Meguir's PLASTIC X headlight restoration - New & Improved ⭐⭐⭐⭐3/4 ⚠️

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welcome to another episode of the headlight restoration Pro where I'll be showing you how to turn jacked up Headlights like this and make them into something a little bit more like this let's go picture perfect better than a day rolled off the lot I mean look at it Perfection and also wow he's really using this check it out the headlight restoration Pro perfect my grandpa asked me one time if I care whether I live or die yeah I do now it's too late no you don't up don't no it don't no you don't that let's get down to business this is a 2016 Nissan Pathfinder and uh it's a good looking vehicle it has a uh classically elongated headlight it's pretty large and it still has a considerable amount of clear coat on the sides and the bottom left over uh which means I'm probably going to have to use a lot more uh pads or whatever I'm guessing about four to five P 500s maybe uh two uh P 800s but as you see there uh that's the backup kit that I had to go and get why because every couple of uh days I go through my um my boxes and my my bags and go through everything and restock them okay and take inventory uh see what I have to buy to see how much I've used to keep track of all the stuff and uh you know know when I uh you know how much money I'm spending on this and that or each vehicle whatever uh but primarily so I don't run out so I don't get a call like hey I have a you know a car lock calls or something I need uh six 16 cars uh done you know and you're like oh I don't have you're going to have to wait they're like oh I can't wait I'm going to go with someone else yeah yeah if you'll feel like hanging yourself that day huh uh yeah side's never okay but I'm just saying I'm it's a joke um but yeah so I always make sure that I have enough uh in practice to do uh you know an army of vehicles if I start falling short I make sure I place orders or whatnot but uh let's get into the importancy of a backup bag the backup bag comes in a place where in this situation I'm going crazy I'm on scene I'm like damn it where the hell are my P 500s I don't want to hit this light with anything um heavier than a p500 because it is a medium hard light uh with barely any clear coat left or mostly dead clear coat so it would be way too aggressive even to step to a P320 it would just make my work harder to get done and uh possible uh scratching leftover I'd have to keep working on until it was gone okay um so I didn't want to do that I'd rather use four five P 500s or whatever I needed to use besides that so um uh like I said I pack all my stuff and I charge all my batteries and I do all that stuff clean out my bags make everything nice and pretty and have it ready to go in my trunk uh but sometimes I um forget something okay sometimes I I misplace something or I forget to put something in there this time it was my bag of p500 and uh you know my my my small bag of uh p500 p800 and uh the 3000 triac so um nevertheless I wasn't here on scene and I'm probably about 20 miles away from my house so I was like God damn it man what am I going to do right and I'm like ah my backup kit that's why I always keep a backup kit a backup kit is so important because these days will happen they've happened to me and I've been miles away from my house or anywhere else and I didn't have a backup kit and that's when I started making one and that backup kit is shown on this video here it goes into depth with what's in my trunk and it actually has a little segment of it that shows you what's in the backup kit um you know there's extra everything in the backup kit everything except for tools um and even there is some extra tools like a screwdriver with different heads and there's um you know a um first aid kit and all kind of stuff like that that you might need someday when hits the fan but the most important thing in there to me is the backup kit because sometimes I'm doing something or I'm in a rush I have so much stuff going on um and you know I I I don't fully pack my bag correctly or I make it last too long maybe it's been a week since I packed my bag whatever and I've been working all week uh cuz sometimes I have enough I have enough equipment and carry around enough equipment and uh batteries or whatever to do that where I've been working four or five days and I haven't redone my uh bags or whatever and I uh you know undershoot something and then you know I'm like damn I'm out of you know I'm out of these I ran out of these oh no I didn't because I have my backup kit and the thing with the backup kit I never tap into it to use for anything else um I I treat it like it's not there until I absolutely need it uh that way when you know when you do need it is there so if you don't have a backup kid you're just uh causing yourself some future issues because uh believe it or not this is going to happen uh if you're doing enough or what not uh this more so applies to people that are going out doing um a considerable amount of vehicles whether you're running a business or you're just getting started or um you're driving around doing cars all day um this applies to those people the DIY person that's just going to be doing their vehicle their daughter's vehicle like that you really don't have to worry about it too much but uh somebody who's is going to be doing volume is going to need to have a backup kit all right a backup box uh you know that's uh very beneficial but this light is um somewhat of a difficult light not because um it has crazy shapes or anything like that it has a little bit of crazy shape up top where you'll see what I have to do to get that shortly um but it's just really big all right it's really big and it's uh set a little weird um and you're going to have to use a lot of material if this uh light isn't B or naked this is just to the point where um pretty much mostly the clear coat has died except for those really white areas that were and that was um actually down to the um actual polycarbonate so I only had to use 2 p500 uh which uh sometimes even you know when I guesstimate