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foreign good morning it is currently very foggy and wet outside and it's Monday morning which is always my laundry morning but I'm going to wait until the weather clears up a little bit because at this point my laundry would just get more wet and while I'm waiting for the fog to lift I'm going to get started on supper for my family and what I'm going to make is chicken noodle soup and chicken noodle soup is very very basic and it's a stable for our family but because I'm part of soup Timber I'm going to show you some tips and tricks that can take your chicken noodle soup up a notch like you could make it for company so the first thing I'm going to do is make the homemade pasta and homemade pasta is very very simple so don't skip because you think I could never make homemade pasta you don't need anything fancy to make your own homemade pasta and even if you decide not to make the homemade pasta the rest of the recipe is very very simple and I know that your family will love the chicken noodle soup as much as I do and as my family does so even if you use store-bought noodles this recipe is still for you now being part of September um means that every day in the month of September um the Mennonite Farmhouse is hosting a different soup recipe a different Channel making a different soup and she's put together a playlist and on October 1st she is going to be doing a drawing at the end of this video I am going to tell you how to enter the drawing and when it will be um but she's giving away 300 in Amazon gift cards and it's very very simple for you to enter so don't leave until the end of the video because that's when I'm supposed to tell you um how to enter now normally when I do YouTube videos I just wing it and I do whatever feels natural to me so having different things that I have to do to be part of this collaboration is a little bit of a stretch for me but I promise you that I'm trying to do everything that I was asked to do for the collaboration so I'm gonna start by getting my pasta ingredients going and the recipe the recipe that I'm going to share in the description and on my um PDF printable PDF is going to be a serving of that'll serve six to eight people but you'll see me making a double recipe here because number one um I have a big family and number two I want enough Soup for the next day's lunches and we pack six lunches every day so that's why you'll see me making a double recipe but in the description I will have a smaller recipe that will serve six to eight people so I've got my three cups of flour in there and I'm gonna use I'm gonna add two teaspoons of salt and then I need I need two teaspoons of fat and you can use I'm using Tallow you can use butter or you can use olive oil any kind of fat we'll do and then I'm going to add my two eggs and these are actually duck eggs and I actually only want the yolks [Music] [Music] so I'm going to start mixing this all together foreign so this is looking really dry so I'm going to add my my two tablespoons of water which actually four tablespoons of water because I'm making a double recipe foreign this is still not coming together for me so I'm going to add two more egg yolks that were size one and then this is a silky yolk smaller so you do what you need to to make your pasta dough come together and it's really a tough dough until it comes together and then the more you work it the softer and the more elastic it becomes foreign [Music] so once your dough comes together it's still going to feel a little sticky and it's going to stick to your hands a little bit but just work in a tiny little bit of flour so that you don't get it too dry and then just work it like you're working Play-Doh and you cannot um kill or overwork the pasta dough just keep working it until it feels nice and smooth and it's not sticking to your hands anymore foreign [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna call this pasta dough good and it's a little stretchy see it's kind of like Play-Doh it reminds me a lot of Play-Doh and the reason I like to use just the yolks of the eggs and not the whites it's because I like a real yellow pasta and I always feel like my pasta dough just gets a little better when I exclude the egg whites and the thing when I share recipes here on YouTube um you might see me do things on the video that I don't describe very well in the description and that's because my Mennonite mom and Grandma cooked taught me how to cook from scratch and they rarely if ever use the recipe they would teach us girls by taste and by feel so if we were making pasta or egg noodles they would you know come over and they would say oh that doesn't feel quite right here and they would either add another egg yolk or they would sprinkle in some more water um so my goal here is to do that same thing with you to give you the freedom that you need to adjust things to your own liking or if something doesn't feel right to Just Go With It um cooking from scratch should be adjustable and flexible so if you feel like your dough is too dry add another egg yolk or add some more water um if you feel like it's too wet you just sprinkle in some more flour like you saw me do on the video and you work that in my goal is to make you feel like you're standing at Grandma's elbow and she's staying here that doesn't feel quite right let me help you because that's how she did with me and then she'd say now you feel how that feels more stretchy now you've got a good pasta dough just so now that my pasta dough is smooth and somewhat elastic I'm going to wrap it up trap all the moisture in and I'm gonna let it rest in the refrigerator minimum of an hour or two but I've also I've let it in for a complete day like from morning until supper time and it's been fine um but you just want it like I don't have a lot of time today I think I'm gonna get this done before the school kids come home so I'm just gonna make it a little thinner and I'm gonna lay it in the refrigerator so and the reason I smashed it thin is so that it chills all the way through in a shorter amount of time so now I'm just gonna rest this in the refrigerator for a couple hours before I roll out the pasta [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign so now that my pasta dough has chilled for a couple hours I'm gonna start rolling it and normally when I make pasta I use my pasta machine but since some of you may never have made pasta before I'm gonna skip the pasta machine and