Shark Killer | FULL MOVIE | 2014 | Action, Thriller

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] as promised our peaches are safe once again have taken every precaution to ensure that this is the last shark you'll see in these waters for a very long time now let's hit the water and get the Summer started [Applause] mayor mayor we may still have a shark problem but what is your voice streaming yes we don't have a shark problem without a shark Mr Walker says we caught the wrong one it's too small I've heard that one before what if he's right he's not besides Riemann we never hired him it doesn't work for us remember well maybe we should maybe he should take his overpriced Services somewhere else somewhere that actually has a sharp problem [Music] he says the public has a right to know where's the son of a [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and you see here you son of a [ __ ] if you think for one second I'm Gonna Stand by allow you to spend wild rumors to the Press about another shark stupider than I thought [Music] why is it you people never listen are we clear foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] all right I don't think we've met [Music] [Music] is someone at the door go away foreign Chase Walker oh look I'm sure I'm not the father I'm always very careful that way where are you going we're just getting to know each other be ready to go in 10 minutes I'm ready to go now [Music] [Music] where are you going the Sharks fly sweetheart go back to sleep you deserve it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] do you ever stop talking one of my many charms what can I say Jasmine Jasmine I like that you know what I love about South Africa Jasmine you know the girls here know anything about you ah good one but no I love South Africa because I'm here getting to know you okay look you can call them endless supply of cheesy lines there's a lot to be said for learning how to pick a compliment foreign is Jake house sitting or what hell of a view wouldn't you say not really my taste but whatever floats your boat I see he's still not a fan of the water so what gives you rob a banker con some woman out of her Fortune because we both know he sure as hell not smart enough to make this kind of money on your own yeah I'd be careful there Chase the things are kind of changed since you and I were kids yeah sorry to see your face never really got over that awkward face oh is this morning always a criminal Jake Specializes Services there's nothing criminal about it I see you ever well trained I am his lawyer okay okay she's very protective letting a girl fight your battles but you said things have changed since we were kids trust me fungal you don't want to get on the wrong side of might be a little late for that but thanks for the tip foreign [Music] I want you to kill a shark [Music] yeah this is big this is a piece of Chase bored and paid for you see I'm the only man that ever saved Chase's life and this is from the shark that was going to kill him he owes me so now when I Whistle he comes double time isn't that right Chase there's a great white that ate something of mine you're going to get it back for me or shark can eat a lot of things what are you looking for an old pair of boots maybe a license plate it's the largest diamond in existence it's unsellable because it's priceless one of a kind of like Jasmine here there was some idiot in possession of this Priceless Diamond when it was eaten there's a lot of great whites out there just so you know I killed the wrong one it's not my problem this one's got a big black fin real big I've never seen anything like it a couple of notches in the scoop you'll know it [Music] what are you still standing here for we're done next time I see you I want something bright and sparkly distracting me from that ugly face of yours [Music] I'm gonna need a driver someone who knows the area whatever I asked someone that's your problem you owe me the favor remember yeah I remember I'll take her how much does she charge really and she's off limits I completely understand a guy like you need to be careful can't ever spending too much time with the real man okay give it your best shot oh no no no no no take him whatever he needs to go until this thing's done I'm not a chauffeur especially not for this [ __ ] you're wasting time quickly find the shock the quicker you'll be done with the [ __ ] [Music] what [Music] how dare you it's going to be an ongoing thing the slapping because I kind of like it okay look I am not some prize in your stupid competition oh wait just so we're clear Jake's the one with the attitude not me how much does she charge hey you can't go in everything I say against me we will never get along get in the park [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you okay so what's the story with the shark tooth ask my brother okay and who's your brother Jake asked Jake Jake is your brother well not by Blood thank God I'm adopted [Music] no no no no no no no no there's been a mistake I can't stay here don't worry Jake's picking up the tab oh sorry dude this is close to the ocean I hate the ocean I hate the sound of it I hate the look of it and I hate the smell of it are you kidding me I never kid about this you're in Cape Town you're practically surrounded by the ocean and and not to mention you're here to hunt a shark yeah well I'm not getting out of this car