Men's Revival Service with Apostle Donald Purge

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] ow [Music] I feel like running every [Music] I'd be like running skipping [Music] I'd be like ruddy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] goodnight old captain I'm great [Music] Oh my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] shall we bless the Lord shall we bless the Lord I'm a bit worse for that's more than enough to give God praise we magnify the name of Jesus we bless the name of Jesus we worship the name of Jesus is worthy to be praised he's worthy to be a door we want to welcome at this time you may be seated we want to welcome the Holy Spirit in our means we want to welcome each and every individual that is here tonight we want to welcome our assistant pastor Pastor Joe in the wonderful name of Jesus give him a round of applause happy to see you sir we are here tonight for no other reason that lift up over god oh my god but the fact that today we were at work some of us may be at home but we are here tonight to give him praise and that is more than enough to keep our God the honor and the praise I am going to call her the content come on at the leaders in worship [Music] [Music] oh Jesus all right boys [Music] [Music] [Music] where [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] for good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um okay he's the lord of law [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] for Oh come on all heavy cream [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh you [Music] lord of war [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] what would happen they already Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh zip your boys happy man you he feeds of King of Kings and keep up with the naked talking [Music] [Applause] heathyr nah I'm gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] 14 [Music] let it burn on me too yeah [Applause] [Music] time to you need more time not me [Music] when I wanted to find it [Applause] I know [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] let the power of the Holy good [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah for it retains too [Music] movin give me my friend [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and it's wet [Music] can appraisal on everybody can we just worship the Lord everybody [Music] [Music] I am dying Oh Lord I have heard your [Music] yeah to the gommi [Music] that my soul [Music] come on [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord yesterday was a great day I'm glad to be alive tonight I caught my daughter tonight somebody body on my right I'm a testimony don't be afraid to testify amen buddy what I said about this [Music] amen [Music] bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name I just have to give God thanks for a second chance and when I say second chance I need second chance I remember I about three years ago I went to the doctor I wasn't feeling well and I went straight to a cardiologist and he immediately called for the ambulance to take me to the emergency I spent one week in intensive care I did open-heart surgery they told me that they're going to do one procedure and whatever else they see wrong they're going to see they went in I have I did a valve transplant so I have a mechanical valve in a mitral valve and they found my tricuspid valve enlarged so they had to put a binder on that one and that my heart was was not just beating it was like vibrating and they had to do a thing called a maze procedure so that's three major procedures six hours the doctors have been in me open open heart and you know the last thing I heard before they didn't realize that I wasn't fully under and I heard the doctor asking someone else if the saw is ready if the saw is ready that was the last thing I heard before I went on there and when I see Saturday morning I was at early morning for a meeting and when I that's this I saw her and when I see heard that in the morning he passed away I have to give God thanks for my second chance because the medical personnel's in here and tell you they have to kill you before they do open-heart surgery the doctors told me that they had I have the flatline before they can start operating so that I had a flatline and they put me on life support in order to do the surgery so indeed that is and that is such a day after I left here I was talking to someone and I don't hide my scar I don't hide my scar anybody can see I don't hide it and a person look at me and ask me if I did heart surgery and I said yes and the person looked at me and said you know you get a second chance you know so that is a second chance of life not just a second chance - for anything it's a second chance to live because I died the doctors operated only they had to be on life support for them to operate and to be here and and it just it hit me again it was always with me but when I when I saw I hope that sister Saturday morning and to see that she's gone Sunday morning and I am still here of the bid through so much I have to just give God God to me is your God can do things when I look around and see what the Lord has done for me it makes me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] for me when I look around and see what the Lord has done for me when I look around I see what the Lord has done for me he makes me want to go [Music] my when I look around and see the Lord I thought for me when I look around and see what the Lord has done for me it makes me want to [Music] [Music] in who we are woody do we have a testimony everybody praise the Lord everybody God is a good good god I can't find words to describe it is so good and is also a provider if you just choose him and wait upon him I am NOT here tonight to brag about me if I'm going to brag it must be about God's blessing on me bless the name of Jesus I came here two years ago and when I come to UM the Cayman Islands I realized that walking to work is a journey Riaan wit me sunburned me and if you know what I'm talking about when you're going on Fairbanks road there's nowhere to shelter so you're literally in catch if somebody don't stop to give you a ride you're going sook I look up in the sky said God I need a car I don't get lice of a key man for nothing and you know man sister-sister Nikolai was outside and my sister here sister Michelle I was I heard you I saw a car and we said wow that's a nice car and she says she's gonna sell the first car that I said I wanted but she didn't believe me she thought I was joking and I didn't have a cent but I said I want it and God heard what my cry when I said I wanted and she waited on me patiently to pay her the money in tools and it's it at her house for three months because couldn't find the insurance or the license and I was walking to work at a day and I said God McCarran I want keropok Upsilon I can't find the money for insurer I'm an ass hello that's the name of Jesus but tonight I can say to God be the glory he's in the only lights of my car realizing it for a year I mean insured for the year and the tongue is pull away yeah and he told me that he would have done it in January and it's still January and I said god I wanted for my birthday which is the 3rd of February and I'm driving since Saturday took glory [Music] I am blessed every day [Applause] when I wake up morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] good morning when I lay my head [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why should somebody kill me that make me stronger you could have my ears I go to the doctor the doctor said they didn't see the roach but every time I move is like the hair stuff like somebody's room some sorta plug in my ears I mean while I'm on my way in Jamaica going home they'd ever say you think you'll get away what God said is not your time yet so when they'd ever think he has me you don't start to have me it you're looking at a miracle here is all over me sleep could not wake but the enemy still do not give up what I'm telling him 2018 I'm a great warrior I'm a great warrior of a fighter for God I'm a fighter for souls I'm telling you tonight on my way me ride the car was turning there one of this big yellow bus I don't even remember what it means coming straight into the car that I was troubling and back and he turn away from the car another car was coming to was the car turn away from the boss another car I mean straight but here say he and Jen watching over you I'm saying puppies to fight for me no devil in hell tonight before God ready for me and I'm saying if you are a child of God to live right for God live clean touch not the unclean thing because if God's and will be a fighter he will be a fighter for you I mean why they had a car heading towards me in the maker God just stretch out the Sun and push the carrier right through the maker think about it where would I be tonight standing before you when I said I'm a warrior I'm a warrior for God living for God stop playing around messing around if you don't live clean for God you will surely go and the devil will help you devour since of God 2018 sleep great treat for God leave please for God God is anchor right now many of us is touching young sleeping and we come in the house of God Jeremiah 14 said God is hungry wake of church we're sleeping appreataro and see God before it's too late come on miracle worker promised keep dying in the dock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hula-hula call it fully we have two more minutes left we will open our listen if I slugs who inside you devour quadrant it yah - it 2-1 [Music] I will be honest we do all kind of things when mean any world Amiata loser attitude [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] listen yeah be nice until it was chopped off I I put the carpet you know why I reach a million we seminar no Buckman's their paws on the front will make [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on one last one I'm about to be chopped when I was seven years of it they give me see the script I don't know if you know what the car seasons click it depart look away listen to me I was mad like a shot I would not have that please run to my mother didn't know anything they have to rush to the hospital for seven months I tell this one it I mean one less every month [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] however we are come on lift your hands everybody weigh maker miracle worker that is who you are hallelujah get close block the aisles hold on to somebody release your faith thank you hallelujah the home needs prayer the business place needs prayer your son need health your wife your husband your relatives your niece your uncle the Pope's were on their way to church those are in the bar who will leave the wineglass those are in the hotel rooms those who are in the hospitals those are in the jail houses and those who are in thee the Fairbanks prison the northward prison those were in the Legislative Assembly those were in charge of immigration department and those are in charge of the custom the airport those are in dark rooms burning candles drinking blood chanting those with many gods that they brought from India and China in some closed rooms at this time I wanted to hold on to some money as we approach the house of God we we want to let the devil know we know what's happening in dark rooms and bedrooms and club houses and dance halls and secret homes and secret rooms we we know what's going on the ocean there are submarines beneath the ocean Leviathan is in touch with Lucifer and he has his