Mercruiser 3.0 Boat Engine Rebuild

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all right it is time to rebuild the engine but first the first piece we're going to put in is the crankshaft and before we put it in we got to clean it off so that's what we're doing right now with drill and some brass brushes we're just getting all the really the flakier parts like that you don't necessarily have to have all of the sort of reddened parts to being shiny but you certainly don't want any flakes that could chip off and get inside floating around in your engine so that's what we're cleaning off now [Music] all righty we got the engine back from the machine shop and look at those cylinders guys those are perfect I could not be happier really a fantastic job that is absolutely good to go all right now on to putting the crankshaft in what we're gonna have to do first is put all of those bearings back in that we took out all right so before we put those bearings in you want to make sure you got everything oiled up free before you put it in so what I've got here is some gear oil fully synthetic now you could just use regular motor oil but I'm gonna use this because it has a nice little spout at the end so I can pour it out pretty accurately like to start with some of these little holes and areas here so that's what I'm getting to now then we'll get the bearing zone [Music] [Music] all right we've got the crankshaft in the engine we've got all the caps tightened down on it we made sure to pre lube everything up and tighten it down also got the oil pump on and then up at the front here I called this the flywheel bearing I know it's probably called something else put that and had to make my own a custom gasket for that so luckily in the kit of gaskets I got there was a sheet of gasket maker I was able to cut it out of that worked out pretty well we got all the other gaskets in there so the next thing we're gonna do now is put the Pistons in the engine so we've got the Pistons over here ready to go we ended up getting new Pistons since we got the cylinders overboard the overboard we got was point zero three inches which for those of you who don't know let me just show you how much that really is that's point zero three inches right there that tiny little sliver but that is all it took to get the groove out of the cylinder and now those cylinders look flawless so we're gonna put the Pistons in and doing that we've got the new compression rings right here we're gonna be putting those on with this handy dandy little tool which is adjustable so you can use it on different sized Pistons so we're gonna be getting those on and then putting them in all right we've got all the Pistons in the engine you can see there and the Pistons are directional this little dot points towards the front of the engine here's where the water circulation pump goes and then the flywheel of course will go on the back and you can from this side where we got the connecting rods attaching to the crankshaft turned out pretty good let me tell y'all in terms of spinning this it really helps us spin once you get the cylinders lubed up with some oil before then it'll it'll be pretty tight so now that we've got those in the next up we're gonna do is put the camshaft in right there and we got the camshaft in the one thing I wanted to point out was on the front with the gears making sure they are aligned to where they were before but moving on the next piece we're going to go ahead and put on the engine is gonna be the fuel pump [Music] now after the fuel pump I am gonna go ahead and install the dipstick case as well as the distributor [Music] [Music] [Music] next piece we're gonna try to put on was the timing cover and the harmonic balancer now these pieces did have some rest on them so I wanted to remove that and I tried a few different methods the first was using a wire brush on my power drill and that did alright removing some of it but then I decided after that I needed to use some chemicals so I bought some of vapo rust which is non-toxic completely biodegradable and all you have to do is pour the evapo rust into a container that you then put your metal piece in and you just let it soak for hours preferably you leave it overnight though and it removes the rust for you now you can see in my case after 12 hours the fluid got pretty dark colored and that's because it took a lot of rest off but there still was a little bit left now to get this last bit of rest off I decided I needed to take it to the next level and to do that we needed a few things a hot plate to add heat to make the chemical reaction speed up and then a huge pot I bought from Goodwill to have something big enough to put it all in on the heat plate and then a whole nother gallon of a vapo rest so that way I'd have more than enough of the chemical to break down all of the rust now with this letting it sit for another 12 hours heating on the hot plate it did take all of the rest off and you can see the results are pretty darn good we got basically all of the rust off now to keep these pieces from ever rusting again we need to go ahead and paint this and to do that I decided to use a engine primer that goes up to 500 degrees and then a black high-gloss engine enamel that also goes up to 500 degrees and I gotta say the finish on these turned out pretty darn good now that we've got the pieces painted we're ready to go ahead and install them on the engine now the next piece I'm gonna go ahead and put on is the oil pan and after we've got that put on now we can finally add oil to the engine but before we do that we're gonna go ahead and put on the head of the engine and with the head we're gonna install the lifters the rods and the rockers [Music] now whenever you're installing the rods and rockers you want to tighten them down enough to get all of the lash out of the rods but you can't do this for all of the rods at the same time because some of the lifters will be