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after a long day of painting for your mini fans there has to be easier way to store your paintbrushes well guess what guys this is literally the most simple hack I've ever seen this is the dome type I'm sorry so I got my paint what does that say no it says oh so creepy subscribe what do I do with my oh let me just glue a clip on to it and clip it onto my cup that's a hat baby there it is that's how your life hacks right there this hack is the hack of all hacks the Tootsie Pop dispenser it's so easy and so simple to make I mean just look at the craftsmanship now you can have Tootsie Pops whenever you please so we got the Poots pop or the Tootsie Pops are very good and lethally third can you think of that both for at least a one and a half oh no the no leaders build abilities so you cut it down the center it slowly became a panic yeah what happened yeah it wasn't sorry for that yeah we went sweet it we were trying to go for Swedish I was just kind of talking yeah so when I'm playing video games that I don't want to leave them on my counter I can just put them in there and then just write it up getting your girlfriend roses is pretty romantic but you don't want her to hurt herself on those pesky thorns do you just get some cling wrap and literally wrap the entire rows of it so as you can see we have thorns on the roads so now your girlfriend can't even touch the rose at all if it's completely wrapped up ah I bet my girlfriend would like it if those completely wrapped up I thought you had a wife yeah I do oh all right so we got the strongest magnets in the freaking world what's the what's the goal of this hack here I think it's for aesthetics oh wow wow wow flowey mama zoo-wee mamas ooh Wow kablammo I'll look at a camp there look yeah they're just getting join just you're just like a big scoops these things are getting muted everywhere food there getting heated all over the place looking at them gettings eated right through that bag this is big Aziz even dude that looks insane that's freaky that's free that's arts what that it I'll buy that for a million dollars so you're up late at night and you're reading your Court nightclub alright fortnight is yes hmm it is oh are you the other Herber the perfect show what you gotta do just eat a little fire to stick it right up in there oh wow just give you get your hot real nice stick your stick right in there and where's Chris try a little bit of do something that's just nasty yes Peter why did he go from Peter did he go from Star Wars to Family Guy Lois peeling chocolate frogs hey it's that play together look at this frog it's nice and calm and happy and then nightmare nightmare we're at a rock concert melt your face off they got really good base of the speakers it just melts you poor frog now you gotta play the poop play the food come get you up later you wanna throw that plate Chapman everyone loves Oreos and marshmallows I mean am i right scientists have come up with a way to combine them both now this is top-secret information but I'm willing to share with you just melt some marshmallows and put in between two Oreos and boom the ultimate cookie you've heated up now watch this this is very important dude they're growing here does that mean like if you put a heat gun on anything it over and we're gonna the bathroom real quick I might fetch something I guess I'm kind of in pain but all right those Oreos you glad you did that No all right Chris valentine's Day is coming up I'll go in your wife I haven't got her anything yet I haven't got my girlfriend maybe we should just forget about him I'll just play - chocolate syrup like this oh yeah you can eat it that's nice what if he ate it that would be so gross making chocolate covered strawberries can be messy instead of using real chocolate just grab some ground spray paint I'm sure won't taste as good but who cares how there's no mess oh so these are like display chalk yeah hey Jamie you want to see something cool boy well don't watch this okay these magnets be strong look at this the magnets is making the staples stick to the paper these definitely it's not stapling the paper oh look at it stand straight up I took a new dog look at that aim he's got a me but this is a representation of a mouth oh gee it needs to be fixed oh gee and get safe man I'm sorry it's done that's a lot of oh oh so what's the prediction for this I think nothing's gonna happen at all I don't know what they're gonna try I don't know if they're gonna light the lighter fluid on and then pour the listen oxygen cuz then of course the only thing that's gonna do is put it out but I wonder if they mix it with the liquid nitrogen if it'll still light on fire ooh play breezin it is now light it on fire yes do it rip it's probably evaporated yeah in an average up up we got that slow-mo we got a flame flame on as soon as he takes the torch away it's gone no it looks like a candle it does with no wick John we now here it comes why everybody's so scared to healer yeah that's not like the hard thing to do yeah you probably get it all right what are we doing this is a test of how strong these magnets are oh dude it wants this weakling just took a just took it right out of his hand he's not getting that a hundred percent not getting it off we gotta call in for backup he's struggling Oh quiet dude that hit on his wife in the face yeah I wouldn't touch that don't this is such a bad idea why I just throw it alright let's see we can get this off all right so this isn't working what else should we try