Men's Sunday Service

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do i am my heart is show me is oh me oh is foreign stronger each day hallelujah the splendor of the kingdom said is oh the key time everybody oh hey is is is uh oh is is sometimes it takes a mountain hallelujah to know where you are with god when the mountain comes in your way you know how to get out of it because the lord will tunnel you through hallelujah that's the name of jesus sometimes it takes them sometimes it takes a desert your love is so much and whatever sometimes together is is is oh wow hey oh me sometimes oh hallelujah praise god praise god praise god praise god god is greatly to be praised from the rising of his son and to the going down of the same is worthy of all praises this morning today it's been sunday we are the life builders men's ministry are in charge of today's service and our team for today is forward together in discipline courage and hope fitting team because as believers in christ as we carry on on our christian journey on a daily basis we have to be displaying discipline and the word of god declaring scripture that we should be courageous and we shall also anchored our hope in jesus with the author and the finisher of our faith praise the lord praise god praise god god is great and greatly to be praised as the praise team sang a while ago how great is our god our god is great our god can move mountain is that i am in church praise god praise god and at this time i would like to acknowledge the presence of the father son and holy ghost who are very much in our midst here today the word of god says in scripture that if he should be lifted up he will draw all men unto him and so we know that we cannot lift him up physically but what we can do is lift him up in praise so i encourage you this morning my brothers and sisters to let us lift him up in praise because we know that when we lift him up the blessings will come down is that a amen amen at this time i will be inviting brother akita johnson to come and do the opening prayer followed by brother shane crooks who will be doing the scripture lesson will be which will be taken from ezekiel 2 reading from verse 1 true to the end please come in that order bless the lord hallelujah glory to god agree with me as we approach the throne of grace father and our god our soon coming king the god who hears and is to come the everlasting father the prince of peace the rose of sharon the bright and morning star lord we humbly come before your presence even now lord may you wash us may you cleanse us may you purify us even now lord give us an heart like thine even now god almighty touch us even now father from the crown of our head to the very souls of our feet oh god almighty turn our eyes from behold in vanity and quicken us even now in your righteousness father exalt yourself this morning in this sanctuary lord let your face be seen as a mirror this morning before us almighty god show up oh god almighty like you never before exalt yourself this morning god as you never before in this building give us o god a fresh touch this morning god that we never experienced before father open up our eyes that we may see you this morning as isaiah saw you high and lifted up god almighty and your train was filled the temple and there goes the angels lord god almighty and touch the man of god father we pray for that experience this morning god that there will be a live call from your holy halt this morning to touch each and every one this morning in the name of jesus father whether we are here in the sanctuary whether we are watching life god we pray for an experience god almighty oh god when elisha went up on the mountain god he experienced in different ways but this morning we want our own experience this morning jesus lord move move by your spirit lord o god almighty move now cause your face to shine upon us lord and just be gracious unto us mighty god father we want to submit everything before you this morning lord we want to submit the moderator before you lord we want you to move upon him like you never before mighty god father the musicians god and the technician god we pray this morning god their fingers will become skillfully working around those equipment god almighty father the one that will bring the word god we need a word for the season we need a word for the time god you see everything and you aware everything that is going on and so lord replace him before you my god he may be making preparation god almighty but lord god help him to deliver this morning that your word will go forth with power and clarity in the name of jesus father some shake our almighty when they mock the philistine was upon him lord god and he moved as he used to move but when the time god when the philistine was upon him god almighty he shake as he used to shake before god almighty but there was no power so lord god we are saying the philistine is upon us this morning and help us god to shake with the power this morning and to deliver lord god as we never before this morning jesus send forth god almighty the power of the holy spirit this morning to arrest our heart and mind and body and soul cause everything to convene obedience to your will and your word this morning god let self be slayed and you be glorified touch every member this morning god let they come up in obedience to you this morning let worship be easy let praise be easy lord god almighty just move just move almighty god just move by your spirit this morning god we anticipate you lord we wait upon you down here god almighty we wait in the different churches god many are crying out many are seeking out to you this morning but the tears of life seems to weigh us down but this morning god we place everything up on your shoulder and we ask you this morning god to move by your spirit move lord move mighty god move mighty god oh god the churches need a move oh god we need a move god we need a move mighty god a move like never before we need oh god almighty shake like we never felt before because god almighty we see the trials of today life we see the different obstacles we see the different barriers we see the different mountains to overcome but lord god except you move god almighty we are nothing lord so move this morning move this morning jesus move like you never moved before this morning jesus we anticipate we wait upon you lord and we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the praise lord and we humbly ask you this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the heart and the finish of our faith as we tell her thanks in jesus name amen and amen glory bless the lord and good morning a scripture reading is taken from ezekiel 2 and we read from verse 1 through to 10. i'll read in your hearing and he said unto me son of man stand upon thy feet and i will speak unto thee and the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me and set me up on my feet that i heard him and that speak unto me and he said unto me son of man i send thee to the children of israel to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me this and their fathers have transgressed against me even unto this very day for they are impudent children and steep-hearted i do send thee unto them and those shall say unto them thus save the lord god and they