moving up at different points in the engines rotation so I had to use my cheater bar in order to turn the engine to get it so I could adjust all of the rockers and rods now for anybody who is wondering which direction to turn the engine this is the front of the engine you're looking at it you want to turn clockwise so that's exactly what I'm gonna do here then I just start rotating it till I see those lobes go down and trying to remember which of those which rockers it was well figure out that next and get back here now after we've got all of the rockers tightened down correctly we're ready to go ahead and install the cover on top of all of that so now we've got this top covered piece cleaned off we've got the gasket into place so we're gonna go ahead and put this on it's just like a glove boys now we're gonna go ahead and screw it in now we've got the cover on the head of the engine it is tightened down next piece is gonna be the side cover now all right so we've got this cover cleaned up so now we've got this side cover on to the rods and lifters went on pretty well and let me tell you guys for straightening out parts of it that were a little bent out we're just taking this hammer and just hammering it in there until it was flat enough something that may not agree with that method but it works alright we've got the oil filter here brand-new out of the box Quicksilver brand which is the recommended one to use dad put it on I'm gonna sort of crack the cup a little bit with this guy and get a little oil on it in it around it while I put it on because we're kind of putting it on dry so I've got my four-stroke oil here also quick sail through the recommended brand honestly you guys you can just find any brand that's the right motor oil for this but we're gonna go ahead and put this in there a little bit oh yeah that's probably more than enough then you just wanna the oil actually helps it make an airtight seal so you want to put that all around the seal and everything lubricated all that goodness go ahead and get this bad boy tighten down here goes on like so this really isn't rocket science this might be one of the easiest parts so far you get it on tight get your oil filter wrench and you get it on tighter really don't oh that's kind of cool really don't got to get it that tight that's probably more than enough right there all right oil filters on good to go so now the next part we're gonna do here is we're going to start filling this bad boy up with the oil not least a little bit anyway so get your little funnel thing now I'm just playing with you we don't need that we're just gonna freehand this [Music] I don't know how much we need to load up I'm gonna stop right there that's probably enough now you may have dripped a little on the side at the top of your engine covers clean just sort of try to wipe it in there after you've got the oil loaded in there and I honestly don't know how much we just put in but it's gonna take time for it to seep down through the rods and Rocklin lifter cover down through here down into the bottom then eventually we're gonna see it on the dipstick level right now we are at approximately empty so we'll give that some time to seep down in there so now that we've got the oil at the top of the engine we're letting it seep down whatever things we can kind of do to help cram the pumps and that is to use your cheater bar here again and manually rotate the engine it should rotate pretty smoothly without very much effort unlike mine but yeah have a lot of oil in it so we got to get it up dev spread it around [Music] you're gonna kill her [Music] oh it's gettin easier I can feel it all right well we've given this bad boy some time for the oil to seep down and looking at the dipstick we've still got approximately nothing in there so I'd say we've got to add a little bit more I say a little bit I mean probably this entire jug [Music] enough for now alright so the next piece we're gonna put on the engine is gonna be the water circulation pump you can see I've got it over here I've actually got the old one which was really rusted out inside I went ahead and got a new one that is perfectly clean we're gonna go ahead and install this arm and we have the gasket that goes with it and that goes right here on the front of the engine so I'm gonna need to find the bolts for this bad boy real quick then I'll get it put on well I ended up only being able to find one of the four bolts I needed for this so I went ahead and went to Tractor Supply and just bought some new bolts the ones I got are some stainless steel ones so hopefully it'll be quite a while before they ever rust if ever so now that we've got those bolts we're gonna go and install this in the place now okay so we've got the water pump tightened down now so the next piece I'm gonna put on is the pulley that goes on that water pump we're going to exhaust manifold back onto the engine here on the ground right here so I'm gonna get it up get the new gasket for it up get it put on all right we've got the exhaust manifold tightened on now so I'm gonna go ahead and get these hoses yeah get the hose on there then I'm gonna go ahead and get the carburetor with its new gasket and screw it down here next piece we're putting back on the engine goes right here on the side for the alternator and I've got it right here on the ground as you can see it is a bit dirty so we're gonna go ahead and clean it up and then put it on okay we got it cleaned up and got it put on there and there is still a little bit on the front that's some rust that I think I might take it off later on clean it up from the vinegar bath right now I need more water or more vinegar for the vinegar bath but I did go ahead and get this other piece on as well for the alternator so I think I can go ahead and get the alternator itself put on and then get the pulley belt hooked up to all three of those there I do want to mention we did get a new alternator because