Mega Man 3 by ColonelFatso in 34:11 SGDQ2019

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supporting Doctors Without Borders in 2018 MSF cared for more than 11 million people caught in war zones disasters epidemics urban slums and remote isolated regions more than 40,000 MSF doctors nurses midwives epidemiologists water and sanitation experts and other qualified professionals most of whom were locally hired ran 446 medical relief projects in over 70 countries our teams dedication and hard work combined with your generosity allowed us to hospitalize 750 8,000 people for illnesses and injuries ranging from pneumonia and tuberculosis to war wounds and severe burns we treated close to 2.4 million malaria patients conducted a hundred and five thousand major surgeries and assisted at three hundred nine thousand births including tens of thousands of obstetric emergencies and we cared for 74,000 severely malnourished children in our feeding centers and vaccinated nearly 1.5 million children during outbreaks of measles and it looks like we're ready so I'm gonna toss it over to the couch for Megaman 3 any % by Colonel fatso hi hi hi hello hi so I'm fat though I've got with me chelny MJ and fast the CC and we're gonna be playing Mega Man 3 in 3 2 1 go alright this is pop man I don't know maybe yeah I like this guy he's fast yeah yeah there's been a few different routes of Mega Man 3 the current iteration we are going with top man first he takes 2 damage from the buster weapon and so it makes a good place to start you get a little foothold in the game this game has 2 different weapon weakness or sorry two sets of weapon weaknesses so we're gonna have to use a soft weakness to break in later but for now you'll see that we just came from Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 introduces the slide which you can tell it's twice as fast as walking so we're gonna be trying to yes we're gonna try to slide as much as possible nice backwards be boosted thank you so now we're gonna try to feed some cats here yeah eat the pellets hmm thanks for repeating welcome so what I'm here for yeah not quite as fast as heck wheel but you know we're slide is pretty good yeah three jump both good yeah 10 10 hits to kill those cats so killing them 3 jumps with 10 hits is uh takes quite a bit of mashing yeah this is known as the mash heaviest Mega Man speedrun and for good reason yeah there's no iframes thankfully in this game so the faster you manage the faster things dies so really ideal alright so we're gonna be yep difficult stage nice to get through that one without a death yeah spin me around so we need 14 hits for top man here he has a little period where he goes invulnerable we're looking for a three cycle thanks there it is must be good yeah you see him doing a slide at the end there too trying to get in the middle you want to try to you can see he jumps up to get his weapon you have to walk to the center so he's gonna be trying to end the fight in the middle wherever possible yeah the other thing is it wasn't really possible in top but like for other bosses you want to kill them when they're in the center as well because all those explosion bubbles they have to clear the screen before we can actually start collecting the weapon yeah time for the fun oh yes Shadow Man is a very interesting and challenging stage so I'll probably get quiet for most of it there was a reason why this wrote what really wasn't a thing for quite a while and that's because the last room of shadow is very difficult and we always wanted to have magnet missile before we got there but a nice quick sort of easy ish trick was found that allows us to kill the pair of shoes with topspin and clear the pits at the same time in a lot of ways so you're gonna see fatso go for some pretty ridiculous jumps through their favorite room in the game right absolutely this is a great room [Music] yeah Mega Man 3 is also pretty notorious for being an incredibly laggy game so efficiently killing enemies before too many of them appear on screen is a pretty big part of running this beautiful nice room so here we go we're gonna kill a few of these shoes and then get up to the parachute section there are frogs chill knee please they're beautiful shoes all right oh good call room dude that's very difficult the reason why that was so difficult is because of the way Top Spin works when you collide with an enemy it kind of knocks you backwards so he kind of tries to turn around right before colliding so that it knocks him in the direction he needs to go nice fight yeah very good really good setting the record straight on topspin people like to denigrate topspin but it is a powerful weapon it one shots like half the enemies in the game you have to know where to use it yeah talking about a serious business for sure so now we're gonna go to Gemini another interesting and challenging stage for sure so yeah this this round it starts with three very very difficult stages Gemini probably the most difficult at least in the robots for sure we're