Mehdi Hasan Proves Whether He Can Win Every Argument | Intelligence Squared

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so I'm going to ask you to say and you're gonna have to argue the opposite great in 60 seconds that Donald Trump does not deserve a second term are you kidding me so you've got to say why he does not deserve a certain term in 24 and you're going to say why he does so I didn't even ask you know what's your name damage so Danish is going to go with why Donald Trump does not deserve a second term in 2024 off you get Donald Trump does not deserve a second term as president of the sa primarily because he failed the first time the definition of stupidity is to do something that you know has failed and then to do it again he is divisive he is corrupt um he is just not very good at his job the national debt of the US Rose I can't quote how much but more than it ever has uh he is not a very good Diplomat the amount of um the amount of Statesmen and world leaders he has pissed off and generated negative relations for the U.S just grows and grows um people say about Joe Biden that he's boring is uninspiring that he is not uh you know not a statesmanlike figure Donald Trump is an order of magnitude worse than that Donald Trump is morally an awful person that might not matter in a world of Boris Johnson where she's soon act Victor Auburn but it it should matter you want your you want your leaders to be good people to inspire the the populace um you if you're a supporter of them you want to be able to ride into battle for them I I wouldn't want to go into battle for Boris Johnson for instance I very good well done Dinesh hold on to the microphone with Danesh has laid down the challenge so you mediter now have to give me can I just say before you start your clock there are people filming in here I just want to make it clear things are clipped out of context I do not believe what I am about to say I do not believe what I'm about to say this is a hypothetical for the sake of argument which is very much for the record we'll have a watermark on the YouTube so you've noticed the technique of getting more time you notice that I hope also preemption preemption so 60 seconds on why Donald Trump deserves a second term in 2024. okay I could give you many reasons I'm going to give you three as I say in the book you should always have three reasons my three reasons is number one what were you talking about with the record Donald Trump's record on the economy whether we like it or not has leftists and liberals was a great record until covert came along unemployment was very low interest rates were lower than they are now so whether we like it or not is economic was fantastic his covid record do you want me to give you a great statistic with a horrible statistic more people have died from covert on Joe Biden died on Donald Trump's watch did you know that but you didn't know that number two number two let me just say this Donald Trump is younger than Joe Biden I like Joe Biden but I don't want my president to die in office there's a very good chance God forbid Joe Biden could dine off and Donald Trump is a healthy man he eats cheeseburgers he drinks Coke but you can't deny he has some serious energy with all those long speeches so he's healthier than Joe Biden and number three give the man a chance he's only running because Barack Obama made fun of him in 2011. so let him have a chance to be president on his own self I don't believe what I just said do not clip this out of context very nice I'm gonna that was brilliantly done I think Dinesh if you if you don't have a question as well do you you were here for the debating which is great so I think you can hand the microphone on to your next Challenger big hamper Dinesh [Music] tell us your name hi I'm Zara firstly um if I could lose any argument B22 okay sweet but I'm not gonna hold back so the challenge for you is I want you to say why the Middle East needs less Western intervention not more Johnny you're killing me here you're killing me the Middle East is a region with vast cultural and intellectual history it has advanced the Western world like crazily in comparison to what we have achieved the first University was from a Muslim woman um algebra was created by a Muslim in the Middle East and there is a rich history which is ignored by the Western media and often the West would like to intrude their opinion into how the Middle East should live their life but really they should concentrate on themselves because there are a lot of issues in the western media and the Western world right now and intervention with the Middle East has historically not gone well for example Iraq for example um Obama bombing Somalia for example Iran and the intervention with Afghanistan also so there is a history of the intervention not going well and there's not been a time where the the Western world has intervened with the Middle East and appropriately had a good outcome very good thank you so so Zara says Western intervention in the Middle East has not been a good thing oddly media San disagrees you could delete that email in your inbox in in 60 seconds to be clear before you start the clock I do not believe what I'm about to say