Men of reddit, what's your "creepy girl" story? - r/AskReddit Stories - The Reddit Hub

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this our ask reddit user asks men of reddit what's your creepy girl story seemingly normal-looking attractive girl took her out on a date we got drunk breaks down saying how she used fentanyl with her ex and ended up in hospital now she has to use a catheter and back for the rest of her life as it FD up her urinary system she was screaming I have a drug-induced bladder disorder she is 23 cried tried to get me to finger her beside the catheter wasn't feeling it then decided I was the enemy and called cops saying I am assaulting her I recorded her as she went apeshit calling me names cops show up she is having some sort of mental breakdown she ends up transported to a psych observation unit at 1:00 a.m. ended up playing poker couple of days later she texts me and asks wanna hang out quote guess what I did got married and that kids is how I Met Your Mother faked your death got a fake passport and now live under the assumed identity in a small fishing village in South America there was this girl who was a freshman when I was a senior I had heard of her through friends and I met her once or twice I guess she developed a crush on me a mutual friend told me that she thought I liked her and I said it was a misunderstanding and that I was only interested in being friends next thing I know this girl is showing up at my work multiple times a shift and when I go to sit out at my car on break she would come up and try to talk to me if I had my windows down she was transferred to a school for people with problems and there she would take people's phones and tried to call me text me or message me on social media eventually they stopped giving her access to technology in the text stopped with the recent coronavirus and the closing of every school in my state this girl was sent back to live with her dad and I saw her in my store the other day I don't think she saw me and I hope she has moved on about 10 weird girls I didn't know started sending me really creepy snapchats we're coming to visit TT TT that kind of stuff then they turned up outside my house and I didn't know how but they stayed there for a couple hours before getting bored when I didn't come out they also sent me weird photos of my family they took turns out they used snap maps off a friend to get my address and stalked my dad on his way to work absolute creeps my dude you got a limit who can see your snapchat location that is some creepy s T I had a friend who went absolutely crazy after her boyfriend broke up with her cutting trying to force him to get back together getting him kicked out of the group to isolate him only for it to backfire and throw a fit etc and that was only freshman year when he started dating another girl from our group senior year she pretended to be cool who only to lie to the girl and try and convince her to break up with him because he was definitely texting her last night oh and also GE told her he hated her and that she was ugly and that he actually loved her crazy girl and was only with the new girl to make her jealous many other things happen too that's a seriously deranged manipulative girl don't even get me started on the time her best friend guy had a crush on me girl she tried to get me to go out with him just give him a chance even though I truly just liked him as a friend peck even as a brother and when I said no the fifth time she started gossiping about how I only liked guys for their looks I never even hinted towards that and the fact that she was saying so really spoke volumes about what she thought about him law then he got over me after his nice guy crisis where he cussed me out and he started liking her only for her to reject him because she only likes him as a friend brother and she tried to get all buddy-buddy with me by st talking him ad telling me she had no idea what he was putting me through even though I told her everything I'm a girl this situation happened with a crazy girl my boyfriend used to date my bf and I met on tinder and became exclusive after only a few dates I asked about his past relationships and he said he recently dated someone casually who had the same name as me very common name in the u.s. he said it wasn't serious and she was never his girlfriend but apparently she didn't feel the same way we ended up moving in together 8 months later he moved into the apartment where I was already living alone for a full year guess who taught at the studio right across the street from my building yes ex with the same name randomly I get a Facebook message from this person telling me to stop stalking her and to tell my bf to stop parking outside of her work but the message also said to stop purposefully walking my dog outside with my boyfriend holding hands on a specific day when she was always working I showed it to my bf immediately and didn't respond she had messaged him too but he didn't see it basically saying the same thing except crazier she waiting like 10 minutes for him to respond before messaging me even though I've never talked to her in my life she then said her dog died and her dad died and all these things to get him to feel bad for her after she accused us of stalking her my car ended up with some scratches that looked deliberate on it that I can never confirm was actually her but both of our cars were always parked outside of our apartment and in view of her work I still wonder if it was her we moved buildings shortly after but stayed in the same complex was at a bar with a large group of friends when this girl who was not affiliated with our group came up to me and started unbuttoning my shirt after a few buttons she just slid her hands around my torso I backed off and the girls in our friend group blocked her from coming into contact with me again I was like 13 14th of a year old was playing Gaea online some lame social networking game from like 2002 and met some girl we hit it off and started chatting over aim definitely did the cringy cyber thing - well eventually she comes clean that she's actually like late 20s like 28 or something being a hy 14 year old dude that didn't bother me one bit so then we start video chatting and she's like fully masturbating on cam with me again 14 year old Mia's not seen an issue with this eventually she starts talking about coming to visit so we can actually have a sex again not seeing the issue beyond the fact that she really was not very attractive but even still I didn't think she was serious until she emails me a copy of her flight itinerary at this point I panicked and blocked her deleted my aim and stayed away from the computer for like six months and never heard from her again I've been there looking back I feel a mixture of embarrassment and disgust I'm embarrassed that I believed what these older women were saying and disgusted with the fact they talk like that to someone who was barely