gonna see a lot of Buster usage in this first screen and we'll see if we'll see how fatso does here [Music] yeah there's a reason why this used to be stage one for a long time just because of the difficulty of the stage a lot of runners wanted to get it out of the way first he has on uncommon to see people just reset the stage for hours on end yeah it's a recurring theme throughout the game of trying to kill enemies as soon as they spawn so you'll see me shoot that like times the theme random but actually it's just a catch and enemy immediately as it's on really good we also jump through the the animation there for watching proto man come down to let you get through and that allows us to de-spawn the music here and that actually is going to reduce a lot of the leg that the game can create because the came also legs with the music yeah there's so much going on in Gemini fats that went through as if there that you know went by really quickly there's not a lot of zipping in this game just a really couple small ones but he nailed the big one there all right here we go dead silence oh we're good the reason that room is actually as difficult as it is it doesn't actually even look as difficult as you might realize but you can't actually jump out of a slide in this game for eight frames so every one of those little single block slides is very dangerous and his timing on his jumps has to be really precise the Gemini man fight is one of the most interesting things in the game in my opinion because the Gemini clones each other is nice beautiful that's a really difficult fight yeah who each flown has their own individual iframe and you can reset the iframes by hitting the other clones so and shadowblade gives you a lot of control of the space in the room so you can really efficiently swap between hitting each of the Gemini man clones and fast I was even doing it in a way that Gemini man loses his blown but still keeps his phase 1 AI so he's able to get some pretty rapid hits and manipulate the center Center kill yeah I was really nice fight yeah now we're going into Friedel donation during this stage all right we have two hundred dollars from Justin dart had to donate during the mega man block I took off work all week to watch gdq is my favorite time of the year nice if you have time for another donation yeah oh more we have a one thousand dollar donation from incoherent that Celeste incentive seems daunting but remember just breathe we can do this [Music] yeah needle is a really really short stage but it does put a lot of things in it that deal a lot of damage to you health-wise so what he was trying to do there is fire the laser underneath the needle but above the ledge so it kills the porcupine guy and then he'd fire another later laser to kill the quill but if you're a little bit short that it bounces around it makes me feel terrible yeah Gemini is a really powerful weapon does a lot of damage but causes a ton of lag if you miss it's too powerful yes yeah nice pattern oh that's alright get a worse pattern but whatever I like the high jump he's lifting dude look at that jump yeah speed is not important all right so we got needle cannon from needle man but more importantly we got rush jet and rush jet is a very powerful tool in this game it basically just sticks to you wherever you go so you can fly in intricate patterns you can skip mini pauses and stuff although I'll hopefully be showing off as an alternative method to skip some of these mini bosses in this stage Ava decided after this game that it was not smart for jet to work that way because you can pretty much skip everything but it's not that powerful of a speed tool because it's slower than sliding so this point in the stage order we've broken into both of the weakness loops so we started with top man and then we use the soft weakness on Gemini go see it second try so you can fly over that with thrust yet or you can just slide through it like that basically you slide into the tail segment and it pushes you through the wall probably time for one more donation before we get to the second snakehead all right we have $500 from CK 41 gotta throw down for our favorite block the Blue Bombers given us so much over the years for everlasting peace with love from the 20xx team take two let's do it oh oh oh good nice life the last segment has to be in like kind of a specific position so the the setup is really precise there to get it on the first try all right so I'm gonna be flying through most of this screen basically I want to jump over the top of the screen and that's going to take Megaman actually off right Megaman won't be drawn and so it saves leg a little bit but I don't want to jump too high because I can screen wrap and activate that cloud platform down there shut up kill me whatever do you mean he saved a 7 frames chellie Oh [Music] I'm here to help snake thing can do hi spike [Applause] snake man can do a few different patterns there you're hoping for him to not shoot snakes there's not a ton of rng in this run but there's