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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I wash my hands I always wash my [Music] hands [Music] okay [Music] I have a headache I'm hoping it thides with this coffee happy Thursday Nature Boy it's going well crispy crispy carp how you doing dude um yeah so someone here you has pink eye again well you got pink eye again on like Monday or Tuesday and then that pink eye spread to his other eye for the first time so now I've washed I forgot to wash all of his bedding stuff yes on Monday or Tuesday so I it's viral viral V viruses don't usually live on Services long like bacteria does um um so I wash his bedding right now and I put his little eye goop in his other eye is not contagious to his other eye but I don't want it to keep stacking up so I'm pretty much going to keep using this little eye antibiotics until in both of his eyes probably all the way until next Wednesday you should be good you should be good huh little turtle and it like we weren't going to the park but it's going to rain this weekend so I was like I'll I'll take him to the park today and he saw all of his friends at the [ __ ] Park and I was like NOP sorry he's got pink eye NOP sorry he's got pink ey oh sorry he's got pick eye uh it's not antibiotic it's a steroid hide but after two days of it he's not contain I'm saying antibiotic because my brain's right now I think they said that conjunctivitis and dogs is viral versus it and humans can be viral or bacterial oh he's oh sounds like you would know better than me man I don't know really I I I think I I thought that the vet was saying that as a point to it being like Oh blah blah blah viral so on so forth I just know that Inhumans it can be one or the other I think it's cuz I've been like my my caffeine and tak's been all funky lately don't do that lady the EP what's up SJ the outc queen leader of the living oh he'll be fine it doesn't bother him at all crisp I got it too like his eye hasn't even started to turn pink and I was like you know you know what this is the day before the discharge that happens before his eye turns pink I'll just jump ahead of it and put it in look at you look like you did something here you look like you did something wrong you were a butt the whole time at the park today didn't want to listen didn't want you didn't want to do a he's looking at me like what we doing what are we doing what's up Rob it's where let's go things are going well man kind of just enjoying the slow steadiness of last epac it's not the so what I did SJ here I'll show you guys my build of course neppo to help out dude so here's the build we're run right now I haven't looked up a coupe pillow in like [ __ ] six months um I'm sorry Hyde it's 1027 in the morning for me so sticking with kind of an Attunement route right going with some Paladin or some companion Buffs and this is only going to be right for like 75 we still have 38 points that we can put into Druid for some extra health and some extra Attunement into Beast Master for probably getting like the the the aspect of the bore buff probably do that here but Shaman we're just kind of focusing on buffing up our lightning damage um you know what bolt yeah we have these to increase our storm bolts what does this do what does this do it's actually pretty good what is this your direct your direct spell cast have a chance to cast stormbolt while CH have a chance to cat stormbolt that's not as good not terrible so we're lying a lot of stormbolt action a lot of totem action and then our skills uh we've got Gathering storm Gathering Storm's going to help summon mstom for us um it's going to also scale off of our atunement a little bit better uh because we're going to get spell damage from melee damage on our in our weapon our wolves are going to be a vehicle for more storm bolts storm bolts just [ __ ] flying out the the willy-nilly because of the Wolves but the Wolves will also buff us because of their howl and they can also well again make more stor storm bolts whenever they get hit then melstrom is going to be a further vehicle of our storm bolts by it every time it it creates it can give me haste it's going to give me frenzy um it increases my damage and again it's just more storm bolts if I go over to the storm totem storm totem is going to give me lightning damage increase it's going to give me move speed increase it's going to give me shock chance and then it's going to just also give me more melee lightning damage and it itself will do lightning damage now my storm crows are kind of interesting they are going to be a minor vehicle for well actually no I don't think there's any stormbolt in them they're really going to be just buffing lightning damage they're going to also be my traversal so Crow storm will be my traversal skill that I'll use to allow me to teleport from different locations and then the crows themselves will now buff up the uh the totem using wisdom of the storm hell yeah St good good to hear that man I'm glad I'm glad you're having fun with the uh the sorcerer so we'll see how this goes it might not be great but I think it's a good starting point I and I don't even know many of the uniques that I could build into this build that would make it work better yeah so I think on paper it seems like a a decent enough build SJ uh we'll just kind of see how it performs and right now we're just we're using Fury leap once we get 35 we'll put those points into storm crows and then our have our stormcrows become our traversal in due time I think there's some builds act or some some new drops that are active yeah uh bleed wolves is very very very strong it's super strong you use wolves and you go down this line for bleed and you use Swipe uh it does have some bleed chance improvements here um physical shred chance but the big thing is that this is going to scale with your with your wolves that's what's a big that's the big Focus there right ahead and okay okay same drops with last time got it thank you I thought about using Raptor does have really good bleed step too that's actually good point good point I thought about using the thorn totem and going into this so you summon your max number of thorn totems at once in a ring around those Target location which your max number of thorn totems is reduced and summon Thorn totem costs additional Mana it'll also summon your uh spirit totems your your storm totems it summons all totems but I don't know what what I was Finding is I just really am not using anything in the shaman line outside of this and it f kind of crappy I mean you can do whatever you want Rachel whatever you feel makes you feel like you're going to feel like a big girl big big big girl big big big poops big girl that takes big big poops what up hosu how you doing dude yes stay safe when I was growing up there was one day where my mom was like you guys seem to come in here stay safe my brothers and I and like okay what is she talking about we went to the uh she called she summoned us into the bathroom we go in the bathroom goes look at this poop this poop is the biggest poop I've ever pooped and it was like a poop that was so long and was coming out of the water we were like Mom what the [ __ ] so when people asked me like Hey where's your poop joke stuff come from like my [ __ ] mom my 5 foot little Ian mother oh also what we're going to do is we're going to switch into dual wielding because Gathering storm has this really cool node whenever you expend a storm stack while dual wielding You Now cast storm bolts at two enemies instead of one so I'm going to start working towards that here today sorry if I seem a little off today guys I'm waiting for my head I waiting for my head to kind of like kick back in it's just kind of been a little it's a headache and it's coming and going cuz it's a headache Heche uh uh uh uh dude I got this liquid cocaine right here minimum specialized level is a good mechanic ha you know hide I do because I kind of like it that it allows me to kind of restructure the way I play the character like rather than me just going oh I'm going to respect the character and you jump into that really kind of weird phase where you have like I think what they've done is they've taken you make a brand new spec you go you jump into it and you have have like one or two play sessions where you kind of don't understand things you're trying to build new muscle memory you're trying to kind of get around the new rotation everything like that and I think they took that time and said well listen we're going to just give you Advanced experience game to match up with the um to match up with like your current skill level so by the time you've done that you've built in new rotations into yourself because I feel it's like a little more of an incremental change I think people look at it like dude I could just press one button on all these other games and I reset everything and I'm good to go versus this game I have to do I have to re earn my levels I feel like that's not as fun I think personally it's probably about the same difference I I think it's I think it's you just you're looking at the immediate gratification versus like the less mental gymnastics side yeah I know I know but like I said anytime you make a new you resp fully into anything you have that point you're like oh [ __ ] you press the same button the wrong oh [ __ ] wrong oh [ __ ] wrong oh [ __ ] wrong think I can only have two though I need my totems now really are just [ __ ] boost to Monte when smog gets in here smog might be playing with us today he's playing a falconer it's just not fun he's just so [ __ ] strong the falconer is disgusting I I think the falconer are going to get is going to get a pretty gnarly Nerf which I think is fine too at the same time oh Jay you know smog don't I cannot wait though to see Dune part two today I am so [ __ ] stoked my jimmies are tight look all these storm bolts cracking off dude I love it this thing [ __ ] die please thank you I'll I'll spoil it for you Dumbledore Dies at the End try from Tremors ladybird dude you haven't been in the cinema in ages how dare you man I I will go to a movie on my own I love movies yeah ra do all raw dog a movie solo for sure for sure it's it's uh it might be underrated but it's also highly recommended go see a movie on on your own libid feels good yeah you walk out he mean wraps it damn you know though SJ if you're going to see a movie in in in theaters that's the one like I've tried to tell people to watch that movie like yeah I watched it at home and it was it was okay I'm like no man G like old school but skting Diablo colors uh those are two different games rasp um this is more like Diablo than anything the audio you mean oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like that audio and theaters and all like it kind of felt like you were really there for like a split second you're like holy [ __ ] dude this is transformative good for you crisp yeah I go with the wife too [Laughter] Rob there's a there's a theater down the street I go all the time um I was talking to my friend so she's like from this area for and raised I am not um and a lot of things in Southern California if you know your hisory are related to the possible murdering of mass amounts of Native Americans and this area is basically one giant Native American burial ground so there's like a staggering amount of buildings in this area that are apparently haunted and I had no [ __ ] idea and the movie theater is one of them she was like yeah and so her name is Esh Cadet which is uh uh remember it's a specific place in Mexico City like there like it's it it's not a name like that you could over hear commonly you know like my name's Ryan you know how [ __ ] often I hear the name Ryan and it's not me and I have to like don't look man it's not you so she's like oh yeah like you know I've heard my name said very vividly in in like the the city hall building that I work in I'm like oh oh no thank you um but she used to work at that movie theater and she was like yeah theaters 1 three and five are haunted I'm like what the [ __ ] like yeah you'll you'll feel like you'll feel it'll feel cold when you're in there alone sometimes and you'll you'll feel something like brush against you I'm like nope nope nope and she's like yeah the projector for for that one is is he's like we call it haunted because it's really eerie but um I don't know like nothing's ever personally happened to me but every time I'm in projector room one I just feel like something's watching me I'm like got back did we figure out if the reason that Roman got pink ey was because the time sparkus didn't watch I it's not me I'm not the pink eyer we go to the park and the park uses [ __ ] reclaimed water and that recl waterers probably got poop minerals in there minerals uh and that gets in his eyes sometimes he just rolls around uh dogs all the dogs that walk in that Park eat that [ __ ] grass they like oh they [ __ ] like oh spring mix they go to town on it so I don't know what the [ __ ] man like know what they're putting in that that spring mix over there hide wardo do you live alone balloon knots and angry spiders I think Roman got like a tick tick from there or something I I went to the gym one day after I I think I had taken Roman out or whatever and I felt something crawling on the back of my head and I was like oh [ __ ] and I went like this and I I've I've never personally seen a tick in my life it kind of looked like one I like I looked up pictures of deer ticks and it kind of looked like one and dude I had a [ __ ] like three-day panic attack cuz I am terrified of ticks cuz lime disease stays with you forever and there's no real conclusive evidence if it's not sexually transmitted either um and the meat allergy one yeah like I dude ticks are not my friends but I saw I was like oh my God and okay you have to get bitten by the tick that has the disease and you have it has to like stay on you for a long period of time you can't just you don't just see a tick the tick bites you like ah I've got Lyme disease it's not like [ __ ] Spider-Man but I can tell you my brain did not rationalize that when I saw it I was like my God just [ __ ] cut the limb off I am not I do not like those [ __ ] creatures and if you know anything about see right there you go right eat more veg what are you talking about hype um what's Wild to me too is that like ticks are are like they're not man-made but ticks in in America are the result of us there was a there were there were studies that initially showed that like not studies there were studies being done on ticks to see if we could weaponize them and I don't know how the [ __ ] this [ __ ] happens right it got out it was a lab like off the coast of somewhere in the [ __ ] Atlantic North or Southeast and um they have been spreading through the southeast of of the United States since that happened the 60s or 70s or whatever the [ __ ] tick tick are not like in in the number that they are they're not indigenous to this area they like and they're super invasive species they are [ __ ] [ __ ] I I I I'm just saying we're sleeping on the tick thing man The Tick thing that's that's going to be the thing that like [ __ ] decimates us as humans oh yeah that [ __ ] massive tick born disease is what does it and now humans are relegated to only eating