Mercedes me 2020 App - NEW FEATURES & UPDATES

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is nick o'leary and this week we are looking at the new mercedes me 2020 app more importantly the updates that came out in july august this year as you can see i'm actually recording this at home at the moment and without going into too much detail unfortunately covert 19 has had a little bit of an impact meaning me personally i'm not allowed to visit my local showroom uh to do any recording there however i wanted to keep to that traditional weekly upload on the friday at four o'clock so this is me this is me doing it guys and of course this is for my now 7 000 strong subscribers that's insane guys just literally at the start of the year i remember going over a thousand and i'm now at seven thousand so thank you thank you so much hopefully our regular videos will resume next week or the week after fingers crossed anyway anyway i catch you all waiting long enough let's go so new features for mercedes me well for those of you that don't know mercedes me is a way of connecting your car and providing extra services so things like live traffic map updates or even the use of an app so i've already covered a few of these things in the previous video just linked up above today we're going to focus on obviously the updates that have come out around about july august this year and it was called remote configuration now if i'm not mistaken it's only compatible with cars that have the mbux system so that's the one with the hey mercedes feature but basically what it allows you to do when you have your profile set up in the cars you have person one two three and four for their own settings maybe friends family members with their own settings this is now extended to the app so you can also set up settings via the app which then send to the car so let's have a look so first up guys if you grab your phone if you unlock it and head over to the mercedes me 2020 app it should look a bit like this now of course i've got the eqc 400 link to my mercedes me account on here if you have multiple cars don't forget you can go to the menu on the top left and then click on your actual car and you can swipe through the garage and view your collection just in there once you're done just hit the back button and it'll take you back to the main screen now when you first start up with this update with mbux it kind of looks the same it doesn't look any different just scrolling up and down nothing seems to be out of place or anything but if you go to more which is just on the bottom right of those hovering icons above your above your car you'll see there's a whole load more icons here now the top ones are the standard ones that usually come with the car so you've got lock status windows charging options pre-entry climate control and vehicle status don't forget you might not have some of these because this is an electric car eqc so if you just have a petrol or diesel then you obviously won't have the battery one or the pre-entry climate control but underneath is where you'll see all of the other icons and other things have appeared with the new update so if we go through each thing so lock status this allows you to unlock and lock the car it forms part of the vehicle setup package which is about 29 pounds a year you can pay less for longer so if you go two years or three years i think they're 59 and 79 pounds from memory to be honest most of these things on here form part of that package the only other thing that's different on the app is the vehicle monitoring package which on the home screen is the bottom right icon shows you where the car is basically so lock status this shows you if the car is locked or unlocked and can even send notifications through to your phone so nothing different there windows this allows you to open and close windows on the car on compatible cars so if you can see this you can do it if you don't see it then unfortunately it's not compatible with your car charging options so for electric cars this allows you to see the battery status of the car and you can set the maximum station charge uh even turn on the pre-entry climate control and if speaking of parental climate control if i go to that you can also then set the temperature so for example if i wanted to set the temperature in the car to 25 degrees i can save this and it will then send it to the car and prep it ready for when i start my journey so vehicle status this basically just gives you an overview of everything on the car so things from doors bonnet windows um even your boot as well so it kind of just gives you an overview lets you know if the car is secure or not now we move on to a few things you might not know the mercedes me app does so things like tire pressure you can go in here and view the individual tire pressure of each individual wheel now don't worry like on here for example you can see um a couple of tires are one psi out or maybe even two psi out uh depending on whether sun is shining onto the car um one tire could be warmer than the other which means one will have greater pressure than the other so it's best to check it first thing in the morning next up we have the vehicle alarm so vehicle alarm allows you to have notifications through of any dinks or bumps to the car while it's parked now this of course isn't a nice notification to receive but it's quite useful to have this information so you know exactly the right time that it happened so it's quite useful information really also if you have a dog in the car or something or if you're going to go on a ferry you can turn off the alarm on the app to save you doing it in the car settings after this we have service so service basically just shows you if the 12 volt battery is charged so all cars have the 12 volt battery which is the one that starts the car um brake fluid and washer fluid so you can check that kind of thing and most importantly when it's due for a service as you can see this one's due fairly shortly next up we have vehicle search so vehicle search shows you where your car is in relation to you so i'm at home at the moment and this eqc is 5.3 miles away and you can even flash as well the lights to see where the car is so i guess that'll be quite useful if you're in a dark car park and um you you can't remember where you left the car it was quite busy maybe airport car parking for example and you get back really late at night after this we have trip computers so trip computer allows you to look at your trip statistics so things like range battery your mileage reading on the car and then your last journey and a trip computer from when you last reset it all cars have this but it's quite useful to see it in the app eco display now a lot of people ask about eco display eco display basically shows you a little bit of information about how you've driven so things like uh if we go through this little circle here we've got the top left which is the accelerator pedal shows you how hard you've been pressing