all right let's try opposite ends okay is it gonna whack and hit me in the face we'll never know we got some styrofoam cup action a zip and a double tub yeah okay so what is going on there forever all right that was literally the most Awkward time of just sitting there yeah inevitable to be though that don't speed it up let it right know how uncomfortable that was all right we got some pure acetone is nail polish remover you know how you make a napalm I knew I'd melt the I taught you that yeah I'm saying I'm you spray the viewers you pour gasoline into a bucket and then you put oh yeah that's not them anyway I'm sad spreading butter on your bread can be a pain it gets all messy and it's hard to evenly distribute the butter I mean after a long day of getting this bread I don't want to struggle with my butter so all you have to do is get an empty glue stick and filled with butter now your bread gets the attention it deserves look look look look oh that's thick Chris yeah you know when your toast is fresh out the toaster right yep as it doobie and the butter is cold so you can't put it on the toast and spread it out yep yep yep so this is what you do you put it in a glue stick just like this no differently just like this then you get your toast and the much butter on it and cheer it on until it's ready to go you put it on the face see how greatly that spread on the this hack shows you how to make the nectar of the gods everyone knows Nutella is the best thing since sliced bread but it's too expensive so to make your own you need three things M&Ms peanut butter and chocolate syrup now how you choose the heated up is your choice of course we use a heat gun because why not all right so you got your Nutella but y'all out so what you gonna do if we get some M&Ms of course get some natural peanut butter whoo we need a pan a lot of Peter Pan get a some peanut butter yeah why can't Captain Hook have his own peanut butter yeah Captain Hook did way better in that movie so we get the syrup mix it all together why are they using a heat gun so much because we don't own stoves in America but how are you gonna be cooking it up in the kitchen we get a spoon and just tap it a few times in the kitchen whippin a really good in the nutella container and nobody will ever know a better one this parable dino-buddies oh my gosh we have dinosaur chicken strips I love chicken strips you can isolate them the Dino flavor ones mommy always put some in the oven for the perfect amount of time but when dad does it he does it wrong and that's why he had to go live with his parents yeah dad always freeze them with liquid nitrogen instead of putting him in the freezer and then he would smash them with a hammer when I was being bad who wants more frozen dinosaurs what dad doesn't even make any sense they need to go in the oven at 300 degrees for 15 minutes straight and then I want a bottle of ketchup and a mountain Dew to go with them drink your milk yeah bleach jokes are still relevant in 2019 aren't they yeah sure I think so that's because you don't know anything about memes Chandler oh that was a good flip bottle flips are dead Oh dad dad whoa oh that could be low-key really bad for you okay it's cool and all but what if that like releases like really bad smoke don't don't do that don't do me like that that could have been really bad you don't know if like the chemicals and bleach get released into the fog that's in the liquid nitrogen I would not do that that would be dumb don't do that all those things are still stuck together there's a tomato and did nothing what is the goal here is that Bob the Tomato from veggie tale it [Music] all right so we got a watermelon and mentos this is what you do boys and girls do you know you scoop it all the insides and then you already know what to do use Diet Coke dang it oh that was nice he's literally not just pouring it to overflow the watermelon at all that was so cool yeah shove it shove it in there whoa whoa okay okay now you have a watermelon flavored coke excuse me coke flavored water bell valentine's Day is the day where you and your partner by each other's gifts and stuff watermelon flower is possibly the best gift ever it's a flower and food I mean come on what else do you need a life oh how do you do this naked y'all gonna have to blur that out that's nudity plots a big watermelon it's February how'd you get a watermelon that big this is my surprise how good they are dude somebody has been training this one why this man a pumpkin I want how long let's take them I wonder if it was worth this time but guess what they're gonna do at the end you know they're gonna smash they gotta smash all that hard work that's my girlfriend's for parents no oh that was a good slice all the better slice he's been playing fruit ninja chop chop like that remember whenever you click on a mr. P Ruby's video always watch to the end the end of every video would play rock paper scissors people that don't flow rock paper scissors their parents don't level so get your get your thing in your hand rock paper scissors shoot I choose scissors oh yeah I want all right but this next one I choose paper whoa wow I can't believe you've done this all right we're tied this one's for the Dove Rock Paper Scissors shoot well that's super easy subscribe for your failure [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 2,503,625
Rating: 4.7332144 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: iM6aQr_sJAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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