um things aren't always correct and the reason why is because all discs aren't created equally and you're going to be seeing more about that uh coming up uh here in this video shortly all disc are not created equally sometimes I buy so many of these things I see so much sometimes um there'll be a batch where they're just really softly put together and then there'll be a batch where there's just hardcore the difference is those little soft ones you know on this light would like take you know four or five of them You' be like damn why did it take so many and then you'll pull a disc out of another batch you'll be like damn that one disc just destroyed the whole light it took everything off and know why is it so much difference uh it's just because uh the consistency of making their discs are really high but even then they're still a little uh uh different in consistency from time to time uh sometimes I have some that have little crinkles uh on the front or whatever kind of like a crease or something maybe from the manufacturing or the packing or whatever uh when you get those you want to discard those because if you use them and you don't don't see it or whatever you don't use them correctly um you know it's just it's a whole lot of that can happen uh you can um I've used one before and didn't notice it and then like I have these swirls these big drawn out swirls all over the light gouged out and I'm like what the happened and I went back to the discs I just used and I looked at it was like oh my God this has this crease in it uh which just means that like you know if you think about it there's like a high point that's just very microscopically higher than the um other uh parts of the pad but still that can make a huge difference when you're talking about Sandy whatnot and speaking of I brought that up too because uh right here you're going to see this disc um see that I almost didn't catch it that is you can see how when they cut it out apparently when these come out uh they're big huge uh discs or big big huge sheets of paper right and uh what they do is they cut them out you know kind like a hole punch you see how that one was uh Mis punched or whatever and it still made it inside the bag all the rest of it's good but that little crease uh where the punch lines are is very coarse and if you use that on this headlight with a power drill you're going to be gouging out and doing something that you don't want to do and then you'd have to fix it so you really want to watch out for that and if you have a disc that has any kind of discrepancy it feels funny it looks funny or you know any kind of little creases or folds or whatever that you want to not use it it's not worth it the name of the game is less cleanup you don't want to sit there and have to use you know hours of sanding to clean up a headlight okay um these headlights took me about 35 minutes a piece um because they're large and because the material and whatnot and I decided to use the uh uh lighter grit instead of move it up to the 320 uh because like I said you don't want to C cause more issues for you to clean up uh I showed for the longest time I didn't want to show people using the 320s and anything higher because inherently people want it the easiest way and sometimes that translates into laziness okay they don't want to do the work they don't want to they don't want to spend the time and finesse uh you know the stuff off they just want to you know throw a stick of dynamite at it whatever and that's mainly why I don't show the 180s because you know you guys start using that you're going to be pissed off all right you're not going to understand why I can't fix this headlight or why I can't uh get this headlight the way he does with this 180 uh because you know will start getting gouged out and it's almost uh feels impossible to get uh these scratches out of their headlight um but a lot of people are going to be lazy and they're going to just like I just used the 320 and I've be seeing hearing this in the bio about these guys who think they're experts now right they've done maybe 50 headlights and and I know you feel like you're just a you know just a now whatever whatever it's good but I mean you know you have a lot to learn so they just jump to the 320 at the you know at the drop of a hat or they jump to the 220 at the drop of a hat when it's really not necessary and the thing is you're making your headlights not come out as good and you're you know and if they are still coming out as good you're you're making your time all up all right because when you're using certain things like that the cleanup is much more advanced when you're using something at the p500 or P600 or you know 78 whatever the hell that way you know instead of the opposite way the lighter ones you're going to have a a way easier time achieving that perfect finish a way less time of cleanup okay uh which all in all makes the time of the headlight restoration a hell of a lot less less timec consuming less back breaking less stress less uh you know materials less everything so don't cheat yourself treat yourself and do it the right way you you have to pick the right denomination for the right uh headlight uh starting point is a huge Factor working on this headlight about uh 45 minutes before the Sun starts setting or whatever so you'll see some things in the uh in the end where I'll show you how I do my a little bit of my nighttime procedures or whatever I'll show you something about that that is uh really eye-catching and something that you will be interested in at the end um but anyway see you could still use this one was cut in such a way that I could still use a little bit of it long as I pulled off that other piece it should be fine and just for a little hand work on the small area up here where you really have to pay attention to because uh it has a big prominent lip right there and you really got to hit that lip too because if not when you uh do your finished product and your finish your finished ceiling or whatever with the clear coat whatnot you uh you know you will seal in that spot you won't even notice it but when it's