just a little bit kind of spurt sprinkled throughout with one big exception later big enough to keep it aging staying but not enough to grow in the ground right exactly yes at this point we have rush said we have what the weaknesses for the remaining robot masters well for snake and magnet we did so it didn't really matter in which order he played those two the only difference is that now that he has snake the rush jet menu is gonna be one input quicker yeah we did the complete row change because of one menu input but I'm not complaining because make sips make it a more like pressing stage to do first for our TA purposes the nice thing about now coming here later is we have rush jet now so we don't have to do the yoga block section we can skip a lot of it as well nice pillow fight yeah yeah very good 28 hits for proto oh man this stage is really hard to do buster only yeah just a lot of tight windows to mash things down and quite a bit of movement the previous route that was run was well some people ran I was magnet first and you had to do these yoga blog sections without rush yet so here rustlers our brushes our friend and allows us to get that section and save quite a bit of time oh not just here rush is always our friend Esther and that's true best friend but can you pet the dog hmm if you try hard enough Rockman - and fitty do you can pet the dog and your dog can pet the boss alright so I'm gonna be hoping for a shield pattern from magnet here which means that he'll do a jump nice okay that's okay nice fight yeah forgetting that instant shield there that means that I get close and it cancelled this shield attack and I can just continue the fight immediately yeah I normally tries to draw a Mega Man in but if Mega Man's already taking damage in the standing on top of them mission accomplished so he'll just move on to his next attack [Music] alright we successfully went to magnet before hards those heart is just gonna be a lot easier than it was a Califano [Laughter] [Music] these these guys will drop this high if I'm on the hive lands that creates five smaller bees that follow you around and chase you and it creates a pawn of leg so you really want to kill those before they drop down [Music] well nap not the beasts there's a fun little room here okay yeah trying to challenge yeah he hits the kill that guy and uh trying to slide and jump off the steps is particularly tricky eight heads for one topspin hmm for one four tops and isobaric heat a reverse damage boost yeah neat looking strap our best friends the net dozers yeah they're hit boxes are really special Oh exhibit a thanks for demonstrating that dozer I hate this scream so yeah even if you're still holding down like from initiating your slide if you press the a button during the slide then you'll jump out of it so that's what happened there instead of chaining my slide I jumped as a tricky proto man fight there with the the elevation change a lot different than just mashing and finished flat room yeah and here I'm going to try and skip the like frozen phase of this fight [Music] thank site beautiful yeah just getting knocked into the ground and take a second hit it's gotta watch your health throughout the stage though cuz he does hit you twice and does 12 damage which is like half your bar so is it 12 I thought it was 16 6 & 6 oh yeah that's Mega Man 4 yeah so we just got one more Robot Master to go and then we'll be into the sort of latter half of the game man this game has a good soundtrack doesn't it sure does [Music] there should be time for one donation probably alright we have 25 dollars from optic walrus been a fan of gdq and the causes it supports for years and the megaman block felt like the perfect time for my first donation when my son miles was three he saw me play Mega Man for the first time and he has been obsessed with it for the past three years so miles this donation is dedicated to you [Music] alright I'm gonna try and kill this dozer with magnets okay that's not so easy to do magnets a really strong weapon tracks enemies you got to be really kind of particular about how you fire it but uh yeah it's really powerful [Music] little tip for anybody watching at home you can actually switch pages of the weapon menu by pressing B it's a life changer really I did speedruns of this game for like three months without knowing that and then once you do learn it then you can every time you enter the menu that hit me right press B yeah every time you ruin little blade to rush yet you always go back to the first page and the second page again worth it Oh gross pattern yeah still good though nice very nice-nice a it over time yeah really good yet so we're gonna be heading into the dock robots pages which are like challenging sort of like remixes yeah remixes of the originally robots pages but before that there's gonna be a little animation to plays for a while so there's time for another donation or so okay we have $50 from bahama decks I had to donate during the megaman block it's the series that i enjoy even though