Meghan Markle : A Less Than Royal Narcissist Part 38.3 : The Duke´s Demise

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[Music] a less than one narcissist part 38.8 the duke's demise i explained in parts one and two the response and reaction that will occur to as a consequence of the duke of edinburgh's recent death in terms of the impact upon prince harry and the dynamic with meghan markle this however leads to further opportunities and questions to be addressed since originally recording this material it has been confirmed that prince harry will fly to the united kingdom to attend the funeral of his grandfather prince philip without his pregnant wife meghan markle this was confirmed by a royal spokesman on the 10th of april the duke of sussex who stated is planning to attend the duchess of sussex has been advised by her physician not to travel and so the duke will be attending said a buckingham palace spokesperson at a saturday briefing the funeral will be held on april the 17th amid limited attendance because of pandemic protocols harry will be able to attend notwithstanding the pandemic protocols because he will be granted exception from the need to quarantine on the basis of compassionate grounds accordingly he will attend as isaac explained in the first two parts he very much had to the failure to do so would probably be the last straw between him and the extended members of his family megan of course is not attending and understandably so at seven months pregnant flying across the atlantic may well not be in the best interests of her and her child of course these circumstances do assist her as in all likelihood she will be finding herself entering an environment which would threaten her control first of all after recent behavior the reception of the royal family towards her would probably be lukewarm given the things that have been said the allegations that have been made and of course the content of disclosures from the bombshell oprah winfrey interview and therefore she would be entering an environment which quite not akin to the lion's den would at least be one whereby her control would be threatened as you know from my work in such circumstances the narcissism operates to assert control either directly indirectly or by withdrawal in this instance withdrawal suits her fine and the legitimate explanation of her pregnancy is something that will be very much utilized by her narcissism in the same way that piers morgan utilizes the quest for truth and the identification of lies and contradictions that have been stated by meghan markle those lies and contradictions have occurred and piers morgan has utilized that actuality for his own benefit but of course the driving force behind it is his need for control and the gaining of fuel as a consequence of his narcissism so similarly for meghan markle the fact that she will have been advised not to travel as a consequence of the late stages of her pregnancy is legitimate and actual however her narcissism will gratefully receive this as a jolly good excuse not to have to go and enter an environment which was likely to be threatening to her sense of control remember she won't be thinking oh this is an environment that's going to threaten my control she will be thinking well i'd probably rather not go because i don't actually like them because of what's gone on in her perceived mind or rather the perceptions in her mind as a consequence of the behaviors that have taken place previously furthermore of course she's not particularly going to get a overly welcoming response from the general public of course this is not going to be the large ceremonial affair that it might otherwise have been had there been no pandemic and therefore should crowds appear they will be distanced and spartan in nature if there had been no pandemic it would be interesting to see the reaction that meghan markle and prince harry would receive one should imagine that there would be a number of booze coming from the crowd and of course that amounts to a threat to control to the narcissist it's challenge fuel because people are reacting to her so that's okay love me hate me but never ignore me but it would pose a challenge therefore there would have to be some kind of response which in the context of booing from a crowd would be to smile and wave smile and wave mutter something under her breath to harry about how they just don't understand and that they're racists and therefore assert control in directing such circumstances as the emasculated harry nods in agreement of course there would also be the media coverage which would range from the desire to draw blood metaphorically as a consequence of an opportunity to report upon the lukewarm reception or positively unpleasant reception that might be received as a consequence of the royal couple reappearing in the united kingdom and therefore the pregnancy provides her with a useful opportunity to avoid having to come to the united kingdom and face what would be a difficult reception from the royal family a more hostile reception from the public at large and undoubtedly a hostile reception from certain sections of the media and therefore she is able to avoid those threats to control by remaining in california as i explained of course that won't that doesn't mean that harry won't have to run the gauntlet with regard to various behaviors before he goes whilst he's in the united kingdom and of course the reception that he will receive from her on his return it is prince harry's first trip back to the united kingdom since moving to california and [Music] his first face-to-face meeting with members of his family following the oprah bombshell this raises a number of matters which which merit analysis and observation but before doing that it's a useful opportunity also because had the duke of edinburgh passed away in all likelihood the first visit would have been around the unveiling of a statue for princess diana and possibly also attendance at the duke of editing's 100th birthday if he had lasted and lived that long here because megan will remain in california and harry will come to the united kingdom provides a slightly unexpected opportunity for the royal family to take particular steps it affords a window of opportunity and i shall be explaining shortly what that will mean and in terms of what might the royal family do but how will meghan markle be viewing all that has taken place so far well undoubtedly harry will have been briefed by the relevant people and have seen the various testaments and tributes that i many some of which i read out yesterday and of course he because he operates with emotional empathy will have been gratified to see that of course this will also lead to a threat to meghan markle's control and as explained if harry is currently in a respite period she would deal with the threat to control essentially by agreeing and saying what lovely tributes etc making harry feel supported making him feel loved i suspect however that because he's in the sustained devaluation which of course is when respite periods do occur the extent of the threat to control would be so great that she cannot help but pass adverse comment and she will not go so far as to say something unpleasant about prince philip that would push matters too far even for the emasculated harry but she's more likely to continue to deflect and draw attention back onto herself by playing down references in the press and media with regard to prince philip's life and what he's achieved and instead focusing on archie trying triangulating prince harry she will of course very much use the ongoing pregnancy is an opportunity to keep harry's focus on her and away from reading about tributes etc pertaining to his grandfather as i explained yesterday the occasion of somebody else's death is at best an irritation and at worst considerable wounding to a narcissist because it shifts everybody's focus onto the demised and of course the members of the family who've suffered the loss and because she is not a blood relative and a recent addition to the royal family her involvement is on the very outer circles with regard to prince philip whereas with regard to prince harry this is his grandfather somebody that he was reasonably close to and therefore there will not only be attention appertaining to prince philip's death but also with regard to feeling sorry for prince harry for having lost his grandfather and even those who've been disapproving of his recent behavior will still exhibit sympathy for him as a consequence of his loss the exhibition of that sympathy towards prince harry and also people talking about prince philip will again threaten meghan markle's control some narcissists would lash out talking about why he's making such a fuss about this person they weren't very nice they never did anything for us meghan markle is unlikely to go down that route as a mid-range narcissist instead she will draw attention back onto herself while all of this is going on with various pity plays triangulation potential threats making a big deal about her current state with regard to the pregnancy of course there are those that actually poor skepticism on the fact that she's pregnant suggesting that she's not and that again there is a surrogate i don't view such views as valid i form the view that she is pregnant and that she will use the issue of that pregnancy for the purposes of triangulating with prince harry and of course archie to ensure that his attention is moved away from his grandfather and instead is moved back on to her and this will continue in the days before he travels back to the united kingdom harry will then go back to the uk and it's explained that he's likely to stay at the house that he still owns frogmore cottage and it's unclear how long he'll be in the united kingdom as i mentioned in the earlier parts meghan markle will be doing her best to ensure that the trip is a short one or indeed is cut short possibly with the dropping of the narc bomb with some apparent emergency that summons him back to california post haste the fact remains harry is going to spend some time in the united kingdom and this presents a window of opportunity for the royal family to speak to him to engage with him to find out how he is how might the royal family best use this window of opportunity in part four i'm going to explain to you in detail what the royal family ought to do with regard to this unexpected opportunity to engage with prince harry
Channel: HG Tudor - Knowing The Narcissist : Ultra
Views: 25,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hg tudor
Id: eRY_0CdAAx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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