Mega Metal Detecting: Three Guys Four Sites

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a beautiful spot though huh wow you see a house sight being here you know I mean the best site I ever thought what we're rolling yeah it's not too yeah so Billy said he's got a couple of different places uh checked today one place is a um Foundation that had a lot of Civil War stuff around it got buckles and canteens and buttons apparently there was a Civil War veteran that lived there and then he's got a Cellar hole that he just got permission for has no idea if there's anything there or not so it could be like just loaded with copper coins and Reales or it might just be full of old mushed up Budweiser cans but we're going to check that place the Civil War Place really has to leave a little bit early uh to go do some uh some business today and we'll uh we'll keep digging I think I haven't got my metal detector out of the truck and Billy's already digging stuff I'm so slow don't you get there Billy well I got me a pot of a harmonica Reed a pot yeah sure if I miss that how much else stuff today yeah that's for sure yes sir that's a nice little signal so this is a big seller hole and there was a house here of course at one time they put these big rocks in it the field we're in blueberry farm these are our little blueberry bushes little bushes and uh they'll actually Harvest blueberries out of here for the commercial Market this is a site that Billy's hunted over the years and found uh some really good stuff here a lot of Civil War stuff too apparently the guy who lived here was a veteran um so he saw a lot of buttons and stuff laying around uh Billy who showed me this morning a really nice canteen that he found Civil War canteen missing the pewter spout so we're going to kind of look around today see if we can find that if I want to go over there and a little other side of the house so we'll poke around there for a few minutes as well and I got to get digging because Billy's getting it all aren't you Billy get it all all right let's see one more Target this one doesn't sound as quite as promising nice big old Square nail looks like hey that's an essay horseshoe that's a horseshoe nail is what that is you can tell because they're the shape of it see how narrow it is wide that way that's a horse in there so got more signals huh so it could be something good in there I think it's another piece of the nail another horse you want yeah oh it's hard to see on that one I guess you have to hit it with the detector again and see where the could be a button in there man there's a lot of Nails in here another nail another nail a lot of nails yeah let me see if we uh it's a squeaker in there oh I think it was a nail on it yeah all right let me get started so before we get going just wanted to show you a little something here in the roadway you look how dark the soil is right here this is all like organic matter uh in the soil making dark like that and just loaded with iron in here lots of little pieces of pottery that you can see some shells um after you walk down through here where the metal detecting which is completely completely nuts in there but I didn't get any good squeakers because of course this area has been worked before but I just kind of wanted to show you that so down another six inches is a nice nice layer of artifacts that probably can't even hear from up here because there's so much iron all right let's get serious now so I'm gonna let you have a good listen to what it sounds like in here 18 Max today zero program zero discrimination maximum sensitivity I'm gonna keep my headphones on but hopefully you can hear this just loaded with iron all those grunts little pieces of nail see there's lots of pottery and glass down here a little bit of a squeak there I might come back to that but see it's a lot of tin too so and tank can sound pretty good sometimes all right I wanted to show you something over here I eyeballed as I was going along and it is this piece of metal here that's actually a knife it's a little table knife right there would have had a handle on it you can see where the rivets the rivet hole is right there um yeah so Billy thinks this house is probably gone by about 1870 so there's not a lot of more modern junk in here and hopefully we'll find one or two good squeakers that they missed over the years just working the roadway here a little bit and you can see is a bunch of a bunch of iron in here some nail a lot of lot of little nails I guess you can see them everywhere do you have a squeaker that looks like it's probably some type of piece of coppery something yep that's it I'm not sure what that is almost looks like a I guess it's something that's folded over I thought almost looked like a Burnside cartridge but burns like carbine cartridge but it's not what it is but it's definitely a good squeaker sees more Nails there's tons of square nails incredible amount of Nails in here but we're just going hey there's another piece so that's the same thing a couple pieces of that in here that's not a bad sign I think if you just took the shovel just kind of turning the dirt over you'd probably