i'm not very good at them it's awesome watching people plays through them this donation goes towards cast spot playing celeste so yeah the gimmick to these stages is uh you know you have the same stages you've done before you have two Megaman two robots both two bosses per stage all right you didn't take a classic yep oh okay if you get off into them in this yeah yeah didn't be a disaster absolutely this room is pretty notorious for killing runners a good pace run yeah the Magnus shot timings are really specific there to typify room or they just won't track the enemy nice little wiggle there yeah yeah shut us The Wiggles so here killing all those tadpoles there can only be three of those on screen at the time so if I place them where I want them to be then they won't hinder me later all right flash man first yeah [Music] let's try to get over him and then I could actually end the fight on the right hand side but this is not to slow that was a good fight it doc flash is one of the trickier boss fights I think get this whole stage is like impossible to do correctly shut us the pj for the opening half of the screen thanks this rumor looks really scary in a couple spots especially right here because it looks like his iframes that actually worn off but you can still slide there for a little bit right on the spikes and make it through killing some enemies out of the way again just a reduced lag didn't show the ladders up I'm sorry the run is too good [Laughter] good problems to have you yeah you'll make it up to me with everything fish yeah totally sure I didn't even practice that you know nice one bubble oh baby just like in rock band - you want to see as few bubbles as possible here again four legs and especially like the difference between one and two bubbles is huge and then the difference for a third is not that much you can do these doc robot stages in any order they don't give you any weapons basically people tend to put the more difficult ones first yeah nice - oh that's trick in the game yeah just like in Gemini man's stage house keeping the proto barrier D spawns to music and saves some lag frames we're using the same concept here and we're dispelling music by dying in the same frame that we trigger a screen transition you can actually do that in other games but when you hit the next screen you die oh they forgot to check that in three and yeah we're gonna save a good second and a half just by not having the music play okay nice those platforms are a little tricky all right so I'm actually gonna jump into this boss gate so like when you slide when you shoot and then slide immediately there's like some lingering animation frames that would normally stop you right there at the door but if I jump into the door then that doesn't happen what is a pretty scary fight casually but if you know his weakness and you know one you can fire it's a pretty fast fight and you can guarantee you'll get through it pretty quick all right so we are definitely looking for weapon drops now yeah you're sure magnet so while it would be fun one okay I said here enough we definitely want to use magnet now that we have it to get rid of the the Paris fuse before there a problem that's good okay yeah great oh okay if you don't slide into those drops then you will not fly it after the drops I tried to show off a little animation bug for prissy but unfortunately you couldn't get it to work basically if you like if Mega Man's hand is out and you try to go into topspin then Mega Man will turn into a needle instead yeah there's a sin here right now but I'll be disappointed on his behalf yeah thanks PJ yeah I got you it's a really nice double hit there on he if you hit him the first frame he comes out of his charge it doesn't trigger the trigger the I don't even know what you Thunder ability I guess and you can hit him a second time again really fast Oh baby oh nice no jamming I save a menu yeah this saves like 15 frames or something like that when I do it well yeah the really great thing about Mega Man 3 is that since the menu is so fast and all the weapons are really good there's a lot of flexibility to use weapons and some screens that you're not comfortable using Buster and you don't really lose a whole lot of time if you do it well yeah I love spark shot yeah sparks that's great speaking of spark etat up on dock area I thought it was relevant yeah the one and only time you'll ever see spark shot unless there's a real big menu error it's trying it is it should stop it does stop actually beautiful nice Oh No yeah that's a tough fight he can throw a lot of different patterns at you just like Mega Man 2 and thinks yeah trying to sneak the spark shot in at the beginning is pretty difficult yeah all right so there's two parts fist here thanks I am jumping off the top of the screen to put Megaman like off the top of the screen to reduce leg and then I'm also trying to de-spawn these enemies these dragonflies they track to your Y position but if you jump over the top of the screen you screen wrap to the bottom