Mel Robbins: 5 Second Rule

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notice I said simple I didn't say easy and the reason why it's not easy is because you have to deal with you and now we know that you're a control freak and you're stubborn and you got all these excuses you're a real pain and I'm going to teach you though the very very simple way to get what you want there's only one rule when it comes to productivity there's only one rule when it comes to success there's only run rule to getting everything you've ever wanted and here it is you're never going to feel like it ever in any area of your life that you don't have what you want whether it's the amount of money the amount of people on your team the amount of sales the amount of trips for your family the read if you only did the things that you don't feel like doing you'd have everything you've ever wanted those areas where you're happy you do the work those areas where you're complaining you don't feel like it you don't know it so it's a lot like kids if you think about it what's your job as a parent it's to make kids do the things they don't feel like doing so they can grow up and move out and become independent adults my son never feels like getting off the Dia's he never feels like putting his feet down when he's caught in the car my daughter never feels like cleaning up the Barbies I have no idea why they're always naked by the way always naked and the funny thing is when you grew up and moved out your parents never said to you guess what you are a total pain in the rear end you never feel like doing anything you don't feel like doing your homework you don't feel like going out you don't feel like making your bed you don't feel like saying hello to strangers you don't feel like using your manners you don't feel like cleaning your room good luck to you so the only way to get what you want is to parent yourself but I'm going to make it easy for you we're about to move you've learned a ton about the brain now the brain is going to screw you over the brain is going to go into autopilot the brain is going to tell you it doesn't feel like doing things it's trickery you now know that so how do you be a effective with yourself knowing that you're never going to feel like doing all the work that it takes to have this business be everything that it possibly could so you're going to use the five-second rule and what that means is this from the moment that you have the idea I should email out the Fall collection I should go through the contact list for my college or university and reach out to people I should go through my contact lists and invite 23 people this week to just take the dogs for a walk I should make a request of a friend and ask if I can come to a presentation at lunch at his law firm from the second you have that idea you've only got five seconds to take action otherwise it's gone your brain will swoop in so fast me uh-oh there's an idea whoa no way no wait you don't feel like it you're overwhelmed you're here by the way Mara you've got five seconds and that's it today I want you to practice this because what you're going to notice is you're going to notice a little bit later like in the networking section and you know afterwards and in some of these events after this particular speech you're going to notice that you have an impulse you have an impulse to walk towards somebody that's really successful that's built a team that could possibly help you and guess what you're not going to do it you've probably had them the entire time that you've been here oh I should go over and talk to this person I'll catch them later all that person looks really interesting i hmm I don't know I should really take some photos of this fall line and start to eat that might be too pushy so what do you do how does it work you have the thought you've got five seconds that's it and what do you need to do just say something out loud that's one way you could start walking the second you feel like you should meet somebody because you're drawn to them again it's from here it's not from here start walking because if you're already walking the likelihood is you'll actually make it to them and then you're going to say something write it down schedule it send an email to yourself or make the request one of the things that was so interesting about talking to Tara this morning is it was clear that a couple people had been in there sharing their brains out about j hilburn and yet it never progressed into the side of the conversation of would you like information would you like to do it and I'm sure whoever it was that was lying on the table probably had that thought like you know I should probably say something should I getting facial is that weird to be talking about business at the same time five seconds gone talked yourself out of it
Channel: KnownFor Solutions
Views: 1,360,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mel Robbins
Id: nI2VQ-ZsNr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 07 2014
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