battery acid and we can't make enough battery acid to sustain ourselves we've colonized the moon just to make more battery assd PL take my blade answer that I was not loving and find how that work good good for you NE I'm glad that I'm glad that happened dude yeah but I think I don't know if the tick was on Roman or if it was someone in the gym and I don't even know if it really was a tick because oh God I I hate just typing this [ __ ] picture [Music] in it didn't really look like this like it looked more like this has like a teardrop right this had more of like a like a blocky like it was like curved to the bottom then like hard cut at the top like oh God dude oh god oh oh I don't like looking at the pictures oops oh my God H Australians have some pretty hot takes on things no thank you dude had to take on the S uh I I've had I have had like 10 on me over the years and one got in on my daughter's hair for 24 hours I checked her and still got remove no yeah I mean like I said a tick being on you or biting you doesn't is not a big deal it's just when it's been on you for a long time that it becomes off it becomes really bad yeah I walk Roman through a park but the park is like it's it's a green belt so it runs it's just basically like a lawn like a like a con like do they [ __ ] mow this [ __ ] they mow the grass of this park every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday like that's just absurd it's just absurd but um so it so it always is like [ __ ] bleeding grass it's just basically like there's houses all around and it's a it's a stretch of grass that runs in between these houses hence the name green green belt and then there's a big Park that the green belt meets in the center of there's a school on one end and there's like a street on the other it's not like a it's not like a natural park you know what I mean yeah takes I mean I live in Southern California where it's not much of an issue either uh only if you go in the mountain areas we're causing some serious issues like heart disas and bl yeah see that's what I mean man [ __ ] tick dude what's up J Fred how you doing dude I'm just not a fan I'm not a fan I have a friend who does like he goes hiking and he does trail running a lot and he's like yeah you know tick just part of it I'm like no tick aren't part of anything for me this is last Epoch the Park's beautiful man like it's this huge open Park and the park and like the playground of the park uh opens up into a huge grass field and that grass field then adjoins into the school and they uh in this in this area there's a lot of schools that are just t fck into the neighborhoods you'd never know the school was there like I I've been living here for like almost 20 years and I had no idea that that that Park that school was there let alone that Park was there um whereas where I grew up schools are off of Pretty are off of like major throwaways um so the the like City the neighbor the neighborhood right you know how you know how [ __ ] white white neighborhoods can get right like no godamn it these immigrants are going to take our jobs like your sea level St your SE level staff at like some major corporation what are you talking about but um so not in back not in my backyard well the the city the school district in the city want to make a big large fence that would segregate the school that's maybe not the word that would separate the school from the park and the neighborhood's like no we don't want that it's big open and beautiful like it's like a really cool like communal Park cuz the whole neighborhood uses it like like almost exclusively that neighborhood and they have like uh concerts in there every during the summer stuff like that but it's so wilded me that I'm like yeah you know I guess I guess I could understand why you'd want to [ __ ] do that like someone could just walk on and start shooting you know like that's a that's a harsh reality that we deal with or even worse someone could just go walk into one of the bathrooms and wait because this is one of the ones that was brought up like during the uh the meeting they were like yeah someone could walk into the bathroom wait for a kid to go use the bathroom in the middle of the school day and then just take the kid and I was like oh oh oh my God man like I don't I don't have to think about these things I'm not apparent oh [ __ ] I is now on a list yeah man sorry this this entire thing is a honey pot yeah I don't know either booty Thief you know like I would just say and I again I'm not a parent I don't deal with this stuff on the reg I don't have a lot of friends that are parents so I'm sure they have would have different opinions like my brother probably has experienced this but like something becomes real to me in in the sense that like it's an actual issue that I need to like kind of take a little bit more seriously when there are second or third hand accounts of it I'm not trying to get into a conversation on like Co please don't go this route I'm not trying to jump into this loophole but in the very beginning you're like in the very very beginning right in 2020 you're like don't open the door it's outside the door it's right outside the window it's hovering there like a bunch of bees that's how it was kind of made out to be when it comes to like children and abductions and stuff like that I have never met first second or third hand anyone who has had an abduction now I'm not saying it doesn't exist I'm definitely not saying that I'm saying that like I wonder if it if it's as blown out of proportion as most all of all things are nowadays or if it truly is like an issue like I i' I'd be more worried about like rather than child abduction like the I had like a daughter like her being like [ __ ] snatched up and sold into a sex trade that I have heard I got Amber Alerts not all the time but enough like I mean probably to a year but to me cuz that's that process that system is so strong now the FBI in 2022 there were 359,000 entries for missing children in 2021 the total number of missing children ENT was 337,000 number represents reports damn okay well shut me up so so a family member J Fred unless of like a a stranger the media is too busy covering just the next thing to scare the [ __ ] out of you if you lived in Southern Cal if you live in Southern California I'm sure that you guys outside of Southern California or out of California have heard about heard about the hurricane that we had a deal with and the big winter storm that we just had to deal with it wasn't really a big thing like they made it out like you dude people went to the grocery store and bought up non- perishables because the media had like jammed up their asses that like the hurricane coming to Southern California means you're going to need to batten down the hatches and they said it was a it's a two-day thing like there's no reason to go buy all the [ __ ] rice toilet paper and Pasta in the grocery store for a two-day rainstorm yeah dude 100% yeah I just think people's people's ability to to self-manage that now has become way worse in the last four or five years because like maybe the last time that we didn't take it seriously country sh down and people like oh no now we got to go buy toilet paper yeah Jay and it's like if you don't have if you don't have a uh um a like a gas power generator what are you doing you know tornado Simons are [ __ ] terrifying uh that's a headache and it's in my head that's a headache and it's in my head that's a good melee damage bonus though I like that melee Dage that melee dagio um do this do this do this do this do what we get nope do this do we get not even any better no that sucks could you imagine having nuclear fision come yes I have J Frederick I'm like halfway through the second episode the Shogun is so good if you like Japanese I [ __ ] hate the English guy right like you [ __ ] got [ __ ] Savages in general I have a large issue with British imperialism it makes me want to replay uh makes me want to replay um G Shima yeah man ghost of sushima was so [ __ ] good I I still haven't beaten it I'm at the very end yeah I'm just saying next time you want to throw [ __ ] cast stones at America you blame Britain first you blame you blame [ __ ] Britain first for all the [ __ ] uh uh it's called Ronin booty Thief I think it's by team ninja too the same people who make ninja G GID that's going to rip through my system I'm going to be [ __ ] Wild a little bit I also called My Horse noou I definitely chose uh Britain can thank us for the ending of the barbery state which [ __ ] held Britain and the majority of Western Europe Ransom just so they could ply trade anywhere in the world the barbery states the barber Wars is like the [ __ ] coolest hey we're not really much of a Nation yet but by God if we're going to get [ __ ] pushed around like so the Barb Wars are spread across two different Wars right uh 18 I think it's pretty quickly after the war of 1812 I think it's like 1817 and and and 1823 or something or no I think it's like 1821 to 1825 is Barber War Uno um but the barbar states and barbar is the name of them because of there are so many things that have been bastard bastardized because of like British nomenclature like the term Oriental that's a [ __ ] offensive term you know like but regardless Barber is kind of the same thing as calling something a barbarian like like the typical term for a barbarian or barbaros or anyone of the uh thran was an even earlier throwback the word thian typically meant at one point or cyan cyan at one point just was like an all-encompassing term for barbarians north of Greek territory uh barbar barbaros barbarians became the term that that the Romans would use for anyone who just pretty much was not a Roman citizen like if you if you were on an outskirt of Roman territory you were a barbarian for sure and the British did the same thing and or they would use um General like groupings of words Theisens is a good is a good example berbers Barbers barbery all those things um nah it's fine we're good this is history um but all those are all like kind of generic terms that are just kind of thrown in Li of actually learning the culture of a location so mreb became the barbery states after Spain retook um it ends the Reconquista it's the last thing not Cordoba TR the G jalter basically maybe is Cordoba the last Emirate just to the far south of Spain start with a G um either way they take it and they completely capture all that then Spain starts to go south they're like well we've got this let's just keep pushing because the Spanish Empire at that time included um Sardinia portions of Italy including Sicily and it had expanded really really far so they're like let's just go jump into the mreb and as they expanded South into that there was resistance from corsairs and the corsairs eventually took like ports in like Tripoli and aners and held them and became client states of the Ottoman Empire because the Ottomans of the time did not have Egypt so the Ottomans basically got a foothold into Northern Africa through the corsairs and they used the corsairs to basically keep pressure on any and all of Christian them Catholics whatever you want to call it um but this was allow this allowed them to kind of curtail any Spanish expansion and over time the Ottomans took up more of North Africa and I I think it's like by the 1500s mid 1500s you have almost the entirety of North Africa being either directly owned by the Ottomans or a client State and the client State for the Ottomans were were the barber uh was the barbery coast the barber Coast was just really a series of ports and they were pirates they were corsairs but the way that they operated was they were independent and that they were not it was not a standing military but they were they kind of had Privateer status Privateer was anyone who had a RIT of Mark or something like that a m a r k QE and that Mark was like oh okay I've got pretty much car blanch to go and attack that Nation Shi that's how privateers work right forair kind of had the same thing and at the same time though they were required to also protect the the the not the states but the port cities so they protected the port cities and they paid a yearly tithe to the ottoman Emperor and through this they would get [ __ ] tons of money [ __ ] tons of money by just attacking any and all ship that would come through the straight of jalter into the Mediterranean what is up cus so by doing that they would pretty much hang out around Sicily and Malta they would also raid the coasts and take tons of people in uh into the slave trade well that's what we're talking about kazak that's what we're getting into the barber the barber Wars so at this time the bar the the barbery states for the most part the barber Coast their ships were these kind of like not a schooner but they were they were much smaller type of ship they had a series of cannons in the front and they were more experienced in hand in hand they would they would basically board ships and [ __ ] [ __ ] up because you know this is this is not the age of sale quite yet and uh there's a whole bunch of really cool individuals who did a lot of really cool stuff during this time in the barber States and I forget all their names CU I'm not really good at um uh at any kind of Islamic name but they had they all pretty much listened to this one guy who was kind of like an admiral basically he was like like the pirate admiral of the barbery coast and each individual ship was controlled by a race R AIS s which means captain and that race had to get basically permission to go do any of these big raids anything like that andar who an actual individual in history machine um and did I go do this no I got to that's it um the race would give them give permission to go do stuff they would go they would raid and again slave trade was a real real big part of this and you have to also remember at this time the Dutch East India Trade Company wasn't really pilfering in the in the uh in the trade triangle you know what I mean uh which was predominantly uh African slaves this was any Coast any Mediterranean any Mediterranean uh um village was pretty much just being ransacked and they would just sell people off for for uh uh slaves and eventually as things progress the barbery coast gets their hands on full-fledged ships and a lot of people started to leave Christian kingdoms and come and work and live in the barber Coast that were Christian uh one of the more famous ones who left the British Navy like he he deserted the British Navy uh not John Smith not John it's John it's like it's like a name like that it's like a John Jacobson like superame I can't [ __ ] remember his name at the top of my head but he goes He joins the Corsair and he he he changes his name he converts to Islam but a lot of Corsair were um expats some sort of Christian expat and they didn't care they didn't there were no laws against it Jacob J Schmidt you know that was my name too um I want to rewatch Master and Commander so dude Master and Commander is one of the best [ __ ] movies made by human beings um more white slaves were taken by them from us and Europe by the barbs than slaves were from Africa and that that's another a big thing too is right like it it pushed so many people away from living from the coast they would live inland it was wild um but the barber