spell over some of our young children some of our young people they are not mad they're just crazy under spells I wanted to shake the person you're holding on to now as others are being drawn to get down in this area tonight for service yeah hallelujah switch your head until to person man is a spirit living in a dirt house till the next verse beside your man is a spirit living in a dirt house that's who you are close your eyes and lift your spirit now forget about the dirt house that carry you around you only need it because you're in a physical world close your eyes and lift your spirit now and tell the Lord you repent of your sins and you're asking him now to loose angels mighty Archangels to help us on this ground tonight let us pray before I greet you Jesus of Nazareth the great I am that I am the author of wisdom the author of knowledge as a matter of fact the author of understanding we give you gratitude we honor you for being here tonight we're in homes we're in cars we're in trucks and buses business places even the aircraft flying in the air submarines and ships we are in clubs and bars are in hospitals and we're in private homes guest houses hotel rooms we are in lanes and streets where we're looking forward to you now to clean us up of the sins we have committed we have cheated we have lied we have murdered we have hurt ourselves we have grieved the Holy Spirit we have violated the laws of righteousness thank you for this gathering tonight the command now as you see commanding me thy Holy Spirit to fill this room our God now may life flow through us you said if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and pray and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and heal their life now little carnal sick flesh be subject to the Spirit of God at this time Lord we apply your blood to our consciences to our mind or proclivities and our sensualities we we declare war on the flesh war on evil spirits let your blood out this time drown this atmosphere until we are connected to the Spirit of God with all spirit in the name of Jesus fill up this room now Holy Spirit with your precious presence activate your love your faith your grace your mercy in this room give no place the demonic spirit to operate in the bodies of thy people in this room Lord let this place be super charged with the the mind of Jesus Christ the hand of God the presence of God let the hand of God be seen in this place kill the germs then accommodate the devil and his demons hallelujah we command now that grand cayman islands georgetown Lakewood Drive hallelujah will be filled with the power the presence of God let all flesh bow to your spirit tonight release Michael and Gabriel raffle and all feel another mighty war in angels that you have set up don't let hell rejoice tonight let the church your church that to purchase with your precious blood Alleluia let your blood be released and be revealed Lord God Almighty we ask you to now move in this place deliver set free the power of your spirit to clear the air now for true worship bless so ministers blessed the men's apartment the lady's apartment bless every department of the submitters for now draw last and hunger soul in this place right now out of clubs and bars and cinemas and streets and lanes and homes khari ask you know fingers rule with your presence let the impossible be made possible because of the entrance of the Holy Ghost kill every germs and let us hear you in the name of Jesus Christ you're the authoritative force and power and God and being operating over this ministry God take full control now shut down the devil and all his demons over this minister tonight take some glory out of what you will do to the minds and hearts and lives of your people clap your hands and give God praise everybody come on clap your hands and give Him praise clap your hands and give him praise somebody shout ease worthy before you take your seat just walk around and find three persons and tell them new year new beginning tell them it's not over until it's over come on talk to two persons or three persons walk across the aisle go over in the benches there are many more coming right now driving and walking put some blood on the benches until they get here they must sit in fire and blood no sickness no demons will dwell in your body tonight in this house and rejoice after the service so begin to tell yourself demon will not live in this house after tonight hallelujah come on talk to somebody hallelujah hallelujah glory bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name how many of you know that the Bible said that the house of a lord shall be called the house of running I maybe know that he child to call the house of sitting down and eating my house shall be called a house of chatting my house shall be called a house of idle jesting my house shall be called a house of jokers but he said my house shall be called a house of prayer hallelujah clap your hands and give him praise amen it's good to be back in the house of the Lord amen it's good to be able to walk back through these doors Amen with a spirit of expectancy to lift up the name of Jesus Christ another time amen we bless God for his presence his love his kindness amen thank you for moderating brother Mack at the Amen brother Carlton god bless you we salute the leadership of the ordinations and Ida Pentecostal Church amen pastors and ministers amen first lady of the assembly amen god bless you amen to or musicians or beautiful choir stirs amen praise God hallelujah to the musicians that are here present god bless you to the precious saints of God of like precious faith or multimedia personals or technicians put your hands together for them God is gracious God is gracious God is gracious what a joy it is Amen that we could take a clarion call and get back in the house of a lord another Monday night for a revival service I don't hear the folks Amen it was a plan but we believe that we could be back here tonight to lift up the name of the Lord I'm gonna be you're hungry for the word Amen don't tell me you're retired only dead people don't get tired Amen I don't hear the force so if you're tired you better raise the hands and thank God you're tired the folks in the cemetery tonight would be glad to know that they were tired and not dead you better lift your hands and give God praise amen praise the Lord and what a joy it is to have Bishop purged with us and his wife angel put your hands together for them amen he is no stranger here praise the Lord and his wife there are no stranger here Amen we bless gone for him he accepted a clarion call in a short moment of time amen to be with us in Grand Cayman to minister the word of a lord and we do appreciate him for for coming praise the Lord and we do hope and trust that he leaves tomorrow morning amen and you don't know what might happen praise the Lord if revival break out in a church the preacher don't go home praise the Lord they called me to preach at a place one time for a few nights and it ended up that at the ending of the month they had to take the church out of the building and put it put it in the street and they started having roadblock and they had to move it and take a playfield and put it there Amen we saw all kinds of miracles taking place in that crusade and I've seen it happen many times amen amen we don't limit God and so when revival break or a preacher stay and so we bless God for them being here we pray for turks and caicos bishop purge and bishop mojado he meant my two good friends in the region the hand of the Lord will bless them and give them revival praise the name of the Lord praise the name of the Lord and we hope and trust the night up he has a word for the body of Christ amen i just opened by asking just a parade amen and we want to pray for just a few people here tonight do we have visiting friends visiting with us just raise your hands and say praise the Lord Amen hey Reverend Clayton is still with us just raise our hands Reverend Clayton I see you sir Amen he's kind of chillin out there aiming in the back tonight god bless you sir he's here with his son I have a senior son where is he's coming in late it bahir praise God amen praise the name of the Lord we're glad you're here sir we hope that you're praying us up and you're praying for the work amen let me see the folks who are here from a neighbouring Church New Testament do we have anyone from the New Testament church here amen praise God what about church I got a prophecy are you here from that church amen amen anyone from any of the church just jump to your feet if you're visiting from another Church just and if you're here visiting from another Church amen we have one beautiful precious sister over there from one of our neighboring neighboring churches and for those of your sitting in the far back I'd like to ask that you come over and leave the benches behind you because some people just beep and because the back benches are occupied then they just not come don't come in name and so you're gonna be preaching a sermon by coming up to the front and leave the benches behind you amen and we will see how well the Lord will work on that tomorrow is Tuesday night everybody say Tuesday night am i right and so tomorrow's what young people service it will be like a convention here tomorrow night but the steam is on is good so we ask everyone make sure you have a preacher tomorrow night with all the activities amen amen the most time should be taken about their activity with the word praise God Thursday night begins or month of prayer fasting and consecration we see the hands of those who are overwhelm your belly with steamed fish and bamhi already because you know you're going down to praise God praise God they said the best time to eat less is when you're going into fasting that's what I heard and you'll catch your practice before you get there and when you fast and pray you really don't lose anything a man you'll get rid of all your bodily poison toxic food poisoning you lose everything way to lose everything that is not really good for you so we want to go off amen on Thursday talking to the Lord and we are gonna be seeing great things happening in the month of February in this ministry in your life your finance your marriage is save life amen so it's it's a great time for the church to go off in prayer in Feb you February praise the Lord so what I ask you to just stand again you're going to be praying I like love for you to stand and just block the aisles again what I need from you tonight we'll need a very good offering and who can tell me what that offering is for is it for West they are to put on the roof somewhere else somebody's a waste day all right let's keep it at Westby but I need a very good offering tonight everyone stand get your hands in somebody else's hand praise the Lord why not hold hand with somebody I've just told you that this house shall be called a house of prayer a house of what how many of you remember when people used to go to church and kneel down and pray I remember when we used to go to church those earlier gone by days and deep blues to kneel down and pray and they would pray until something happen and now things change or people just go to church and stand for a few minutes and say lie lie lie lie lie and say no I'm Church kills and we go home amen now many know you need to touch the Lord in prison times hallelujah so for those folks who have asked us to pray they have called in not too long ago and asked us to pray amen prayer requests came in for folks amen thank you amen praise God prayer request and this is online