Restoring A BOAT!! Total COST!

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i'm gonna show you exactly how much i spend when i restore a boat because i actually ended up smashing my finger here with a dead blow so since i'm pretty much out of commission with this and i've got like three or four projects going on but this stops me from being able to work on those boats so let's go over exactly what i spend when i restore a boat well looks like it's not [Music] this is a 1992 23 foot ocean master with a 300 horsepower mercury verado now most of the boats that i've done i've found them all in a similar fashion where i kind of look for a distressed boat that needs a lot of work and for this particular boat that we're talking about i actually got it what i paid for the boat was a thousand dollars and i paid a thousand dollars for it because obviously it needed all these things it needed the fuel tank needed a transom all the electronics were shot needed the t-top cleaned up basically the boat went through hurricane irma on on a rack and it was just trashed and then it sat around for probably maybe five or six years with no one using it and nothing being done with the boat so it was just sitting there rotting away and this transom that was all trashed was just getting worse and worse and worse and so that's how i got the boat for a thousand dollars being in the boat for a thousand dollars then it comes to breaking it down in the work that needs to be done you know every every boat is different and so it really depends on your skill set the tools what you have available and the work that you're willing to put into it now when i break this down into the time factor and how much time i had in it i want to say i had 156 hours total in the boat being the entire restoration project itself um it might have been a little bit more i'm sure it was but as i've calculated it's right around 156 and the major components that had to be fixed is going to be that transom the fuel tank the entire rewiring of the whole boat all the rigging like this had to come out of the boat and then all new rigging put into the boat and i included all the wiring and everything so from the batteries to the battery cables to the battery switches all the electronics and all the wiring was all new when it went into the boat if we start from the top of the projects that i took on the first thing that i did was i completely ripped everything out of the boat so that way i could start on the transom and get the fuel tank out of the boat it was a custom tank so i needed to get the tank out to give it to the welder in order for the welder to start working on it so that way once i was done with the transom and everything else i could easily just pop the tank in and move on to the next project now one of the interesting things about the rigging in this boat is because it was all old and all it was all trash so i pulled everything out and i wasn't going to reuse anything as far as the electronics and the wiring the yamaha stuff that was in there because it came with a yamaha engine on it that stuff i kept because i was going to put that into another boat and that kind of goes into the price that we're going to talk about in a little bit of buying an engine and buying all the rigging that goes to the engine so when you do project boats and restorations like this acquiring the rigging the engine and those kinds of things can really change the price dramatically based on what you're going to put in it and what you've got on hand for me i do this more often than a lot of people so i've got kind of a stockpile of stuff already stocked up so i really have the rigging already covered now the engine that i put into this boat i got from another project boat so i had all the rigging and i had the engine from a different boat going back to what we were talking about though staying on topic the transom was the first thing that i want to do so i ripped everything out of the boat and that took me about eight hours to get all the rigging out of the boat then when it came to the demo portion and tearing out the transom getting the fuel tank out of the boat it spent i took about 24 hours to completely tear out the transom and get the whole back of the boat completely emptied in order to start the fiberglass process of redoing the transom now the rebuild though when it came to the glass work that actually took one of the longer that was one of the more time consuming processes of a restoration i actually spent probably around 40 hours from fitting the coosa getting all the glass ready putting the koosa in glassing it all together and then fairing everything out and spraying the gel coat that was about about a full week of eight hour days so look at it as a 40 hour process to re-glass that transom and put it all back together as well as fix the hatch that goes to over the fuel tank that we put back in the boat now the cost of everything for the transom i used sheets of cusa and kusa back then i did this about three years ago and the koosa back then the cost for the glass the coosa the resin the epoxy the paint everything was right around 2 500 so that puts us 2 500 bucks in and roughly 66 hours of labor into the boat so far now our fuel tank though that actually usually a fuel tank a custom tank from a welder cost you around ten dollars a gallon and the tank that went in is about 165 gallon tank that came out to be about sixteen hundred and fifty dollars for our fuel tank you know it was about eight hours to rip the tank out because the deck was so bad and it was so foamed in that it took a lot of effort to dig that tank out and get all the hoses get all that stuff out from the boat so we were eight hours in pulling the tank out and then we were another eight hours of installing the tank running the new fuel lines the vent lines the pickup tubes the sender and the wiring that goes to the sender so that brings us to about 88 hours of labor getting the transom done and putting the fuel tank back in the boat our total cost at this point in time was 2500 for the transom and 1650 for the fuel tank give another 350 bucks and bring that up to an even 2 grand because of the fill hose the pickup hoses the fuel center and the miscellaneous hose clamps and wiring to the fuel center so we're right at about 4 500 with the transom and the fuel tank completely done which brings us to our bracket situation and we picked up our bracket that we put on the boat off of i can't remember if i got it off craigslist or marketplace so i picked up the bracket locally for 450 now we were probably about 12 hours in the bracket so from the time of picking the bracket up putting it up to the boat measuring everything out getting our templates set up drilling all the holes filling all the holes so that way they're all sealed so they wouldn't leak then taping everything off and sealing the bracket and mounting it to the boat was about a 12 hour process just over a day once the bracket was on the boat then it was time to put the engine on the engine it took us about you know two hours to put the engine on just hanging four bolts not a big deal that did not take much time at all getting all the rigging in the boat though that actually took about eight hours that was about a full day from installing the power steering pump the 14 pins the battery cables run everything to the back the rigging tube steering hoses and getting everything rigged on the engine that was pretty much a full day in just the rigging drilling out the key switch mounting the key switch in there so getting every the engine