whether they will hear or whether they will forbid for they are a rebellious house yet shall know that there have been a prophet among them and those son of man be not be afraid of them neither be afraid of their words through their prayers thorns be with thee and though dust dwell among scorpions be not be afraid of their words nor be dismayed at their looks though they be a rebellious house and those shall speak my words unto them whether they will hear or whether they will or bear for they are the most rebellious but those son of man hear what i say unto thee be not though rebellious like that rebellious house open thy mouth and eat that i give thee and when i looked i behold a hand was sent unto me and lo a roll of a book was therein tent and last and he spread it before me and it was written within and without and there was written therein lamentations mourning and woe this is a portion of the unlimited word of god we'll honor by saying lord be to the father the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning no forever shall be word without end amen god bless you praise god praise god shall we continue to lift up the name of jesus shall we continue to bless his holy name praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god as the word the word of god declaring scripture that one generation shall praise his works and to another declare his mighty arcs this morning we are giving god thanks and praises for his mighty acts that he has been doing for us and to us can i have a human in the house praise god praise god praise god praise god let me say thanks to the praise and worship team for leading out in such an able way and brother okito johnson and um brother shane crooks who have carried out their respective tasks so very well let us give praise is to the lord for using his servant for carrying out his toss here on earth praise the lord praise god at this time i'm going to invite those who are in the physical space here this morning and those who are in the virtual space i'm going to ask you to to stand with me wherever you are in the virtual space and let us um welcome the father son and holy ghost guarding three persons the blessed trinity praise god you may be seated i know that our bishop is here somewhere around the back therefore as when he comes in you will be welcome appropriately and so i just want to welcome all the members of the council who are here this morning and their family also those who are in the virtual space i know that some of the members of the apostles council in the virtual space are streaming live this morning and whatever whatever platform you are streaming live on we welcome you continue to enjoy today's service and those heads of leaders who are viewing in the virtual space we welcome you also i know that there's a there are a lot of bridgerin who are streaming live on the virtual platform whether it be facebook youtube or instagram we welcome you all and do enjoy the day service we also welcome the musicians and technicians who are here physical this morning we welcome you i want to welcome the leader of the social media team and the members also we welcome you continue to work for the lord bless your holy name we also have members of the church clerk who are here with us this morning we welcome you we welcome you and at this time i will encourage you to continue to worship the lord in the beauty of holiness at this time i will um invite the praise team to come again and this time we will doing this song the congregational song m279 from the church imnal praise team please you son as i journey through this land singing me oh is oh oh is me oh forever oh through this me foreign is foreign is foreign uh uh right so ah hey hey oh praise god you praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god beautiful singing from the priesthood oh i want to see him look upon his face dare to sing forever more of his saving grace on the streets of glory let me lift my voice gears at last home at last ever to be rejoiced if you agree with all the above mention let me see you leave your hands and give god some praise in the sanctuary praise god praise god oh who i want to see him to look upon his face i'm looking forward for that day praise god i hope you are doing so too amen amen amen amen god is great and graciously praise god praise god at this time at this time at this time i would like to welcome our host pastor bishop james roy small to the fordham as he is about to call praise god praise god praise god bishop in jesus name praise god praise god praise god do i have a witness of somebody who want to see him you want to see him you want to see the one who died for you who gave his life as a ransom for you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we praise your name o god we worship we worship and adore you you are good lord you are good and your mercies endures forever thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah i want to see him i want to see him thank you so much brother robertson thank you so much for your leadership today i want to greet the other um deacons in the house and all the leaders heads of ministry leaders uh musicians and sound and media team i want to greet my brothers and my sisters in the lord i want to say special extra special greetings to those who are viewing us um through the social medias we want to thank god for every one of you and as usual you can call someone or send a message to someone and tell them they are about to hear the word from the lord coming from the nepen new testament church of god we want to welcome if you are a first time viewer or visitor to our um youtube or facebook we want you to know we are so delighted to have you today and we believe that god has a word for you today hallelujah glory to god glory to god i want to just give god honor today for his abiding grace is keeping care is lovely towards us in my greetings i want to also make mention in that the men are in charge today to our life builders um our district coordinator brother keith lowe yes and i want to recognize our local um like builders leader and is a assistant vice president uh of course brother orvin walker brother alvin god bless you great to have you and uh brother shane um crooks great to have you and the rest of your executive leaders who are here i really want to thank god for you who have made it possible to make it out today and for providing leadership in this our service my brothers and my sisters god has been faithful if you serve a god who is faithful and a god that is good let me hear somebody just lift i see someone just raise your hand wherever you are if you serve a god that is faithful faithful is our god oh thank you jesus there has been difficult times challenging times times where you feel like probably you would have given up but the songwriter reminds us a while ago i want to see him i want to see the one who gave his life for me oh glory to god greater love at no man than this than a man to lay down his life for his friends and i want to recognize that god is faithful i want to thank god for his faithfulness and his goodness towards me glory to god praise the name of the lord my brothers and sisters i want to take you to the word of the lord and i want us to go right into that um a passage from the gospel of matthew matthew's