and so they tracked down they tracked longer and you can D spawn them off the left got them all a spawn [Music] it's C search snake here which is pretty nice yeah not a weapon that many people would like consider a super-powerful casual but has some utility in the speedrun here I definitely respect search to think about a lot more after learning this game oops I meant to jump over that but whatever we're healthy he crash man's got a couple different patterns he can do here if he gives you the long jump across the room it could be pretty difficult to get the quick kill here we sit let's see what we get bad that was that was friendly [Applause] all right livestock robots staged a couple different rounds that people use for this stage most runners go with gemini laser here some people will do Shadowblade in the first half they're pretty equivalent timewise but uh this one gives you a little bit of an opportunity to also get a drop and then use gemini laser at the end against quick main as well yeah I haven't been practicing that so I'm gonna not do it no matter what but the enemies that normally take 8 hits were seeing them killed him too with Gemini laser so it's a pretty pretty good choice for the section every guy middle he attracts magnets I like what than weakness does that make sense yeah yeah that's a good fight yeah very good pretty random boss that's the safe pixel but I'm just don't don't blame you there's another music despawn you can do here but it's a it's a stupid setup and there's the checkpoint isn't until you get to the bottom because they hate us so if you die there you go all the way back to the beginning just try to turn around on that but not a big deal no drop yeah thanks Baron good guy baron this is a really fun fight hmm yeah this is one of my favourite fights to practice I think in the whole game it's so fast [Music] quick man's body does a ton of damage but Bray don't do a whole lot sounds good fight it's nice when he stays in range yeah so pretty spicy doctor robust oh yeah there was [Music] neat little trick coming up here I mean I thought time nice 26:18 I don't like your tie things on right on neat little trick there if you pause right as you're getting near the top you don't the wait for the full animation to teleport out you can kind of menu and trick the game into thinking you've teleported out it was kind of neat while we're watching Wiley reveal his nefarious plans there should be time for a donation or two all right we have fifty dollars from levy hey sgdq my sixth year attending now had to donate during the best theories and all time in my favorite game Mega Man three have a nice event you all also may I get some megaman hype slightly faster to kill those top dispensers rather than take a damage boost through them that mashing coming back into play again yeah fatso actually uses a double mashing technique there in other parts in the run where he's using both thumbs alternatingly on the b button and getting shots like 70% faster than if he used one thumb probably that's my least favorite room okay yeah it's just laggy for no reason yes wildly inconsistent it's not just enemies that cause lag in this game refills II tanks you know anything they try all on screen so room with no enemies and it lags like crazy yeah sweetie oku blogs yeah we've got our actual random element now of the run coming up here we got copying Goro maker yeah he can go left and right we're gonna have to watch the direction he goes that's alright good we wanted to go right we want him to move right the turtles are always gonna come out in the same pattern but we want him to spawn start moving right like that oh oh oh alright he deserved that one yeah okay that was pretty doesn't really go good pretty good luck if he moves right you get a fast turtle it moves left to go to slow turtles they want those fast ponds we can just pretend you got bad rng there yeah yeah [Music] all right so at the end of this stage this is gonna be our good friend [Music] yellow devil yellow devil mark - the mashing test yeah there's a nice set up this fight that allows you to mash into his eye and kill him in one cycle here mmm ain't it good recovery oh I'm story polari you were doing that mix all set up yeah looking for the boost shut us the big toss so there is no checkpoint in this stage so if he does die he goes back to the beginning a lot of spikes everywhere is a does a nice job getting through so so yeah yellow devil takes him a while to spawn in he has with shadow blade he takes 10 hits to kill him so that's who's gonna try to position himself such that he has a maximum amount of time to try to fire into the eye while it's open easy [Applause] you missed that window hehehe pieces out and goes to the left side of the screen you lose 18 seconds [Music] I own two of it squeezing between the first and second bullet of the sprinklers really tight yeah really nicely done it's a really tricky screen to on some of these slides he's defunding rush is when when you have rush coil or rush jet