even a teenager I feel for you op sorry you were taken advantage of by that person I was into older guys when I was younger and the amount of patronizing comments that actually work on your young mind is amazing you're so mature for your age or you seem to have an old soul etc when you're young you think it's all true but it was super manipulative of the older guys and made me look at some early memories in a different light whoa I would have called the cops after the ticket thing especially that you had evidence a random guy at the bar called her friend ast and ran off I guess I looked enough like him so I got three haymakers to the face I managed to avoid boxing a female in a public bar which was my goal and things seemed to subside she later cornered me in the sr it was a single person SR I guess I forgot to lock the door I was informed that I should leave with her and got back to her place or i would be accused of some pretty heinous st the bartender saw her on the prowl and sent the bouncer after he told her to FK off and not come back on her way out things got racial big words were flying I was an n-word lover there were sand and words everywhere all of us were remanded to the countries of our origin she was waiting on the street when I left and tried to follow me but I just jogged away and she tripped and started crying it was tragic yet also funny I had a drunk woman pinch my behind at universal studios when I was 16 I was in line for Harry Potter escape from Gringotts when I turned to look at her confused she tried to act coy I just turned back and tried to ignore her but she kept looking at me a few months ago I was walking home from school when this drunk middle-aged woman grabbed me by the arm wrapped me in a bear hug against a wall and started grinding on me I wasn't interested I had an exam the next morning and I was just trying to get home she wouldn't let me go and she forced my hands unto her BS and in between her legs luckily this was over clothes she also started punching me for no reason as well as saying doing extremely racist Asian stereotypes I'm Asian eventually I got away but I've never fully recovered from the experience and I basically never been able to talk about it with IRL doubt I ever will you were subjected to a serious and frightening sexual assault where someone made you feel powerless that's an awful thing to happen and I'm sorry it happened to you it's hardly surprising you are struggling with it would you consider speaking to a counselor it could help best wishes sorry to hear that you went through that that was definitely sexual assault and no one should ever have to experience something like that had a GF once and things were not really going well so after repeatedly trying to talk to her and not getting my point across and her saying everything should stay as as I broke up but it was around Easter time so my family and me were having a nice dinner etc as I went to bed I checked my phone 170 to 180 missed calls I took screenshots and sent them to a friend of mine so I could get a witness to what had transpired TL DR had a GF and she called me almost 200 times after breaking up in a matter of hours my friend and me still laugh about it to this day I started going to a new doctor the receptionist was cute so I flirted a bit in a waiting room with other patients around it was pretty innocent she reciprocated I figured it was all in good fun she escalated a bit stuff like scheduling me for days she was there calling me directly with reminders etc then she went into the records got my cell number and started texting me telling me she wants to meet up she's not happy with her husband they never have SX anymore etc I know ped out as fast as I could in the u.s. this is a major crime if she's treating your records this way she's not respecting other people's privacy either it is globally I am a girl but I ended up in the same college as my ex's new girlfriend when I was doing my second degree she is about four years younger than me so I start getting the very strange sensation of being watched in lectures these are big lecture halls 300 plus people I know she's in my course and I heard she's a bit odd for a visual she was elfish looking with wild unbrushed hair and she generally looked extremely unkempt she'd come in with yesterday's makeup etc so I begin to see her everywhere in college this is a big campus and I am not sure if it's just a coincidence all this time but I begin to freak out out I get crippling anxiety as she was always there her and her friend would make a point to take photos of me during lectures and point and whatnot I ignored her all the time I never interacted with her I just went around doing my own thing it was so creepy that she was so into keeping tabs and taking pics of me and then she made a picture of me and my friend her profile pic on FB weird girl I hope she got the help she needed I've had a couple semi stalkerish women who creeped on me which is weird because I'm not even good-looking but my favorite creepy girl story was just a one-off funny moment when I was 22 I was hanging out with a couple friends just grilling and drinking when one of them was suddenly like do you guys want to go to a costume party quote naturally we were like yes so we slapped together some quick costumes and hopped in an uber we showed up to this place and it was less a costume party and more six people in an apartment wearing costumes but there was beer and a dog so I was happy anyway we spend the evening playing board games with this group of people who seemed just as confused as we are the entire night there's this one girl who's sitting next to me on the couch but she hasn't said a single word not one I don't think much of it some people are i its whatever but then during a lull in the party out of nowhere she gets closer to me looks me dead in the eye and whispers I like blood then shifts back to her spot like nothing happened I turned to my friend and was just like we have to leave quote I still think about that night sometimes but then during a lull in the party out of nowhere she gets closer to me looks me dead in the eye and whispers I like blood then shifts back to her spot like nothing happened this has to be the most creepiest story of the whole thread also the funniest in hindsight it's hilarious and if she was joking then she's a comedic mastermind but in the moment I wasn't drunk enough to take that risk I'm right there with y'all best thing for everybody thanks for watching make sure to LIKE and subscribe to the channel for more videos you
Channel: The Reddit Hub
Views: 554
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askReddit, reddit videos, reddit compilation, r/askReddit, r/askreddit, ask reddit, reddit video, reddit gold, reddit platinum, reddit silver, subreddit, r/AskRedditPLAYLIST:r/askReddit Videos
Id: SNFMq-b2Hlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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