nope and I am not staying here now this is what I'm talking about you are so strange all right I need you to pick me up at 7am I'm gonna need a guide a boat sonar depth finder GPS the works don't forget dive equipment maybe a smaller car [Music] s hi excuse me yes you have any rooms available rooms available around the corner number six you can't see the ocean right you can't see the ocean there's no ocean in London you can't smell it either right foreign I get a lot of complaints about the smell but in the ocean maple yes yes yes [Music] Chase if you're not out here in the next 30 seconds you can find yourself another ride and I don't care what Jake says foreign [Music] good you're on time ah I feel great not even the smell of the ocean can ruin it so happy you slept well I didn't sleep a wink let's go where's this guide you hired should he be helping us get all this stuff you're looking at your guide well this isn't flipper we're talking about here I don't know this is a shark a great white shark and by the sound of it a hell of a big one [Music] I need a real guide someone who knows what they're doing not just a weekend wannabe I've been diving these waters for a long time trust me you're in good hands look I'm really serious about this I I think maybe we can make this work [Music] okay so this is the spot that big said his men got attacked you don't actually think that this thing is hanging out down here waiting to be caught no you gotta start somewhere right right but a shark the size the big described it's probably closer to geyser rock where there's plenty of seals to snack on I completely agree so you won't be needing a spear gun when you go down there when I go down there yeah you know in the water under the boat someone has to go look for the diamond in case the shark didn't swallow it and asking that part I understood but don't you mean when we go down there I mean this is your job no I'm not going not going listening I hate the ocean oh fine you don't want to go down there I guess you just hang out up here until we find something better to do I should warn you though I like the sunbait and the nude no no no no no really I would rather take my chances with the shark [Music] foreign to cover if it's down there we're never gonna find it so you're giving up is that what I'm hearing no I'm not giving up but why don't you stop being such a wuss and get in the water I told you Jasmine Jasmine [Music] jacket help me help me look who's all wet now is the great Chase Walker at a loss for words I've got plenty of words you're just not gonna like it even right now chase behind you oh yeah right [Music] [Applause] okay hey Chase where are you [Music] Chase [Music] hey let me give me a head here what oh you okay ah oh what is it with sharks and boots anyway yeah I thought you were red D you are starting to fall for me I thought you were gonna kill it [Music] oh there were some distracting me at the time yeah excuses excuses [Music] oh don't forget these oh that's all they had in your size kill that shark just to get my boots back well it's always good to have a goal see you at seven oh and maybe ask your girlfriend if she can set the alarm between the two of you can figure out how to work it [Music] wait a minute guys it's been a long day I'm not really in the mood getting the call sorry man it's late hungry got some new shoes to try on my night's pretty full do you know what this is the world's smallest violin getting the car hilarious that's an improvement get up whoa second time let's go for a try where are we going to you try again this isn't these people you know what you're messing with next he runs the sun wrong answer come on all right all right 22 Water Street dogs see that wasn't so hard hey bye we're passing out on me man I don't know my way around foreign [Music] [Music] ah a foreign it's cool I'm expected next actually sent me his own personal invite really thoughtful of him really go get it in the car if you want look just tell them chase Walker is here after fescue we're getting along so well [Music] [Music] foreign someone by the name of Nix is interested in having a little face to face interested indeed [Music] quite the operation you've got here [Music] took Mr Walker drug of the masses it's always nice to meet a dedicated public servant care for a sample fresh kill always the tastiest it's been a long day how about we just skip the theatrics and you tell me what the hell it is you want some sorry foreign you were going to do that I wouldn't have put so much effort into beating him up I know all about your arrangement with that little parasite Jake so so the diamond Jake wants you to find belongs to me that's right I paid him to steal that diamond from one of his security trucks him well but it appears he's gotten greedy even had the audacity to kill two of my best men if you can believe see you treat your men just like family I see my point Mr Walker you're right what is your point my point is you're a man that enjoys life good food drink with women I too appreciate the art of self-indulgence foreign [Music] as you can see I've got a passion for diamonds just a pretty Rock if you ask me no no no they are much more than that I assure you their great Beauty aside diamonds are among the hardest substance in the world a lifetime of pressure makes them nearly Unbreakable this is something I can relate to so many people have try to take