find lots of stuff because you just can't hear through that complete carpet of nails that's going across uh going across the uh the roadway right here you see how dark it is going through there it's a nice little signal on my hand I don't think it's too big but I don't know what it is yet oh there it is right there some type of rifle a pistol cartridge let's look out here it's uh rim fire pretty good size rim fire so that could date back to the Civil War era well you know a little bit after almost 60 bought the size of a Henry most Henry's will actually have a h in the middle so let's go ahead and just clean it off just a little bit right there I don't see any h Henry's actually pretty small cartridge but a Henry carbine was very technologically advanced for its time they hadn't during the Civil War they would hold like I think seven I think 17 cartridges I think it shoot at once was a lever action uh carving and uh but they weren't very big Bullets by today's standards they say you could load a Henry in the morning and shoot it all day soldiers said that some type of like little uh Caster a little wheel or something I do believe we're probably gonna like a little axle and there could be to a toy or you know a piece of furniture or something I'm not sure one of the things since you know I was talking to you about the Henry's and loading so many holding so many cartridges you got to remember the majority of the soldiers during the Civil War was still fighting with single shot muzzle loaders and here you had units that were armed with uh rifles that you could shoot 17 times and reload almost as fast as you could shoot it at just that short period of time those few years between 61 and 65 Warfare changed completely and forever a good big old piece of iron back there oh this piece of a stove or what that is but I thought we were here by the truck and we're holding on out of here there you go hopefully don't forget it heading back to the truck to drop off a jacket and I think I got a little button down here could be a Civil War One Two by the looks of it what do you think four could be a little Eagle button Maybe but the right uh size and shape not it isn't well just looking at the back I mean that's pretty much where this Civil War era Eagle button cuff button or keppy Buckle button would look like but the front is smooth so it's definitely not military still a nice little find all right this is a new sport beautiful spot though huh wow everything else it isn't too hot on the eyes is it yeah just like my friend Billy Captain Billy not too loud that's right that right down by that apple tree right there was the best spot I ever hit there was a Colonial House there I don't know why there wouldn't be another one here a train down there 1812 belt buckles flat buttons a lot of colonial coppas you name it everything shoe buckles flat buttons everything and their big ditch there and I didn't know who owned this it turns out my buddy owns it so I called him this morning and he said knock yourself out there anyway so that kind of looks like the same type of little area really it's just down there it doesn't like it right there yeah we know if we don't do anything here right up on the hill there's a beautiful spot I know this stuff so this is a long shot but it could be a bonanza did you say Bonanza it's like a chicken Anza oh all right well let's get to it just got my machine out and Cat Billy's already tearing down across the field so we better start tearing down across the field too right so we kind of worked down from the truck and very very quiet in this field a little bit of iron but not very much I did want you to get a little view of the area and that very very uh gorgeous here just beautiful going out across there I guess this is where they're dumping rocks and try to keep the erosion down what a neat Place huh yeah that's what they're doing easy rocks rolling down just from us walking over here all right let's get back to digging I thought we'll look at the little Hornet's Nest while we're here and so not finding much uh just a couple fire bullets so far anybody in there huh come on come see Uncle Bo I think you're dead yeah so that's a hornet's nest and if you did that in the summertime now you would be uh you'd be running across the field with a whole swarm of hornets chasing you they're mean it was all Hornets are all right yeah we uh we detect all across here very little iron just a couple fire bullets we're gonna go uh go up on the hill near the trucks check out that area see if there could be a house up there then we're going to hit the road Jack if you don't find anything all right so we have moved locations again because there's hardly any signals in that field I just found some shredded big beer cans beer cans and um one aluminum um like a grommet from a tent or something like that this is a big seller hole that Billy has found a lot of stuff around and we have permission for this entire field which is a Blueberry field but Billy was telling me that up over the hill there's a point that goes out into the water there and that there's a really old Cellar hole out there but it's really grown