MESBG Battle Report - Elven Attack - Magazine 4

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forces of good we have eight Elven Warriors four with b and four with sword the forces of evil are comprised of 10 urai five with sword and shield and five with a pike gaming area starts with the forces of evil on the western edge of the board and the forces of good spread out over the yeast for good to win they need to kill six of the urai and for evil to win they need five urai to break through the defenses and off the Eastern side of the board the forces of good have priority and the four archers taking up position on the flanking Hills the Elven Warriors move up ready to Halt the advance the Uruk Kai Advance down the field ready to engage the Elven forces into shooting paars and the Elven archers take aim at the urai with Spears the spears only need a five to wound but the sword and shield need a six both archers hit the mark and one Archer hits true taking down the first urai the archers on the Northern flank all o take aim at the spears both hit their Mark and one wounds another taking out an urai into turn two and good win priority the elves with swords spread out to reduce any gaps in their line The Archers move forward slightly so they can still shoot but are ready to abandon The High Ground and engage the urai on foot if they get closer the urai continue their Dash as quickly as they can into shooting phase one hits but the arrow fails to wound the remaining archers take aim at the spear again and both hit but both fail to cause any mortal wounds into turn three priority role and again good keep up the momentum the f is a good drop back slightly realizing there is enough distance to hopefully get one more volley of arrows before they engage The Archers move slightly in order to get a better aim at the advancing urai and the other two archers get ready to abandon the hill and engage in hand toand fighting the urai charge forward as far as possible hungry to get into a fight The Archers take aim at the urai whispar and get one hit but again they fail to get through the Tough urai Armor the last archers aim at the urai with spear and one Archer showing his prowess with his bow hits with a six and wounds with a six taking down another ukai in turn four the thought of finally engaging gave priority to the forces of eel urai in the center advanc on the Elven warriors with sord engaging two of them the two urai on the southern side can reach one one of the archers and both charge into combat the Archer to the South abandons his bow and rushes to support his companion two more elves engage the two urai who are not yet in combat the two archers take aim at the only urai not engaged and one hits true but the arrow fails to penetrate the strong armor of the urai into combat and the urai T the first fight pushing the elves back but not wounding the urai win the next fight and their sword hits true and takes down an elf the next elf wins his fight but fails to wound the elf wins and pushes back the urai but fails to cause any harm as With His companion the elf wins the fight but fails to wound turn five is a draw in priority but evil took priority last turn giving priority to good this turn the Battle Is Now evenly matched with seven warriors on on each side the elves Engage The urai on all fronts the first fight goes to evil who failed to wound the second fight goes to evil who managed to take out another elf good the urai take the third fight but again fail to wound the forces of good finally win a fight but don't take anyone [Music] out in the fifth fight good win again but yet again they fail to wound the sixth fight goes to the elves who are failing to take out any ukai [Music] urai take the last fight in the round but also fail to take down an [Music] elf into turn six and good take priority The Archers to the South engage the same urai in the center the eles engage with as many urai as possible but with the loss of their companion in the last round they can no longer engage all the urai see in a gap in the lines the free urai makes for the Eastern Edge in the first of six fights good takes it and manages to wound and take out another ukai reducing them to six the next fight goes to good but fail to cause any wounds forces of evil take the next one and successfully take out another elf evil take the next but fail to wound evil win again and again fail to wound the final fight goes to good and they take out another urai the uruki are reduced to five one more loss and the forces of good take the victory into turn seven an evil takes priority seeing the Eastern Edge near they rush to escape with the last of the ukai too close to two Warriors he engages hoping to break through on the next turn the forces of good give Chas and engage as many ukai as possible possible one Warrior seeing the urai almost escaping picks up his bow and takes aim final elf engages in combat giving them an advantage in the coming fight into the shooting phase and the elf draws his bow hits and wounds the urai with their numbers reduced to four The urai Retreat giving their forces of good the victory the elves while glad to have stopped the F of evil They Mourn their companions they erect a pillar in their honor and sing songs for their Brave Fallen companions
Channel: HobbyIt
Views: 1,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OiDecDUbkaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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