gospel chapter 7 and we want to just pull a few verses from verse 24 of matthew's gospel chapter 7 glory to god glory to god glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord praise god whenever you are reading the scriptures it's good to understand the context in which the scriptures are written and matthew chapter 7 provides for us the closing words or what we call jesus finishing that sermon on the mount and we want to focus a little on what he says to us and how we can grow in him but the month of september we focus on the sub theme the disciplined life the discipline life and already in our bible studies we have established how believers can grow in a disciplined life we have a focus on the power of a disciplined life we are focused also on obstacles to a disciplined life today we want to talk about building building building a disciplined life and maybe a person like a moderator brother robertson and others who have been engaged in engineering skills can help me today preach this message all right brother law yes if you have any experience in building if you have worked on a site uh brother garfield yes you know you are in the electrical area if you have helped in building any way you can help me preach the servant because building is not easy building takes time it takes effort takes discipline hello somebody uh let us read from chapter 7 verse 24 therefore again jesus has said many things and now he's closing the word the message and he's saying based on all that i have said this is what you must do everyone who hears these words of mine and put them into practice is like a man who builds his house on the rock the rain came down the stream rose and the wind blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock but everyone who hear these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a man who builds his house on the sand the rain came down the stream rolled the wind blow and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash when jesus had finished saying these things the crowd were amazed at his teaching because he taught as one who had authority and not as this teachers of the law this is the word of the lord and we say amen father would you bless this word and glorify your name let everyone who hears it oh god believe let preaching be easy because oh god it takes that anointing to break and destroy the yoke we declare that jesus is lord we declare o god that you are building lives oh and it takes the discipline to build the oh god lives and we are believing you god that we are going to give ourselves to disciplines to instruction to obedience oh god to following your way show me your way o god i'll i pray today building a life of discipline requires oh god for us to be lord giving of ourselves sacrificially yes giving off our lives and building a life of discipline lord it requires a life of strength and god it requires a life of stability may this word go with power and with clarity holy spirit move and i ask even now holy ghost that you will take charge we rebuke every plans of the adversary we discharge and we say satan you are not welcome anywhere around here we declare today in a militant way the blood of jesus is against you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody get militant somebody get militant wherever you are and declare the blood of jesus the blood the blood the blood the blood that keep me strength from day to day will never lose its power somebody showed glory thank you lord thank you for the anointing that destroys the yoke we declare we are building we are building a disciplined life a disciplined life oh building i have no experience of searching building that's not being not i've never been my focus but i'm always amazed at building structures and in my um what i call limited exposures and you know i've been traveling just a few countries i've seen great buildings skyscrapers building buildings that have probably taken what we call years of architectural design and and planning for them to do it but when we see it it amazes us hello somebody but there's something about building that i want to point out today it is the foundation its foundation full foundation foundation is critical to any building because if the foundation is out or wrong the rest of the building is going to be in a mess do you hear me somebody jesus declares it he says anyone who hears my word and put it into practice jesus did not just adhere the word like many believers come to church and hears the word but he said you must believe it and put it into practice no that's where the problem is hey so many people hear it some so many people say amen pastor preach it pastor tell them pastor notice they say tell them not tell us you know what is so powerful about um my preaching ministry i have to preach it to myself i have i have to spend time and preach it to myself and when i preach it to myself and it blesses me and it corrects me and it and it and it what i call i reprove me and it i need the oh god almighty the bible said the word of god is quick and powerful it's sharper than a tweeted sword and when that word caught sometime it really pierced the heart and divide the soul but the word of god is also like a armor i'm talking about building today it's hammers hello somebody have you ever felt the touch of a hammer it's but the word of god is like like also like honey which brings a soothing it heals it brings a restoration and healing i'm here to tell somebody anyone who hears this word and put it into practice is like a wise man that builds his house on the rock i've always questioned what is the difference between the wise man's building and the foolish man's building jesus used two words to differentiate to give us the clear difference between the two builders there is nothing in the text that says that they use different materials there is nothing in the text that says that they use a different workmanship there is nothing in the text that says that the design of the house was done by different persons what is clear in the text his one bills on the roth and the other bills on the sand well well well well what does that mean pastor it means the what time maybe after dinner maybe before going to bed or maybe in in a time of reflectiveness you don't just turn on your set and watch your best movie or watch um listen to your best show or get in the best game you have an assignment you have a homework you have something else to do you will have to get back to the text and you would have to look at it and you will turn it over until what the pastor said today let me read it for myself to see if what pastor was saying is really in the text and then you read it and then you said oh but pastor could have mentioned this too and pastor did not say the spark because guess what prostate cancer and all of it pastor want to wet your appetite and to give you an opportunity to understand the person who builds on the rock hears the word then the person will believe the word oh glory to god then the person meditates on the word then the person reflect on that word then the person will put it into practice whatever the word will say you are going to do it it is not until you put it into practice then you really start putting that word into real function building a disciplined life my god the disciplined