they of calling Beverly Williams in Jamaica she's watching the service right now Natalie means going to a job in a job interview tomorrow asking to pray there watching the service as well amen Elizabeth Bryan sister Betty Nikki that's New York needs God's somebody's watching the service from New York these God's intervention about her job all right and we have also Robert P Roberts said pray that he will be delivered from anger he's watching the service online as well Linda's family as they grieve the loss of their son mark taken down by gunmen coming home from youth service only 16 years of age and I'm sure that the Jamaican folks are now watching the service a lot of them I'd like to ask the prime minister of Jamaica to get the soldiers in the 14 parishes for Jamaica and see to it that our ladies can sleep on the road in their nighties undisturbed if we get those soldiers out and they do their duty well amen it will happen and like to us also the police commissioner to get the police out on the street in the 14 parishes and get the pastor's of preaching the Word of God it's very less time that we're living in and we need good leaders to lead the country amen amen [Music] we can't afford to sit back sister Cheryl Smith speedy recovery you remember such a Shari broke her left arm one of her hands need prayer pray for the family of sister sister riddle faith riddle who'd just pass on she was in church just a few nights ago worshipping the Lord she left the he's a hospital but the Lord seemed fit to take her home and so he took her as a flower but from the garden sister caught it right from aureus as cancer she has done she has done I think it's my sector me and underwent 28 chemotherapy she will be doing some tests tomorrow to see if the cancer is gone if not she'll have to do four more chemotherapy tests she does not want to do any more and is asking the church for prayer prayer for one Mona Gregory she is in the hospital pending surgery right right now right now right now there are a lot more prayer requests here I can't read all of them tonight online view online view just I think just sent this they're watching the service right now and this is jhanelle role in the USA he's asking for urgent prayer right now we pray in the meantime for all these requests that I have laid out before me that God will help God will heal that God will deliver just now all the hands of the persons you're holding on to and remember it is your faith and that touch is gone mr. Margaret Mackenzie pray for her pray for all the members of this church were absent tonight those who are sick in their bodies pray for the backsliders that conviction will reach them they'll run back to Christ open your mouth and pray now it's a prayer of deliverance father we thank you so much for being God in the heavens God on the earth God beneath the earth God in the oceans God beneath the oceans the God who created the universe with all its entities you are in charge of the works of the scientifical realm the stratosphere the atmosphere the atmosphere and every sphere known and unknown danger and mankind you are God we pray at this time that your precious blood that blood that you came so far from heaven to release in the universe let the precious blood now circulate and reach the minds of those who ask us to pray they're in hospitals they're in the homes in the United States and the Caribbean islands the United Kingdom and other parts of the world they're watching we ask now that the Spirit of God will override distance hallelujah there is no sin that is as strong as the blood of Jesus Christ we pray now that you'll remember those who are serving life sentences those are locked behind bars and quizzes in jail cells those who are trapped hallelujah by the finger of witchcraft by the devil having nowhere to turn but to cry out to God we pray that by miraculous healing divine power robbed and deck with your rhetoric blood will now be delivered in the name of Jesus Christ terrorize demons now and drive them back to the habits of hell free up your people now bring life and life to the body of Christ up kill the germs of lust adultery fornication lasciviousness homosexuality hallelujah lesbianism prostitution ISM sedition shriver of emulation in the name of Jesus Christ we command that the blood of Jesus will bring life up to the body to the spirit and soul of every listener right now every person were under the sound of the service so we pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that you were moving on or choir stirs now or musicians attention or ministers the Saints of the we'll come to lift you up now lord I pray a disturbed ground came in right now disturb Cayman Islands right now disturb the Legislative assemble dark rooms and little rooms up accommodated by the devil to do evil in this land that revival breakout in this church house in the name of Jesus of Rod we plea the blood now against every chronic sickness of you sick demons up the blood of Jesus shoot you in the center of your strength Lord let your blood right now move against every disease up against every demonic attack up by the power of your spirit up let your name your honor let your name be glorified open the witness of heaven right now and bless your people let your name the glorified of the blood of Jesus up we release your blood right now for the deliverance of those who call in for prayer let them know your heart before they ask and the answer the answers are on the way up he'll deliver set free now in the name of Jesus up is triage arms up that is holding back freedom of worship up every disease of let your blood right now crush every demonic up stronghold build up against the service of built up against this ministry up that preaching come easily tonight up the command young shut up of the Holy Ghost up from on high to be release in this place right now take full control up touch the druggies up the that's one more time but sliders up in the name of Jesus [Music] father supercharge the atmosphere now turtle bedrooms or bathrooms or vehicles which are better right now curfew this property up let somebody call the fire be grid right now as you sit on this house up like fire let your blood right now turn the plan of the enemy down thank you thank you thank you lord thank you brother cheese awesome let it do the job Lord thank you thank you thank you for healing my grave fever can someday come back the blood of Jesus reach the people now and heal them god I know you show up tonight I know you're here we feel your presence already ha ha hallelujah manifest your glory open our hearts and our eyes to see and feel the presence of God is here ah God let your blood let your blood to the job the blood of Jesus sit on us tonight until something happened allistic healing huh for the body of Christ upon somebody Club their hands and give Him praise somebody clap your hands and give it praise somebody clap your hands and give him praise [Music] pants and give him praise somebody clap your hands that give him praise [Music] sister Beverly Williams in Jamaica lift the hands for her now and ask God to deliver her Nathalie Mills need help right now Jamaica lift your hands come on Allu yeah hallelujah come on leave the head the Linda's family free for them right now hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you hallelujah come on we've got a praise in the house get going please somebody give God a praise somebody give God a praise somebody give God a praise start to your feet come on stand to your feet everybody aah God if you see anybody sitting now tell them get stop your feet don't lift your hands if your hands look down come on you didn't come here to you've come to praise alone hallelujah now we want to get the preacher on the floor we want to get the breach on the floor as quickly as possible amen you have a few little homework a few little homework to do online online stand on stand on your feet somebody's watching the service and have a need come over lift your hands up right now pray for pastor Everton grant in Jamaica in hospital now with pneumonia since the Gran's husband come on lift your heads right now hallelujah thank God for technology prayer knows no distance come on call this thing father we command now that your blood hallelujah reach your servant now hallelujah we command this pneumoniae to be dried up hallelujah we stop it now we declare war with the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus right now we try of this pneumoniae Raya shut out the blood of Jesus somebody clap your hands and give God facts hurry somebody clap your hands and give God praise for it the blood of Jesus it's done it's done it's gone get ready with your offered we need to get the preacher on the floor quickly quickly bless the name of Jesus amen those who love the Lord say Amen those who love the Lord say Amen if you really love the Lord look at the person hallelujah look at the person alright look at the other one now and check them out just check out the other one beside you an accident did they answer you check listen wait on them don't just say it and leave it out there check on them just wait wait for an answer look at them again in the neighbor [Music] [Music] yes sir that's a good sign now saints of God I never normally do this unless I feel a push exam very particular when it comes on to money last year I was asked the minister my father meant to church apostadero Smith and that topic was about the tabernacle and I always tends to want to find a background see don't don't stress me I like to do is hold on to your wallet your purse every where you keep the money I I act I like checking my background I want to know where I'm coming from so I can given give away you know I'm i we have ministries and different I believe I believe it's supposed to be like okay reading you don't just get to the high part should see where you're going you follow and then when you get to the eye point you already enjoy what's going on so the eye point your stick you have are you feeling me so I had to go and look back on it and he says if pastor jewel Clark is the first I've read this passage it's like you know sometimes you read something in the Bible it's like the first you're really seeing what it's saying I read the scripture where in Leviticus where the Lord was given Moses the instructions how to make the Tavener of a lot of Bible scholars here's I know you're with me and what I've observed is that after God gave him the instructions how to make it it was time now for him to get the money bill because the money was of utmost importance and but don't get quiet when it comes on to money it's a devil no I'm gonna say it again when you start getting stared when it comes on - giving him ghazals it's a devil yeah and even if you don't believe I just tell you that I'm gonna tell you why I know it's the devil said scripture says Lord those they are the one you should take from don't get that now this tells me that if you give if you can find a joy when you give in to God you will not get a return all right about five person get convicted just now some people just realize what's up so sometimes we come here and we beg for an offering people do give but not willingly and it's because of that there is no return so when we come to church we should have a mind and a heart to give are you with me is there anybody with me now ask the person beside you are you with the preacher are awaiting an answer I'm gonna tell you one more thing now I was teaching because we just completed our mantra prayer and fast and we have different things that we