Coast didn't didn't really care if you were Christian or if you were Islam it was do do you want money is is your goal money that's because that's what the corsair's objective was it was just to get money so over time there we go back over here we do this over there we do that there um no I wanted to though though over time they would get access to ships with larger masts with bigger ma with multi Mast ships uh when you think of a schooner you think of a ship with a single long single large Mast and usually a um yes I have very much have machine and and uh I can't remember the name of the front sale I think it's just called the front sale there like a boom boom mic or whatever the [ __ ] um but as ships progressed and as the evolution of the age of sail started to kick in and we have multimass ships um The Barbers the the corsairs started to now rather than just simply raid the Mediterranean head sale thank you kazak they would raid all the way up into uh the English Channel into into Dutchland um they would raid the Dutch they would raid all the way over into Greenland and Iceland they would raid the Canadian and the uh American Coast they were pretty much out of control so in the 1800s I think 1821 is is the beginning of the barber Wars rers and Barbers no it's just becomes it's an evolution of the same term it's a generic term for used for any Islamic person that inhabits the magreb or portions of alalo they become the berbers and The Barbers are just an avolution of that the barbery coast is where it drives from but uh when America so America get ratifies his Constitution 1776 we have the the the Revolutionary War revolutionary war ends in what 1781 whatever the [ __ ] it is and then after that we kind of struggle internally we have the Articles of Confederation 1 we have the Articles of Confederation 2 and through those times we don't have an actual standing military the military was left to the individual states the individual states didn't really have a standing military and then the War of 1812 comes War of 1812 is the the actual true war of independence because war of 1776 was St made because of French blockades against British reinforcement and after the or during the whole war of Napoleon and all that kind of action once once things kind of started to clear up and they had more Breathing Room Britain was like okay let's go get those Wayward [ __ ] colonies back in in the US it wasn't well we recognize um zery that the word well American sovereignty they didn't recognize it until after the war of 1812 which was until like 1814 I think was a 2-year War and the War of 1812 is you have these Napoleonic War veterans or just seasoned Veterans of a lot of different engagements coming over Landing in basically the South the start of the South and moving up and down the South um and dealing with a lot of [ __ ] right they didn't really know our uh uh land right because they weren't Landing in a location where there were um Imperial loyalists right like oh 1776 you had people that were still loyal to the crown but in 1812 they were like who the [ __ ] are you people for the most part would just kind of aoid uh and the fights there were barely any fights until the Battle of New Orleans and Britain went and burned down the um the White House then we had they had a freak hurricane the majority of the 1812 was actually fought as a naval as a naval b as Naval battles uh then a freak hurricane smashes through the majority of British troops and kills them and Britain's like well maybe we maybe we things are starting to get really wild over here in Europe we should we should sign a treaty the treaty is signed I can't remember the name of the treaty it's a really cool name and the treaty signed in Britain I think it was Britain well the war didn't go back until um the word didn't go back to New Orleans for like a week or two and in that time the Battle of New Orleans happens the battle kicks off and it's a massive British Army attacks a fort in New Orleans led by Andrew Jackson and right at the start a [ __ ] Cannonball takes the General's head off of the British force and the way at that time was that men were most honorable and most gentlemanly when they fought teeth to teeth and that's why you have stupid Napoleonic tactics where they line up and just shoot the [ __ ] out of each other it's the dumbest [ __ ] thing um which goes into the Civil War and [ __ ] stops there thank God but because left tenants and uh sergeants and people in line got their all their orders from the from the general the general was how orders were disseminated because that was the gentlemanly way to fight you did not take your own you didn't you would stand in fire until you were told to retreat you would not March until you were told to March so when the general died it caused this massive amount of disarray people didn't know what to do they were getting killed in in droves you wouldn't you don't fire your gun until you're told to fire so and of course you know history is written by the Victor right but apparently like the death toll for that is something like I'm using hyperbolic numbers like 400,000 British soldiers and four American soldiers it was something very very disproportionate um like all the war had been over at that point so America now kind of has something to prove 1812 kind of tells us okay maybe we actually do need a standing military that is part of the like like a National military or some sort of something like that rather than just simply statun military and we start to try to get involved in international trade because sure we that part of that treaty was yeah America is its own sovereign state we we'll allow it but we weren't seen as anyone other than just simply to use a colloquialism because third world country is something that only comes up in the in the 20th century um we were kind of looked at as essentially a third world country like oh okay yeah they're they're not really a big player in the game they don't really have a big even though we had plenty of trade um potential right we still had tobacco we still had plenty of stuff to trade and we we were trying to get seen on that that field we would trade with France but by and large our our trade wasn't huge and when we started to trade more and more we started to deal with the barbery coast so the barber Coast created a um series of treaties with Western European powers and the barbery coast treaties were basically you pay for passage in which case you pay us yearly a a fee if we see your flag it's another big reason why a lot of Nations fly their Flags or flew their Flags during the age of sale if we see your flag we will we will completely ignore you um and the barber Coast used to [ __ ] around and like oh yeah no no no look at our look at our flag we're definitely part of your your nation for sure then they get close and they [ __ ] pop the the green flag of the barber coast and attack them so you basically had to play pay yeah essentially yeah blood money to not be bothered by the barbery coast and this became like a bidding war the Western European nations would bid out the other ones and say okay well we'll pay you more if you go and attack them and ignore ours and over time this just became uh an issue where where the the Western European back to the Imperial area return to the door I have to go back again now oh I st going back there um they just hadn't dealt with it like we'll pay them off we'll pay them off because they're they're [ __ ] up everything well when they asked America to do it America was like no we can't afford it it was something like they wanted $250,000 a year equivalent of $250,000 a year which America didn't have in like 60,000 a month or something I it was it was a really exorbitant feat so America being a a nation of very uh not not standard uh ways of of of War goes okay well we're not going to do that after hearing about more attack this 20 years like what do you mean you guys got a water tax no sir so they get in these little minor skirmishes and at this point America doesn't really have a big Navy we've got a couple ships a lot of them are on loan they're older ships from from France and one of the ships gets captured and I don't remember who it is it's it's a prolific name in in American history uh it's not Andrew Jackson but it's a name like Andrew Jackson as far as like that level of grav gravitas um the one guy's ship gets captured this [ __ ] goes down down um one city down sneaks into the City and [ __ ] lights all their ships on fire takes back the ship frees the prisoners brings those [ __ ] on the ship and leaves and it's like you see what we can do with just two ships imagine what we can do with more like they so the barbery war number one stops like that um they're like oh [ __ ] these these Americans are loose cannons we can't fight a fight like this and the second barbar Wars was a more like conventional Naval uh war and it was filled with tons of American raiding because we were raiding in ways that other Western European countries weren't CU they don't typically do it but we were just like okay we'll start we'll fight you here but we'll just send a bunch of [ __ ] down down the coast and Ru no they didn't destroy the barbar states what they did was through that through those both of those Wars it a secured America as a superpower now the Western Europeans had to take us seriously because we were able to fight on toe-to-toe grounds with a force that they were scared of and it caused a landslide effect that after the end of the barbery wars other European nations were like well if they can do it so can we um it's got Betty Ross was knitting a flag on a [ __ ] boat in the barber Wars um so the other Western European nations rather than paying banded together and said no no [ __ ] that we're not going to pay and they started to attack the barbar states whenever they saw them and trading vessels would be escorted now and weren't just simply on their own and so on so forth so that and the barber States but privateers it kind of swaps instead of barbery states it becomes um yeah the the French were definitely involved definitely the second one at least um but the barber States gets replaced with like the high age of privateers and piracy because rather than why are we why are we paying an external Corsair faction when we can just pay our own men privateer give them slips of Mark slip of Mark that's what it's called and have them go to town according to Sleepy Hollow Betsy Ross was vital to stop Supernatural threats against America uh we got a sub up here by the way Trill wolf thank you for re7 one mon closer to death with all of you there you go there there's a spa oh that's a that's porn there's a chrome for some or not Chrome um What's this called op GX if you boot it back up it goes did you want to rewatch The porn you were just watching no no dude you don't want to rewatch The porn you were just watching it's like when you get done watching porn two and you're like oh God what [ __ ] Barbarian had 17 tabs open there you go there's your random history lesson for today guys do you guys want have you guys seen the game Millennia uh we're only 29 right now we're not very high I've been spending to too much time making videos and I I I'm not going to the gym today so I'm probably just going to be grinding but not been waning to grind really hard lately I just yeah yeah I don't know how I feel about a j i got offered it by Paradox um they're like hey do you want to do a contract with us and I looked at it I'm like I don't know dude hell divers might be if if there's a good if there's I don't think hell diverse will win game of the year but I think it needs to range gathering with the staff curus I have not that's a pretty interesting Prospect no no room no no no no no no no room this [ __ ] pebes colar again but I think what what is important about hell divers is that it shows us that you can actually have this [ __ ] stupid concept of a uh uh this concept of a uh live service game actually work yeah I saw I saw what you can do with the staff and everything but I kind of wanted to play every every Shaman build is a [ __ ] spriggan totem build and I was like no I kind of want to make an Enhancement Shaman what's up press Falcon yeah and I like how okay there's races that are going to appear in Hell divers based off of how we approach um doing things and I'm like oh [ __ ] that's cool yes yes yes uh cold you know what I should I should reset my filter okay oh this gonna be kind of a pain can I just over I oh sick okay can I can I change this figure oh [ __ ] yeah okay Gathering storm take that off let's put in hurricane am I using no I'm using oh can I not do the other ones no well I'm curious I'm using the the the the filter Wizard and I just want to swap out I want to drop like H I just want to do in all these things um man is gold that would be on that would actually be on okay okay where the [ __ ] that coming from I don't know maybe I'm fine I'm just thinking about it too much personal item I think those items that I dro isn't it great isn't it great I [ __ ] love it um [ __ ] slab slab [ __ ] Pebbles collar is there not a resp guy here not that I know a booty Thief what do you want yeah I mean this is like I said it's 30 people big and 15 of them are actual artists which isn't any less of a Dev but it's not like an actual programming Dev so I I'll definitely give this game plenty of credit okay I want that oh God damn it [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] got it all right Falcon thanks for uh hanging around doing a little lurky lurking this is physical minion and physical I need some Goods thingy hand oh do I need maces or axes kill bing bang bong go axe or mace this allowed me to do ax isn't ax is and Ma's got to go in the primary Axe can go in the off yes I don't know though last Epoch base items I just kind of want to see I I need to look at the it'ss cuz I'm trying to find minion stuff interesting okay so there's like no minion [ __ ] scepter wands two-handed axes two handed swords Rings relics I mean that's not too bad it just means that I'll have to yeah yeah there's no one-handed blunt or one-handed axes that will do I probably am going to want Monster Hunter rise is on sale probably stun chance I don't know that that works though with like shock has to bleed on hit let's see how this can be here huh if you have any questions about what I'm doing like oh explain tell me I'll help you out in any way that I can battle brother do chaos see if we get lucky see if we get lucky aha okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I take that I take that goes all my [ __ ] forging potential well this thing became not so good very fast you know I probably should have done here is this well does this can I do that still here that doesn't cost me any forging potential and that's why I'm doing that right now because I should have done that earlier this we're going to runin a chaos it okay it's fine with me and this will run of chaos although physical damage is fine I just prefer that be melee damage that's not good oh it's it's so much worse oh I'm build so far so good dude this should be good this should be good um can you show your thoughts and reservation on the game I I don't have it I don't have it I would they asked me if I want to do a contract so I have