How Well Does Meghan Trainor Know Her Husband? | Elite Daily

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- We finish each other’s- - Sentences. -Hey everyone, I’m Meghan Trainor and I’m with my handsome hubby, Daryl. We’ve been married for a month. [Laughing] Okay, here we go. Who was my childhood crush? - Me? - You were my crush, wow. - Yeah. - Great job. I forgot who my crush was. - Who was your actual crush? - Like, Zac Efron but you. - He was everybody’s actual crush, right? - What’s my signature dance move on the dance floor? - I’ve been seeing a lot of hair flips. - Yes. - But also, your arms going like this. - This is like me, high school, middle school. What’s your favorite song off of Love Train? Oh. - Foolish. I love Foolish. - He loves dancing to Foolish. Okay. Who do I text the most? - I mean it’s me first, and then momma. - Momma. Oh my God, we’re meant to be. What’s my dream romantic vacation? - It was our honeymoon. - It was our honeymoon. - Bora Bora. - Uh. - Aquarium everyday. - If I wasn’t a singer, I’d be? - A detective. - Uh huh. Or- - A masseuse. - Oh my God. We finish each other’s- - Sentences. - Oh my God. - What’s my favorite food? - Loves a good steak. He loves a good spaghetti, pasta. Ooh, he loves pasta. - I love spaghetti. - He’s a fat kid at heart, he loves a good fried Cinnabun from Hugo’s. Or ice cream, like late-night snacker. - Well, that’s all my favorite foods, yeah. - Okay, great. - Okay, what’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever done for you? - You do this new thing that I’m obsessed with where you wake me up every single day with a bunch of kisses all over my face and you always have a cup of iced coffee just the way I like it, with a pinch of cinnamon, as soon as I wake up. - What would be the one thing I’d bring if I was stranded in a desert island? - Me. - Done. What’s my most annoying habit? - We got a few of these. I hate when we’re in the car- - Oh, what? - What? He always wants to put the windows down. - Oh I love the windows down. - And I’m like, “But my hair!” So that was a big no-no for me. - Great, perfect. That’s it. All right. Am I a morning person or a night owl? - Morning. - Yeah. - You could be both, though. You’re a champion. - I try. I try to be a night owl. - Yeah. - Who’s a better dancer, me or you? - Naturally, I’m better. - Yeah. - Okay. - Born dancer. - Thank you. - Okay, great. - That’s all of them? We won! Thank you so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please give us a thumbs up. And press subscribe. Come on, if you’re new to this channel, pop that subscribe button. We put out videos every week. We as in they. They put out videos each week. It’s great.
Channel: Bustle
Views: 1,782,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meghan Trainor, Elite Daily, Daryl Sabara, Love Train, Music, How to know you're in love
Id: 6Zw7JfmwT9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 38sec (158 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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