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Start your day with exercise. This increases concentration and contributes to your general well-being. Set up your work environment for maximum efficiency. No matter what you wake up to, try to stay in a positive mindset. Advising small businesses in this economic climate can be hard... emotionally but it's your job to make the best of any situation. Tell me more about that. You become attached. it's normal, isn't it? of course. things were so much simpler when people ran the corporations but at some point the algorithms just became better at it they started mutating, growing out of control it's becoming impossible to compete. I try to track them, but they're so complex. The truth is no one really knows what's going on. How does that make you feel? Well it's not useful to dwell on how bad things are. My clients need me, so I have to stay ahead. Managing your attention effectively is key the aim is to achieve a laser focus and find ways to work around the limitations of the human body. There isn't always time to eat but there are so many innovative ways to fuel your body and mind. We're made of chemistry. Our Thoughts and emotions are triggered by hormones and blood oxygen levels. It's something to remember when things feel overwhelming. What about relationships: friends, family.. do you have a significant other? I just spend so much time working, you know? I mean I know you have to keep putting yourself out there, but... you have to be clear about what you're looking for. Isolate the variables that are most important to you in a partner market yourself and use optimistic language in your profile. at the end of each day take the time to reflect. if you collect enough data you can start to see all sorts of patterns. wasted time, dead ends.. it makes me sick now I think about it. I don't mean to make you upset but I have to check that you thought this through there's no way back we can't rely on the corporations forever they were built by people, but now they've got a life of their own and they're all around us so enormous so powerful the only way for us to survive is to understand to the network. I know that once I'm on the other side I'll be able to be everywhere see everything I can give my clients a chance to fight back to have total control are you ready to begin the procedure? yes close your eyes and count backwards from ten ten nine eight seven six
Channel: Keiichi Matsuda
Views: 79,149
Rating: 4.8868361 out of 5
Keywords: future of work, productivity, AI, artificial intelligence, automation, VR, 360, interface, future, network, DAC, brain computer interface, BCI, upload, accounting
Id: SqW2dEkiD-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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