yeah 60 seconds on why the Middle East needs more Western intervention not less it's a no-brainer and once again I have three reasons you should always have three reasons you're going to remember them they're good number one Zara mentions Iraq funny Zara that you didn't mention Syria where tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people died they wanted Western intervention we didn't do Western invention because idiots like me were saying don't intervene in Syria and I may have to concede now that I was wrong about that and actually we should have intervened in Syria to save lives number two how do you define intervention Johnny you had a smile on your face you acted like intervention means military intervention well I refute your framing of the argument I reframe it and say Western intervention means support for the Palestinians at the UN Western countries should back the Palestinians at the United Nations security Council that would be a good intervention and number three I was just in the Middle East in December and all I did was eat at Five Guys and McDonald's love Western intervention in the form of Halal Western Restaurants don't deny it we love it we love it very good indeed Zara well done Zara [Music] [Applause] our third Brave contestant what is your name I'm Sam you're Sam Sam I'm going to ask you to give us 60 Seconds on why Gary I knew it I knew it why Gary lineker was in the right and should not have to apologize thank you very much for the motion so we're a country of free speech stuck right ladies and gents free speech Yes speech thank you free speech our presenters should be able to say what we want to be able to say whether it's right or wrong an opinion is an opinion would you agree yes thank you very much would you agree ladies and gentlemen thank you very much so we are a free country we have the right to do whatever we wish to do whether it's right or wrong we can agree on certain things we can disagree on certain things it's different it doesn't matter whether he's a sports presenter whether he's a top BBC journalist it shouldn't matter he can have the right to say whatever he wants to say about feet twitching so much you should have the right to say whatever he wants to say whether people disagree with him or agree with him we're a land of the free and not American we are British and we are proud to be British and we should stand with our media journalists with their Sports journalists they should have the right to say whatever they wish to say regardless of the issue thank you thank you Sam love it [Music] thank you very much I do not believe what I'm about to say about my beloved Gary lineker but nevertheless your position is that Gary lineker should apologize and he was in the wrong all right let's go Sam you want to do q a do you so let's play some q a do you believe let's do three reasons three questions do you believe that we are a country of rules and laws yes or no okay then so there are rules at the BBC social media guidelines you may not like them Gary line could breach those social media guidance they're very clear in partial study guide us I agree with linnica what linica said was right but he broke the rules that's number one number two do you Sam do you think we should offend Jewish communities gratuitously are you pro-offending Jews no well Jewish communities were offended by what Gary lineker said about the 1930s I don't think we should unnecessarily offend Jewish communities we should phrase our language and our analogies in a way that doesn't offend you third of all do you like hypocrisy Sam are you pro-hypocrisy so I want to bring up hypocrisy here because you know the Tim Davey the BBC director General was asked if he had praised the government would you have blocked him and Tim Davis said I'm not going to answer that which basically means he wouldn't have let it go I'm saying let's ban hypocrisy across the board we would have been annoyed Had Gary lineker praised Sue Ella bravaman so I want to say in the interests of consistency and decency if we're annoyed if he Praises we should be annoyed if he criticizes her let's not be Hypocrites people [Music] and I don't believe what I just said [Applause] terrific well I think our champion debater has made his point but only through the Fantastic contribution from our three Debaters Zara Danesh and Sam big hand for them there you go thank you very very good sports indeed they had no idea that was coming nor did I Jonathan nor did I and uh the you did say that you feared when I foreign
Channel: Intelligence Squared
Views: 493,442
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Keywords: intelligence squared, debate, intelligence squared debate, top debates, best debates, most interesting debates, intelligence2, intelligencesquared, iq2, iq2 debate, iq squared, Intelligence Squared +, IntelligenceSquared, Intelligence squared plus, IntelligenceSquaredPlus, IntelligenceSquared+, intelligencesquaredplus, intelligencesquared+, Mehdi Hasan, mehdi hasan debate, win every argument the art of debating, debate competition, how to win every argument
Id: Lvry-LL8nD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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