Mercedes MBUX 2020 Detailed Tutorial and Review: Tech Help

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hello everybody and welcome to our MV UX tech help video this is the brand new mercedes-benz user experience is what that stands for and it replaces the previous command system we'll be going in depth with all the different features and of course you can skip around to different features if you want to learn something specific so let's go ahead and dive into it now to start off with the biggest and probably most important change with the MBU X system versus command is the controlled methods Mercedes now allows for four different control methods here on the new and vu X system so what you'll be looking at is the brand new trackpad down here in the center console but you also have a touchscreen right here you have a touchpad controller on the right side of the steering wheel that also controls the main display and then finally the last thing is the brand new advanced intelligent voice commands also backing up the system we do have a lot of horsepower that's worth pointing out so we have a six core and video processor and eight gigs of ram so for the very first time we now have basically computer processing inside of a car with the all the full horsepower behind it well go ahead and start working our way through the features here this is where you'll land this is your home screen so you basically have your applications right across the top here and you can scroll through of course using your touchscreen or by swiping here on the touchpad controller so go ahead and start off here in the phone section so we'll go straight into our contacts and as you can see all of your contacts have automatically synced over from your smart phone you can also quickly toggle by clicking on one of these letters just skip to that particular section in the top corner here we have our messages this is where you'll have different types of notifications across the entire system you will notice that underneath of each section you have basically a shortcut button and that's the car guessing what type of function you'll actually be using so if you'll see on our navigation here when we scroll over to that underneath of that we have our home function so that would be a quick way without even going into the navigation section I can immediately add my home address and navigate straight to there anyways we'll jump into the navigation here so you see this is the newest Mercedes mapping technology you do have pinch-to-zoom of course and you can do that on both the touchscreen and the trackpad you also notice while it's not at the street level you do have a satellite map once you zoom out a little bit further now across the bottom here we have basically our shortcut to just head straight in to navigating so what you do is just press this whereto button and you'll notice the keyboard pops straight up here by default it already knows what state you're in so you can just go ahead and start typing as you can see super responsive you do also have the option to handwrite in what you're looking for and of course the big thing is that you can use voice commands this year and we'll get into that just in a second now hop into some of the settings here we can turn on and off our parking traffic and highway information you can also hop into the Advanced section this is where you can change a lot of things like your how you want your map to be set up so we have we can have both 3d maps in here as well as in the infotainment or in the multimedia display you can also change the auto zooming as well now you can also choose which map elements you want to show up so you have the satellite map when you're zoomed out like I said you can also switch to certain areas if there's something that you frequently visit for instance we'll say gas stations so we can turn on those Pio eyes you can see when I check that off over here and the map display right go back out of this and zoom in now we have our gas station show up marked straight onto the map here and then this over here shows us our route overview so when we add a destination so for instance we will say I'm going to add this nearest gas station now the next place we're going to visit is our radio section so here in the radio we do have the XM satellite radio or you will notice we also have FM and AM radio available as well each of those does have its own volume by the way so you can as you see you do can't have different types of volume for both the am/fm and XM radio down on the bottom here you've got your presets you can just very easily scroll through different pages of them and then just set a preset is super easy all you have to do is just tap right there and as you can see it just fills in a different type of preset and you can mix different types of stations across the bottom so you can have XM next to FM & 8 and we can click here we can actually do a channel search so we could say rock music and as you can see it's found two different rock stations so we could switch to this and we found something by the genre the same does go also for the XM satellite radio as well now when we hit the settings this is where you can make different settings to your bass mid and treble you also have depending on what type of audio system you have you can make even more types of adjustments so we have the upgraded Burmester sound system in this 2020 GLC so what we can do is we can turn on and off like the sound focus to focus on just the front rows of seats to be optimized versus the back rows and you can't even do sound profiles as well now related to that we have the media it's just separated this is for all the other types of audio controls that you may have [Music] so this of course is our Bluetooth audio controls you can also switch to USB or like I said any other type of multimedia controls when I click that button I can see the current queue and switch between songs like that I do also have the ability to search on my device which is very handy so we can find playlists or all songs this is actually right now Google Play Music so as you can see it can go straight into the device and actually let me search and find all the stuff so I never have to pick up my phone to say switch a song switch to a different playlist something like that that's definitely very handy and different from most of the competition the way they handle things all right the next section over is Comfort this basically has to do with our ambient lighting system now most new Mercedes models do come with ambient lighting this model here has the advanced 64 color ambient lighting so we do have the settings of course for the brightness both front and rear we also have all the color selections that we want to make so as you can see we have tons of different ones we can switch this we can switch to animations well as welcome effects and have it change to be blue or red as you adjust the temperature up to cooler down to warmer now shooting over to the next area we have information this just has various things concerned about using the vehicle so we have our consumption we have different things concerned