selected you can't fire the Buster unless rushes on screen so he's summoning rush firing the bullets and then pressing start while sliding to de-spawn rush to get rid of the lag he also despawn to one of the I don't know anti light bulbs the thing that make the screen dark by wiggling at the upon point so it it goes away tease the zip they're stupid no best friend you can do a frame perfect rush time and in say like five frames or something like that in this plate that's a fun little kill oh sorry go for it yeah basically you can't switch weapons when there's a weapon out but if you have rushed equipped it doesn't check for that so he fires a shot with rush coil switches to topspin and the bullet takes on the properties of topspin and topspin pierces and it does damage every frame until the boss dies really neat little glitch I like it there's a lot of like little tech in this stage we're in the refights now see this oh all right well one oh my god the to frame our jumps yeah to frame jumps they're hard apparently yes we're gonna go through these real fights in a way that we try not to menu too much so you're gonna actually see a bunch of the same weapons used in some of these fights and that's because a lot of the bosses are weak to their own weapon actually so you're gonna see if you optimized kills with using their home weapon against them yeah yes interesting yeah and even even having even we have the same weapon our goal is to get to the left side of the screen to try to exit quickly so it's a little bit different of a setup than the first time we went through these fights now we have top man's weakness nice beautiful move on good go make a man go home if you don't give the hard knuckle space to travel there if you're like right on top of him he stays and that's not animation for a little bit before to let you go despite the neat little thing going into the teleporters facing life because you'll notice you're facing left but in the game you're actually facing right it's kind of that's why he you look left but you you actually shoot right when you come into those rooms that's a beauty by every iteration of the Gemini fight yeah looks so good the climate I fight is amazing yeah no matter what weapon you use is so much fun Buster snakes shadow blades if my laser yeah a lot of people might have fought magnet here with spark when they were playing but he's also weak to shadow blade and it does the same amount of damage and you can throw shadow blade up so it's the superior weapon yeah they can in that fight at the left wall on that right at the teleporter about what there's an added bonus you don't have to use spark shock yeah a hold of more reason this is a hot run right now I just want to point that out yeah dang we are we are looking real pretty right now [Music] yeah so we've got a couple quick kills left flying machine here we're gonna use snake on both phases first ones pretty simple the second fatso is gonna do something that only a few people in the world do [Music] zero headache then that's impossible every time really nicely done very very nice yeah most people will fire a couple snakes there to create a little more leg and it gives you way more time to mash those seven shots into boiling machine but it's obviously faster to not generate the leg and if you can do it in one jump go for it [Music] here we are into the final stage which got the final boss there we go [Music] time is when HP races zero casual low 34 no big deal that is insane I just like that shut out my couch Shelley PJ fastest DC fast in particular is a huge innovator in this run and has done like probably more work than any other single person in bringing the time down and then also my friends cool kid frisky Darko Casio all great Mega Man three runners who have made huge contributions to this be friend and yeah stay tuned for Megaman 11 it's gonna be great you're welcome for our cloud gotta do something while another fantastic megaman run that was crazy and we still have a name at 11 any percent normal nil out-of-bounds race coming right up but at the moment we are going to throw it over to some words from our sponsors [Music] hey mom omnigamer and I wrote my new book speedrun science to help newcomers and veterans alike through the full process of investigating routing and performing speedruns I also introduced speed runnings rich history now it's rules evolved and a whole lot more better now at fangamer calm assault upon range bringing it cross fires motorcade we can actually take it by window stuff by window easily [Music] let's talk a little bit about chrono gg visit sgdq current IG T to shop the sgdq official game store featuring speed running favors and amazing prices purchases directly support the charity so if you want to contribute you can go ahead and check it out Sgt Q dot chrono da GG make a difference and also if you didn't know about raj 2090 it's the largest Japanese arcade event in America it's hosted by Tokyo attack featuring 24-hour gaming over a hundred import arcade machines and more