Mega Shark vs Kolossus | Full Monster Horror Movie | Horror Central

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over a year since the last mega shark attack and the global economy has yet to recover phobia of the oceans and a near total drop in commercial exports driving many nations russia has been accused of illegally mining rare minerals in the waters of other nations forced to take the lead in securing the oceans against the megalodon's return the united states has deployed state-of-the-art fleets and cutting-edge sonic defense systems to patrol their allies shores further agitating international relations a fact compounded by an unidentified sonar contact off south america which has some experts fearing the worst [Music] buoy has been connected to grid and successfully calibrated [Music] unicorn one movie sensors are matching ours unicorn two we are green across the board copy that moving to install last the sooner we're done here the son of the unicorns can get back to hunting down sharks that's what they were built for stoner contact running iff russian registry the tyridium lambda class trawler the soviets hit trawlers too last thing they did was fish who knows who this one's up to unicorn weapons to stand by command to open a channel aderium you're interfering with a u.n operation american but order six six of the directorate protocols authorizes us to blow you out of the water divert petra admiral their runner is broken but we're detecting organic radiological compounds on board intel says russia has been mining those compounds to try and synthesize red mercury after work we're going to keep it that way sir if we open fire we will be declaring war adherium you have three seconds to come clean about your cargo they're not soldiers sir they're just civilians stupid ones you will make a beeline for port where you will surrender your cargo and be arrested for illegal money any deviation and we open fire copy that without speaking that is let's wrap it up firmware cutout must have been the impact scene code is corrupted the whole sector is blind coming online no no that's gotta be malfunction admiral action stations unicorn one and two are still offline get that sound barrier we're still connected to the buoy sir turn it on now and the sound waves could crush us online in 30 seconds you got 15 seconds commander commander [Music] the shark destroyed the russian ship it must have been attracted to the ore defense buoys are having no effect on it sir his head is straight for real they thought the buoys would work no one's been evacuated unicorn squadron permission to engage it's just your two units no external support we know the risks sir sir this is a newborn megalodon a 30 foot long baby we won't get a better shot than this unicorn one intercepting unicorn two intercepting range to bogey 500 meters look alive ladies this is what we've trained for power to maximum weapons online arming oxygen destroyer missiles this close to shore will be killing a lot more than the shark what other choice do we have attack pattern red five there's too much interference for sonar uh [Music] swallow this [Music] it's charging uh missiles are offline half the systems are down and we're taking on water try to locate [Music] unicorn 2 has attached itself to the shark unicorn ii has activated her self-destruct sequence she's gonna try and blow herself up with a shark [Music] [Music] a little longer [Music] [Music] the shark has moved off the grid so [Music] [Music] this place is making the boys unseat benedict i can't say i'm too keen on who we are meaning either the payday should ease their concern king yours too let's go boys so much harder huh you could say the same iv what happened to the uniform yeah [ __ ] ukraine i think you're very touchy russian special set one foot on soil so i see if ever you look from the job you come to me okay i have very many positions i won't put you in let but business first sex and violence later maybe just the violence [Music] ivan not your usual excavation hard times when shark come back the whole world act like uh this is cuban muscle crashes or some [ __ ] people's thunk in the world in that desperation [Music] there is opportunity and i do love capitalism dude [Music] it's supposed to be some kind of factory yeah half of the world is looking for this place this city lies at the ashes of a dead country to make ashes you must burn first moscow kiev saint petersburg [Music] no one can find know what to find [Music] it's freezing very jealous very cold keep reacting we want to keep you warm [Music] so so ah fred mercury the ultimate process we took it heidi a long time ago he wanted to be the hero get big gold medal in chester we give to governments for russia but ivan prefer just called rest of the farms my buyer's been waiting a long time for this tracking is malfunctioning i should tell you that the side effect of red mercury's scrambled radio waves so no good huh what are you doing you're ca so um control we got a big problem [Music] oh hold the hold the door thanks well well well as i live and breathe dr allison gray i suppose the world's more desperate than i thought recognize that irritating voice are they letting anyone on to these things these days ah i read your article oh i wasn't aware you could read megalodon deep dive defense terribly flawed piece of research if you ask me but you did make some good points had the navy bothered to read it maybe those unicorn teams