what's mine try to kill me that I've lost count I've been shot stabbed run over you name it [Music] like these diamonds diamonds to a nearly we are getting close to the point where you tell me what it is you want if you wish to stay alive you will cut my diamond out of that shock and return it to its proper home can I just call me that over the phone no write you up I'll be seeing you Mr Walker I didn't give you my answer yet that wasn't multiple choice pick your enemies wisely Mr Walker ask around I'm a hard man to kill [Music] come on [Music] okay laughs [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up excuse me do you know what happened here she followed us where the hell have you been she followed us here who Blackfin with it with the shark she killed two people and a dog right here in the marina last night oh my God every [ __ ] with the boat's gone out there looking for her like we don't know how that's gonna end so what exactly are we doing I went shopping got us some new toys okay [Music] what happened to your shoes [Music] foreign [Music] whatever it was I was picking up on the depth finder is long gone now it's a pretty large hunting group headed towards Seal Island they're not going to find her out there oh come on you don't actually think that this thing is this thing has followed us to the marina she was hunting us leaving a message a message I mean come on it's just a big fish just a big fish did you know that a shark is the only fish that picks his head up out of the water just to see what's going on they're smart creatures they adapt they plan they hunt and they kill them so what exactly is it that you're doing these devices that mess with their electrical signals and help repel sharks I change the electronics around to help attract sharks smart huh you've changed the electronics all by myself yeah but doesn't that take like physics or electrical engineering and and maybe you're not the only one on this boat with ivy league education foreign [Music] now all we got to do is find the voltage that makes old blackfinned salivate so why don't we just um Chum the water I mean it shark can smell blood oh that Hunting Party is gonna have the ocean red with Chum and something I'll cut through all that so what do we do now now ah we wait and we watch I mean come on you don't expect me to believe that that little black box is right [Music] oh well well you didn't think it would work did you I mean I was just a little bit skeptical so maybe if you stick around long enough I might prove you wrong on a few other things [Music] all right what's going on [Music] [Music] what are you doing the sharks are too small probably makos or tigers we need to find the voltage that brings in the big ones the whites let's just go the same direction as those other sharks core speed aye aye captain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how's it going down there the changes I made should do it jar in okay stop the boat [Music] where are we we're the exact spot Jake skies were attacked can anybody hear me [Music] is anybody out there can you hear me hello hello is anybody there goddamn amateurs okay look we're not getting anyone because there's too much chatter from that stupid Hunting Expedition she led them here on purpose she wanted to kill him here that doesn't make any sense Chase she's marking her territory if even part of that is true then that's more reason to go back about okay what are you doing you're not going in there gee we're here we would pick her up on the sonar what if she's hiding hiding where the wreckage right below the boat okay look just this is stupid you're not going in there Chase Chase don't go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] let's go and that was a rush hey how are you thinking going down there like that oh what the hell were you doing down there at all you could have got yourself killed I was worried about you yeah smiling about you idiot we almost just died falling for me haven't you I have not [Music] no you've fallen for me falling hard you know I didn't think that eagle viewers could possibly get any bigger I know so it's impressive right doing that was just round one down there I've got to go finish it off before she kills again yeah well if you think that I'm gonna stick around and watch you get killed then you're dumber than I thought [Music] me [Music] so how did a girl like you end up with a guy like Jake anyway so why does a guy like you hate the ocean so much I have my reasons I'm all ears okay I'll go first first of all I am I don't not with Jake I work for Jake I happen to be a very good lawyer and he's in need of a very very good lawyer and the money's not so bad okay your turn I was 17. I was supposed to go fishing with my father on our boat I didn't remember why I didn't go you got a really bad storm never saw him with the boat again the magic blames you he's right should have been there okay so I'm so sorry Jasmine where the hell you been Mitch is on a bloody warpathy you disappear for two bloody days Jake take it down a notch we were looking for your shark thank you not talking to you where the hell were you last night excuse me you were with my [ __ ] brother weren't you oh I love it when she does that you're done with him now get in the bloody car Jake you're hurting me this is guys all guys inside here Jake if you ever get off this dog I suggest you keep your hands off guys