the old one here was toast some of the connections on the back foot completely fried off rusted over so we went ahead and got a new one all right alternators put on now and if you look I got the belt ready to go and I did go ahead and buy a new belt and you'll notice this one does have teeth the old one does not that is perfectly okay and I should mention at this point for any of you that I have a mercruiser engine and this is a Mercruiser 3.0 I'm gonna go ahead and put the link to all of these things in the description below so if you guys need a new alternator new timing belt for your Mercruiser 3.0 engine I'll go ahead and put those links down below for you so now what I'm gonna do is get that belt put on I've got the alternator still loose on the top bolt so that way I can move it around to adjust the tightness let's go ahead and get it on there we got the belts on now let me tell you after I put it on and tightened everything down I realized this crankshaft pulley still wasn't on all the way so I had to hit it with the hammer a bit more to get it to go in further and you can see I scuffed up my paint drop so I guess I'm gonna have to touch that up later to make sure it doesn't start rusting around those spots but at least we've got it on now another thing I had put on off-camera was this little side plate here that just has those three 12-sided bolts there there and there and I had to put that on first before I could put the fuel line on that's over there right now so now that I've got this bad boy tightened on I can go ahead and put the fuel line on up and over it and the carburetor okay got the fuel line put on now and there is one other thing there's this some sort of fuel return line although it's not really returned I think it's like an overflow does the manual says this place ever any fuel in this line and that's a problem which looking at where it comes out of the carburetor it looks like there would only be fuel getting in there if it is overflowing so that's just sort of like a I don't know extra thing I went ahead and I put a fresh piece of vinyl tubing on that one and honestly this is just fish tank tubing you can get from Home Depot or Walmart because the old one well you can tell it's really yucky looking and it's pretty brittle so I went ahead and replaced that now that we got all of that on okay I'm gonna go ahead and put the new spark plugs and that way make sure no debris is getting into those holes spark plugs are in I did go ahead and I bought these spark plugs and yes I did get the cheap kind I didn't get the expensive Iridium ones which is honestly guys we still don't know if this engines gonna run so let's make sure it's running first and after we know that we can buy some fancy spark plugs later pretty much got everything done here there's just a few things left I got a hook up the wiring stuff that I'm gonna have to rewatch some old videos to do that then I've also got the flywheel to put on the back here but because of the way this sits on the engine stand I have to take it off the engine stand to do that so for that part I'm gonna go ahead and hook this back up to the engine hoist got this side of the flywheel painted up turned out really good pretty happy with it so I mean honestly guys this paint is gonna help this metal a lot lasts a long time I mean it was already in here for 20 years and started getting some surface rust so now that we got a fresh coat of paint on it should last at least another 20 years hopefully longer than that if we take good care of it well the time has finally come to get this engine put back up on the hoist so that way we'll be able to access the back of it to put the flywheel back on so let's go ahead and get it load it up flywheels on looks pretty good now for the little triangular driveshaft coupler that goes over that got the driveshaft coupler put on now man that looks pretty good I'm not gonna lie the engine enamel paint coat on that turned out pretty good really happy with that now for the big covered piece that goes over all this now once we had this flywheel cover installed we have pretty much everything installed back on the engine and it's ready to go but before I put it back in the boat I want to go ahead and test it out to see if it'll run out of the boat and one thing I forgot to mention was that I also had to replace the starter on the engine but now the time has finally come to find out if the engine will start well our first attempt was a fail I'm not gonna lie my heart sank after this cuz honestly I didn't know what could be wrong but I just had to take a deep breath take a step back and look at the problems the first thing I found was that the fuel pump was bad it had no suction in it so I went ahead and replaced that the other thing was the timing on the distributor now I could sit here and talk about the details of the distributor timing for well over ten minutes but this video is already 25 minutes long so I'm just gonna go ahead and save you from that but if any of y'all are curious and want to know the details leave me a comment down below and I can make another video later on going in-depth on it but to sum it up for you the timing was off it was firing late so I had to turn the distributor to get it to fire more advanced in fact you're supposed to get it to eight degrees so that's what I ended up getting it to and then here was the result afterwards [Music] [Music] holy cow after six months of starting this project we finally got the engine to run this was by far the most satisfying part of the entire project so I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone watching and who has followed the project this far this is where we are going to end this video engine rebuild success and I will see you guys next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: Zachs Garage
Views: 93,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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