than 30 tournaments and over $1,500 in pop bonuses it's an event you do not want to miss you can find out more at rash OTG com and before I do some donation we're going to go ahead and play a little twitch ad for you guys so stay tuned we will be right back [Music] and welcome everyone to summer games done quick 2005 anonymous donation that says Celeste is an excellent game and doctors lab boris is an excellent organization I'm happy to do my part and for those that are actually wondering to get the bonus game for TAS spot to place lest we've still got a little bit aways ago we're at sixty four thousand one hundred and fifty one dollars we need one hundred and seventy five thousand now I know you guys you guys make miracles happen so go in and send in those donations if you want to see that happen I know you want to see it happen thank you anonymous for your $150 donation chipping in to see the TAS BOTS plays Celeste Thank You aria 1 1 9 $25 nothing better in life and donating for a good cause keep up the mhmm work oh let thank you OOP mayor Joanie's $50 it says most enjoyable sgdq to this day I'm really enjoying the stream keep up the good work and greetings from Austria Thank You j-pop Polonia says donated 150 dollars that says hey y'all watchin this megaman block has been amazing unfortunately I have to go to bed because timezones but I definitely want to see that Celeste all berries run on YouTube later so I am putting my donation towards that an anonymous $250 donation that says a good evening from France Bonjour como se vaya always a pleasure to watch sgdq Bravo to the staff the crowd and the runners for the spectacle I hope the task spots less incentive we'll make it have a nice day everybody merci [Music] up higher thank you for your $50 donation that says thank you to sgdq all the great runners commentators and hosts and of course Doctors Without Borders Gaming rekt donate $25 it says sgdq has been amazing so far great runs great people and a great event all of you are awesome if I didn't have to sleep I would watch non-stop Jamie every thank you for your $50 donation if humans can place less and it looks like robots then what is a robot playing Celeste looks like I need to know Coffee Kumi thank you for your $30 donation it says this is my first time joining a GDQ awesome job this event is a joy to watch thanks to all the staff runners and couches they make it possible especially the couches the guy the couch just looks so lovely that's at these events they're they're beautiful let's eat a spot blast through Celeste again $20 from hesitantly loving sgdq this year keep up the great work everyone let's make tosspot fullest happen I agree Ron with a zero donates $50 that says the gdq events are some of my favorite moments of the year every year I've seen the event improve little by little every addition and watch day it never gets boring here's some more money for a great cause our tenshi thank you for your 250 dollar donation as says fun times for a great cause I agree and thank you mot for your $100 donation that says tosspot hiyee are you sure you guys aren't the robots I'm just saying got robots in the in the audience here all right guys let's I want to know what your favorite robot master is I want to hear some some answers here those are all great answers the correct answer sheet man we have a $50 donation from AM sturdy have to donate for Celeste just finished the game for the first time this week in 30 hours really want to see it get destroyed later tonight we're moving it a little bit bit bike fit we're only at 66 thousand four hundred and fifty two dollars but I am I know we can make it happen we can get to 175,000 we got to make that happen guys okay all right we got one more question for the audience and for those at home best megaman gaym let's go you guys are incorrect the real answer is mega man soccer thank you guys so much for playing I'm looking at Shh ss7 2x soccer yeah see this guy's got it here I mean yeah Sagar dude's the best Jojo Chico thank you for your $25 donation that says first-time donator love everything about gdq shout-out to everyone watching sgt key with me all week thank you to everyone for putting on this event unless big thank you for your $25 donation as as shadows firm Brasil put this money on task spot because I love all the work the task bar crew does to break the beloved games we already love someone 5/7 thank you for your $10 donation I said shoutouts to my man rocking it in the crowd every year I expect him to be there and he never disappoints [Music] Thank You Gordon fear man that says donates $250 it says eboo that spot could use some love I agree oh this is the animal Canyon oh wow this is really good song crank it up please que taco thank you for your $30 donation I says hey guys lovin the megaman runs keep up the good work hey forever lasting peace am i right [Applause] [Music] I just wanted to remind everyone that uh we got a grand prize and it is the Legend of Zelda theme replica Master Sword and Highland shield