Mennonite Shoo-Fly Pie

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[Music] foreign [Music] we are on spring break this week so this video is going to be a tad noisier than some of my videos are um but this video is part of the pies of March collaboration that's hosted by Leanne at the Mennonite Farmhouse and Tony over at the kettle kitchen um on April 3rd there will be a prize drawing and a giveaway I know one of the prizes is a a hundred dollar amazon gift card um plus a lot of other prizes that you will find very useful in your kitchen so my contribution is shoe fly pie now um my shoofly pies don't always look like moms and I'm not sure why I follow her recipe so next time my mom comes to visit I'm definitely gonna get her to make shoo fly pies in my kitchen and I'm gonna pay attention and see what I do differently than she does um so also the recipe I'll have a link in the description um for the shoe fly pie recipe and it makes three pies because that's just the way Mennonite moms do they never just make one pie it's always three pies so we have made three pies and one of the things that I need to ask my mom is my shoe fly pies always boil over and a little bit of History of the shoe fly pie is that during the Great Depression um Shoe Fly pies were easy to make with very economical ingredients where fruit pies fruit wasn't always as readily available and shoot fry pies only take flour and sugar and eggs and molasses and those ingredients were all very economical and easy to come by during the tough years when people didn't have much foreign so this is the Molasses filling kind of sinks down to the bottom and then the crumbs kind of stay on the top and this is actually called a wet bottom shoe fly pie because the bottom stays wet and gooey with the molasses so we are going to edit this video and put it all together with the instructions for you yeah you can eat it so to make the pieces six cups of flour [Music] I need two teaspoons of salt and I'm making my mama's full recipe um my mom when she made pies it was it was a lot of pies at the same time so we're making a full recipe and then we will put some in the freezer so we'll put some pies in the freezer for lunches so now we've got all our dry ingredients and we're going to add some homegrown lard in place of Crisco or shortening you could use shortening but lard is my favorite so now that I've got my two cups of lards we're gonna start breaking that lard down once I've broken down the pieces of lard fairly well then I use my pastry cutter and work them in [Music] as I know that you can use a food processor to make pie dough and my mom taught me and my grandma too to just use my hands they didn't even have didn't even use this tool so that's why I'm still more comfortable with my hands because that's the way I learned so I'm still more comfortable using my hands because that's the way I learned and I learned that that's that's how I learned what it should feel like basically you want it to be real small crumbs you want your lard all worked in you can help when we get rolling when we get to Rolling it out you can get your Play-Doh roller you know what I mean yeah so when my mom and grandma made pie crust they would just take this whole thing over under the faucet and start adding water until they liked the way their dough felt um and my original recipe actually didn't even have a measurement for water so I had to start measuring my water so I can teach how to make pie crusts so I've added one cup now okay and then the once your dough starts coming together you want to start being real gentle with it because you don't want to work it like a pasta dough or a bread dough you just want to be real gentle with it because an overworked pie pastry dough is a tough pastry dough Hadassah can you come get me a little more water so I'm just gonna [Music] that was probably about two tablespoons of water do you have my um rolling pin head after so as soon as it all sticks together we're gonna say that's a good dough and I'd rather have it a little sticky then too dry because I can always add more flour when I'm rolling the pie dough I think I'm gonna add just a tad more water down in there okay Heather so you may take the flour container over there so we're gonna roll out the three pie dough the three Pie shows that we need for the fly pie [Music] [Music] [Music] CE foreign so then the pieces that I cut I'm going to lay those aside because those now have a different texture than my fresh Dough because they already have this already has more flour in it so I'll use that but I'll just use it later with the rest of the trimmings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that I've got my three pie crusts for the shoe fly pie done I'm going to let Hadassah use the rest of the dough and make little individual pies for their lunches and she is making some apple pies so we've got to make the edges wet all the way around so it sticks foreign don't do it Harrison don't do it and I'll put a link to this little individual pie maker that one did get a little bigger didn't it and use a little less pie filling this time there you go let's just walk thank you does this make them good it gives them a nice brown crust got that it was eggs are you gonna lick it yeah I liked it I forgot about his legs so now we're gonna start on the shoe fly pies and I need four tablespoons of butter that I'm just going to start with making the crumbs part cups of brown sugar foreign cups of flour and there's my two cups of flour so now that I've got all my crumb ingredients in here I'm just gonna break up the butter and again you can use a food processor but this is the way my mom and grandma taught me so this is the way that seems right to me so now we're gonna Reserve one cup of these crumbs put on top of our pies and we're gonna save these crumbs to add to our molasses mixture so now in two eggs so for your real simple molasses mixture um my mom and Grandma's original recipe calls for molasses and what molasses actually what they mean by the Molasses is table syrup or dark corn syrup foreign [Music] and then when they mean black strap molasses it's actually black strap molasses this has a very dark full flavor and this is just dark corn syrup so I've recently learned how to make pecan pies without corn syrup and just using maple syrup so I'm wondering if I could do the same with Shoe Fly pies where I could replace the dark Caro or the corn syrup with maple syrup um however I have not tried that yet but if I do I will be sure and let you know how it turns out [Music] so for the very simple molasses mixture we need two eggs and then we need two cups of table syrup or dark Caro [Music] foreign [Music] of black strap molasses and this is what's going to give the pie its real deep and rich flavor you can throw this in the blender [Music] or you can just use your stick blender [Music] [Music] so now I've got half a cup of warm water and I'm gonna add a teaspoon of salt and two two teaspoons of baking soda and one teaspoon of vanilla I'm going to dissolve that all in the warm water to our molasses mixture and then we're going to add these crumbs but we've set these aside for topping our pies with [Music] so we're just going to fold our crumbs into the Molasses mixture it's such a rainy day outside it's a very good day for filling the freezer with yummy food for lunches so now I'm just going to take my molasses mixture and I'm going to divide it up with between my three pies looks like each Pie Gets sewed about one third of the way with molasses mixture how did you get this one and now I'm just going to take those leftover crumbs and I'm gonna sprinkle them on top of each of the pie CE foreign [Music] [Music] thank you really so you'll notice that your pies will they'll come up real puffy and then they start going down and when they start going down you'll know it's time to start checking them because once they stop jiggling in the center you know you're right they're ready like this one's still pretty jiggly not ready this one's starting to look pretty solid in the center and it's been about 45 minutes so I'm just gonna let them a couple minutes longer good [Music]
Channel: Homesteading with the Zimmermans
Views: 55,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kiVQXVfxaQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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