Messed up MYSTERY RIDDLES to Test Survival Skills

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the policemen were chasing a serial killer we better get up put their cars I've snuck in the snow it wasn't a bother I was like honey get out of this one you got literally snow balled in I love I was wearing the classic criminal uniforms and I love walking oh oh wait you got a positive scared okay okay we got to analyze these footprints mm-hmm it's like he's trying to confuse us do something about backwards yeah the one the ones that are like top-heavy in the front did he go into one of the houses or is it the only perfect prints that don't lead to a house don't one pear farm has a lead to a window because of criminal the keys Oh big galaxy brain here okay let's see that's right before we get too excited what does seven-second think about that oh I think they think you're correct yes the tenants would have don't worry no but don't worry if any we talk to you I got you I can protect hi-tech Stan went on a guided tour in the jungle he was taking pictures all over there okay just a picture of us always crying and this would be me and it's also my worst nightmare he knows they can suck all his blood out in 10 SEC trees covered with poisonous moss that can kill literally anyone even you anyone anyone in the world probably probably your cat - you never know this was hard yeah uh what do you what do you think has he wait I feel like there's like a trick in the wording yes the vines are on trees and trees are static they don't move so you could dodge the moss you can't dodge the mosquitoes and you can't dodge the gas right so we're thinking maybe the trees yeah I think so I hate mosquitoes so much do they even do anything for the world like I just hated them oh I don't know I'm just afraid like we kill all the mosquitoes and then like birds die yeah the bees die no and everything I'm like itchy thinking about them yeah you can just pass through the trees about punching them that's what you said don't trip and fall though mrs. Li found out that one of her kids was kidnapped and replaced by an alien imposter she decided to see we got this we got hoping to spot an alien as he this is all you know who is the alien oh I got it I got it you got it already yeah yeah okay because the computer isn't plugged in I was a computer generating power she must have some type of super power the only aliens can do stuff like that that's a superpower I'd like to have am I wrong I've been again other ones are like that she's driving that UFOs how much you know what are you phone looks like yeah she's drawn her uncle George up in the UFO I think you're right in fact I know you're right why yeah how could she control the computer with her mind wriggles they so clever seven-second wriggles wriggles wriggles we love doing wriggles wriggles are the best ooh what's this wriggle about a girl thirsty okay a thirsty girl got kidnapped cause she got kidnapped yeah someone kidnapped a woman in the town the police go go go you go you go you go the police had been tracking the maniac for 10 months they couldn't catch the guy he's crazy finally this is in the hide up faint reviewed all women why are they so happy I don't know I've been here for a month or so I'm so glad you found us this cycle only gave us some bread starving how skinny I got another few days and I would die starvation he's torturing me I thought I'd never see the day of my okay okay I mean is she pregnant or has she been eating good I think she's been taking the bread right or it's just a comfy sweater can't judge but I'm liking they've been starving them how did these two girls have time to get their hand if I'm a cured in three months like that is true and the one the first girl complained that she's been in there like she said something about one month whereas this guy's been like at large for ten months those nails would be so long by now I know like I think they break my good day and also the first two girls were complaining about like very trivial stuff like oh the menu down here was awful and the third girl was like I thought I was gonna die I thought I'd never see the light of day and they're like I didn't get any caviar my tenderloin was overcooked police immediately guessed that one of them was the maniac yeah oh yeah right was I right you were right Oh cuz her her hands are like nicely many good yeah I was right now but they put far away they both with manicured to me so I wasn't completely right what about the white nails though are those is that like her natural nail color is that white broken see oh this one's broken this one's broken these are none of them are broken and this one surely like it look it's growing out of nail beds it's only she said that she's been there for a month this girl and they're grown out for a month so she can't be a mania no I think yeah hot pink girl right yep okay cuz they look lawsuit like that's a Polish she just got them done today if she had been there for a month her nail polish liar she's a maniac she's a maniac me I'm a cop oh yeah kidnap the girl yelling at her crying daughter were the happy people playing with toys none of them kind of look like they're kids at all true you know what I think oh oh well I think I got it - I think you got it as well should we say the same time yeah one two three baby seat belt Oh same baby car seat and seat belt the little kid on the right is not wearing a seat belt yeah look they're not prepared for a kid like if you had a kid you have a baby car seat thanks dad you a mother or not nailed it we both got at the same time that's how fast our brains work but they want you to think of me mother yeah they try to Juke us not today who is the kidnapper uh-uh the picture on the rights in tents I don't like it it keeps like don't let me go yeah this is