stop it I got this you disappear for two days Chase doesn't check into his hotel room what the hell do you think I'm supposed to think man stop thinking you're not very good at it [Music] coming what [Music] where are we going anywhere but here come on come on [Music] [ __ ] you wrong yeah [Music] oh I got a pretty good idea what a coward like he was capable of after what I saw on that shipwreck today hello yeah get him out of there sorry boss [Music] okay finally done look at you all prepared I got these from a guy's car I bought last night don't ask okay what was it that you were telling Jake about what you found in the wreck don't you think we talked enough shop for one day cheers you know Jake and I there's I don't know why he's being such a mess people rarely turn out to be who you think they are you being all inside like I said we rarely turned out to be who you think they are [Music] I guess I've just spent so many years swimming with sharks one kind of right why don't you tell me something about sharks that I don't know right now real ones are metaphorical ones you choose a lateral line runs down the entire length of a shark allowing them to hear their prey all along an entire body foreign [Applause] [Music] Chase is that the sound of a couple of lovebirds I can hear where the hell are you hey don't touch her let me light it up didn't think Nick's was keeping dabs on you huh what are you doing it's taking out a little uh shootings see everybody in there brother's Uncle will be out looking for an extra shark and that's not good oh yeah I didn't think what will happen if someone finds a shock before you do before you kill it then bring Netflix and nicks wouldn't want to go in bed get in touch when you've got something to try Walker Jasmine [Music] yes yes [Applause] um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign you're on my hand thanks but you're dead might look dead kinda besides the whole talking thing you look really dead pigs listen if you're looking for that tattoo time backstabbing no life no good son of a [ __ ] where is he he took off the moment Nixa spin showed up sounds like helps on the way [Music] thanks foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God you're asking me to cool it after you put a gun to my head oh look at it from my perspective how do I know you're not working with fixes guys huh you know mom always said you got trust issues all that figures I mean considering she always liked you better than me better than her own flesh and blood you like me better she's she didn't care much for you you know that's just me okay okay come here come here well what did you expect you spent half a high school in juvie yeah well I was away you got all the perks didn't you college boy it's not my fault you were such a screw up or maybe I got into so much trouble because I wanted some attention huh did that ever occur to you I could just never keep up with a great Chase Walker I just want to say [Music] oh oh okay you okay [Music] I think you broke my nose good what's the deal with the accident anyway I mean you're from Hawaii yeah well when did Rome you know you got some serious problems man I saw what was going on in that shipwreck you cut from those people for the sharks it's messed up man you know it wasn't me you're gonna know that that's all Nick's doing all right I mean one of his guys just looks at him wrong he pops him feeds the body of the Sharks to get rid of it oh black fence protect your feeding rat when I heard where he wanted to meet I knew he was going to try and take out my guide so yeah he killed all of his guys we may need to kill a few more hey look I'm really glad you're taking this also personally but right now I just want to get that shark okay my diamond and get the hell out of here I think that's gonna happen all the hell it is or have you forgotten you own me NYX has Jasmine and and he's expecting his Diamond straight up trade so either we go get your stupid diamond or we get the girl well that's a no-brainer Nick's totally wiped me out right he took everything I have without that diamond I'm ruined fine you go get the diamond and good luck with that I'm gonna get Jasmine okay hey man I'm Joe hello I'm joking of course you're gonna get Jasmine first huh and we'll get my diamond right [Music] [Music] Nick songs are in one piece start with [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] if you ever touch me again I swear I will kill you it's not us you need to worry about princess we're just here to get you ready for what mix has got a romantic night plan for the two of you and he likes his girls clean and proper yo okay okay [Music] [Music] thinking take them all out from here [Music] okay hang on um you sure this is a smart play two of us we can snitch this entire gang I don't know someone's not adding up your Chase Jason sorry he's got the advantage oh um yeah sorry how exactly got the element of surprised yeah they'll be surprised the right man that moves get your panties in a bunches figure out how many of them there are first [Music] like wait where are you going but I want one of these first no no I'm better with these just just watch my back okay you're gonna watch my background okay you realize those guys have guns lots of guns and they will shoot us on sight with those guns you do it your way I'm gonna do it my way and I'm not shooting you don't think you could have told