pray for each month we start the first week in sanctification dealing with the works of the flesh and second week we were dealing with praying for different leaders of the different churches and getting order in order you know the main theme was that I may know him and miracles must happen that's the main thing third week we're dealing with spiritual gift things that may be stirred up in the light and then we get to the last we preach we pray for the money and the business all of that since we don't sanctified I'm prepared we want the money because the Bible says this was made for love wine made for laughter she smile for love the wine being merry what honey answer it so money must work amen Ecclesiastes 10:19 say this again I watched this while I was teaching them about money cuz I tell them that last week anybody who don't want to talk about no money or believe in no money don't come to Miami cuz we have people in the church who don't believe you should do anything and talk about no money none at all because they are so sanctified and holy and they don't want no money because they don't pay rent don't feel like they won't he they don't wear clothes right now when you talk about money up some people really vexed at the devil now come sit on them as the person beside you is the devil sitting on you so don't tell my life I'm good there we'll sit on some people right any time when it's time for money when it's time to give you know that you're supposed to be excited now start jumping and just making Piron eyes they gave when God asked forgive willingly they start giving until Moses that to stop them from giving why that never happen one time in the church yet you never get quiet again you hear that you hear that sit on them again you know why I never happen and then look at the other aspect in the New Testament the Bible said that they Peter or none of the Apostles did not tell nobody to sell your also sell what they have and take and put it at the decide for the Apostles feed nobody asked him for that the people did that willingly am I talking to Chu say the little tea fun trickster ananias and sapphira who try to pull off so now we see what happened to them you understand what I'm saying it's always willing Cornelius is given came up to God as a memorial he's giving are you feeling I'm saying now while I was teaching about the money one of the first principle I brought out Reverend Bishop Clarke is Malachi 3 bringing all the tides and the stores that they may be meet my house and prove me now you see the Lord if I would not what open we're windows nah not a door because you can't handle a door you know so we say you just crack a window and pour your two blessing that you won't have there's not a bigger bank account is we want a room enough to receive it now watch this this is the part that got me he said that I will rebuke the devour your see no blood of Jesus is gonna rebuke the Devourer no name of Jesus he's gonna review bit of our God himself say I'm gonna review it of all and do it does it is if you take your tithes and your offering in the store if I make sense I go ahead this is 2018 and some of you came out 2017 broke am i talking the truth are those who tied up in Brooks and me call your name Donald perch is tired of being broke anybody here have any bills anybody who tried to hold people say me we have some people saying you're saving money for really dear and we spending the money before we and even foul so we want money that we don't know what to do with it alone because when we get rich god we still won't come to church on clap on hand and jump on testify I we're not gonna walk in your way cry now Bishop didn't ask me to do it the old day I was thinking and I'm trying to shake myself from it on lady angel just asked me just when I was leaving ask me if I'm gonna collect an offering I still in sin unto her you understand but I because I already take all my often that cuz I plan to collect an orphan since I was called here suddenly might as well I do everything that God plays in spirit I don't know I don't a bishop said if it's evil five persons come here I must preach since we didn't plan now Bishop knows me but not as much as that I've been practicing to preach to banana tree yeah welcome peach to myself crowd don't frighten me I'm not easily frightened about crowd I want to make sure when I finished minister and I can give an account for everything I just say so I preach with my heart now come here right now I'm gonna stop this offering I need about 10 15 persons to help me now I'm in the Turks and Caicos Islands in Atlanta thank you so much um and I use u.s. dollars you use CI right back to me and I'm starting this offering at 120 US dollars please excuse me 120 that is about a hundred ci I'm right it may five more dollars boss is on point Donnell purge stop the offering with 100 no I got some people in here that can give me 500 can give me 200 or listen to me the $500 can pay the bill that you have to owe to me and tell the truth got some bills that the firemen jar much if we can get one or a three or four hundred our 1,500 on it it can work god be as big some of you have bills here and you have in Jamaica go ahead and some of your looking on the equivalent of it Dona Jamaica stop it you live in to tear my nylons stop it you live right here so you have to spend see I you don't live in coupon you don't live in now thank you thank you thank you thank you see you see you see that the most rich and kill your babies I love them now I'm starting to offering with 125 US which is equivalent to 100 CI so an ad in essence I have 100 CI dollars right here and I'm starting lady angel the boss you state your hundred thank you I'm not the Osborn man of this house I am the guest speaker he that girl so she hot so that's my girl all right you noticed that cuz anytime I give off and she have to back me up so I give my first one cuz me tell her I'm an ostrich imma buy our host this year alright she's my girl so I got one I got to know I want 10 more 10 more $100 don't sweat this is your sonís seen somebody go start some business somebody gonna start some house that you see you born these are some of our most rich - that's three come thank you darlin I'm not fighting for this I tell you if you don't give it willing you're not gonna get nothing and we got some real people here if you have checks we take it for no this is just a part of it this is it oh thank you so much four four five six thank you ah almost 70 thank you so much or decide to it thank you so much thank you six I want from on journalist lunge announced on and so we you got it some of your construction work on the rich when have money don't play I'm playing me some of you have money got money there was a certain girl here I just tell her that I don't know her no more no she don't love me then I open that shouldn't love me too you know coupla years ago I came here and I told her to so for her husband anybody remember and she sold 100 on affairs and the following year what happened woman began engage next time I come here she murder her baby she she don't love me no more but right now we're not even looking at her Thank You boss see if you never give me no money well like you know one money one two three how much how much I gone four five six seven eight some of them I don't add up so don't mind Richard rich come in a millionaire come man filo a millionaire handshake feel weak I feel good you see my seal friend no matter if she no I know she cared I want you don't give me no fuss we recycle break the curse come o God make a rich company let them can see if it's thank you darling ten eleven Thank You Bishop - well well where she is and what is here all right that's a bouquet I don't want you coming up oh thank you so much heaven bless you thirteen come darling thank you so much sweetheart you are the best Jesus I like this one you know you're gonna reach Brittany Eric what you know wanna clump in this style I'm asking for the hundred dollars all right can I get one more hundred Allah Nana where did where the girly anybody city girl you want the comfort shoes Thank You heaven smile on you CJ munch Oh Prescott all right good okay all right I need some fifth it out you don't give me no money you're sit on the whole time when I look good you know let me see don't you Donna Oh every time I come I see him he's my friend a man he gave me the first 50 that's the first 50 second 50 heard 50 Joe even bless you nice to Monsieur the money calm [Applause] Oh God I'm waiting for the mother to come she's trying to hide you better find the money amen find your husband alright I need some $50 now I gone three give me 15 $50 and I move from here come quick three four I gotta do this I feel it's I gotta do it thank you so much five is four four one two four four five right heaven bless you we appreciate you thank you so much thank you thank you very much five five six thank you seven come below seven thank you seven don't stall me I blew me know I don't know brothers are single week and what is the Amazon we're single I'm not a myself give me some somebody didn't even get out front from Sonia come on come come come one two how much how much are gone thank you anybody similar system in here Mundell come church lid I think she have to suffer the bond line was long they have a card machine lady Clark is there a card machine here alright we got a card machine anybody of your card some of your tricks does come to church without offerings and oh it's a cashless up the card thank you my star thank you so much lovely lady that's nine nine come beloved no story big homie we human Daniel sit in both Cheers today the tonight on the pastor one the bishop it's darling one behind me you know I was gonna call you ready you tell me see I work on a district I can give my boy so the insurance money think Russia and I gave him money like porridge on the daddy a mom is a carry Monaco let's go to Naaman tell him come here alright come the beloved nine nine all right so she coming here from the back thank you the service is Monday night none of your brother's Oh alright quiet thank you darling anybody see Tyson mr. Tyson or the best ten feet me movin oh wait we all wonder you wanna make a monkey or someone who can give me no quick 11 that's ten or eleven nine eleven sure seven nine ten ten one more and I stop but I Richie thank you so much lady Magellan preciate you Oh God oh [Music] you're offering thanks you keep counting for me it's one person with me how you forgot it too among them pretty normal like this money alright thank you so much alright let's go give me some of this now this one see everybody know it this money give me some $25 so you're swimming in it for the year and for the rest of the year you're planting a seed so the Lord can bless you that's what I'm talking about one two come let's come you can find it three heaven bless you oh thank you five give me good father God that should never be broke from this day in Jesus name [Applause] seven eight nine who are the best they're coming they're coming come beloved get up now what happened yeah thank you pretty lady master Devin give me a tip chief love your wife I thought sixteen here I said girl 17:18 we thank you know we don't give much change Jesus be taught the mana change as you want to meet me I just comment thank you so much oh Clark give me 50 I love you thank you lady clock come here darling hallelujah I like your heart thank you thank you thank you you're coming you want to come are we doing this up for me to make sure sorry for keeping up the time the bread you decide