wouldn't have been sacrificed in vain listen excuse me [Music] thank you all for coming i wish it weren't so you've all been brief know everything we do and when i leave i want to know everything you know about these damn sharks commander as per protocol we've reinstated the u.s marine time ban unfortunately some u.n ordered relief vessels were still at sea when it came down since rio we've lost a fishing boat off mount salena and a food aid ship near liberia this megalodon is growing rapidly and is moving at a much faster speed than any we've ever encountered before now we blasted half the ice caps to find every last frozen shark how did we miss this one you didn't the dna is exactly like the last megalodon clearly it's a case of parthenogenesis would you not concur john no i would not parthenogenesis has only been observed in four species of shark always smaller animals and always in captivity yeah asexual reproduction a single egg producing a child that is a clone of the parent you must have killed its mother right after it laid its egg all right so they can do that mm-hmm theoretically and it's highly theoretical sir we have a mayday off cape verde from the stranded ship it's the megalodon f-18 in vicinity isn't root damn it looks three times as big as last reported give the order to fire sir there are civilians who are the drown will be eaten with showing mercy [Music] target destroyed no sign of the mega shark i have a question uh you mentioned relief ships what are they transporting primarily grain grain food food well of course admiral the shark is gorging look at the victims it's no coincidence a troller a fishing vessel and now this it's the first signs of the sharks pubescence it will only get larger and more aggressive as it matures this morning the entire us stockpile of reflex weapons was transferred to my command isotope warheads i thought that they were banned not anymore whatever it takes to make sure this is the last now the weapons are too large for aircraft and drones so we need to get in close i need to know how to lure it don't you understand that every time you attack the shark it simply reacts in self-defense the damage is going to be 10 times worse and now you've added reflexes apparently you're not suggesting we ignore it no i'm suggesting that you isolate it my research shows that using em fields to confuse the shark's electro reception means that we can lure the megalodon out to the open seas research is highly inconclusive and only based on small scale models and to build a device that would contain a mega shark would take what a year and that's three months that's only if it works by your own research you admit that an em field is as likely to provoke a shark attack as to repel one that is only if the frequency is too strong the u.n directive is clear i'm speaking the u.n directive is clear total extinction of the species how can you learn and that is the key to destroying it now i may share my colleagues concerns about environmental impacts however if the un is willing to forego a few procedural concerns i have a plan that will ensure success i want dr bullock with us on my ship is that all right with you dr bullock do you mean i'm meant to go with you absolutely no sir that's not a problem okay commander parker will you please show dr grey out thank you so much for your time this man's ignorance about sharks may cause the end of mankind this is crazy this is complete idiots how am i supposed to do my work yeah hello i agree they are idiots we should talk who is this someone who wants to help if you're interested just step inside okay very tall okay let's go thank you [Music] if you were trying to end the world sooner than the shark and the russians are congratulations if you just let me nab benedict niven in kazakhstan six months ago none of this would have happened they weren't the mission we needed to get red mercury before the russians did now that thing is walking it right up to its doorstep how are we cleaning it up we're not we set foot there and it's a nuclear war good news is the eggheads don't believe that russia will bring it down so once it steps into friendly country we get involved there are already food shortages and riots this will push these countries to collapse last i checked those places weren't exactly friendly with us and the president doesn't see it as a bad idea that's where thousands of innocent civilians dying you've been undercover what 18 months now time for a break i don't need a holiday well let's call it what it is suspension with reinstatement pending review let this blow over stay out of trouble and we'll discuss getting you reinstated i'm sure i'll find something to keep me occupied [Music] sir dr gray thank you for coming doctor hi joshua dayne chairman and ceo of dane tech i apologize for eavesdropping i have a major stake in this discussion well i can imagine the megalodon must be wreaking havoc with your business that's something my dad would have cared about the bottom line but i'm not him and this isn't his company walk with me allison certainly sway i think you'll be surprised [Music] my father told me to make my mark and so i am no more making a dollar by poisoning the planet like he did i don't understand what does this have to do with the megalodon no one is seeing the big picture the shark is part of the ecosystem it keeps coming back because the earth needs it to but every time we try to kill it as quickly as possible regardless of