to make the decision of whether or not I want so I'll hold on to this in the off chance I don't like going with the with this right now but what do you guys think about rolling some dice here doing this so amulet what I want to do here these organized by level okay so I want the claw you can summon wolves up to your max number of companions so there's a chance that we get it and since I'm level 29 my pool for available amulets is one two three four five six so it's one out of six I think we do it I think we see if we can Ascend it it's a really good it it won't we'll lose some damage potential here with lightning damage but we'll have more wolves and wolves give us stacks of stormbolt remember that this is a different kind of gam gambling AOL this this gambling is fine H he it's not it's not in any way what I wanted uh yeah last depac uh the auster spoon I looked at lyac tools to look at the unique amulets this is actually a really good one for my build so I'll take it but we can't use it till 71 so [ __ ] me it's still a great necklace we just can't use it right I wanted to to God I didn't use that one did I okay good I wanted to get the the Fang so what the Fang does or the claw the claw there's another one called the Fang the claw increases my cast speed which is nice gives me Health increases melee physical damage for minions you can summon wolves up to your max number of companions uh my Max companion amount is three right now so I get three wolves remember my wolves can howl which will increase my attack speed my damage everything but they also give me stacks of stormbolt which is part of my just my builds mechanic um the claw whatever one I just said opposite the Fang the fangs you can summon wolf up to your max companion amount but now your minions cannot be stunned they get more physical damage you get more health and I get physical and necrotic resistance so it's really good yeah uh so the reason green uh green blood I've chosen the stat the the skills I've chosen is because my beastmas druid has swiped summon wolf Fury leap war cry and frenzy totem so I didn't want to just make the same character as a shaman that's why I'm using Gathering storm I'm still using the Wolves but the Wolves aren't necessarily a vehicle of damage they're a vehicle of of a mechanic of the build and I'm using I'm using Fury leap right now but once I get to 35 it's going to be storm crows stormcrows will be my traversal and melstrom so I wanted to mix up how I play the game I was going to Sentinel but I just really like this character but guys I got bad news the poop has come 11:39 on the am. mark calendars it's happened it's poop time I'll be right back for f for for right for for for for what for for for for for for for for for for oh yeah I'm back I used to have poop music but I have po music I just didn't [ __ ] I am like lowkey delirious right now yeah I I didn't put the music on because it had been starting non my music it was playing like some other rand's music um okay so we went with a mace and an axxe specifically and let's go through why so I've got the passive that allows me to equip an axe or a sword in the off hand not a mace and why we're using an Axe and not a sword in my off hand is it coincides with this skill Gathering storm deals additional spell damage per three melee damage on your equipped axe or mace in this case we have both an Axe and a mace and we have melee damage coming out from this now unfortunately this is doing necr increased necrotic damage which is not going to help me at all um but this one is doing increased lightning damage which is going to help me what I wanted these to do though because you know how you can increase the physical damage on them nay what I wanted was this increased melee damage because that melee increase to melee damage would have corresponded to spell damage increase for Gathering storm that's how I'm pulling more spell damage into the build by increasing the melee damage on my melee weapon what you mean to say say say say all that so fast I don't really drink coffee I drink the sne I drink sneak and concentrated ice coffee is I don't know how to I don't know how to [ __ ] judge how much caffeine is in an ounce of that so I'm ripping G and spell taste time that's all like that and this is all just to get big Stacks juicy Stacks oh look at that man oh weird that's a lot faster it's just to get those juicy stormbolt Stacks so we can just keep ripping through things and what we want to do too let's show off this in a second here what we're going for next that was good ex is this whenever you expend a storm stack while dual wielding You Now cast storm bullets at two enemies instead of one so we we're going to Bas basically get uh in the instances of horde clear our storm Stacks are going to two for the price of one right one storm stack is going to give me two bolets which I really like now does this help me out I think this does so what I'm thinking of doing is taking the points out of this this increases my melee damage by 25% but I think outright the Attunement benefit of this is a higher benefit than this uh let's go ahead and push through this area and then we'll go respect that because if what I'm looking at is per point of Attunement I get one spell damage versus a 25% increase to my melee damage which I get three uh spell damage per point of melee damage or no it's two it's I get two spell damage per three points of Mele that's a good point Kiran but this also gives me tons of lightning resist which is kind of nice maybe I I think too I I kind of this is nice but I think I get rid of it drop this entirely so take these three points cuz I'm I'm one point over so take this let's take these two points put them into here for more health [Music] um correct Titan Spork but I also get some some scaling from strength so strength isn't completely wasted but our focus is primarily on a tun and with uh that totem up I get massive increase in my armor and attack speed okay we'll do that the I have a problem with like these abilities kind of don't cast sometimes I've noticed that you can cancel casting yes I kind of want to make a necromancer though because I've just got so much I've got so much [ __ ] Necromancer stuff I've got three pairs of goddamn void night boots yes you uh minion Health minion damage void resistance Mana regen minion Health endurance fire resistance the there are I think I read a thing that there are a disproportionate amount of necromancer uniques in the game that qwe uh you can just swap those out to a different button okay this does increased physical damage which is probably pretty interesting here Kiran or whoever wants to take a look at that that's that's a list of the bases which one-handed Axe and or mace would you guys look for in this build's consideration RoR rarer as TR you see I try to stay on the same ecosystem for as much of my RGB [ __ ] so I've got a Corsair Mouse Corsair keyboard Corsair uh fans Corsair Clos Loop AO cooler and a Corsair and Corsair um Ram unfortunately Corsair doesn't [ __ ] make gpus I've got an MSI Motherboard well see here is I can't find a there there's there no is there do you see one that does lightning damage implicit as lightning damage I see Mele like cold I didn't see lightning it's either going to be Minion or Minion or lightning but outside of that I would also assume stun would be good since I'm doing shock what there is that is is the tarus a uh an MMO Mouse well you know the ones with all the buttons on the left side cuz I thought about getting one of those I've always wondered how it plays oh it's a game pad that was a [ __ ] game pad godd damn you play with a [ __ ] game pad man how's that for you I used to use a track ball Mouse where it was the track it was actually kind of cool I actually really missed it it was it was really fun um Tempest ma type Tempest mod what's Tempest mod I'm not using Tempest strike see I don't know how people [ __ ] play like Battlefield and fly [ __ ] [ __ ] so easily I'm like are they using a controller what are they doing they're using a joystick so forair game pad they have a is corer have a game pad no they don't course's like no we're not going to do that we our game buddy yeah I'd go the citar maybe yeah my the track ball I had was balls in the center and the buttons on the left and right side you'd use it like this oh no no no was it a thumb one can't remember what's up tiger they just dropped they dropped one today I I downloaded one before I boot it up I've got a patch for bg3 hell it Loose Battlefield 242 vampire survivors I am [Music] on I think I'm at 1.01 that might be pretty good can you guys see up here what is this yeah that's 1.01 I have an FPS block thing over there blocking that so I bought some new brakes and rotors and I was going to have them put in on Friday I was pretty excited about it I was going to replace my brake lines with uh Sal and steel brake lines too but uh I was looking at a bunch of different sets of them and I was looking at the uh I drove a Ford Focus ST is a manual P trim of the focus um and I was like oh okay well cool I was looking at you know front and back rotors and brakes cool well I [ __ ] I accidentally bought just the front so I have this [ __ ] 90 lb stack of [ __ ] rotors and braks here and it's just a set of front so I just bought the uh the rears that are going to come later and then I got a little crazy and I decided to finally upgrade my front mounted intercooler because it really sucks on the car as stock but I have to see now if I have to retune the car which is going to just be another $600 you just stack it on up there or bleed unless you're stacking crit then go with crit well I'm not stacking bleed in any other source cure that's the problem um uh green blood I think you said Crescent is there a crescent axe I know there's a crescent two handed axe I find it what the [ __ ] well I'm not really using physical damage physical damage is in the focus I'm using lightning damage physical is coming but not really I look at this this is lightning not physical these do some physical but it does mainly lightning did I convert their damage to to physical or lightning no they just have a chance to cast storm bolts this is lightning this is lightning well this is actually cold right now oh it gives the Wolves lightning damage a Helm o baby oh my butt got like a random butt clinch I don't know why my but was like oh let him know you mean business yeah like the constant like hail of lightning is really cool right now it's good so that's a better things so far so let's see here so this mace is technically better than my mace because it has increased melee damage can I try and do this yeah oh [ __ ] you okay okay okay okay okay okay that's not bad that's not bad and I'll risk Discovery that's fine okay so this so right now our 330 DPS the attack speed might make this so now it's 347 because we had more melee attack added in because of the modifiers here this rules are tell sure uh so I've got this what what did I do this your wolves have a chance R tell that's the helmet the cold modifier might help a little bit with with melstrom but I don't know how how of the West Wind let me take a look peak of the mountain how of the West Wind 30% chance okay so does that just replace this entirely it we replace this I guess it maybe just rolls cannot be stunned attack chance to hit lighting damn chance on hit with lightning skills to grure wolves additional melee lightning dude this is sick give me that [ __ ] helmet baby level 24 so I forgot that the rues of ascendants they don't I thought that they rolled within your your level range they don't black F unique or set helmet Echo rewards there's a way to spot Farm ascendants though and I can't remember does anyone remember how to do it for those that are veterans here I don't remember how those work here moin now what are you doing down goblins for sure goblins I I feel like if goblins existed they would have like really weird [ __ ] menial jobs that that we wouldn't want like oh yeah you [ __ ] but but they would love you know oh we're definitely going C by the way when do we do that your Mele sh car you're going for Ling build I am William dly so I kind of made my own build off that guy's build dly if if you did you did you comment on YouTube did I send you the link the water God okay lagon is it lagon in in the monoliths or in the story okay so that's actually not that's I think it's the end of this act yeah that's the end of this act when is David Harbor in the game isn't the hell G or something did I go here can't remember thought there was a quest that took me here well this one's going very Well's going this is just something brings me up to one of these I can't remember sleepy puppy back there okay chapter 7 okay okay you know I have a really weird craving for oh that was it that was it is a chicken pot pie I don't think I've had a chicken pot pie in years I don't know easily years easily there's a place by me that makes a pretty good one I think so Kier Spell blade is is really really strong Tiger Bomb uh fire cleave is a really cool spellblade build uh one of my favorite you cooking you YouTube channels did a whole thing on making like little mini uh chicken pot pies I'm like man I want one it's raining this weekend I kind of want to get one yeah I like this is fun this is I like how like hectic and crazy there's just [ __ ] lightning bolts everywhere and this isn't even so my melstrom is not even creating storm bolts my storm crows aren't up yet so there's there's way more storm uh storm bolts to be coming yeah Gathering is improve M based Critical Strike chance per stack of M oh baby that's going to be number one all right cure sounds good man God I can't wait for Dragon Dogma to does anyone know what they they're going to play vocation wise have you guys been watching the vocation videos and I mean don't worry about it I'll be doing a vocation video what yeah can I come over Chris I'll watch movies with you and your wife um I'm actually going to swap out Fury leap for storm crows uh and fury leap Fury leap right now is just my traversal because it doesn't really require any skills storm crows once I hit 35 I'm going to jump down for this to Sky passage so Crow storm becomes a Teleport and Crow storm will just increase my lightning damage across the board yeah the magic Archer they just they just brought out yesterday or so which one's the magic spear do you know the name of it is just called a Lancer you have a long play but there' be enough thank you crisp assassin sniper okay all right there's a lot of vocations there's a ton I don't really know how the skill system works in the game I'm going to have to take kind of like sit down and look at all of it so I can make the video of like hey you know here's how the vocation system is going to work like I don't know if it's like hey okay you know how in Skyrim you can choose pre-made characters that have specializations in certain skills but you can just still choose those skills later if you want like oh you can choose a spellblade to start off in Skyrim or Oblivion or make a custom character which is going to be a stealth Archer and then just learn the Spell blade abilities you know like I don't know how it is for Dragon stma I never played the second the first one what does this thing look like