about performance so you've got your torque and everything like that vehicle here we see our percent of acceleration and braking we also have the owner's manual which is very nice a lot of recent models have had this represented digitally so this is very handy because you may not necessarily have your owner's manual on hand the print version and also it's just difficult to find things a lot of times so this allows you to just click up here do a search we can say tire and then you see we have different types of results so we have checking the tire pressures manually so now we have how to check that and what types of tips and different types of information that we may have regarding that specific thing so over here we have the Mercedes me stuff this does go along with the Mercedes me application on your phone which you will connect to the system so we do have our smartphone applications this is standard on all the models with MBE UX you have both Android auto and apple carplay systems beyond that you do have these special Mercedes meat content here this does allow you to attach the vehicle to the your specific application by scanning this QR code that's appearing right here and then finally you actually have a built-in browser which will allow you to browse this model does also come with a Wi-Fi hotspot and of course it is connected to the cellular towers now one of the big benefits of this system is also that we have profiles so when you collect that at the top here you can create different profiles for the different people that will be driving and that will allow them to customize the entire systems the way they like it another person - the way they like it and then you can simply switch between them and I do believe you can link that to the different key fobs as well so it will be automatic when you get into the vehicle a swiping down on the home screen brings you to what Mercedes calls themes now what these do basically is tailor all different parts of the vehicle kind of together to go around a certain type of theme so for instance I just clicked on experience now what this does is it changed the theme of the whole vehicle into sport mode the drive mode became sport mode the theme kind of darkened the colors down you know more or less it is kind of tailors a lot of different parts of the vehicle to a certain type of combination so we have lounge for relaxing so it is kind of changes the way that things are set up to be more relaxing and you can also create your own custom theme as well now finally down here along the bottom here you'll find favorites this just allows you to customize different shortcuts to anything in the system so for instance like the owner's manual that we were in you know that takes several steps to get there but if you frequently want to use that then you can just set that down here on the favorites so you can really quickly access it all right now one of the biggest features of this system are the advanced voice commands so we'll go ahead and dig into that since that's one of the most powerful parts of this system now you can't push the button right here but the big feature of this system is that we now have a quick launch command just like Amazon Alexa or Google home and that's gonna be hey Mercedes how may I help you I'm cold I'm setting the temperature on the driver's side to 63 degrees so what that basically demonstrates is one of the biggest things and that's just that the MBU X system integrates all the car systems them so we have control of everything not just the basic navigation and a couple infotainment functions like you do in a lot of other vehicles but we now have control of pretty much all the vehicle functions so for instance another thing you can do is open the moonroof hey Mercedes who can I help you close the moonroof I'm closing the Rollerson blind on this sliding sunroof now the last thing I want to point out with the env UX system is going to be digging into our settings now just like most features of the system Mercedes has done a very good job here of making things very easy to navigate so what you actually have the ability to do here is click this button right here 360 and you can spin this car around and actually start to select different types of functions on the vehicle and then find these settings that go along with that that's a very neat feature so for instance that you just saw I scrolled around clicked on the headlight and now here I am in the lighting settings so I can both change ambient lighting exterior and interior lights aren't running lights stuff like that now you don't have to do it that way you can't go across the top here and click the different tabs so you'll notice you have your assistant systems for your safety systems vehicle settings I'm not going to go through these types of things because they do vary depending on which type of Mercedes model you have but the last thing over here is your system settings and those are regarding the MBU axis so you can see we have our design and displays so this does allow us to change our different types of designs this right here is adjusting right now the multifunction display we have our display brightness so we can turn that up to brighter turn off the display and we can also switch today at night modes for our controls we have both handwriting we have touch pad sensitivity touch pad sensitivity haptic feedback and acoustic feedback so if you don't like the ticking or whatnot you can actually turn that off you also have your online control that right there is where you actually turn on your online voice control subscription you can also adjust the level of sound for the different types of voice and audio recognition inside of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth this is where you can turn on and off those types of functions here so what we can do here as you could activate your the vehicle's hotspot then you can scroll up here to the Wi-Fi and this is where you will find the password then underneath that you basically have some basic information about time and date units software information and whatnot but it is still important that you can see that we do have the ability to software update it can software update over the wireless signal and it will continuously update without you having to come into the Mercedes dealership and then finally you can't system reset if that's something you need to do but anyways that pretty much is all the features of the brand new mb UX system as you can see this is really a ground-up redesign totally different from the command system and it really represents one of the most advanced infotainment systems currently available in any car on the market right now but we hope that you found this helpful and be sure to join us again as we check out more info payment systems in different types of cars
Channel: Car Confections
Views: 74,643
Rating: 4.7960782 out of 5
Keywords: Mercedes, MBUX, Mercedes Benz user experience, MBUX 2020, Mercedes Benz, Mercedes Command, COMMAND, COMMAND 2020, new MBX
Id: ynzT-XPO7Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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