the toll admiral jackson is going to destroy half the world by trying to kill the mega shark but if we could capture it unlock its secrets we could develop lasting defenses that wouldn't be so destructive to the environment or ourselves maybe understand nature's role and what it's meant to play the military would never go for a plan to let it live no exactly you knew that yes that's why it's down to us that's why i need your help i'd be honored [Music] which one of you is spencer everyone else scram today would be optimal colossus uh it's a soviet project from the cold war been abandoned for decades so an autonomous nuclear delivery system using red mercury is the fissile material it's kind of ironic because the whole thing started as a alternative energy experiment it's a myth at least it was it's the only guy around here believed it was real make no mistake it's a weapon more powerful than anything the world has ever seen how does it work see the uh the soviets they uh they thought our sdi programs could our sdi programs could shoot down any nuclear missiles so they uh they built a bomb that could walk a literal smart bomb that can negotiate any terrain and fight its way to the target which is where yeah see that's the thing colossus isn't a one-shot deal it's got enough red mercury in it it can blow itself up a thousand times over eventually everywhere is gonna be its target how do we stop it it's a doomsday machine you don't build those with an off switch there's always an off switch dr sergey abramov he's the guy who designed it if anybody knew you'd be him where is he yeah well that's the question people have been asking for 35 years say you sabotaged the project and they just disappeared come on where are we going a walk behind the iron curtain oh no no no we need to be going in the opposite direction as as far away from colossus as possible this thing is as bad as you say it is it won't matter where you hide so you can either die trying to help me fight it or you can die hiding on your desk searching for your balls i'm not a field agent i failed every practical exam and we'll start with an easy lesson how to steal a cia plane [Music] she's not invisible to the mega shark but like the navy's new ships she's a lot harder for it to see the whole sustainable bio composites stronger than steel she can go anywhere on earth and hold it around but what i'm most proud of is our latest improvement with your emf generator we can lure it away from populated areas and even potentially control it impressive how did you build one so fast you started last year after you emailed yourself the schematics wait a minute you hacked my email i'm sorry but we needed to be ready in case the shark came back but that is did you see anything you know compromising on my computer you didn't have anything else the mega sharks your whole life yes the megalodon is my whole life you say that as if it's a negative i hate that [ __ ] status commander full fleet is 500 meters offshore uss lad is laying charm as for dr bullock's directions we have clear channels from harbor doctor bullock are you sure this will work it is a simple beast admiral and we are ringing the dinner bell dean i finished recalibrating the emf generator to my specs across the fleet i want final amount formation in 30 minutes that's captain jackson we're intercepting his communication that helps when you're the guy who makes other systems looks like they're setting up a trap in the bay of gibraltar dean there's over a million people there we'll never be able to get them out in time it's time to see if your device works doctor it works [Music] sir we're getting a summer contact is that our shark no sir it's a ship we're being hailed at marlon's dr gray [Music] admiral we have a working emf generator if you allow me to try my plan it'll eliminate the risk to civilians and to your fleet she cannot be allowed to chase it back into the deep sea commander open the channel to the fleet make sure gray can hear me this is admiral jackson we're about to engage mega shark destruction of our quarry is our only priority the state of many objects in the line of fire including civilian vessels are to be disregarded sound general quarters no reward without risk right [Music] dk421 you have unauthorized entry in our airspace you are to land at nearby designated airstrip we are authorized to open fire oh well sir sonar's picking up unusual contact it's here all ships hold fire until it's in the shallows then cause ragnarok [Music] oh hold where the hell did it go [Music] we need to get closer to draw the shark away from the civilian population we'll help get us closer if this keeps up we won't have a fleet left it's working daedalus buy everything you got at mega shark before it gets away they just hit the plane [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dear you're up how do you feel [Music] oh no no please back on the bed back back back we were gonna hurt you or your husband we would have let the megalodon do it husband spencer how long have i been out oh boy about six hours you're a doctor no no i'm a marine biologist do you have a problem with that nope and these always want you to lie down get some rest i want you to lie down and get some rest the shoulder's been dislocated so i'm just gonna wrap you up in some gauze okay i figured easy to pop back in what no i've got some gauze here you might want to hold off and do it ah i didn't need you to see that i guess i'm