Messerschmitt Me 262 "Schwalbe" - First Flight Over Berlin after 61 Years, Historical Footage!

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It's a replica, mainly because there were very few surviving 262 airframes in flyable condition (in the final days of the war, the Germans went on a tear destroying their own shit, especially the good stuff). It was Germany's greatest engineering achievement of the war and the greatest advancement in the history of aeronautical engineering, but the few 262's that survived the war in one piece only did so because the Americans got to them before the Germans could. All the real 262's can no longer fly and are way too valuable to risk anyways. A production 262 airframe belong in the Smithsonian, not the air. So any 262 you see in the air is a complete replica, built from scratch.

That it is a replica changes nothing though. The Me-262 has been my favorite aircraft from the time I was a kid and it's the reason I started playing WT almost 4 years ago. I didn't want to drive around in nonsense paper tanks like the 10.5 cm Tiger II, I wanted to fly the 262.

I did fly the 262. I also drove around in that nonsense more than any other tank on the German tree. And in the days of Reich domination at 6.7 BR, I enjoyed clubbing IS-2 and Jumbo Shermans with a Tiger II mounting a gun that physically could not fit in a Tiger II turret. ))

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/rohohoh 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
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Keywords: Airshow, Flugschau, Kunstflug, Team, Jet, Bomber, Pilot, Plane, Fighter, Aircraft, Luftwaffe, Air, Force, Frecce, Tricolori, Red, Arrows, Thunderbirds, Blue, Angels, Russian, Knights, Messerschmitt, Heinkel, Junkers, Arado, Düsenjäger, 2.WK, WKII, III. Reich, 3. Reich, Blitzkrieg, Blitzbomber, Me 108, Me 109, Me 262, Ju-88, Ju-87, Stuka, He-110, He-111, Deutsche Luftwaffe, jet fighter, fighter jet, 2. Weltkrieg, World War II, Focke Wulf, Fw-190, combat aircraft, fighter aircraft, interceptor, jet aircraft
Id: 8FA1yCfz9s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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