Mel Brooks Hilarious Cary Grant Story | Carson Tonight Show

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[Music] okay as I mentioned earlier as I mentioned earlier Mel Brooks was one of our first guests in our first show the other guests that particular night were Joan Crawford Gru marks and Rudy Valley along with Tony who will be out shortly then I think Mel had uh the album the 2000- year old man had not been out too long anyway Mel Brooks has gone on to bigger things as a writer producer star uh kumquat ashtray shoehorn many things would you welcome Mr [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] melbrooks all righty well here we are wow just like yesterday I was the last guest were you on that show and I'm the first guest on it I've moved forward I've moved ahead five spots up the couch yes do you remember the first show of all some of it is just kind of a haze to me I remember R show you know did the first 15 minutes that yes yes I remember Joan cord came on with a wire hanger I don't know why but anyway no it was I'm I'm only kidding of course you are that's what you get paid for yeah gee this is this is really it's very touching it's very moving it's very emotional a week from now somebody's going to be saying where's [Laughter] Johnny anyway give me those pictures I'm going to show you this somebody dug these out today I want to show you first I'm going to show them to the audience these are from the actual first show black and white pictures all the kennys and the and the tapes of those early shows are gone like the first 10 years but the yeah that's true the tapes are all gone but here you are sitting at the desk with Joan Crawford look at the monitor now you can see it better there is a younger Mel Brooks and a younger Johnny Carson and a and a live John Crawford no I didn't mean I didn't mean it I didn't mean it that way oh hey folks hey I had nothing to do with it I'm sorry wild I don't know what you were doing here what were you what the hell were you doing here I was probably doing my impression of Tony B who came from the first from the first show look at our hair got all white what happened to us I don't know what I I don't know I had a Danish and a cup of coffee and I was suddenly 65 what the hell happened to Dorian Gray right the king lives why didn't you wait for me why didn't you wait for the king as dead long live the king I'm sorry I think I got Ed's uh drank I'm sorry that's all right I was talking about 2,000 year old man the king lives how how did that used to go remember what do you mean you were just you were just taking a drink and they say I was yes the king is dead long live the king the king lives the king lives King is still alive is still alive not yet oh those were the good old days I just had to get it straight just had to get it straight okay 2,000 year old man you ever do that anymore yeah at parties and Things by the way Rhino records loves it so much they're going to reissue those things on CDs I remember going to parties when you and Carl I remember the live parties when you and Carl would sit around he would just start throwing anything like uh what did you do for recreation as at 2000 when you were 2,000 years old I said golf we played golf L golf 2,000 years ago many many thousands of years ago was the was was the the the the Matrix the beginning of golf I didn't know that it started very naturally a skunk a skunk would come by the mouth of your cave you take a stick you get the hell out of here it would travel a while you know go by somebody he said get the hell out of here so there were no golf ball fell in a hole then everybody was happy go I see you started that way that's how I just made that did you did you have any children I had over 42,000 42,000 children yes and not one comes to visit me see you do remember I do remember oh man ah where' you where' you grew up New York I grew up in New York I grew up in Williamsburg Williamsburg is actually a section of Brooklyn just where the Williamsburg Bridge yeah enters Brooklyn it's the only thing that's not afraid to enter Brooklyn anyway was it a tough neighborhood yeah it was very tough it was very tough as a matter of fact as a matter of fact it was so I we used to go to the warts to steal naturally nobody had money yeah so we go we go to the warts and there was this guy a little Filipino guy that was demonstrating yo-yos and he'd say he'd say now we going to walk at the dog and he do it and he'd walk the Y see and he come he say now we walking the dog back and he walking the dog while he was walking the dog we were stealing y very busy one day unbeknownst to me but knows to the manager of the store I was I CED a little toy pistol this this big little thing and I put it in here I started to go out the door and he said hey and I pulled out the I said get back out blow your head off and he jumped back and I ran away I still got the gun you know I actually stole something from W also when I was a kid most embarrassing it was a little ring you know like want to and I put it and the manager came over and did you give me the ring I said it didn't take anything he says let's go to your father's office I live in small town and he started to walk me over and well I I did the first known case of flea bargaining I think I said I give it to him m c he says all right but isn't that awful oh it's awful I snuck into a movie house with my friend Benji and they said to us look do you want you want a beating or should we tell your mother I said tell my mother Benji said I'll take the beating he was a fool you know did you uh you used to work in the cat skills oh yeah Upstate New York the mountains the borch belt yeah nothing like it a lot of the great comedians comic started there it was a great phenomenon I I um I was a drummer I know on on Saturday afternoons Buddy Rich took an hour out of his life and would sit down would teach me how to play and it it happened because Mickey Rich was his brother the Aldo wonderful Aldo sax player and Mickey was a friend of mine went to Lincoln High School and I went back to the house and there was this jump set I went and at the door I heard stinks I turned around there was Buddy he said but I want you here at 11:00 every he taught me for about 6 or S months took an