provided by the heroic replicas the minimum donation amount though is 200 but it's okay give me cumulative so you know you throw in a $5 over here you sneak in a little $10 he's thinking that you know that really you know $13 37-cent let's be honest I know you guys do it but if you want to get your chance to win a amazing price Gustin as those donations guys got to send them in to Grandma here just a great song Robin forty does not get enough love Terry twenty-seven thank you for your $40 donation i says tas bot is best bot I agree all right we're slowly getting there with that bonus game but I don't think you guys are feeling it I mean we're just just under seventy thousand dollars for a task but plays less but we need a hundred and seventy five thousand I know you guys can't make it happen let's make it happen guys because I know you guys love those orbs come on see I'm not wrong I know memes let's make it happen guys okay here's someone that donated $35 17 cups of coffee that is this chanting TAS TAS TAS TAS TAS there you go we can make it happen I know we can thank you Bismarck for your one hundred and fifty dollar donation that says this is my eighth GDQ and it just keeps getting better ain't you runners and all the GDG staff for an incredible show Matt with / / Bob sorry donates $20 it says hail Matt with pearl pops you're so glad to be able to donate prizes to the event this year this is for a great event a great cause and all the incredible talent on display sgdq hype just so natural caris 76 thank you for your $20 donation that says I've been watching gdq for three years now and I've tried to donate every year I may not always donate a lot but every little bit counts thank you all for your amazing work and tasks block hi every bit counts I agree Kyra every bit counts we got a $500 donation from anonymous look at that guy man clap for that that says I for one welcome our new taskbar overlords I agree John 94 thank you for your $3 donation that says tosspot but of course shout out to all people there and the donators who make this successful I agree [Music] and don't forget guys when you guys are donating when you donate a certain amount you can put yourself to win some pretty amazing prizes during this section block until our bonus game which we will definitely meet I don't even doubt that you can get a couple of cool prizes so if you donate $40 you can get yourself a may man to quilt it is beautiful it is gorgeous I don't know how people have the talent to do this I can't that looks like it would hurt my fingers so badly it looks fantastic there's also a Mega Man 11 retro stage select it's a nice little frame you got to donate $30 at least if you want to get your chance to win that prize nice cool hassle all your luvin robot masters is pretty nice pretty sweet [Music] you can also get your chance if you donate only just five dollars you can get the it Brigade presents Mega Man 2 which is a beautiful vinyl and I mean if you like Mega Man music then obviously yeah it's just speaks for itself you have to get it you know so make sure you guys are studying those donations so you can get a chance to help us and win those awesome prizes XANA thank you for your $50 donation assess a spot hi let's get this train rolling already and then we also got an anonymous $1000 donation Wow another great sgdq keep up the awesome work got a seat a spot Celeste I agree I agree and for those wondering where we are right now on the bonus game we we're kind of pushed it up a bit a little better 74 thousand two hundred a night but I know where we got a ways to go if we want to make that happen guys you guys want to see the task but you guys want to see this list you guys want to see the orbs come on like it orb yes come on let's make it happen if I have to do some poise for you guys I'd so be it I'll be a monkey for you guys then in those donations okay we got a forty dollar donation from little Jill that says I've turned up the bass in that and Moroccan roll into some awesome or Rahman speedruns fellow viewers let's continue this protocol to donate mega bucks for a great cause gotta love the puns dudes gotta love them they didn't ages for your five dollar donation that says one last donation for my Blaine mega man great work from the runners staff and donors it's been one heck of a show this year and an inspiration to gamers and streamers alike not just speedrunners either keep it up everyone [Applause] whiskey with the one donates $200 that says thank you gdq and Doctors Without Borders for a better than with this year's summer games done quick late Lord this donor wants to a spot playing the last alright you guys it's time for some Megaman 11 you guys ready for this take it away yo what's up everybody
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 169,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: R-rf_ISaE30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 0sec (4080 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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