life my brothers and sisters speaks of the ability to experience what we call self-control existence by living the life that is upright and a life that is right and pure in the sight of god it speaks of a life that is instructive of following instructions knowledge and training on the opposite a life that is not discipline as we see the one who builds on the sun is speaks of a life of what we call shortcuts sometimes corruption and the one that will speak of you know going in the wrong way those who refuse to obey god's law and god's direction i want to challenge especially our men today to live a life that is discipline a life of self-control a life that is controlled by the leading of the holy spirit discipline is always for us to become responsible reliable and self-motivated do you hear me somebody you know what the test of discipline the test of discipline is when the rain comes and the wind blows and the storm it's do you hear me somebody that's when you're gonna know if you're really a disciplined person discipline is not when people were coming to church outside of a pandemic discipline is when you can't go to church but you still love god you can't go to church but you still are faithful to god you can't come into the sanctuary with your hands lifted up and your mouth filled with praise but whenever you get a chance you build your own praise and worship whenever you get a chance to preach your own sermon whenever you get a chance you have your own bible study can i preach it like or feel it i'm talking about the storms are raging the billows are dashing oh yes oh yes and god is saying kovid is proving who has built on the sand or has built on the rock think god is sleeping hello he's not i told you that he's aware he's fully aware of what is happening around us and he's teaching us some lessons so let me talk about the first thing i want to point out in building of the disciplined life is a life of sacrifice a life of sacrifice i want to talk about a life of sacrifice a life of self-controlled life of strength and a life of sustainability a life of sacrifice begins with jesus teaching about if you are going to come after him if you are going to be his disciple from the word disciple we get disciplined if you are going to be a follower of jesus if oh no i'm not talking about being a member of a church i'm i'm not talking about just being on a road i'm not talking about just just saying i i am saved but you don't know anything about being a disciple being a disciple means you are obedient you followed jesus oh the disciples became followers of christ and at one time about some seven to two faithful one were with him and then jesus preached one sermon sixty of them walked away from jesus and jesus looked at the other twelve and said what are you waiting on to leave me you can also go peter oh the spokesman peter the man that seemed to was having divine revelation and god was speaking to him from time to time he steered jesus in the face and said jesus can't you remember when you called me from my fishing net i was employed i was busy taking care of my family i was not a lazy just a a man just not having anything to do i have left all i left my fishing career i left my family to follow you peter steer jesus in the face and to jesus to whom to whom where shall i go to whom shall i go for you are the oprah of eternal life you are my everything you are my all jesus is teaching something today church of god brothers if you are going to survive the storm you better build upon jesus the rock of the edges you better build a life of sacrifice i always say this when i'm being evangelical and trying to win men to christ as a wise men serve god wise men seek god so i didn't tell you that you're a fool all i'm saying if you are going to follow jesus you are wise because it is wise men seek god anyone who hears my voice put my word into practice you're like a wise man a wise man that builds his house on the rock rock somebody said rock corrupt means something solid something that is firm and most times sometimes depending on which soil you are building on you have to go deep to get that rock some soil or sandy some are clay some uh you know black mold you tell me what mapping soil is like you can give me all the different types of soils you have the builder understands if that house is gonna withstand gilbert and charlie and ivan can i talk to you oh my god just recently we got a little tail end of the eye uh ida and and and andreas my god listen to me somebody if you're gonna withstand any stone your foundation has to be on a rock and to get to rock you have to make sacrifice to dig deep oh god almighty somebody needs to dig deeper what am i digging deep into am i digging deeper to get to the rock which is jesus i'm digging deep to get into the word i'm digging deep to get into prayer and fasting i'm digging deeper through the disciplines oh god spiritual discipline will help us to dig deep deep grounded firm and deep in the savior's love you know what i sang there will your anchor holes in the storms of life somewhere that says we have an anchor we have an anchor i don't know about you but i have a hunker i'm anchored to christ the anchor means that i'm i'm i'm connected to him i'm i'm i'm in him and he's in me i'm anchored another songwriter said have you anchored your soul in the haven of rest oh you will sell the wild sea no more the tempest maybe all the walls told me deep but in jesus somebody saying jesus but in jesus bloody jesus on the rock but in jesus and save evermore listen to me brothers listen to me sisters oh to build a life of sacrifice it means that you have to prioritize it that you put god first you put god first in everything i'm gonna take the vaccine but i said god almighty you can transform that vaccine into your rich blood that whatever goes into my vein it will not hurt me do you hear me somebody i seek god first in prayer i see god's verse by getting his will and his way i seek him first somebody says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all other things shall be added but not only that the disciplined life is a life of sacrifice i could go more into that but it's a life of self-control that's where the holy spirit comes in whatever he is that's one of the fruit of the spirit temperance it is the discipline of being able to overcome your own feelings and your own temperaments it is the discipline that when somebody says something to you that hurts you instead of yelling and speaking evil against them you bite your lip you swallow your saliva you think it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then you look at the person and you said oh you have done it to hurt me but listen god is gonna turn it around to bless me for what you have said against me cannot hurt me but jesus is with me and if god be for me who can be against me stop let people beat you up with cursed words with earth words with damning words with negative words we dwell on the past too long we're living yesterday's failure to learn somebody to pick up the broken pieces and bring them to the lord you need to curd up the lines of your mind come on brothers you wear a belt you wear a belt to keep your your clothes intact to keep your pants up oh intact you wear a belt it is called the belt of truth it means that