the accelerator pedal the top right one shows you how much you've let the car roll so rather than braking last second if you let the car kind of glide down the road obviously it's a bit more economical than just slamming on the brakes and then the bottom one the balance kind of symbol is to do with a balance of driving economically between those two statistics and it gives you a few little tips and tricks on here on how to drive in the most economical way now speed alerts really really useful if you wanted to set a predetermined speed limit and say you lent it to a friend or family member or something and you didn't want the car to go above a certain speed um it won't prevent you going over that speed but will certainly send a notification through to your phone to show you when that happened so for a little demo here we can see that this car went over the 70 mile per hour limit um on this particular time and day and oh yeah quite serious it's called violation so speed violation but yeah it's quite clever so i guess maybe if you lent it to friends or family you can you can kind of monitor and see if there went over a certain speed limit um just in case so valet protect is another one that's been asked about quite a bit but basically it's uh more of a bit like geofencing so say you set your car on a map for this area here obviously if you're leaving it with some with a cleaning company or something you wouldn't expect the car to be going anywhere else it should be there having it's clean that's it so you can set up a little ring on a map telling you exactly when the car has left that area and on here you can also set it to notify you when the ignition is switched on or the ignition is switched off or if the vehicle leaves this area here you can set underneath here the range of half a mile a mile or even three miles uh as i said it's quite useful if you're going to leave your car with um a valet or cleaning company for a few hours or a day you can set it to make sure they don't take it out basically for security geofencing is very very similar to valley protect but mainly geofence is a bigger area so it allows you to set an area maybe for like an airport car park or something you can set your car to have this big ring round this area of the whole of the airport car park and if it leaves that area you'll get an email notification saying that it's left next up we have part of the personalization service so this requires you to have a profile now if i go to a car that doesn't have this profile set up probably the first time you view this you'll see it will say missing connected profile in order to use the personalization service you must connect your account to a profile in the vehicle so when you click on connect now it will give you a few steps and things and you click start and then basically it'll say that there's no available profiles what you need to do is start your car with the engine stop stop button and in the top right hand corner of the screen you'll notice profiles if you go into there you can then go into some settings and turn on the thing called synchronize profiles now this will synchronize the profile from the car to the phone which then allow you to do these next steps which i'm just going to show you here so these things can include things like vehicle displays so i can go in here and set up the display style now depending on your car you might have two or three of these but they can range from classic sport or even progressive and it basically just mirrors this setting to the car in the profile you just synchronized light settings now this is something that i'd imagine a few people might use so if you're lucky enough to have the ambient lighting you can set all the ambient lighting in here this is all the colors on the inside of the dashboard so maybe we can set this to my favorite which is the blue i don't want it to do separate zones and we can save that and it'll send it to the car then so ready for when i get into it underneath that we have exterior and interior lights so this basically lets you change a few settings from how long the lights stay on for at night time when you lock it and then you can kind of turn off the interior lights as well uh same thing when you unlock it the lights are still on for a few seconds you can switch that on and off after this we have root settings so this allows you to change things such as avoiding ferries tunnels or motorways to be honest if you want the fastest route possible i would always keep those on but there again if you didn't want to take a motorway you could just enable that and click save and it will then divert you away from motorways for the sat nav on your next journey and finally on our list we have vehicle settings so this allows you to go in here and change things which you can do in the car but you can do these in the app called acoustic lock which is basically the toot from the horn when you lock it so you can turn this on or off on here automatic locking so this is automatic locking above 10 miles an hour automatic folding is also your mirrors folding in and out automatically when you lock it and then we've got the automatic reversing camera which most people want on because it's really cool to obviously see the back of the car and really easy helps with parking and that is basically all the updates to the app just a few things while we're here obviously we've gone through on the bottom here the home which shows you all the all the things on the home screen going to the second one along kind of gives you an overview of a few things you might have enabled and then going to the bottom right which is part of the vehicle monitoring package shows you where the car's location is as you can see here it's located at mercedes-benz pool don't forget on here as well you can also send through a sat nav destination so for example i can go in here and type in a place where i'd like to go and then i can send that to the car so it saves you having to type in a postcode when you get there and there we go guys that concludes this week's video on the mercedes me 2020 updates that came out around the july august time if you liked today's video do hit that like button down below and subscribe if you aren't already i said hopefully next week we'll go back to normal and i'll be able to record back in the showroom again until next week guys we'll see you all then
Channel: Nick O'Leary
Views: 48,855
Rating: 4.9513812 out of 5
Keywords: Nick O’Leary, Mercedes, Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes me, Mercedes me 2020, Mercedes me App, Mercedes me 2020 App, Mercedes me Personalisation, Mercedes me Remote Configuration, Mercedes me sync profiles, Mercedes me Review, Mercedes me Guide, Mercedes me Walkthrough, Mercedes me Connect, Mercedes me Vehicle Set Up, Mercedes me Vehicle Monitoring, Mercedes me Live Traffic, Mercedes me App UK, Mercedes me Linking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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