to bless the house might as well look at this pretty girl thank you darling heaven bless you darling thank you so much sweetheart heaven bless you alright I'm here I come Jesus why you did so far there's a lot winning return give me your no pops give me something for you oh you jerk be careful of us want thanks my boss don't show them don't tell them where you give me I come for a condo near for all of the ones you have doing here which are come on y'all let's go Israel your money you boy right now you have something tire on your wheel sweating him again Taliban come give me some money and the sooner have the money on the one and you know there's a thing with ashes ashes are we as collecting are free not God [Laughter] please don't give me none of this money yet until I actually I killed it I'll do born and January bring Monaco right thank you so much I got some lovely people you know come why you give me us done see I'm okay thank you big boss thank you you're still single the money from fine picks you when you won't get mine now we talk all right all right it's all alright I'll do have them ten cut the doughnuts I know that noise you know $20 that's we have some people on we have ten right we have $10 now $10 right all right all those who have the $10 now and this is what you have but you're honest come with some $10 thank you sweetheart look at this beautiful maybe see if nobody different was skimming pneumonia panic or Nothing tonight I want where do I mean is also okay when I have to sing I'm gonna have to give where the ashes ashes although born in January Monica is December when I reach our Monty bring Monica when I call you you come doesn't matter if you're come already come if you're born care something caught the ball fredward nice February bring money come January bonbon you'll it will you buy February in your time it all new Bar None February bring money come engine ever find someone you know come on bring Monica thank you thank you my star go to grandma and tell her we just say morning Bar None after February 20 on thank you March bring Monica single-game lube on and March bring a little bond and March bring money come and you're not sitting at me Tamar say March thank you darlin March bring money [Music] hello bonnet Monica or not you think I'm at a Lube on an ear for everybody call me no more macho but a much before them you give me yours very much a Lube on an ear problem angel give more money please April Samir I work at me no problem I work all the much people are Lube on a match raise your hand geez you see you preacher don't LM scared of you boy are you a people like you gotta go please excuse my second watch annalisa hand thank you yes sir buddy Mike when you're gone you know how much they really come to my hand my love you too which are born again all newborn and April bring money calm [Music] if really bar after April which one come again all right I mean people come the bar Hippolyte me Jesus said a lot good finding people would $50 $100 if you never know what's going on is he beloved God is just touching the heart of people and yet being a blessing then I just take another minute I'm sorry for keeping your timer it really made me mere proof thank you darling everybody about your bridge oh that's why it's a pretty thank you man may bring Monica Autobahn on me thank you darling unclear fence them hide me after man would you put you won't come again John Autobahn and June are you married June Autobahn and don't bring money come on June June June June June June June June this time you're taking anything like that alone $10 $1 $2 $2 you won't bring money come July bring money ooh [Music] hello pretty lady no but you're gonna put your check in your front of me she gone July bring Monica after July they said it's one month donkey can say you know oh thank you darling September September bring money card September September bring when it come all the ball in September bring money come on ha ha ha ha my god just a LAN account coca-c Jesus thank you so September September god bless you Monteagle god bless you god bless you September September what I call for the church bond September September September September we September September what who are quieter September September is Danny thanks amen September September October October October [Applause] [Music] the shop October no Misha October no Bishop you have to cover up your shop and somebody just remind me that the time it's gone I guess you come Lea - so - I'm going quick October thank you big boss he's up you'll find the money October after thank you so much big Bishop October November what's this watch this watch the watch the remember watch watch closely watch closely keep your eyes on it keep your eyes on it what's the vapor what's the remember watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch watch you got to come baby thank you my sweet wife mm-hmm November November November November Thank You preacher November November see you sitting there my father up on him yeah monochrome boy come November boy come come thank you big owe me vitiate you look at this Oh God alright Autobahn December December assemble dissemble Thank You preacher December December this sample Thank You December Christmas girl December is [Music] thank you so much December December all right assemble all right I'm and I'm looking at some people don't move yet Thank You December all right Thank You summer December company boss December yeah conduct for everybody down here all December car all this Sun but thank you so much even smile on you everyone smile on you thank you big boss you'll come at you think easy thanks December alright I'm finished Oh Lu never born bring Monica are you born again ever montant all new born again bring Monica who baptized in Jesus there bring Monica with some father Billy all those who baptized in Jesus name bring money calm angel baptized in Jesus name in Jesus name punks all who have one dollar bring Monica thank you baby I love you all thank you so much for being so nice and kind and forgiving father god I pray that tonight that you return to the people a hundred fall cause a shift in their financing since beginning this hour we command money to be released upon the life of the people we declare it on right now jeez never bless you see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here's the joy of my salvation when I needed he's always been [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh what a friend we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no he is the joy of my salvation [Music] Oh that's why [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the son of God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go no no no [Music] come on come on one ship in Honolulu your worship worship worship why should be wiser Oh Lord of all [Music] hallelujah started Oh people receive official hallelujah king of [Laughter] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah King of Kings somebody shout King of Kings some other shall King of Kings Lord of lords he's a mighty conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah somebody shout you need the anointing come on shake you person's hands and tell them you need the anointing the day and time we're living in you need an anointing choir you need the anointed ministers you need the anointing and I'm just led to tell the folks that if you're worshiping some little cute stuff that you have at your bedside then your pocket around your waist some little vial some little dolls you better burn them up and if you're practicing some funny stuff that when you come to church okay and lift your hands and superior preach you have to be saying ouch I guarantee you throw them in the toilet and flush them amen look at someone I tell them you need an anointing in these days only the anointing is going to bring us over hallelujah there are seven major level of anointing the anointing to preach the anointing to teach the anointing to prophesy the anointing to give the anointing to receive the anointing to discern and the anointing to heal lift their heads and said Lord drop the anointing on me and we have a young man in the house with an idea of the Lord we're so very blessed to have him in the house out of Turks and Caicos Amen we want to ask that you preach with him tonight the anointing will make you preach when somebody Bernie the Apostle Paul was the best but he begged the folks he said pray for me that angstrom might be given somebody let him out and shout the blood release the blood in the house the blood of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah ladies and gentlemen receive food from the Lord as we bring to the podium Bishop applause a purge and his wife god bless you preach with him preacher them praise the name of the Lord you've been hearing me for a little bit now come lady angel come and just say something right quick you gotta come even though time is gone even this my girlfriend and my partner to Eternity let's praise the Lord let us praise the Lord let me hear you shout hallelujah shout hallelujah god is good he's great he's excellent and he's worthy to be praised amen I'm happy to be here one more time Amen with God's wonderful people giving honor to God who is ahead of my life in him I live in him I move in him I have my being praise God I greet Bishop Clark amen the angel of this house I greet his beautiful wife Lady Clark in Jesus name I greet Pastor Joel Clark amen all the officers men's choir sang to require saints visiting friends accept greetings I greet my husband apostle purge in Jesus name God is good I greet you in this name because the name of the Lord is a strong and mighty tower the righteous run it into it and they're saved praise God I also greet my good friend and sister ties Jackson amen we've been really really good friends from a long time I know the time is gone but I just want to sing just a little bit one line of a song in Jesus name hallelujah thank you Jesus like a ship sailing down on the tree so rough alone so far from show it's so far from home ah I fell out in search of a reason to go on and fear I found it hallelujah is the [Music] no man storm clouds may Rock hallelujah his ship or mine the light of my Savior will lead me safely and know the ship may be rocky and the sails maybe tow I shall ready I shall rest hallelujah ah sure is no matter what situations or circumstances I I don't know what you're going through but nobody knows like you do I shall rest in the eye [Music] that's low [Music] though the wind and water HS begins to rule lesson Rock of Ages speaks peace to my soul [Music] he holds me so safe and so warm I find shelter who it'd be stall [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] First Samuel chapter 30 everybody take your Bibles in your hand your tablet your notepad your iPad whatever you get turn with me to First Samuel Chapter seven thirty praise God we give honor to him who is Lord of our lives he is king of King he's in charge and he has never made a mistake one time we are eternally grateful that he could consider us to live praise God to be in his house one more time as you all know it's a setup this is a divine setup praise God Almighty the Brazilian Turks were expecting me back today and I have to be telling them that God made a switch amen amen and since God made such a switch there is a reason behind it Amen praise the name of the Lord I'm grateful to you who responded praise God that is so sudden and I know some of you coming from work tired somebody got work early in the morning kids gotta go to school and