done you'll see it it'll be like a yellow bar across the top or whatever when the Sun hits it or when the light hits it so you have a super clean light with just this yellow bar on the top so you really want to get uh all over that and even behind it because the lip goes up about a centimeter over the light uh not every light has this but when they do you have to make sure you treat that light accordingly and the drill is not going to get that so you have to do it by hand all right I just want to take a moment here and let you guys know there's over 140 videos now streaming on this channel real videos not just some pissan shorts that like here do this do that and do this and that right like that don't really show you it don't show you what they use they're like real top secret and and they have have some figment of their magnation type that they use whatever they're taking labels off cans and they have that you never even heard about don't know where it comes from okay I'm using 100% certified uh uh headlight materials and all that stuff that is uh in the bio you know you can link in the bio it's all uh for purchase through Amazon if not purchasing if you just want to know information about it you can go ahead and click those links and it'll give you all the information through the Amazon links okay just like you were uh viewing Amazon or it it pretty much is a link to Amazon okay so that's uh a trusted partner um you know when you start ordering stuff um I always have every time I order something from eBay I always have some kind of issue about about four times out of five I have an issue that'll be something wrong or some kind of fangle and the return policy is I'm just going to let you know right there it's people it's just f Mone I don't like using that platform but Amazon I've never had a problem that they did not fix okay uh they even bend over backwards I've had stuff where I forgot the return date and I called two months later like yeah I was out of town or something something blah blah blah and they're like okay we're going to do a courtesy for you and they still return Amazon has the best policy okay it's the safest place to do your shopping believe it or not it's even saer than walking in a a freaking store and getting because it's just the best return policy you don't have to deal with anybody it comes to your door that's it um but I mess with Amazon all my all of my stuff that you guys are seeing is 100% through Amazon uh well let's just say 98% through Amazon okay um it's just the way I do stuff and it's just I mean the quality of everything is high and they are very stringent with their um with their uh merchants and they have their own stuff that's very well put together business okay okay it's the probably the world's biggest business one of them um of course everybody knows that so you don't have to worry about uh where your is coming from or if I'm going to get burnt okay so that's all the links I use in my BIOS through Amazon um and anyways like I said 140 channels uh excuse me 140 videos on this channel feel free to check them out a lot of people ask questions and I just route them to the videos cuz they'll be like why is uh you know why is uh the headlights not made out of glass anymore I'm like oh here you go there's a video like this one right here there's videos on there that will answer your questions about headlight restoration and just headlight knowledge in general uh this channel is chopped full of it uh so feel free to look through things you'll see the titles and pretty much the titles go with what the content is uh so go through those check out stuff you'll see uh what you like I have a video um videos on here that are extremely popular I have one that's about 2 million views in like two years uh I have uh other ones you know hundreds of thousands or whatever um different ones about two years of videos so far um and basically uh what it all sums up to is that this method kicks ass and you're going to see it done so many different times of so many different vehicles that it's 100% you can do this it's um you know it's shown step by step and I give you the keys to the kingdom on what uh to buy side that what is this oh my God is he going to use plastic X if you guys know my channel I have religiously said since beginning plastic X is poopoo doooo it is not the you want to use right but this is why check this out right here look at this okay see this bottle right here this is why I ordered a new bottle because they revised their their um their formula okay I bought the new bottle from Amazon I contacted um the seller whatever and they said that um this is how the bottles were and then they changed them back so when I contacted the um the seller through Amazon he told me that so I called uh uh or messaged I tried to call I always try to call them is is better I messaged um Maguire's and what they sent me back is that yes uh over the last couple years we revived Ed our formula and that's what it says on this bottle cuz I asked him why did the bottle that I just ordered not say this but this bottle when I did order it on the screen uh it says this for the picture and they said oh because that was a promotional thing to show people that the formula has changed now it just goes back to the regular um the regular uh uh labeling or whatever but the product did change and this is the new product that you're working with so I said okay so I'm I'm I'm definitely going to make a video about this and I'm going to use this and right now I can tell you it is considerably different uh the color is somewhat different you see that blue hue it's a lot different a lot Bluer a lot uh different feel it's thicker more clay feeling um and it smells believe it or not it smells like Ajax like the you use to clean toilets or whatever I use it in my bathroom and it's kind of crazy because it smells like Ajax and it's blue black Ajax kind of um and the texture is way more thicker like clay like um it feels like there's more oil in it one of the biggest things I had about um the old plastic X is there wasn't enough nowhere near enough oil least substance in