damn that's [ __ ] cool looking Mystic spear hand doesn't um doesn't it have a dragon sagma one did didn't it or do you just take control of the companion if you do co-op is that it oh damn I was wrong system the pawns are the pwn system was cool though I like the pawn system he's he is he is hard passed out behind me thank you very much for following sir Tech fanatic guys if you are watching on YouTube do make that switch to Twitch it does help me out quite a bit Roman little Roman pass out on the floor right now such a peaceful looking little puppy even though he's a [ __ ] crackhead a steast poop anxiety is something that I think we all have had or have currently I got poop anxiety once and I was high I took anible and it caused like it just led to like constipation it was not fun got to take more fiber dude the anxi dude this must be your first time in my streams that is not a weird confession in fact I told the whole story when it happened um you have enough fiber there's no there's no time there's no time for anxiety your body's like no no you don't get a second guess this it's coming out it's coming out right now I don't need like 24 hours for a flight I'll poop on a fight do bother me I I think time is usually what causes poop anxiety for me like hey man we got to get going or hey uh like what happened to me specifically we were at BlizzCon smog me Rob Pat and what is up for mortise and we're we're sitting there I was like I my edible started to kick in while I was pooping you know how you hit that like time dilation when you get high where you're like oh my God has to have been 30 it has to have been 114 minutes and you look at you're watching you're like been 8 seconds but uh it was like okay hey let's go back to the apartment or the the the hotel real quick I'm going to shower uh poop and then shower shower than poop you depends on how you feel and let's let's go get dinner and so Tech fanatic thank you very much for watching man I like I said my uh my streams and my videos are way are two different breeds so I apologize but um I'm sitting on the toilet and I was like oh my god I've been sitting here forever I feel so bad these guys must want to go eat food and it had been like 5 minutes but by that the damage was done the anxiety had kicked in and my butt was was not releasing that poop but I also had it building up my body was like but we but we got to so I don't know what we're going to do here it it was definitely like a like a four or five hour ordeal it was not fun eventually it it passed at like 1 in the morning I then my body was like Hey man hey man just release just just breathe bro just breathe I got it from here it was like it was like forcing out an arm of clay uh minion bleed chance increased frequency expending storm Stacks I like that but I don't like the size I like this you always get poop fores with me baby you know comeing over here with your that sweet ass am I this way and do it okay and do it okay let's just shatter it now okay fine oh great we' got the [ __ ] Shard I should have just shattered it from to begin with so you use remove Shard if you're trying to get a very specific Shard off of an item um these gloves they're low um I should probably swap them out now at this point this isn't really helping me it's just I like I like the resistance and the leech um you'll use remove Shard to try to get specific shards off of items um and if you hit what I hit you just run out of remove sh like just screw it just shatter it I ended up shatter because shattering is not you if okay there's there's four ATIV on this if I shatter it it's not a guarantee I get all four shards uh or all four aexs worth some shards I might just get one I might get none it just depends on what it is so you kind of have to roll the dice like see this is filled with a lot of good ones I'd probably just shatter all of it because it's like okay I got I got most of what I wanted the rest is just kind of GRA there's no different there they used really I feel like args are better for me cuz back then I I was so scatterbrained I would want to like do other things all the time now I can actually focus in like complete AR RPGs the highest level I used to get back in the day on D2 was like in my 40s or 50s now I have had characters out of 99 last couple times I played D2 and then D2 are for that that matter I've gotten most of my characters to 7080 plus which is when the game really starts to slow down and grindy I don't think I even got a character to 100 in DIA 4 well to be fair remorse I've been putting out videos for this since it came out and I've been playing the game for two years but I don't have a Max character my this is my highest character on the cycle on the season and I've been making videos it's like in fact actually as a YouTuber it become it's become harder for me to complete stuff because I need to focus on work like you saw how long it took me to beat bg3 let alone get level 12 in BG cuz I just like to saver video games I like to saver especially good ones like I watch Netflix shows people like oh yeah I watched like 18 episodes this weekend I'm like no I watch I I watch only when I'm eating you also have kids you also have a child you also have children and a wife and a career this is my career my dog is my child those Gremlins what what age did you have your first child Alam is so relaxing I love the graphics of it and I love the music music we're 26 27 damn I think I'm 10 years older than that and I don't even have a girlfriend let alone a serious girlfriend let alone anyone I want I don't even know anyone I would want to have kids with I don't know anyone I'm like you know what yeah like if we were like really close and dating I'd want I'd want to die right now I'd want to uh have kids with that person like no I don't have anyone you old [ __ ] how's it feel how's it feel how's it feel to Crest another another midpoint of of a decade it's you Rachel i' procreate with ra with you Rachel just just to hear you nag at me oh damn I didn't know you joined in uh your later 20s I figured you joined at 18 don't threaten me with a good time you just want to come to my [ __ ] family's uh uh uh Christmas festivities it's smile me that's unhealthy you tell you tell him tell him to go get a [ __ ] job oh [ __ ] my wolves come to me wolves come to me wolves oh oh I wasn't [ __ ] paying attention again God damn it I wanted to be a chef hey time temp up baby I about this guy remember how I do damage to him why is he giggling at me dude yeah see that you probably got bad acting from it too at one point right be wrong a lot of subers and C tons of people but it does pay [ __ ] for how much you work all the weekends holidays and family gatherings you miss not worth yeah man uh my friend who was who owned the catering business I told you about he was like he's like yeah I did all these cool things for all these people but like I never did anything with my family for like all that time yeah exactly it's like it's like contact dermatitis from being around oil all day oh Ras is eczema damn and it's such a it's such a high at least it's not dander yeah I don't have that problem um it's such a [ __ ] high stakes stressful environment you know and that and that amplifies those things you know God my ezma went up with all my [ __ ] anxiety recently have the benefit of being a very depressed person but having a somewhat like weird Sunny disposition to all of it so I never really get like I never get really bad stress I'm just like yeah whatever sucks that's live yeah see I operate really well in those those environments I really like I like drowning I like I like levels of of work that are over [ __ ] whelming cuz I'm like yes a challenge the challenge the ultimate Challenge yeah 100% control chaos way way to put it where it's just like a massive orchestration nah no we're listening to the Final Fantasy 6 theme uh because it's time to kill kfka can I help you you okay BB little goopy eye huh cuz it's like for me um I dealt with that in retail I dealt with that in like cuz I would do I was in charge of these stores it have to go to the stores if was Black Friday if it was holidays all right we're opening at 6:00 in the morning like when I was working retail was like those those like really it was like that that ban of years when Black Friday was like the Medieval Times dude like [ __ ] people were charging the doors and stuff so that was like big crunchtime [ __ ] and when we had Skyrim Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 all released in the in like the same 60-day period pretty much um yeah exactly I was going to say the Oaks Mall uh Rachel the uh what the [ __ ] the name of that store it's not a Hot Topic it's like where everyone who us so went went to Hot Topic grew up and got a disposable income they started going Urban Outfitters Urban Outfitters Urban Outfitters they start they watch too many [ __ ] Indie goddamn movies with Zoe Chanel like [ __ ] dumb but um and I did a lot of theater a lot of theater and I was I'm not a good actor so I would I would because I did improv improv was my thing and it's like when you do [ __ ] improv like they're like oh here's a script like I I can't do that I I get into like if I read from a script I get like a voice a lot of people like think think of like your your phone voice I read from a script that's what I do why I don't write scripts the beginning of my videos always sound different than the rest of my videos right because that beginning is a script rest is me just talking off the [ __ ] cusp um so I did a lot of tech work for theater so I was in the trust I was working on things I was building stuff I got my Carpenters license doing that um and then my my my acting stuff was usually like okay you're going to be um on stage you're going to be Ensemble and I was I got involved in fight choreography so I I have I can teach people how to fight with a Rapier or with a broadsword because I loved it so much and I would get like the you can become like a Master of Arms like like they usually will have one person who's certified to fight with those things but then you also have to upkeep them um so I got that job while also [ __ ] building [ __ ] and I fell out of trusses it hell week of of theater is ah so fun cuz it's just it's the same thing it's high octane it's like everyone's just [ __ ] going hard in the paint on every little thing you're you're working all hours it's Community Theater though so it's like it's not real you know it's not like a real stress there's nothing actually on the line this isn't going to go to box office you are the one who are the ball lickers to click Commander baby love that [ __ ] like that no room no room you [ __ ] your room no room thank you man have a good one remorse what are you making are you going to make another pg3 vid love you too baby guys go check out remorse if you like my balers gate videos you owe it to yourself to go watch remorse because remorse taught me all the things that I know about my balers gate videos that's why a lot of the videos I shot him out so go watch REM morse's videos there's a lot of porn in them big porn guy real big porn guy to my video zip here's a question to the audience the 80 Bros that are watching right now would you do porn uh and okay here's the caveat uh you can do porn and let's just say it's no face porn if if there's a worry that people would see who your face is and recognize you let's just say that they they don't like maybe you wear a [ __ ] mask you do like a Luchador whatever it is is um actually yeah Jay I usually will have someone with a within a game that I play that helps me and gives me uh a sounding board because doing it on my own is too hard I I I need someone else to bounce ideas off of or else I'm just [ __ ] stupid uh I had one for bordoli who comes into chat a lot he would help me out with uh Age of Wonders and with uh Crusader Kings ACS who comes into chat a lot he would help me out with both as well I had the piece for porn what's the piece oh the dick oh the [ __ ] you mean that you [ __ ] shanger you could don't use a piece in front of me you say you're [ __ ] rumpus dump is down down South you say you're [ __ ] you say you're [ __ ] shalang you don't need to say peace baby you need you don't need to be politically correct around here talk about your hog I don't care uh you know actually Rachel most people who use only fans they have an agency who does the description for all their videos and all their posts and all their content they make the content themselves they hand it to the agency the agency will do bleed in posts of saying like hey here's like one or two pictures from the the post it's gonna I'm doing a drop in a week oh I got this big one coming it's in a week it's in a week and they lead you into it and that's like if you've ever read an only fans post because I have because I was like I have to know what this only fans thing is about I've s up on them free only fans I gota I got to look into it I'm not just going to [ __ ] I'm not going to hate or approve of it without knowing about it yes that that's that's how [ __ ] bad things happen it's like it's like Sam or uh it's like mac and Always Sunny oh my God show me where where where where is it so I know not to ever look at that that dirty heinous stuff um but they'll say stuff like oh my my naughty little wet [ __ ] is waiting for your your super sweet hand um no it was a free one I was like okay I'm not going to pay for this I just have to see what this is about um and and I was like this is annoying because you have toay for every little thing and all the pictures shown are um on social media anyway so it's like kind of getting Bamboozled but a lot of those descriptions are written by just teams of people could be a dude could be a girl who knows someone's writing it not the person you're looking at though that's disgusting which website where where where where is it I have a friend who worked at an agency like that and his agency he was I'm like oh how your marketing agency going he go well I'm like what do you what marketing is it did you do he goes uh only fans I'm like oh cool like I don't know they had an agency goes yeah people will sign up they just give us their content we write all the descriptions and we do the timeline for anything oh hey green blood Crusades wife yeah we were just talking about only fans um green blood was saying that he definitely does not have an only fans if you're wondering how he's been able to afford all these bills and all brand new car and everything it's not because he has an only fans uh I have a stance on that booty Thief true true as someone who does watch porn and is single I think you as a single dude should not watch lots of porn watch porn I don't give a [ __ ] but dude like I I I get really weirded out when when I I have like guy friend's like yeah man you know like you just you just go jerk off you know like [ __ ] 2 p.m. like what you 2 p.m. your Sun's up man what do you I got [ __ ] to do I'm not going to like oh let's rip off an afternoon delight in the middle of the weekday at 2 p.m. I do I do I I I do booty Thief if you if you if you're [ __ ] ripping and gripping down south constantly here's what I have noticed demr B let me uh chop up on this one here's what I've noticed if you're a chronic masturbator and watching