up so he's hunted a little bit but uh it's just so thick that he couldn't really uh couldn't really get around too much I thought we would go that direction kind of work our way across the field off to that point and maybe it'll be a Sam scrunch down there in the bushes that would be fun wouldn't it let's get to it so I kind of zipped across the field really quick because it's loaded with cancel and chopped up beer cans and soda cans and stuff it's really bad and uh well the problem with cancer law is it comes in all different shapes and sizes because it's you know shredded beverage cans and so all those different shapes and sizes give you different readings so you pretty much can only dig the really super high small readings that could be coins or you just did cancel all day long that's pretty much what this field is so we're just going to go down here and get out of the field where the workers weren't pitching their cans into the bushes and hopefully we'll find something down here supposed to be like Billy said it's supposed to be a seller hold down on this point somewhere so I'll go look for it beautiful feel but man I tell you I hate pants off he's going to kind of walk out the Airways see if we can just find a seller hole and be done with it pretty thick apple tree down there I'm thinking where that apple tree is it's most likely spot as far as it ain't flat and a little bit of elevation all tangled up the heck is the road right there around the road all righty usually the seller holds that are in areas where they're not farming you know you can see that because they don't fill them in well heck even when they do fill them in up here you can still see where they are I had apple trees older than me I bet I haven't seen any sign of anything yet but doesn't mean it's not here the big apple tree a little bit of a hump of soil so hump a dirt right there but huh a couple rocks no obvious seller hole the thing is some of these are the earlier homes they're supposed to be a really early one may not have had a seller hole it might have just been a cabin sitting on a rocks yeah I don't see any holes in here oh Ricky look for bottles sold and that's a little tea kettle see the spout on it right there could be a little dump down here okay I'll turn the machine on and see what we can find and give it a few minutes there's a fair amount of iron and stuff underneath this tree but everything I'm finding is CL it's 1900s and there's a lot of a lot of trash there's like boots and other things I think what we'll do is let's go down and get on the water's edge and we'll look around go around walk around look for bricks and stuff and same way with that point over there this is a chance that the house was has washed into the title area over the years and if not even they might have thrown the trash over the side so we'll be able to figure out where it is easier than walking through here digging junk now that's pretty depressing yeah okay I thought I'd give one more chance under the tree but we're going to split from under the tree watch out for the walk down the big reveal and they're oh bricks they look modern now or not too old that's an old uh yes terra cotta pipe right there stuff to use for drainage or some shingles asphalt or asphalt probably as best as shingles so this is a dump down in here all right uh yeah so this is good so we'll kind of zip along the edges here just walking and see what we can see I'm already going to detect this because you can tell it's it's a lot of modern stuff too might be some bottles that human probably little seagull all right let me uh let me put you away for just a minute if I see something interesting I'll get you back out I've been exploring the water's edge here for about 20 minutes I walked all the way around the point metal detecting through here I'm hoping to find some square nails or coins or buttons wedged up in these cracks but there's absolutely nothing old it's all modern stuff I did one we still have a ways to go that way though did want to show you this though you notice all these shells up here it's like a pile of shells you don't really see them over here so much you don't see them over there so much this is probably a small Indian shelmen where the Indians camped here not 100 it could be uh European Americans that dumped this trash the stuff here but I suspect this is probably Indian so we'll keep our eyes open for arrowheads and stuff too you never know what is it or foreign that's close to where Billy found a whole bunch of really cool relics of world of rev War 1812 war stuff and buttons and coins that's where we came down right here so let's just Walk This Way it's a good chance we could find an arrowhead in here or something now there's a piece of glass let's look at that it looks older oh that is though a lot of this I guess it's this fence where I've been finding tons of that by no square nails not yet anyway all right let's keep going I'm not going to metal detect uh this area because I'll attract more interaction when we get to those solid rocks we'll check the cracks over there see all the little shells up there I mean this is this is pretty