it uh cuz those oils are beneficial oils for these headlights um for all polycarbonate headlights the oil um does something with those headlights they penetrate into those pockets and they help the clarity as you see here on this light um and another thing was it didn't have enough um it only had cutting power didn't have enough um a lot of things it missed on a lot of points like if I had to gauge it uh compared um you know to all the other things I approved uh back in the day before this formula I would have gave it like a two star like yeah it's really low uh out of uh five stars or whatever uh I would have gave it you know a two uh so it was really low anything over four is good okay um now it's a hell of a lot better okay um it's uh not quite a five star I wouldn't say um but it's very close I would give this um four stars and maybe three4 Stars so almost uh just a notch away from being a five-star product but it is an approved product for me now uh the formula is way different than it was before two two three years ago when I used it last and I just uh thought you know I wanted to throw it off a bridge I was like what is wrong with this it's supposed to be so good everybody talks about it but in in in standard compared to all the other stuff and compared to the 3M compared to the other things I used for headlights it was just so low in the totem pole so I think now they kind of knew that and the technology for uh headlight restoration polishes grew and they kind of jumped on the wagon because you know they all they all um you know each other's products or whatever and they kind of learn from each other and then they start making better products because this product is selling so good and this product works so good and they're like why does it work so good and they it's easy to reverse engineer somebody if you have a lot of money you know what I'm saying you can have you know pay one scientist he'll tell you everything that's in there but what I noticed is the cutting power is way up on this okay and from the last product uh the last formula and the oil content is way way up on this uh from the last product it's not as dry as it was before although uh that is the accountability for the um three and a quar star instead of the full star is I still feel it needs to have a little bit more oil content um with that being said this would be a great mix with uh The Chemical Guys both of these together I I haven't done it but I'm pretty sure with my knowledge and my experience that that would be a kickass if you formulated it correctly maybe a uh 221 Ratio or excuse me um uh 2/3 ratio uh to 1/3 ratio of chemical guy um so yeah it's an approved I approve it now to use on headlights with this method works really good works really good it's really um has a nice little abrasiveness to it it has really good cutting power so I do I do approve it and you'll see the finished product um as I saw you right there there I used the pink mask I usually have black ones but I ran out and I still had some leftover my woman had some leftover pink ones uh in the garage so I just started using those instead of buying a new one so um sometimes I use just a regular n95 mask because the particles of the sanding will not go through those but as you as I'm showing you the heavy duty mask I use for the Maguire okay any kind of spray or even even the touch sealant it stinks so bad you need to have a respiration later on uh because when you're breathing that and you're smelling that and you're tasting that that means it's going in your body that means it's going in your lungs as well uh it's very dangerous um on the volume I do these headlights even if you just do one headlight man you need a respirator um you know for this step okay you know and I've tried to hint towards that before um but you know see all this stuff right here it bounces back about 2 feet and you're definitely going to be within a 2T range of sprad bring this um you do not want to inhale this I have a respirator with that um 6001 3M cartridge the black cartridge which is for Vapor um and I also have the extra cartridge that goes on top to kind of boost um boost the filtration system of any kind of vapor so I have extra on top of mine because I know how deadly this stuff is and that's not just the product that's any kind of spray product of of this type uh any kind of headlight clear coat okay paint in general but these uh clear coats are even more deadlier than the paint all right so you want to use that at all cost okay uh so that's just a form of warning I've done it before and I'm just let you guys know now it'll ruin your day if you breed this in and it could ruin your week and it could ruin your life okay if you continue to breathe it in so don't do it uh that's the headlight restoration Pro saying safety warning uh but uh look at this here beautiful headlight now look at that perfect this headlight wasn't this beautiful when it rolled off the lot look at this look at that reflection look at that clearness if it's this clear and this beautiful that light's going to come out that way look at this I'm about 2 in away from this uh surface of the headlight all right and then and this is about 80% dry but when it's a 100% dry 2 weeks from now it's going to look like this 5 months from now it's going to look like this a year from now it's going to look like this if taken care of okay um you know even further and further and further if taken care of and if you use Aftercare and all that you know my headlights on my car with the same method lasted four years and a half four almost four and a half years but anyways this is my car all right and this is the vehicle I was just working on I just finished wrapping up about to tell the customer I'm done it's getting dark but you see how I have the lights out there uh Pimp the headlight restoration drow perfect my grandpa asked me one time if I care whether I live or die yeah I do now it's too late you don't up no no you don't up
Channel: The Headlight Restoration Pro
Views: 35,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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