you must now let the holy spirit guide you lead you direct you empower you to have a self-controlled life a life that is not self-controlled is like a motor vehicle heading down the hill and the driver has lost a break or the steering wheel has cut so it is going to and fro he has no brakes to stop no steering to direct and what is going to happen it's going to be a crash that was the same word that a new international version use of the man who builds his house on the sand that when the wind blow and when the rain falls because he's out of control he doesn't have a firm foundation it's going to be a great crash can't you see too many of our brothers have crashed they have crashed oh my god they have gone the other way they have been deceived by the devil can't we see because they failed to live the disciplined life they failed to walk the straight and narrow i'm not here telling you it's easy i'm not here telling you it's a better rose i'm not here telling you it's just like uh floating down the stream of time lying not in augusta it's hard sometimes it's challenging it's difficult it's hard but guess what with the help of the holy spirit with the help of god with the help somebody's helped me help me jesus help with the help of the holy ghost you can live the disciplined life talk to brother joseph and he will tell you it is not that my brothers didn't hurt me but i choose the disciplined life talk to brother david is not that saul didn't try to kill him but guess what i have chosen the disciplined life come on somebody let's live that discipline life it's a life it's a life of sacrifice it's a life of self-control it's a life of strength his strength you are my strength strength like no other paul said to the church at ephesus he was closing the letter like paul is jesus was closing the sermon on the mount he's closing the letter he has encouraged them about their relationship with christ he told them how to build that relationship in walking in him he told them about the unity of the faith he tell them about the family of god he he instructs them you know ephesians can be divided in in what we call doctrinal instruction and practical living but in the last part of it he said get practice now let's get practice practice means you don't just hear it but you're going to do it somebody said we must be doers of the world if you just hear it if you just believe it but not practicing it you have left out a big part we must put it into practice paul says finally finally finally finally finally my brethren be what strong in the lord and in his mighty power he said put on the old armor of god so that you will be able to stand against the walls of the devil against the schemes the attacks the wicked devices the storms and the struggles of life they come in different ways sometimes they come to people oh my god sometimes they come to your nearest one sometimes they come to people closest to you who tries to hurt you but you need strength you are my strength strength make you have courage to pursue strength make you understand it is not about you it's about god friend oh my god speaks up the solidity of the rock up the building strength oh god almighty is what speaks up what makes up that building come on somebody's strength somebody just strength you are my strength be strong be strong somebody need to touch your neighbor say to your neighbor say to somebody god called people but in the kingdom of fools he called the weak ones but he made them strong come on it's time this this time called for strength it called for sacrifice it called for self-control oh god but it needs strength strength can i just remind you that this trend doesn't come from you the first two are depending on you the last two comes through relationship with christ your sacrifice comes out of your willingness to give up something to go for that which is right that's what the is self-control mean that you are depending on the holy spirit help to get the to that place but strength is from the lord you are my strength oh god you are my strength paul says i'm weak but in my weakness you are strong paul says guess what there was a torn in my flesh many people thought it was a physical problem maybe paul was having problems with his human relationship women women relationships some thought it was a a problem of his relationship with women with we there's no there's nothing to explain what the thorn was we are just probably um what we call it uh we are just speculating we are just giving different perspective but it is possible that he could have had a woman problem do you hear me somebody i wish which brother which one of us we we have not been tempted uh with the opposite sex which one of us that the devil had not shown us someone that if we keep looking and keep i'm gazing and keep what we call being distracted what could have been the outcome but god says i give you strength do you hear me somebody said paul he asked god three times to remove this torn oh this this this mountain this problem this issue can i speak to a brother that you are feeling weak and down and out but paul he cried out to god and he said god i'm asking you to remove it i'm asking you to help me oh i fall over pornography i fall over women who dress a certain way i fall over this i'm tempted i'm distracted but god i need you i need you and paul when he cried out to god the lord answered and said paul i'm not going to move it yes as long as the earth remains you're going to see what's happening it's going to steer you in the face but what i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you my grace my grace my grace is sufficient my love is sufficient my mercy is sufficient for you and my strength is made perfect in my weakness somebody says strength lord i need your strength oh hallelujah god is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear he is the strength he is the strength i said he is a strength somebody says he is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid i'm coming home we need sacrifice we need self-control we need strength give you courage to go on but strength help us to be sustained you not only need strength but you need sustainability this is where the holy ghost comes in again and he walks with me and he talks with me i don't feel like i'm safe sometimes i in living the disciplined life i don't feel like going to church sometimes living the disciplined life i don't feel like praying sometimes living the disciplined life i don't feel like reading the words sometimes i don't even feel like doing the disciplines of the church sometimes living the discipline life comes with all these challenges it's not feeling because if you don't left a feeling oh some of us will not be here today it is where we depend on the sustaining grace and power of the holy spirit it is he is the one that gives us the grace and the strength to go on come on somebody i'm talking he is my he is my sustaining grace amazing grace sustaining grace oh glory to god so when i feel like giving up i hear the songwriter said hey no giving up i got to go on go my way when i feel like throwing in the towel i hear the word of god says oh hallelujah oh i can't quit now we must always pray and never to give up don't lose art oh it's we are sustained through prayer we are sustained through the world