done and getting all the rigging onto the boat that was probably about a 12 hour process one day in all the rigging two couple hours and putting the engine on i mean we could really say that it was just 10 hours but actually is more like 14 because i think i had 12 hours in a rigging bad float switch on an fsm a lot of people know about these trash when it comes to the price of the engine and the rigging though i actually didn't have anything in that engine or in the rigging all of the rigging i pulled from another boat that i did that i made a video about it was a 1985 pursuit had a 300 yamaha or had a 300 verado on the back of the boat i took the verado off and i sold that engine which paid for the entire the whole boat so i paid 3 500 for the boat i took the engine off sold the engine for 3 500 so that was a completely free boat and i had nothing in the boat i took all the rigging for that verado out of that boat and i saved it because i wanted to put it into this boat and then the engine i actually picked up same deal i did a couple side jobs did a couple things and was able to acquire that engine which again in my situation it's a little bit different than a lot of other people's where you are trying to restore a boat and you've got to acquire these things but you're not really buying and selling and actually getting these items from other projects so if you were to want to buy an engine in all the rigging you could probably find a 300 because that's what we put on there we put a 300 verado on the boat that's there now that's on there now i would say you could probably pick one of those up for i don't know today you might find them for five six seven grand somewhere in there depending on how bad it is that engine has i think now about 2500 hours on it so it's probably a five to seven thousand dollar engine if you were to find one today now as far as finding the steering pump and the 14 pins the key switches the ccm harnesses and all the rigging that goes in the boat now that's gonna probably set you back about four thousand five thousand dollars so if we were to pay for all that stuff we'd probably be in it for 10 to 12 grand in the engine and the rigging now in this situation for this boat i wasn't in it i didn't put out the money to purchase that stuff but i put in the work to acquire it and get it from somewhere else so let's just say it's 11 grand just to just to say it so that brings us up to 4 500 for the transom and the fuel tank then we got 450 for our bracket and then 11 grand for our engine and the rigging to the engine that brings our total up to fifteen thousand nine hundred fifty dollars but now is when we start talking about all the electronics and the rigging that got put into the boat the cushions i got a cushion made that was 300 bucks i got a t-top canvas made i think i paid 400 for the t-top canvas now the work that it took to put the t-top canvas in and string it that was about four hours that i spent cleaning the t-top and then about an hour to put that canvas on and re-string it so let's add another five hours of labor onto our total labor then we put bottom paint on the boat the bottom paint costs about four hundred dollars and that took about three hours four hours to take the boat off and paint it and all that stuff so now we're up there around 17 grand maybe a little bit more total in the boat but with that kind of money now you've actually got a usable boat minus all the electronics and wiring that you got to put into it we haven't paid for batteries battery boxes or all that stuff so all of those electronics that i got most of that stuff i got from either land and sea either i had it i bought some stuff from west marine port supply i got a lot of it from ebay actually a lot of the pumps and lights and stuff like that i got from ebay i got some of this stuff from amazon so let's go ahead and go over that list of all the stuff that got put into the boat on the time factor of it the entire electrical side of putting all the wires in the batteries running the wiring and everything i think that was about a 40 hour deal so you know basically a full week eight hour days five days it's about 40 hours to completely rewire the boat install all the spreader lights anchor lights nav lights the fuse panels the breaker you know just all of the electrical components that went into the boat which is what brings our total hours up to 156 hours of labor now when it comes to the cost of everything i laid it all out on a spreadsheet here to kind of go through all the components a lot of the stuff i did get from ebay and amazon like i was saying uh just to kind of give you a reference here's 1626 for that gps cover here's the courtesy lights for 11 bucks the amp which was probably the more expensive component that we put on the boat that was 700 dollars for that m 700 five um zip ties the sub was only 210 dollars the m3 is a little bit lower class than the m6 jl sub but still a good sub some zip tie clamps or some zip tie holders for six bucks bilge pump 100 bucks heat shrink buck connectors 11 25 for the nav lights i got a shakespeare am fm vhf marine band separator 50 bucks so that way i could use one antenna for both the radio and for the vhf got the freshwater pump 400. i bought the gps used for 520 and then a couple things off amazon like this freshwater tank it was for an rv tank got that off amazon for sixty dollars got the orange wire for 23.50 and then there was some other stuff that i didn't have that i got from port supply west marine latency and other places like the jl speakers those were 600 dollars the two batteries that i put in there they were 200 bucks a piece the battery cables i bought uh two rolls of two gauge both black and red i don't know if i bought a 25 foot roll or a 50 foot roll i think about a 50 foot roll of each so that was 300 i think i got a 500 foot roll of 14.2 romex that was 200 bucks the radio head unit itself was 450 and then the vhf radio was 175. the sea blaze underwater lights that i put on there those were 350 dollars a piece but i already had those so i didn't have to pay for those that brings our total in all of our electronics the wiring and all the components that we put in the boat to 4 88.72 you could probably just round that up to 5 000 whenever you include all the other miscellaneous things this is going to put our total cost so far for the transom the fuel tank the bracket the engine the engine rigging the t-top canvas the cushions the bottom paint and the electrical wiring to 21 700 and you could probably just bring that up to 22 grand for all the miscellaneous things like the 5200 the 4200 the sealants the different hatches that i put in and miscellaneous starboard pieces screws stuff like that so really we're about 22 grand in this boat for a 1992 23 foot boat i haven't really looked at boats lately and what the cost is because everything is so astronomically high it's almost ridiculous i've seen i mean like our boat here was a 23-footer we got for a thousand dollars it came with an engine it needed a transom it needed a fuel tank it needed it completely rewired and i'm seeing boats now like a 21 foot mako with no engine needs a transom needs a fuel tank has no wiring in the boat and these people want ten thousand dollars for the boat it's just insane so what this boat is worth i don't know maybe 25 30 000 for a 1992 restored boat
Channel: Born Again Boating
Views: 407,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: amOQS70UGW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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