me this before now you're nuts you know that fine you want to get yourself killed trying to save that [ __ ] don't tolerate now you've done it no no no no no no no before nice see if you want to sneak up on someone that's the way you do it oh [Music] ah what did I just tell you oh my God what the hell was that it was supposed to surprise don't you see the look on their faces I think those two were surprised close the door what [Music] are you doing hey you know I think it's about time you start respecting my stuff go ahead take it out have fun with that I'm gonna go get Jasmine you coming or not get much of a choice now do I foreign [Music] nothing we can't handle good Jasmine and I you've got a very special night ahead of us what a good time my dear all in good time but as I chase Walker again he's in the building I'll be needing my work clothes you Chase Walker is in the building seems your knight is not going to be so pleasurable after all take it to my table [Music] [Music] um I think you got it under control [Music] don't tell me how's that no gun thing working out for you foreign things the hard way be my guest but I'm telling you shooting them a lot easier we gotta get the guns the guns foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign maybe we should have gone left I think you know maybe if you listen to me for once I learned at a very young age to never take your advice hey I have the diamond prove it you son of a [ __ ] sorry Jake but if Nix didn't get his Diamond he was going to kill Jasmine okay don't shoot I'm gonna come closer [Music] get that diamond let me see it it's not a diamond sorry I need that back yes [Music] [Music] where's Jasmine scream yeah it is [Music] don't you think that's enough you're going to break it this is a Clarkson Bullpup tactical conversions you can't just buy them but you have to steal them from Special Forces and you know how hard that is problems [Music] where is she floor [Music] foreign [Music] can we go get my diamond now [Music] [Applause] deadline helps prevent workplace injuries [Music] you haven't told noon to find that shop before anyone else does do I make myself clear Mr Walker fail me this time and I will disassemble your girlfriend one piece at a time [Music] do I make myself clear Mr Walker huh don't judge me [Music] he's such a baby you're wearing a Kevlar vest you okay maybe a difficult man to kill next but I really don't see why running this explosion [Music] are you done foreign exactly why am I doing this just over the Shipwreck shark tractor should drop Blackfin in hopefully that Harpoon Gun will float and if all goes according to plan I kill her and get my diamond yeah as promised okay sounds like a good plan is that a compliment yeah I I guess it what sounds like a good plan I'm in the water keep a close eye on Jake he's been a little too cooperative I'm starting to lose patience with you Lester walk us lips foreign not very nice taking advantage of ones disabilities how the hell do you expect me to get your diamond when you keep this up oh I'm going past that now all I want to do is kill you foreign [Music] [Music] wow nice shot that's not good well there's an understatement not only is the only real weapon we had on board gone your little shark finder gadgets all shot up too well maybe if you would have stolen from a psychopath we wouldn't be the same baby stop it we can think of another solution you know what he's right it's not the old-fashioned way are you out of your mind I'm talking without the diamond unfinished kids get me out of here you're finished either way [Music] [Music] Chase stay behind me help screw this up James [Music] did he get it Jasmine did he get it shut up Jake you stupid piece of crap sorry sweetheart it's like you've been on the wrong guy [Music] yeah I can't hit like [Music] [ __ ] [Music] um hey oh hello it's sinking [Music] [Music] Hey Jake just let it go all the sharks in the area are going to be all over her anyway don't do anything [Music] stupid you okay Chase he's not worth it he's my brother Chase Chase [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a lot of trouble for a pretty Rock if you ask me seen enough travel for a little while hell of a view wouldn't you say really I mean what happened to I hate the ocean I wasn't talking about the ocean oh you two give it a rest already but I am still not talking to you Jake I told you I'm sorry I'm sorry I owe you all right that's chase that you owe yeah I Whistle you come double time isn't that right yeah yeah I just seem like diamond again no [Music] hey you guys Australia has diamonds right definitely has sharks foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] overnight
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 6,910,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, action movies, shark movies, thriller movies, shark movie, best shark movies, killer shark movie, killer shark full movie, full movie, action movie, free movies, action movies 2022, full movies free, full movies free with ads, shark killer full movie, shark killer movie, Derek Theler, Erica Cerra, hollywood movies, monster movies full movie english, monster movies 2022, monster movies full length, shark movie scenes
Id: uFqyHj0qo60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 2sec (5282 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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