following him [Music] [Music] status commander positive center contact sir does it match up gray aye sir a humpback whale just like dr bullock now the man ready to harpoons fire when ready king you are not gonna believe whose ship we're on and they're chasing the megalodon [Music] joshua dain pleased to meet you why are king and i don't have time to bsu we are with the cia and we need your help cia we're not exactly by the book we need you to help us get to shore we're on a very important mission it's not as important as ours no try the colossus it will lay waste to every major city unless we find the man who built it abramov you're looking for abramov right i didn't tell him that we've picked up his name all of the russian data nets what are they saying about abramov exactly well in the last six hours they've raided an orphanage in st petersburg a dormitory at moscow university an apartment building in volcograd those are all places he used to live even as a little boy that's a bit of a stretch don't you think no no no no it's just it's this thing he said before he disappeared uh when colossus walks i will return home to join perilous in hell perilous he was an ancient greek blacksmith he built a torture machine the king was so disgusted with him he put him inside it and burned him alive so ibrahimov wants to be killed by his own invention and the russians think he's waiting at an old address why didn't i see it falcesti abramov was raised in russia but he's a war orphan he's romanian by birth his family farm is just outside by cesti and colossus is headed right along that path so colossus is programmed to nuke there first we have got to get there right away all right i think i have a solution king spencer on me [Music] oh you're qualified to fly one of these two huh [Music] so the well is loaded with c4 and toei permission to speak freely sir always commander sir some of the men are having reservations about this new tactic frankly so am i the shark would eat far more than this if it could commander dr bullock's plan was approved by un directive and myself rest assured you have legal immunity sir it isn't legality that's these your objections have been noted commander dismissed sir doctor i hope this will be more effective than the last time due respect admiral but my job is to bring the mega shark to you which i have done already and will do so again but i can only bait the hook you so must still land it fine let's go fishing all right silent running we don't want our engine giving us away i can't hear you i have no money nigh sir right let's see a dead mega shark today helm style and running silent running confirmed sir acoustic contact any second now admiral [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait on my [Music] detonate so [Music] admiral jackson joshua dink commander parker is informed of your recent findings dr gray this will keep happening if you keep pushing it it will get worse much worse look around dr gray what do you think would happen if you somehow do manage the traffic do you think the u.n will allow mr dain to build a petting zoo for it you think i would allow it you say you can guide it then help me in this pin it down cage it so i can stab it in the heart once and for all have the launch ready to take us to my ship i want to be on the way in 10 minutes sir i don't think we can load up all the dead bodies in that time the shark isn't waiting for us to grieve neither can we you have your orders commander i can't believe you're listening to him are you happy you've got blood on your hands as much as the megalodon oh don't be so melodramatic alison resorting to violence it's a sure sign you've lost the him argument [Music] so [Music] i am not seeing a whole lot of farm well i mean it was a farm 100 years ago obviously made some changes since then you know oh look if he's anywhere he's here right look this would have been a well right which means that would have been a stable that would have been a meadow right there farmhouse would have been there okay let's go homey [Music] [Music] doesn't look like anyone's used this place in years [Music] trespassing dr abramov no doctor here mujit here farm okay our mistake just there's a lot of books on quantum physics for a farmer i use it toilet paper you use the argonautica too jason and the argonauts right there's the story i like in it it's the one about talos the man-made giant of bronze you know it [Music] destroyer of worlds oppenheim this when he see his first atomic bomb i would have given anything to prove colossus was real now i'd give anything if he wasn't if i am this man you know i deserve to die not if you're gonna take the world with you maybe world that asks to make this machine maybe this world does not deserve to live when i was a young man my country asks me to make the impossible secret known to fuel i make red mercury the power source to help the people miri dhruva then i [Music] the things patriotism what was your name anya she was my secret to protect her but there is no secret from them they think i tell her things like she's spying you know what they do to spies yes [Music] so i destroyed the research poison the land then i disappeared they cannot give it new orders they cannot make another they cannot take it apart so so they bury it [Laughter] hoping it never wakes up but why didn't you come forward when it did countries do not want disarmament countries same argument yet only more i have made enough ready