we are sustained by the spirit we are sustained through fellowship can you believe this fellowship helped to sustain us the next time somebody called and said can i be a part of the 20 group coming to church it's because that person is depending on a fellowship they want to be here they want to be in in in the company of the saints we are iron sharpened iron is like a firewood a fire that is made from hood and each stick pushed up make the fire brighter god help my soul somebody need the fire is going out some body's fire is about to go out and you know what happened old time people said when fire go out oh god when there is no fire dark sleep in your ashes because i have heard and may be seen i'm from with my own eyes you see i'm from country so you don't know this type of life you're born suggest two of your bones the type of electric stove and the type of industrial type of stuff i started living when there was no gas no oil there was what we call hood and there was a outside kitchen oh god make sure the door locked because if no fire in there dark other way i'm creeping into the kitchen and guess what sometimes when you hear dark cry out you heard you know what is happening because there is a fire cool that is under the ashes and sometimes the following day you see a part of the dog burnt off because god goes asleep in our ashes listen to me somebody we need to fire up the holy ghost to sustain us in our discipline in this hedge in disenchance sit polluted all time we need the fire god fire fire fire fire fall on me just like the day of pentecost hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah i'm coming home i'm coming home i'm coming home but too much dogs i lie down without your fireside too much enemy a light dominate your firesider come on somebody find your fire please up your fire fire you need the word of god to bleed up your fire come on you need a dear fast dinner please up your fire turn up your fire turn up the holy ghost fire somebody said come on stop stop following all of the negatives around us that we put out your fire stop listening to the foolishness that comes from false prophets that will put out your fire some of the messages that we are hearing there is no scriptural truth to them vaccine is no mark of the beast let me say it one more time i'm looking straight into the camera and said i said the coveted vaccine that we are taking it is no mark of no peace you don't need a theologian to tell you that if you read the scriptures and go to sunday school and go to bible studies and you are a diligent reader of the word of god you will understand before anyone will take the mark of the beast the church is going to be raptured can i say that again i said the church is going to be ruptured it is after the church is taken out my god that hell is gonna break loose so how comes we are take marker beasts and we need believers we need church what we are doing what are we doing here that means that the rapture god you know help me jesus well let me tell you the rapture of garnet because jim smile is still here check your life check yourself i don't know about you everybody after every top of the ceiling for anyone but everybody have to know their life christians living is not just corporate like a ch a a called a group but it is individual you have to know jesus as your personal lord and savior let us cut out the crap man let us stop listening to the foolishness go back to reading bible go back to reading the scriptures find yourself in sunday school and in bible study where you can sharpen your tools and remain sustainable are coming home the wise man practice somebody say practice practice practice is doing when i was a child we used to talk about mega practice and we never know about it it's called rehearsal you're preparing for something special at church and as a being a part of the children's choir or the children's group we're gonna practice know somebody church we must put the word of god into practice we must make the word of god become our food where we eat it up every day and just last week's sermon is last week's sermon last week dinner was last week sunday dinner nobody woke up this morning and said well i had dinner last week and i eat until i was full i don't need any this week yeah if you do not know you you got mental something gone wrong with you uh-huh before you know it you're dead feel hungry uh-huh so why is it that some people when you take up their bible by god a long time to someone and i read you know yeah woolpot dust man come on somebody when you when you're walking some people buy but you know say no making it you know see no label you're not seeing a marker that means that then i read it man okay when you read it and it's sweet you put marking out and you underline it and you underscore it and you highlight it and you and you go back and you read it again man come on somebody i'm coming on but jesus said if you hear the word you must put it into practice put it into practice oh god i'm closing put it into practice what must i put into practice there are several things that jesus said but i want you to highlight a few of them i make sure i wrote them down how god almighty put it into practice matthew speaks of the the disciple living a life of discipline oh from chapter five to seven he speaks of the character and and the life that they live oh chapter 10 oh to the 13 speaks of the vocation chapter 15 speaks of the mind of the disciple chapter 18 speak of the interrelationship chapter 24 25 speak of the anticipation if you read about the anticipation of the disciple you would understand that guess what we are believing that jesus is coming back but he has not come yet so there is no marker beast to no vaccination i know one world order two non-cash items listen to me somebody it's gonna happen but it doesn't happen yet listen to me i come to let us know that jesus says let us put the word of god into practice let's have good relationship with your neighbor let's live the life of prayer and the life of fasting those were some of this uh the topics that jesus preached about in chapter five let us live the blessed life as he speak and open the chapter in chapter chapter five bless and are and he and he named out the beatitudes as we see in chapter five how the poor in spirit for days shall i oh there is the kingdom of god and those who mourn for they shall be comforted and those who are meek for they shall inherit the hurt and those who are hunger and curse for righteousness for they shall be filled and the merciful for they shall obtain mercy and the pure in art for they shall see god the peacemaker for they shall be called the children of god and listen to this one other clothes blessed are those o god who are persecuted because of righteousness for dear is the kingdom of heaven and blessed are you when people shall insult you persecute you and say false things about you oh that is not the truth what must we do if you're living the disciplined life if you're living a life of sustainability you don't stop don't buy people criticizingly and you don't stop at intimidation lying you don't stop at anybody who tries to oh god manipulate you no you don't stop outdoors lean you move on to praise lee rejoice and be exceedingly great glad for honor you first people tell life on honor