porn all the time there's nothing necessarily wrong with it um they do have real porn addictions Chris as Chris Chris just said but I was like you know what I want to try a month of just no porn or if I do it I I will do it like I'll only masturbate like in once a week like create time in between and what I noticed was the time in which I wasn't doing watching porn and masturbating a lot I was forcing myself to have more interactions with women that I typically wouldn't have had um because I think what you do is is when you go out you see a pretty lady in the club you know the live tal music is blaring through the speakers you like I'm going to ready to to Romus my rompus on her the impetus to go and talk and make a connection or talk to someone and get their number or whatever becomes easier to dismiss you go well I could go talk to them and maybe I get a number maybe it comes into something or just go home watch porn and not really think and and you you you don't necessarily directly make that mental connection but I think it's a subconscious connection that your brain makes of like the I could just not do it and it's no big deal it it's not like a direct connection of like oh I could I could go talk to her or just go jerk off like it's it's I don't think it's like that I think it's more your brain doesn't feel the need the true draw that like the the thrill the hunt um because I think that your brain just kind of like yeah sure you could go for it if you want it's up to you I mean that's what you're into kind of like passive aggressive at you like that [ __ ] roommate who leaves posted notes everywhere but I think that that's I think there there's some Credence to that I don't know I'm just a [ __ ] dude who makes YouTube videos I'm not a behavior analyst even though there was is one in chat right now I am not David Goggins who would say that been a podcast you got to burn your boats you want to get married you want a wife you got to burn a boat and then you got to wake up at 5:00 in the morning take a cold plunge burn a boat marry a wife oh my God my eyes hurt from doing that like David calm down right now I think that my opinion is that we are a very over sexualized but UND sexed Society we might be horny we might be bombarded with the imagery of sex but we don't actually have it and I think that that causes and I I'm saying think because I don't [ __ ] know repressive Tendencies and or Tendencies where people create tabos around sexuality I think people just need to [ __ ] more within the constraints of like safe responsible sex but I think if if they did I think a lot of social tensions in the world would be released I think a lot of issues that Sexes face would be a little bit more dumbed down and I think overall there'd be less tension there's so much tension and a lot of times I'm like that this person needs to get [ __ ] there's just so much tension with things I'm like you just need a bad blow job at this point again I'm not an authority on anything I'm just a guy who makes a lot of intuitive guesses at [ __ ] it's really weird man like so much [ __ ] effort is put into all that crap and I'm like oh God like imagine caring so [ __ ] much about someone's sexuality in in in the ne in the nature of their actual um sexuality or the way that they want to pursue their sexuality like who gives a [ __ ] like you're not trying to jam a dildo on my ass I don't give a [ __ ] I don't know maybe I'm really drunk maybe the dill kind of there's never a line for me on that one never like I good and I think that's that's there there's a virtue to that though right booty Thief I think that um repressing sexual Tendencies is wrong but I do believe in like virtue or purity of the notion that like you want your sexuality to feel purposeful and I don't think there's anything wrong with that there's nature to that booty Thief what a name dude like personally I don't really like to have sex unless I'm in a relationship but I like to talk about sex I'll make out with someone I'll do a little little I'll do a little DJing oh my God oh my God what Am I who am I but like I I I just think that like I don't want to personally waste my time on someone transactionally it's boring like beatbox and the the D do the didd Box um I I've I've made this distinction to people like dude you just got to like you just got to have sex more and blah blah like no man okay let's think about this I'm a busy person I'm not just [ __ ] I'm not not someone who's got time to just go like I'm not I think a lot of people just [ __ ] sit around and watch Netflix all day I don't have any [ __ ] inside hobbies and I think that's weird but I'm busy person I got a job that I'm like self-employed on I I train very seriously so I can't just be [ __ ] oh I got a text time to go wash my balls get in my car drive to the location have awkward beginning talk start to have sex have sex get back in the car come back that's like a 2 and 1 half three hour Journey for like I don't know 7 to 14 seconds of mere pleasure like I don't know like I like to put a lot of mental process and thought into it I'm not just sitting there going like okay I'm going to slam slam a lukewarm hole until I'm I'm done you know like that [ __ ] is barbaric I don't give a [ __ ] I can buy my own food I don't need someone else to buy food for me yeah my name in the sand Courtney be well yes oh I want that one that [ __ ] well like I think of a lot of like gen ZZ and how gen Z is very obsessed with the imagery of sex but also the denial of that imagery right and also the clout quote unquote that is attached to sex what's your body count no one [ __ ] cares dude I don't like people that have high body counts I don't care if you're a guy or a girl like there's a whole notion where it's like uh that adage of oh uh a key that opens many locks is a goody key but a lock that is open by many keys is a shitty lock like no [ __ ] that anyone who sleeps with a [ __ ] ton of people just they're probably not going to fall within like my spectrum of someone I want to hang out with because that becomes all that they want to do and think about it it's like it's like it's that that's their so F focus and it's like Jesus Christ man so like someone say like was talking to my friend who she's 21 and uh she got like weirded out because I posted my other friend on my Instagram story we we're armound she goes that's sus dude what are you talking about that's my friend's girlfriend CU that makes it even more sus I'm like no it doesn't I was like we're in our 30s we don't give a [ __ ] like we're friends like he knows I'm not going to do anything I like I'm not going to do anything and she goes yeah I guess you're right when my body count is in the triple digits I guess I won't care much about that I'm like are you are you are you [ __ ] kidding me are the triple digits I'm like I don't think I know a single person that I well I probably know someone but I don't associate with them daily that has 100 plus body count that's [ __ ] wild to me oh Kiran 100% And I find once you stop focusing on sex you start to have more honest conversations with people like I I can talk to man or beast um and just to have a conversation on the level because my focus in the conversation is not to have sex like my brain isn't just like got a [ __ ] like and honestly too majority of my sexual partners have not been great so I'm not like oh man got to go have a not cool experience that's mon of so the effects of porn on men's sexual interactions but an only fans effect on girls getting the attention Partners would give yeah you see that's kind of where I'm coming at coming that's why I'm I'm coming green blood we're coming together right now on this um how I think that it's like each of the sect in that situation this in this you know typical kind of architecture um are getting the validation externally and artificially right like women are getting emotional validation from only fans which is not real and men are getting physical validation from porn which is just not real goes beyond a hobbyist that's a professional level numbers dude yeah I'm a big believer that if you're if you're a single person and you want to get in a relationship you need to repair or fix your boat you know like you you can't just expect to jump into a relationship and people do like I'm not saying that this is necessarily bad it's just what happens it's how serial monogamists work but you can't fill the whole inside a heart with another person it's got to be filled by yourself you have to learn to kind of reape who you are fall back in love with yourself all those kinds of things build confidence in doing things on your own again before you can actually truly jump into a real good relationship any relationship that is born of ser monogamy is just a relationship that's built to fail kill a ho with a hole baby where do live by I care I don't like there is I like there's I don't like there is no sanctity to sex anymore especially concerning women well you see though like I again I think kir Cirus I think that that is not true but I'm saying it's also true I think the project the projection of that is true the reality is false like there is no sanctity to sex but it's not been sullied the I think the image of it has been sulled but the reality of it isn't that's what I'm saying is we are overly sexually stimulated but UND sexed like I don't think anyone's actually outgoing and having the sex that we all talk about see and are bombarded with here's and guess what you're going to have happen to you now you're going to find a relationship because that's what happens it's called The Law of Attraction you're going to attract someone because of that [Laughter] [ __ ] yeah and you what will'll also do titanium Spork is you will throw the the burdens failures and successes or patterns of your previous relationship onto your next relationship you will treat them in some sort of similar way it comes man it comes that way because I don't like that old are you Caris this is not like I'm not taking a crack at your age I'm just I'm genuinely asking how old you are listen this guy [ __ ] how old are you man I don't like that I did that I'm G that later um I find no no no kirus not kiraan I find that if you [ __ ] up in your skill progression wait until you've maxed the skill you're 36 yeah we're the same age baby uh wait until you Max it out and then Respec because there's no reason to fall into the deficit now for a skill point you don't get back immediately you might as well go the progression you want then get rid of the things you didn't want unless it's like a whole like okay I don't want to go over here I'm going to go over here you know I I kind of have that notion to Kure uh cus guys are both Kier so it's hard to say um yeah I agree with that yeah yeah yeah in um but there there's definitely a part of me that thinks to myself like okay I'll always be single I don't want to date anyone because I I've just seen that it just leads to a lot of trust issues but I also have to be fair with myself in realize that that's that's not fair right like that that's not fair to myself it's not fair to to anyone in my future because not everyone is like that just cuz of experienced the the 100% of the 1% or whatever it is doesn't mean it all exists that way because you have to believe that people in your life that you do like and Trust there are more of them right like parents uh family close friends you have to exist at those you have to admit that those didn't exist outside of it can't be the fallacy of everyone outside of my close circle is untrustworthy it has to be that there are other people that exist in that ex same exact footprint well yeah that's that's also a lot to on through K here that it's like it's like when a lot of people get very Doom and Gloom on the world and as it is global warming is going to kill us all AI is going to take over and kill us all we're going to have a whole bunch of nukes that are going to just wipe us all out uh we're going to die from microplast microplastics all over the place if you believe that all those bad things are going to happen then you have to believe because this is the way that logic works that all the good things are going to happen if you're going to believe when 100% of the bad things you have to believe the 100% of the good things are going to happen so likely it's that percentages of both will occur and it's the same thing with people right not everyone is untrustworthy pieces of [ __ ] just happen to meet that that can be true fellow scaly you like to [ __ ] lizards uh what's the scaly um you know though cir ass not C kiraan it also might be because you are older and you you present more confidence in where you are in life it it might not simply be that because you're not interested they're interested there there are portions of that that exist in in the reality of of the attraction right but you walk into a bar and you aren't looking you don't have those Hungry Eyes you immediately stand out because of it even if subconsciously and there is an attraction to that or if be because you're not looking the way you interact with people the you're not trying to create a okay let me create a a a a verbal narrative that leads to some form of sexual conversation your your questions become genuine your interactions become genuine what you say seems caring and seems like you actually want to connect with a person so I think what you might be looking at as 100% they they just you're not interested they want it it might also be that because you sound genuinely interested they want it because they're like oh man this person seems like he actually wants to talk to me he and I this is what I've told people if you are trying to find a girl if you're trying to find a guy the only thing anyone really cares about is being appreciated and genuinely listened to that's it yeah sure physical attraction is always going to be a thing but you'll choose the person who makes you feel better about yourself over the person who looks really pretty and that that's another thing too right like to tame SP is talking about I was about to just bring this up is that people think oh like now that I'm in a relationship I'm not I'm not a NE people can't just get me now they want me like no it's because your conversations are genuine you're not talking to your friend's your girlfriend's best friend because you want to [ __ ] her you're talking to her because hey I'm that you're you're involved in my girlfriend's life I love my girlfriend I want to talk to you or friends and they're like wow he's such a good listener you know like he genuinely is listening to me and he's genuinely taking and he's asking me questions in kind he's not just saying oh cool yeah your day was hard what are your tits like how hard do your tits get you guys got to know how to talk to women and it's just like that hey babe how hard are your tits right now all right Rachel you're not ready for that kind of thing you know what else is hard these tits if someone breaks anyone's trust I consider that a red flag indicator all of my current friends are very trustworthy though and my significant other of over 10 years has never broken my trust I think too like it's also the realization that like trust can be broken on smaller levels you know like hey I trusted you to go pick up