i don't want to start colossus again i want to stop it if you help me i promise you i will put a bullet in your brain if that's what you want there may be a way [Music] the controller i used in testing where it is [Music] come on [Music] [Music] all right so it's out here okay i think we're cleared so that's on you huh [Music] jackson is prepping his fleet for another attack he's going to destroy the whole middle east dave i wilhelm just radio the admiral tell him we'll do whatever he wants you can't be serious what do you expect perry is only gonna let this end one way don't you understand there's gonna be two and four and there's gonna be so many megalodon that nothing in the world is gonna be able to stop them but we're supposed to save it i listen if the planet needs another megalodon then somehow it will come back but for now we need to choose what side we're on and you're choosing perry i'm choosing humanity now you told me that i was going to be in charge and this is my call this is my call i'm sorry [Music] sir if you want to do it we go along with the wilhelm [Music] [Music] admiral it's dr gray afternoon dr gray you know the rules by now i'm sure we're willing to cooperate we'll use the mf generator to lure the megalodon out to a spot where you can kill it glad you finally came around [Music] commander have the fleet open up the formation i answered sir we're getting a profile that's consistent with the megalodon all right dr gray stand by our shark is coming in from the southeast surrounded with a fleet and blasted the hell from all angles use your frequencies to contain it to a half mile radius we'll do the rest [Music] dr gray now it's working [Music] into your formation dr gray we need a tighter net so the fleet is in position fire knock the grave more impacts are striking closer more more you must have blown a main circuit the generator's down gray's emf has gone offline massive damage reports to the yedlin and the con the lawson has completely disappeared doctor sailor let's go [Music] computer core 95 cool recognized admiral jackson why are we in the ship's computer core [Music] sir what are we doing sailor what needs to be done oh my god garbage door oh my god oh my god [Music] computer open up a remote command link to the galatia access denied executive override knock out all of the crew computer system prepare trident missile for launch weapons target is mega shark target fire [Music] i did what i had to do to make sure it can't be undone oh my god this is madness i wasn't ruining it for the money [Music] dang is that what i think it was [Music] danger jackson are you out of your mind [Music] dan it's parker jackson's gone no i can't get through but he's frozen the system you've got five minutes to get as far away from here as you can can't you stop them i built their communications i can't control their nukes wait unless what do you need i need more than five minutes [Music] what are you doing all right i'm buying you the time i'll leave the megalodon away you just stop that nuke get out of here [Music] [Applause] parker we have a plan but can't disconnect jackson but we can possibly override the system [Music] sir dr gray's doing it sir time before impact has increased parker i sleeved our computers when i rebooted it it should recognize you as a commanding officer you'll have a few seconds before the missile set let's pray to god this works i'm rebooting now [Music] good morning this is the commanding officer speaking aboard mission command invalid execute early detonation responded see i can't turn the car off [Music] i'm doing what has to be done all ships target the inlet fire [Music] what do you mean you will fight the colossus the magnolia is out of the picture the megalodon has been contained and that comes with its own set of problems the president is being kept apprised of the situation with colossus a prize that's not good enough i'm doing my best looks like you're on your own geek chic spencer [Music] spencer i don't know what do you mean you don't know i don't no anya will show you i don't know what it means i don't know how to find her joshua gave you access to the whole russian data net and i thank mr dain for that but they didn't keep exact records on everyone they killed to cover up every secret doomsday project four decades ago then there must be something something you're missing there's nothing else i failed okay there's a reason they put me in the basement writing reports because i'm a failure and now colossus is gonna keep destroying everything because i don't spencer let me take a look at that the compass but it's not pointing north no no no it's it's pointing to red mercury colossus no no that would be in a different direction this is poisonous pointing to where it first got polarized to where abramov invented red mercury where is that you know what this is [Music] commander we have a location i'm sending you a real-time satellite topography of the area they built the ocean lab and steel cliff it makes sense if you think about it the black sea is marimetric you go 500 feet below the surface and there's no life and no oxygen nothing mixes therefore if an experiment went wrong you throw it in a trench and nobody would ever hear about it now to get down there and i'm never sub on board do you wait a minute you have a sub it's a small one i think we're forgetting about the big problem [Music] right we have to find some way to distract commander unfortunately with