Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara Take The Relationship Test

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hi my name is Megan Trainor and this is my beautiful gorgeous husband Daryl Samara and we are gonna take a BuzzFeed quiz to see how well we know each other well that was so good yeah I think we're gonna crush this thing you wanna a sit I think a plus buzz oh I'm nervous now let's hope it's gonna be great what's my birthday December anniversary December 22nd 1990 three ways to do the year because I'm I need you with me I need okay June 14 1995 up your sign is a Gemini you're technically a Capricorn but I think you're Sagittarius Jack check your phone over that's what weekly and then your number is blah blah you don't know no I know it oh I'm so bad yeah okay great their eye color don't look at me okay it's brown yeah you're blue but sometimes they turn green oh your coffee order okay I'm gonna go with Minds easy now black yeah pretty much or a mushroom coffee black yeah craters right now is iced vanilla latte with almond milk yeah their pizza preferences oh this is easy Aziz Megan only likes garlic on our pizza but we do like the cauliflower crust just but what's my main name like some people get pepperoni or mushroom cheese pizza there it is yeah you eat each piece that will be nowadays with the cauliflower crust that's right fresh brothers we love you we love you your favorite meal Lou this might be tough for you I mean your old go to before we figured out your heart thing with the nutritionist was steak and eggs I'm gonna go with yeah but then the nutritionist was like hey your heart records show that in a few years if you don't get the fat of the meat the fat of the meat out of your diet you're gonna pop robbers yeah so wisdom and now are vegetarians well thank you yeah that was my favorite meal okay so now a meal now I know your favorite like cheat snack um the crunchy cinnamon swirl things what are they called from from Hugo's sticky bun was my food your I mean pizza yeah favorite dessert okay you love the sticky buns you love ice cream we love it all yeah gigging amateur Oh a doughnut boys when we walk by places with doughnuts he's like I gotta look away what's my favorite dessert you I mean right that's made in love that's like my naughty thing Oh Billy I got drunk last night and I don't even it's not even double stuffed it's mega stuff I got stuffed Oreos I have a problem your favorite movie this is impossible it's hard you can't just narrow it down to one just name one of them right now it's the Joker yeah the joke right your favorite movie Spy Kids no yeah favorite book ooh this is a trick question your favorite book I'm gonna go with I don't think I know this one right I do my hair but my favorite book is Catcher in the Rye ah didn't do that not gonna check that deserve it I mean I don't think I'm gonna get this one either cuz that your favorite book is you know this do I know but you know the answer Harry Potter no I don't read books I mean I was the answer you could've won all right we both laugh about that sign their celebrity crush this is so easy it hurts mmm Shia LaBeouf Alaba the kid worship Shia LaBeouf you like his amazing act I'm telling you when I walk in on him like if he's alone watching YouTube videos Shia LaBeouf it's anything Johnson interesting dude no he wants to be his best friend and maybe yeah chef you need a friend I also need a friend hey I'm here and your celebrity crush oh you have so many I have so many I mean Leah oh of course Oh lovely Oh I mean everybody we just thought what who would you see Henry Winkler he's the man Jevons still love beloved love you Zac Efron I knew it was it's like a bunch of um there's a bunch Halle Berry oh my god I'm kiss them all you know your favourite swearword well I'm a foul mouth so you hear me say what a lot yeah yeah Gooden is my yeah do you say you're much better than me yeah it's like I said okay all right mom's here their favorite subject in school well this kid claims there's no proof yet but he claims to get on or point oh I have it somewhere get out of here Bob no Bruin will you have and I don't believe you but I mean you told me once that you thrived in math yeah is it bad I love math I want to say yours is English no you got a wrong you better come on I was in band band bro my their favorite band or singer this I'm gonna lose but I mean it best to be me of course but besides you you love Coldplay that's all I want okay who do I like hey you love you love Britney you love and think about free boys you get it you coming back he's coming back their favorite TV show man there's so much so many but there actually is one TV show that you haven't watched it is my favorite TV show and you still won't watch it oh my gosh it Breaking Bad Breaking Bad easy God good it is your favorite TV show dare I say prank Wow that's yeah yeah I just did a cover there's theme song - worst job they ever had I got this I don't even know the worst job I ever had but yeah go for it I would say being a busboy or that what that's a thing it was a bad job it was a good Johnny win the game uro a Jesse where I don't know other jobs you had and I just you know what you don't know this but I'll tell you whoa you don't get it you don't get to check the box fine but I had to babysit like a couple times wow do they know this I just I was just stress the entire time I was like what happens if you get up I mean you've just been a songwriter your whole life I mean you played like coffee shops so I have a wonder that I do my first job I don't know yes my games over there what do my parents do oh oh I don't know if I can check this one now you can you worked at the jewelry store that suck I'm sorry mom I love you so much I couldn't even go on Facebook like oh yeah they like there was rules their biggest pet peeve you know what people do to me all the time it's not fair there's something wrong with the universe I got it somehow you have this a crazy luck that every time you like look out a window or like look down the street you see someone Hawking a loogie Hawking a loogie and I snap in them I'm surrounded by spit and I so grow is so nasty thanks to the hello every bank is my pain you know with me personally is a good one this better be a check because this is you know the hell that you know ok one thing he doesn't mind how much I burp and how loud they are fun but he really gets upset if I'm on a business call or if I'm gonna call in general and I start burping like like it's just rude and it's not rude it's muted its dad and it's my people it's my I know but like there were various and he's like could you not be a monster and I never say that I know but that's what it feels like their favorite sexual position visualize this well yeah um your your old-school old good ol missionary yes yeah I like the eye contact no I don't love it goes last if you mail the mesh you can do anything you could do anything let's just he likes it all how about that right fine yeah fine okay there kink what is this their favorite kinky weird thing oh my god worse yeah we're so lame what picture sex toys I know no one okay me no one will believe me but I believe yeah because I believe it was BuzzFeed you like ripped on my toe shoes yeah just like I gave him a hike you know heaven call he looks weird in them listen no one will ever believe me I bought it for a friend because she couldn't get hers in their mailbox she was living with her dad at the time and didn't want her dad to see her dildo gum in the mail just oh good alright I'm a good friend and I said you know what I love this store downstairs I'll go pick that out for you sometimes he likes a lot of like my hairstyles like I'm like oh my god cute braids keep them for later you know or like cool glasses are you're wearing keep it more later we're married so that's we're basically 50 a fish okay you won by 1 out of 20 on this list one by one we're sharing all that information we win by default I won I only got 17 hmm I win everything all of our winners I win except girls warrants cuz he's more athletic than me yeah check out my new song wave featuring Mike Sabbath just dropped recently thanks for watching our girls videos [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 3,048,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed celeb, buzzfeed quiz, meghan trainor, daryl sabara, relationship test, the wave, spy kids, couples, buzzfeedceleb, celebs take quizzes, meghan trainor interview, daryl sabara interview, relationships, Meghan Trainor and Daryl Sabara Take The Relationship Test, celebrity relationship test, PL-Quizzes, celebrity interview, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, celeb interview, buzzfeed celeb interview
Id: LcfbXnDRfSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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