Chick-fil-A for me and you [ __ ] didn't but and and it's and it's agreeing that like those exist agreeing that your partner is not perfect and it sounds like you created that relationship my cousin just left his fiance they were together for 10 years she was [ __ ] on for 3 months before he found out o rough crisp it's Al like when you're in a secure relationship suddenly just like when you just said you're not hungry dude my so Rob's brother is a bartender Rob's brother says always to say like dude you can see the guys who just walk in they walk into a bar like this just those [ __ ] hungry eyes just like a [ __ ] looking around corners and [ __ ] like no you have more fun with a normal Barbarian or throwing Varian wanted to get an opinion before trying you know chaotic I genuinely like the normal Barbarian variant because it's how to me personally a barbarian plays and the throwing barbarian was just to kind of min max it for Honor mode and it was fun the damage numbers were cool but it just kind of felt like I was falling in the same rote every time I played versus just like yeah I want my Barbarian to jump in there get all up in that ass and just throw big crit numbers I I I like that more it might not be as optimized but the normal Barbarian to me felt more fun if you're not playing honor mode play a normal Barbarian you are playing honor mode play a normal Barbarian if you want to you don't know a goddamn thing about hard tits Rachel hard days make me hard what about your nits kir imagine that as an opener you're you're sad damn you're sexy though okay see like Tiger Bomb that's a really good point like I know you're joking when you say that like oh you you're sad damn you're too sexy though like that is a really good example of you didn't hear what I said you just said what you wanted to say in the instance of the relationship between men and women and just kind of saying stuff like that like oh I'm sorry you had a bad day but at least you look cute like thanks man thanks for [ __ ] listening to me I really [ __ ] appreciate it so I'll go talk to anyone else now like it's it's why being nice is not a good thing being nice is a really bad thing be kind don't be [ __ ] nice because people that say they're nice usually means that they have some sort of alterior motive I'm a nice guy why don't why am I not why is she why am I not like the friend zone exists but it doesn't the friend zone is an easiest way for someone to tell you they don't want to [ __ ] you but you can be friends with someone and have lovely long pillow talk with them if you're a genuine friend I've done my best work from the friend zone all my past girlfriends have been previous friends and I was in the friend zone as as one would call it the incident oh God I know what you're talking about I think but when you I hope you don't refer to it as that like it was voluntary exactly I'm so nice you you'll sleep with me of course and this is coming from the guy is hases anyone SE the movie Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds Ryan Reynolds Amy Adams is Amy Adams the main love interest no who's the girl he was trying to get when he was a fat little kid but his uh Ryan Reynolds character in Amy smart thank you thank not Amy Adams I was like it's not Amy Adams that she's in Superman Amy Smart was so Beau um Ryan Reynolds character in just friends was 100% me in high school there was a girl named Taylor and I thought be being that kind of guy was how it worked you you were a nice person you listened with the motive that wanting to date them and that's how you that's how it work you know that's that's that's how it's supposed to work right no it's not cuz cuz it's a one-sided situation right like I'm sitting there expectant that my behavior begets something else so I learned my lesson it's like I always tell people you like a girl talking to a girl you don't know how to tell you like her just start calling her a [ __ ] just put things on the same level because no one wants to feel like they're up on a Podium up on a pedestal they want to feel like they are talking to another human being about human being stuff not I'm talking to a girl you know or vice versa or maybe even not vice versa you know maybe maybe same same but different def is racial [ __ ] that bit ohel the sister always wanted but never got drop some ass so they don't run it's a keeper I don't know man I need a lot of protein exactly everyone wants to be treated they want to be genuinely heard and appreciated they just want to be listen to and appreciate that's it if you treat him like a real actual friend it will work out for you oh not that time Rachel if you if you came over to my my parents house I oh this is this is my girlfriend Rachel within minutes you'd be going like this why are they so loud why is everyone yelling why are they yelling about I'm like they're yelling about the cool cats they're just going to [ __ ] yell just let them [ __ ] yell probably probably also PR of me is definitely a big answer there or big a big yes how my family shows affection we just get it out of the way we're not a family who Harbors we're just like you're [ __ ] stupid right now take your [ __ ] hands out of your ass I saw that video save I yelled at my mom she's like stop you shut up a mighty dream catcher I love when we get we've had some good conversations today we talked about the barbery wars we got into another conversation on relationships this a good one today guys I like when we get into streams like this it's hard to to tell people that like yeah my streams are kind of a little [ __ ] Loose Cannon a lot of the time most my like real life friends will always join when I'm like yeah so [ __ ] blood oh [ __ ] yeah Kier good job man see I know Matt Matt knows exactly who I am everybody in chat say hi to M Cyrus J it's Miley Cyrus uh I've known her for years give a balanced view of who you are oh God uh it was during new we had Matt had a a a New Year's party I think every I think the last like I think since we've lived together Matt I spent every new year with you guys which has been truly the most fun I've had on New Years I don't like to do New Years with anyone else with you guys and this last year oh my God oh my God Matt was just clearing out all this just shitty alcohol that he had I mean some of it was fine right like you had like some good wines out and stuff like that but then we started cracking out the fette and the malort and what was the other one and we we invented a shot which was a combination of fette and malort called an abortion and Mt at one point goes yeah Ryan Ryan's actually seen me some of some of my worst States and I was like yeah I guess I guess I have been there for a lot of those parties you know we don't we don't have like a party party booty Thief like this last one it was like a potluck one of our friends brought like 15 pounds of meat and just grilled a bunch uh the one before that we went over to our other friend's condo and we just got [ __ ] we got so goddamn drunk we did Happy New Year's every time it was New Year's at one part in one part of the United States oh my god when I was living with Matt we used to drink so we used to have boys night and it was just because a lot of the friends at the time a lot of the friend group they all had significant others so we used to do a boys night which was just hey no girlfriends just us we're going to go get like dinner and drinks and I don't know where the original boys Knight started but when I started Living with Matt we started doing boy Knight at Hooters and you might think oh boys Knight at Hooters that actually isn't why it was because it was [ __ ] cheap you could get wings for 50 cents a wing and then you could get like whatever the not a pint but like a bigger than a pint like a quart I don't [ __ ] know of beer for like four bucks three bucks it was just so dirt cheap and there's not a lot of places in this area at the time that you could actually drink let alone on the cheap so we'd go there and we like some of the people like we knew from college were waitresses there or in Matt's case some of them were his students uh he was an Adjunct professor at our College meaning he was just like oh he only taught like one or two classes wasn't like a 10e professor um so we'd go there and then we'd get [ __ ] [ __ ] housed and we go across the street to a bar called The Tipsy goat which is now a shitty bar um and just get wrecked Friday wake up in some State all do our jobs Benton was in the Navy right Matt yeah it wasn't bad it wasn't bad when it first opened Rachel it was nice when it first opened like not nice but it was it was just a it was just a decent bar when it first opened and then it became super shitty two three years after um but Friday night we'd go out we usually go to this one place called Bogies which I hated at the time cuz I didn't know how to dance and I wasn't really comfortable on dance floors living with Matt I got comfortable being in social situations I was not comfortable with before him especially dance floors especially dance floors remember when we went to Vegas Matt was like I can fall asleep in a club I'm like that's ridiculous I could never do that I could fall asleep in a club now for sure I [ __ ] could but we go out on Friday go out on Saturday and then Sunday we would do a brunch and a lot of people now would be like oh yeah we do like a little Sunday Funday do a brunch like you're [ __ ] you don't do [ __ ] you drink a goddamn aosa we would go to this one place that they they ended up really liking us for for a time then we got really wild there but um they would just they' bring you a picture of mimosas and it was like $8 bottomless mimosas or some [ __ ] it was super dirt cheap and it poured like a whole picture of champagne and then the guy like looked at us and just like uhhuh and splashed [ __ ] orange juice into it I Thursday to Sunday was usually some variation of black out or brown out it was not very coherent and I did that for like two years man uh I I think after living together for one year Bon and I decided that we wouldn't cuz we would do an annual thinko de Mayo trip to Las Vegas we definitely come a long way Matt and I now very much like flax seeds chia seeds and hemp seed in our oatmeal in the morning um Benson and I would not drink until from from New Year's Day not not Eve we would drink on the Eve from New Year's day until CCO de Maya but we would have designated drinking days they were usually two weeks apart we would drink on Super Bowl St Patrick's Day and Matt's birthday then s go to Mile and that's they're roughly like three four weeks apart two weeks whatever the distance is between them all and it was like just enough cuz it was like oh let's just get super jacked for for for Las Vegas I was undereating at the time so I wasn't eating enough to get super Jack Bon on the other hand [ __ ] walked into Vegas looking like a dick skinn condom but you know though had I not had two three years like that and then follow through kind of like dips back into it every so often I think I would have tried to find that today and I think that's kind of what happens to a lot of people they they find some sort of something that prevents them from having any kind of fun creative or wild time in their lives and then they go to try to find it later all my friends always talk about it and I kind of want to see what it was like we have a friend who got married and then the girl he married wanted to like get divorced almost immediately because she had just started to kind of get into like partying and seeing what that was like and she's like oh I kind of want to explore that like at least they they got divorced at that time like right away versus getting 10 years into a relationship because they're getting pressured like oh I got to get married I got to get married and I'm 24 to have kids at least I'm not like 10 years into having been married having kids and stuff like that and then go well I want to go party that is very prevalent around here Matt I I went to Canon club for the first time on on like a like a happen stance last weekend man that was an experience I've never been accosted by by more older women in my entire life one girl was very adamant very adamant it's so weird it's so [ __ ] weird CU we had gotten dinner next door we went right we were walking back and Carlos's girlfriend Shirley was like what's going there I'm like oh [ __ ] and she was at him like yeah I got a I got a scholarship to play softball I was like oh did you play like professionally she's like no just in college I'm like oh cool when was that she's like 2001 I'm like oh I they had softball back then like it was it was really weird it was really weird one girl like a costed Rob and was like a you know my my brother committed suicide but at least I'm out here having a good time Rob was like pulled him out of the dance floor like I went to college in 2006 G so it's just a lot of like man just a lot of the conversations that were going on were really really really really weird ah God damn it I graduated high school in 2006 uh I definitely think so lemon flavor T I think it's got more staying power than any other arpg I think the people that are already bored with the game like oh there's nothing to do in the end game from what I've seen like I've been like oh have you done like empowered monoliths like no I'm like okay well then you [ __ ] haven't done the end game shut the [ __ ] up like I've seen a lot of people that are like oh there's not much to do and I'm like looks like you haven't done anything it's all about the gear grind because that's what arpg are about right I think a lot of people want different acts out of they want different things to do in args that are just not subject just not things that you do in AR RPGs but I think people need to kind of I think people need to kind of change their expectations because I think they're coming into these games going like well I want like a new narrative piece I'm like well okay sure but it's not how this genre works it's like going yeah you know the new FIFA game was great and all but the story was kind of lackluster it's like what I don't give a [ __ ] about the story I'm trying to play some exhibition matches baby I think what lasty has going for it is it has a lot of build and class diversity and on top of that it has a Dev team that is Young hungry not like money grubbing and on top of it they are attentive like they listen they change things this game is entirely different the way they used to be four or five years ago graphically even especially oh there the servers are I'd say would you say 100% fixed cisen I I well that's actually not true yesterday I was doing a video and I got these weird lag spikes where things would all happen in quick succession so I said they're probably like 80 90% fixed definitely there there's not it's not anything like what it was last week yeah that's a good play to put it yeah 100% sake I'm just playing right now because i' I've been playing father gap for the last like oh God man like 68 months and I don't don't want it to become a job I've loved every minute of playing and covering balers Gate 3 and I got to a point last week or we week or two ago where I was like man I I can't think of videos and that's dangerous cuz if I can't think of videos I'm going