admiral jackson's attempts to nuke them and you dumping the megalodon in their backyards we're not exactly on the favorites list with the black sea nations if the navy steps in we're liable to start world war three you'll have to find another way i think i have a plan but i'm gonna need to use your vtol they're cool with you yeah hello big bread is in the drink are you sure this will work you said it yourself this megalodon is glowing like a nuclear suck oh told you she could go anywhere you made it now let's go get that remote hang on let's keep it bumpy cooler shops lab it's hot 433 red mercury radiation dr abramoff's parting shot no wonder they abandoned the place low yield but if these tanks turn red we're in trouble so let's not overstay our water huh for more than one reason let's go what are we looking for it's gonna look like an adding machine right it's outright he used to make colossus a bunch of different symbols on each they had to make out of something right state-run factories off-the-shelf parts that era there's only so many ways it can look we'll split it up hey guys what do you think this does looking good anything nothing guys we got to get out of here we can't leave until we find them i know hurry seriously oh come on okay where's king just give her more time she's coming she's coming let's go what happened to colossus go go go [Music] make it work you see me hitting the button right step aside screwdriver guys guys it doesn't work without power [Music] [Music] [Music] mr dain thank you for your assistance [Music] no no no no no don't move [Music] so [Music] joshua what the hell are you doing you may find this difficult to comprehend allison i'm saving the world much much better now about those fuel cells i've been waiting a long time for you [Music] you hired benedict now you know [Music] uh stole my frequencies you son of a [ __ ] control the sea and you control the world dad always said this was your plan all along you sabotaged my emf generator didn't you that's why he went along with us we have a winner i knew i'd get my hands on red mercury eventually but i i couldn't let the navy kill the shark until then colossus that's just a bonus thanks to you i now control the land and the sea why don't you kill us now that you're done with us trust me alison i have no need to harm you not unless you force me to now if you'll excuse me i have a very important phone call to make [Music] my name is joshua dane some of you may know me for those that don't i now control the mega shark and colossus give me fleet headquarters is dying and for too long i have begged you to end the destruction your countries have brought upon it now today i think no longer today i will save us this may require the ultimate sacrifice for some the most polluted cities will be destroyed so we may start anew now believe me this is a small price to pay for a sustainable future so join me you know what the response will be right well i had to give them a warning right hold that thought we are about to have guests all right on time germany russia ukraine even the us is showing up really i'm bringing the world together command permission to fire and destroy ship surf turf let's play [Music] is [Music] this joshua dane's gone completely out of control shall we deploy maximum effort sir we must go to deathcon 3 defcon 3 everybody ready to go at a moment's notice let's deploy the gibber yes sir spencer give me your hand this is important don't scream why would i speak commander parker our office is falling copy that [Music] [Applause] two aircraft party's over so soon officer of the deck yes ma'am get ahold of the fleet tell them to stand down they're deploying the gibber bye ma'am [Music] [Music] calling in the big guns the gipper [Music] i met the kipper once he reagan dad and i swam in his pool [Music] every time that bastard was nice to me hello [Music] i understand you had to try but i have to show you the futility of that and next you'll probably throw nukes and eventually you'll succeed in killing me but that's bad for the planet so if i die i will vent red mercury into the atmosphere and poison the air for geez i don't know a thousand years that was amazing let's go surf [Music] surf is enacted [Music] spencer yeah cover me come on come [ __ ] on shark [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] yes [Music] you'll be fine [Music] [Music] my thumb is killing me just vidanya you know that means until we meet again right yes pat dies on me he's got one request for this tag please no seafood spencer [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it doesn't really matter [Applause] [Music] forget your mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you
Channel: Horror Central
Views: 114,163
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Keywords: Horror, Movies, New horror movies, Watch free horror movies on youtube, film horor, free full movies, full movie, hollywood movies, horror, horror central, horror full movie, horror movie, horror movies, horror movies 2021, horror movies full movies, movie, movies, movies 2020 full movie, movies 2021 full movie, scary movies, slasher movies, zombie, zombie full movie, zombie movies, Mega Shark vs Kolossus, Full Monster Horror Movie, Illeana Douglas, Amy Rider, Brody Hutzler
Id: l81ZPeO3ZCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 1sec (5341 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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