  you can pull it as hard as you want, you can't   tear it, you can't rip it, and this makes for a  nice, clean, tight assembly. Now if you're going   to use the screws and washers, I would go ahead  and pre-assemble a bunch together. I also have a   different video on different install methods, and  the link will be in the description below. As far   as getting to the install process basically you  want to start on the walls and work your way up to   the ceiling. As you can see here he started on one  wall... Now the only thing I would do different:   you'll notice this tab here (red circle), I would  have flipped this piece over and put that tab   underneath the bottom (red arrow), that way you  have a cleaner finish and the flaps would be   pointing down when you go up. Other than that,  it's a it's a great install here's an example   of the pins sticking out through the washers you  can see those right here (red circle) kind of   sticking out. Here's an example of the screw and  washer being put into the BlueTex insulation -   basically just use a hex nut screwdriver and and  drive it right in. This is what it looks like   on the 6 millimeter foil white product. After  you install these you can come through with our   matching white tape and cover it up - that's  an easy way to make it look nice and clean.   As I mentioned, I'd pre-assemble a bunch of these  or you could also pre-paint them if you wanted   and here's an example of a pre-painted screw and  washer on the 6 millimeter white product. As far   as install this is kind of in process you can see  he's peeled off the backing here (red circle) and   taped that seam down so it makes it a lot  cleaner. One thing I want you to take a look at   is after the second row, he's approaching this  area right up here (red line) where you have the   angled supports or the bracing for the roof and  there's a couple different ways to handle this.   You've got 2 different options. 1) you can run it  up over all the way across the bottom (red line)   or 2) you could come through go cut behind it  and go all the way on the bottom of your top   framing (blue line). Either way will work and i'll  give you some information on on both methods here   in a second. So this customer he actually went up,  he went over, across, and then across the bottom.   You can see it makes a great nice clean install.  here's a better picture of the finished building.   basically you want to create a new solid and  continuous inside surface. this is kind of like if   you took a big bag or balloon and you blew it up  inside the building. this way any warm moist air   can never get to the cold metal and cause  condensation. here's the framing where they   cut around, you can see he just cut around  (red circle) each one now he actually removed   these braces they were held on by four screws  each he removed them put the BlueTex up cut the   cut the little squares (red circles) and  reattached them they had four screws he came   through with his screw gun on each side he was  able to push up the BlueTex just about an inch   or so and reattach those screws no problem here's  a detail of a window finish out. he used the 3   inch tape to come around and make a nice clean  finish on the frame, and we supply the matching   white tape also. so once again this is an example  of the BlueTex supreme 6 millimeter foil white   product. however the install process would be the  same if you used any of the foil and foam products   from and if you have any  questions about your specific project please   email us or give us a call and be sure to order  your free samples we want you to get these samples   in your hands because BlueTex products really are  better than anything else out on the market once   you feel them you'll say, "wow this is a great  product and i want to use it in my building!"
Channel: AtticFoil Radiant Barrier Foil Insulation
Views: 3,594
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: BlueTex, BlueTex Insulation, metal building insulation installation, metal building insulation, metal building insulation retrofit, metal building insulation system, warehouse insulation, warehouse roof insulation, warehouse insulation repair, insulating barn walls, insulating barns, shed insulation, mancave insulation, moisture barrier, condensation metal roof, condensation metal shed, prodex total, r-seal, bubble foil insulation, radiant barrier foil
Id: CsmWmImkG4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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