you first people criticize you are not gonna be the first man that people say things bad about rejoice and be exceedingly great blood was so persecuted the prophets and the believers that were before you i challenge you we can live the disciplined life i will not be standing here if i have not lived the disciplined life young men i would not be here if i didn't practice the discipline life the disciplined life has made me what i am so today i can tell you the house that god has built in my spiritual life it's on the rock it was a sacrifice to leave everything to follow him it took a lot of self-control it took a lot of strength it took a lot of strength and it took a lot to remain sustainable but i can tell you this today i've decided to follow jesus and no turning back no turning back the cross before me and the world behind me no turning back will you bow your heads right with you there is a brother listening to this sermon this word who needs to move into the disciplined life a life of sacrifice putting god first a life of self-control letting the holy spirit grow in you a life of strength standing on christ a solid rock a life of sustainability let the holy spirit fire blaze in you if you are that person today you said pastor i am weak i feel down and out i feel like i could make it another day god has sent this word for you you're on the wrong soil you are building your house on the wrong foundation it is a sun it's going to crash if it is just on the popularity and upon what people say it's going to crash but i can tell you on christ the solid rock i stand all of the ground is sinking sand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the priest team will help me my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean on jesus name on christ on christ on christ stand with me everyone hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord oh i give you praise somebody just begin to pray to him as we get ready to sing that song somebody just read your hand and say thank you lord everything else around me is failing but jesus never fails thank you jesus then jesus god only lead on jesus name come on now on christ the song is one more time let us pray i ask you to bear with me in prayer and join me in prayer as we pray for our believers some are bereaved sister christine mcpherson requesting prayer for her brother who got a stroke for the paul lindo requesting prayer we want to pray for our students and teachers as they have gone back into a new school year with the challenges of online learning it's difficult it's challenging not just for the teachers but the education sector and even though the providers of data and internet let us pray let us pray we pray for our nation in crisis a nation in crisis a world in crisis but jesus is the christ of the crisis let us pray father one more time we thank you that we have a hope that makes us not ashamed thank you that you remain constant even though things change around us thank you that we are reminded that lord when we put your word into practice we are like a man that builds his house on the rock and even when the rain and the tempest and the wind and the storms of life will rage it remains strong because it is built on the rock lord there are too many who have built their homes of their their lives not just physical homes but their lives oh god on the sand on the riverbank yes god in the areas of disaster and danger oh god today we cry out in the name of the lord help us to put this word into practice that lord we will be in a way prepared for any eventualities of life because the story if not when the storm will come it's not if the storm will come the storms are coming so god help us to be prepared help us to make sure that we are standing on the solid rock we are building our foundation sacrificially we are living our life in self-control we are living our life upon your strength and sustainability all it goes we are depending on you we are depending on you lord we come on behalf of these persons who are not well oh god and those who have suffered lost lord the grief the pain the hurt has been so much but in the name of jesus we pray even now you'll grant them grace in this time strength in this time oh god peace in the midst of your storm so god i bless sister christine mcpherson now and i ask god that you will lift her up above the shadow and lord even for the brother who had a stroke i pray god you can turn him around lord if he has not yet accept you even there you can lord deliver and save him lord if he knows you let your will be done whether you will restore him or you will call him home lord it is your sovereign will that we will give you glory for and god will just honor you now because you are at work in brother linda's life lord you know exactly we're in have a need now so i pray you will minister your grace oh sustaining grace healing grace or abiding grace oh god a grace that is greater than all is sin all this problem god i call upon you oh god of our nation lord a community a city a town lord and many communities around maplin that are in trouble jesus we ask you to search say the savior save your pile at me over life tempestuousy we beg you for god intervention we speak oh god into the life of your people one more time let o goddess strength and grace and provision be made oh god uh unto them we curse this uh this old dragon this old virus this uh lord corona virus right now one more time the church in agreement the church in solidarity the church stand oh god in the power of the spirit and we declare war against you satan we say go back to the pit of hell we declare that jesus christ is suffering and lord and god by your by your own will you are going to bring us healing and restoration and deliverance oh god by faith we thank you we thank you in advance that right now god you are going to be at work in our education sector lord the teachers have become frustrated children have become depressed lord they are saying one more time they will have to go through another term another time of online learning but god but god but god oh god we beg you for sustaining grace we asked you god for innovation and creativity we pray god even for those who provide data and internet services that god will help them oh god in this difficult time mighty god the temptus is passing the pillars are dashing lord this the sea is rougher but you are our strength we are our strength you are our strength oh we set on christ the solid rock i stand for all of the ground is sinking sand thank you for hearing us thank you for hearing us thank you jesus for hearing today lord save that brother save that sister lift up that falling one restore that backslider we honor you we thank you for this day for we ask it in jesus name i ask those who are watching if you are not saved and if you are a backslider say this prayer say lord jesus i bow before you i am a sinner i have done wrong but today i want to build a disciplined life on you jesus the solid rock so i pray right now for grace forgive me please forgive me lord i repent i turn for my cinder and i say i am sorry i believe that you are lord i trust you with my life and i declare that you are my savior and my lord for i ask it and tell you many thanks in jesus name amen you prayed that prayer a while ago just let somebody know