pretty gunky down in here or don't disappear why look at that all right okay I'm gonna turn the machine back on and we're gonna go look for stuff in the rocks this is kind of interesting I'll point this out to you real quick since we're here look how smooth these rocks are you see there's like lines going this way what causes that is where it was glaciers which this whole area was covered with glaciers and you know a mile deep a mile high of ice and as they slide across the Rocks they take all the soil and stuff and move it away and as they slide across the Rocks they kind of Polish the rocks but the big you know the Bedrock and if they have smaller rocks that are on the bottom of the ice it scrapes along and makes big scratch marks now these aren't real evident right here but we'll probably see some better ones and I'll show them to you uh has to go around the edge I hope you see the glacier scratches a little bit better here it's not like super good but you notice all the scratches are going in One Direction you can see where it's got this is actually gouged out here a little bit so that's gouged down all the scratches going that way can actually find rocks like this that will be like perfectly flat on one side that's uh that's caused it could be caused by you know being dragged across like this and it just flattens it right out and it could actually just turn the whole thing into dust and we still don't have any square nails pottery or bricks or anything caught in these cracks so I don't think there's a house above us at least not right here so I walked all the way around the tip of the peninsula and there's there's just no iron or Pottery or bricks or anything so that's the area we came from this little Hill right here where they're using the trees that's pretty steep I didn't go too much further that way because I'm not sure how far the permission goes over but what we'll do is we'll get up on top here and just cut across that way on top this time and go into the fields end as a chance maybe we'll see up there somewhere okay let's get back at it I kind of gave up on this place uh because of the cansaw I was out there in the wind it's really freaking windy too but so much cancel out there just um I don't even want to pass on maybe we'll maybe we'll go back to that first place we went to it's only about half a mile that way I kind of like asphalt we're getting some pretty good signals there so why man this is some it's tough man cancel that stuff back home in the apple orchards in Peach Orchards um the other workers you know the drink of Beverages and just throw the cans down and they get mowed when they mow the grass around the trees they did that for decades and so anytime you go to an orchard that might just be an open field now this cancel everywhere so I've learned to hate it a lot oh there's a lot of cancer I'm kind of wimping it away okay I'm gonna put you away I think Billy's actually working his way back across the field so I don't know what he's found but I'm not gonna find anything here I can already tell you that right now all right so we moved locations again and we are at a spot that Billy's found a lot of stuff at you can see the waters over here that's tidal there's actually a tidal Mill here back in the 1700s this belongs to a friend of Billy's big seller hole right up there by that second apple tree right there and we're going to zip around see if we can find a few things Billy has to leave early because it's gonna go set those Nets but we have all day to search here so let's get to it unfortunately I just realized that my mic was unplugged so I got a couple scenes where we found a few things but there's no sound so I'm gonna have to dub it Billy found a part of a shoe buckle and a nice big old Dandy button and I dug a piece of grape shot and a bunch of uh lead uh copper sheeting that might go on a boat or something this is what I just dug and I noticed that the mic was off that it come had come unplugged and that's definitely a piece of grape shot probably from the Revolutionary War era last year when we were here or the year before one of our friends Celia actually found a cannonball here about this big so there's def you know there's military stuff here as well as Colonial all right sorry about having to dub it and I'm gonna go ahead and run those scenes right now so you know what's going on because it's going to sound a little funky I'm gonna get back to digging first find uh Billy found a half of a colonial era shoe buckle pretty neat I'm sorry if you can hear all the frogs in the background on this but there's a lot of frogs out this time of year at my home giant bone could be a moose part of a moose that they cooked up or some type of sea mammal like a whale we're not really sure about that this is another interesting find Billy has a brass it's like a big Square nail Spike with a round end that probably went to a ship made him out of brass they wouldn't rust now Billy's kind of showing us the title Mill down there and he there's some type of building right where he's detecting we're not sure what it was but he has a really nice little find if we look close we can see