show you how to do it with just a rolling pin and a knife or a pizza cutter so when you get your dough out of the refrigerator it's gonna feel just a little sticky so that's why I have the flour here [Music] start rolling it out working from The Middle foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign so now that I've got all the pasta cut it would be ready to put into your boiling broth but because I'm not ready to make dinner yet I'm gonna hang it up to dry and it'll just need to cook a tad longer if it's dry um the reason I'm doing this is because I don't want to make pasta right before dinner because it gets a little crazy right before dinner and the kids will have their chores to do so I like to make my pasta ahead of time and then when I make my chicken noodle soup the pasta is already done and ready to put in okay wait wait so the kids are home from school and we are in the garden Gathering some veggies for our soup um we are digging carrots and then we need to get some celery and an onion as well hold on okay let me see oh no that one's stuck I'm cutting a few stalks of celery for the soup [Music] so the kids are working on laundry for hadassah's not sure where her brothers are they're supposed to be helping her and we've got our veggies ready to go get ready to chop them and I brought up some chicken and some broth and our pasta up here is beautifully dry which was outside mowing yard and I'm gonna see if I can show you how dry the pasta is this one fell down it cracks now that's how dry it is Queen break so we're gonna start putting this soup together [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so I've got my home canned chicken here and I'm gonna use this Ladle and just skim some of the fat off of the top and that's the fat that I'm gonna use to saute my vegetables you can use butter that's what I use if I don't have any chicken fat [Music] and then I'm gonna also skim the fat off of broth here oh I need a smaller ladle for that foreign [Music] [Music] I've got something for you next while you want some too there's some carrots I didn't use there you go you're welcome close the door flies come in thing that I'm watching for with my veggies is that the celery starts to get tender because my family doesn't like crunchy celery in their soup I on the other hand like the texture of crunchy celery foreign [Music] so now that the celery is tender or beginning to get tender I'm gonna add my garlic um garlic saute is much faster than onions and celery and carrots so that's why I need to add my garlic after the rest of my veggies so I'm going to add my garlic and then we're just going to saute it a tad bit longer now it really smells good [Music] now I'm gonna add my broth and I'm gonna use strainer from the chicken as well I'm gonna set the chicken aside and what I'm going to do next is take my jars and rinse them with very hot water and add that to the soup as well so what I'm gonna do with each jar I have very hot water in here I'm just going to hold the lid on and I'm gonna shake it around a little bit to get all that yummy goodness out of there and I'm gonna add that to my Soup pot as well and I'm gonna do the same this one and I know that my home canned broth is very very concentrated so that's what I'm doing why I'm doing this I can easily afford to add some water to my soup without losing a whole lot of flavor and let that simmer for a while longer to get that celery good and tender when I'm in a hurry when I'm not trying to make gourmet Chicken Noodle Soup I will just add some celery salt and maybe some garlic salt and some onion salt and I'll open a pint jar of home canned carrots and I'll dump that in and then I'll dump in my chicken and my broth and my pasta and we'll have chicken noodle soup so make the soup your own taste it adjust it to your taste use as much broth as you want or use all water and add more seasonings that's what cooking from scratch really is is doing it the way that feels right to you I'm going to write in the description I will write the recipe but true cooking from scratch is just putting things together until it tastes right to you so Alvin's home from work and my broth is boiling so it's time to get the pasta into the soup so this is where you would put your fresh pasta into the broth um or your dried pasta so I'm gonna break the pasta off because my family doesn't care for really long pasta in their chicken noodle soup [Music] foreign [Music] depending on how thin you wrote your pasta um that will tell you how long you need to cook it but here again just taste the pasta and you decide when it's tender enough um to your liking and I'm just going to simmer this real low because of the flour on the pasta um it can have a tendency to boil over I think I'm also going to add my chicken now and the rest of the broth that I cut boys come all three of you time to set the table [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] suppers then the family really really loved the soup which I knew they would because it's one of our favorites and this is how much I have left for two lunches tomorrow which is plenty but my mom always added um corn and coated chicken corn noodle soup so I always serve it the first time without corn and then I add a quart of frozen corn into the leftovers and that helps cool down the soup and now we have enough for another whole meal so I'll put the soup into a dish and leave the corn in there this corn will defrost as the soup cools and then tomorrow we will have chicken corn noodle soup and I've been told that that's very German to add corn to your chicken noodle soup um which would make sense because my ancestors were all German so there is our family's favorite chicken noodle soup um thank you Leanne at Mennonite Farmhouse for inviting me to be part of this collaboration the soup Timber collaboration so the way to enter to win one of the Amazon gift cards is to comment on this video and you'll have more chances to enter if you go to the September playlist and leave a genuine comment on every one of the September soups every one of those videos um thank you for watching thank you for commenting thank you for liking thank you for being here and as always make the recipe your own adjust everything to your liking foreign
Channel: Homesteading with the Zimmermans
Views: 30,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: akLQRrxONsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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