you have made it home to jesus you have surrendered to his lordship and to his way god bless you god bless you is my prayer as i turn back to the world praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god those of us in the physical and those of us in the virtual space let us put our hands together together and give god thanks and praises for the way that he has used his man's servant to bring forth his word to us this morning with power and with clarity and thus said the lord god of hosts continue to preach the word in season bishop in the name of jesus christ amen church amen praise god at this time as we continue with our worship we are not going to worship with our offering untied and at this time i'll ask deacon of real walker to come and carry out such exercise brother praise god shall we praise the lord the lord shall we praise the lord one more time praise the lord we are coming to the moment in worship and giving and we all know that god is a wonderful god our ear to bless them i want us to understand while i read a portion of scripture from malachi 3 verse 8 to 12. the usher is on the phrase to make yourself ready in preparation will the man rap god yet he have robbed me what he said wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings we are cursed with a curse for he have robbed me even this whole nation bring e all the tides into the squirrels that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now hear which said the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing hallelujah that there shall not be room enough to receive it amen and i will rebuke the devore for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your groan neither shall your vine cast her fruits before the time in the field said the lord of hosts twelve and last and all nations shall call you blessed for he shall be a delightsome land said the lord of us most righteous blessed love and eternal father lord jesus christ one more time we come before you one more time we come in your presence we give your glory we give your honor we give your praise mighty god there is no other one to tank there is no other one to praise father they come to you father god into the moments father god and giving father god will be giving back unto you father god we're giving back our 110 father god we're giving back our tithes our offering mighty god our praise our worship father we're giving back our self away back to you father in the name of jesus father we pray father god for each and everyone will be given father god we pray for their blessing father we pray for those who don't have to give today money god we pray for their windows and their basket mighty god will be fooled up mighty god in the mighty name of jesus father and as we receive mighty god from your people almighty god what is owed unto you father god i will use it father god for your blessing ear almighty god the furtherance ministry of 57 manchester avenue may be a new testament god we pray lord god almighty the scandinave cover it under your blood continue anointed mighty god because you're unknown to remake a different father god and we pray for the god to say give mighty god o lord jesus christ sorrows continue to let your blessing flow let your blessing flow like the milk and honey of canaan as we tell your thanks in the name of the father and of the son and of the blessed holy ghost and and for those who will be given for the very first time um you'll be seeing um the different things on the platform we have our spur opening and our church account and for those who don't have access to those you can come by our church office during the week and come bring your tithe offering bless the lord now a long life my is with me the way is me is is me oh me danger with me many many painters okay this morning indeed it's a great opportunity to be here greetings to bishop james small and to you lovely brethren please listen to the announcements adults on the school be at 4 pm children at 3 p.m and teens will be at 4 30. on tuesday will be virtual prime meeting at 7 30 p.m on wednesday will be virtual bible study at 7 30 pm on friday will be virtual youth fellowship at 7 30 pm on saturday will be virtual teens fellowship at 4 pm the new time is at 4pm for the teens virtual youth fellowship special announcement virtual women in power let the woman travail will be on september 18 2021 national day of prayer and fasting will be on saturday september 26 2021 in all sorry in all local churches it will be sunday sorry induction and consecration of leaders and workers will be held on october 3 2021 members conference will be held on october 10 2021 and you will be informed some more about the members conference sunday school commentaries are still available at the church office for 500 also a word for today is available at the office for a cost of three hundred dollars we have an evening class initiative that will begin on monday september 13 2021. subjects include physics biology english language and mathematics all classes will be held by zoom and interested persons are asked to register and the cost is free brother marlon thomas and marlon gray you could call to give information to them or call the church office a timetable will be sent to the church's whatsapp group funeral arrangements sister lucille benjamin has died and the funeral arrangements will be announced later sister annette malet's husband has died that his brother rudolph mullet and the funeral arrangements will be also announced later sister mark sister christine mcpherson has also lost her brother and the funeral arrangements will also be announced later the thanksgiving and home going service for the life of sister daisy gabriel morris will be held on thursday september 16 2021 at the maypen new testament church of god starting at 11 a.m the service will also be live streamed on facebook and youtube channel the link will be forwarded in the what's up churches what's up group internment tech fort park cemetery church penn old darbest and catherine viewing will be on thursday september 16 2021 the same day of the funeral starting at 10 15 a.m at audrey funeral home for pass road let us continue to give powerful support to the bereaved families have a great week everyone praise god praise god praise god praise god uh let me give thanks to deacon walker and sister sean francis for carrying out their respective dust so ably continue to serve god and do so too in the beauty of holiness we have now come to the end of today's service and i want to say thanks to those who are in the physical and virtual space who have participated in today's service i hope that you was blessed by the word that i've gone forth and i do hope you will continue to participate in each sunday service god bless you all stand with me for the benediction now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy the only wiseguard our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and forever and we all say amen greet somebody love somebody as you go remember the protocol you
Channel: May Pen New Testament
Views: 677
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Up85i33UuxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 13sec (7753 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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