it's a big colonial era Dandy button big flat button that would date from 1780s to around 1810 that's when they were in fashion and here tauren shows up he's a little bit late uh this morning but I think he's a goofy self he's a lot of fun he's a really good guy this is a really neat find I believe this is going to be a piece of like grape shot from the Revolutionary War I can't really tell right away because of the way it's rusted so I went ahead and cleaned it up and sure enough it's perfectly or more or less spherical and that's going to be a piece of grape Shard like I said Celia found a nice Cannonball on this site uh last time I was there Thorn and I went ahead and we moved over into this thick stuff because he says there's another Foundation over here and I wouldn't buy it somewhere over right in there and we'll look at it in a minute uh but over in here it's like a big trash dump well they dump their trash you can see uh there's a bunch of oyster shells here and it's broken glass and all kinds of stuff in here and this phone is a piece of cooking vessel this is going to be a really good area looks so nice old apple trees in here torn just hollered at me said there's actually another seller hole over here so let's just go over here and look at it real quick these Alders are pretty thick though work our way through here there's room for two detect in here though I hear them in front of us wow here pretty quick yeah I know I already got my eyes oh yeah yeah that one's right right there I'll go buy it yep you walk pretty fast really little oh okay I see it down there this is really neat over here I really like this a lot yeah it's pretty cool yeah yeah it is you're right oh let's check this one out and we'll start digging yep sure enough there it is that's a part of a wood stove right there that's the foundation and it looked like they had a little Channel cut out down here going down toward the water that's probably you know Beaver Trail or something right here wow really cool man here's some more bricks that's probably rocks they piled to get down to the water easy all right so I have a signal here I can see the edge of it I suspect it's going to be a spoon we'll look at it together yes indeed it is a spoon yeah it looks like I might have whacked I'll straighten it out there we go a little copper spoon that's a nice big signal hopefully we'll find some nice uh large scents in here too I have to take some of these jackets off too we're out of the wooden now so it's a lot a lot warmer that's a seller hole right there I just want you to listen to the amount of iron that's in here so it's a lot of iron too many good squeakers yet Maybe oh [Music] there'll be something good in here all right now we're gonna get serious I'm gonna turn it back off nice screamer signal right here 82s that could be a large scent or a rifle cartridge it's a rifle cartridge is probably right on top so hopefully it'll be moved so if it's still there we have a better chance oh yeah still there all right let's pop a big old large thing out here what do you say see it watch it it's probably going to be a lot loose stuff though I suspect it's going to be a coppery there it is is that a button nope it's a rock that sounds really good oh there it is I can see an edge is brassy whatever it is it's queer-ish oh no well that's not a large that is a giant brass hinge boy sounded good didn't it wow maybe the next one will be a revoir belt buckle I don't think that's uh quite as old as rev War but you never know so I have another brassy signal and it's right here I don't know if that's what it looks like it might be a bull ring I'm not sure yet nope kind of boring this is a uh Irene's guide that will screw on to uh you know horse tack or ox and Tack and range would go through there so that's a nice decent fine big old brassy signal I'd say post Civil War on it though but it's not going to slow us down another nice big old brassy piece I'm sure it probably goes on some furniture some type of furniture or something it's probably a I don't know I don't know he's part of a door or something all right here's the deal I'm going to call it quits on this hunt um getting tired of just walking through these Alders actually laid down right there and had a little nap and I'm gonna go back to buzz us camp that little house you're hunting here and we might get into something else a little bit later this evening but I'm not gonna probably not going to be metal detecting I might go look for some arrowheads or something so uh hopefully we'll get a little video doing that I'm tired of detecting let's see on the next one [Music] she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and bit for eternity Mother Earth she's got her Secrets she's promised
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 39,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, things to do when your bored, metal detector, metal detector finds, metal detectors, metal detectors for beginners, maine, down east, down east maine, treasure hunters
Id: cq_WqZqsjk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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