hour out of his Saturdays you know when he wasn't on the road he was it was he was the greatest guy coule with Buddy teaching he never read music and he would just say here's the way you do how do you do that well you do this way right right he'd show you couldn't couldn't tell you and then when he saw blazing s i I finally made it you know I made this remarkable hit blazing sads it was a big and I ran I ran into buddy and a favorite ATT restaurant we used to go to New York PSIs right and he came up to me with tears in his eyes and he said Gee it's such a big hit and you could have been a good drummer man that killed him huh and he meant he meant it he meant it but working yeah do we have to leave for a second oh we'll interr upt for this but we're coming back see where you are [Applause] folks okay we are back now all right I want you to tell I want you to tell now you've told it I know you've told I love doing this show I don't do it often especially when I have nothing to sell of course it's terrible but you you always in in the 40 years that I know you you always listened the other show hosts whether it was MV or or less kind I mean they never looked at you they never looked at you they never listened they they were always very busy with get the cotton candy later for they're always talking to somebody off camera you always you always were were a mench a gentleman well thank you I mean really if I don't listen to you I don't know what we're talking about you got to listen to anyway thank you I know you've told the story before the Carrie Grant story I did that on the last show car who cares tell the car gr story go all right but you know it all right folks when I when I left the sit Caesar show well not actually left I was kind of fired but uh sort of fired anyway I came out to Hollywood to write a movie I was at Universal Studios working with a guy called Marvin Schwarz I trusted him anyway across the street I saw there was another Bungalow we working in a bungalow and on the top of the bungal it said gr art I said what what does that mean what the hell is gr art he said well that's Carrie Grant's company Grant art gr art I said does Carrie Grant ever come to that Bungalow he said yeah sure I said sure you're kidding he said no he he he'll be here in about 10 minutes he comes every day for lunch he'll be here about 10: to 12 he shows up it's it's about 11:45 he'll be here I said Carrie gr I mean I'm going to see him in yes Carrie Grant will be here so I waited by the drapes and and sure enough a guy in a double breasted suit with a little yellow boot CH there walks down he leaves this guy jumps up the steps two at a time bounce through the door I said it looked like Carrie Grant he said it was Carrie Grant I said holy mael Carrie Grant he's about 60 yards away from me Carrie Grant I grew up in Brooklyn Carrie Grant is oh my god I think I'm going to faint he said and we see him every day I said but I don't my Carrie Grant Carrie Grant so anyway I wait he said what be coming out to lunch I said he's coming out to lunch so we're going to see him see there about 10 minutes later he bounced down the steps I said my God car G car so I said come on let's go to lunch so we we we all walk down a path and I somehow take another road and I hear behind me man Brooks man Brooks I turn around it's Carrie Grant I bought every single one of your albums you've made me poor blah I said oh my God he's talking to me Carrie gr is actually talking to he said Marvin what should I do he said talk back to him good all right I said hello krie Grant I I called him by one name Carrie Grant Carrie Grant fig that was his name Carri Grant I didn't know him well enough to call him Mr Grant or Carrie I call him Carrie Grant I said hi you Carrie Grant you look good Carrie Grant are you really Carrie Grant and he said come on what are you doing I said uh while I'm going into the lunchroom there he said the commissary yeah come with me right I'll buy you lunch oh my God Carrie Grant is going to buy me lunch oh so I went in and I sat next to him and he had a hard-boiled egg that's all he had I don't know why and I had a tuna fish sandwiches on on whole wheat with a slice of tomato No mayor hold the mayor and I ate the sandwich and and then we left together and he said walking down a pet he said what's your favorite color I said blue he said yellow I said yellow is your blue is mine what's your favorite car I said a Buick he said to Rolls-Royce I said that's nice and we talk like that you know me saying Buick he saying Rolls-Royce it was a very interesting conversation he went to gr art I went to Schwarz that I thought that was it the next day about 4 to 12 we got a call it's m Brooks day yes it's Carrie Grant would you like to go to lunch sure Carrie all right oh we not Carrie Grant all right I comb my hair brush my teeth with my finger very nervous Carrie Grant we go in again he has a hard boy leg I don't say nothing I have a corn beef sandwich with mustard on rye okay one of the few out there that ate it that way the rest had it with mayonnaise on white I'm here so he says what do you like to play I said well I I like to play football I like to play baseball he said well I like to play party games oh that's interesting uh like ghost what's what is Ghost you dress up no G you got a g h you get an H ghost oh fine and we talked okay interesting he goes to Grand out I go to Schwarz I'm back home the next day at qu to 12 ring it's Carrie all right I meet him out outside we going on to lunch together me and Carrie Grant Mel Brooks and Carrie Grant we holding hands we don't know what to do for each other we don't know what to say to each other anyway let me tell you the punch [Laughter] line comes Friday the phone rings it's Carrie Grant I said I'm not [Laughter] in I didn't enough enough already we didn't know what to say I had nothing more to say to it I said my favorite color I said my favorite I mean there was nothing more to talk about we'll be back we' exhausted our conversation
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 137,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson, mel brooks, cary grant
Id: XEjKlkXbFnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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