all but you sacrificed just to come there is a reason behind this are you with me I give honor to the angel of the house praise God Bishop Clarke praise God and his lovely wife first lady Clarke would you make some noise for them amen praise God Almighty amen Livie and my star Dandan praise God Daniel greetings as my boy idea praise God Almighty amen all postural Clark praise come on a dimension in all the wonderful workers Amen saint system for an awesome means qua a man saying I love you all and I respect you on and thank you all for being so nice and warm and kind a manly denominator rose amen real good cooks and let us enjoy ourselves praise God and be grateful to God our flight leaves in the morning on tomorrow praise God as Bishop says when revival breakout anything is possible so if you see me here tomorrow again you know you was wrong but I know my flight is for tomorrow just like it was for today amen amen so I'm gonna say a few things in your ear and so you can get out of here right quick amen I'm grateful to him for his grace if you're with me at per sandwich after 13 say word I would read from verse 1 through 2 verse number 8 but the interest of time I just rocked verse 7 and 8 and David said auntie abiathar the priest a him Alex son I pray thee bring me either the ephod and abiathar brought with the ephod to david verse number 8 said and david ends inquired at the lord saying this is what david says shall i pursue after this truth that's the first question he asked and the next question is shall I overtake them and he which is the Lord answered him sane person but thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover or recover all a basa slip your hand in the Holy Ghost worship a hand beside just to them [Music] father God we honor you for your word I am under you Lord Jesus for your grace and your love and your mercy is with your divine power you've given unto us everything that pertain it unto life and godliness you are the sovereign creator I pray God you would sanctify my heart my mind and my lips trust me one more time with your anointing let no flesh glory in your presence we break every spell reverse every curse we cancel every assignment we play the superior blood of the Lamb of Calvary against every demonic imp an emissary god we pray that your cause our beliefs in this house like we have never seen our heard demonstrate your power cause a breaking out in this house break out a revival in clayman like we've never heard or seen move upon the people magnify yourself shake this place Lord shake the space that you would shake a piece of garment in the name of Jesus that there be an Holy Ghost invasion in an unprecedented way today to this hour this very night release your glory magnify yourself we'll be careful to honor and bless you in Jesus name just before you sit down I'm gonna ask it to do amen something for me just make a switch exchange your seat right now move from where you are sitting move from who you sitting beside find a worship and just change just move just confuse the devil early [Applause] hallelujah to God Jesus amen amen thank you you're sitting beside a worship on you'd know it now shake their hand right quick and see hard illusions if you feel anything coming from them a man shake their hand right quick and see if anything coming from him just a little bit more on my money to miss the preacher just a twitch just a little twitch amen praise God yes that's nice hallelujah to God glory to his name Amen lead on the worship of beside you now they even ask the question shall I who pursue and rely overtake a man shall I pursue after this tube shall I overtake them and God responded pursue Amen for thou shalt surely overtake and without fail recover all I wanted to shake the worshiper hand beside you right quick look them square in their face look them square in their face and just say smile but says yes God says yes go get them go get me God says yes that says yeah yes yes yes ha ha ha ha yes or it goes ah ha yes yes yes yes yes yes higher good cut my king oh sure somebody got it huh my mind my god good lord shantamma higher yes yes yes when the world comes whoo god I might have some people lost their can't even open your mouth don't entertain this this one is far beyond them this one sleep over their head ha ha oh my God Almighty I've never seen it like this whoosh ah ha ha ha whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord make some noise worshippers make some noise rush applause make some noise worship us yes he says yes he said go get them [Applause] [Applause] mr. Sun man the monitors drop it Murata NASA my God my God my God Almighty yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord yes yes Lord yes Nima Massa find another crazy worshiper the hand and tell him smile tell him smile says yes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Sanada shout glory right here right here [Applause] tell them smile Chito Shanda Thank You Holy Ghost Thank You Holy Ghost Thank You Holy Ghost halle-loo my good god America Shonda shantamma hyah hey man you're having a seat I shall blow ray all right sit down let me see if Carl along with the talk a few more shantamma I think I can call the author Carl almost now somebody Shama maja hallelujah sit down Church sit down for a minute I feel his grace on me hey man I asked God for his direction I was led to this for me the passage of Scripture cos hey man when you are reading the bible scriptures become familiar especially when you've been preaching but beloved you got to have a right timing because the words of God are spiritually discerned amen praise God they are not written praise God by men but holy men wrote it but not regular men holy men of God wrote and spake rather as they were moved by the Holy Ghost amen it's the grace of God that rested on men so they could pen put pen to paper and write the Bible like a regular novel where you read and you get bored after a time and put it down because you know what's next when you read the Bible this minute you can read one chapter and it sounds this way and you read the same chapter later on and you wonder if it was the same thing you just read it is spiritually discerned touch your neighbor and tell him something is about to happen in your life I told you to sit beside a worshipper because we need something more Laila baba shot this is a divine setup I don't know what is happening but I feel a move of God in my belly chandamama ha cat oh shut up he is Samuel praise God he was the last judge of Israel and the first prophet Israel has ever seen there was an unusual pointing on him he came up out of a Barren womb his mother gave him over to God from the very day she was weaned because she sought God for him and God trusts her with a man-child but there was a grace on him that was second to none the belly of God was so heavy in Israel they were the only nation that I've ever seen God in an high dimension of level and glory I've ever seen God show up for them the way in which Israel see God God move God speaks if I'm seven with the glory of God that was on Israel of God when Solomon's son Samuel sons messed up off the Infinia Eli sons they first messed up Solomon Samuel amen took the position as his sons messed up amen and the people tax now for a king it was not the timing but God allowed them to get a king God gave them so something happened differently God told Samuel that this man would be here at this specific time and you would anoint him asking amen he was praise God from the tribe Benjamin from the family of Matt's ride he was anointed he was shoulders was tall above high above all the other men of Israel hey many structure was second to none his name was Saul the son of Kish it was an honest alive for like two years he knew ash when a Ash wanted to plop out all the right eyes of the Israel of Israel it was an anointing that came upon soul that he came and brought deliver and she did brought deliverance amen but when pride set in because God used people to a point anytime you become proud and become bigger than who you are eight men that God will withdraw himself so all that has been happening is just flesh and when flesh sets in and takes over a menu you are set for to a path of total destruction Eggman this is why every time God use you you have to give him the blow Eggman you can consider yourself more highly than you are you got to remain humble before the Lord from him he went and sacrificed he was not in the position to do that because he was a king a man that's the first thing a big walk was wrong God gave him a second chance and he told him to go down to the Amalekites and kill everything that he saw amen when he go down there he should the post-rock good anything with flies mosquito worm anything you see should be written out right written off amen and then have the audacity to say it was the people hurt because God was mad and God he went beer and he wanted Samuel to bless him rip someone's man who was going away from him and assume the throne but God made a change God said go down to Jesse's house now when he anointed Saul rather when Saul anointed Samuel God showed him a specific spot but Samuel Saul would meet him Samuel but now when he was to anoint a king in Jesse's house God just told him there's a king down here but she didn't tell him how he looked are you with me amen when Samuel got down into when he got in the room so I can see the one who was the first one was making a switch nobody is rubbish people she is back we leave them in the bush because people who know a church some people in church what the [Music] that's the one right there that's it that's it that's your name as a neighbor keep your money touch them touch them touch touch a name as a neighbor you can keep the money you can keep the house keep everything but give me an octave [Applause] [Applause] [Music] send me a man send me [Music] [Applause] is a champion from nobody [Applause] because it wasn't it was just in case they can take [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the stone is for Estonia for force with that velocity you should go [Applause] [Applause] I was walking when I am ordinary but when the boy run [Applause] in the church while we're not getting the victory that we are - can I show you this real quick come here preacher come here come here read quick now this is Saul and David going on Sean is thousand and David is ten thousand when porvis go out together eleven thousand guaranteed David never one time said he wanted throne all David want to do is work for God and service king but the king because this is what happened anytime greatness come in the presence of smallness smallest acts up so you don't have to say nothing for some people to get at you I'm preaching so good rubbish and abajo you ever just spin around some people you've never done them anything you ever hear some people say that they don't like you best spirit don't take you put your name as a neighbor anybody who said a spirit entities are Devlin or them behind when you come into your presence they become intimidated because your presence intimidates them into David just the scientists about 90 put aside [Applause] go ahead nothing nobody wants to which the suits [Applause] Oh answer neighbor the Batman crosses off you I said touch them I said touch them touch them he LaMotta Sophia mama Shia which mode is off you the Jessup and mode is off you got somebody else I said it you touch them [Applause] they've been attacking characters of great men and women of God because the purpose of it is to put our voice you wouldn't do it [Music] [Applause] you know me you know I didn't even know he was in there when they got in the Kia Sol fell asleep right in the gear and let it drop asleep in the of God with us sleep on all of them and even this back way up never sleeping dear Victor don't deal with Abishai Abishai said Charlie please my big your David please I'm begging you just just let me just smite him because when you're warriors beside you that what you say yes AHA let's do this let's go get them let's go get them besides I besides uh please David I just want to smite him watch I promise you I'm not only to time I just want to what I'm kidding my parameter David said don't touch the large uh nineteen no you got to help me if David Dandan if Saul had the evil spirit of God upon him how deep it still call him the Lord's anointed David still would not touch him and we have men and women of God here that have the anointing God never take it from them and people are frivolous enough to stretch their hand and touch the Lord's anointed now I want to ask a neighbor a scalable you'll see them get away let them look like I'm flourishing like the green beer tree I hope they can handle this Sun soup I always love quote this Roger Lourdes this is this general this war general Sun Tzu the Chinese philosopher and rod general said he said he said some like this that if you stay by the river long enough you'll see the bodies of your enemies come floating by look at your neighbors ain't moving I'm right by this river and watch them haters that has been waiting for me to fall in Turks been waiting for the ministry to be destroyed here in the Cayman Islands touch your name once any but we ain't going nowhere but somebody else just fine I wonder if you're really beside I worshiper because you some of you are beside some people not even saying nothing ah I guess I wanna go I'm so let me send you home David got opportunities so killed saw and he said I'm not touching him that's why the man was to anoint it that's why God could have trust him but some people don't understand that you have to sit on and wait your time David could take over the throne with ease one move in fact Jonathan already knew that this wasn't him Jonathan look at David from the first time is that he wants to kill him I said guess what I love you the love that I have for you and we are for each other supersedes that up and love that a man or a woman I love it that much he loved him so much item check of everything we have on him girdle it was a clear it's clear sign that he is next David his Nexus and he said he said I know that when you get in charge we're gonna leave together the Jonathan was looking that David was king and you never have no sign about mine in him some people can't handle that because that's what the Lord did watch it I won't show you this Saul expected a dynasty but got to switch the dynasty to a kingdom Jesus Christ you see something good dynasties after father dead son take over you know I'm appreciated doctor I'm a depression that's what's happening in the church it's not all the time when fathers dying the church it means a pasta son my daughter must be next in line cuz if they're not living right living right now walking right or hop that cotton that's anointing to take the ministry for the next dimension they're not qualified for a bridge and some people don't like the truth because watch this switch cut and understand the scepter shall not depart from weird Judah but the king but the King Mirian start in Benjamin Benjamin [Applause] your life bless you David was from the tribe of Judah that's why he was in the bush playing - sheep and talking to his God because he know what prayers can do but service or no appear scandal some of us are only prayers when when when the singing is going on the cars will get teaching that know when the word is going on your mother sit on and shut your mouth most time you should find prayers is when the word going on cuz when something hits you [Applause] bishop they say fear nice but may come in love it God Devils can't sit on beside me some people have never seen love shunned I'm a hike and some doesn't feel like the Fazio where people we are HBO fear the only time they can wash but I want some people jump when the singing is going on some sound and if you follow me carefully I'm not preaching everything because I'm leaving in the morning [Applause] if you follow follow the singing watch it once you remember when the song name lady little lady clock there's no got lazy over there's no Nigel and everybody singing that but by the time the Sun gone one week one month after you have to find a next one and then if I had other one said by the time you sing that done then everyone it is some them as they come they pop up on their door the only kind of song them right now that's falling the riddim it's in the book of God so precious apostolic Pentecostal some new song them have them still but people jump a son but the word that remain forever but is settle coelom shine John say a man for when your hear the word your short behavior to see amen open your mouth I preach Bishop up in saying it's not everybody are teachers some of the gifts to teach and not because you're brighter you can read a book and candle powerpoints it means that you're gifted to preach teach you can teach but you don't have to give to teach cause the gifting to teach brings revelation and revelation comes out of the Holy Ghost so if you teach and don't have no revolution or the word you're not a teacher are you doing is repeating something I get get what book says and become verbatim repeat what the book say but that's it but when you are gifted teacher revelation come out of it not everybody will be teaching like you you got some people God have you have to preach the word because when you have some people come onto the dance that my friend let me friend come from what the dancer sticks even if a joke [Applause] to give them the life and the Shred you can easily touch your neighbors and ever excuse me but I gotta praise right here tell them tell them I got the prayers right here let me let it all let me let it oh let me nah nah nah nah nah to be runnin from sorrow for all his life until David had to go see him enemy Philistines come and when he gets into the Philistines come he begged them something when he begged them someplace to live they gave him a place names o'clock they gave him the club they Phyllis Stanley enemy God God will make you a favour with the enemy so much so that the enemy will bless you touch your neighbor and say neighbor you see in 2018 my very enemies don't provoke them to bless me it's not already I feel the preacher on me somebody just shout right now it's promotion time boy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy I feel the Holy Ghost I almost ready to land they gave him Zika the enemy gave him sick lab and he was all right to Zika a good man is good he's good he's good he's good he's good they they gave him Ziggler and while he was at Ziggler he was cool down there he and his 600 men but you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] smoke coming out of the camera and when he got there the Bible says it like this the Amalekites invaded the soul and cyclic cyclic with fire now everywhere else in Envy it was alright but when he get to Z o'clock he burned it why all the time we have to get most of the attack because anytime God want to give you something more he has to get enough to get rid of some of this stuff that you have or you don't hear me gotta take God to give me more reach why am I here get a whatsapp message from God awhile ago my wife I clear crystal damn it was going so good Jacob job job was going so bored but God was looking at warrior to bless him but they realize he was so blessed already so yeah like that blonde said you can say that job you see anything like him nah it's because you have a hedge around him the first Westerner rocks dear how did the devil know that there was an edge around you ain't right already but they couldn't get him you know how much are you the devil been trying thank you boy middle of your Thank You papa Geneva's a neighbor you know trying to get him [Applause] alone man and because I gotta hedge around me no devil in hell can't touch me and then God said alright I gotta move the edge when God moved the edge from job that devil destroy all eco I went to devil finish and do my expect because are the devil when he killed him why when he killed cattle when he'd take away the cattle and he killed the kids and then he touched sward from the crown of his head everything that it did job is still blessing God the only thing that ever wanted from Jim is for job her scar but he could not equal getting so he brought the closest to him he said wife provoked him the wife went to message or why you don't curse God and die in other words job who died until in curse God about 15 percent not available Lord that mess up death could not call me a job because job fear God and in short if they're no longer Maya that think it's too dear [Applause] she was going [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch it job get the bones back and God gave him twice as much got in largest territory extend his life he lifts us is fourth generation the battles are when he died he was still full alive I mean could I live longer he still alive strong for the man of a whip look at your neighbor's a neighbor God will take care you all you got to do is trust him the people got a couch invaded song your mother kites see the Amalekites like the devil got some people in the church like your mother kites fear mother kites your malachite malachite the Amalekites bow fight fear that don't fight fear there is a principle of war anytime there is wha you and your army is set in a ring ready for battle that is the principle of war it's been the order the Philistines do it as as wicked as they are the girgashites a jab besides the Canaanite they are wait for them they worship and oppression much intercept I said I want them dead the Americans were descendants from song Jacobs he was there that Jacobs twin ISA ISA ISA Jacob twin brother the Amalekites come from it watch them twin brother what some people enjoy I said yeah brother Jesus I'm preaching too much mama shantamma ha ha ha some of your choice of wrong people Cordia let's still have up incense and burning incense lineup Jesus Christ sprinkling who's your friend who is your friend some of the bleakness intrapsychic watch it watch it he was an Amalekite was is the grandfather of the amalaki so the malachi should be relative cousins to israelites but the Amalekites came and attacked Israel when they were coming out the age of running from the Egyptian week and the attack the kids then wife the principal of water that you don't fight woman I'm Pitney sorry anyways a demon taking over Jamaica because it bad boy Adam taught from early you don't kill woman I'm Pitney me shop them smoking and leasing their spliff no with embalming with embalming powder powder and call it leak I went something like that and they smoking it somebody look under some family on the yard and have taken the one pray so I don't want a player starter on the better come every night darlin sense on fire donut America Reba Cassandra cassia Baja sabaha I'm sorry for preaching so much suffering just jumping all over the place I just feel mad and I Miku Shima who see Baja robber Abbas and a baja them gone man down the Rita knows know that we wicked on leak also miracles Holy Ghost Christians apostolic Christians fire baptized Christians would get a leak