to start making ideas just to make content just to have money and I that's what I do with Total War and I can't enjoy Total War anymore so I don't want to do that to B Skate 3 so right now I'm just giving it some time hopefully we get some sort of news of a DLC or something that but I'm definitely going to jump back into my my dark herge playthrough not too long from now but I also at the same time have 130 videos so you should have tons of content to pour through oh thanks very much man I appreciate that dude oh what the [ __ ] is all that is that me did I do that those little [ __ ] orbs from I think it's from the I think it's from the enemies the storm race what passive did I just get I any different yeah okay it's from the enemies it's from the enemies right right yeah yeah yeah it's from the storm and something over there not me way down there yeah I would love if they did a DLC even if it was just a vernus or the upper City I think it's booty saf I think it's from the uh some of the monsters these storm RS I think are doing it the storm cage seem to be have resistance to my storm attacks I couldn't tell you why oh a SAT what's spreading Flame know I I agree too Darkness to there we don't know what they look like yet they they haven't they've said that it's something that's going to happen in the future we don't really know um but eventually there will be Cosmetics for pets still Cosmetics yeah I F with it too there's also items that change it too which is like there's the uh the um the primalist helmet that turns these guys into squirrels although the 1.0 patch kind of nerfed him I you know too like people are like oh the don't support this [ __ ] toxic [ __ ] I'm like it's a small Dev house there their their points are dirt cheap dude like nothing nothing on there is even like crazy worth it too you know do what you want I didn't I can get 350 what the [ __ ] I upgraded my addition everything I only got 100 these storm bolts man it's so fun yeah soon I'm going to have Ravens well crows but Fury leap will be replaced with uh sitting on myself the stormcrows soon that's you are you give me those Idol for f oh so glad I'm not going to the gym today I just it just like dawn on me I'm like have so much free time going go [ __ ] see Timothy shamont ride a goddamn space worm just scissor that thing riding out space Worm baby h [ __ ] yeah good aics here what's a good suffy where's my videos first I'm actually catching your one your live streams well duck Slayer good to see you here man man I'm sure you've experienced a very different experience than my videos as is the case whenever you watch any of my any my streams I don't know if there's a specific R resist I want to add in here I could do physical that looks way cooler I lost him aun but I I have the much higher armor I one I just picked up right there yeah if I can get that Mana to uh uh minion Health this would be real nice like oh you go do your work okay Rachel you're work guys Rachel's been unemployed for seven years she's just waiting for Wendy's to start their surge pricing lost stun hey yeah it kind of levels out I know like it okay bye Rachel thanks for coming in thanks for having fun friend here what's up youngster what is everyone's favorite Robocop and did you guys play the game Rogue City oh pot pie oh I heard pot pipe and I was like yeah got that pot pipe started baby uh yeah we'll be we'll be ending stream about half hour too so hang out have fun Hi man the dick out thing is really funny but I I love the first RoboCop but RoboCop 3 is so good and they kind of have like the Battle of Detroit oh you got to rewatch it man watch on Netflix there's a show called how are the movies that made us and they kind of go into like cult classics and they talk about that movie it's so good no Mery yeah watch uh watch the movies that made us and then and then rewatch it I think it it's really fun to kind of like know a little bit behind the scenes about how that movie was so close to being axed emper guys I got 16 Stacks baby crushing Russian over here no hurry I'm still half easy I'll take that as a yes get to the railing and get a sign and away we go not as cold as I'd like but I enjoy that tasty one gold piece you know washed up I'll hang back I'll only slow you down please go on without me End of Time real quick this is the mon thing right now h h [ __ ] back that oh good good you're four minion health Prett nice nice got it um let's take this got it nice rest of this is as you say in France poopy nice I yeah good good good good and let's do it let's roll some dice do we get lucky here today Rune of ascendance makes us not what why want [ __ ] duration for SNAP freeze increase cold SP snap fore [ __ ] off take care I'm sure an entire set is pretty good yeah we got [ __ ] out of these damn things bunch of slabs this is a cool this is a cool sword though increase melee attack speed movement speed Ward gain on melee hit 1% chance per 20 Ward to gain haste Elemental attacks like it's a really good early spellblade weapon um if you go with if you make a rune Master kiraan this is going to be really good snap free though I probably wouldn't use I wonder how it looks oh look at that thing's thick looking yeah at one point a lot of these didn't have a Graphic I believe they do they all do now no I think it's just Primal big old chunk of rock torch this doesn't a lot of the body armor is is is unique is not unique it's it just is like your character you should yeah that that's the cool thing is like you get so many items that you can use in all your other characters like my my my other like my legacy guys have just so much crap okay we go we got time we got time the ruin Ara how dare you lie to make here May a teror smile upon you there well greetings over here let's go do that this could be annoying let's do this go back here this here we said we're going to keep this for the minion for the leech right and not go into a TB in right now greetings seems to be okay but they're definitely like points where it plummets not which I think is more related to my shitty defensive resistances especially poison and necrotic void to like a lot of a lot of those three is what of the damage types that that are done to you let's take a look two more levels and we get another specialization and it's going to be going to be that storm crows oh [ __ ] yeah it's kind of like chunking down like that but what is it it's melee increas melee melee damage leeches Health it's not like we're doing melee damage with this because it has a melee tag Poison's Rough and Tumble holy [ __ ] pets do oh God no well I mean I think they do right is there usually there minion oh that's showing me that's yeah physical Lightning Spell melee area [ __ ] yeah that that ability also Le helps the minions too it gives them life Le uh minion life minion melee damage lead's Health 2.5% that's true so don't you you unlock this further ahead and come back from what I remember level 34 it's a quest in town it's a quest in the town ahead though right green blood remember you have to backtrack for it oh baby that's good that is good oh [ __ ] physical damage never mind my penis what's wrong with you guys you guys this is my stream what do you talk like that I think we're going to roll the dice here do Discovery see this is my this is my favorite thing it's like okay well this is cool this has got kind of the base stuff I like here let's do that shred and health on me D that [ __ ] yeah that could have gone could have gone better let's see if we can get this no NOP God damn it [ __ ] well at least it critically succeeded 371 407 okay so that still does more damage overall the shards on here are better because this has got increased melee damage um better or worse than D4 before you buy it on Steam judge Shad buy it through my Nexus store so I get credit for it it just gives you a steam key um better than D4 hands down oh man thank you for also subbing up dude very kind of you brother subing up subbing up you use this link to my Nexus store to buy Dragon's Dogma or last Epoch you can also buy micro currency if you want it through that too oh my first time my minions I've seen them got so low in health my minions no should have been paying should have been paying more attention I'm kind of cool with the upgrade here kind of like that minion Dodge rating increase movement so like 23% movement armor Health per regen per second health regen per second is terrible aast supporter overall those are pretty good hey stade thank you for following man I like the Frogman the dragon's frogman's funnier he just wants to ride a dragon you know what com out came out of that [ __ ] thing's mouth dude out my [ __ ] eye the eyelashes have been my Bane in my existence lately the new scorpion models look great I I I'm like canceling out some of my spell abilities which is really weird like using right click if I press E I can't cast it so I can't hold it down I kind of have to be better about like okay casting it and then doing that and then right right clicking or else I'm kind of like I'm sweeping but I'm not actually using my totems you move it over your map what are you talking about to tips for some skills in there there's no DPS display for some of my skills that's cuz you're a falconer oh is that a rare Shard that's a good one if I did cold damage yeah 100% I would of course man thanks for jumping in dude yes my minions come to me uh it's just because it's brand new and I think it's like that because they're just it's probably a little buggy and they're probably waiting for a big pass and I think that got delayed because of all the server issues so I I would I would just kind of hang tight it's probably just like a a little issue on there and what the [ __ ] is that oops [ __ ] booted up from here dun wraith of the ox yeah ma'am if and if you want to use it if you want to get it zier use uh my Nexus link there you go actually just it just popped up in chat but I mean I love this game I I definitely think it's awesome I I liked it before Diablo then I played Diablo and I forgot how good this game was and I went to go playay it again I'm like oh [ __ ] I love these mechanics I get this thing up here they're all really awesome man the the classes are the the class diversity is just so so King in this game because it's just not I don't know you can play a bunch of different barbarians but they all kind of play like barbarians um I feel Necromancer has some of the best diversity in Diablo I where a blood Necromancer just focuses on overpower and bone is different than Shadow like those ones feel truly different but a lot of the classes just feel like you're just swapping out the graphic for them and yes let's put the storm crows in there good now this comes the storm crows um and it's just it's really good man I I I I'm a big fan of it I'm a big got a hard fan I'm a hard big fan I'm a big big big boy big big cheeseburgers what I do for this for my little crow [Music] m crisp glad glad I brought you here man so that's what that does by the way now I can teleport with my crows we're just about done I I I wanted to get 35 before I headed out so now if I'm over here boom I teleport and I shock and do like lighting damage so I feel like that's a little bit more synergistic I can make it so Fury creates storm Stacks while I'm in the air and that was cool but I just kind of liked Zer used to be in my turnes all the time I I used Fury leap on another character so I felt like this kind of felt more thematic to the shaman I used Fury leap on my on my melee damage uh Beast Master so I felt like this was just kind of played better and also that the storm crows buff up my lightning damage like crazy so I don't know what do you guys think oh [ __ ] stop parrying it good Lord that was a lot of parries yeah I'm liking that Dad is liking that I don't know if there's any uniques that work around crows Ashen crown Crow Crown that's summon Crow right Crow storm Lord's Harbor R Lord the r Lord's Harbor is really cool where rather than summing up wraths you summon a wraith lord it's [ __ ] cool guess weird I don't know how to get more crows well I'll just restart this area I think that's a good note for us to end on here my Bros oh [ __ ] look at all this lightning look at this look what we've done loving it I'm loving it would I do that this makes it limits me to one crow intelligence per Crow I don't know how to increase my crows I looked at all this last night this is cool so you can go down this line um and make it so that the crows heal you the crows give you good good berries they also give you ward so like the crows can be really really cool and advantageous I love how they did it maybe it's a passive from The Beastmaster there's uh oh there's this one but there another one might be an AIX I don't know how to increase your crows last Epoch increase grows yeah I don't know I I have to look it up I'm not sure here for oh I see I don't know how to unsummon one there was a des summon AB ability rather than summoning two wolves I'd summon up two crows I see it doesn't really matter I don't scale with more crows it doesn't do me any benefit it's good Dragon Overlord I just saw your your thing man but all right guys let's go ahead and shut the stream down for the day thank you so much for watching thank you for the uh two subs up today two subs today and thank you for all of you who do want to pick up the game who do want to pick up last Depo to use my Nexus store let's go ahead and do a raid though I am a hungry boy oh it'll unsummon them okay this should ah there we go yeah I just wanted to see I don't want there's three crows it doesn't do me any benefit because I'm not like going Harden the paint on stuff that's like per Crow stuff like this one or this one so we don't need that we don't need the the crow contribution as it were go ahead though and guys let's go ahead and do this raid here so if you're watching on YouTube do jump on over we're going to do a raid on Twitch let's who we going to raid Mama Diablo still playing hot Dutch gamer Java Chip Java Chip is playing she's playing Final Fantasy boo plays is playing hell divers I'll do we ra tibs [ __ ] love tib oh full sand no balls no thanks no thanks we're gonna get this bad boy going here pretty quickly guys so thank you so much for watching here today have a good weekend wash your hands stay stay safe take care I might just stream tomorrow I might just kind of stream the next two days I can't really think of another I mean there's other videos I want to make on this topic but I'm kind of just trying to take it slow right now I know I'm going to be going really hard in the paint on Dragon's Dogma so I'm just going to relax enjoy the time here kind of like enjoy basically being on on work vacation or whatever the hell it is but as always again thank you so much for watching here have a good one take care wash your hands stay safe and let's do this raid to tibs
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 2,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LAST EPOCH GIVE AWAY + LAUNCH DAY GRINDING, last epoch, last epoch gameplay, last epoch 2024, last epoch runemaster
Id: P-MfDoVGvL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 24sec (14184 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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