hard it is really really hard oh is it the distressed kid or the slightly less distressed kid I'm just like curious why they got the same toys oh yeah okay it's on the left why because he's just going no I can't be going this way whereas he wouldn't kidnap a kid that close to his mother would you but she is distracted on the phone so maybe there's no way yeah she's a maniac but he hasn't manicured nails - I don't think that has to do with anything here all right I'll go left guy you go right guy where do you want to switch oh I don't know I have no idea although I have no idea no everything I noticed backpack mom how do we know anything so what explanation so what that's his mom who is the kidnapper I'm so damn confused okay I'm really confused and if you're in the comments and you can explain this to us please do yeah and the other one it looks like he's either repeating or getting ready for some trouble oh yeah he just doesn't fit no and you wouldn't be kidnapping somebody in the bathroom Frank he deserved it yes they did he decided to [Music] cross out six digits so that the last ones equal 20 but if you fail it I'll hurt you badly I'll hurt you bad girl you got to do some big brain things as he yeah I'm like counting with my fingers that's how dumb I am I thought I had a six but it was five if we don't do this we'll be killed I don't want to die no matter what I do every time I do three can't be 3/7 can't be four nine zero three seven seven nine can't be one seven nine it can't be one one seven it can't be one one nine I don't think so I just did I just did a bunch in my head and I didn't get it I feel don't think it's a trick question like ink these are upside down sixes how [Music] they made me do that for no reason no reason oh okay I mean let's pretend we got that on our own and we don't die thanks seven second riddles today a media conference for bloggers takes place in the town in the morning an unknown person calls the police today wanted to bloggers youtubers what are these bloggers doing either Emma or Tina this doesn't happen to us at VidCon we won't tell anyone about this message let's carefully watch the girls whoa okay and everyone at the conference you can't watch everyone a police might have been following the girls a magic police were just following you everywhere I'm on Tina are sitting at the same table oh she got broken her back good some of the policemen realized where the kidnapper we know you know it all you know you better this is why us youtubers on the bad rap because people like teen up and kidnapping other hey but in her defense youtubers often have weird stuff in their base what if she was film in a weird video that's true she does know me know what's in my bag challenge so rope just in case Oh Luke was taking on the street outside her house whoa with four doors and a small shadow she check the window what about the TV has a TV there you and the wall turned on oh no I saw three doors lead nowhere and one of the leads outside you only have one attempt to open a door the one that goes outside that's about it then all of them will be locked forever don't make a mistake no okay what something happen in the window well just the window yeah and she's too small to get out of it so how can Lisa know which door leads outside as he huh all the doors look exactly the same they do the same now it's a very good more right yeah that's a very good question but it doesn't look like it do I need the doorknob look different no yeah this is hard I'm impressed yeah I like how Lisa's just smiling she's like what a hard challenge think I know why there's got to be something different about one of the doors what is it as he put on your glasses I don't like how she's blocking one of the doors or two of them even like we want to see I can't see anything oh wait what what you know that's the only thing that I feel makes this door stand out so maybe we should just say the second door and pray that it's the right one okay second door second door okay you can't even say that oh no you should open the window and check which one's the door you know like you could see it so there's a draft and then she'll feel a breath of cool air from the keyhole come on seven second riddles nobody's this smart nobody Wow oh oh we're getting owned we're getting sold who is poor Cassie can you tell by looking at the contents of their fridge uh well I mean A's got more in her fridge but it's like a lot of like junk food and fast food yeah he's got that like she's got like that gourmet she's got like those Whole Foods apples yeah like those organic apples that are way too expensive for apples she got some nice cheese like that cheese cost more than my house exactly and she's got she's got sparkling water yeah that's how you know that's how you know sparkling water mm-hmm when you go to somebody's house and they're like would you like some Perrier you're like I don't think I belong here yeah I say be I say be - oh just go those are blueberries girl she's just living that organic life yeah well I'm right guys we got a tally up your votes in the comments so let us know in the comments which one you think is poor and your reasons why let's see who's right I'm more than a girl on the Left be honest and I'm proud of that I love I love the green dressing oh thank you thank you so much high heels in the house and everything don't forget to check out anyways guys can hope you enjoyed this video we love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice to other bye bye [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 9,739,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, messed, up, mystery, riddles, to, test, survival, skills, riddle, mysteries
Id: F13I0UwOUc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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