with more dangerous value week one of my daughter come from Jamaica I was telling me about it and she was wondering heaven bless you God she was wondering well on I don't know what's gonna happen no because when them smoke this woman of God then stopped a loosen it they feel how you might jump powerful so that mean that we will see you walking on the road I laughing I'm gonna just walk up to shoot your own kill you just like that so if you have not the protection of God it's not gonna happen you know what's happening to me I cannot wait upon ordinal see cuz watching me right now because them church one Sunday night that's why I'm training then become trapped now but before they were long time since nothing stretch they would have flash because when were you succumb to charge and Sunday night we know those who was from tamiya car we have some people who they would not come to church Sunday morning week our just so much when a better say Amen but Sunday night when we just done they will come in their drawers the bus then short pants somebody repeat through the window and sit at the back by the time we finish we'll channel singing then fill with the Holy Ghost and we baptize them am I talking the truth we have saved I should be gone man knifeman Andrea piss on a Sunday night service but now everybody said is family time y'all know I was coming here our locked the church I stay home all boredom say is family time Nanook Arun who will have their internet the punim snapchat selfie always a blue movie but our prints good don't know what my watch blue movie Sunday night reach a puzzle bridge good go right now some people fix turn off the tear cosmonaut stop they lovely they lock the charge to Iran says family time and watch it watch it watch it observe it are you always saying family time or family are more apart no because we take God out of it it's God keeping family together and most of us you know if only picking up the god school oh I don't have to do this but we used to come to church and sleep on bench some of us kids will know it your kids grew up in a church sleeping by bench I grew up in a Sunday School and become ministers and by solemn subjects like a charge the Apostolic Church is in Jamaica and anytime your god I love God I got back off Devil's gonna come in because we are Danny we're God live devil can steal I'm gonna say it again any where God lives Devils can steal and right now as I speak the doors are the charge screw us watch it now some people don't come because Sunday night is family time they don't come Monday is family it won't come Tuesday is family time so might show up Wednesday for Bible class is family time the most they will you see some of them Eva come is choir practice because they love this player so they come choir practice you can hardly find them a huge service and then such a big a nice family time and Sunday them period like peacock just like chicken and when they're coming to church the church heavy like because they don't hear I'm sorry I'm in the cabinet I said demon spirit to call a murderer and you put the murderer in a prison but the spirit time murder jumpin somebody else is only one kind of police can kill the spirit of murder and is a spiritual police a whole it was man a woman of God that is supercharged with the pot the world it goes I feel the holy God I feel I just sent in some blood in Jamaica right now some I want somebody get bad and just open your horny ghost mouth [Applause] blood of Jesus cover my mother Jesus cover my brother but my family color my friends don't in Jamaica hi them jah jah the bloodline around the homes Shanda my mama SATA somebody said a blood somebody set up stop us on your home so I can't do another car reaches reach oh mama Jean de maja richer Amalekites when they attack Israel mama Jean de ma hire Moses even find warriors Bishop Misha Moses look at Joshua I said Joshua choose some men he couldn't even say the army cut it was no army he said choose some men because they didn't have an army and go down there to fight when they went on the valley to meet them in rough with him Moses went up on the mountain with a run of God when Moses sat on the mountain when he was stood up there on the mountain every time was is the focus on Israel start winning but when his hands drop they start loose what happened is he said in a worship mode and when worship goes up to God the regular men transform into soldiers as long as the world should go up ordinary become extraordinary and they start winning the battle did you know that when you praise God gripping statements can you say hallelujah without me telling you to set [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shaaka I'm sorry I'm sorry for keeping your so long but lose your had one more time grab on to another worshiper quit customer you're scared I hold into somebody pull them open your mouth let God transform some people into warrior blue that for me one more time Bishop we shoulda just make another song witness so far Sena somatic Asha I want the so far [Music] right there right there right there right there right there [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] aha [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] because when you finish bread we did respond [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Applause] yes yes who are you this I release yes I release it the source there's a release of God's glory here God say yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I'm in the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the night this is the night enough I forgot and when God can tell you no no no [Applause] somebody under fire jump up on the bench jump ups fire [Applause] yes God say yes [Applause] well you're sure [Applause] [Applause] [Music] say something judge say something right here say something say hallelujah said glory see mama raise your foot on the spot repair sue in our go get your stuff [Applause] [Applause] God say yes God say yes that's a yes that's a yes that thing you've been praying about wondering if it's still possible at your age God say yes say yes them secret powers that you don't tell nobody go get them that's a yes all those who are not safe those who are backslidden those who need the Holy Ghost stop calling Jesus Jesus yeah yeah somebody just look for them look for them some of you need to look on your seat if you see anybody that's not safe pull them to the altar if the backsliders pull them to the altar and let's break things off them pursue pursue pursue over pick and we don't think you baptized yet son the Holy Ghost you want him if your hands on believe God and receive the Holy Ghost now yeah just open your mouth and let God use you just open your mouth receive the Holy Ghost right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth she baptized already you baptized already here at this church your backslider your you're filled with the Holy Ghost you want him now right now you believe him for it you believe God right now lift both your hands hello my son Kate OSHA the Bible says out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water a call of the Holy Ghost out to you right now open your mouth and receive the Holy Ghost right here Lila Baba October Xhosa if I would get twenty who and the ghost Christians to not just stop and look to see what I'm doing but to open up your mouth right here I'm just not worshiping everybody you're baptized look at me look at me my friend you're baptized already you're gonna need a Holy Ghost just lift your hands and receive him if your hands now open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth we got some people articles I want the worshippers to just open your mouth now oh yeah yeah yeah Shonda ghetto sharply praise God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah those are highs apart Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] from your heart we sing my time preach I lay hands on [Music] [Music] everybody we're about to close just come on down to Belgium we're about to lose everybody just come on down in there come on quickly thank you come on down come on down come on down yes yes yes yes yes [Music] how sweet [Music] keep coming keep coming keep coming oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes see one more time praise God god [Applause] [Applause] everybody holds somebody's hands Amazing Grace how sweet how sweet the sound [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time sweet how sweet the sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah see get close to somebody and just hold a hand of the person get close to someone and just hold the hand of the person they're gonna close if you understand the word of a lord say hallelujah if you're understood once preached say hallelujah if you know what was preached say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout glory let the church hug Laura the church are cooling somebody shout oh god my god my god now before we pray the closing prayer I'd like to ask those who back soon look who came to church tonight just to raise your hands it's to raise your hands sit them up hi hi we came in the baxley you want to come back to the Lord tonight this raise your hands quickly quickly this raise your hands one hand went up one hand went up two hands went up come on is there another person all right is there one person here who have not yet been baptized in water in Jesus name just slip your hand up is there one person not yet baptized come on over if you have not yet been baptized and you wanted about dies tonight just come come over come right over hallelujah come right over come right over yes yes yes is there one person you want to be baptized in Jesus name come right now the pool is ready the Baptizer is ready you want to take on the name tonight hallelujah hallelujah we're gonna close you're gonna close bow your heads close your eyes father in Jesus name thank you for the word thank you for the blood we release your blood to see your word now in the heels hearts minds and souls of your people even in this the atmosphere Lord I pray your blood will work for all this night our eyes and hearts of your people saved by the power of the blood and your preach world lift us to the next level save to the utmost in Jesus name we pray somebody shout in Jesus name somebody shout in Jesus name somebody shout in Jesus name we have dismissed we have dismissed the pool is still ready the popped eyes eyes ready you don't have to go without being baptized in Jesus name praise God praise God praise God praise God please God please God please God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God praise [Applause] hallelujah sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] ha ha ha [Music] raise a hand for the benediction raise the hands for the benediction tomorrow night Youth Service we're looking for a full house Thursday night begins person begins our consecration period somebody's going down in water and Jesus name sign me up for the Christian Jubilee write my name son is going on in opposition change Jesus shine Ian Juby you ready when Jesus come I wanna be ready when Jesus come [Music] [Music] you had Jesus come sign me up Oh Christian Julie hi Barney my name change when Jesus comes sign me up side for the Christian Julie yeah
Channel: All Nations UPC Grand Cayman
Views: 3,904
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: b1IOpqwaOrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 52sec (14272 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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